question on clojure library coding standards

2010-08-17 Thread cageface
The standards doc on the wiki here:

Makes this recommendation:
Idiomatic code uses destructuring a lot. However, you should only
destructure in the arg list if you want to communicate the
substructure as part of the caller contract. Otherwise, destructure in
a first-line let. Example: my snake code from the book fails this
test, doing too much destructuring in arg lists.

I'm not entirely sure how to interpret this. If a function is
expecting a certain argument structure, isn't it always better to
document that in a destructuring argument list? I'm finding that
destructured signatures generally help me track my dataflow better.
Can somebody elucidate this distinction a bit?

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Re: slow raw io

2010-08-09 Thread cageface
On Aug 7, 5:43 am, Peter Schuller wrote:
 Interesting. Why do you consider it recommended to read one character
 at a time in a case like this? Maybe there is such a recommendation
 that I don't know about, but in general I would consider it contrary
 to expected practice when doing I/O if performance is a concern.

That's not a practice I'm familiar with either. Everything I've ever
read on I/O tuning suggests that reading single char is worst-case
performance, which seems borne out here.

Maybe this seems like a low-priority issue but I think slurp is likely
to be very commonly used. For instance, the Riak tutorial just posted
to Hacker News uses it:


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Re: slow raw io

2010-08-07 Thread cageface
Any chance of getting this in before 1.2?

On Jun 25, 7:43 am, cageface wrote:
 Thanks Stuart  Peter for following up on this. Now I can get back to
 plowing through this mountain of ldiff data with Clojure!

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-30 Thread cageface
On Jun 29, 8:17 pm, Michael Richter wrote:
 A good salesman also doesn't come across as smugly self-satisfied and
 projecting a sense of superiority.

I did a moderate amount of CL hacking in 2003-4 and I've been dipping
my toes back in lately with Clojure but I hardly count as a lisp
weenie. I say Lisp and FP are hard not because I have mastered them
but because I am still learning and *I* have found them hard. From
what I've observed in other programmers I'm far from alone in this.

Honestly I think it's noobs like me that are going to make the most
difference in the near-term success of Clojure. We're the experienced
Python and Java and Ruby programmers in Chas' survey that are looking
for a better way to solve the problems we face in our work. We
recognize that languages like Clojure might be the answer, but also
that they require a new, different, and initially painful way of
thinking. We're motivated enough to get over hurdles like classpaths,
java installs, IDEs etc. and those of us that do have the
determination and ability to stick with it will be the ones that build
the killer app that puts Clojure in the spotlight. The reality is that
a lot of us are going to fall by the wayside. I was comfortable in
Ruby after a few weekends. I still struggle with FP  Lisp after 10
years of study. If you're one of those people to whom s-expr syntax,
recursion, immutability etc seem simple  natural and logical
congratulate yourself but also show some humility. You're the
exception, not the norm.

So, what do noobs like me need from Clojure? Honestly not much. The
tools are there to get real work done and because of Clojure I'm more
optimistic about Lisp than I've ever been. More extensive
documentation, a single blessed build tool, some tutorials on
protocols etc would all be welcome but the lack of these things isn't
stopping anybody that wouldn't have been stopped anyway.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-30 Thread cageface
On Jun 30, 10:17 am, Sean Allen wrote:
 The larger the clojure community gets, the more you should be prepared
 for those dogs then.

To put it more bluntly - the day that clojure no longer interoperates
smoothly with java is the day it becomes useless to me. I'm all for
hiding the guts from beginners but it's going to be a good long while
before you can actually get anything done with clojure without
directly interfacing with java.

For example, I'm using clojure for two things at work: replicating
data between a sybase and oracle DB and syncing data from ldap to an
xml-rpc client and a proprietary calendaring solution with it's own
java api. I can defend my use of clojure here because it's actually
better than python at this - faster and with more mature drivers and
able to invoke java apis directly. My code is full of direct calls to
various java methods, invocations of java constructors etc. Without
clojure's excellent java support it would be off the table as an
option for this project and without decent knowledge of java I
wouldn't be able to use it. I suspect most of the non-trival tasks for
which other people are using clojure rely on a number of java
libraries for which no clojure wrapper exists and I don't think is
likely to change soon or even that we *should* wrap everything.

I don't know what the implementation plans are exactly for clojure-in-
clojure but abandoning the JVM would be extremely unwise.

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Re: Let's respect CLOJURE_HOME

2010-06-30 Thread cageface
My clj file looks like this:



if [ -z $1 ]; then
exec java -server jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main
SCRIPT=$(dirname $1)
exec java -server clojure.main $1 $@

Having clj look in the current directory for jars/classes/.clj files
the same way Python and Ruby do makes dealing with libraries easier.

So, +1.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-30 Thread cageface
On Jun 30, 5:15 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
 An oldie-but-goodie post from Chouser talking about what clojure-in-
 clojure is and why it matters:

To quote:
But a more fascinating benefit is that porting Clojure to non-JVM
targets will be much easier. The majority of the effort so far put
into ClojureCLR and ClojureScript has been rewriting the data
structures for the target platform. This has required a lot of hand-
written C# and JavaScript (respectively) all of which can become
quickly obsolete as changes are made to the primary Java versions.

... stuff about running on Parrot etc...

Presumably over time we'll have more pure clojure-layers over the ugly
java libs. Having to maintain a port version of each of these wrappers
for C# and JS and any other target sounds like a lot of unpleasant
grunt work to me. I've been working on wrapping the JNDI stuff up in a
less retarded interface, for example, but I'm definitely not going to
take the time to port it to C# and JS is obviously out so that's at
least one tiny step towards a fractured clojure world.

I sure don't have fond memories of dropping #+sbcl and #+cmu and #
+allegro readers all over my CL code to make all the different CL
implementations happy and I don't anticipate much joy in a similarly
balkanized clojure world. A clojure written mostly in clojure but
still exclusively a jvm lang makes sense but the rest of this just
sounds like idle hackery for its own sake. Far be it from me to
condemn consenting adults for the ways they choose to spend their
spare time though.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-29 Thread cageface
On Jun 29, 1:22 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
 Any talk about how Clojure might be too much for some, for whatever  
 reason, is out of bounds IMO.  Clojure, as a language, is *simpler*  
 than just about all of the popular alternatives out there, and the  
 language is eminently approachable and practical for programmers from  
 varying domains and with varying levels of experience.

It just isn't. Recursion, s-expr syntax, non-mutability, macros and
the difference between compilation and evaluation etc etc are just
*harder* for most people to understand than simple infix imperative
code. Even MIT has thrown in the towel in this battle and switched to
Python for the SICP courses. I remember having discussions with Peter
Siebel about this while he was working on his Lisp book. Like a lot of
Lisp lovers, he seemed to think that making Lisp popular was just a
matter of making people see how eminently logical and simple and
practical it is. It's not that easy.

Look at the results of your own usage poll. The top languages people
would use if Clojure were unavailable to them are:
1. scala
2. common lisp
3. haskell
4. scheme

These people just *aren't* the median. To insist otherwise is to live
in denial.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-29 Thread cageface
On Jun 29, 12:54 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
 Indeed, there are many nontrivial personas that actively wish for a  
 smaller (or at least not maximally large), more exclusive community.  

Only a fool would actively wish for a smaller community. Some of just
recognize that selling a sports car to grandma might not be in her or
our best interests.

Make Clojure as easy as possible for the beginner as long as you don't
make it less useful for the expert in the process.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-29 Thread cageface
On Jun 29, 7:24 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
 More talking up the complexity of Clojure, to its detriment.  Stop  
 it.  Familiarity is not a metric that anyone is aiming at, least of  
 all the language principals -- capability in various axes is, and  
 that's what's attracting people from all sides.

A language advocate is a salesman. A good salesman knows his product
and his audience. Many here seem to have some extremely naive ideas
about this. Push Clojure as a Python/Ruby/blub replacement and you'll
get a inbox full of this kind of thing:

This *is* mostly tangential to the OP though. I don't think anybody is
arguing that there's anything wrong with making the initial user
experience as pain-free and rewarding as possible. Questions about the
scope of Clojure's audience will be answered in time.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-29 Thread cageface
On Jun 29, 6:25 pm, Michael Richter wrote:
 Are you *trying* to evoke the Smug Lisp Weenie vibe, cageface, or is this
 just a natural byproduct of being a burgeoning Smug Clojure Weenie?

How many times do I have to say I'm in favor of making things as easy
as possible for beginners before I'm exempt from this charge? How many
decades does Lisp have to spend on the sidelines before Lispers admit
that maybe, just maybe, it's not for everybody?

Tying the fortunes of Clojure to Java was a brilliant move and one
that I've advocated for years but the trend I've seen lately to try to
paper over the Java underpinnings of the language worries me, as does
talk of making Clojure-in-Clojure. There's a small but viable market
for people doing difficult things in a Java-flavored Lisp (Runa,
Flightcaster, BackType etc), but this is where the future of Clojure
lies - as a power tool for heavy lifting on the Java platform.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-29 Thread cageface
Let's rephrase this slightly. I completely agree with the spirit of
this article:

i.e. - That the tipping point for any language into wide use occurs
when it makes it significantly easier to solve a common, but painful
problem. For Ruby this was clearly Rails and webapps. What do you
think this might be for Clojure? In what application domain(s) will
the benefits outweigh the downsides of a new language? What kinds of
people will be working in those domains?

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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
I haven't done any Erlang coding but I have heard various complaints
in blogs etc that Erlang isn't great for string handling.

Is that what you mean? Is Erlang a good or bad example of this?

On Jun 27, 1:11 pm, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
 1. a string/text type

 *cough * Erlang *cough *


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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 11:09 am, Daniel Gagnon wrote:
 That feature would *not* be a simple macro. It isn't simply a call to .close
 on whatever object, it's an arbitrary cleanup procedure on any object that
 implements the feature. The whole standard library implements it and objects
 know how to clean after themselves. So do most third objects like database
 connexions and what not.

So in order to make this work in Python the *entire* standard library
had to be modified to support it? That's worse than I thought.

It's an interesting point though. In a certain sense, a macro is
establishing an interface across a set of objects. In writing a macro
you are implying that there exists a set of objects for which the
macro's transformation is logical. The python with statement
required implementation of the implied interface across all valid
arguments, whereas the macro version takes advantage of the fact that
most of the applicable objects just happen to have a .close method. In
both cases you're dealing with with-able objects. The difference is
that the interface that objects can expose to macros is much richer
because arbitrary syntactic fragments are objects in this sense.

The python approach is superior if you believe, as Guido apparently
does, that the useful set of syntactic constructs is small and well-
bounded. If you think, as most lispers do, that syntactic manipulation
is the essence of expressive power then the work it takes to add *one*
new keyword to a language like python seems farcical.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
As I said in the HN thread, I think you're right that getting started
with a productive clojure environment is harder than it has to be.

However, as I also said in the thread, I think the *real* obstacles
for a noobie are the concepts in the language itself. Clojure is very
elegantly designed, but it builds on some very powerful and somewhat
difficult concepts. Stuart's book is a big help here but I'm afraid
that Clojure is simply over the heads of a lot of noobs anyway.

So I wonder how much making the first few baby steps easier is really
going to help the uptake of Clojure. I have to imagine that the kind
of person that can't figure out  a CLASSPATH is going to have his head
explode when he has to figure out how to restructure all his
iterations in terms of loop/recur.

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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 12:04 pm, Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-googlegroups. wrote:
 The Python approach leads to more readable 

You don't seem to be very sympathetic to the Lisp way of doing things.
What's your interest in Clojure?

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 12:25 pm, Daniel Gagnon wrote:
 I believe that the success of ruby is due in great part to *Why's Poignant
 Guide to Ruby* and *Learn You a Haskell* is doing the same for Haskell. It's
 fun to read, it holds your hand in setting up everything you have to and it
 makes you want to learn more.

I'm not so sure. Certainly things like the poignant guide made getting
started with Ruby easier, but I'd argue that the success of Ruby has a
lot more to do with how simple the core language it is and how easy it
makes it to get simple things done. Conversely, despite increasingly
beginner-friendly docs and one-shot installers I don't get the
impression there's a bit upsurge of interest in Haskell outside of
circles of elites or language afficionados. Haskell just isn't the
kind of language that lets you slap a couple of web forms on a
database 30 minutes after getting started. It's a power language for
power users, like Clojure. I've been following FP for about ten years
now and in that time I've seen Ruby and Python grow like gangbusters
while languages like Haskell make very small, incremental inroads into
niche areas. I don't expect this to change.

Again though, I'm all for making the beginner's experience no harder
than it absolutely has to be. No point having people turned away by
things extrinsic to the language.

I often find myself frustrated browsing through the docs that there
aren't concrete examples for most of the functions in the API. I
always have to google their usage or find an example in the clojure
code. I'd be happy to help flesh out the docs with some usage examples
if this kind of help is wanted.

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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 1:10 pm, Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-googlegroups. wrote:
 Not true as I understand the Lisp way. You also need to reread the
 last paragraph again.

I actually agree with you that the typical block of lisp code is less
readable than the typical block of python. It bugs me when lisp
advocates present s-expr syntax as the right way instead of the
engineering tradeoff that it is. You forgo the niceties of a more
ergonomic, less primitive syntax in exchange for unparalleled
syntactic flexibility and corresponding power it brings. To me this
*is* the Lisp way - building up the language to your problem by
defining new constructs that other languages have to implement from
scratch. The difference between clojure's with-open and python's
with illustrates this pretty clearly, the Java legacy that makes
with-open a 95% solution notwithstanding.

What does the Lisp way mean to you?

 Lately, it seems like the JVM integration comes with more problems
 than it solves, and makes me wonder about building Clojure with gjc.

The JVM does create some problems for clojure but I'm pretty sure we
wouldn't be having this conversation at all if it weren't for
clojure's java interop. It's a devil's bargain but it's also the main
reason I see more momentum behind clojure now than I've seen behind
any lisp in 10 years of dilettante-ish lisping.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 2:26 pm, Brian Hurt wrote:
 I'd argue that it's a bad idea to teach students a professionals language
 as their first language.  You don't learn to fly in a 747, even if that's
 what the professionals fly.  There are reasons for this.

I have to agree with this. I wouldn't dream of giving somebody Clojure
as a first language. If I really wanted to teach an s-expr language as
a first language I'd use one of the nice integrated scheme
environments. I don't think the goals of making Clojure a little
easier to start with and keeping it a professional language are
necessarily totally at odds but efforts to build something like
Processing or even DrScheme on it seem misdirected.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 2:44 pm, Daniel Gagnon wrote:
  1. you don't have to worry about PYTHONPATH for a while with a
  standard install, although the day will come
 No, you never have to.It's taken care of by virtualenv.

Maybe it's just me but I think virtualenv is far more intimidating
than getting a basic clojure install going:

If I were a python noob how would I even know it exists, nevermind
what problems it solves or what easy_install is or how I get *that*
working? Even if you don't find those to be obstacles you will sooner
or latter have to grapple with the idea that languages bundle code in
files and those files exist in directories and that an interpreter/
compiler has to be told in which directories and in what order to look
for those files.

What makes languages like Python easy to start with is that they
either come in the form of one-click executables or they're already
installed on the system with a decent set of libraries. If people had
to bootstrap their own install you'd find confusion similar to what
some clojure beginners complain of.

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usage examples in clojure api docs

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
Several people have suggested that usage examples in the docs would be
helpful and this is something I often find myself wishing for. Are
patches introducing examples welcomed by the core team?

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 9:14 pm, Michael Richter wrote:
 Ah.  The Clojure community has already started down the road to Common
 Lisp-style, smugness-generated obscurity and disdain.  Bravo!  Well-played!

Not at all. Nothing would make me happier than Clojure for Dummies
and Wrox Professional Clojure books on the shelves of every Barnes 
Noble programming section. It's pained me to watch Python and Ruby far
outpace the growth of any functional language in the last ten years.
I'd love to stop looking for excuses to sneak things like Clojure
under the radar at work and actually have a management mandate to use

The fact remains though that Clojure trades in heavy concepts. The
syntax alone will simply be a non-starter for at least half the
potential audience. Toss in concurrency and non-mutability and
ubiquitous recursion which are tricky concepts no matter how cleanly
exposed in the language. As many posters have said in this thread, you
really do have to have a decent grasp on Java to do real work in
Clojure so you're already on the hook for two languages, one of which
is a baroque and provincial monster. Like any engineering problem,
language design is about tradeoffs. Obviously Rich has worked hard to
make Clojure as approachable as possible but you can't simultaneously
emphasize tackling the really hard problems in software engineering
and making CRUDDY webapps as painless as possible for the average

Believe that Lisp, perhaps this time in the guise of Clojure, will
conquer the world some day if you wish. There was a time when I wanted
to think so too. As it is, I'd be happy if Clojure becomes acceptable
enough for hard problem work that I'm not forced to use a soft fuzzy
tool like Java or Python instead.

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Re: Clojure's n00b attraction problem

2010-06-28 Thread cageface
On Jun 28, 9:39 pm, Brent Millare wrote:
 While I agree his wording wasn't really the best, I think it can also
 be interpreted differently depending on what kind of n00b he is
 talking about.

For the record, noob was not my choice of terms. Like any other
profession, programming attracts people with a wide range of ability.
Education makes a difference, but, for whatever reason, some people
just seem to have more of a knack for it than others. In this sense
you can be a pro at 20 or a noob at 60. A lot of programmers are
going to work through a Clojure tutorial or two and run with the
headache it gives them back to Python and the many tasks for which
something like that is perfectly adequate.

Common Lisp is not a niche language today because it presents a poor
beginner experience. Good, turnkey IDEs and documentation have been
available for years. The problem is that actually getting anything
done with Common Lisp is a nightmare. Libraries are sparse and
incompatible among implementations. Crucial things like FFI and
concurrency are non-standard. Interfacing with the rest of the world
is tedious.

The reason there's so much buzz about Clojure and Scala right now is
that you can actually get real work done in them. Drop them on top of
an existing java system and you've got everything you need to solve
real problems, with a much nicer language than Java. I'm optimistic
about Clojure because it allows *good* programmers to jump over the
walls that stop you in other lisps.

Again, I'm all for making Clojure as beginner-friendly as possible.
But I think that the success of Clojure in the long run will depend a
lot more on making sure that the minority that actually have the skill
to absorb and work in its paradigms derive a real competitive
advantage from it.

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the joys of lisp

2010-06-27 Thread cageface
When I read about new features in other languages that would be
simple macros in Lisp I just have to smile:

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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-27 Thread cageface
Python definitely seems to be the product of a very different design
philosophy than Lisp. I've always felt it was too prescriptive.
Omitting features that *might* be misused in an effort to keep the
language simple seems to have backfired on them. Too keep up with the
competition they've had to add so many new features to the core
language (list comprehensions, annotations, iterators, with statement,
properties etc) that Python doesn't feel like a small, simple language
to me at all anymore. Anyway, I don't mean to pick on Python because
it's not a bad language. I think this just illustrates that it's
better to build from a simple, flexible core than to bolt on pieces

I think you can go too far in the other direction too though.
Certainly Scheme is a very elegant language but omits so much from the
spec that you have dozens of incompatible OO implementations floating
around. I think at a minimum a language should provide a single,
consistent, standard implementation of the following:

1. a string/text type
2. an abstract datatype/object model
3. container types
4. concurrency primitives
5. ffi

Clojure covers these points well, I think, and I'm not worried about
Clojure fracturing into a babel of incompatible macro-based dialects.

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Re: the joys of lisp

2010-06-27 Thread cageface
On Jun 27, 1:17 pm, Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-googlegroups. wrote:
 Not quite - it's to keep the language *readable*. And if there's a use
 case for a feature that outweighs the damage done by abusing it,
 they'll add it. Witness with, list comprehensions, and those
 never-to-sufficiently-cursed augmented assignment operators. This
 implies simple only to the extent that it shouldn't get so large that
 one person can't keep the entire language in their head.

Python passed that point for me a long time ago. I'm always referring
to the docs. But that's true of most of the languages I work with now.

 So how does providing a drill press and bolt set (i.e. - macros) to
 the end user fit into this?

Certainly macros can be dangerous if used recklessly or clumsily, but
isn't trusting the programmer and giving him powerful tools what Lisp
is all about? No other language provides the same power of expression.
A tour through the Clojure code demonstrates just how powerful this
idea is and how easy it makes it for the language implementors to
implement features in a few lines of code that are major bullet-point
features in other languages.

 Well, there are already multiple OO implementations on top of
 1.1. Most of them are more to show that you can do that if you really
 want to, and I'm not sure how much the additions to 1.2 will obsolete

I have to admit it's not entirely clear to me how to reconcile java
objects, tagged hashes, and protocols as alternative OO models in
Clojure It's probably just a lack of effort on my part in reading the
source and docs but I can't say that the ADT/OO story in Clojure is as
simple as the Python/Ruby approach, at least from the point of view of
the beginner.

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-25 Thread cageface
Thanks Stuart  Peter for following up on this. Now I can get back to
plowing through this mountain of ldiff data with Clojure!

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-24 Thread cageface
Has anyone else had a chance to try this? I'm surprised to see manual
buffering behaving so much better than the BufferedReader
implementation but it does seem to make quite a difference.

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-24 Thread cageface
I put a self-contained test up here:

To run it copy this to slurptest.clj and run these commands
java clojure.main slurptest.clj makewords 100 (100 seems good for
macs, 300 for linux)

java -Xmx3G -Xms3G clojure.main slurptest.clj slurp|

Trying either slurp or slurp2. I see big timing differences on both
macs and linux machines but it would be interesting to see if other
people do too.

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slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
Not sure if this is a clojure issue or a something else but I'm seeing
surprisingly slow I/O on large text files.

For example, on a unix machine try this:

1. create a large file
rm -f words; for x in $(seq 300); do cat /usr/share/dict/words 
words; done

2. create a clj file that just slurps it
#!/usr/bin/env clj

(slurp *in*)

3. time the slurp
cat words | cat.clj

On my machine this takes 17 seconds.

If I make a simple java program:


public class Cat {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader;
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer();

char[] buffer = new char[4096];
int numRead = 0;

while ((numRead = != -1) {
fileData.append(buffer, 0, numRead);

and try this:
cat words | java -Xmx3G Cat

It only takes 2.3 seconds.

I thought this might have to do with the -Xmx max heap flag but I
added this to the java invocation in my clj wrapper script and it
didn't seem to make any difference. Line-oriented I/O seems similarly

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
For the record, this program runs in 3.3 seconds so I guess that
points to the implementation of slurp:

(import '[ BufferedReader InputStreamReader])

(let [reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. System/in))
  file-data (StringBuffer.)
  buffer (char-array 4096)]
  (loop [total 0]
(let [num-read (.read reader buffer)]
  (if (not= -1 num-read)
  (.append file-data buffer 0 num-read)
  (recur (+ total num-read)))
(println total)

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
Sure. Here's my clj script:

if [ -z $1 ]; then
exec java -server jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main
SCRIPT=$(dirname $1)
exec java -Xmx3G -server clojure.main $1 $@

(Usually I don't have the -Xmx flag there. I added it for this test)

I'm using a fresh build of clojure and clojure-contrib from the github
1.2.0-MASTER branch. If I try to run it with the 1.1.0 jars I get this
Exception in thread main java.lang.ClassCastException:
clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader cannot be cast to
java.lang.String (cat.clj:0)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(
at clojure.main$load_script__7405.invoke(main.clj:213)
at clojure.main$script_opt__7442.invoke(main.clj:265)
at clojure.main$main__7466.doInvoke(main.clj:346)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
at clojure.main.main(

How big is your words file? 100 copies of /usr/share/dict/words on
this machine is 267 megabyes.

On Jun 23, 6:20 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 I am seeing more like 1.8 seconds for the raw version, vs. 2.8 seconds for 
 slurp (master branch). Can you post a complete example (including the clj 
 script you use, and what version of Clojure), so we can be apples-to-apples?

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
Another example. I'm running this on a Ubuntu 10.04 laptop with this

java version 1.6.0_18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

and this command line:
java -Xmx3G -server clojure.main cat2.clj

(require '[ :as jio])

(defn- normalize-slurp-opts
  (if (string? (first opts))
  (println WARNING: (slurp f enc) is deprecated, use (slurp
f :encoding enc).)
  [:encoding (first opts)])

(defn slurp2
  Reads the file named by f using the encoding enc into a
  and returns it.
  {:added 1.0}
  ([f  opts]
 (let [opts (normalize-slurp-opts opts)
   data (StringBuffer.)
   buffer (char-array 4096)]
   (with-open [#^ r (apply jio/reader f opts)]
 (loop [c (.read r buffer)]
   (if (neg? c)
 (str data)
   (.append data buffer 0 c)
   (recur (.read r buffer)

 (with-open [f ( words)]
   (println (count (slurp f)

 (with-open [f ( words)]
   (println (count (slurp2 f)

I get this output:

$ java -Xmx3G -server clojure.main cat2.clj
Elapsed time: 17094.007487 msecs
Elapsed time: 5233.097287 msecs

So at least in my environment there seems to be a big difference
between slurp2 with an explicit buffer and the core/slurp one, which
appears to be reading a character at a time from a BufferedReader

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Re: clojure.xml/parse cannot handle filenames containing #

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
It looks like it's having trouble figuring out if test#1.log is a
file path or a URI.

Not sure what a real solution is but this seems to work as a

(clojure.xml/parse ( test#1.log))

On Jun 23, 12:30 pm, Zak Wilson wrote:
 (clojure.xml/parse test1.log)
  works correctly, output omitted

 (clojure.xml/parse test#1.log)
   Premature end of file.
     [Thrown class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException]

 $ mv test\#1.log test2.log

 (clojure.xml/parse test2.log)
  works correctly, output omitted

 test#1.log is a copy of test1.log Confirmed on Linux and Mac OS

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Re: slow raw io

2010-06-23 Thread cageface
Interesting. Here are the times I get:

slurp, *in* 18.8 seconds
slurp, System/in 18.2 seconds
slurp2, *in* 6.7 seconds
slurp2, System/in 5.7 seconds

I have an intel iMac here too, running 10.6.4:
slurp, *in* 20.4 seconds
slurp, 19.0 seconds
slurp2, *in* 7.2 seconds
slurp2, System/in 6.0 seconds

For another data point, I wrote a simple java version:


public class Cat {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader;
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
StringBuilder fileData = new StringBuilder();
char[] buffer = new char[4096];
int numRead = 0;
long totalRead = 0;
int c;

if (args[0].equals(single)) {
// single-char
while ((c = != -1) {
else {
// buffered
while ((numRead = != -1) {
totalRead += numRead;
fileData.append(buffer, 0, numRead);

Runnning this like so:

$ javac  cat words | time java -Xmx3G -cp . Cat single
gives 14.5 seconds on linux and 17.1 seconds on the mac

running it like this:
$ javac  cat words | time java -Xmx3G -cp . Cat buffered
gives 2.5 seconds on linux and 5.4 seconds on the mac

I'm not sure it's totally analogous but it does seem to indicate that
the single-char reads are slower on both platforms.

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cond formatting

2010-06-22 Thread cageface
Picky syntax question:

In common lisp cond requires more parenthesization than clojure:

   ((evenp a) a);if a is even return a
   (( a 7) (/ a 2));else if a is bigger than 7 return a/2
   (( a 5) (- a 1));else if a is smaller than 5 return a-1
   (t 17))

vs clojure:

   (even? a) a  ;if a is even return a
   ( a 7) (/ a 2)  ;else if a is bigger than 7 return a/2
   ( a 5) (- a 1)  ;else if a is smaller than 5 return a-1
   t 17)

Of course, fewer parentheses are usually better, but I'm finding cond
in the second form a little harder to read with more complex clauses:

(defn compare-row [a b]
  ;; compare null rows as  to advance
   (and (nil? a) (nil? b)) [0,0]
   (and (nil? a) (not= b nil)) [1, 0]
   (and (not= a nil) (nil? b)) [-1, 0]
   true (loop [col 0 a a b b]
  (let [cmp (compare-fields (first a) (first b))]
(if (and ( col (count a)) (= cmp 0))
  (recur (+ 1 col) (rest a) (rest b))

In this case it takes some visual parsing to see what the predicates
and results are and if you break them up onto individual lines you
have to count evens to figure out what the results are. The extra
level of indentation in the CL case makes it a lot easier. The only
easy solution I've considered for this is to add an extra blank line
between each clause, but this looks weird.

Any thoughts on this or other approaches?

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Re: cond formatting

2010-06-22 Thread cageface
This is fine when you just have simple clauses like this, but what if
the clauses are more complex, even containing subclauses?

A quick scan through clojure contrib suggest that people are inserting
blank lines between clauses when they get more complex. I guess this
is idiomatic for clojure?

On Jun 22, 1:41 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 I like lining things up.

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Re: cond formatting

2010-06-22 Thread cageface
This looks nice but requires more hand-indenting, right? I really like
being able to select a block in emacs and hit indent-region and get
predictably tidy code. (The failure of emacs to do this 100% with
scala code is a pet peeve).

On Jun 22, 1:50 pm, Michael Gardner wrote:
 Try this:

 (defn compare-row [a b]
   ;; compare null rows as  to advance cursor
     (and (nil? a) (nil? b))
     (and (nil? a) (not= b nil))
       [1, 0]
     (and (not= a nil) (nil? b))
       [-1, 0]
       (loop [col 0 a a b b]
          (let [cmp (compare-fields (first a) (first b))]
            (if (and ( col (count a)) (= cmp 0))
              (recur (+ 1 col) (rest a) (rest b))

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Re: cond formatting

2010-06-22 Thread cageface
I think I'm going to take this route. The style seems pretty common in
clojure contrib and it's readable, if a bit odd at first.

On Jun 22, 2:20 pm, David Powell wrote:
 I tend to write the condition and action on separate lines, and put a
 blank comment in between each, like this:

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-19 Thread cageface
Maybe it's only because I'm coming from Ruby, in which number
promotion is automatic and everything is slow, but if I have to choose
between correctness and performance as a *default*, I'll choose
correctness every time. I think there's a good reason that GCC, for
instance, makes you push the compiler harder with compiler flags if
you want to squeeze extra performance out of a program and accept the
corresponding brittleness that it often brings. I also always thought
that the transparent promotion of arithmetic was one of the strongest
selling points of Common Lisp.

My impression has always been that performance of numerics is rarely
the bottleneck in typical code (web stuff, text processing, network
code etc), but that unexpected exceptions in such code are the source
of a lot of programmer heartache. On the other hand, I think 99% of
the cases in which I've had a number exceed a 64 bit value were also
examples of errors that might as well have been exceptions because
they indicated a flaw in the code.

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2010-06-18 Thread cageface
Quick disclaimer - there are a lot of things I like in Scala and I
think Odersky  crew have done some very impressive work bringing
functional language concepts to the VM and giving Java developers a
path forward. I also don't think Clojure vs x language battles are
very productive and don't want to encourage one.

Anyway, I imagine my trajectory as a developer over the last 10  years
is pretty typical. I started out doing Java stuff but fell in love
with Ruby and Rails in 2004 and have been working almost entirely in
Ruby since. The idea that all that heavy, cumbersome Java cruft could
in many cases be dispensed with was a revelation and the discovery
that I could build software in a language that offered *no* compile
time error checking that was still robust was a very pleasant

Like a lot of Ruby hackers though, I also saw some warts in the
language and also remained curious about other approaches. Also like a
lot of Ruby hackers, the recent rise of new JVM languages has piqued
my interest, particularly Scala and Clojure. Scala seemed like a more
natural step from Ruby and my first experiences with it were
encouraging. It seemed to offer a lot of the expressiveness of Ruby
but with potentially much better performance and more robust runtime
and, intriguingly, static type checking. However, after writing a
handful of small but non-trivial programs in it the complexity lurking
under the surface started peeking through and the intricacies of the
type system and the significant complexity of the language itself
became more apparent. It started to feel like a step back to the
rigors of Java and heavyweight syntax and fights with the compiler.
The predominant Scala web platform, Lift, also seemed to have a very
heavy, enterprisey sort of correctness about it that felt

So I bounced over to Clojure and its clean, elegant core and minimal,
flexible syntax seemed very refreshing. It felt much more in the
liberal, malleable spirit of Ruby. The functional stuff was a bit of a
stretch but it also seemed built on a simpler set of core concepts
than the featureful but complex Scala collections.

Unfortunately there seems to be a lot more commercial momentum for
Scala though. It's still a blip compared to the mainstream languages
but I'm seeing more and more job posts mentioning it, and hardly any
for Clojure. I don't think Scala is a bad language overall, but I'm
not sure I'd dump Ruby for it. On the other hand, I can imagine
migrating most of my dev work over to Clojure with the right project.
Has anybody else wrestled with this choice? Any thoughts?

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-23 Thread cageface
So perhaps it would be worthwhile to create, like jruby, a single zip/
tgz file containing clojure, clojure-contrib, and a reasonable bin/clj
file that will find at least the core clojure jar files on its own? I
don't see how you're going to actually deploy any clojure apps, or
connect to a database, or really use any third party code at all
without understanding how java's classpath works but at least you can
get a REPL going.

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-23 Thread cageface
On Mar 23, 11:09 am, Michael Kohl wrote:

 Sorry, really not trying to pitch my project here, but the archive
 above basically contains what you are asking for.

Cool. Maybe we could link this and/or Stuart's labrepl from the
getting started page?

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-22 Thread cageface
On Mar 22, 2:48 pm, Sean Devlin wrote:
 There are a ton of people who are ready for dabbling with Clojure but
 aren't ready for production systems.  You'd be surprised how linearly
 independent system administration skills and software development
 skills really are.  They aren't quite orthogonal, but it's amazingly

Maybe so, but if getting into Clojure is a series of struggles with
unfamiliar concepts then dealing with a jar file is by far the least
daunting. Naturally I'm all for making the new-user experience as
pleasant and simple as possible but I'm not sure what exactly could be
done at this point to make it much easier than it is. Certainly
anybody that expects to be able to build it from source on an exotic
Linux distro should also be prepared to roll up their own sleeves a

Perhaps it would be useful to at least included a ready-to-go clj
shell/batch script in the default distribution? That's what Scala,
Groovy and Jruby do? The only obstacle I remember from my first
experiments with Clojure was getting a working clj shell script
together. Had I started with Stuart's book that wouldn't have been a
problem either.

On the other hand, if you go to the getting started pages of Jruby,
Groovy they're actually far more daunting (IMO) than Clojure's:

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-21 Thread cageface
What a strange reason to dismiss Clojure. And also strange to refuse
any further input.

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Re: type hint puzzler

2010-03-19 Thread cageface
That was it. I was fixated on the ResultSet object and didn't consider
overloading. Adding the (int) hint sped things up considerably.


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type hint puzzler

2010-03-18 Thread cageface
I'm trying to eliminate some reflection overhead in little SQL utility
I'm working on and can't seem to get the type hint right for this

(import 'java.sql.ResultSet)

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn rs-get-row [#^ResultSet rs]
  (if (.next rs)
(let [cols (.. rs getMetaData getColumnCount)]
  (doall (for [i (range 1 (+ 1 cols))]
   (.getObject rs i

When I run this I get this warning:
Reflection warning, /tmp/simple.clj:11 - call to getObject can't be
Reflection warning, /tmp/simple.clj:11 - call to getObject can't be

Is the #^ResultSet hint correct? If so, what else do I need to do to
resolve this?

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Re: Two potential map-util functions

2010-03-09 Thread cageface
On Mar 9, 12:09 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
 How about this?

 (defn leafs

This should be leaves, not leafs, right? Another one of those weird
irregular English plurals.

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monkeypatching in clojure

2010-03-08 Thread cageface
I've been reading about some of the clever things Scala does to allow
safer monkeypatching and this started me thinking about Clojure's
approach to this technique. Maybe I'm overlooking something but is
this just a non-issue in Clojure? Since functions aren't attached to
objects it seems to me you can just define a new function on an
existing type or another method clause in a multi or if necessary.
Maybe you have to be careful about messing around with an established
type hierarchy or multi definition but it doesn't seem to me you need
any special machinery to make this work, right?

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Re: monkeypatching in clojure

2010-03-08 Thread cageface
On Mar 8, 11:48 am, Raoul Duke wrote:
 uh, hey, wait a second, please note that is about type checking, not
 about OO vs. FP!

Yeah I'm not talking about OO vs FP but about the function-centric
approach that Lisps and languages like Haskell take as opposed to the
object, or noun-centric approach of languages like Java or Ruby.

Intead of db.statement, db.query, db.results etc you have db-
statement, db-query, db-results.

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Re: monkeypatching in clojure

2010-03-08 Thread cageface
On Mar 8, 12:47 pm, Richard Newman wrote:
 Interesting reading from 2006:

Yeah I was just reading that this weekend actually.

To be clear, I'm not knocking the verb-oriented approach. I guess I
just think it's interesting that even in dynamically typed languages
or heavily type-inferred languages like Haskell you still winding up
using type prefixes to some extent. For example, my Ocaml and Haskell
experience is very limited but I understand that record field
accessors in both languages share a common namespace, so in practice
you tend to give them type prefixes to prevent clashes. And I guess we
do the same thing in Clojure. We have a repeat function in core and in
the contrib.string module so it's good practice to qualify the import
of contrib.string and use string/repeat.

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building clojure from scratch

2010-03-07 Thread cageface
Takes 15 seconds on my i7 laptop. Gotta love it.

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Re: name clash/problem with refer

2010-03-04 Thread cageface
On Mar 3, 11:03 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
 Almost correct:

 (use '[clojure.contrib.string :exclude (repeat)])

That did it. Thanks!

I finally had to do this to get the whole package to load:
user= (use '[clojure.contrib.string :exclude (repeat butlast reverse
get partition drop take)])

I wonder if it would make sense to rename some of those functions to
reduce the number of clashes with core.

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Re: name clash/problem with refer

2010-03-04 Thread cageface
On Mar 4, 7:21 am, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Preferred is

 (require '[clojure.contrib.string :as str])

That's an easy solution. Thanks.

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objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
I've been reading through the examples of OO in clojure using multi-
methods and they certainly seem very flexible and powerful. I'm
wondering, however, how people handle interface  library design. If
people can implement objects as maps, structs, or just about
anything else you can discriminate on via a dispatch function, how do
you handle code reuse and sharing of libraries. If we're all using our
own home-grown OO systems how do we communicate?

Is this something that the deftype/protocol proposals are meant to
address or do people just work around it in other ways or is it just
not a real issue in practice?

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Re: objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
On Mar 3, 2:05 pm, Jarkko Oranen wrote:
 Well, it seems to me that the universal interface is the sequence.
 Turns out many things can be represented as sequences. :) And since
 maps are just collections of key/value pairs, very generic code can be
 written to process them, too. As long as the wanted keys are there,
 any extra information the map might be carrying can often be ignored.

So is it generally the case that people implement objects as maps?
That's what I've been doing in my dabblings with the language so far
and it seems flexible enough.

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name clash/problem with refer

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
In trying to build compojure with the git MASTER versions of clojure 
contrib I ran into this error:

Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user= (use 'clojure.contrib.string)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: repeat already refers to:
#'clojure.core/repeat in namespace: user (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

So I figured I'd try to use the :exclude option but got this:
user= (use 'clojure.contrib.string :exclude [repeat])
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
from: java.lang.Boolean (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Digging a little deeper I tried to diagnose the problem with refer:
user= (refer 'clojure.contrib.string :exclude [repeat])
java.lang.IllegalStateException: repeat already refers to:
#'clojure.core/repeat in namespace: user (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Looking at the code of the refer function I'm *guessing* that the code
that filters out the :excludes isn't working because [repeat]
evaluates to an existing function in the current namespace and not a
bare symbol to be matched against the incoming symbols from the target
lib, but I'm not sure.

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