Re: Unable to use contrib

2009-10-06 Thread Mark Reid


I ran into a similar problem myself recently.

I'm not sure if this is the "best" approach but I found that if you

(use 'clojure.contrib.math)

instead of require, it should work.



On Oct 7, 2:50 pm, vishy  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am on windows machine. I am using these commands to startup clojure,
> but not able to use functions from contrib library.
> java -cp clojure.jar;clojure-contrib.jar clojure.lang.Repl
> Clojure 1.0.0-
> user=> (require 'clojure.contrib.math)
> nil
> user=> (lcm 4 5)
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: lcm in this context
> LE:2)
> Whats the problem here? Please help
> regards
> vishy
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Re: Linear Algebra Package

2009-10-05 Thread Mark Reid


I think
parallelcolt">Parallel Colt has picked up where Colt left off.
It's a very full featured library and forms the basis of the Clojure
stats package>Incanter.

Personally, I've used the sparse vector classes in Parallel Colt for a";>simple
machine learning algorithm and found it well designed and fast.



On Oct 6, 7:22 am, CuppoJava  wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to do some high performance numerical data crunching and was
> wondering what libraries are popular. I have looked into Colt and
> JAMA, but neither have had much development recently (Colt hasn't had
> a release since 2004, and JAMA since 2005), and I'm not sure if
> they're still alive. Clojuratica sounds promising, but I don't (yet)
> own a Mathematica license. I would appreciate it if someone who's
> familiar with the latest news about numerical processing in Java shed
> some light on this topic.
> Thanks a lot for your help
>   -Patrick
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Re: Clojure Golf – Episode 2: Largest Prime Factor

2009-09-10 Thread Mark Reid


On Sep 10, 3:52 pm, MarkSwanson  wrote:
> Just for fun I actually tried this:
> Clojure=> (time (lpf6b 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890))
> The prime factorization of 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> is :5964848081
> "Elapsed time: 5519.278432 msecs"
> I can't confirm the answer is correct.
> 5.5 seconds sure beats 10 minutes. :-)

Just thought you would like to know that Wolfram|Alpha agrees (in
roughly the same time):



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Re: Quirk with filter

2009-08-18 Thread Mark Reid


The problem here is that filter is expecting a predicate and you are
passing a set.

When used as a function like so

   user=> (#{1 2 3} 2)

   user=> (#{1 2 3} 5)

the set returns the argument if it is in the set and nil otherwise.

The problem you are observing is because the item being returned is
false. That is,

   user=> (#{true false} false)

and the conditional test in the definition of filter is, naturally,
failing for this value.

I actually think the behaviour in the first case is wrong since the
documentation for filter is

   Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
  (pred item) returns true. pred must be free of side-effects.

Note it says "returns true" not "not nil nor false".

The  problem here is that the "if" special form used to define filter
does the following:

   user=> (if 1 "yes" "no")

As it currently stands, either "filter" needs to be redefined using
(if (true? (p (first s) ...) or the documentation needs to be changed.



On Aug 19, 9:37 am, Sean Devlin  wrote:
> Hello Clojurians,
> I commonly use a set in my filtering operations, like the example
> below.
> user=> (filter #{\a \e \i \o \u} "The quick brown fox jumped over the
> lazy dog")
> (\e \u \i \o \o \u \e \o \e \e \a \o)
> Today I found myself using the following code
> user=> (filter #{false} [true false false true])
> ()
> Obviously, this is not what I intended.  The best I could do was the
> following
> user=> (filter (comp not nil? #{false}) [true false false true])
> (false false)
> Does anyone else have any other ideas?
> Sean
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Re: Help with Math Question

2009-06-04 Thread Mark Reid

Hi again,

I misinterpreted the question first time around but here's another

Given f, a0 and v, let b0 = (reduce f a0 v) = f( f( f( f(a0, v[1]), v
[2]), ...), v[n])

Now define the function g to ignore its second argument and return its
first. That is, g(x, y) = x.

Then (reduce g b0 (reverse v)) = g( g( g( g(b0, v[n]), v[n-1], ...), v
[1]) = b0 = x = (reduce f a0 v).

This solution seems like a bit of a cheat but as far as I can tell it
fits the problem description.

A more difficult problem (I suspect impossible) would be to find a g
and b0 that works for any v. That is,

Given f and a0 find a g and b0 such that for *any* list of numbers v

  (reduce f a0 v) = (reduce g b0 (reverse v))



On Jun 4, 6:42 pm, Daniel Lyons  wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2009, at 11:23 PM, CuppoJava wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I'm really stuck on this math question, and I'm wondering if you guys
> > know of any links that may help me.
> > Given: f(x,y), a0, a list of numbers v.
> > Find: g(x,y) and b0 such that:
> > (reduce f a0 v) = (reduce g b0 (reverse v))
> > Thanks for your help
> What math class is this for and what have you been studying lately in  
> it? :)
> I couldn't think of any fundamental functions that aren't commutative  
> besides - and /, which turn out to work like commutative functions if  
> you use ao = bo.
> My first thought was that if I had a really nasty function I could  
> maybe use 'flip' to fix it:
> (defn flip [f]
>    (fn [one two] (f two one)))
> This turned out to be useless. (I was trying with f =  #(+ (* %1 %1)  
> (/ %1 %2)) ). No combination of flip + first/last could make [1 2 3 4  
> 5] and [5 4 3 2 1] come out with the same answer that I could see.
> I am quite curious what the final answer turns out to be but I  
> couldn't come up with it in the ~20 minutes I spent on it. Let us know  
> when you figure it out!
> —
> Daniel Lyons Tell It!
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Re: Help with Math Question

2009-06-03 Thread Mark Reid


Maybe I'm missing something but doesn't + fit the bill (or any
symmetric function)?

(== (reduce + 3 [1 2 3]) (reduce + 3 [3 2 1])) ;; => true

In this case f = g = + and a0 = b0 for any choice of a0 and v.



On Jun 4, 3:23 pm, CuppoJava  wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm really stuck on this math question, and I'm wondering if you guys
> know of any links that may help me.
> Given: f(x,y), a0, a list of numbers v.
> Find: g(x,y) and b0 such that:
>  (reduce f a0 v) = (reduce g b0 (reverse v))
> Thanks for your help
> -Patrick
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Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-18 Thread Mark Reid

> What's wrong with this:
> user=> (ns test (:use [clojure.contrib.math :exclude (lcm)]))
> nil
> test=> (sqrt 2)
> 1.4142135623730951
> test=> (lcm 3 6)
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: lcm in this context
> test=> (defn lcm [a b] 1)
> #'test/lcm
> test=> (lcm 3 6)
> 1
> test=>

I think a better example for Mark's concern about existing functions
using a faster version of an algorithm would be redefining gcd as this
is called by lcm. I tried the following:

user=> (ns test (:use [clojure.contrib.math :exclude (gcd)]))
test=> (gcd 4 6)
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: gcd in this context
test=> (lcm 4 6)

So it seems lcm is still compiled against the original gcd. Let's try
to fix that:

test=> (defn clojure.contrib.math/gcd [a b] 1)
java.lang.Exception: Can't create defs outside of current ns
test=> (ns clojure.contrib.math)
clojure.contrib.math=> (defn gcd [a b] 1)
clojure.contrib.math=> (ns test)
test=> (lcm 4 6)

Maybe a variant of ns could be written that allows the overriding of
specific functions? e.g.,

(ns2 test (:use [clojure.contrib.math :redef (gcd [a b] 1) (lcm [a b]


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Re: Macros applied to entire programs

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Reid

I should clarify: I asked my original question not because I wanted to
actually write an optimiser but rather I was interested in how far the
idea of code-modifying code could be pushed in a Lisp-like language
such as Clojure. The example I gave was just the simplest thing I
could think of that demonstrated what I was imagining.

Basically, I wanted a little exercise to try to understand macro
programming better and though this would be a fun exercise. I just
didn't know where to start. Stuart's template is more or less what I
was after.

Konrad, I agree, it would make more sense to add simple optimisations
like the one for addition to Clojure itself. However, the potential
problem you mention regarding the clash of multiple definitions of `+`
doesn't seem like that big an issue since an optimising macro can just
call `resolve` against the first symbol and see if it is equal to
`clojure.core/+`. Paul's suggestion also seems to get around this

Thanks for all the responses.

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Re: Macros applied to entire programs

2009-05-11 Thread Mark Reid


I have read Graham's "On Lisp". That, and my background in Java and
Haskell programming were the main reasons I was drawn to Clojure.
Based on that article and others like it I had the impression that
program transformations like the one I suggested were relatively easy
in homoiconic languages like Clojure and macros seem to be the tool to
do it.

I guess what I'm really looking for now is the "how".


On May 12, 1:54 pm, Sean Devlin  wrote:
> Macros are definitely the tool to do this.  Take a look here at Paul
> Graham's "The Roots of Lisp".  In it you'll get an idea of why eval is
> so powerful, and why macros are exactly the tool for the job you're
> thinking of.
> I'll let someone else answer "how" with respect to Clojure.
> Sean
> On May 11, 11:42 pm, Mark Reid  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm quite new to macros so forgive me if this is a naïve question, but
> > is it possible to write macros that are applied to an entire Clojure
> > program?
> > The reason I ask is that, in other threads in this group, some simple
> > transformations to improve efficiency of Clojure programs were
> > mentioned. In particular, it seems converting `(+ 1 2 3)` to `(+ 1 (+
> > 2 3))` can speed things up. Applying such a transformation to my own
> > code would be a mindless pattern matching job, and thus perfect for
> > automation.
> > Any suggestions how I might write a Clojure program that takes as
> > input another Clojure program and outputs a third one that is
> > optimised but semantically equivalent to the input? Are macros the
> > right tool for the job in this case?
> > Thanks,
> > Mark.
> > --
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Macros applied to entire programs

2009-05-11 Thread Mark Reid


I'm quite new to macros so forgive me if this is a naïve question, but
is it possible to write macros that are applied to an entire Clojure

The reason I ask is that, in other threads in this group, some simple
transformations to improve efficiency of Clojure programs were
mentioned. In particular, it seems converting `(+ 1 2 3)` to `(+ 1 (+
2 3))` can speed things up. Applying such a transformation to my own
code would be a mindless pattern matching job, and thus perfect for

Any suggestions how I might write a Clojure program that takes as
input another Clojure program and outputs a third one that is
optimised but semantically equivalent to the input? Are macros the
right tool for the job in this case?


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Re: Can "for" be enhanced to not have to take a binding?

2009-05-09 Thread Mark Reid

Hi Laurent,

On May 10, 5:15 am, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> So if you want to call it with a no-arg "predicate", you must adapt it :
> (repeatedly-while (fn [ _ ] (no-arg-pred)) f)
> instead of
> (repeatedly-while no-arg-pred f)

I think that this is too convoluted a calling pattern. For my
purposes, my preference is for the amended `repeatedly-while` function
Miekel suggested.


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Re: Can "for" be enhanced to not have to take a binding?

2009-05-09 Thread Mark Reid

Hi Meikel,

On May 10, 3:05 am, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
> There is a mistake in this function: pred should be (pred)
> as well as f should be (f).

> Furthermore I would call it repeatedly-while.
> (defn repeatedly-while
>    [pref f]
>    (lazy-seq
>      (when (pred)
>        (cons (f) (cons-while pred f)
> Then this should work:
> (repeatedly-while #(.ready reader) #(.readLine reader))

Yes, that works now. Thanks.

So the extra parentheses are there to force the evaluation of the
predicate and function?


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Re: Can "for" be enhanced to not have to take a binding?

2009-05-09 Thread Mark Reid

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm still a bit stuck though since neither my
proposal nor yours work for the type of application I had in mind.

Here's a complete program which highlights the problems:

;  Begin lazyread.clj 
(import '( FileReader BufferedReader PrintWriter))

(def filename "")

; Write out a small test file. Numbers 0 to 99, one per line.
(with-open [data (PrintWriter. filename)]
  (dotimes [i 100] (.println data i)))

; An attempt at capturing the general idiom that doesn't work
(defn cons-while
  [pred f]
(when pred
  (cons f (cons-while pred f)

; Another attempt that doesn't work
(defn repeatedly-while
  [pred f]
  (take-while pred (repeatedly f)))

; A specific implementation for the problem at hand
(defn lazy-read [reader]
(when (.ready reader)
  (cons (.readLine reader) (lazy-read reader)

(print "lazy-read: ")
(with-open [data (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename))]
  (prn (take 10 (lazy-read data

(print "cons-while: ")
(with-open [data (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename))]
  (prn (take 10 (cons-while (.ready data) (.readLine data)

(print "repeatedly-while: ")
(with-open [data (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename))]
  (prn (take 10 (repeatedly-while #(.ready data) #(.readLine data)

;  End lazyread.clj 

Running this will write out a small test file named `` in the
current directory with the numbers 0-99 one per line and then use
three techniques to lazily read in the first 10 lines.

The first technique, `lazy-read`, is an explicit use of the `lazy-seq`
+ `when` + `cons` combination I wish to generalise. The second one,
`cons-while`, is the attempt I made and the third, `repeatedly-while`
is your suggestion.

Here's the output I get when I run this as a script from the command

$ clj lazyread.clj
lazy-read: ("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9")
cons-while: ("0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0")
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong
number of args passed to: user$eval--38$fn (scratch.clj:0)

Unsurprisingly, the problem-specific method seems to work fine. The
`cons-while` method returns the wrong output and the last technique
fails because of issues surrounding the macro expansion of (.ready
data) and the #(...) macro that have been discussed elsewhere.

Is it possible to get the `repeatedly-while` version working with
calls to Java without making the calling pattern too convoluted?

Also, can anyone explain why the `cons-while` approach only appears to
be repeatedly reading the first line?

Finally, would a macro approach be better for this type of problem?


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Re: Can "for" be enhanced to not have to take a binding?

2009-05-07 Thread Mark Reid


This `lazy-seq` over a `when` and `cons` idiom seems fairly common. Is
there any reason there is not a function for it? For example:

(defn cons-while
  "Lazily creates a sequence by repeatedly calling f until pred is
  [pred f]
(when pred
  (cons f (cons-while pred f)

I haven't tested it but I suspect the following should now work:

(cons-while (Mouse/hasEvent) (Mouse/getEvent))



On May 8, 7:44 am, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
> Hi,
> lazy-seq to the rescue:
> (defn mouse-seq
>    []
>    (lazy-seq
>      (when (Mouse/hasEvent)
>        (cons (Mouse/getEvent) (mouse-seq)
> Sincerely
> Meikel
> Am 07.05.2009 um 23:40 schrieb CuppoJava:
> > Yeah (pred) is not supposed to depend on any items inside f.
> > This is why (take-while pred (repeatedly f)))
> > won't work in this situation.
> > (take-while) will always take an element out of f, so that it can be
> > tested using (pred). I don't want any elements of (f) to be looked at
> > if (pred) is false.
> > I'm using it in combination with some Java libraries. The following
> > seems like a very clojure-ish way of doing things.
> > (for [:while (Mouse/hasEvent)] (Mouse/getEvent))
> > so this returns a nice lazy stream of mouse events, which can be
> > processed however i like.
> > >
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: Abstract data types in functional languages

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Reid


This is probably digressing a little from the original question but I
was wondering if using namespaces here is a reasonable thing to do
when designing ADTs.

> SICP tells us that we should be defining accessor functions
> immediately when we create a new data type.
> (defn make-fraction [n d] {:numerator n :denominator d})
> (defn fraction-numerator [f] (:numerator f))
> (defn fraction-denominator [f] (:denominator f))

Couldn't you define the functions like so:

(ns fraction)

(defn make [n d] {:numerator n :denominator d})
(defn numerator [f] (:numerator f))
(defn denominator [f] (:denominator f))

And then from outside the namespace call

(def f (fraction/make 1 2))
(fraction/numerator f) ; => 1

This seems to me to be a fairly clean way to encapsulate an ADT and it
doesn't cost any more characters than the prefix style of naming


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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-17 Thread Mark Reid

I'm a relatively new user of Clojure and thought I'd add my
perspective to the pile regarding what I would expect from a 1.0

My biggest frustrations with Clojure as a newcomer were:

1. Setting it up so it was easy to use across projects
2. The API documentation

While the documentation on the Clojure site made it very easy to open
a REPL via a call to `java -cp ...`, it was much less clear how to
make a simple command-line tool that could be run from anywhere to
open a REPL, or run/compile a script. There is a bash script in
clojure-contrib that does some of this and it would make sense to put
this and maybe a similar Windows .BAT script in a 1.0 release.

Along these line, most other languages I've used come with an optional
installer for each major OS that sets up a standard operating
environment including command-line tools and a library structure.
Maybe Clojure 1.0 could have something similar?

Compared to Javadoc documentation, I find the current Clojure API
documentation a little terse and unorganised. In particular, I don't
find the large table of contents bar down the side of
very useful.

Some of the pages, such as
, have collections of "related functions" which I found very useful
when feeling my way around the standard library. Perhaps this sort of
thing could be formalised, extended and put into some easily navigable

Though it is not as important, I've also had very good experiences
with Git and GitHub after having used CVS and subversion for many
years. I think the social infrastructure they created at GitHub adds a
lot of value to Git as a SCM tool.

I also agree with several of the other posters about a 1.0 release to
coincide with Stuart's book.


Mark Reid
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Re: Contribs with dependencies

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Reid


I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but, as a
newcomer, I was puzzled by the organisation of the clojure-contrib

Why, for example, are ClojureCLR and clojurescript at the top of the
trunk? Shouldn't these be in separate projects?



On Apr 14, 10:19 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> I've been thinking recently about contribs with dependencies.
> I think it's very important to have layers - e.g. core depends only on
> JDK 1.5, contrib only on core. Lately there have been some ideas
> centering around Joda Time, [Parallel]Colt, AWS, JFreeChart, Fork/Join
> etc.
> I'd like to start a discussion about how best to support the
> contributions of libraries that depend on things not in the JDK.
> Obviously, without care and rules it could get crazy quickly, and I
> want to avoid the kitchen-sink effect. It is very important that
> things remain [truly, not just apparently] simple.
> Looking for suggestions,
> Rich
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Re: Porting Minilight to Clojure

2009-04-08 Thread Mark Reid

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for the feedback regarding namespaces. That's exactly the sort
of thing I wasn't sure I was doing correctly.

I currently don't use an IDE that automatically compiles files so
wasn't aware of that problem. I prefer the solution that defines a
main method. My only question now is, if I don't want to compile the
test class, how do I call the main method from the command line?



On Apr 7, 7:35 pm, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> That's interesting, keep us informed of your progress!
> Since you say you welcome any feedback, here are my remarks :
>  * namespace names: you could maybe use more qualified names, e.g.
> qualifying them maybe with your own reversed namespace ( vec -> com.reid.vec
> ). Indeed, one of the interests of namespaces is to avoid name clashes, and
> it feels to me like creating namespaces of just one segment with such
> generic names such as vec may not scale well, even for personal work ?
> * you have a file named test/test.clj . The corresponding namespace
> declaration should then be (ns test.test ...) instead of (ns test ...).
>  * function calls in namespaces : your namespace 'test directly executes a
> call. This would be problematic for people using IDEs that automatically
> regularly auto-compile or auto-load files to give user error/warning
> feedback.
> One alternative solution could be to just guard the call against compilation
> by checking the value of the *compile-files* global var :
> (when-not *compile-files*
>   (run-tests 'test.vec))
> Another alternative could be to completely get rid of the immediate call to
> run-tests and place it instead in a -main method, so that the ns can be used
> as an independent executable file:
> (ns test
>   (:gen-class)
>   (:use test.vec)
>   (:use clojure.contrib.test-is))
> (defn -main [] (run-tests 'test.vec))
> HTH,
> --
> Laurent
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Porting Minilight to Clojure

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Reid


In the interests of learning Clojure I thought it would be fun to port
the Minilight renderer to Clojure and write about the steps along the
way. If you're interested you can have a look at my first post here:

I've not programmed in a Lisp-like before (aside from hacking the
odd .emacs files) and one thing I've noticed is just how flexible this
type of language is. The downside, of course, is that there are many
ways to do things sub-optimally or inelegantly so I welcome any


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Re: Setting up Clojure on OS X

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Reid

Just a quick note to say that I've added notes about the TextMate
Clojure bundle to my tutorial. I've also put a concise version of the
guide up on GitHub:


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Re: Setting up Clojure on OS X

2009-03-31 Thread Mark Reid

Hi Sean,

On Mar 30, 11:59 pm, Sean  wrote:
> As an OSX nerd, my main problem is getting an editor up and running.  Maybe 
> you could add
> a section on setting up an editor?  

That's a good point. I use TextMate with the Clojure bundle. I'll add
a section with the appropriate links.


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Setting up Clojure on OS X

2009-03-30 Thread Mark Reid


I've just written a blog post describing how I set up Clojure on my

My main aims were to make it easy to configure the classpath for
various projects while still having a single Clojure command I can run
from anywhere to open a interactive session or run a script. Hopefully
others might find this useful as well.

Feedback is appreciated as I am new to Clojure and acutely aware that
I may not be doing things in the most elegant way.


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Re: Turning a non-standard iterator into a seq

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Reid

On Mar 26, 1:10 am, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> You'll need to work at a lower level using cons and lazy-seq.
> Something like this (untested):
> (defn bio-iterator-seq [iterator]
>   (lazy-seq
>     (when (.hasNextiterator)
>       (cons (.nextSequenceiterator) (bio-iterator-seqiterator)

Hi Stuart,

Thanks for that. Once I upgraded my clojure.jar to the latest release
that code worked perfectly.


   (def input (BufferedReader. (FileReader. "data/dm4p1/dm4p1.dEID")))
   (def data (RichSequence$IOTools/readFastaDNA input nil))
   (doseq [d (bio-iterator-seq data)] (prn 'Sequence (show d)))

Printed all the sequences from the file, as required.

Just to be sure, is `doseq` the correct way to pull items from a lazy
sequence like this?

Thanks again for your help,

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Turning a non-standard iterator into a seq

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Reid


I am very new to Clojure and I am trying to turn a SequenceIterator
from the BioJava library into a lazy Clojure seq.

The interface has two methods `hasNext()` and `nextSequence()` which
have very similar semantics to `hasNext()` and `next()` for the
standard Java Iterator interface.

I have looked into various seq related commands like `while`, `doseq`,
`for` but cannot seem to find the right combination to wrap
SequenceIterator so that it will lazily return the next item in a
sequence until `hasNext()` is false.

The closest I've got is:

  (repeatedly #(.nextSequence sequenceiterator))

which unfortunately throws when `hasNext()` is false.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



PS. Just so there is no confusion, the word Sequence in Sequence
iterator has nothing to do with Clojure's seqs - read
"SequenceIterator" as "ThingIterator" if it will make it easier.

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