ANN Langohr 2.11.0 is released

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Klishin
Langohr [1] is a small, feature complete Clojure RabbitMQ client.

Release notes:


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ANN Welle 3.0.0-rc1 is released

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Klishin
Welle [1] is a Clojure client for Riak with batteries included.

3.0 includes a major API revision announced earlier [2].
Release notes:


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deftest and var's metadata

2014-05-26 Thread Nahuel Greco
This works ok at the REPL:

(def ^{:k :v} a 4)
(:k (meta (resolve 'a)))
  ;=> evaluates to :v, ok.

But the same didn't worked inside a clojure.test/deftest:

(deftest mytest
  (def ^{:k :v} b 4)
  (is (= (resolve 'b) nil)) ;; passed, var is resolved ok
  (is (= (:k (meta (resolve 'b))) :v))) ;; fails, metadata is nil

I know deftest wraps his body in a fn, but this works ok:

((fn []
  (def ^{:k :v} c 4)
  (:k (meta (resolve 'c)))

Why the deftest case is not working?

Nahuel Greco.

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ANN: Quil on ClojureScript prototype

2014-05-26 Thread Maksim Karandashov
Hello all! I'm working on adding support ClojureScript to Quil library 
( as part of GSOC program.

I created first prototype of Quil on ClojureScript. You can find it here -
And I write simple example -

For install Quil on ClojureScript use:

git clone -b cljs
cd quil
lein install

For install and run examples:

git clone
cd quil-cljs-examples
lein compile

and open *web/index.html* in your browser.

You can find list of avaliable functions and macroses here -

I really want to get you feedback in next questions:

1. What are you think about sketch initialization on HTML page? Do you 
prefer have a sketch init and run function or you prefer that sketch 
initialize and run automatically or both feature together? Or something 

2. How do you prefer to connect an external libraries in ClojureScript. 
Why? What would you prefer to see in Quil?

3. If you have any ideas on how to must look ClojureScript drawing library 
- please send them. This will help make the library better.

P.S. You could get this message twice, since I published it in several 
groups. To reach more people who may be interested. 

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Re: ANN: ClojureScript 0.0-2227

2014-05-26 Thread Joel Holdbrooks
On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:18:06 AM UTC-7, David Nolen wrote:
> ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.
> README and source code:
> New release version: 0.0-2227
> Leiningen dependency information:
>     [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2227"]
> Enhancements
> * optimized case
> * CLJS-802: Add :pseudo-names compiler option
> * CLJS-795: 10X performance enchancement for multimethods
> * CLJS-801: str macro emits unoptimizable js code
> * CLJS-656: search classpath for goog-style JavaScript dependencies
> Fixes
> -
> * CLJS-792: Implement IReduce on PersistentArrayMap
> * CLJS-804: Binding *print-length* breaks str
> * CLJS-775: Fix cljs.reader cljs.reader parses radix form of int literals
> * CLJS-805: add-watch returns map of watch fns instead of watched reference
> * CLJS-787: cljs.reader does not read blank string as nil
> * CLJS-784: Fix *Map.-conj for map-entry seqs, that don't implement INext
> * CLJS-784: make conj on maps behave as it does in Clojure
> * CLJS-793: fix memoize (non-truthy values don't get cached)
> * CLJS-800: PersistentQueueSeq extended to IPrintWithWriter

Awesome! Don't forget to update the README!

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Building clojure compiler in eclipse

2014-05-26 Thread C K Kashyap
I am trying to build clojure using eclipse.

After importing all the java sources under clojure/src/jvm into a "java
project" I tried to "run" repl as a java application - Upon doing so,
loadClassForName in throws "class not found" exception while trying
to load "clojure.core__init.class" file.

I am probably missing some setup step. I'd appreciate it very much if
someone could point me to what I need to do to build/step through clojure's
java source in eclipse?


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Re: JSON authentication with cemerick/friend?

2014-05-26 Thread Chas Emerick
Friend requires some ring middleware, including the keyword params 
middleware. Not having it included in your app will produce this. If you 
are using Compojure's handler middlewares, this is done for you.

This particular example is broken because you're applying the middleware 
in the wrong order. Try:

(-> app-routes
  (friend/authenticate ...)

Any Friend questions can be posted to the clojure-sec ML, where they'll 
get more attention.


- Chas

On 04/23/2014 06:27 PM, Ivan Schuetz wrote:


I'm trying to get a simple use case running - send a login request to 
/login and get success or fail response, preferably in JSON format.

I followed the example in

(def users {"root" {:username "root"
:password (creds/hash-bcrypt "admin_password")
:roles #{::admin}}
"jane" {:username "jane"
:password (creds/hash-bcrypt "test")
:roles #{::user}}})

(defroutes app-routes

  (GET "/test" [] {:body {:my-map "helo"}})
  (route/resources "/")
  (route/not-found "Not found"))

(def app
  (handler/api app-routes)

   (friend/authenticate {:credential-fn (partial 
creds/bcrypt-credential-fn users)

:workflows [

I'm testing with curl:

curl -v --data "username=jane&password=test" http://localhost:3000/login


curl -v --request POST 

And I get:

* About to connect() to localhost port 3000 (#0)
*   Trying ::1...
* connected
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 3000 (#0)
> POST /login?username=jane&password=test HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 
OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.5

> Host: localhost:3000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 22:25:15 GMT
< Location: http://localhost:3000/login?&login_failed=Y&username=
< Content-Length: 0
< Server: Jetty(7.6.8.v20121106)
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection #0

This looks like authentication failed, but the data is correct. I 
reviewed the curl request, and this seems to be the correct way to 
send a POST. But &username= gives me the impression it's not being 
parsed correctly.

Also, how can I get a JSON response instead of a header?


P.S. Maybe it would be positive if this library has an own Google Group.
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rsch.antlr: formal Clojure grammar project

2014-05-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds
Howdy list,

As a first step in producing a complete formal grammar of Clojure I've put
together some machinery and documentation for developing ANTLR grammars in
a leiningen/Clojure environment.  I think there is enough there that you
can get directly to writing and testing grammars.

rsch.antlr  is intended as a kind
of research workbench for getting started with and exploring ANTLR
grammars.  It's quite elementary, with only a tiny bit of Clojure code for
testing grammars from a repl or using lein test.  But it contains some
working examples and shell scripts and sufficient documentation to get you
started working with grammars immediately.  Although I'm using it to work
on a Clojure grammar, it is language agnostic, so you can use it to get
started on any language or DSL.

I expect to add stuff to rsch.antlr, but I don't envisage ever packaging it
as a product; if you want to use it just clone it and follow the
instructions.  I think it's simple enough, with enough doco, that you'll
see immediately what to do.  See also
which is a more ambitious effort to Clojurize ANTLR.  The focus of
rsch.antlr is more on the process of developing and testing grammars, so it
has more documentation at a more elementary level.

Anybody interested in helping with a formal Clojure grammar should take a
look at src/antlr/sym.g4, which is a rudimentary beginning of a grammar for
Clojure symbols.  One nice thing about ANTLR is that it makes it easy to
modularize so you can work (test) on different parts of a grammar



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Re: Clojure binding for OrientDB

2014-05-26 Thread Zubair Quraishi
Hi Eduardo,
 Is this Clojure OrientDB project still Active?

On Tuesday, August 2, 2011 3:17:33 AM UTC+2, eduardoejp wrote:
> I have been working on this library for a little while and I would 
> like to present it to you: 
> I hope this can be of help for the Clojure and OrientDB communities.

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Re: [ANN] core.async (and more) video tutorials

2014-05-26 Thread Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa
Will there be a forum to ask questions about the videos? 

And will the code be available (although I think rewriting it may reforce 
learning sometimes I won't have the time)? 

Thanks !!

Juan Manuel

El jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014 00:32:55 UTC+2, tbc++ escribió:
> From time to time I get asked to do more writing on core.async, and I've 
> come to the realization that try as I might, I'm not a writer. However I 
> recently started a set of video tutorials I'm making available today.
> The videos average about 12min in length and focus on a single topic. 
> Currently I have 5 videos on core.async completed and two on logic 
> programming. I plan on expanding both series over time. My plans are to 
> release 2-3 videos a week but that may change over time. 
> At any rate, the videos are available here (
> Yes, there is a small charge for the 
> majority of the videos, but think of it as a way to prod me to make more 
> tutorials. 
> Thanks! And hopefully this will be useful to some. 
> Timothy Baldridge

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Re: [ANN] Garden 1.1.7

2014-05-26 Thread Henrik Eneroth

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:14:40 PM UTC+2, Joel Holdbrooks wrote:
> Garden, a library for authoring stylesheets in Clojure and ClojureScript, 
> is now 1.1.7.
> ADDED: Support for :preamble
> IMPROVED: Support for meta data in garden.def/* macros

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What is fn* ?

2014-05-26 Thread Ray Miller
I was looking at the source for, and came across the
following macro:

(defmacro with-db-transaction
  [binding & body]
  `(db-transaction* ~(second binding)
(^{:once true} fn* [~(first binding)] ~@body)
~@(rest (rest binding

I understand all of that apart from fn*, which I can't find any
documentation for. Can anyone enlighten me?

Also, why is the :once tag needed?


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Re: What is fn* ?

2014-05-26 Thread Timothy Baldridge
All functions are eventually created via fn*. If you look for the source
code of fn it's a macro that emits a call to fn*. It's done this way so
that things like destructuring can be defined in clojure.core (and in
Clojure) instead of in (and in java).

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Ray Miller  wrote:

> I was looking at the source for, and came across the
> following macro:
> (defmacro with-db-transaction
>   [binding & body]
>   `(db-transaction* ~(second binding)
> (^{:once true} fn* [~(first binding)] ~@body)
> ~@(rest (rest binding
> I understand all of that apart from fn*, which I can't find any
> documentation for. Can anyone enlighten me?
> Also, why is the :once tag needed?
> Ray.
> --
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“One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
(Robert Firth)

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emacs - some output goes to stdout when using cider

2014-05-26 Thread Don Hill

I am making a switch to emacs and trying to get cider setup. I think for 
the most part everything is working correctly. 
I am in a project with a test.clj file and if I do a (println "Hi") C-x C-e 
it goes to repl as expected. If I do something like (+ 1 2 3) it seems to 
go to stdout below the status bar.

Am I missing some config in emacs that allows all the output to goto the 


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Re: What is fn* ?

2014-05-26 Thread Ray Miller
On 26 May 2014 16:31, Timothy Baldridge  wrote:
> All functions are eventually created via fn*. If you look for the source
> code of fn it's a macro that emits a call to fn*. It's done this way so that
> things like destructuring can be defined in clojure.core (and in Clojure)
> instead of in (and in java).

Ah, thanks, that makes sense. But I think I asked the wrong question :-)

What I really wanted to know was why needs fn* in
this macro rather than a simple fn, and why it needs the :once tag. I
found the answer here:


> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Ray Miller  wrote:
>> I was looking at the source for, and came across the
>> following macro:
>> (defmacro with-db-transaction
>>   [binding & body]
>>   `(db-transaction* ~(second binding)
>> (^{:once true} fn* [~(first binding)] ~@body)
>> ~@(rest (rest binding
>> I understand all of that apart from fn*, which I can't find any
>> documentation for. Can anyone enlighten me?
>> Also, why is the :once tag needed?
>> Ray.
>> --
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> --
> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
> zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
> programs.”
> (Robert Firth)
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New Functional Programming Job Opportunities

2014-05-26 Thread Functional Jobs
Here are some functional programming job opportunities that were posted


Clojure Developer at SFX Entertainment

Clojure Engineers Needed at Factual


Sean Murphy

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Re: What is fn* ?

2014-05-26 Thread Sean Corfield
On May 26, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Ray Miller  wrote:
> What I really wanted to know was why needs fn* in
> this macro rather than a simple fn, and why it needs the :once tag. I
> found the answer here:

Yes, I added that in a few places to address claims of a memory leak from a 
couple of java.jdbc users. I don't think anyone had proved it really was the 
cause of the memory leak they were seeing but it seemed like a harmless 
optimization for memory usage anyway.

Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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Re: Where did the chunked sequence presentations go?

2014-05-26 Thread David James
+1. I can't find these online.

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 9:43:26 AM UTC-4, David Williams wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested in Rich Hickey's chunked sequence presentation but both the 
> video and the pdf seem to have been taken down.  What happened to those and 
> where can I hear a good discussion of chunked sequences?

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Re: [RFC] Roundtripping namespaced xml documents for data.xml

2014-05-26 Thread Paul Gearon
Hi Herwig,

First, I have to start with an apology, and it's to do with this section:

If I compare the a:bar element form both documents with func-deep-equal
>> then they should compare equal, despite the fact that the a:bar qname
>> resolves differently in each context.
> Are you saying that deep-equals compares the actual serialization (with
> prefixes), or that the default equality should do that?
> If so, please read the infoset specification:
> The relevant quote for this case:

I really don't know how I sent that.

I confess to writing it (mea culpa), but it felt wrong as I did so. I went
back to the docs, and realized that I had been thinking of how attribute
values are not affected by namespace. Stupid error, and I don't know what I
was thinking.

The weird thing is that I *thought* that I edited the email to remove this
error. Maybe I mentioned it twice and only removed it once? Anyway, it was
wrong. I apologise for confusing the conversion with this furfy.

Subsequent parts of the email were written with the correct understanding.

Incidentally, looking this over did make me think again about storing the
fully resolved QNames in the parsed document. I still came down on not
doing so, but some of my reasoning is more due to non-XML arguments.

Back to the main thread (I'll remove the part about deep-equals not
comparing resolved qnames)...

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 8:19 AM, Herwig Hochleitner

> 2014-05-23 19:01 GMT+02:00 Paul Gearon :
>> I still argue for using keywords here. The existing API uses them, and
>> they're a natural fit.
> The fact that they have established meaning (for denoting literal xml
> names + their prefix in a given serialization) in the API is exactly one of
> my reasons for not wanting to change those semantics. Having a separate
> tier for representing raw, serialized xml is fine. It's what the library
> currently does. Adding new behavior, like proper xml namespacing, warrants
> adding a new tier.
>> The one real problem is elements would need a special hash/equality check
>> to deal with namespace contexts (presuming that fn:deep-equal maps to
>> Object.equals).
> I had been thinking along those lines before. Check out the dev thread, I
> try to argue that at first there, but at some point I realized that it
> makes no sense to strictly stick to the raw representation and compute
> other info just on the fly. The key observation is, that a tree of raw,
> prefixed xml doesn't make any sense without xmlns declarations, whereas
> they are redundant, as soon as the tree has been resolved.

My point of view is that processing real-world XML rarely needs the fully
resolved URIs. Instead, most applications only care about the element names
as they appear in the document. Also, keywords have the nice property of
being interned, which matters when parsing 20GB XML files. It's possible to
intern a QName implementation, but they will still use more memory per

The counter argument is that the standard requires support for handling
fully resolved QNames, so these need to be dealt with. However, I don't
believe that the use-cases for dealing with fully resolved data comes up as
often. Also, when it does come up, my experience has been that it is
usually in smaller documents (<1MB), where efficiency of comparison is not
as paramount.

The issue here may be more of dealing with the representation tier vs. the
model tier. I will address that question more at the bottom of this email.

> To your point from below:
>> I didn't follow the discussion for putting URIs into keywords, as I could
>> not see why we would want this (am I missing something obvious?)
> We need the URIs for xml processing and the XmlNamespace metadata can get
> lost or not be there in the first place. Also the URI counts for equality,
> see below.
> I totally agree that it makes no sense putting them in keywords.

OK, I agree. My difference has been that I don't think that the entire URI
need exist in the element tag, but rather allow it to be built from the
element tag + the namespace context. (That would be the
representation-to-model tier mapping. I mention this, along with namespace
contexts at the end)

The keywords would need to be translated according to the current context.
>> However, that approach still works for fragments that can be evaluated in
>> different contexts,
> The problem are fragments that are taken out from their (xmlns -
> declaring) root-element and/or that have no XmlNamespace metadata. Apart
> from actual prefix assignment (which can be done in the emitter), QNames
> are completely context free in that regard. See the key observation above.

This is why I have advocated attaching the namespace context as metadata.

while storing URIs directly needs everything to be rebuilt for another
>> context.
> Are you talking about prefix assignments? See my comment about diffing
> met

Re: Building clojure compiler in eclipse

2014-05-26 Thread Alex Miller
You also need the Clojure core library source on your classpath, 
specifically the src/clj directory - that's where Clojure will look to load 
the core library .clj files.

You might also set up your Eclipse project with an Ant builder on the 
build.xml to build the "build" target after clean. Or possibly the Maven 
pom.xml and maven builder.

Then set up a launch target that runs clojure.main and debug it and you 
should be set. 

On Monday, May 26, 2014 7:21:04 AM UTC-5, Kashyap CK wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build clojure using eclipse. 
> After importing all the java sources under clojure/src/jvm into a "java 
> project" I tried to "run" repl as a java application - Upon doing so, 
> loadClassForName in throws "class not found" exception while trying 
> to load "clojure.core__init.class" file.
> I am probably missing some setup step. I'd appreciate it very much if 
> someone could point me to what I need to do to build/step through clojure's 
> java source in eclipse?
> Regards,
> Kashyap

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Re: symbol grammar

2014-05-26 Thread Alex Miller

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 5:01:42 PM UTC-5, Gregg Reynolds wrote:
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Benjamin R. Haskell 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Gregg Reynolds 
> > > 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Hi, 
> >> 
> >> In working on an ANTLR grammar for Clojure I came across this regex in 
> >> clojure.lang.LispReader which is used in matchSymbol: 
> >> 
> >> symbolPat == [:]?([\\D&&[^/]].*/)?(/|[\\D&&[^/]][^/]*) 
> >> 
> >> Look at the first part of the second group: 
> >> 
> >> /|[\\D&&[^/]] 
> >> 
> >> Am I missing something or is that equal to \\D? 
> > 
> > 
> > That would be equal to \\D, but you're missing that /|[\\D&&[^/]][^/]* 
> is 
> > the alternation of / and [\\D&&[^/]][^/]* rather than ( the alternation 
> of / 
> > and [\\D&&[^/]] ) concatenated with [^/]* 
> Aha.  So concatenation of [] binds more tightly than '|'?  Or maybe it 
> follows from greedy matching on the second alternative.  In any case I 
> made the opposite assumption. 
> > 
> > '/' is special-cased as a symbol.  It can only be used (with an optional 
> > namespace) if it's the only character in the name. 
> Something doesn't look right. 
> user=> :a/b/c/d 
> :a/b/c/d 

Per the reader page (

In symbols, "'/' has special meaning, it can be used *once* in the middle 
of a symbol to separate the namespace from the name" (with special casing 
for the name itself being "/") and "Keywords are like symbols". Thus I 
would conclude that :a/b/c/d is an invalid keyword and all bets are off as 
to how it is parsed.

> user=> (namespace :a/b/c/d) 
> "a" 
> user=> (name :a/b/c/d) 
> "b/c/d" 
> user=> (symbol "x/y/z" "foo") 
> x/y/z/foo 
> user=> (type 'x/y/z/foo) 
> clojure.lang.Symbol 
> user=> (namespace (symbol "x/y/z" "foo")) 
> "x/y/z" 
> user=> (namespace 'x/y/z/foo) 
> "x" 
> user=> (name 'x/y/z/foo) 
> "y/z/foo" 
> user=> (name (symbol "x/y/z" "foo")) 
> "foo" 
> ...etc... 
> The sym regex gets it right - '/' chars are part of the ns string: 
> user> (def longrgx (re-pattern 
> "[:]?([\\D&&[^/]].*/)?(/|[\\D&&[^/]][^/]*)")) 
> user> (re-find longrgx "x/y/z/foo") 
> ["x/y/z/foo" "x/y/z/" "foo"] 
> But it doesn't match a final '/' preceded by a namespace string: 
> user> (re-find longrgx "x/y/z/") 
> ["x/y/z" "x/y/" "z"] 
> unless its doubled: 
> user> (re-find longrgx "x/y/z//") 
> ["x/y/z//" "x/y/z/" "/"] 
> So if the name portion of a symbol cannot contain '/' then why 
> user=> (name 'x/y/z/foo) 
> "y/z/foo" 
> user=> (name (symbol "x" "y/z/foo")) 
> "y/z/foo" 
> Ok, clojure.core/name calls clojure.lang.Named/getName, implemented by 
> clojure.lang.Symbol. 
> Conclusion: it looks like there is an inconsistency between the Symbol 
> regex and matchSymbol processing, on the one hand, and Symbol.intern, 
> which is called by matchSymbol and analyzes the passed string to set 
> its name and namespace fields: 
> /* in clojure.lang.Symbol 
> static public Symbol intern(String nsname){ 
> int i = nsname.indexOf('/'); 
> if(i == -1 || nsname.equals("/")) 
> return new Symbol(null, nsname.intern()); 
> else 
> return new Symbol(nsname.substring(0, i).intern(), 
> nsname.substring(i + 1).intern()); 
> } 
I think this code is fine for valid symbols.

> I guess this isn't a big problem, since programming continues apace, 
> but it is confusing and sure looks like a bug from here.  By now I 
> would guess lots of code depends on (name foo) returning a string with 
> embedded '/'.  Or maybe not. 

As these are invalid symbol names (per the reader), I would expect no code 
should depend on it. If you're going outside those bounds (which is 
perfectly fine if you're not using the reader) then you should probably 
explicitly specify the namespace and name separately or you're likely to 
encounter something weird.

If you'd like to file a ticket on that intern method, it could probably be 
made more robust but I'm not sure it would be worth changing. Would also 
need to be very careful about introducing performance issues in this path.

And on symbolPat, there actually *is* a bug in it - the first group should 
actually be using a possessive quantifier. It's actually allowing more than 
it should there (see Tried to 
fix that in 1.6 but found people actually rely on symbols starting with 
digits so we rolled back. I have a todo ticket to do some cleanup for that 

> Thanks, 
> Gregg 

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Re: emacs - some output goes to stdout when using cider

2014-05-26 Thread Josh Kamau
Any particular reason why you cant use emacs-live? Its comes configured for
clojure among other stuff out of the box.


On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Don Hill  wrote:

> I am making a switch to emacs and trying to get cider setup. I think for
> the most part everything is working correctly.
> I am in a project with a test.clj file and if I do a (println "Hi") C-x
> C-e it goes to repl as expected. If I do something like (+ 1 2 3) it seems
> to go to stdout below the status bar.
> Am I missing some config in emacs that allows all the output to goto the
> repl?
> Thanks.
>  --
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Re: [ANN] monarch 0.2.0 - Simple database migrations for Clojure.

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Cramm
Good question. I had originally wanted a separate, untracked config file 
but couldn't decide on a format. (like separating out protocol, host, port, 
etc) Exporting the environment variable felt the most non-committal at the 

It wouldn't be too much work to have a file living in 
`resources/monarch/...`, and add another optional param to `project.clj` to 
tell monarch where to look. I'll see about adding this to the next version.

Thanks for the feedback!

On Sunday, 25 May 2014 21:16:56 UTC-6, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:
> Is there a reason why DATABASE_URL isn't in the project config?
> I guess a more relevant question would be to ask if there's something like 
> a local config file for leiningen projects? Something that is per-project 
> but ideally ignored by the VCS. Something that you can use to override 
> what's inside the project.clj.
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Michael Cramm 
> > wrote:
>> I realize that there are other database migration frameworks already 
>> availablefor clojure projects, but I always seem to run into issues pretty 
>> fast in trying to use them.
>> This is also the first plugin I've developed and made publicly available, 
>> so I'd love some feedback! I've been using Clojure for a while now but I 
>> don't really have anyone mentoring me :).
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Kind Regards,
> Atamert Ölçgen
> -+-
> --+
> +++

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Re: [RFC] Roundtripping namespaced xml documents for data.xml

2014-05-26 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
2014-05-26 22:46 GMT+02:00 Paul Gearon :

> Hi Herwig,
> First, I have to start with an apology,

Hi Paul,

it's alright. I have to admit, that I'm relieved that you sent that in

My point of view is that processing real-world XML rarely needs the fully
> resolved URIs.

Can we agree, that an application doing "namespace aware" processing,
actually _does_ care about the URI? Of course, as long as no additional
xmlns attrs are introduced, it might compare by prefix, but it's still the
target uri of the prefix, that counts.

>  Instead, most applications only care about the element names as they
> appear in the document. Also, keywords have the nice property of being
> interned, which matters when parsing 20GB XML files.

It's worthwhile to optimize for large files, but correctness considerations
must always come first. We don't want to encourage "mostly correct" xml

It's possible to intern a QName implementation, but they will still use
> more memory per element.

I don't buy that argument. Have you looked at the java types and done the
math? Also, if it's really significant, we can always use a custom deftype.

The counter argument is that the standard requires support for handling
> fully resolved QNames, so these need to be dealt with. However, I don't
> believe that the use-cases for dealing with fully resolved data comes up as
> often. Also, when it does come up, my experience has been that it is
> usually in smaller documents (<1MB), where efficiency of comparison is not
> as paramount.
> The issue here may be more of dealing with the representation tier vs. the
> model tier. I will address that question more at the bottom of this email.

In my view, if we were to make data.xml namespace aware, it needs to
actually implement the standard. Users can always stay in representation
tier if they don't like the overhead that comes with resolving. And yes, I
think the distinction between representation and model tier is critical.

OK, I agree. My difference has been that I don't think that the entire URI
> need exist in the element tag, but rather allow it to be built from the
> element tag + the namespace context. (That would be the
> representation-to-model tier mapping. I mention this, along with namespace
> contexts at the end)

As I hinted in my reply, I actually started off in the same direction: Keep
everything in representation tier and just give the user tools to resolve
the prefixes properly. You can actually follow the process in the dev
thread of how I got convinced that for default xml handling it's better to
add a model tier.

This is why I have advocated attaching the namespace context as metadata.

My current implementation of representation tier actually has that. It's
still no substitute for working with fully resolved data. Just think of
what people might do to a parsed xml tree with clojure's core functions.

 What about the QName {}body? Notice that :
>> would be read like (keyword "http:" "/
>>"). Another point that's already been made on
>> the dev thread.
> Not sure what you're trying to get at with this example.

What I might have misunderstood, is that I thought you argued for cgrand
and chousers original approach of putting the namespace uri into the
keyword namespace.
All I'm trying to say is that keywords are inappropriate for storing
_resolved QNames_. They are, however, appropriate for storing prefixed
names in representation tier.

The syntax {}body is a universal name in
> Clark's notation, and it's used for describing a resolved QName.  As Clark
> points out, it's not valid to use a universal name in XML: you only use it
> in the data model.

Yes, I was talking about the data model and how to encode it in clojure
data structures. I never suggested using Clark's notation in actual

> In this case, the QName would presumably be either just "body" with the
> default namespace, or xhtml:body with an in-context namespace of
> xmlns:xhtml="
> ".

I have to admit that I had gotten this part of terminology wrong in my
mental model. I thought that QName always referred to a universal name, the
way java's QName implementation does. I just learned that in the standard
"qualified name" refers to a possibly prefixed tag or attr name within the

Consequently, the keyword to be constructed should look like either
> (keyword ""body") or (keyword "xthml" "body"). Somewhere nearby there will
> be metadata of {:xhtml 
> "
> "}

OK, that's representation tier. We still need to recognize the fact, that
the metadata just might not be there, even if we always generate it in the

As an aside, I was curious, so I tried both full URIs and universal names
> in a couple of X

Re: [ANN] core.async (and more) video tutorials

2014-05-26 Thread Mayank Jain
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the wonderful Logic intro video.
Any idea if you'll be doing more of Logic tutorials?

Your video was actually quite helpful.
I never really understood it, but getting a sense of it.
Looking forward to more of Logic videos :).

Btw When I click on the download video button, nothing gets downloaded.
Tried on Firefox/Chrome - Mac. Is that a known issue?

Also, I had sent you this email via support on that site but didn't get any
so resending it on this thread.

Thanks a lot.

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa  wrote:

> Will there be a forum to ask questions about the videos?
> And will the code be available (although I think rewriting it may reforce
> learning sometimes I won't have the time)?
> Thanks !!
> Juan Manuel
> El jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014 00:32:55 UTC+2, tbc++ escribió:
>> From time to time I get asked to do more writing on core.async, and I've
>> come to the realization that try as I might, I'm not a writer. However I
>> recently started a set of video tutorials I'm making available today.
>> The videos average about 12min in length and focus on a single topic.
>> Currently I have 5 videos on core.async completed and two on logic
>> programming. I plan on expanding both series over time. My plans are to
>> release 2-3 videos a week but that may change over time.
>> At any rate, the videos are available here (https://tbaldridge.
>> Yes, there is a small charge for the majority of the
>> videos, but think of it as a way to prod me to make more tutorials.
>> Thanks! And hopefully this will be useful to some.
>> Timothy Baldridge
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Re: emacs - some output goes to stdout when using cider

2014-05-26 Thread Carlo Zancanaro
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 08:32:45AM -0700, Don Hill wrote:
> I am in a project with a test.clj file and if I do a (println "Hi") C-x C-e 
> it goes to repl as expected. If I do something like (+ 1 2 3) it seems to 
> go to stdout below the status bar.

This is the correct behaviour.

When you evaluate (println "hi") it should show nil below the status
bar. This isn't actually stdout, but is cider displaying the result to
you in the minibuffer. If you evaluate (+ 1 2 3) then it shows you the
result in the minibuffer, too.

The confusing part is that (println "hi") also, as a side effect, prints
the result to the repl. (+ 1 2 3) doesn't print anything, it only
displays in the minibuffer. If you want to display it in the repl you
can evaluate (println (+ 1 2 3)), or you can run the expression in the
repl (by switching to the repl buffer and entering/running it directly).


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Re: Building clojure compiler in eclipse

2014-05-26 Thread C K Kashyap
Thanks Alex ... I was able to import the whole thing into eclipse "as an
ant build project".
I am still running into issues but I guess its because of java version ...
I have to use 1.6 i think.


On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:32 AM, Alex Miller  wrote:

> You also need the Clojure core library source on your classpath,
> specifically the src/clj directory - that's where Clojure will look to load
> the core library .clj files.
> You might also set up your Eclipse project with an Ant builder on the
> build.xml to build the "build" target after clean. Or possibly the Maven
> pom.xml and maven builder.
> Then set up a launch target that runs clojure.main and debug it and you
> should be set.
> On Monday, May 26, 2014 7:21:04 AM UTC-5, Kashyap CK wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to build clojure using eclipse.
>> After importing all the java sources under clojure/src/jvm into a "java
>> project" I tried to "run" repl as a java application - Upon doing so,
>> loadClassForName in throws "class not found" exception while trying
>> to load "clojure.core__init.class" file.
>> I am probably missing some setup step. I'd appreciate it very much if
>> someone could point me to what I need to do to build/step through clojure's
>> java source in eclipse?
>> Regards,
>> Kashyap
>>  --
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Re: [ANN] monarch 0.2.0 - Simple database migrations for Clojure.

2014-05-26 Thread Atamert Ölçgen
You are welcome. Thanks for the library!

I have given it some more thought and I now realize local overrides for
leiningen config might not be a good idea. Perhaps application
configuration should be completely decoupled with packaging.

I've found confijulate ,
It might be useful.

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Michael Cramm  wrote:

> Good question. I had originally wanted a separate, untracked config file
> but couldn't decide on a format. (like separating out protocol, host, port,
> etc) Exporting the environment variable felt the most non-committal at the
> time.
> It wouldn't be too much work to have a file living in
> `resources/monarch/...`, and add another optional param to `project.clj` to
> tell monarch where to look. I'll see about adding this to the next version.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> On Sunday, 25 May 2014 21:16:56 UTC-6, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:
>> Is there a reason why DATABASE_URL isn't in the project config?
>> I guess a more relevant question would be to ask if there's something
>> like a local config file for leiningen projects? Something that is
>> per-project but ideally ignored by the VCS. Something that you can use to
>> override what's inside the project.clj.
>> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Michael Cramm  wrote:
>>> I realize that there are other database migration frameworks already
>>> availablefor clojure projects, but I always seem to run into issues pretty
>>> fast in trying to use them.
>>> This is also the first plugin I've developed and made publicly
>>> available, so I'd love some feedback! I've been using Clojure for a while
>>> now but I don't really have anyone mentoring me :).
>>> --
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>> --
>> Kind Regards,
>> Atamert Ölçgen
>> -+-
>> --+
>> +++
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Kind Regards,
Atamert Ölçgen


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