Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Robert Lally
One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it abandoned
Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the prime examples
for me was the use of first and rest rather than car and cdr. Sure, I can
read code with car and cdr but it never really communicated that well; I
always had to go through a translation step in my head.
With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that there
are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget, aset, assoc,
conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for this in the 21st
century? The trade off between meaningful method names and number of
characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my perspective;
particularly as IDE support matures and you will only need to type 'asso' to
have the IDE expand the function name to 'associate' for you. Using full
words as function names leads to more readable code .. which can only be a
good thing.

I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't believe the
trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure to a number of people
and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with abridged names makes it harder for
people to comprehend, makes it less likely that on first encountering a
piece of Clojure code that they'll be able to understand it, and so make it
less likely that I'll get to write Clojure for a living ... which makes me

Just some thoughts.

Rob Lally.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Rich Hickey

On Nov 10, 2008, at 8:48 AM, Robert Lally wrote:

> One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it  
> abandoned Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the  
> prime examples for me was the use of first and rest rather than car  
> and cdr. Sure, I can read code with car and cdr but it never really  
> communicated that well; I always had to go through a translation  
> step in my head.

It's important to note right away that car and cdr aren't  
abbreviations for anything more meaningful than car and cdr.

> With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that  
> there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget,  
> aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for  
> this in the 21st century?

I think so, but I understand this is somewhat subjective. It is useful  
to look at the 'competition' here (from random other languages):

array-get ->   []
associate ->   put
conjoin ->   add
compose ->   .

I don't see people coming from a language where array access is []  
feeling good about the verbosity of array-get.

put and add have imperative connotations that don't fit what assoc and  
conj do, so using them would only confuse people more.

> The trade off between meaningful method names and number of  
> characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my perspective;  
> particularly as IDE support matures and you will only need to type  
> 'asso' to have the IDE expand the function name to 'associate' for  
> you.

IDEs can be great, but having to rely on them is a real problem.  
People stumble over Lisps due to editors without adequate paren  
matching, and if my experience with Clojure users is a guide, people  
tend to try to stick with the editor they already know, leaving them  
waiting for specific language support. Adding completion to the  
'things your editor must do before you can write Clojure effectively'  
sets a high bar.

> Using full words as function names leads to more readable code ..  
> which can only be a good thing.

They do only to a point, and then the code gets larger and harder to  
scan, lines spill etc.

> I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't  
> believe the trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure  
> to a number of people and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with  
> abridged names makes it harder for people to comprehend, makes it  
> less likely that on first encountering a piece of Clojure code that  
> they'll be able to understand it, and so make it less likely that  
> I'll get to write Clojure for a living ... which makes me sad.

Well, people have to learn something new when they approach a new  
language. I'm not sure associate or conjoin would be more readily  
understood without some background on persistent immutable data  
structures. But at least it's not a lot of arbitrary syntax and  
associativity rules, and most of the short names are true  
abbreviations. Short names are one way Clojure can compete for brevity  
with languages that get their brevity from syntax. IMO, it's more  
approachable than Haskell, Erlang, Scala or any of the ML variants.

array-get, associate, conjoin and compose etc are all still available.  
I wonder - would people use them if they were provided as aliases? I  
know I wouldn't.  The vocabulary of seqs and collections is so small.  
While I appreciate the approachability argument, a language is  
ultimately for its practitioners. I imagine there are those that wish  
assoc/conj/apply et al were even shorter, or dedicated symbols...

Since I don't hear this argument too often, I image Clojure is  
striking an acceptable balance. What does everyone else think?


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Stuart Halloway

I am in favor of the existing names.  Things you use all the time  
(like the core of a language) should be concise, things that you use  
more rarely can have longer names.

That said, it would be pretty straightforward to alias longer names-- 
you could open source a humane_names.clj and let people vote with  
their feet.


> One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it  
> abandoned Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the  
> prime examples for me was the use of first and rest rather than car  
> and cdr. Sure, I can read code with car and cdr but it never really  
> communicated that well; I always had to go through a translation  
> step in my head.
> With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that  
> there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget,  
> aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for  
> this in the 21st century? The trade off between meaningful method  
> names and number of characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one  
> from my perspective; particularly as IDE support matures and you  
> will only need to type 'asso' to have the IDE expand the function  
> name to 'associate' for you. Using full words as function names  
> leads to more readable code .. which can only be a good thing.
> I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't  
> believe the trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure  
> to a number of people and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with  
> abridged names makes it harder for people to comprehend, makes it  
> less likely that on first encountering a piece of Clojure code that  
> they'll be able to understand it, and so make it less likely that  
> I'll get to write Clojure for a living ... which makes me sad.
> Just some thoughts.
> Rob Lally.
> >

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread blackdog

+1 on existing names

On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 09:50:12 -0500
Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 10, 2008, at 8:48 AM, Robert Lally wrote:
> > One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it  
> > abandoned Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of
> > the prime examples for me was the use of first and rest rather than
> > car and cdr. Sure, I can read code with car and cdr but it never
> > really communicated that well; I always had to go through a
> > translation step in my head.
> It's important to note right away that car and cdr aren't  
> abbreviations for anything more meaningful than car and cdr.
> > With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little )
> > that there are still abbreviated function names in many places  -
> > aget, aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need
> > for this in the 21st century?
> I think so, but I understand this is somewhat subjective. It is
> useful to look at the 'competition' here (from random other
> languages):
> array-get ->   []
> associate ->   put
> conjoin ->   add
> compose ->   .
> I don't see people coming from a language where array access is []  
> feeling good about the verbosity of array-get.
> put and add have imperative connotations that don't fit what assoc
> and conj do, so using them would only confuse people more.
> > The trade off between meaningful method names and number of  
> > characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my
> > perspective; particularly as IDE support matures and you will only
> > need to type 'asso' to have the IDE expand the function name to
> > 'associate' for you.
> IDEs can be great, but having to rely on them is a real problem.  
> People stumble over Lisps due to editors without adequate paren  
> matching, and if my experience with Clojure users is a guide, people  
> tend to try to stick with the editor they already know, leaving them  
> waiting for specific language support. Adding completion to the  
> 'things your editor must do before you can write Clojure
> effectively' sets a high bar.
> > Using full words as function names leads to more readable code ..  
> > which can only be a good thing.
> They do only to a point, and then the code gets larger and harder to  
> scan, lines spill etc.
> > I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't  
> > believe the trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure  
> > to a number of people and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with  
> > abridged names makes it harder for people to comprehend, makes it  
> > less likely that on first encountering a piece of Clojure code
> > that they'll be able to understand it, and so make it less likely
> > that I'll get to write Clojure for a living ... which makes me sad.
> Well, people have to learn something new when they approach a new  
> language. I'm not sure associate or conjoin would be more readily  
> understood without some background on persistent immutable data  
> structures. But at least it's not a lot of arbitrary syntax and  
> associativity rules, and most of the short names are true  
> abbreviations. Short names are one way Clojure can compete for
> brevity with languages that get their brevity from syntax. IMO, it's
> more approachable than Haskell, Erlang, Scala or any of the ML
> variants.
> array-get, associate, conjoin and compose etc are all still
> available. I wonder - would people use them if they were provided as
> aliases? I know I wouldn't.  The vocabulary of seqs and collections
> is so small. While I appreciate the approachability argument, a
> language is ultimately for its practitioners. I imagine there are
> those that wish assoc/conj/apply et al were even shorter, or
> dedicated symbols...
> Since I don't hear this argument too often, I image Clojure is  
> striking an acceptable balance. What does everyone else think?
> Rich
> > 

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Jeff Rose

This is an argument that will probably go on for a long, long time, and 
I wonder if it might have to do with the way that people think and 
program.  Personally, I tend to throw together lots of small experiments 
in the process of developing, and being able to use short symbols for 
common operations is absolutely what I prefer.  It is less annoying than 
having to type long-function-names-that-describe-what-they-do, but much 
more importantly, they can be read easier.  Short names for common 
operations means fewer lines that have to be broken, and eventually I 
think your mind can pick up common patterns, like (conj lst foo) in one 
glance, rather than having to read a method name and think about what it 
is doing.  The number of characters required to accomplish any operation 
should correspond inversely to its frequency of usage.  Hence the syntax 
for #(...) anonymous functions, maps being functions of their keys, etc. 
  I agree, it does add a bit to the learning curve, but I bet within two 
or three evenings of watching screencasts and writing mini programs you 
have conj, assoc and more soft-wired into your neural fibers.

I was going to say, "hey, you can always just make your own macros, and 
it won't even have a speed penalty."  But actually, that is a bad idea. 
  In Common Lisp people made 9 million versions of everything, even 
common utility methods, which means lots of libraries and support code 
feel half done, half maintained and half annoying.  Life was much easier 
in the Ruby community, where the ruby way, much defined by Matz but 
evolved by the community, seems more accepted and used throughout. 
Clojure is already building on possibly the worlds largest code-base, 
Java, but I hope a similar level of unity will be maintained in the pure 
clj ecosystem.


Robert Lally wrote:
> One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it 
> abandoned Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the 
> prime examples for me was the use of first and rest rather than car and 
> cdr. Sure, I can read code with car and cdr but it never really 
> communicated that well; I always had to go through a translation step in 
> my head.
> With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that 
> there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget, aset, 
> assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for this in the 
> 21st century? The trade off between meaningful method names and number 
> of characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my perspective; 
> particularly as IDE support matures and you will only need to type 
> 'asso' to have the IDE expand the function name to 'associate' for you. 
> Using full words as function names leads to more readable code .. which 
> can only be a good thing.
> I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't believe 
> the trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure to a number 
> of people and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with abridged names makes 
> it harder for people to comprehend, makes it less likely that on first 
> encountering a piece of Clojure code that they'll be able to understand 
> it, and so make it less likely that I'll get to write Clojure for a 
> living ... which makes me sad.
> Just some thoughts.
> Rob Lally.
> > 

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Daniel Renfer

There is one thing I would like to point out. My editor of choice,
(emacs) uses the length of the function name as a guide of where to
indent the next line to in some situations. I find that in my code, I
try to create functions that say what I want to say without pushing
the body of my code too close to the 80 character limit.

While some of the suggested replacements might only add a few letters
to their names, those letters add up.

Of course, the benefit of a lisp-based language is no one is stopping
you from aliasing all of the core function names into your own names
to suit your needs/tastes. You could translate everything to Klingon
if you really wanted to. You would just have to deal with the fact
that no one but you would be able to read your code without jumping
through a series of hoops.

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 8:48 AM, Robert Lally wrote:
>> One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it
>> abandoned Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the
>> prime examples for me was the use of first and rest rather than car
>> and cdr. Sure, I can read code with car and cdr but it never really
>> communicated that well; I always had to go through a translation
>> step in my head.
> It's important to note right away that car and cdr aren't
> abbreviations for anything more meaningful than car and cdr.
>> With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that
>> there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget,
>> aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for
>> this in the 21st century?
> I think so, but I understand this is somewhat subjective. It is useful
> to look at the 'competition' here (from random other languages):
> array-get ->   []
> associate ->   put
> conjoin ->   add
> compose ->   .
> I don't see people coming from a language where array access is []
> feeling good about the verbosity of array-get.
> put and add have imperative connotations that don't fit what assoc and
> conj do, so using them would only confuse people more.
>> The trade off between meaningful method names and number of
>> characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my perspective;
>> particularly as IDE support matures and you will only need to type
>> 'asso' to have the IDE expand the function name to 'associate' for
>> you.
> IDEs can be great, but having to rely on them is a real problem.
> People stumble over Lisps due to editors without adequate paren
> matching, and if my experience with Clojure users is a guide, people
> tend to try to stick with the editor they already know, leaving them
> waiting for specific language support. Adding completion to the
> 'things your editor must do before you can write Clojure effectively'
> sets a high bar.
>> Using full words as function names leads to more readable code ..
>> which can only be a good thing.
> They do only to a point, and then the code gets larger and harder to
> scan, lines spill etc.
>> I'm not suggesting that terseness is bad, merely that I don't
>> believe the trade off is worth it in this case. I've shown Clojure
>> to a number of people and the Lisp derived syntax coupled with
>> abridged names makes it harder for people to comprehend, makes it
>> less likely that on first encountering a piece of Clojure code that
>> they'll be able to understand it, and so make it less likely that
>> I'll get to write Clojure for a living ... which makes me sad.
> Well, people have to learn something new when they approach a new
> language. I'm not sure associate or conjoin would be more readily
> understood without some background on persistent immutable data
> structures. But at least it's not a lot of arbitrary syntax and
> associativity rules, and most of the short names are true
> abbreviations. Short names are one way Clojure can compete for brevity
> with languages that get their brevity from syntax. IMO, it's more
> approachable than Haskell, Erlang, Scala or any of the ML variants.
> array-get, associate, conjoin and compose etc are all still available.
> I wonder - would people use them if they were provided as aliases? I
> know I wouldn't.  The vocabulary of seqs and collections is so small.
> While I appreciate the approachability argument, a language is
> ultimately for its practitioners. I imagine there are those that wish
> assoc/conj/apply et al were even shorter, or dedicated symbols...
> Since I don't hear this argument too often, I image Clojure is
> striking an acceptable balance. What does everyone else think?
> Rich
> >

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Monday 10 November 2008 07:30, Daniel Renfer wrote:
> There is one thing I would like to point out. My editor of choice,
> (emacs) uses the length of the function name as a guide of where to
> indent the next line to in some situations. I find that in my code, I
> try to create functions that say what I want to say without pushing
> the body of my code too close to the 80 character limit.

What on Earth is an 80-character limit?

I invite you to join us in the 21st century where the Hollerith card is 
found only in museums, many fonts are available and wide-screen 
(non-CRT) displays are common and affordable.

> While some of the suggested replacements might only add a few letters
> to their names, those letters add up.

There is more than one way to indent for pretty-printing, and alignment 
beyond the function name (on a subsequent line) is probably not a good 
choice, since it's invalidated by changing names.

> ...

Randall Schulz

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Chouser

Oh dear.  I'm sure I shouldn't be responding to this thread, yet here I am...

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What on Earth is an 80-character limit?

There are two main choices: some limit vs. no limit.  With no limit,
everyone's got to have a window as wide as the widest line anyone
might use, leaving tons of unused screen real-estate for
"normal"-length lines; or you get ugly wrapping or annoying
side-scrolling.  With a limit, it just comes down to picking a number:
40? 80? 132?  It turns out that 80 not only has a lovely historical
tradition (*wink*) but it's a pretty good compromise between wrapping
too often and leaving too much whitespace down the right-hand side of
your window.

So be kind and wrap your code so it looks nice at 80 chars, or I'll
just have to do it for you. :-)

Ok, I've said my piece. I'll try harder not respond next time.


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Graham Fawcett

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 10 November 2008 07:30, Daniel Renfer wrote:
>> There is one thing I would like to point out. My editor of choice,
>> (emacs) uses the length of the function name as a guide of where to
>> indent the next line to in some situations. I find that in my code, I
>> try to create functions that say what I want to say without pushing
>> the body of my code too close to the 80 character limit.
> What on Earth is an 80-character limit?
> I invite you to join us in the 21st century where the Hollerith card is
> found only in museums, many fonts are available and wide-screen
> (non-CRT) displays are common and affordable.

I suspect you don't print out a lot of code? Or are accustomed to
using a loupe on your printed code-reviews? :-)

Old habits die hard, and I'm enough of a dinosaur to feel edgy when my
code expands far beyond that invisible 78-character wall. I've also
had to emergency-edit enough code at the console to appreciate that
78-ish still isn't a bad soft limit.

Og make fire, go find slide-rule and write code now,


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Robert Lally
I appreciate the answers that everyone has given to my post, and I thought
I'd send a single response before ceasing my bleating; I do realise that
this discussion has the potential to devolve into multiple different
religious wars, and I appreciate everyone's tolerance and forbearance so
I think, that most people who have responded have done so from the
perspective that they feel Clojure currently strikes a good balance between
terseness and comprehensibility. Since there is currently no strong IDE
offering, everyone who is writing Clojure is currently writing in a general
purpose text editor, perhaps with some customisation to make the process
more pleasant. Many of the people on the list have pre-existing preference
for a text editor and the fact that they can work effectively in Clojure is
a real win.

A few thoughts before I vanish back into the crowd:

- The approach that Clojure takes to state management in a multi-threaded
environment is very promising. I don't know if it is 'the right answer' to
the problems of concurrency and parallelism .. but if it is I'd like to see
it succeed. Success in this case would have to be considered in terms of
wide-scale adoption. I believe that Lisp and, later, Smalltalk were "the
right answer" of their time, but both failed to capture the mind-share they

- The current users of Clojure probably aren't representative of the
development community as a whole. I'm not suggesting that they/we are better
or worse than average. Just that early adopters are atypical, exemplified by
the fact that they are early adopters. I'm sure that many of the developers
currently contributing to this list could work effectively using any tools,
and with any naming convention you cared to concoct. If Clojure is adopted
widely, the programmers working with it will predominantly be using an IDE,
running on Windows. They won't be using Vi or Emacs or TextMate ( fine
editors all, and I love them all equally ). I believe that optimising for
this group is key to success.

- The languages that have grabbed major developer mind-share have each been
more expressive than the last, but also more verbose in the choice of
identifiers. C gave us printf, Java gave us System.out.println. In an IDE
world verbosity actually helps you be more productive since you can
disambiguate and investigate using code completion - if aget, aset and co
were named array-set, array-get then I could type array- to see a list of all the array related functions. With the
names as they stand typing a will give me quite
a long list of mostly irrelevant functions.

Of course this is all predicated upon the creation of IDE tooling that is
still very far away, so it is in many ways an argument based on a future
which may never happen. I can see the value in optimising for now rather
than the future, but I fear being trapped in a local optima.

Rob Lally.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread James Reeves

On Nov 10, 5:55 pm, "Robert Lally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Of course this is all predicated upon the creation of IDE tooling that is
> still very far away, so it is in many ways an argument based on a future
> which may never happen. I can see the value in optimising for now rather
> than the future, but I fear being trapped in a local optima.

Even with an IDE, I think I'd prefer functions with terse names, over
ones that are verbose. IDEs can make typing long symbols more
bearable, but they can't reduce the amount of screen real estate long
symbols take up. The greater the size of your source code, the less
you can see on screen at any one time. I find this has a large impact
on my general comprehension of the source code, even if I'm the only

YMMV, of course, especially if you happen to have a better visual
memory than I do :)

- James
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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Mark H.

On Nov 10, 5:48 am, "Robert Lally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the many things that I really like about Clojure is that it abandoned
> Lisp tradition where it was pragmatic to do so. One of the prime examples
> for me was the use of first and rest rather than car and cdr.

To me that made sense for a different reason:  because CAR and CDR are
_only_ for lists, whereas FIRST and REST apply to all kinds of
sequences.  (The abbreviations CAR and CDR refer to the low-level
implementation of singly-linked lists in an old Lisp system.)  So in
my mind, FIRST and REST serve a different mnemonic function than in
your mind ;-)  In part this is because there is a lot of Lisp
tradition and so certain words like CDR and ASSOC have connotations,
just like English words have connotations based on how people used
them throughout history.

> With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that there
> are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget, aset, assoc,
> conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for this in the 21st
> century?

The more text you can fit on your screen, the larger and more complex
the programming constructs you can manipulate.  I noticed this when
observing a blind person coding and debugging:  her debugging
technique was to

* narrow down the bug to a small window of code (about 10 lines),
* use the screen reader to read the text over and over until she had
memorized the window of code,
* debug the code in her head,
* and then apply the patch and test.

The more code you can fit in your mental (or visual) window, the
easier it is to debug.  Also, programmer productivity metrics suggest
that the fewer the lines of code per useful task accomplished, the
more productive the programmer is.  Of course this can be taken to an
extreme; APL is the classic example, but even APL was very productive
for people who could wrap their head around the notation and the
collection-based way of thinking.  (A lot of finance people found APL
very productive, for example.)

Another point of comparison is Einstein tensor notation.  Omitting the
summation signs confused the living daylights out of me at first.
After a few minutes, though, I understood why.  Einstein liked to work
fast and loose with math and use his instincts and insight.
Traditional summation notation distracted him from the variables
themselves and it took longer to write.  It was like boilerplate code
and so Einstein created a syntactic convention that eliminated it.

> The trade off between meaningful method names and number of
> characters typed doesn't seem to be a good one from my perspective;
> particularly as IDE support matures and you will only need to type 'asso' to
> have the IDE expand the function name to 'associate' for you. Using full
> words as function names leads to more readable code .. which can only be a
> good thing.

IDE support can go the other way too:  you start typing letters and it
pops up a window with the alternatives and a short docstring
describing each.  The IDE can even keep track of the functions you use
the most, and only display docstrings for the less commonly used
functions.  Alternately, the IDE could use a user-specific
customization table to translate between the original function names
and names that are more helpful for the specific programmer.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-10 Thread Mark H.

On Nov 10, 9:55 am, "Robert Lally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - The current users of Clojure probably aren't representative of the
> development community as a whole. I'm not suggesting that they/we are better
> or worse than average. Just that early adopters are atypical, exemplified by
> the fact that they are early adopters. I'm sure that many of the developers
> currently contributing to this list could work effectively using any tools,
> and with any naming convention you cared to concoct. If Clojure is adopted
> widely, the programmers working with it will predominantly be using an IDE,
> running on Windows. They won't be using Vi or Emacs or TextMate ( fine
> editors all, and I love them all equally ). I believe that optimising for
> this group is key to success.

If a programming language improves even one person's productivity,
then isn't it useful?  C was very useful to the original Unix hackers
because it gave them the machine abstraction they wanted.  Lisp was
useful for the original AI hackers because it let them compute with
symbols and gave them the flexibility to handle complex problems.  Lua
is useful to people who want an embedded scripting language in their C
programs, because it's very lightweight.  Matlab is useful for people
who want a natural syntax for solving linear algebra problems and an
IDE tailored for that task.  All of these languages can coexist and a
good programmer will pick up the one best suited for the problems she
has to solve.  An "average" programmer will use whatever language most
like the one he learned in school, or whatever language his boss tells
him to use, or whatever language has a canned solution for his
problem.  That's OK and good programmers shouldn't look down on
average programmers, but good programmers also aren't obligated to
write programming languages for them.  (Maybe average programmers
should be the ones designing programming languages for themselves,
just like the best math teachers are often those who struggled with
math in school, so they know how to communicate with people who are

> - The languages that have grabbed major developer mind-share have each been
> more expressive than the last, but also more verbose in the choice of
> identifiers. C gave us printf, Java gave us System.out.println.

To me Java was a loss in productivity since any programming task
requires several lines of boilerplate code, even more than in C.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-11 Thread Albert Cardona

>  Since I don't hear this argument too often, I image Clojure is 
>  striking an acceptable balance. What does everyone else think?

Totally agree.

See for example the extreme brevity of names in arc (Paul Graham's
hundred year language). Reading code in arc is very hard.

Longer names, like java and C++ promote, are terrible: as Rick says,
lines spill, code becomes overall longer and harder to keep in the head.

The one aspect that Clojure could (I don't know how) improve, is in
reducing the breadth of syntax. Currently, in the clojure namespace there
are 549 words (functions, macros, etc):

 >>> (count (ns-map (find-ns 'clojure)))

That is a lot to memorize. It would help me, at least, if there were
sub-blocks (like in the webpage: java interop, macros, sequences,
vectors, maps, collections, agents, etc) and each had a list of keywords
that could be queried easier.

Perhaps one way to do that would be to have a higher-order doc function,
that replied with keywords belonging to it. For example, a mock-up call
for "Maps":

 >>> (doc Maps)

Maps are this and that, and can be manipulated with:
  (hash-map keyvals*)
  (sorted-map keyvals*)
  (sorted-map-by comparator keyvals*)
  (assoc map key val)
  (dissoc map key)
  (get map key)
  (contains? map key)

Just a suggestion.

Albert Cardona

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-11 Thread stefano

>  What does everyone else think?

I strongly prefer short names for frequently used functions/macros.
Short names often let you avoid to break a line of code, but they
could be quite cryptic. If they're used often, their meaning will
become obvious with time. It's not a problem if it's not immediate
that, say, 'car gives you the first element of a list. I've used it so
much that it has become a synonim for 'first.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-11 Thread Mark H.

On Nov 11, 1:17 am, Albert Cardona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps one way to do that would be to have a higher-order doc function,
> that replied with keywords belonging to it. For example, a mock-up call
> for "Maps":
>  >>> (doc Maps)
> Maps are this and that, and can be manipulated with:
>   (hash-map keyvals*)
>   (sorted-map keyvals*)
>   (sorted-map-by comparator keyvals*)
>   (assoc map key val)
>   (dissoc map key)
>   (get map key)
>   (contains? map key)

Matlab (for example) solves this in its own hackish way by offering
help categories.  If you type "help" you get a list of categories with
a brief description of each one (e.g., "ops" for operators, "lang" for
programming language constructs, "elmat" for matrix manipulation).  If
you type "help " you get a list of functions belonging
to that category.  However, the Clojure website already presents the
information in this way, and I don't much mind keeping a web browser
open while I'm hacking ;-)  Maybe the right way is to scrape the
Clojure website and generate categories from that?

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-12 Thread Dave Newton

--- On Wed, 11/12/08, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're right. We don't. Not only that. I can't think how aget 
> instead of [] (and all the similar verbosity, as it were) fits 
> into "Almost no syntax" and "Core advantage still code-as-data and 
> syntactic abstraction" of the "Lisp is a good thing" section of the 
> (current) Clojure rationale.

The "almost no syntax" part is because (aget a 5) introduces no additional 
syntactical elements, whereas a[5] does. That doesn't mean it's better or 
worse, it just means there's less syntax.

> [...] from my point of view a[5] is less "syntax" than (aget
> a 5). I'm not saying my opinion won't change.

We're just using different definitions of syntax. The Lispy idea of syntax is 
that everything looks like same: (fn-or-special-form args). a[5] breaks that 
regularity, value judgments aside.

> There, I've said it. I. D. E.. Without it the whole
> thing (Clojure, that is) is in danger of remaining (merely) 
> academic, joining a long line of other Lisps. Not even 
> Smalltalk(s), with somewhat "more of a syntax" yet still 
> close to "code-as-data", could escape this fate.

That, IMO, had absolutely nothing to do with IDE support. Smalltalk IDE's of 
the day blew everything else out of the water (as did many of the Lisp IDEs) 
and it's only relatively recently that we're seeing similarly-functional 
non-Lisp/Smalltalk IDEs.

> If it's only brevity that you're after then aget
> could be abbreviated still, I guess: ag anyone?

There's "terse", and there's "concise". I know you're attempting humor, but IMO 
there's a difference between "association"/"assoc" and "assoc"/"a" in the 
amount of information being lost in each pair. Nothing stopping anybody from 
writing "verbose mode" macros.


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-12 Thread Michael Wood

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 2:13 PM, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 3:50 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that
>> > there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget,
>> > aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for
>> > this in the 21st century?
>> I think so, but I understand this is somewhat subjective. It is useful
>> to look at the 'competition' here (from random other languages):
>> array-get ->   []
>> associate ->   put
>> conjoin ->   add
>> compose ->   .
>> I don't see people coming from a language where array access is []
>> feeling good about the verbosity of array-get.
> You're right. We don't. Not only that. I can't think how aget instead
> of [] (and all the similar verbosity, as it were) fits into "Almost no
> syntax" and "Core advantage still code-as-data and syntactic
> abstraction" of the "Lisp is a good thing" section of the (current)
> Clojure rationale.

As I understand it, "Almost no syntax" means there is common syntax
for everything instead of a bunch of special case syntax for various
different situations.

> While "Almost no syntax" may be a good thing for the development of
> Clojure itself, from my point of view a[5] is less "syntax" than (aget
> a 5). I'm not saying my opinion won't change. Through everyday usage
> it probably will, but it'll take longer than it would have if the
> "syntax" had been a little bit friendlier. Which brings me to another
> issue: I bet that for newcomers, non-abbreviated names would make a
> transition to Clojure a lot smoother.
> Now, such thinking caused quite a reaction from established
> "believers" as I can see. Which leaves us with only one option: make
> both notations possible / available. This is by no means a new
> invention (see "man less" -> OPTIONS for example). Which, yet again,
> brings me to another issue: switching between the two "perspectives"
> in a decent IDE should be a click of a button (or a key-press) away:
> an extended pretty-printer/formatter if you will.

Your hypothetical IDE, could provide what you want whether or not
longer aliases exist.  There's nothing stopping someone from writing
an IDE that converts aget to array-get or [] when it reads in a file
and does the opposite when it writes it.

Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-12 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On Nov 12, 2008, at 14:52, David wrote:

> That's why I put my "syntax" in quotes. From my chair having almost no
> syntax is a non-issue. I'd trade in syntax smallness for readability
> any time.

Taste and personal preference aside, one can ask the question what  
you get and what you lose by choosing "readability" or "regular  
syntax". A feature that you get with Lisp's minimal syntax, and which  
is often overlooked or underestimated, is simple yet powerful  
metaprogramming through macros. Compare Lisp to any other  
metaprogramming language (C++ templates, Template Haskell,  
MetaOCaml, ...) and you will quickly notice that Lisp macros are  
simplicity itself.

> Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't implying that having IDEs is the
> only factor in making it in the real world. I'm just saying that not
> having them doesn't improve the odds.

IDEs are very much a matter of personal preference. Having one is not  
enough to make an impact, what you need is support by many different  
IDEs. I don't know any language that had this from the start, so I  
doubt it ever made a difference to language acceptance.


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-12 Thread David

On Nov 10, 3:50 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > With this in mind it surprises me ( and disappoints a little ) that
> > there are still abbreviated function names in many places  - aget,
> > aset, assoc, conj, coll?, comp, and so on. Is there any need for
> > this in the 21st century?
> I think so, but I understand this is somewhat subjective. It is useful
> to look at the 'competition' here (from random other languages):
> array-get ->   []
> associate ->   put
> conjoin ->   add
> compose ->   .
> I don't see people coming from a language where array access is []
> feeling good about the verbosity of array-get.

You're right. We don't. Not only that. I can't think how aget instead
of [] (and all the similar verbosity, as it were) fits into "Almost no
syntax" and "Core advantage still code-as-data and syntactic
abstraction" of the "Lisp is a good thing" section of the (current)
Clojure rationale.

While "Almost no syntax" may be a good thing for the development of
Clojure itself, from my point of view a[5] is less "syntax" than (aget
a 5). I'm not saying my opinion won't change. Through everyday usage
it probably will, but it'll take longer than it would have if the
"syntax" had been a little bit friendlier. Which brings me to another
issue: I bet that for newcomers, non-abbreviated names would make a
transition to Clojure a lot smoother.

Now, such thinking caused quite a reaction from established
"believers" as I can see. Which leaves us with only one option: make
both notations possible / available. This is by no means a new
invention (see "man less" -> OPTIONS for example). Which, yet again,
brings me to another issue: switching between the two "perspectives"
in a decent IDE should be a click of a button (or a key-press) away:
an extended pretty-printer/formatter if you will.

There, I've said it. I. D. E.. Without it the whole thing (Clojure,
that is) is in danger of remaining (merely) academic, joining a long
line of other Lisps. Not even Smalltalk(s), with somewhat "more of a
syntax" yet still close to "code-as-data", could escape this fate.

> put and add have imperative connotations that don't fit what assoc and
> conj do, so using them would only confuse people more.

Confusion is in the eyes of the beer-holder, right? I bet newcomers
would feel less confused looking at "verbosity" than "almost-no-syntax-
code-as-data". At least for the duration of the transition period.

> IDEs can be great, but having to rely on them is a real problem.
> People stumble over Lisps due to editors without adequate paren
> matching, and if my experience with Clojure users is a guide, people
> tend to try to stick with the editor they already know, leaving them
> waiting for specific language support. Adding completion to the
> 'things your editor must do before you can write Clojure effectively'
> sets a high bar.

It does, yes. Which is why "project Clojure" should have it's own IDE
(not only a REPL).

> > Using full words as function names leads to more readable code ..
> > which can only be a good thing.
> They do only to a point, and then the code gets larger and harder to
> scan, lines spill etc.

Which should be a matter of one click (key-press) as I explained

> Well, people have to learn something new when they approach a new
> language. I'm not sure associate or conjoin would be more readily
> understood without some background on persistent immutable data
> structures. But at least it's not a lot of arbitrary syntax and
> associativity rules, and most of the short names are true
> abbreviations. Short names are one way Clojure can compete for brevity
> with languages that get their brevity from syntax.

If it's only brevity that you're after then aget could be abbreviated
still, I guess: ag anyone?

> IMO, it's more
> approachable than Haskell, Erlang, Scala or any of the ML variants.
> array-get, associate, conjoin and compose etc are all still available.
> I wonder - would people use them if they were provided as aliases? I
> know I wouldn't.  The vocabulary of seqs and collections is so small.
> While I appreciate the approachability argument, a language is
> ultimately for its practitioners.

Right. Potential practitioners however, can get scared away not only
by their own "fears" (taking root at least in part in the
aforementioned abbreviations), but by their bosses' ones also. If
Clojure isn't widely accepted, in the development community as well as
in the IT  marketing, it's hard to imagine programmers brave enough to confront
their bosses with "We'll do it in Clojure!". It's a vicious circle.
Maybe a bit more flexibility on the Clojure side could help break it.

> I imagine there are those that wish
> assoc/conj/apply et al were even shorter, or dedicated symbols...

Maybe not only dedicated symbols but a bit more syntax, too.

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-12 Thread David

On Nov 12, 1:40 pm, "Michael Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your hypothetical IDE, could provide what you want whether or not
> longer aliases exist.  There's nothing stopping someone from writing
> an IDE that converts aget to array-get or [] when it reads in a file
> and does the opposite when it writes it.

On Nov 12, 1:47 pm, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 11/12/08, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You're right. We don't. Not only that. I can't think how aget
> > instead of [] (and all the similar verbosity, as it were) fits
> > into "Almost no syntax" and "Core advantage still code-as-data and
> > syntactic abstraction" of the "Lisp is a good thing" section of the
> > (current) Clojure rationale.
> The "almost no syntax" part is because (aget a 5) introduces no additional 
> syntactical elements, whereas a[5] does. That doesn't mean it's better or 
> worse, it just means there's less syntax.
> > [...] from my point of view a[5] is less "syntax" than (aget
> > a 5). I'm not saying my opinion won't change.
> We're just using different definitions of syntax. The Lispy idea of syntax is 
> that everything looks like same: (fn-or-special-form args). a[5] breaks that 
> regularity, value judgments aside.

That's why I put my "syntax" in quotes. From my chair having almost no
syntax is a non-issue. I'd trade in syntax smallness for readability
any time.

> > There, I've said it. I. D. E.. Without it the whole
> > thing (Clojure, that is) is in danger of remaining (merely)
> > academic, joining a long line of other Lisps. Not even
> > Smalltalk(s), with somewhat "more of a syntax" yet still
> > close to "code-as-data", could escape this fate.
> That, IMO, had absolutely nothing to do with IDE support. Smalltalk IDE's of 
> the day blew everything else out of the water (as did many of the Lisp IDEs) 
> and it's only relatively recently that we're seeing similarly-functional 
> non-Lisp/Smalltalk IDEs.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't implying that having IDEs is the
only factor in making it in the real world. I'm just saying that not
having them doesn't improve the odds.

> > If it's only brevity that you're after then aget
> > could be abbreviated still, I guess: ag anyone?
> There's "terse", and there's "concise". I know you're attempting humor, but 
> IMO there's a difference between "association"/"assoc" and "assoc"/"a" in the 
> amount of information being lost in each pair. Nothing stopping anybody from 
> writing "verbose mode" macros.

Michael also stated (see above) that nothing was stopping anyone from
doing anything. Surely you're not proposing that we all write our own
IDEs and/or macros? That would really make .cjls more colourful. It
would, however, also make them unmaintainable. Take a look at the
following code, for example:

Now think away the macros for a moment...

No, I think that, if at all, we need a single set of macros. As far as
the IDEs are concerned, if we all try "inventing" our own (or plugins
for the existing ones), they will all be half-done at best. It's
better to focus on one project than spread the effort across several
ones. At least until the developer base is large enough to be able to
afford such a distribution.
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Re: Readable names

2008-11-14 Thread Mark H.

On Nov 12, 4:47 am, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's "terse", and there's "concise". I know you're attempting humor, but 
> IMO there's a difference between "association"/"assoc" and "assoc"/"a" in the 
> amount of information being lost in each pair. Nothing stopping anybody from 
> writing "verbose mode" macros.

Or vice versa, which was basically the original implementation of
Arc ;-P

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Re: Readable names

2008-11-14 Thread Mark H.

On Nov 12, 5:52 am, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I think that, if at all, we need a single set of macros. As far as
> the IDEs are concerned, if we all try "inventing" our own (or plugins
> for the existing ones), they will all be half-done at best. It's
> better to focus on one project than spread the effort across several
> ones. At least until the developer base is large enough to be able to
> afford such a distribution.

How would you define "IDE"?  There's already Slime (for Emacs) and Vim
support for Clojure.  Slime can do all kinds of function name
completion, link up to documentation, run chunks of code on the fly,
and help manage project directories (via Speedbar).  Presumably Vim
can do the same (I haven't used the Clojure environment for Vim).

What is it that characterizes an "IDE" for you, if I may ask?  What
features would it need in order to be sufficiently capable?  I don't
mean "in order to win the whole world over to Clojure" (Smalltalk had
a great IDE but that didn't help); I mean in order to be useful to
you, your programmer friends or colleagues?


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Re: Readable names

2008-11-15 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Friday 14 November 2008 22:05, Mark H. wrote:
> On Nov 12, 5:52 am, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No, I think that, if at all, we need a single set of macros. As far
> > as the IDEs are concerned, if we all try "inventing" our own (or
> > plugins for the existing ones), they will all be half-done at best.
> > It's better to focus on one project than spread the effort across
> > several ones. At least until the developer base is large enough to
> > be able to afford such a distribution.
> How would you define "IDE"?  ...
> What is it that characterizes an "IDE" for you, if I may ask? ...

I've worked with many IDEs over the years, and hated almost all of them.

MPW was very good because it was more a programmable editor and 
integrated command processor (shell) in a mostly text-based GUI than it 
was a singly defined IDE (it was kind of a funky Emacs with a poorly 
designed scripting language, but it allowed you to have what you want, 
not what its developers decide you should get).

JetBrains (formerly IntelliJ) IDEA is decent and it's what I've been 
using for a couple of years (before that I was using jEdit). What makes 
IDEA worth learning and using (and its shortcomings worth putting up 
with) is the incredibly comprehensive static analysis and indexing it 
does of your entire program and the (reasonably) good way that 
information is made available to the user. There's too much for me to 
try to describe, and I don't think I use half of its features. (The 
latest release has added support for Ruby and Scala and I understand 
Python is coming.)

Syntax coloring is a near triviality, really, and auto-completion only 
somewhat less so. It's the analytical capabilities that make an IDE 
better than any good editor.

Naturally, dynamic languages limit what can be done in this regard. IDEA 
has Groovy and Grails support, and the heavy use of dynamically 
injected methods, e.g., force it to flag many valid uses as 
questionable and to fail to note many errors that would be made quite 
clear to the programmer in Java.

> mfh

Randall Schulz

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