From jetty to war?

2010-11-01 Thread Mike Meyer
Ok, I've got a simple web application that works running on embedded
jetty using the ring jetty adapter. I would now like to deploy it in
an infrastructure that will restart it if it dies, the system reboots,
etc. I've already got tomcat doing most of that, so the obvious choice
is a WAR file. Trouble is, trying the obvious thing from the
documentation doesn't work. The examples I find on the web all either
fail the same way, don't build (given that this is all new and still
rapidly evolving software, understandable), or involve using another
level of software. I chose ring because it looked like I could use
ring handlers in a number of different web servers without that extra

Ok, this is the working serlvet.clj file: It picks up the handler from
x10.core, and then runs that:

(ns x10.servlet 
  [:use [x10.core :only (handler)] 
ring.middleware.reload ring.middleware.stacktrace])
(def app
 (-> #'handler
 (wrap-reload '(x10.core))

(defn boot [] (run-jetty #'app {:port 8088}))

The goal is to get the same handler running in a server framework.
I'm trying tomcat via a WAR file: based on the ring documentation, I
added war.clj (this is just the latest variant):

(ns x10.war
  [:use [x10.core :only (handler)] 
(defservice handler)

Then added ring/ring-servlet to the project.clj :dependencies, an
:aout pointing x10.war, and build it using leiningen-war. Deploying
the resulting war file gets tomcat log messages about not being able
to create a SESSIONS.ser file, and a web page complaining that "The
requested resource (/x10/) is not available."

I did try building/deploying the compjure war example, and that at
least shows me the static page, so I believe the tomcat install is

Anyone got pointers to how to generate a WAR file for a simple
application, or suggestions on how to fix war.clj? Anything else you
might need to see to fix this?

Alternatively, instructions for deploying the same handler on either a
stand-alone (instead of an embedded) jetty, or on httpcore?

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-01 Thread faenvie
i dont see a  gen-class your snippet:

(ns mywebapp.firstservlet
  (:use [ring.util.servlet :only (defservice)])
   :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet))

(defservice app)




On Nov 1, 8:09 pm, Mike Meyer  wrote:
> Ok, I've got a simple web application that works running on embedded
> jetty using the ring jetty adapter. I would now like to deploy it in
> an infrastructure that will restart it if it dies, the system reboots,
> etc. I've already got tomcat doing most of that, so the obvious choice
> is a WAR file. Trouble is, trying the obvious thing from the
> documentation doesn't work. The examples I find on the web all either
> fail the same way, don't build (given that this is all new and still
> rapidly evolving software, understandable), or involve using another
> level of software. I chose ring because it looked like I could use
> ring handlers in a number of different web servers without that extra
> level.
> Ok, this is the working serlvet.clj file: It picks up the handler from
> x10.core, and then runs that:
> (ns x10.servlet
>   [:use [x10.core :only (handler)]
>         ring.adapter.jetty
>         ring.middleware.reload ring.middleware.stacktrace])
> (def app
>      (-> #'handler
>          (wrap-reload '(x10.core))
>          (wrap-stacktrace)))
> (defn boot [] (run-jetty #'app {:port 8088}))
> The goal is to get the same handler running in a server framework.
> I'm trying tomcat via a WAR file: based on the ring documentation, I
> added war.clj (this is just the latest variant):
> (ns x10.war
>   [:use [x10.core :only (handler)]
>         ring.util.servlet])
> (defservice handler)
> Then added ring/ring-servlet to the project.clj :dependencies, an
> :aout pointing x10.war, and build it using leiningen-war. Deploying
> the resulting war file gets tomcat log messages about not being able
> to create a SESSIONS.ser file, and a web page complaining that "The
> requested resource (/x10/) is not available."
> I did try building/deploying the compjure war example, and that at
> least shows me the static page, so I believe the tomcat install is
> correct.
> Anyone got pointers to how to generate a WAR file for a simple
> application, or suggestions on how to fix war.clj? Anything else you
> might need to see to fix this?
> Alternatively, instructions for deploying the same handler on either a
> stand-alone (instead of an embedded) jetty, or on httpcore?
>    Thanks
>     --
> Mike Meyer 
> Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
> O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-01 Thread faenvie
my short-time experience with implementing webapps on
a clojure-base is:

i feel like in the very early days of java-servlet-api and j2ee.

productivity way way way behind springframework or grails

i don't even want to think about doing something sophisticated
like security-integration.

and of course this is not surprising because everything is
new and much things are built up from scratch.

esp. when it comes to build and webapp-deployment i feel a
mismatch that hurts.

(this is an average java-programmer with 2+ years experience
in implementing webapps with springframework and grails)

thanks & have a successful time

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread Luke VanderHart
fanvie, two comments:

1. It will get better over time, of course, as standard practices for
Clojure shake out.
2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
Spring does.

 A couple of examples:

A. Beans & wiring. Spring adds a lot of value in Java - the whole
problem they solve, however, is completely irrelevant in Clojure.
Instead of stateful or singleton beans, just use a namespace filled
with functions. Equally as versatile, equally as configurable, much
less mental and typographical overhead, and all within the language
itself without requiring extra config. If you want another layer of
indirection between your caller and callee, it's trivial to def that
out, too.

B. Security integration. Spring gives you elaborate security-filter-
chains that manage request and session scoped authorization and user
objects, all of which wrap the basic servlet API. Clojure, with
stateless first-class functions, makes this far simpler. In Ring, for
example, all your security functions can be implemented as middleware
that just throws a :user onto the request map. I've done it - it's
literally easier to write a Clojure middleware function that handles
authentication from scratch than it is to figure out how to wire in
whatever spring security filter you need. And all the code you need to
write is actually 100% relevant to your authentication logic. To my
mind, this is a vast improvement over Spring, where the few nuggets of
actual logic are lost in a sea of Java filters, wrappers and xml
configuration files.

The same holds true of most other Spring/Grails idioms, such as MVC,
JDBC access, AOP, etc.

On Nov 1, 5:34 pm, faenvie  wrote:
> my short-time experience with implementing webapps on
> a clojure-base is:
> i feel like in the very early days of java-servlet-api and j2ee.
> productivity way way way behind springframework or grails
> i don't even want to think about doing something sophisticated
> like security-integration.
> and of course this is not surprising because everything is
> new and much things are built up from scratch.
> esp. when it comes to build and webapp-deployment i feel a
> mismatch that hurts.
> (this is an average java-programmer with 2+ years experience
> in implementing webapps with springframework and grails)
> thanks & have a successful time

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread Wilson MacGyver
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Luke VanderHart
> fanvie, two comments:
> 2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
> you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
> powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
> Spring does.

I'll take exception to this comment. I think calling what grails as a framework
provide you as "special crap", is at best, a disservice to grails as well as
other web framework.

At the end of the day, people want to deliver a solution for a problem they are
working on. Not focusing on "oh look, shiny technology and abstractions"

There is value in being able to define a domain object, and right off the bat
have ORM taken care of for you, tables created, controllers setup
with CRUD/webservice/scafold.

and then grails war to produce a complete single war file to deploy to any
java application server.

Not everyone "needs" it, but that doesn't make it crap.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread lprefontaine
Luke, I must agree with Wilson, other frameworks have some advantages
presently over Clojure for certain tasks.

We use RAILS and JRuby to create CRUD GUIs with ActiveScaffold.
Our controllers are typically 20 lines or less of configuration statements... 
We do not need to maintain HTML templates either.

When I looked at Grails 18 months ago it was requiring more code
lines than Rails for our purpose but this has certainly improved somehow

Hard to beat Rails now. We will build some prototype with Conjoure
in the next year or so to see how it fares compared to RAILS.

We are testing a web app to display the medical record in a read only
fashion and we used Compojure coupled with Spring and Hibernate.
It will be in beta testing next week. It has to support 100 users.
Using Hibernate was a logicial choice.

We still use Spring but only to wire low-level stuff (like the
ORM and factoring some objects interfacing with libraries). Spring does
a good job at this and we do not write tons of XML lines or even code
to get this to work.

Luc P.

Wilson MacGyver  wrote ..
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > fanvie, two comments:
> > 2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
> > you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
> > powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
> > Spring does.
> I'll take exception to this comment. I think calling what grails as a 
> framework
> provide you as "special crap", is at best, a disservice to grails as well as
> other web framework.
> At the end of the day, people want to deliver a solution for a problem they 
> are
> working on. Not focusing on "oh look, shiny technology and abstractions"
> There is value in being able to define a domain object, and right off the bat
> have ORM taken care of for you, tables created, controllers setup
> with CRUD/webservice/scafold.
> and then grails war to produce a complete single war file to deploy to any
> java application server.
> Not everyone "needs" it, but that doesn't make it crap.
> ---
> Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
> -- 
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread Chris Riddoch
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Luke VanderHart
> fanvie, two comments:
> 1. It will get better over time, of course, as standard practices for
> Clojure shake out.
> 2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
> you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
> powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
> Spring does.

Given other responses, I'd like to chime in with some agreement with
Luke.  I think it's important to be aware of what frameworks do for
you, and what they don't do.  It can be very easy, in a framework like
Rails, to get a simple UI for doing basic CRUD operations on a single
table, and for indicating basic relationships in the model. And
someone's written a little HTML here and there to save you a little
effort in the view.

But what frameworks *don't* give you is a solution to the particular
problem you're working on, and while it seems at first like they've
already written 80% of your app, you'll quickly find that it's really
a lot closer to 8% -- and the easy 8%, at that.

For anything more complicated than a grocery list, the differences
between frameworks is dwarfed by the application-specific logic of
your project.  I'm always amused when people try out some framework by
making a blog, "proving" their framework is better because they could
do it in 20 lines of code instead of 30.

Beware frameworks that claim to be "easy."  It usually means that the
complexity lurks somewhere else.

Chris Riddoch

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread lprefontaine

Your comment misses the point. We chose RAILS because it met 90% of our 
needs... not because of some claims it would solve any problem.
We then selected RAILS over Grails then based on the time it required us to 
code, the # of code lines was a very good measure then to make our final 
selection between these two.

This is why we use a mix of RAILS, Clojure and Spring. We chose the components
best fitted to do specific things in our design. We did not choose a buzz word
and then tried to make everything a nail so we could use a single hammer.

For the medical record read-only view we did in Compojure/Clojure to
extract a tree like model from the database and do html rendering with
Why ? because it was a perfect match for Clojure's abilities and it's very
concise code-wise. There are around 50 tables to grab to display a medical
record. Rails would have been too complex to implement over this
since we only need to provide a read only view.

Choosing between frameworks or making them coexist requires some
knowledge about them, then you can have a selection process and see were
you can apply them.

Doing the reverse is non sense (choosing a framework based on some hyped 
reviews and then use for every need).

BTW, we are driving interactions between several services in an hospital here,
you can bet it's a bit more complex than a grocery list :)

I totally agree that Clojure is a better tool to create abstractions, however
we need to deliver now something that works today in the real world.
Reusing what is available if it eases the pain to deliver is common sense.

We cannot rewrite the whole universe in Clojure in one year. That's a fact.
It's improving but will take some time to cover a number of areas.

None of the above choices we made are static in time. They will change as 
things evolve over time and yes we tend to favor Clojure as much as possible
to replace the other frameworks when an alternate solution is ready.

We do not necessarily wait for prime time here, we are willing to push things
in production that are not yet polished but not at the expense of increased
delivery times and efforts.

And again no we are not in the retail business at all :)))

Luc P.

Chris Riddoch  wrote ..
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > fanvie, two comments:
> >
> > 1. It will get better over time, of course, as standard practices for
> > Clojure shake out.
> > 2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
> > you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
> > powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
> > Spring does.
> Given other responses, I'd like to chime in with some agreement with
> Luke.  I think it's important to be aware of what frameworks do for
> you, and what they don't do.  It can be very easy, in a framework like
> Rails, to get a simple UI for doing basic CRUD operations on a single
> table, and for indicating basic relationships in the model. And
> someone's written a little HTML here and there to save you a little
> effort in the view.
> But what frameworks *don't* give you is a solution to the particular
> problem you're working on, and while it seems at first like they've
> already written 80% of your app, you'll quickly find that it's really
> a lot closer to 8% -- and the easy 8%, at that.
> For anything more complicated than a grocery list, the differences
> between frameworks is dwarfed by the application-specific logic of
> your project.  I'm always amused when people try out some framework by
> making a blog, "proving" their framework is better because they could
> do it in 20 lines of code instead of 30.
> Beware frameworks that claim to be "easy."  It usually means that the
> complexity lurks somewhere else.
> -- 
> Chris Riddoch
> -- 
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 7:26 PM,   wrote:
> Doing the reverse is non sense (choosing a framework based on some hyped
> reviews and then use for every need).
> We cannot rewrite the whole universe in Clojure in one year. That's a fact.
> It's improving but will take some time to cover a number of areas.

We seem to be in a similar position. We have a large CFML web
application using frameworks that were decided before I joined the
project. I initially introduced some Scala to handle some
performance-critical XML transformations. Now I'm looking at the
long-term roadmap for what we need to continue to grow our business
and I'm prototyping sections of the application in Clojure but we're a
bit hamstrung by some restrictions in the frameworks that were chosen
(mainly the ColdBox MVC framework - CFML itself is not a problem) so
until I can break some dependency chains, I can't move Clojure into
production. But that will happen fairly soon (this past weekend I
rewrote one core low-level component in Clojure to get us a step

I expect we'll stay with CFML for application views - CFML is a great
HTML templating language - and we'll switch to a much simpler CFML MVC
framework to replace ColdBox (FW/1 - which I wrote and published last
year) so the controllers will stay in CFML. But the model will slowly
migrate entirely to Clojure over time I expect.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Luke VanderHart
Ok... Fair enough. Most of my comment related to Spring, not to

Grails has other issues which I won't get into here.

I have nothing but respect for Rails, and I look forward to the day
when Clojure has a comparable system.

On Nov 2, 2:32 pm, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > fanvie, two comments:
> > 2. You don't need 99% of the special crap that Spring/Grails gives
> > you. Clojure's abstractions are smaller, yes, but the're just as
> > powerful, and give you more control, in a more standardized way, then
> > Spring does.
> I'll take exception to this comment. I think calling what grails as a 
> framework
> provide you as "special crap", is at best, a disservice to grails as well as
> other web framework.
> At the end of the day, people want to deliver a solution for a problem they 
> are
> working on. Not focusing on "oh look, shiny technology and abstractions"
> There is value in being able to define a domain object, and right off the bat
> have ORM taken care of for you, tables created, controllers setup
> with CRUD/webservice/scafold.
> and then grails war to produce a complete single war file to deploy to any
> java application server.
> Not everyone "needs" it, but that doesn't make it crap.
> ---
> Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Sean Corfield
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Luke VanderHart
> I have nothing but respect for Rails, and I look forward to the day
> when Clojure has a comparable system.

I sort of have to ask "why?" - what's wrong with using Rails on JRuby
for the front end and Clojure for the model?

Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread lprefontaine
Sean Corfield  wrote ..
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > I have nothing but respect for Rails, and I look forward to the day
> > when Clojure has a comparable system.
> I sort of have to ask "why?" - what's wrong with using Rails on JRuby
> for the front end and Clojure for the model?
> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?

No idea at all why it's so obsessive :), if a tool
offers more comfort than another, well I'll choose the first one.
Maybe because I am aging (not sure yet if it's a symptom of a disease
or some form of wisdom :). 

The idea is to not let earlier choices fossilize but keep looking on
better alternatives as time passes by.

Luc P.

> -- 
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. --
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread faenvie
most companys i know - i have come around a lot last
years - clearly prefer spring to grails because:

1. the integration-aspect is much more important for them than partial
productivity win or promise.

2. java is established in their tech portfolio groovy is not

clojure is completely out of scope for them.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Luke VanderHart
I have no problem at all with polyglot systems.

That said, Clojure, as a general-purpose programming language, is in
my subjective opinion superior to Ruby. Furthermore, there is nothing
special about Ruby that makes it particularly suited to webapps (MVC
webapps, perhaps, but MVC is not the only paradigm)

As such, I expect and would welcome an eventual Clojure web framework
with the same level of polish and stability as Rails. I don't mind
polyglot programming, but one-language programming is easier. Plus, I
just like working in Clojure.

I don't think that's unreasonable, is it? Development platforms are
not a zero-sum game. Just because I work on/prefer a Clojure framework
to a Ruby one doesn't mean I'm trying to insult or belittle Rails.

On Nov 3, 1:43 pm, Sean Corfield  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > I have nothing but respect for Rails, and I look forward to the day
> > when Clojure has a comparable system.
> I sort of have to ask "why?" - what's wrong with using Rails on JRuby
> for the front end and Clojure for the model?
> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. --
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread buckmeisterq
> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?

This was/is one of the original selling points and philosophies of Rails - a 
monolingual system should mean less context switching, less glue code for 
things to talk to each other, fewer bugs and mistakes stemming from uniformity 
of language, and better "flow" to the programming. 


-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 13:52:13 
Subject: Re: From jetty to war?

Sean Corfield  wrote ..
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Luke VanderHart
>  wrote:
> > I have nothing but respect for Rails, and I look forward to the day
> > when Clojure has a comparable system.
> I sort of have to ask "why?" - what's wrong with using Rails on JRuby
> for the front end and Clojure for the model?
> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?

No idea at all why it's so obsessive :), if a tool
offers more comfort than another, well I'll choose the first one.
Maybe because I am aging (not sure yet if it's a symptom of a disease
or some form of wisdom :). 

The idea is to not let earlier choices fossilize but keep looking on
better alternatives as time passes by.

Luc P.

> -- 
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Sean Corfield
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 10:59 AM,   wrote:
> This was/is one of the original selling points and philosophies of Rails - a 
> monolingual system should mean less context switching, less glue code for 
> things to talk to each other, fewer bugs and mistakes stemming from 
> uniformity of language, and better "flow" to the programming.

Well, that's one of the selling points of any full stack framework in
any language (and, as you can probably guess, I don't buy it :)

My experience is that full stack frameworks get you quickly to a
part-way solution but the closer you get to your full solution, you
harder you have to work against the framework to make progress. A
discussion about frameworks came up on one of the XP lists a while
back and the feeling was that micro-frameworks are much better - more
agile - than full-stack frameworks, and that's something I agree with.

Anyway, I think we're a long way off topic for the OP / question now...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Mike Meyer
Sean Corfield  wrote ..
> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?

We're facing that now, and with a mono-lingual system, you know
everyone can contribute to any part of the project. If different parts
are in different languages, then people working in one area won't
necessarily be able to help with other parts should they need the

Of course, what you're calling "insistent" is just people wanting to
the frameworks to exist so they *can* do that, not really insisting
that some current system be monolingual in spite of that lack. Even
the above (admittedly minor) advantage to monolingual systems is
enough to justify wanting those frameworks even while you're building
multilingual systems.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Sean Corfield
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Mike Meyer
> We're facing that now, and with a mono-lingual system, you know
> everyone can contribute to any part of the project. If different parts
> are in different languages, then people working in one area won't
> necessarily be able to help with other parts should they need the
> help.

Solution: don't have monolingual programmers on your team :)

I do understand the forces at play here. I've worked with a lot of
monolingual teams and seen these same discussions about wishing we had
framework X from language Y. I just cringe at the work invested in
recreating all these frameworks in so many languages - especially when
we're (nearly) all on the same JVM and we _could_ leverage these other
languages / frameworks as-is. It just seems like so much wasted effort

I'll shut up about this now...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread faenvie
btw.: me too has great respect for ruby/rails

one of the nice aspects of clojure is, that multiple
currents and flavours of modern programming
accumulate/reconvene in there.

like evolution. diversity is good. it produces its own
power and controversy.

my fazit: clojure has great potential for webapp-development.
but atm many libs/tools are in an early state or missing. this
situation will improve/clear up over the years ...

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Mike Meyer
On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 16:26:13 -0700
Sean Corfield  wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Mike Meyer
>  wrote:
> > We're facing that now, and with a mono-lingual system, you know
> > everyone can contribute to any part of the project. If different parts
> > are in different languages, then people working in one area won't
> > necessarily be able to help with other parts should they need the
> > help.
> Solution: don't have monolingual programmers on your team :)

What, we shouldn't hire Americans? :-)

That only helps if everyone actually knows all the languages involved
(we're looking at Ruby, Python and I'm trying to make a case for
Clojure - but the critical language for my part of it is going to be
XPath and/or XQuery).

Finding good people is hard enough that wanting them to be good in
three or four languages is enough to break the camels back. If you've
got time to cross-train them - then you don't need

> I do understand the forces at play here. I've worked with a lot of
> monolingual teams and seen these same discussions about wishing we had
> framework X from language Y. I just cringe at the work invested in
> recreating all these frameworks in so many languages - especially when
> we're (nearly) all on the same JVM and we _could_ leverage these other
> languages / frameworks as-is. It just seems like so much wasted effort

Except (in least in this case) some of the languages aren't on the
JVM. In fact, I'm starting to get pressure against Jython and Clojure
because of the legal mess that's starting to embroil the Java
world. Way off topic, but anyone got any advice on *that*?
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-03 Thread Sean Corfield
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Mike Meyer
>> Solution: don't have monolingual programmers on your team :)
> What, we shouldn't hire Americans? :-)

Normally that joke is aimed at Brits like me :)

> That only helps if everyone actually knows all the languages involved

Well, smart people pick up new languages pretty easily and you don't
need _experts_ in all those languages to make it work.

> Except (in least in this case) some of the languages aren't on the
> JVM. In fact, I'm starting to get pressure against Jython and Clojure
> because of the legal mess that's starting to embroil the Java
> world. Way off topic, but anyone got any advice on *that*?

That's an interesting one. In my opinion it's a very paranoid (and
uninformed) company that actually thinks they need to worry about
*JVM*-based languages. There are multiple JVM implementations and none
of the important ones are the subject of litigation.

If you're not building Java-based apps for Android, why would they care?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Steven Arnold
On Nov 3, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:

> Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?

Business reasons.  Two languages means staffing expertise in both languages, 
either people who know both and cost more, or two people who cost less.  In 
compsci terms, it's another dependency, which increases vulnerability.  And 
Clojure and Ruby are quite different in syntax, features and general attitude 
about the world.  Finally, while Clojure is great, it is not accepted enough 
yet to be able to easily find people who know it, who are good, and who are 
available.  (All up-and-coming languages have to deal with this.  The solution 
is to be dramatically better at solving certain problems, aka having a killer 
app.  Ruby's killer app was/is Rails.  When you are 10x more efficient at 
solving a problem, the bean counters wake up.)

I don't even like having to use Javascript, or even HTML or CSS.  I do so 
because it's the only way, really.  I wish I could do everything in one great 

Which leads me to faenie's earlier comment:

On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:34 PM, faenvie wrote:

> my short-time experience with implementing webapps on
> a clojure-base is:
> i feel like in the very early days of java-servlet-api and j2ee.

That's my feeling too.  Clojure is very impressive, but I think the ecosystem 
needs some maturing, more like e.g. jRuby.

I'd like to see Clojure have a Pythonesque (batteries included) core library 
(not bifurcated as with clojure-contrib) that allows you to do the vast 
majority of what you'd want to do without additional libraries; and a gem or 
CPAN-style repository of modules.  On a simpler level, I'd like it to Just Work 
Without Hassles.  Install Clojure, write script, run anywhere without complex 
commands, twiddling with the environment, etc.  For me, getting simple Clojure 
programs to work was difficult, not because I wrote them wrong, but because I 
had to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the JVM way of doing things.

It's still a great start and I am eager to see how Clojure develops over the 
coming months and years.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread lprefontaine
Steven Arnold  wrote ..
> On Nov 3, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:
> > Why are folks so insistent on monolingual systems?
> Business reasons.  Two languages means staffing expertise in both languages,
> people who know both and cost more, or two people who cost less.  In compsci
> it's another dependency, which increases vulnerability.  And Clojure and Ruby 
> are
> quite different in syntax, features and general attitude about the world. 
> while Clojure is great, it is not accepted enough yet to be able to easily 
> find
> people who know it, who are good, and who are available.  (All up-and-coming
> have to deal with this.  The solution is to be dramatically better at solving
> problems, aka having a killer app.  Ruby's killer app was/is Rails.  When you 
> are
> 10x more efficient at solving a problem, the bean counters wake up.)

Having expert people mastering several tools in any project increases the like
hood of being on time and within budget. The "blue collar" approach where one
person knows only one thing and were you try to build "teams" to create software
does not work within the scheduled time and budgets. We see this here everyday
here, we have government driven projects following a Taylor style approach 
to software projects and they never get anything done on time and on budget.
They do not even approach their target ROI by a significant factor.
Private businesses do not go very far on this track given that their
resources are limited but they have their own significant rate of failures.

I drove a business creating custom software components for several
customers in different markets for 7 years and we were 4 times faster
than our customer's staff. We mastered multiple languages and frameworks and
we were not dividing responsibilities between a bunch of individuals according
to these artificial barriers. We were not afraid of putting forward creative
solutions to their specific needs for the same reasons.

Using a single hammer to solve any given problems is an error. You are
better with a swiss knife. The super all purpose hammer maybe on its way
but its not there yet

Luc P. 

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Steven Arnold

On Nov 5, 2010, at 10:20 AM, wrote:

> Having expert people mastering several tools in any project increases the like
> hood of being on time and within budget.

I agree partially.  Given unlimited resources, it would be great for all the 
people on the project to have a mastery of all the tools used in the project.  
But resources are never unlimited, and therefore compromise is always 
necessary.  I bet your organization was a small, focused team of experts -- a 
sharp tool for specific jobs -- not a large consulting organization with 
hundreds of employees and dozens of major projects.

The primary point I was making was that each new technology introduces overhead 
in development, maintenance and operations.  Therefore it should be included 
only if the benefit is compelling when compared to the change in costs 
associated with a team who can develop, maintain and operate a system that uses 
the technology.  If a team like yours introduces a new technology, eventually 
the customer will have to maintain and operate it without your staff of 
top-notch experts to hold their hands.  And I guess you guys weren't cheap in 
the first place.  As they say, fast delivery, low cost, high quality -- pick 
any two.  You were high quality and fast delivery.

As far as failed projects go, in my experience, most failed projects fail not 
because the team is not good enough to deliver -- although this is possible -- 
but because of poor project leadership, poor executive support, requirements 
that shift too much, or disinterested or distant customers.  These are 
essentially business reasons, not technical reasons.


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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread lprefontaine
Steven Arnold  wrote ..
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 10:20 AM, wrote:
> > Having expert people mastering several tools in any project increases the 
> > like
> > hood of being on time and within budget.
> I agree partially.  Given unlimited resources, it would be great for all the
> on the project to have a mastery of all the tools used in the project.  But
> are never unlimited, and therefore compromise is always necessary.  I bet your
> organization was a small, focused team of experts -- a sharp tool for specific
> jobs -- not a large consulting organization with hundreds of employees and 
> dozens
> of major projects.

That's why the large consulting organizations typically fail...
I could give you around 2 billion$ worth of failed projects in the last 5
years driven by the big consulting firms here without having to dig very

I am not talking about the success of these big organizations (bill until
the customer budgets are exhausted). I am talking about the success of the 
projects themselves. I can assure you than up here these large organizations
are healthy. Not true about their customers budgets... but that's their
business model.

> The primary point I was making was that each new technology introduces 
> overhead
> in development, maintenance and operations.  Therefore it should be included 
> only
> if the benefit is compelling when compared to the change in costs associated 
> with
> a team who can develop, maintain and operate a system that uses the 
> technology.

Exactly what I have been saying earlier in this thread. Pick the proper tool...
if a project was developed faster with it then guess what, the maintenance cost
will be following the same trend.

> If a team like yours introduces a new technology, eventually the customer will
> have to maintain and operate it without your staff of top-notch experts to 
> hold
> their hands.  And I guess you guys weren't cheap in the first place.  As they 
> say,
> fast delivery, low cost, high quality -- pick any two.  You were high quality 
> and
> fast delivery.

Yep but we were not either cheap or charging high fees. We used to sell fixed
cost projects. Real fixed cost, not the "let's go in at cost + 3% and then 
lets make our bread and butter on change requests".

And we were not trying to pull the customer out of is comfort bubble
technology wise. However we were proposing original designs with the
then trendy technologies that our customers embraced at the time.
We knew more about their business and the software tool they used
than their employees. That's what I call being a consultant, bringing
some expertise and real solutions to the table, not just merely occupying a 

> As far as failed projects go, in my experience, most failed projects fail not
> the team is not good enough to deliver -- although this is possible -- but 
> because
> of poor project leadership, poor executive support, requirements that shift 
> too
> much, or disinterested or distant customers.  These are essentially business
> not technical reasons.

These are valid reasons.. after the failure. The early detectable reason why
projects are doomed to fail is that many projects are huge in scope and timeline
and are not sliced to deliver some ROI fast enough.

Customers are not getting usable components delivered in the near future.
They just get vague promises that something will be delivered in x years.
Nothing tangible there just vapor ware.

And by the way can you pay me now since we completed 30% of the analysis...
you can guess what is the ROI of such a delivery mile stone, it's worth
about as much as toilet paper in terms of ROI.

Given the pace of technology, user expectations, ... we should aim at short
development cycles. Exactly the opposite of what occurs in these huge projects.

We worked on projects worth more than 1 million dollars on several occasions
but we never submitted proposals to bite the bullet at once. We focused
on ROI milestones ... for the customer's sake.


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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Ken Wesson
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:42 PM,   wrote:
> Customers are not getting usable components delivered in the near future.
> They just get vague promises that something will be delivered in x years.
> Nothing tangible there just vapor ware.

That's more than Half-Life fans are getting from Valve -- they won't
even give a "vague promise that something will be delivered in x

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread lprefontaine
Ken Wesson  wrote ..
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:42 PM,   wrote:
> > Customers are not getting usable components delivered in the near future.
> > They just get vague promises that something will be delivered in x years.
> > Nothing tangible there just vapor ware.
> That's more than Half-Life fans are getting from Valve -- they won't
> even give a "vague promise that something will be delivered in x
> years"!

Agree but each user did not have to pay 10,000$ each
BEFORE the first alpha release :))) oups !

Luc P.
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Michael Ossareh
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 20:51, Mike Meyer <> wrote:

> Finding good people is hard enough that wanting them to be good in
> three or four languages is enough to break the camels back. If you've
> got time to cross-train them - then you don't need
I've regularly found that the multi-disciplinarian programmer is far more
adept at solving issues in a creative manner than the "I've a skilled hammer
and I'll wield it in the direction of any nail"-mono-linguistic programmer.

Perhaps that is just an artifact of working in startups though.

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Steven Arnold

On Nov 5, 2010, at 12:42 PM, wrote:

> That's why the large consulting organizations typically fail...

I agree with most of your points.  So let me address the one point which was 
the original subject of the thread...

>> The primary point I was making was that each new technology introduces 
>> overhead
>> in development, maintenance and operations.  Therefore it should be included 
>> only
>> if the benefit is compelling when compared to the change in costs associated 
>> with
>> a team who can develop, maintain and operate a system that uses the 
>> technology.
> Exactly what I have been saying earlier in this thread. Pick the proper 
> tool...
> if a project was developed faster with it then guess what, the maintenance 
> cost
> will be following the same trend.

I once had a very senior database developer take a set of requirements and 
deliver to me a solution that used a specialized database framework called 
Queues.  Work was prepared, placed on the queue in the database, and a client 
later took the work off the queue and performed it.  It took a few weeks to 
deliver the solution.  It did everything it was supposed to do.

But then the need changed slightly.  We needed to resumbit work sometimes, or a 
portion of the work.  We needed some work to be more important than other work. 
 We wanted to tune the submission of work so we didn't pile up on a resource 
that was obviously not functional (e.g. a server that was straining or 
completely down).

It turned out that for many reasons, the Queues framework was simply not 
designed to handle these variations on our original problem.  After spending a 
lot of money and time trying to force the solution to work, we ended up 
throwing the whole thing away and using a simple table to store our work.

Queues caused the product to be delivered perhaps 50% faster.  But maintaining 
the product was a nightmare.

Our database developer was a very senior resource.  He had spent his entire 
career mastering the toolsets he used to deliver the product I asked from him.  
But it took all the cleverness of this senior resource to create a solution.  
The rest of my team were not as versed in that database platform and its 
frameworks as this developer.  We did not have enough cleverness on the team to 
maintain the very clever tool he had created.

This is why the proliferation of toolsets, including languages and major 
frameworks, is at best a necessary evil.  Additional technologies add overhead 
and they add risk.  This is why people want to keep the technology stack short 
and sweet.  This is why speed of development does not trump everything else, 
and why speed of delivery is not a perfect corollary to ease of maintenance or 


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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Sean Corfield
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Michael Ossareh  wrote:
> I've regularly found that the multi-disciplinarian programmer is far more
> adept at solving issues in a creative manner than the "I've a skilled hammer
> and I'll wield it in the direction of any nail"-mono-linguistic programmer.
> Perhaps that is just an artifact of working in startups though.

Possibly. I've worked in a variety of organizations from small
startups to large corporations (such as insurance companies). In the
smaller companies, developers have to wear more hats and it's common
for a web developer to know HTML, JavaScript, SQL, **insert scripting
language** and often shell scripts and / or other tools to help
automate tasks. I don't see much difference between that and **insert
multiple languages**.

My exposure to the Agile world also leads me to believe they favor
multi-disciplinary developers for productivity - and they certainly
favor small teams of more experienced / expert programmers over large
teams of less capable programmers. They also seem to be suspicious of
frameworks because the more a framework seems to do for you, the less
Agile it is likely to be if your requirements change (Steven's post
about the Queues framework reinforces this argument).

Interesting to see different people's opinions here - and to know that
I'm not alone in my thinking (although I may well be in the minority).
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Mike Meyer
On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 13:42:44 -0700
Sean Corfield  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Michael Ossareh  wrote:
> > I've regularly found that the multi-disciplinarian programmer is far more
> > adept at solving issues in a creative manner than the "I've a skilled hammer
> > and I'll wield it in the direction of any nail"-mono-linguistic programmer.
> > Perhaps that is just an artifact of working in startups though.
> Possibly.

His comment is generally true, at least so long as the languages are
really different. The obvious solution in one language may be
non-obvious in a second, but have advantages over the obvious solution
in the second language. A programmer skilled in both languages is more
likely to see that "creative" solution than one who only knows the
second language.

> I've worked in a variety of organizations from small
> startups to large corporations (such as insurance companies). In the
> smaller companies, developers have to wear more hats and it's common
> for a web developer to know HTML, JavaScript, SQL, **insert scripting
> language** and often shell scripts and / or other tools to help
> automate tasks. I don't see much difference between that and **insert
> multiple languages**.

This affect only works if the languages are sufficiently different to
have different "obvious" solutions for a large number of problems.
This is why people recommend learning a LISP even if you'll never use
it - it will expand the way you look at problems. In your case, you
have a markup language instead of a programming language, a database
language, and a handful of scripting languages. Depending on the
scripting languages, that's more like an expert in C++, C# and Java -
basically three iterations of the same language - than an expert in
(for example) C, Python, and Scheme.

When it comes to multi-language projects, if you project is all
Python, then someone who knows C/Python/Scheme and someone who knows
Java/Python/Clojure are probably equivalent candidates. If your
project is Java/Python, then the second one would be a good fit, and
the first somewhat questionable (at the very least, they'll need time
to come up to speed on Java). So even if you restrict yourself to
multilingual programmers, multiple implementation languages cuts down
on the pool of qualified people.
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Ken Wesson
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:20 PM,   wrote:
> Ken Wesson  wrote ..
>> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:42 PM,   wrote:
>> > Customers are not getting usable components delivered in the near future.
>> > They just get vague promises that something will be delivered in x years.
>> > Nothing tangible there just vapor ware.
>> That's more than Half-Life fans are getting from Valve -- they won't
>> even give a "vague promise that something will be delivered in x
>> years"!
> Agree but each user did not have to pay 10,000$ each
> BEFORE the first alpha release :)))

That much is true. That's probably what saves Valve from the end of a
lynch mob's rope. :)

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-05 Thread Sean Corfield
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Mike Meyer
> This affect only works if the languages are sufficiently different to
> have different "obvious" solutions for a large number of problems.
> This is why people recommend learning a LISP even if you'll never use
> it - it will expand the way you look at problems.

True, and why for years I've recommended to the CFML developers I
interact with that they should learn languages like Prolog and Haskell
rather than Java. Now I have the luxury of recommending they learn
Clojure so they can stay within the JVM :)

FWIW, my constant tweets and blog posts about Clojure have encouraged
a number of them to try Clojure but most of them don't yet see a use
case for it (because a lot of their apps are UI intensive and mostly
just do CRUD behind the scenes - which CFML is very good at,
especially now it has Hibernate ORM built-in).

> So even if you restrict yourself to
> multilingual programmers, multiple implementation languages cuts down
> on the pool of qualified people.

True dat... I know a lot of languages but Python is not one of them so
I'd be no use for that hypothetical job (and why I was bummed when my
former boss at Macromedia went to Linden Labs - because they required
developers to know Python and I wasn't qualified to work for her :(
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-06 Thread
You'll learn Python quickly enough anyhow. Python is not very hard.

2010/11/5 Sean Corfield 

> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Mike Meyer
>  wrote:
> > This affect only works if the languages are sufficiently different to
> > have different "obvious" solutions for a large number of problems.
> > This is why people recommend learning a LISP even if you'll never use
> > it - it will expand the way you look at problems.
> True, and why for years I've recommended to the CFML developers I
> interact with that they should learn languages like Prolog and Haskell
> rather than Java. Now I have the luxury of recommending they learn
> Clojure so they can stay within the JVM :)
> FWIW, my constant tweets and blog posts about Clojure have encouraged
> a number of them to try Clojure but most of them don't yet see a use
> case for it (because a lot of their apps are UI intensive and mostly
> just do CRUD behind the scenes - which CFML is very good at,
> especially now it has Hibernate ORM built-in).
> > So even if you restrict yourself to
> > multilingual programmers, multiple implementation languages cuts down
> > on the pool of qualified people.
> True dat... I know a lot of languages but Python is not one of them so
> I'd be no use for that hypothetical job (and why I was bummed when my
> former boss at Macromedia went to Linden Labs - because they required
> developers to know Python and I wasn't qualified to work for her :(
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. --
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> --
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Re: From jetty to war?

2010-11-06 Thread Sean Corfield
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 5:59 AM,  wrote:
> You'll learn Python quickly enough anyhow. Python is not very hard.

I generally pick up new programming languages pretty quickly. I
started my (working) life as a compiler writer and spent three years
prior doing research into functional language design and
implementation back in the early/mid-80's. My point was that they had
a requirement for Python programmers - not someone who could learn
Python on the job. It's rare that you get hired, not knowing a
company's primary language, and be expected to learn it quickly enough
to be productive.

I've dabbled with Python but certainly not enough to put it on my
resume. It's an OK language but not one that excited me so the
situation really was hypothetical - much as I'd like to work with my
former boss again, I'm not sure I'd want to be working in Python day
in, day out.

Languages are very subjective and, of course, preferences can change
over time. After my FP work in the 80's, I became a fairly hardcore C
programmer, then moved to C++ in '92, then jumped to Java in '97. I
nearly took a full-time role doing Prolog in the mid-90's (the company
structure sucked but the technology was very appealing). Over the last
five years there have been a lot more languages to play with - which I
like - but for me, everything has to interop. I may go back and
investigate Jython at some point but don't have a use case right now.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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