Bug report -- macros within let [Re: Bizarre behavior (bug?) for unchecked-add]

2009-04-23 Thread ke...@ksvanhorn.com

I have more information on this now, and it is definitely a bug in
Clojure -- defmacro within a let doesn't work correctly.  Consider the
following file:

--- BEGIN foo1a.coj ---
(ns com.ksvanhorn.foo1a)

(let [dummy 0]
  (defmacro add [& args] `(unchecked-add ~...@args))
  (defmacro mul [& args] `(unchecked-multiply ~...@args))
  (let [magic 1812433253
x 5489
v (add 1 (mul magic x))]
  (println (str "v: " v
--- END ---

If I type "(use 'com.ksvanhorn.foo1a)" at the REPL, I get

  v: (clojure.core/unchecked-add 1 (clojure.core/unchecked-multiply
1812433253 5489))

printed out and nil returned, but if I just type

  (uncheck-add 1 (unchecked-multiply 1812433253 5489))

I get 1301868182.

Although in this case the defmacro doesn't need to be inside the let,
I actually have a real need for doing defmacro inside a let -- I have
a computed constant that I want to use in several places, and one of
those places is in the macro definition.

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Re: Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread Dimiter "malkia" Stanev

> Or maybe just:
> (defn mo [op & args] (reduce op args))

I believe that won't make clojure make a faster code, but I might be
I think the macroexpansion is the right thing if you want speed, as it
seems clojure could optimize well this:

(+ a b)

while it can't optimize this well

(+ a b c)

if a, b, c are say floating point numbers.

Off course this was gathered by experimenting.

If in future clojure provides something like CL's compiler-macro it
might be used to make such expansions easier.

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Re: Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread Michael Wood

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Dimiter "malkia" Stanev
> Here's even more concise version:
> (defmacro mo [op & args]
>  (reduce (fn [& ab#] (cons op ab#)) args))

Or maybe just:
(defn mo [op & args] (reduce op args))

I don't think that's the point, though.  Why not allow bit-and and
bit-or to accept multiple arguments?  I don't see how doing so would
break any existing code or be a bad idea.

Michael Wood 

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Re: Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread ntu...@googlemail.com

On Apr 24, 2:57 am, Kevin Van Horn  wrote:
> 1. bit-and, bit-or, and bit-xor only take two arguments.  These are  
> all associative operations, and as such should take an arbitrary  
> number of arguments for the same reason that + and * take arbitrary  
> number of arguments:

I totally agree. I have raised the same question back in December last
year but nothing conclusive resulted from that apart from a sample

But I would rather like to see something like this in clojure.core

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Bizarre behavior (bug?) for unchecked-add

2009-04-23 Thread Kevin Van Horn
When unchecked-add is given an invalid argument, sometimes it throws  
an exception, and sometimes it does something very weird -- it returns  
the code for the call!

Referring to the files foo1.clj and foo2.clj below, if I type at the  

  (use 'com.ksvanhorn.foo2)

I get "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found:  
unchecked_add (foo2.clj:0)", which is unsurprising, as (* magic x) is  
much too large to fit into an int.

However, if I type

  (use 'com.ksvanhorn.foo1)

I get "v: (clojure.core/unchecked-add 1 9948446125717)" printed out  
and nil returned, with no exception thrown.

The only difference between foo1.clj and foo2.clj is that foo1.clj  
uses a macro defined within a let.  If I replace the macro call with  
its expansion, or if I define the macro outside of the let, then I get  
the same behavior as for foo2.clj.

--- BEGIN foo1.clj ---
(ns com.ksvanhorn.foo1)

(let [dummy 0]
  (defmacro add [& args] `(unchecked-add ~...@args))
  (let [magic 1812433253
x 5489
v (add 1 (* magic x))]
  (println (str "v: " v
--- END ---

--- BEGIN foo2.clj ---
(ns com.ksvanhorn.foo2)

(let [magic 1812433253
  x 5489
  v (unchecked-add 1 (* magic x))]
  (println (str "v: " v
--- END ---

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Re: How to have one lib with source in multiple files

2009-04-23 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

billh04, have a look at the compojure project
In that James uses an "immigrate" function which may be useful to you.
Also the structure used is a good example of a reasonably large, quite
complex project.

Hth, Adrian.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Hi,
> Please note that a convention (but it's really just one convention)
> could also be to name file for partB : place_partB.clj (or even
> place_part_b.clj since in clojure camel case notation is not the
> preferred way to write things, hyphens and lower cases are ->  but
> hyphens must be replaces by underscores in package/namespace names,
> and in file names).
> Your solution is acceptable I think (having the load at the end of the
> root file).
> You could also consider this one:
>  place.clj ===
> (ns whale.achi.model.place
>  (:load "place/partA")
>  (:load "place/partB"))
> ==
>  place/partA.clj ===
> (in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)
> partA
> ==
>  place/partB.clj ===
> (in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)
> partB
> ==
> Or, to write it like it is done for clojure.core:
>  place.clj ===
> (ns whale.achi.model.place
>  (:load "place_part_a")
>  (:load "place_part_b"))
> ==
>  place_part_a.clj ===
> (in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)
> partA
> ==
>  place_part_b.clj ===
> (in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)
> partB
> ==
> HTH,
> --
> Laurent
> 2009/4/24 billh04 :
>> I don't think I explained my need clearly.
>> I try to rephrase it. Suppose I have a source file named place.clj in
>> a directory named whale/achi/model like the following:
>>  place.clj 
>> (ns whale.achi.model.place)
>> partA
>> partB
>> ==
>> What I want to do is to keep the same namespace but break it into two
>> files named place.clj as above and placeEvaluation.clj in a
>> subdirectory place:
>>  place.clj ===
>> (ns whale.achi.model.place
>>    (:load "place/placeEvaluation"))
>> partA
>> ==
>>  placeEvaluation.clj ===
>> partB
>> ==
>> When, I do this, I get the error message:
>> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: -boardPlaces- in this
>> context (placeEvaluation.clj:19)
>> since -boardPlaces- is defined in partA, but has not been loaded yet
>> (I suspect).
>> I believe the following will work since partA is loaded before partB:
>>  place.clj ===
>> (ns whale.achi.model.place)
>> partA
>> (load "place/placeEvaluation")
>> ==
>>  placeEvaluation.clj ===
>> partB
>> ==
>> What I am seeking is how to split a file for one namespace into
>> multiple files with the same namespace.
>> Also, any source file that wants to use the namespace
>> 'whale.achi.model.place would need only 'use 'whale.achi.model.place
>> and would not have to worrry about placeEvaluation but get that loaded
>> for free.
>> On Apr 23, 9:29 pm, Drew Raines  wrote:
>>> billh04 wrote:
>>> > Right now I have the two files "whale.achi.model.place.clj" and
>>> > "whale.achi.model.placeEvaluation.clj" that make up one name space
>>> > "whale.achi.model.place".
>>> > The first file is the "root" of the namespace.
>>> I think you're confused with how Clojure looks for packages in the
>>> filesystem.  Perhaps you want:
>>>    $ find whale
>>>    whale/achi/model/place.clj
>>>    whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>>>    $ head -2 whale/achi/model/place.clj
>>>    (ns whale.achi.model.place
>>>      (:require [whale.achi.model.place.evaluation :as eval]))
>>>    $ head -1 whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>>>    (ns whale.achi.model.place.evaluation)
>>> -Drew
>> >
> >

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Re: How to have one lib with source in multiple files

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT


Please note that a convention (but it's really just one convention)
could also be to name file for partB : place_partB.clj (or even
place_part_b.clj since in clojure camel case notation is not the
preferred way to write things, hyphens and lower cases are ->  but
hyphens must be replaces by underscores in package/namespace names,
and in file names).

Your solution is acceptable I think (having the load at the end of the
root file).
You could also consider this one:

 place.clj ===
(ns whale.achi.model.place
  (:load "place/partA")
  (:load "place/partB"))

 place/partA.clj ===
(in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)

 place/partB.clj ===
(in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)

Or, to write it like it is done for clojure.core:

 place.clj ===
(ns whale.achi.model.place
  (:load "place_part_a")
  (:load "place_part_b"))

 place_part_a.clj ===
(in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)

 place_part_b.clj ===
(in-ns 'whale.achi.model.place)



2009/4/24 billh04 :
> I don't think I explained my need clearly.
> I try to rephrase it. Suppose I have a source file named place.clj in
> a directory named whale/achi/model like the following:
>  place.clj 
> (ns whale.achi.model.place)
> partA
> partB
> ==
> What I want to do is to keep the same namespace but break it into two
> files named place.clj as above and placeEvaluation.clj in a
> subdirectory place:
>  place.clj ===
> (ns whale.achi.model.place
>    (:load "place/placeEvaluation"))
> partA
> ==
>  placeEvaluation.clj ===
> partB
> ==
> When, I do this, I get the error message:
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: -boardPlaces- in this
> context (placeEvaluation.clj:19)
> since -boardPlaces- is defined in partA, but has not been loaded yet
> (I suspect).
> I believe the following will work since partA is loaded before partB:
>  place.clj ===
> (ns whale.achi.model.place)
> partA
> (load "place/placeEvaluation")
> ==
>  placeEvaluation.clj ===
> partB
> ==
> What I am seeking is how to split a file for one namespace into
> multiple files with the same namespace.
> Also, any source file that wants to use the namespace
> 'whale.achi.model.place would need only 'use 'whale.achi.model.place
> and would not have to worrry about placeEvaluation but get that loaded
> for free.
> On Apr 23, 9:29 pm, Drew Raines  wrote:
>> billh04 wrote:
>> > Right now I have the two files "whale.achi.model.place.clj" and
>> > "whale.achi.model.placeEvaluation.clj" that make up one name space
>> > "whale.achi.model.place".
>> > The first file is the "root" of the namespace.
>> I think you're confused with how Clojure looks for packages in the
>> filesystem.  Perhaps you want:
>>    $ find whale
>>    whale/achi/model/place.clj
>>    whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>>    $ head -2 whale/achi/model/place.clj
>>    (ns whale.achi.model.place
>>      (:require [whale.achi.model.place.evaluation :as eval]))
>>    $ head -1 whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>>    (ns whale.achi.model.place.evaluation)
>> -Drew
> >

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Re: Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread Dimiter "malkia" Stanev

Here's even more concise version:

(defmacro mo [op & args]
  (reduce (fn [& ab#] (cons op ab#)) args))

On Apr 23, 9:23 pm, "Dimiter \"malkia\" Stanev" 
> You can make your own macro to do that:
> (defmacro mo [op & args]
>   (reduce (fn [a# b#] (cons op [a# b#])) args))
> (mo + 1 2 3 4)
> (print "expanded=" (macroexpand '(mo + 1 2 3 4)) "\n")
> ;expanded= (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4)
> On Apr 23, 5:57 pm, Kevin Van Horn  wrote:
> > I'm writing an application that needs fast, high-quality random number  
> > generation, so I've been implementing a Mersenne Twister random number  
> > generator.  I'm finding that bit-twiddling in Clojure can be a "bit"  
> > awkward. Here are some specifics:
> > 1. bit-and, bit-or, and bit-xor only take two arguments.  These are  
> > all associative operations, and as such should take an arbitrary  
> > number of arguments for the same reason that + and * take arbitrary  
> > number of arguments: so you can write, e.g.,
> >    (op a1 a2 a3 a4)
> > instead of
> >    (op (op (op a1 a2) a3) a4)
> > 2. There is no direct support for word-level, unsigned shifts.  That  
> > is, I want to treat an int as the equivalent 32-bit unsigned value  
> > when I do the shift, shifting in 0 bits and dropping the bits that  
> > shift past the word boundaries.
> > It took a while to figure out how to do this correctly; the biggest  
> > problem was avoiding the propagation of the sign bit on a right  
> > shift.  After experimenting around for a while I figured out that  
> > these will work:
> > * Left-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-left x n)).
> > * Right-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-right (bit-and intmask x) n))
> >    where intmask = 2^32 - 1.
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Re: Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread Dimiter "malkia" Stanev

You can make your own macro to do that:

(defmacro mo [op & args]
  (reduce (fn [a# b#] (cons op [a# b#])) args))

(mo + 1 2 3 4)

(print "expanded=" (macroexpand '(mo + 1 2 3 4)) "\n")

;expanded= (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4)

On Apr 23, 5:57 pm, Kevin Van Horn  wrote:
> I'm writing an application that needs fast, high-quality random number  
> generation, so I've been implementing a Mersenne Twister random number  
> generator.  I'm finding that bit-twiddling in Clojure can be a "bit"  
> awkward. Here are some specifics:
> 1. bit-and, bit-or, and bit-xor only take two arguments.  These are  
> all associative operations, and as such should take an arbitrary  
> number of arguments for the same reason that + and * take arbitrary  
> number of arguments: so you can write, e.g.,
>    (op a1 a2 a3 a4)
> instead of
>    (op (op (op a1 a2) a3) a4)
> 2. There is no direct support for word-level, unsigned shifts.  That  
> is, I want to treat an int as the equivalent 32-bit unsigned value  
> when I do the shift, shifting in 0 bits and dropping the bits that  
> shift past the word boundaries.
> It took a while to figure out how to do this correctly; the biggest  
> problem was avoiding the propagation of the sign bit on a right  
> shift.  After experimenting around for a while I figured out that  
> these will work:
> * Left-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-left x n)).
> * Right-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-right (bit-and intmask x) n))
>    where intmask = 2^32 - 1.
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Re: How to have one lib with source in multiple files

2009-04-23 Thread billh04

I don't think I explained my need clearly.

I try to rephrase it. Suppose I have a source file named place.clj in
a directory named whale/achi/model like the following:

(ns whale.achi.model.place)

What I want to do is to keep the same namespace but break it into two
files named place.clj as above and placeEvaluation.clj in a
subdirectory place:

 place.clj ===
(ns whale.achi.model.place
(:load "place/placeEvaluation"))

 placeEvaluation.clj ===

When, I do this, I get the error message:

java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: -boardPlaces- in this
context (placeEvaluation.clj:19)

since -boardPlaces- is defined in partA, but has not been loaded yet
(I suspect).

I believe the following will work since partA is loaded before partB:

 place.clj ===
(ns whale.achi.model.place)
(load "place/placeEvaluation")

 placeEvaluation.clj ===

What I am seeking is how to split a file for one namespace into
multiple files with the same namespace.

Also, any source file that wants to use the namespace
'whale.achi.model.place would need only 'use 'whale.achi.model.place
and would not have to worrry about placeEvaluation but get that loaded
for free.

On Apr 23, 9:29 pm, Drew Raines  wrote:
> billh04 wrote:
> > Right now I have the two files "whale.achi.model.place.clj" and
> > "whale.achi.model.placeEvaluation.clj" that make up one name space
> > "whale.achi.model.place".
> > The first file is the "root" of the namespace.
> I think you're confused with how Clojure looks for packages in the
> filesystem.  Perhaps you want:
>    $ find whale
>    whale/achi/model/place.clj
>    whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>    $ head -2 whale/achi/model/place.clj
>    (ns whale.achi.model.place
>      (:require [whale.achi.model.place.evaluation :as eval]))
>    $ head -1 whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
>    (ns whale.achi.model.place.evaluation)
> -Drew
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Re: How to have one lib with source in multiple files

2009-04-23 Thread Drew Raines

billh04 wrote:

> Right now I have the two files "whale.achi.model.place.clj" and
> "whale.achi.model.placeEvaluation.clj" that make up one name space
> "whale.achi.model.place".
> The first file is the "root" of the namespace.

I think you're confused with how Clojure looks for packages in the
filesystem.  Perhaps you want:

   $ find whale
   $ head -2 whale/achi/model/place.clj
   (ns whale.achi.model.place
 (:require [whale.achi.model.place.evaluation :as eval]))
   $ head -1 whale/achi/model/place/evaluation.clj
   (ns whale.achi.model.place.evaluation)


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Re: Got a Clojure user group?

2009-04-23 Thread Rich Hickey

Thanks all - the list is here:


More additions welcome!


On Apr 15, 1:48 pm, Amit Rathore  wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Bay Area Clojure User 
> Grouphttp://www.meetup.com/The-Bay-Area-Clojure-User-Group/
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Amit Rathore.
> On Apr 9, 12:00 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > Got a Clojure user group, meetup etc?
> > Reply to this message and let me know, I'll add them to the Clojure
> > site.
> > Please supply a primary URL for getting info for your group.
> > Thanks!
> > Rich
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Bit-level operations

2009-04-23 Thread Kevin Van Horn

I'm writing an application that needs fast, high-quality random number  
generation, so I've been implementing a Mersenne Twister random number  
generator.  I'm finding that bit-twiddling in Clojure can be a "bit"  
awkward. Here are some specifics:

1. bit-and, bit-or, and bit-xor only take two arguments.  These are  
all associative operations, and as such should take an arbitrary  
number of arguments for the same reason that + and * take arbitrary  
number of arguments: so you can write, e.g.,

   (op a1 a2 a3 a4)

instead of

   (op (op (op a1 a2) a3) a4)

2. There is no direct support for word-level, unsigned shifts.  That  
is, I want to treat an int as the equivalent 32-bit unsigned value  
when I do the shift, shifting in 0 bits and dropping the bits that  
shift past the word boundaries.

It took a while to figure out how to do this correctly; the biggest  
problem was avoiding the propagation of the sign bit on a right  
shift.  After experimenting around for a while I figured out that  
these will work:

* Left-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-left x n)).

* Right-shift x by n bits: (int (bit-shift-right (bit-and intmask x) n))
   where intmask = 2^32 - 1.

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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-23 Thread Rich Hickey

On Apr 23, 11:24 am, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> 2009/4/23 Rich Hickey :
> > On Apr 22, 12:41 pm, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> >> 2009/4/22 Rich Hickey :
> >> > [...]
> >> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0, :qualifier :rc1 :interim true}
> >> > for interim versions and
> >> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0}
> >> > for releases. :interim tracks the SNAPSHOT segment of the version
> >> > string.
> >> > [...]
> >> > I don't mind the build producing clojure-1.0.0.jar etc, but it doesn't
> >> > now. The master build is Ant. Where is the best place to put the
> >> > version info so it can be leveraged by Ant, Maven and the clojure core
> >> > runtime in order to produce *clojure-version* ?
> >> Here a patch that allows to initialize from ant and from a file
> >> version.properties the values in *clojure-version*.
> >> The patch only addresses the problematic of having a single place for
> >> version attributes.
> >> Having the ant build also use these properties for creating correctly
> >> numbered jars is not part of the patch.
> >> Note that I had to create a new file, src/clj/clojure/core_version.clj
> >> , which is created by ant as a combination of template file
> >> core_version-template.clj and the properties from version.properties.
> >> You'll see that if you don't like the names of the keys in
> >> version.properties, build.xml is the single place where to change them
> >> (apart from version.properties, of course).
> >> Also, if you don't like the name version.properties (e.g. if it should
> >> be named project.properties or whatever for easing maven users), then
> >> you just have to change its occurence in build.xml too.
> >> If you like it, it can file an issue to google code and attach the patch,
> > Thanks!
> > I can't say I love the idea of generating a file during build.
> Me too, that's why I have made the file as short and independent as possible.
> Well, I tried to keep close to the idea of having the version numbers
> "built-in", similarly to what was commited where it was also not read
> from a "simpler file" at load time.
> > What about clojure.jar containing a properties file it reads at load time?
> Why not, indeed ? The file would have to placed in the classpath, e.g.
> in directory src/jvm/clojure/lang or src/clj/clojure.
> > Could the same file be read by the various builds?
> For ant, yes.
> For maven2, it's more complex.
> Indeed, I have read past the entire reference of the pom, searched
> through the ml, and it seems that it's not possible at all to have
> maven2 read properties file but its own which are not suitable for our
> purpose.
> So I that even if we don't generate a clojure source file by reading
> version.properties at load time from the classpath, it will be
> difficult to avoid having to generate the maven2 pom.xml file from a
> pom-template.xml ...
> Not that it would be difficult, it's just a matter of adding a
> init-mvn task in the ant build.xml, and make all mvn related ant tasks
> depend on it.

I appreciate the feedback. Ant/maven, property files and builds are
not my area of expertise, so I'm holding off on 1.0 until I can get
some working solution here (from anyone willing/able).


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How to have one lib with source in multiple files

2009-04-23 Thread billh04

I came across the term "root lib" when I googled on how to have one
lib with source in multiple files. But, it appears that this was just
discussion. I couldn't find the information I wanted on the main
clojure page.

Right now I have the two files "whale.achi.model.place.clj" and
"whale.achi.model.placeEvaluation.clj" that make up one name space
The first file is the "root" of the namespace.

I can get it to work if I add the statement (load "placeEvaluation")
at the end of the first file. But, I was trying to add this
information to the "load:" part of "ns" statement as is recommended.

The googled pages seem to recommend the directory layout of:

 1) whale.achi.model.place
a) whale.achi.model.place.place.clj
b) whale.achi.model.place.placeEvaluation.clj

I really don't like the need to have a directory above the two files.
The two files don't really constitute a "lib" in the usual sense, but
I want to just be able to split the code in one namespace into two or
more files that belong to the same namespace and have other namespaces
that need these files to just "use" the root namespace which would
then load in the other files needed to complete the namespace.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: priority queue: some results

2009-04-23 Thread e
"meld" results look good (unless I made a mistake somewhere).

I merged two collections, each with 2 million unique elements.  did union of
sorted sets, then did meld with my heap implementation:

performing union of two sorted sets
"Elapsed time: 18881.81 msecs"
making another heap
performing meld of two heaps
"Elapsed time: 0.146 msecs"

checking in latest version of test.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 2:10 AM, e  wrote:

> I've done a little comparing to sorted-set as recommended.  The following
> test (in case there is anything bogus about it) is checked in with the java
> project:
> http://code.google.com/p/jc-pheap/source/browse/trunk/jc-pheap/src/persistent_heap/testing/test.clj?spec=svn8&r=8
> deduping 2,000,000 nums
> shuffling  1999019  nums
> =
> inserting into sorted set
> "Elapsed time: 39375.887 msecs"
> popping from front of sorted set
> "Elapsed time: 15189.0 msecs"
> =
> heap insert
> "Elapsed time: 15101.546 msecs"
> --
> heap pop
> "Elapsed time: 59715.796 msecs"
> =
> What I am finding consistently (again, unless the test is bogus) is pretty
> much expected.  *Overall* the excellently implemented sorted-set outperforms
> the heap I'm working on if you add the all the "insert" times to all the the
> "pop-front" times.
> That said, if you want fast inserts, and you're not even sure yet if people
> want all the elements in sorted order, the heap has advantages ...
> especially if you're not even planning on referencing elements in the middle
> of the list (something I do hope to support in some fashion eventually,
> note).  It may also be the case that some smart java/algorithm people could
> find opportunities to speed up my deleteMin().*
> a note on deduping:*
> One difference that doesn't seem to matter performance-wise much is that
> sorted-set elements are unique.  I'm not sure if clojure currently has a
> data structure (other than considering the heap) that works like a sorted
> multimap or sorted multiset.  Would it be the same to sort a vector in
> between inserts?  That doesn't sound fast, but maybe I should have done that
> test, too.
> So, anyway, for this test, I inserted unique elements into both structures
> so one wouldn't have way more than the other when comparing things like
> popping.  I also sampled from a wide range of numbers, so I probably didn't
> have to go to such lengths, as it turns out.

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Re: tangent: X10 language

2009-04-23 Thread Rich Hickey

On Apr 23, 2:43 pm, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> Possibly of interest: I saw a presentation about IBM's experimental
> X10 language.  (Why they named it after the most annoying ad campaign
> in the history of the web, I'll never know.)
> X10 is an extension to Java for concurrency and cluster computing.
> The basic idea is to make it possible to write a normal, procedural
> program, with a few extra keywords that handle concurrency.
> It has some things in common with Clojure.  It separates mutable
> ("var") & immutable ("val") data, and has special keywords to indicate
> that a particular computation is synchronous ("finish") or
> asynchronous ("async").
> A difference from Clojure is that X10 is designed to operate across
> multiple processors/machines, even across different architectures,
> within a single program (e.g. you could offload math-intensive
> operations to a GPU).  Data locality is enforced -- a thread can only
> manipulate objects within its local address space (called a "place").
> If you want to manipulate data in another "place", you have to send
> the code there with an operator called "at".

It's definitely interesting. I saw a presentation on X10 at ECOOP and
met some of the devs at IBM Research when I spoke there subsequently.
Full of neat ideas, including vectors as multidimensional array

The notion of 'places' is the most interesting, as we'll need
something like this even within process to deal with non-uniform
memory access + multicore. Not something Clojure would tackle
directly, but when the systems-level support comes around, something
to look into (like putting agents in places).


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tangent: X10 language

2009-04-23 Thread Stuart Sierra

Possibly of interest: I saw a presentation about IBM's experimental
X10 language.  (Why they named it after the most annoying ad campaign
in the history of the web, I'll never know.)

X10 is an extension to Java for concurrency and cluster computing.
The basic idea is to make it possible to write a normal, procedural
program, with a few extra keywords that handle concurrency.

It has some things in common with Clojure.  It separates mutable
("var") & immutable ("val") data, and has special keywords to indicate
that a particular computation is synchronous ("finish") or
asynchronous ("async").

A difference from Clojure is that X10 is designed to operate across
multiple processors/machines, even across different architectures,
within a single program (e.g. you could offload math-intensive
operations to a GPU).  Data locality is enforced -- a thread can only
manipulate objects within its local address space (called a "place").
If you want to manipulate data in another "place", you have to send
the code there with an operator called "at".

-Stuart Sierra
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Re: ICFP 2009

2009-04-23 Thread Jason Wolfe

I'm interested, although I'm not sure if I'll be around that weekend.
I've done quite well in past TopCoder-style contests (where I've had
to use Java); it would be fun to do a competition in Clojure.

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Re: Abstract data types in functional languages

2009-04-23 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On Apr 23, 2009, at 18:59, Mark Engelberg wrote:

> Konrad has written a library that turns equality into a multimethod.
> This provides the hooks for altering equality for maps, but there are
> a lot of questions in my mind about how well this will coexist with
> other Clojure code and just how severe the performance impact will be.

I can't say much about performance yet. As for coexistence, there are  
two issues:

1) Any code working with your map-based types will have to use the  
generalized equality rather than the built-in equality test. Whether  
or not this is a problem depends very much on the nature of your data  
and the code working on it. The more you want to plug your data into  
completely unrelated functions, the more problems you can expect.

2) Sets and maps use internal equality tests, which you can't change.  
That means you can't really use your data types as elements of sets  
or keys in maps.

I found that for many data types this is not a real issue, since I  
was able to find a representation for which the built-in equality is  
just fine. In your fraction example, it would be sufficient to ensure  
normalization after every arithmetic operation and in the constructor  
function defined as part of the API.


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Re: Enlive tutorial

2009-04-23 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

Nice enhancement!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Christophe Grand  wrote:
> I updated the tutorial to reflect a new behavior: enlive now precomputes
> html output for untouched or partly untouched elements.
> ((template (java.io.StringReader. "untouched element class=foo>won't last") []
>   [[:div last-child]] (content "new content")))
> used to return:
> ("<" "html" ">" "<" "body" ">" "<" "div" ">" "untouched element" " "div" ">" "<" "div" " " "class" "=\"" "foo" "\"" ">" "new content" " "div" ">" "" "")
> but now returns:
> ("" "" "untouched element" ""
> "new content" "" "" "")
> Adrian Cuthbertson a écrit :
>> I've uploaded a file
>> http://groups.google.co.za/group/clojure/web/enlive-tut1.txt?hl=en
>> which is a basic tutorial on getting started with Enlive (the html
>> transformation library).
>> Christophe, this is intended as a contribution to the Enlive project,
>> so you're welcome to use it as part of the Enlive documentation, on
>> the wiki, etc. Also, please feel free to enhance it and make any
>> corrections.
>> Enlive is an outstanding tool for web development. Thanks Christophe
>> for your initiatives.
>> Regards, Adrian.
>> >
> --
> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

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Re: Abstract data types in functional languages

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Engelberg

In Clojure, the closest thing to an object (short of implementing a
class in Java or using gen-class) is the map.  But the more I play
around with using maps to implement the kinds of things that objects
are used for in other languages, the more I'm feeling that maps don't
quite cut it.

One problem is that Clojure doesn't really have hooks for altering the
way equality is performed on things like maps.  For example, let's say
fractions aren't built in to Clojure, and I'm building my own
representation for fractions using maps.  Even though the
*implementation* is a map, I'm no longer thinking of it as a map, but
as its own data type.  And I may very well want to define a new notion
of equality, for example:
(= {:numerator 1 :denominator 2} {:numerator 2 :denominator 4}) should
be true.  But there's really no convenient way to do this in Clojure.
A map, no matter how you choose to think of it, is still just a map,
and will always use its own built-in notion of equality.

Konrad has written a library that turns equality into a multimethod.
This provides the hooks for altering equality for maps, but there are
a lot of questions in my mind about how well this will coexist with
other Clojure code and just how severe the performance impact will be.

David Nolen's example on this thread is another instance of wanting to
tweak the equality semantics for a certain kind of map.

Another problem that has already been "solved" by many OO languages is
that initially it is most convenient to code certain things as
properties of the object, and somewhere down the line, you may want to
change property access into a method call.  Most newish OO languages
have some way to do this, so that you don't have to start out making
oodles of getters and setters to make your API future proof.  Timo
pointed out the other day that if you start out modeling data as a
map, and eventually want one of those pieces of the map to be
dynamically computed from other elements, there's no convenient way to
change this.  All client code that uses assoc and get to simply
retrieve the field from the map must be changed, or the API must use
explicit getters and setters from the outset.

So this suggests to me that, although maps work fine for a lot of
lightweight object-like things, Clojure would benefit from something a
bit more sophisticated for more complex use cases where you want to
say,  "This thing is a map, but I'm no longer thinking of it as map,
but as a representation for a "  Such a construct would
hopefully eliminate the need for explicit tagging to work with
multimethods, as well as providing hooks to customize equality,
hashing, accessors, setters, visibility of elements, etc.

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Re: Enlive tutorial

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

I updated the tutorial to reflect a new behavior: enlive now precomputes 
html output for untouched or partly untouched elements.

((template (java.io.StringReader. "untouched elementwon't last") []
   [[:div last-child]] (content "new content")))

used to return:
("<" "html" ">" "<" "body" ">" "<" "div" ">" "untouched element" "" "<" "div" " " "class" "=\"" "foo" "\"" ">" "new content" "" "" "")

but now returns:
("" "" "untouched element" "" 
"new content" "" "" "")

Adrian Cuthbertson a écrit :
> I've uploaded a file
> http://groups.google.co.za/group/clojure/web/enlive-tut1.txt?hl=en
> which is a basic tutorial on getting started with Enlive (the html
> transformation library).
> Christophe, this is intended as a contribution to the Enlive project,
> so you're welcome to use it as part of the Enlive documentation, on
> the wiki, etc. Also, please feel free to enhance it and make any
> corrections.
> Enlive is an outstanding tool for web development. Thanks Christophe
> for your initiatives.
> Regards, Adrian.
> >

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: best way to compete against meld?

2009-04-23 Thread e
to qualify the "simple" part, I was saying that I wanted to restrict myself
to just calling what's in clojure and clojure-contrib, mostly.  "simple"
from my user perspective, since another part of the study could easily
include building a data structure on top of what's already in clojure.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:18 PM, e  wrote:

> I'm continuing to think about this priority queue stuff, now looking at
> "meld", and wondering what would be the best way to approximate it with
> what's in clojure right now ... core data structures and simple algorithms.
> for example, I could populate two vectors O(n), sort them O(n(log(n))), and
> implement the O(n) merge part of merge-sort.  Then popping things off the
> front would easily be O(1).
> I'd compare that with the practical runtime of the heap, which has a
> theoretical runtime of O(n) for all the inserts, no time for any up front
> sorting, and O(log(n)) for merging (or possibly O(1) time with more
> coding).  Again the main work would be the O(log(n)) pops,
> but I want to just compare the meld speeds right now.
> sorted-sets aren't really right because of the uniqueness of elements, but
> I could try that, too, doing a join/union of two sorted sets.
> granted I haven't looked through contrib much ... I need to figure out how
> to access/include it from my current evironment/IDE (clojure-dev right now)
> Thanks for the help.

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>>> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
 I guess you're right. But a little warning in the javadoc could help
 newcomers not shoot themselves in the foot.
 And the problem is, calling directly (second) without calling (first)
 would work most of the time. I wanted to make it fail every time =>
 same behaviour whatever the input data are.

>>> Such a guarantee implies a side effect on the first seq is realized!
>> don't understand.
> Aren't you proposing that:
>  (let [[x y] (split-with pred coll)]
>    (seq y))
> always throws an exception while
>  (let [[x y] (split-with pred coll)]
>    (dorun x)
>    (seq y))
> doesn't?

Yes, throwing an IllegalAccessException in the second case, signaling
a violation of the contract by the user, instead of letting the code
sometimes work (with certain sequences), sometimes not.

But really this is not the main point, the main point is having got
rid of the OutOfMemory exception, so with the volatile or whatever
trick you'll find in your new book, we're almost done for a better
split-with function :-)

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Re: Abstract data types in functional languages

2009-04-23 Thread David Nolen
Point taken, this actually got me thinking about the probability of a hash
match between strings of English words. I tried a playful experiment- I used
a dictionary of 800,000 English words (containing 2 to 32 characters culled
from the Internet) I got 2802 occurrences of strings producing the same
hash. Of these 2802 occurrences 2223 are words between 2 and 4 characters.
These matches were almost all line noise words. For words of 9 to 12
characters there are only 10 matches. There are no matches for words of 13
characters or more.
Taking this into account, the probability of getting a false positive on two
data structures of the same type (like a map representing a person) that
have matching public fields but a falsely matching private hash becomes very

As for boinking the hash, c'est la vie since boinking anything in the map
would destroy equality anyway.

However, for those who might be concerned, this following version removes
the hash technique and provides a simple eq? function.

(defn set-private [m k x]
  (let [the-meta(meta m)
new-private (assoc (:private the-meta) k x)]
(with-meta m (assoc the-meta :private new-private

(defn get-private [m k]
  (get (:private (meta m)) k))

(defn eq? [a b]
  (and (= a b)
   (= (:private (meta a))
  (:private (meta b)

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Victor Rodriguez  wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:28 PM, David Nolen 
> wrote:
> > You're missing the clever hack ;) I'm hashing the private data structure
> and
> > associating it to the map. This is what is used in the equality test. You
> > can verify yourself that it works.
> > my-object ;; -> {:private -1261861093}
> > my-other-object ;; -> {:private -1261861093}
> > Make sense? A few quick tests show that the hash of a data structure will
> > match on any VM.
> OK, I see the clever hack now.  This could work, until murphy's law
> kicks in and you get a false positive when two different sets of
> private data produce the same hash... (or someone boinks the hash
> value in the map).
> Cheers,
> Victor.
> > On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Victor Rodriguez 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:01 PM, David Nolen 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Nice post thanks for putting it together.  My gut feeling is that the
> >> > need
> >> > for information hiding is still overinflated, but... until someone
> >> > builds a
> >> > 200k LOC Clojure program who will know for sure?
> >> > Here's my shot at a solution for private data:
> >> > (defn set-private [m k x]
> >> >   (let [the-meta(meta m)
> >> > new-private (assoc (:private the-meta) k x)]
> >> > (with-meta
> >> >  (assoc m :private (hash new-private))
> >> >  (assoc the-meta :private new-private
> >> > (defn get-private [m k]
> >> >   (get (:private (meta m)) k))
> >> > (def my-object (set-private {} :first "Bob"))
> >> > (def my-other-object (set-private {} :first "Bob"))
> >> > (get-private my-object :first) ; -> "Bob"
> >> > (= my-object my-other-object) ; -> true
> >> > No secret keys, no other libraries, and I believe this supports
> equality
> >> > just fine.  Since we're using metadata the data travels around easily
> >>
> >> This won't work, since metadata is not used for equality tests, isn't
> >> that right?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Victor Rodriguez.
> >>
> >> > between operations.
> >> > -- Forwarded message --
> >> > From: Mark Engelberg 
> >> > Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:41 AM
> >> > Subject: Re: Abstract data types in functional languages
> >> > To: clojure@googlegroups.com
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Timo Mihaljov 
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> Is the concept of Abstract Data Types [1] useful in Clojure?
> >> >>
> >> >> If yes, how would you implement one?
> >> >
> >> > I have composed a lengthy response to this question, and added it to
> my
> >> > blog:
> >> > http://programming-puzzler.blogspot.com/2009/04/adts-in-clojure.html
> >> >
> >> > I look forward to everyone's comments,
> >> >
> >> > Mark
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

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best way to compete against meld?

2009-04-23 Thread e
I'm continuing to think about this priority queue stuff, now looking at
"meld", and wondering what would be the best way to approximate it with
what's in clojure right now ... core data structures and simple algorithms.

for example, I could populate two vectors O(n), sort them O(n(log(n))), and
implement the O(n) merge part of merge-sort.  Then popping things off the
front would easily be O(1).

I'd compare that with the practical runtime of the heap, which has a
theoretical runtime of O(n) for all the inserts, no time for any up front
sorting, and O(log(n)) for merging (or possibly O(1) time with more
coding).  Again the main work would be the O(log(n)) pops,

but I want to just compare the meld speeds right now.

sorted-sets aren't really right because of the uniqueness of elements, but I
could try that, too, doing a join/union of two sorted sets.

granted I haven't looked through contrib much ... I need to figure out how
to access/include it from my current evironment/IDE (clojure-dev right now)

Thanks for the help.

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>>> I guess you're right. But a little warning in the javadoc could help
>>> newcomers not shoot themselves in the foot.
>>> And the problem is, calling directly (second) without calling (first)
>>> would work most of the time. I wanted to make it fail every time =>
>>> same behaviour whatever the input data are.
>> Such a guarantee implies a side effect on the first seq is realized!
> don't understand.

Aren't you proposing that:
  (let [[x y] (split-with pred coll)]
(seq y))
always throws an exception while
  (let [[x y] (split-with pred coll)]
(dorun x)
(seq y))

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/4/23 Rich Hickey :
> On Apr 22, 12:41 pm, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
>> 2009/4/22 Rich Hickey :
>> > [...]
>> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0, :qualifier :rc1 :interim true}
>> > for interim versions and
>> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0}
>> > for releases. :interim tracks the SNAPSHOT segment of the version
>> > string.
>> > [...]
>> > I don't mind the build producing clojure-1.0.0.jar etc, but it doesn't
>> > now. The master build is Ant. Where is the best place to put the
>> > version info so it can be leveraged by Ant, Maven and the clojure core
>> > runtime in order to produce *clojure-version* ?
>> Here a patch that allows to initialize from ant and from a file
>> version.properties the values in *clojure-version*.
>> The patch only addresses the problematic of having a single place for
>> version attributes.
>> Having the ant build also use these properties for creating correctly
>> numbered jars is not part of the patch.
>> Note that I had to create a new file, src/clj/clojure/core_version.clj
>> , which is created by ant as a combination of template file
>> core_version-template.clj and the properties from version.properties.
>> You'll see that if you don't like the names of the keys in
>> version.properties, build.xml is the single place where to change them
>> (apart from version.properties, of course).
>> Also, if you don't like the name version.properties (e.g. if it should
>> be named project.properties or whatever for easing maven users), then
>> you just have to change its occurence in build.xml too.
>> If you like it, it can file an issue to google code and attach the patch,
> Thanks!
> I can't say I love the idea of generating a file during build.
Me too, that's why I have made the file as short and independent as possible.

Well, I tried to keep close to the idea of having the version numbers
"built-in", similarly to what was commited where it was also not read
from a "simpler file" at load time.

> What about clojure.jar containing a properties file it reads at load time?

Why not, indeed ? The file would have to placed in the classpath, e.g.
in directory src/jvm/clojure/lang or src/clj/clojure.

> Could the same file be read by the various builds?

For ant, yes.

For maven2, it's more complex.
Indeed, I have read past the entire reference of the pom, searched
through the ml, and it seems that it's not possible at all to have
maven2 read properties file but its own which are not suitable for our

So I that even if we don't generate a clojure source file by reading
version.properties at load time from the classpath, it will be
difficult to avoid having to generate the maven2 pom.xml file from a
pom-template.xml ...

Not that it would be difficult, it's just a matter of adding a
init-mvn task in the ant build.xml, and make all mvn related ant tasks
depend on it.

Concerning what Howard suggested, having the maven2 pom.xml file be
the reference where the version information is placed, I can't say I
like this idea very much.
That's because maven2 pom.xml is not as structured as you have
structured the current version information (maven2 just has a single
"version" element where you place whatever you want, it's not
decomposed into major, minor, ... so it will be more difficult to do
the pattern matching :-).
And also, maven2 pom.xml is not the master build file, it's ant, so it
sounds weird to have ant go parse maven2.xml file to extract the
versioning information.

My 0,02€,


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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-23 Thread Rich Hickey

On Apr 22, 12:41 pm, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> 2009/4/22 Rich Hickey :
> > [...]
> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0, :qualifier :rc1 :interim true}
> > for interim versions and
> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0}
> > for releases. :interim tracks the SNAPSHOT segment of the version
> > string.
> > [...]
> > I don't mind the build producing clojure-1.0.0.jar etc, but it doesn't
> > now. The master build is Ant. Where is the best place to put the
> > version info so it can be leveraged by Ant, Maven and the clojure core
> > runtime in order to produce *clojure-version* ?
> Here a patch that allows to initialize from ant and from a file
> version.properties the values in *clojure-version*.
> The patch only addresses the problematic of having a single place for
> version attributes.
> Having the ant build also use these properties for creating correctly
> numbered jars is not part of the patch.
> Note that I had to create a new file, src/clj/clojure/core_version.clj
> , which is created by ant as a combination of template file
> core_version-template.clj and the properties from version.properties.
> You'll see that if you don't like the names of the keys in
> version.properties, build.xml is the single place where to change them
> (apart from version.properties, of course).
> Also, if you don't like the name version.properties (e.g. if it should
> be named project.properties or whatever for easing maven users), then
> you just have to change its occurence in build.xml too.
> If you like it, it can file an issue to google code and attach the patch,


I can't say I love the idea of generating a file during build. What
about clojure.jar containing a properties file it reads at load time?
Could the same file be read by the various builds?


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Re: ICFP 2009

2009-04-23 Thread Paul Stadig
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Rich Hickey  wrote:

> On Apr 23, 8:59 am, Andrew Wagner  wrote:
> > > Sounds like a fun thing to try.  Could someone give a brief
> > > description of what would be required in terms of time commitment to
> > > participate on a team?  (Sadly, spare time is hard to come by...)
> >
> > It's just one weekend. As much or as little time as you can commit to for
> > that weekend.
> Although being competitive requires pretty much all waking hours
> during that weekend :)
> Rich

And some non-waking hours! :)


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Re: ICFP 2009

2009-04-23 Thread Rich Hickey

On Apr 23, 8:59 am, Andrew Wagner  wrote:
> > Sounds like a fun thing to try.  Could someone give a brief
> > description of what would be required in terms of time commitment to
> > participate on a team?  (Sadly, spare time is hard to come by...)
> It's just one weekend. As much or as little time as you can commit to for
> that weekend.

Although being competitive requires pretty much all waking hours
during that weekend :)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> I guess you're right. But a little warning in the javadoc could help
>> newcomers not shoot themselves in the foot.
>> And the problem is, calling directly (second) without calling (first)
>> would work most of the time. I wanted to make it fail every time =>
>> same behaviour whatever the input data are.
> Such a guarantee implies a side effect on the first seq is realized!

don't understand.

>>> Neither do I. Updates to the atom are serialized by the lazy-seq
>>> realization, so we don't even need an atom: a simple volatile field
>>> should do the trick. No?
>> Yes, what would be the prettier way to do this ? I could think of some
>> hackish but working array of one element :-) ?
>> I don't think (with-local-vars will work, since the produced seqs
>> could not be transported among threads anymore).
> I think that 1-elt arrays don't work well with threads, that's why I
> suggested a volatile field.
> But I'm not a concurrency expert (just received my copy of Java
> Concurrency In Practice :-D)

Have a nice read. I myself just bought "Concepts, Techniques, and
Models of Computer Programming".
Seems like we're going to not sleep a lot the days following our
respective books deliveries :-)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> I guess you're right. But a little warning in the javadoc could help
> newcomers not shoot themselves in the foot.
> And the problem is, calling directly (second) without calling (first)
> would work most of the time. I wanted to make it fail every time =>
> same behaviour whatever the input data are.

Such a guarantee implies a side effect on the first seq is realized!

>> Neither do I. Updates to the atom are serialized by the lazy-seq
>> realization, so we don't even need an atom: a simple volatile field
>> should do the trick. No?
> Yes, what would be the prettier way to do this ? I could think of some
> hackish but working array of one element :-) ?
> I don't think (with-local-vars will work, since the produced seqs
> could not be transported among threads anymore).

I think that 1-elt arrays don't work well with threads, that's why I 
suggested a volatile field.
But I'm not a concurrency expert (just received my copy of Java 
Concurrency In Practice :-D)


Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>>> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
>>> sensibilities.*
>>> Ugly hack:
>>> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>>>  (let [s (atom coll)
>>>        p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>>>    [(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
>> Cheater ! ;-)
>> But there's still the problem of having the user being able to check
>> the second argument before having exhausted (if possible) the first...
>> and then having an infinite loop: e.g. (first (second (my-split-with
>> true? (repeat true))).
> I don't see the problem, it's like (dropwhile true? (repeat true)) you
> can't protect the user from himself.

I guess you're right. But a little warning in the javadoc could help
newcomers not shoot themselves in the foot.
And the problem is, calling directly (second) without calling (first)
would work most of the time. I wanted to make it fail every time =>
same behaviour whatever the input data are.

And it could also be counterintuitive : a user could think that if he
knows the predicate will always return true, maybe the second seq will
be nil, since it is the mathematically expected result :-)

With dropwhile there's no option for the user.
>> And maybe calling swap! for each matched elem may be expensive ?
>> (That's a real question, I don't have any real idea, just a guess ...)
> Neither do I. Updates to the atom are serialized by the lazy-seq
> realization, so we don't even need an atom: a simple volatile field
> should do the trick. No?

Yes, what would be the prettier way to do this ? I could think of some
hackish but working array of one element :-) ?
I don't think (with-local-vars will work, since the produced seqs
could not be transported among threads anymore).

>> But wait ... the more I think about it, the more it appears to me
>> (though I can not prove it formally) that the problem requires
>> side-effect to be solved, either via the use of mutation, either via
>> the use of multiple threads for coordinating the feeding of 2 separate
>> sequences ?
> I share your intuition on this.

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
>> sensibilities.*
>> Ugly hack:
>> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>>  (let [s (atom coll)
>>p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>>[(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
> Cheater ! ;-)
> But there's still the problem of having the user being able to check
> the second argument before having exhausted (if possible) the first...
> and then having an infinite loop: e.g. (first (second (my-split-with
> true? (repeat true))).

I don't see the problem, it's like (dropwhile true? (repeat true)) you 
can't protect the user from himself.

> And maybe calling swap! for each matched elem may be expensive ?
> (That's a real question, I don't have any real idea, just a guess ...)

Neither do I. Updates to the atom are serialized by the lazy-seq 
realization, so we don't even need an atom: a simple volatile field 
should do the trick. No?

> But wait ... the more I think about it, the more it appears to me
> (though I can not prove it formally) that the problem requires
> side-effect to be solved, either via the use of mutation, either via
> the use of multiple threads for coordinating the feeding of 2 separate
> sequences ?

I share your intuition on this.


Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
> sensibilities.*
> Ugly hack:
> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>  (let [s (atom coll)
>        p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>    [(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))

Cheater ! ;-)

But there's still the problem of having the user being able to check
the second argument before having exhausted (if possible) the first...
and then having an infinite loop: e.g. (first (second (my-split-with
true? (repeat true))).
And maybe calling swap! for each matched elem may be expensive ?
(That's a real question, I don't have any real idea, just a guess ...)

But wait ... the more I think about it, the more it appears to me
(though I can not prove it formally) that the problem requires
side-effect to be solved, either via the use of mutation, either via
the use of multiple threads for coordinating the feeding of 2 separate
sequences ?

If I'm correct, then maybe your solution is not that hacky, provided
that having to choose between manipulating a state and manipulating
multiple threads with BlockingQueues, ... the most efficient, simple
and bug free version will certainly be the local mutation of state.

With these minor enhancements, your version can also be
 * very efficient because there will be at most one swap! call (but
maybe the overhead I added by adding composition stages is worse than
calling swap! each time ?)
 * much more robust if the user tries to consume from the second seq
while not having finished consuming from the first (he will get an

Here is the final version, renamed safe-split-with for the occasion:

(defn rests [coll]
(if-let [s (seq coll)]
  (cons s (rests (rest s)))
  (list ()

(defn safe-split-with [pred coll]
  (let [s (atom nil)
 p #(if-let [r (pred (first %))] true (do (reset! s (second %)) false))]
[(map first (take-while p (map vector coll (rests coll
 (lazy-seq (if-let [s @s]
  (throw (IllegalStateException. "Tried to check
seq of elems of coll non matching pred before having exhausted seq of
elems matching pred."]))

; test:
(doseq [c (safe-split-with true? [true true false false])] (println c))

; test exception:
(println (second (safe-split-with true? [true true false false])))

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contrib mercurial mirror is back up

2009-04-23 Thread Shawn Hoover
My bitbucket contrib mirror is public again at
http://bitbucket.org/shoover/clojure-contrib-mirror. Thanks to bitbucket for
munging unrecognized email addresses per my request.


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Re: ICFP 2009

2009-04-23 Thread Andrew Wagner
> Sounds like a fun thing to try.  Could someone give a brief
> description of what would be required in terms of time commitment to
> participate on a team?  (Sadly, spare time is hard to come by...)

It's just one weekend. As much or as little time as you can commit to for
that weekend.

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Michael Wood

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Emeka  wrote:
> Laurent,
> Sampi question was;
> > Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
> >  (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))
> >
> > Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
> > elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
> > Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
> > fulfill it:
> >
> >  (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
> > -322 :foo ...)
> I didn't know that :foo should also be the last element of the list. Did he
> actually asked for this?

(partial > 6) is the same as #(> 6 %) so Samppi's example puts :foo
after a group of elements if (> 6 element) for each of those elements.

i.e. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) => (1 2 3 4 5 :foo 6 7 8)

because 6 is greater than all of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, but none of the
other elements.


(3 4 5 8 4 2) => (3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2 :foo)

because 6 is greater than 3, 4 and 5 and it is also greater than 4 and 2.

Michael Wood 

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Emeka

Sampi question was;

Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
 (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))

Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
fulfill it:

 (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
-322 :foo ...)

I didn't know that :foo should also be the last element of the list. Did he
actually asked for this?
Thanks for pointing out the subtle difference between the two versions of


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> 1:2 user=> (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8
> 4 2))
> (3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2)
> Not good, the expected result would have been
> (3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2 :foo)
> Regards,
> --
> Laurent
> 2009/4/23 Emeka :
> >
> > (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 2))
> >
> > Note that I am not a programmer and do not know much about writing code,
> > however the above snippet in my view can achieve the result you desired.
> I
> > invite comments on the above.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Emeka
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Christophe Grand <
> christo...@cgrand.net>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
> >> sensibilities.*
> >>
> >> Ugly hack:
> >>
> >> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
> >>  (let [s (atom coll)
> >>p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
> >>[(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
> >>
> >> Now it works ;-)
> >>
> >> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> >> > This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
> >> > such as partition-by ...),
> >> >
> >> > This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
> >> > docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
> >> > not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.
> >> >
> >> > Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google
> >> > group ?
> >> >
> >> > 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> >> >
> >> >> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> >> >>
> >> >>> Hi Meikel,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
> >> >>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
> >> >>> Christophe's all retain head.
> >> >>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
> >> >>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
> >> >>> elements of coll via running on run :
> >> >>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
> >> >>>  (lazy-seq
> >> >>>(when (seq coll)
> >> >>>  (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
> >> >>>(if (seq run)
> >> >>>  (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
> >> >>>  (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest
> coll
> >> >>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
> >> >>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> Nice catch!
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> >> >> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> >> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

Ah, and also it's not lazy, e.g. :

(take 10 (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) []
(iterate inc 0

Since  you invited comments, please note that the quick way of writing
a literal list '(3 4 5 6 8) is not general, because it does not
evaluate the elements of the list :
Try (let [a 0] '(a 1 2 3)) for example and  you may (or may not, I
remember I was, since it is a so much spread idiom) be surprised.

The version that will always give what you expect is just with
function list : (let [a 0] (list a 1 2 3))



will never return, for example.

2009/4/23 Laurent PETIT :
> 1:2 user=> (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 
> 2))
> (3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2)
> Not good, the expected result would have been
> (3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2 :foo)
> Regards,
> --
> Laurent
> 2009/4/23 Emeka :
>> (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 2))
>> Note that I am not a programmer and do not know much about writing code,
>> however the above snippet in my view can achieve the result you desired. I
>> invite comments on the above.
>> Regards,
>> Emeka
>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Christophe Grand 
>> wrote:
>>> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
>>> sensibilities.*
>>> Ugly hack:
>>> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>>>  (let [s (atom coll)
>>>        p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>>>    [(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
>>> Now it works ;-)
>>> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>>> > This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
>>> > such as partition-by ...),
>>> >
>>> > This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
>>> > docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
>>> > not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.
>>> >
>>> > Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google
>>> > group ?
>>> >
>>> > 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>>> >
>>> >> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi Meikel,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
>>> >>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
>>> >>> Christophe's all retain head.
>>> >>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
>>> >>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
>>> >>> elements of coll via running on run :
>>> >>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>>> >>>  (lazy-seq
>>> >>>    (when (seq coll)
>>> >>>      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>>> >>>        (if (seq run)
>>> >>>          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>>> >>>          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
>>> >>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
>>> >>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >> Nice catch!
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
>>> >> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
>>> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
>> >>

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

1:2 user=> (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 2))
(3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2)

Not good, the expected result would have been
(3 4 5 :foo 8 4 2 :foo)



2009/4/23 Emeka :
> (reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 2))
> Note that I am not a programmer and do not know much about writing code,
> however the above snippet in my view can achieve the result you desired. I
> invite comments on the above.
> Regards,
> Emeka
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Christophe Grand 
> wrote:
>> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
>> sensibilities.*
>> Ugly hack:
>> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>>  (let [s (atom coll)
>>        p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>>    [(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
>> Now it works ;-)
>> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> > This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
>> > such as partition-by ...),
>> >
>> > This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
>> > docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
>> > not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.
>> >
>> > Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google
>> > group ?
>> >
>> > 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>> >
>> >> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> >>
>> >>> Hi Meikel,
>> >>>
>> >>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
>> >>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
>> >>>
>> >>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
>> >>>
>> >>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
>> >>> Christophe's all retain head.
>> >>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
>> >>>
>> >>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
>> >>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
>> >>> elements of coll via running on run :
>> >>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>> >>>  (lazy-seq
>> >>>    (when (seq coll)
>> >>>      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>> >>>        (if (seq run)
>> >>>          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>> >>>          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
>> >>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
>> >>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >> Nice catch!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
>> >> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
>> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Emeka
(reduce #(concat %1 (if (> %2 6) [ :foo %2] [%2])) [] '(3 4 5 8 4 2))

Note that I am not a programmer and do not know much about writing code,
however the above snippet in my view can achieve the result you desired. I
invite comments on the above.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:

> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
> sensibilities.*
> Ugly hack:
> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>  (let [s (atom coll)
>p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>[(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
> Now it works ;-)
> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> > This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
> > such as partition-by ...),
> >
> > This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
> > docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
> > not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.
> >
> > Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google
> group ?
> >
> > 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> >
> >> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> >>
> >>> Hi Meikel,
> >>>
> >>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
> >>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
> >>>
> >>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
> >>>
> >>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
> >>> Christophe's all retain head.
> >>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
> >>>
> >>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
> >>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
> >>> elements of coll via running on run :
> >>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
> >>>  (lazy-seq
> >>>(when (seq coll)
> >>>  (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
> >>>(if (seq run)
> >>>  (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
> >>>  (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
> >>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
> >>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Nice catch!
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> >> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

*Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional 

Ugly hack:

(defn my-split-with [pred coll]
  (let [s (atom coll)
p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
[(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))

Now it works ;-)

Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
> such as partition-by ...),
> This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
> docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
> not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.
> Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google group ?
> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
>> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>>> Hi Meikel,
>>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
>>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
>>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
>>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
>>> Christophe's all retain head.
>>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
>>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
>>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
>>> elements of coll via running on run :
>>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>>>  (lazy-seq
>>>(when (seq coll)
>>>  (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>>>(if (seq run)
>>>  (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>>>  (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
>>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
>> Nice catch!
>> --
>> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
>> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Swing Java example to Clojure - Question about better translation

2009-04-23 Thread Dimiter "malkia" Stanev


I've started dabbling into Swing & Clojure, and for fun decided to
translate one of the Sun examples (requires Java SE 1.6 though)

It's located here:

and the java code here:

I've translated the above java code to clojure here:

But I feel I did not do good job on it. The hard part was this
convention of creating object inline, and calling it's method to
further add elements/extend the system. It reminds of TurboVision from
the glory TurboPascal days:

. // more code omitted
.addContainerGap(27, Short.MAX_VALUE))

I've did my best:

(doto layout
   (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/LEADING)
(.. layout (createSequentialGroup)
 (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/LEADING)
 ;; more code omitted
(addContainerGap 27 Short/MAX_VALUE)

But I feel I can do it better (some fancy macro?). Any ideas how I can
improve it.

I understand from the Java comments that the layout code was
autogenerated by a tool, but still it's an interresting question.

Granted the ".." sugary macro helped a lot, but my brain melted a bit
while I was translating it :)

Here is the full code, in case the paste.lisp.org doesn't work:

(import '(javax.swing JFrame JLabel JTextField JButton GroupLayout
GroupLayout$Alignment SwingConstants LayoutStyle LayoutStyle
'(java.awt.event ActionListener)
'(java.awt Component))

(defn celsius-converter-gui
  "Translation of the simple Celsius Converter GUI Swing Example from
Java to Clojure (requires Java SE 1.6)
  (let [frame(new JFrame "Celsius Converter")
pane (. frame getContentPane)
layout   (new GroupLayout pane)
temp-text-field  (new JTextField)
celsius-label(new JLabel "Celsius")
convert-button   (new JButton "Convert")
fahrenheit-label (new JLabel "Fahrenheit")]
(. convert-button addActionListener
   (proxy [ActionListener] []
 (actionPerformed [event]
  (. fahrenheit-label setText
 (str (+ 32.0
 (* 1.8
 (. temp-text-field getText
  " Fahrenheit")
(doto layout
   (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/LEADING)
(.. layout (createSequentialGroup)
 (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/LEADING)
  (.. layout (createSequentialGroup)
  (.. layout (createSequentialGroup)
(addContainerGap 27 Short/MAX_VALUE)
  (.linkSize SwingConstants/HORIZONTAL
 (into-array Component [convert-button temp-text-field]))
   (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/LEADING)
(.. layout (createSequentialGroup)
 (.. layout (createParallelGroup GroupLayout$Alignment/BASELINE)

Re: Enlive tutorial

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Christophe Grand a écrit :
> Hi Adrian!
> Thanks for this tutorial, I put it on the wiki 
> http://wiki.github.com/cgrand/enlive/getting-started (I fixed two typos: 
> a missing paren and an extraneous colon and I simplified to-li).

And I removed the part talking about right since I already merged 
"right" in master.

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

This is a general problem with function (split-with) (and derivatives
such as partition-by ...),

This should certainly deserve a mention in their respective
docstrings, I think. Because the docstring speak about lazyness, but
not the kind of lazyness that can avoid Out of Memory in corner cases.

Rich, if you agree with that, would you me to issue a patch on google group ?

2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> Laurent PETIT a écrit :
>> Hi Meikel,
>> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
>> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
>> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
>> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
>> Christophe's all retain head.
>> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
>> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
>> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
>> elements of coll via running on run :
>> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>>  (lazy-seq
>>    (when (seq coll)
>>      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>>        (if (seq run)
>>          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>>          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
>> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)
> Nice catch!
> --
> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

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Re: cannot use swig native shared libraries

2009-04-23 Thread Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo

Thank you for the suggestion, but doesn't help.
Note again that I use it with no problems with plain java:
import  swig_test.swig_test;
public class SwigTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.load(System.getProperty("user.dir") +  "/libswig_test.so");
$ java SwigTest

as expected.

On Apr 22, 9:18 pm, "Dimiter \"malkia\" Stanev" 
> I might be wrong,
> but shouldn't you compile the .c file to .o with "-fpic", and then
> link with ld with "-shared"?
> maybe just adding "-fpic" to:
> gcc -fpic -shared ${JNI_CFLAGS} swig_test_wrap.c -o libswig_test.so
> might do it.
> On Apr 22, 6:41 am, "Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo"
>  wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I'm having problems with using swig-generated wrappers with Clojure.
> > I'm running ubuntu-8.04-i386, gcc-4.2.4, swig-1.3.33, openjdk-1.6.0,
> > latest clojure release.
> > I've cut down a minimal reproducible example.
> > The swig file:
> > ---file:swig_test.i---
> > %module swig_test
> > %{
> > int swig_test_whatever() {
> >   return 3;}
> > %}
> > int swig_test_whatever();
> > ---cut---
> > Compile with:
> > ---cut---
> > mkdir swig_test
> > swig -java -package swig_test -outdir swig_test swig_test.i
> > javac swig_test/*.java
> > export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
> > export JNI_CFLAGS="-I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/
> > linux"
> > gcc -shared ${JNI_CFLAGS} swig_test_wrap.c -o libswig_test.so
> > ---cut---
> > The swig-generated java itfc file is:
> > ---file:swig_test/swig_test.java---
> > package swig_test;
> > public class swig_test {
> >   public static int swig_test_whatever() {
> >     return swig_testJNI.swig_test_whatever();
> >   }}
> > ---cut---
> > The clojure code:
> > ---cut---
> > (import '(swig_test swig_test))
> > (System/load
> >  (.concat (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/libswig_test.so"))
> > (swig_test/swig_test_whatever)
> > ---cut---
> > I get:
> > java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> > swig_test.swig_testJNI.swig_test_whatever()I (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > I can use "manually written" JNI wrappers with clojure and, vice-
> > versa, swig-generated wrappers with plain java code. What I'm missing
> > here? Anybody can help?
> > Bests,
> > Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo.
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Re: Enlive tutorial

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Hi Adrian!

Thanks for this tutorial, I put it on the wiki 
http://wiki.github.com/cgrand/enlive/getting-started (I fixed two typos: 
a missing paren and an extraneous colon and I simplified to-li).

Speaking of to-li, (to-li ["one" "two"]) can be written (map (wrap :li) 
["one" "two"]).

While trying to write a tutorial myself, I realized that this kind of 
simple thing (replicating a simple element) was harder than replicating 
a complex element:

(def simple (-> "Sample text" java.io.StringReader. 
html-resource first))
(def harder (-> "Author: a 
quote" java.io.StringReader. html-resource first))

(at simple
  [:li] #(for [x items] ((content x) %))

(at harder
  [:li] #(for [{:keys [link author quote]} items]
   (at %
 [:blockquote] (content quote)
 [:a] (do->
(set-attr :href link)
(content author)

I think I'll add a 'clone (or 'clone-for or a better name?) macro:

(at simple
  [:li] (clone [x items] (content x)))

(at harder
  [:li] (clone [{:keys [link author quote]} items]
  [:blockquote] (content quote)
  [:a] (do->
 (set-attr :href link)
 (content author

Thanks again Adrian!


Adrian Cuthbertson a écrit :
> I've uploaded a file
> http://groups.google.co.za/group/clojure/web/enlive-tut1.txt?hl=en
> which is a basic tutorial on getting started with Enlive (the html
> transformation library).
> Christophe, this is intended as a contribution to the Enlive project,
> so you're welcome to use it as part of the Enlive documentation, on
> the wiki, etc. Also, please feel free to enhance it and make any
> corrections.
> Enlive is an outstanding tool for web development. Thanks Christophe
> for your initiatives.
> Regards, Adrian.
> >

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Christophe Grand

Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> Hi Meikel,
> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
> Christophe's all retain head.
> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
> elements of coll via running on run :
> 1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>  (lazy-seq
>(when (seq coll)
>  (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>(if (seq run)
>  (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>  (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
> 1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)

Nice catch!

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Michael Wood

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Hi Meikel,
> It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
> would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:
> (dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))
> Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
> Christophe's all retain head.
> To explain on Christophe's one for example:
> It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
> will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
> elements of coll via running on run :

hmmm...  Good point.

user=> (nth (mystery-function (partial > 600) (iterate inc 0)) 1000)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Michael Wood 

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Michael Wood

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Christophe Grand  wrote:
> Hi all!
> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>  (lazy-seq
>    (when (seq coll)
>      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>        (if (seq run)
>          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll

Ah yes, that looks like the one :)

Michael Wood 

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT


Here is my final word (I promise :-):

(defn mystery-function [f s o]
  (let [s (seq s)
 preds (map f s)]
(mapcat #(if (and %2 (not %3)) [%1 o] [%1]) s preds
(concat (rest preds) [false]

I has only one drawback AFAIK (and depending on your use case, it may
or may not be a problem to you): it is a little bit more eager than
the pure lazy-seq version of Meikel (the combination of mapcat and
(rest preds) makes it consume s 3 to 4 elements (don't remember) ahead
of the result of mystery-function (but it's a constant).


2009/4/22 samppi :
> Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
>  (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))
> Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
> elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
> Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
> fulfill it:
>  (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
> -322 :foo ...)
> Is it possible to do this without a loop?
> >

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

You version does not work for certain kind of data, (as did mine), see
my answer to Meikel for more detail,


2009/4/23 Christophe Grand :
> Hi all!
> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
>  (lazy-seq
>    (when (seq coll)
>      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
>        (if (seq run)
>          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
>          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
> Christophe
> samppi a écrit :
>> Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
>>   (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))
>> Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
>> elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
>> Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
>> fulfill it:
>>   (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
>> -322 :foo ...)
>> Is it possible to do this without a loop?
>> >
> --
> Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
> On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)
> >

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Re: Simple sequence question: inserting something after blocks of fulfilling elements

2009-04-23 Thread Laurent PETIT

Hi Meikel,

It seems to me that your version is the only safe one so far, that
would succesfully indefinitely return values with this test:

(dorun (mystery-function true? :foo (repeat true)))

Mine, a new version of mine I'll never bother to publish, and
Christophe's all retain head.
To explain on Christophe's one for example:

It uses (split-with) which, in case pred always match coll elements,
will retain the head of coll in etc, while eating more and more
elements of coll via running on run :
1:21 user=> (defn mystery-function [pred coll]
   (when (seq coll)
 (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
   (if (seq run)
 (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
 (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll
1:22 user=> (dorun (mystery-function true? (repeat true)))
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (repl-1:22)



2009/4/22 Meikel Brandmeyer :
> Hi Micheal,
> Am 22.04.2009 um 21:18 schrieb Michael Wood:
>> Your version gives the same answer as mine, but I believe what he
>> wants is something that skips over all the elements that pass the test
>> and only inserts one instance of o after them.  That's why in his
>> example there is not a :foo after 1, but only after 5.
>> Laurent's version gets this right.
> Oops. Sorry, misread the message. Another try.
> (defn mystery-function
>  [f o s]
>  (let [step (fn step [b s]
>               (lazy-seq
>                 (if-let [s (seq s)]
>                   (let [fst (first s)]
>                     (cond
>                       (and (f fst) b) (cons fst (step b (rest s)))
>                       b     (cons o (step false s))
>                       :else (cons fst (step (f fst) (rest s)
>                   (when b (list o)]
>    (step false s)))
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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