Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Tim Cross

I started clojure right at the point where contrib changed. I think I had a 
lot less problems than did many who had already started and were use to the 
old setup. I didn't mention the contrib change because it was long before 
the dates the OP was talking about, because none of the books I mentioned 
(except 1st editonn of Stuart's book) are based on anything pre 1.3 and 
because while the change to how contrib was structured may cause some 
little confusion, it is not a change in the language. All the core language 
constructs and basic concepts are the same. 

Of course, anyone who is using a book where it states it was written 
against an earlier version of the language than the current version they 
are using would be wise to check the release notes and summary of what has 
changed in the versions between the one the book used and the one they are 
using. Doesn't do any real harm to force some early problem solving anyway 
- certainly helps cement your knowledge and understanding. What would be a 
shame is to dismiss an otherwise good text simply because it was written 
for an older version. Imagine a C programmer not reading KR simply because 
it was written for an old version of C@ 


On Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:46:14 AM UTC+11, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language. 
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with 
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what 
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around 
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want 
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete. 

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive 
 description of the current state of Clojure literature:

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of 
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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Re: How to (easily) show the advantages of Clojure

2013-01-19 Thread Tim Cross
I think it depends a lot on your audience. For example, java spring 
programmers are likely going to be impressed by the simplicity and speed at 
which you can get a project started, especially when using lein and being 
able to avoid the common load of bolerplate java, xml, etc. Programmers 
familiar with database development etc, may appreciate the STM more, lisp 
programmers will likely be impressed by how easy it is to take advantage of 
the huge wealth of existing Java APIs and managers may be impressed by the 
fact things can be deployed under the existing ecosystem. 

There is no single answer, but a little research into what type of audience 
you are addressing will help. Try and find out what some of the current 
'pain points' are with their current environment. This could be testing, it 
could be deployment, it could be the ability to make rapid changes, handle 
concurrency issues, prototyping, cumbersome code, build test cycles etc. If 
you know this, you can structure examples that will clearly show the 
relevance and likely generate some excitement etc.


On Thursday, January 17, 2013 2:08:41 AM UTC+11, Thomas wrote:

 Hi All,

 Something that came up last night in the blank? thread. What is a good way 
 to show someone the advantages of Clojure. Something that is simple, not 
 too complicated, easily understood, shows a (significant) benefit, etc.

 Any ideas? (As said in the other thread, I have used the blank? example 
 from Stuart Halloway to show people the difference).


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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-18 Thread Tim Cross

The books I've found valuable are 

Clojure Programming. Really liked this book because it just fitted well 
with my preferred style of book. Really enjoyed it and found that often, 
just as I was asking myself a question, the answer was in the next 

Joy of Clojure. Excellent book. Possibly not a great first book, but 
absolutely a must once you have read one of the others and you really want 
to get a deeper understanding. I have returned to sections on this book a 
number of times and get something out of it each time. Really helps with 
the deeper knowledge I think you need for real projects. 

Programming Clojure. This was the first book I read. A good starting point 
(have only read 1st edition). Has enough to get you started, but avoids 
getting you too bogged down, so you feel like your making progress. 

I also have a copy of the new clojureScript book from O'Reilly, but have 
not read it yet. 

I wouldn't worry too much about differences because a book was written for 
clojure 1.2 or 1.3 even though 1.5 is only just around the corner. The 
differences are minor and tend to be most directly related to more advanced 
topics that are unlikely to be of critical importance to begin with. Once 
you have covered the content in these books, you will pick up the minor 
differences in later versions easily enough. 

Probably more important is to use Lein 2.0 right from the start and ensure 
you spend as much time trying to cut clojure code as reading about cutting 
clojure code!

have fun.


On Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:46:14 AM UTC+11, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language. 
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with 
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what 
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around 
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want 
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete. 

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive 
 description of the current state of Clojure literature:

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of 
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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Re: Full stack Clojure web/REST framework - is there any mileage in it?

2013-01-11 Thread Tim Cross
A good thought/discussion provoking post, thanks.

I find myself between two camps here. On one side and coming from the 
position of both learning Clojure and coming back to web development after 
a long period of mainly working on large backend database apps, the 
suggestion of a nicely bundled and complete clojure web framework is 

On the other hand, having been required to become familiar with some 
frameworks, such as spring, being forced to search through large quantities 
of documentation and then finding 80% of what it offered was not relevant 
to what I needed for my application, I'm far less enthusiastic regarding 
complete frameworks. 

I think there may be two different requirements here which need addressing. 
The first is for those, often new to clojure, who would like to get up and 
running fast. They have a new idea to start developing and don't want to 
spend hours evaluating lots of different, but outwardly similar libraries - 
especially as they may not yet have the knowledge to easily make such 
decisions. The second requirement is for more experienced or knowledgable 
devs or those who have a well defined design who just need to know which 
specific libraries to use. I suspect that as you gain web dev experience 
with clojure, you will move more twards the second group. If this is the 
case, complete frameworks are likely to be of only limited benefit while 
you become familiar and experienced. This may asiist adoption to some 
degree. However, as individuals become more experenced and accustomed to a 
more clojure style philosophy of fewer and more specific libraries for a 
task, they will likely move away from the framework. Unfortunately, this 
may have a detremental impact on the maintenance of such a framework as it 
may be difficult to attract or retain interest as experience grows. 

I think possibly the best way to assist adoption and also provide valuable 
content for more experienced developers are things like case studies, 
examples and reviews which cover the various libraries and their use. 
Example dependency templates etc may also be useful. Blogs such as yours, 
where you document your experiences and give examples are very valuable. 
Articles like the hooroku one or Andrew Brehaut's one are extremely useful 
and valuable. Possibly what would be very valuable would be one 
consolidated place where all this valuable information could be found. 
Someone interested in clojure and web development could just go to a single 
place and find a majority of the good articles, case studies, overviews and 
evaluation of web dev relevant libraries and techniques/idioms for Clojure. 
Ideally, this would just be part of another well know Clojure documentation 


On Saturday, January 12, 2013 3:52:05 AM UTC+11, Paul Umbers wrote:

 I've been experimenting with Clojure web services recently, and posting 
 the work on GitHub and my 

 When putting this test app together, it occurred to me that most other 
 languages have a full-stack API available which makes life easier when it 
 comes to making decisions about which libraries/APIs/frameworks to use. It 
 also reduces the possibility of impedance mismatch between the libraries. 
 For Java, you can use Spring (or any one of a dozen or more other popular 
 frameworks), for Scala there's Typesafe, and so on. Clojure has Compojure, 
 Ring, several logging, validation and database libraries, and they can be 
 used together but they don't constitute a coordinated full stack - and that 
 creates issues.

 For example, the latest vesion of Compojure (1.1.3) uses Ring 1.1.5 and 
 not the latest version of Ring (1.1.6) which has significantly better util 
 functions available - but I can't use them until Compojure catches up. By 
 the time you add logging, validation, data access, etc the odds of a 
 mismatch between these libraries goes up dramatically.

 This is a concern, because these mismatches must be worked around in *my*code 
 and are likely to break as the libraries are upgraded in future 
 versions. So, I'm having to spend my time maintaining what are essentially 
 patches for third-party libraries just so that they work together.

 Now, it may not be the best decision to try to put together a true 
 full-stack framework from scratch, but is it worth choosing a bunch of 
 existing frameworks and coordinating their releases - in much the same way 
 as Eclipse coordinates plugin releases for major releases - so that putting 
 together a full-stack app becomes easier?

 Projects taking part in the meta-project will work together to harmonize 
 their functionality  APIs, and coordinate their development cycles  
 releases so that the meta-framework remains consistent and easily usable.

 Is this another barrier to adoption the Clojure community can remove? Is 
 this even a barrier? Am I missing something?



Re: [emacs over ssh limitations]

2012-08-29 Thread Tim Cross

I've just got my first mac and will investigate a bit and let you know what 
I find out. I know that emacs can work over ssh with all key combos and am 
fairly certain it will be an issue with the terminal emulator, so I should 
be able to find the right setup with a bit of time..


On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 11:29:22 PM UTC+10, Stuart Sierra wrote:

 SSH in iTerm 2 from an OS X machine to a Linux server. $TERM is 
 xterm-256color at both ends. We use this for pair-programming, so X and 
 tramp are not helpful.

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Re: [emacs over ssh limitations]

2012-08-28 Thread Tim Cross
Hi Stuart,

can I ask what platform are you sshing from and what terminal you are 

I use emacs over ssh a lot and while I have encountered some of the issues 
you mention, they are in a far more limited way. For example, I have found 
different behaviour between delete and sometimes, Alt doesn't work as 
expected. There can also be some differences in key behaviour between emacs 
running in GUI compared to emacs running in a terminal. Some of this is due 
to different kemaps being used in terminals. 

In nearly all cases, the issue is due to a combination of the terminal 
emulator, the ssh configuration and the terminfo/termcap settings on the 
remote host. Having three points of potential problems certainly doesn't 
make matters easy, but it can be sorted out with a bit of effort. A lot can 
depend on the terminal emulator you are using. 

I use Linux almost exclusively and it is possible that some of the issues 
cannot be easily solved if you are using completely different OSs at each 
end. However, if sshing from Linux to a remote Linux/Unix host, you should 
be able to get consistent behaviour. Some of the things I do are

1. Use either the console-setup or console-tools to get appropriate keymaps 
etc loaded so that differences between console and X behaviour are 
minimized. The console-setup is the more recent package and 'automates' 
more of the process. Console-tools, loadkeys etc give hyou more control. 
This will help ensure that 'special'modifiers, such as shit+tab will work. 

2. Experiment with different terminal emulators. Nearly all can be 
configured to 'do the right thing', but lets face it, none of us really 
want to spend time working this out if we can avoid it. Some terminals are 
better/more consistent than others. Try different emulators and see. 

3. Check local and remote $TERM environment variables. A common problem is 
that the local TERM variable is set to a value which the remote system does 
not understand. The result is that the remote system sets up a dumb or 
basic terminfo setting, which gives basic functionality, but fails to 
provide support for things like Meta, Super, etc. 

4. Check ssh config. Make sure ssh isn't using an escape character you want 
sent to the remote system etc. 

Other alternatives are 

1. Use an X compression protocol to enable runniing native X version of 
emacs remotesly. How well this works depends on your connection speed. 
However, provided you turn off font-lock, this an work very well even on 
quite slow DSL lines. 

2. I suspect we cold do some clever stuff using tramp. Instead of running 
emacs remotely over ssh, run it locally, edit the remote file using tramp 
and set things up so that the local (n)repl can connect to the remote 
instance. However, I don't think nrepl supports this yet (I've done this 
with slime and lisp).

These days, I found more consistent results running emacs remotely in 
daemon mode and then using emacsclient -t to connect. Not entirely sure 
why, but I do seem to get fewer keymapping issues doing it this way rauther 
than just running emacs remotely.



On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 10:44:41 AM UTC+10, Stuart Sierra wrote:

 It's easy enough to test: fire up a small EC2 instance and use Emacs over 
 an SSH+tmux session. You could also try using your own local Emacs that way 
 by SSH'ing to localhost.

 In my experience, commands don't work in a terminal if they use modifier 
 keys (Control, Meta, Shift) AND non-letter keys (arrows, ENTER, some 
 punctuation). I assume it has something to do with how those combinations 
 get encoded for the terminal emulator.

 You can always work around it with M-x, or by rebinding the command to a 
 different key. It's mildly annoying, but not a showstopper.

 One consistently annoying thing is that PageUp, PageDown, and Delete don't 
 work in clojure-mode buffers with Paredit in Emacs in a terminal. They 
 insert weird characters like ^[ instead. I would very much like to have a 
 fix for that!


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Re: Newbie question about rebinding local variables

2012-04-22 Thread Tim Cross

On Friday, April 20, 2012 8:21:56 AM UTC+10, Craig Ching wrote:

 Ok, I've read that what I want to do is a no no.  But this is the sort of 
 thing I did in Scheme about 20 years ago (and because of that I'm probably 
 misremembering ;-)).

 Basically I'm learning clojure and thought I'd write a tic tac toe game. 
  But not any tic tac toe, I want to write one where I can have multiple 
 games going simultaneously.  Something like:

 (def g1 (new-game))
 (def g2 (new-game))

 (g1 :x 0)
 (g1 :print)
 (g2 :x 5)
 (g2 :print)

 So the schemer in me (and probably the imperative programmer as well) 
 thought I could return a clojure that encapsulates the board value, 
 something like this:

 (defn new-game []

   (let [board (into [] (repeat 9 nil))]

 (fn [n i]


 (= n :x)(set! board (assoc board i 'x))

 (= n :o)(set! board (assoc board i 'o))

 (= n :print) (println board)

 Of course I get an error saying I can't bind to the non-mutable board.

 I'm really new to Clojure, so apologies if this is really basic for this 
 list.  Can I do what I want or can someone point me in the right direction? 
  I've seen some other tic tac toe implementations on github, but they use 
 recur to track state and I was hoping there was a cleaner idiomatic way 
 than that.


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Re: Newbie question about rebinding local variables

2012-04-22 Thread Tim Cross

On Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:26:30 AM UTC+10, Craig Ching wrote:

 On Friday, April 20, 2012 9:07:49 AM UTC-5, Walter van der Laan wrote:

 You could start with pure functions to handle the game logic, e.g.:

 (defn new-game []
   [[\- \- \-]
[\- \- \-]
[\- \- \-]])

 (defn print-game [game]
   (doseq [row game]
 (println (apply str row

 (defn move [game mark pos]
   (assoc-in game pos mark))

 (print-game (new-game))
 (print-game (move (new-game) \x [1 1]))
 (print-game (- (new-game) (move \x [1 1]) (move \o [0 2])))

 Right, but then I'm having to keep track of the moves and reapply them on 
 every game update, right?  I guess my question is more conceptual (so that 
 I can gain an understanding of Clojure), I don't really care about tic tac 
 toe, what I really care about is how to maintain mutable state.

Yes, you will need to track the state, but keep in mind that Clojure is 
clever about copies and works to make sure they are very fast and use as 
few resources as possible. I would be careful of thinking of the changes in 
state as being mutable state rather than new state simply because of old 
habits where copying of state was an expensive operation. I think the 
functional approach is the way to go. Highly recommend reading some of 
Rich's articles on state at the clojure site. 


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Re: lein run and standard input (*in*) with read-line

2012-03-03 Thread Tim Cross
Hi Phil,

thanks, lein trampoline run seems to get around the problem. 

BTW, spotted a minor error in the .lein/bin/swank-clojure script. The 
CLASSPATH setting at the top of the script appears to have a hard coded 
path instead of one based on $HOME. For example, after installing the swank 
plugin, my script has the path 


instead of CLASSPATH=/home/tcross/.


On Sunday, March 4, 2012 4:54:00 AM UTC+11, Phil Hagelberg wrote:

 Tim Cross writes:

  My guess is that lein run does something different wrt *in*, but I've
  no idea what and cannot find anything obvious in the docs. 

 Try using lein trampoline run to get around the subprocess issues with 


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lein run and standard input (*in*) with read-line

2012-03-02 Thread Tim Cross
Hi All,

I've been working on my first little clojure project for the past couple of 
days, but have now run into a problem with leiningen and was hoping someone 
could point me in the right direction to find a solution. 

I'm using lein 1.7.0, clojure 1.3.0 and openJDK 6 on a ubuntu based system. 

My code has a simple loop iin the -main funciton which calls read-line to 
get the input. 

If I run lein repl, execute (-main), I can enter data 
If I create an uberjar, and run it, I can enter data

However, if I use lein run, I cannot eneter any data. It appears the 
program enters the while loop, but when I try to enter data, nothing 
happens - no characters are echoed to the screen (as is the case in the 
other two invokations) and it appears that the program is waiting for input 
from some other input source. 

My guess is that lein run does something different wrt *in*, but I've no 
idea what and cannot find anything obvious in the docs. 

My project file is very simple -

(defproject clj-espeak 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  :description FIXME: write description
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.3.0]]
  :java-source-path java
  :ant [clj-espeak.core]
  :main clj-espeak.core)

The java-source-path is necessary for some java interface classes for a JNI 
based interface to a C based text to speech library. This seems to be 
working fine. 

My -main funciton is very simple

(defn -main [ args]
  (println Starting interpreter)
  (println Starting command loop.)
  (while true
(dispatch (parse-input (read-line)

As mentioned, this is my first clojure program. I'm also not a java 
programmer (though I did do some java back in the late 90's using java 
1.0). I'm hoping it is just something obvious I've missed and would 
appreciate any suggestions. 


The reason I want to use lein run is that I want to execute the program via 
a shell script which is called by emacs. Emacs then communicates with this 
sub-process via standard input. The data it sends are commands to generate 
various bits of speech from text. Eventually, the aim is to have emacs 
start the clojure applicaiton, which will setup swank and also listen for 
input from emacs. I will then use slime to connect to the running process 
so that I can futher develop/refine the clojure code based on the input 
recieved from emacs. This is all part of developing a clojure based speech 
server for the emacspeak program. 



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Re: Lack in the documentation

2012-02-16 Thread Tim Cross
Hi All,

very new to clojure, so thought my experience may be relevant. 

Initially, the java aspect is a bit daunting. However, I don't believe you 
need to know java in order to take advantage of all the java interop 
features of clojure. All that you really need is to understand how to read 
java API documentation and understand the way clojure can interface with 
java libraries. This in itself may appear to be a big hurdle at first, but 
its not that hard provided you just have a go. My main advice would be to 
use Leiningen to help manage things, ignore maven etc and use the repl to 
experiment. Just reading the docs is insufficient - you have to sit at the 
repl and try using a few java libs and it will become clearer as you 
progress. I also find looking at other clojure code and how others have 
used java very useful. 

There are also some good books out there which are quite useful. I'm 
currently reading The Joy of Clojure and while tastes and mileage may 
differ, I am finding it a really interesting and informative book. 

From a documentation standpoint, I've not found it too bad. The cheatsheet 
has been very useful and using things like find-doc etc help to narrow down 
the search space. I do suspect that as the complexity of what I'm trying to 
do increases, I will likely need to understand java better, I suspect that 
is a way down the road yet and it will come in little pieces as I need 
them. Perhaps my only criticism with the docs are that there may be too 
many documents out there covering the 'getting started' aspect. I'm using 
emacs, slime and lein and it has all worked fine, but there was quite a bit 
of conflicting and in some cases incorrect information out there. Much of 
it seems to have made it far more complicated than it ended up being. I 
would possibly be good if, and 
had just one definitive/official getting started document. I'd go further 
and suggest that document should really just be download lein; chmod u+x 
lein and lein install. Then, one official document for clojure+emacs, 
clojure+vim, clojure+eclipse etc and pointers to other tweaks/setups. 
However, in general, I think things are pretty good for such a young/new 
language and I'm having a lot of fun!

Is there a document which covers the changes in 1.3 in more detail than the 
official release notes - especailly one which may explain how some of the 
changes can impact on past idioms etc. For example, it took me a while to 
find (with-redefs ...) as an alternative to using (bindings ...) for doing 
things like mocking functions for testing - I'm still not 100% sure this is 
even the right approach, but seems more correct than using ^:dynamic just 
to enable a test harness to work.


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