[CMake] build a shared library from static libraries

2008-03-03 Thread packadal
I am trying to build a shared library from many static libs, so I can divide
my compilation in subdirectories.
But I don't get how i should do this.
I tried to use TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY( first_lib, second_lib, ...)
But cmake says :  Attempt to add link library first_lib, to target
second_lib, which is not built by this project.
Is there a better way to di this ?
Thanks in advance

- Always keep in mind that you may be wrong -
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Converting a VS Build to CMake/Problems with Post-Build steps, questions

2008-03-03 Thread Anteru

Philip Lowman schrieb:
How about GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(var MyTarget DEBUG_LOCATION) followed by a 
second ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND() for the debug binary?

Ok, found the solution: Latest CMake (2.5 nightly, tested with the 
binary from March 1) supports COMMAND with a normal target in 
ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND, so I can pass MyTarget to it, which gets filled with 
the right value.




works fine.


CMake mailing list

[CMake] Passing parameters to uic in QT4_WRAP_UI macro

2008-03-03 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda

the QT4_WRAP_UI macro encapsulate the uic command. Howeber I miss a way to 
pass a parameter to uic. 

There's som way to do it or may I create my custom QT4_WRAP_UI ?

Thanks in advance,


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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua

2008-03-03 Thread Sylvain Benner

I don't buy the do it with comments approach.
Something changes, then the comments are wrong.  
It's a fact that the code must be self explanatory as much as possible 
but it will never be as powerful as good and up to date comments.

I don't buy the duplication of code approach.

CMake mailing list

[CMake] re: Compile only, no link

2008-03-03 Thread jean-daniel . michaud
On Wednesday 27 February 2008, jean-daniel.michaud at uk.bnpparibas.com

   I'd like to know if it's possible to create a project, add source
 to it, make those sources compile to objects, but do not create any
 executable or library.
   Something like:

 ADD_SOURCE_FILE(this.cpp that.cpp)
 # define some c flags here

   And after the make, I would end up with this.o and that.o, but no
   I can't use custom command, because, I'd like the CMakeFiles to
 some proper IDE project files, with the source files in it.
   Can't find anything in the mailing list or doc to do this trivial

You could build a static library, which is basically just a container for
object files. Would that help ?


Hi Alex, thx for your answer.

Well, It's not what I'am thinking of.

We have a project tree like this:

project A: generate A.exe (link with sub project lib)
  project A1: generate somelib.a (link with sub project objects)
project A1'  : generate toto.o titi.o
project A1'' : generate tata.o tutu.o
  project A2: generate someotherlib.a

Ok, this is silly, but this is legacy and we can't/don't want to change
that. We are using some crappy IDE now that uses project files that I'am
parsing and create a CMakeFile equivalent. The idea is then to have Eclipse
project files that emulates the exact project tree we have today.

That's why I have projects that produce .o only. So the idea is to separate
the definition of what a project is (a group of source files) and what it
produces (executable, library or nothing). The problem I have with
CMakeFile now is that I don't see how I can define a project without
defining what it produces.



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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-03 Thread Gonzalo Garramuño

Brandon Van Every wrote:

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The comments following this article are interesting.  For instance, on syntax:

 This is just stupid. The Ruby syntax is horrendous. I'd rather use
 Groovy than Ruby if I was ever going to use a scripting language. I've
 never been stuck using Ant either, it does everything I need.

It is not the ruby syntax that is horrendous but the rake one.  I'm a 
true fan of ruby but not of rake.   Raven is just a wrapper built on top 
of rake to add java functionality.

- is a :colon in front of something a great idea?

It is a pretty good one. It isn't of course as clean as just a simple 
string with no quotes, but then again, you otherwise get quickly in 
trouble with local vars.  CMake basically does not have local vars (all 
are globals) and those are always defined/dealt in SET() commands.

 - why do I have to type |bars| around something?

This is a ruby convention that is somewhat overused in rake.  The  do 
|iter| ... end   or   { |iter| ... }   defines a block with a local 
variable to the block which is usually used for iteration or for 

The local variable is usually filled by the caller (usually providing 
you with access to *this or self of the object you built).

The advantage is for OO.  Consider this:

task :myexe { |t|
  t.link_libs = asdasd
  t.so_version = 1.0

With that, you'd basically have an OO approach to setting cmake 
properties (and not just properties, you can also run a function defined 
in whatever class t is).

That code is somewhat sugar akin to:

t = Rake::Task.new( myexe )
t.link_libs = 'asdasd'
t.so_version = 1.0

The benefit of not using the constructor directly is that the api is 
easier to change.  Also, at the end of the block (end or end bracket), a 
lot of other internal hidden code may run (for example, validating 
dependencies or parameters right away)-

 From other context
I read, it seems to be a decorator for a symbol.  So I guess if you
forgot the decorator, you'd be in trouble.  I hope that always throws
an intelligible error.

If your forget the decorator, it is interpreted as a local variable.  As 
no such variable would likely exist, you'd get an error.

Obviously this flexibility does allow you do, for example:

# 3 targets, each with same dependency.

targets = [ :target1, :target2, :target3 ]
targets.each { |name|
task name { |t|
t.dependencies = %w( dep1 dep2 dep3 )

Here the symbol is replaced with a local variable called 'name' which 
changes on each iteration.

- why put both [square brackets] and {curly braces} around something?

[square brackets] is an array, {} is a hash.   In the example you 
posted, you have an array of hashes, which is as ugly as it can get.

Is that so we can be terse about minimum versions?

No.  It is just that the api you posted seems to require an array of 
hashes.  Pretty ugly api, if you ask me.  Having a hash that contains 
arrays (or other hashes) is more common.

- how, in any universe, could this possibly be preferable to
add_dependencies(target dep1 dep2 dep3...) ?

An api (say swig wrapped) that would be identical to cmake would look like;

add_dependency :target, :dep1, :dep2, :dep3

Here I am using symbols, but you could also make the api use strings 
(which forces to use quotes) or accept both (which is usually the case 
with ruby).

add_dependency target, dep1, dep2, dep3

or (if you want to make it more explicit as rake):

add_dependency :target = %w( dep1 dep2 dep3 )

In a more extensible api that would use hashes for values, it would look 

add_dependency :target, :dependencies = %w( dep1 dep2 dep3 )

or, like rake does, use an OO approach:

task :target { |t|
t.dependencies = %w( dep1 dep2 dep3 )

In ruby it is pretty trivial to provide both types of interfaces (even 
with swig for C++ code).  Rake only provides an OO api.

Only Ruby people are going to see this syntax as an advantage.  It's
worth remembering that Ruby got popular not because of the language,

No, ruby got popular with the language and is highly respected for it. 
Rails made it popular for the web.

Talking about rails, rails uses another form of DSL, which is class based.

Basically, a cmake api based like rails would look more like:

class MyExe  CMake::Executable

 dependencies %w( dep1 dep2 dep3 )

 def compile
 # optionally override CMake::Executable compile routine

A class DSL really does not make that much sense for a build system, but 
it is obviously great 

Re: [CMake] Passing parameters to uic in QT4_WRAP_UI macro

2008-03-03 Thread Clinton Stimpson

If you use CMake 2.4.8, you can pass parameters to uic.

will pass -p to uic.


Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:


the QT4_WRAP_UI macro encapsulate the uic command. Howeber I miss a way to 
pass a parameter to uic. 

There's som way to do it or may I create my custom QT4_WRAP_UI ?

Thanks in advance,


CMake mailing list

CMake mailing list

[CMake] FindYARP.cmake

2008-03-03 Thread Dario Figueira
YARP - Yet Another Robot Platform

I am looking for someone who also uses/ed YARP and has one of those =)
Google was not helpfull, unexpectedly.

Anyone? Or should i just dig in and make my own?

Thank you all,

Dario Figueira
CMake mailing list

[CMake] current (2.5) CMakeForceCompiler

2008-03-03 Thread Yannick Cote

visiting http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Cross_Compiling, I discovered
a way to tell cmake not to test the C cross-compiler.

However the source tree has changed recently and including
CMakeForceCompiler will not work anymore.

CMake Error: Do not include the CMakeForceCompiler module.  It is no
longer necessary.  Update your toolchain file as follows.

I tried updating my Toolchain file as suggested but it ends up testing
the compiler which wont work with the project I work on simply because
the cross-compiler has to build source code from the project in order
to link successfully a simple test program.

What's the current way of dealing with this situation ?


 - Y
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues

2008-03-03 Thread Félix C. Morency

You seem to be right. Changing the build target to the name of my project
did the trick. I can now run and debug the program successfully.

Thank you,
Félix C. Morency

On 3/2/08, Philip Lowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Félix C. Morency [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I just discovered that CMake SVN (future 2.6.0) currently supports
  CodeBlocks project generation. I gave it a try and the result seems
  promising. I've been able to successfully compile my project under
  CodeBlocks 8.02.
  However, running the program (which is a command line program) from
  CodeBlocks with the Run command doesn't work. The error is: You can't run
  a commands-only target Another issue is the debugging tool which
  doesn't start with this error: The selected target is only running pre/post
  build step commands. Can't debug such a target
  I guess those issues come from CMake since all those features work with
  what I call a pure CodeBlocks project. Are those issues already known and
  if yes, are you planning on fixing them with the release of the 
  2.6.0version ?

 I don't know anything about CodeBlocks but I do know with the Visual
 Studio generator the default project is ALL_BUILD which you can't debug.  In
 order to Debug with Visual Studio you have to right click on the desired
 target and choose Debug (or change your default project).  Maybe there's a
 similar issue with CodeBlocks?

 Be sure to file a bug on this issue in the CMake bug database if you're
 still having problems.


 Philip Lowman
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] current (2.5) CMakeForceCompiler

2008-03-03 Thread Brad King

Yannick Cote wrote:


visiting http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Cross_Compiling, I discovered
a way to tell cmake not to test the C cross-compiler.

However the source tree has changed recently and including
CMakeForceCompiler will not work anymore.

CMake Error: Do not include the CMakeForceCompiler module.  It is no
longer necessary.  Update your toolchain file as follows.

I tried updating my Toolchain file as suggested but it ends up testing
the compiler which wont work with the project I work on simply because
the cross-compiler has to build source code from the project in order
to link successfully a simple test program.

What's the current way of dealing with this situation ?

I had removed the old one because I though it was only for eCos which I 
got working without it.  Update from cvs.  There is a new 
CMakeForceCompiler there.  It doesn't have the sizeof(void*) argument, 
so just leave that off.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Gonzalo Garramuño

  It is not the ruby syntax that is horrendous but the rake one.  I'm a
  true fan of ruby but not of rake.   Raven is just a wrapper built on top
  of rake to add java functionality

Ok, good to know.  I'm tempted to say that if it's easy to redefine
the syntax of a general purpose scripting language, that's
disadvantageous for a build system.  Although perhaps it's the same
level of concern as operator overloading in C++.  Yes you can do goofy
operator overloads, but they're actually useful if you're just trying
to do vector math instead of scalar math, or some kind of IO.  I
suppose operator overloads have to be weighed against the verbosity of
some_function_call(blah blah).  Perhaps a syntax can be well designed,
but the Rake author didn't happen to design it so well.  I do wonder
at programming cultures of redefining syntax though.  It might be
valid to say it's too easy in Ruby, or Lua.  There are certainly a lot
of language tweakers in the Lua community.

I imagine someone else will argue that redefining syntax is the killer
app that we're all needing for our large scale builds.  If only we
could customize to the way we personally think about a build.
Customization vs. standards, yep.  Maybe there's a whitepaper in that
somewhere, about why standards are better.

  The advantage is for OO.  Consider this:

  task :myexe { |t|
t.link_libs = asdasd
t.so_version = 1.0

  With that, you'd basically have an OO approach to setting cmake
  properties (and not just properties, you can also run a function defined
  in whatever class t is).

Ok, an OO syntax that looks queer to a C++ programmer.  Not sure
that's a great marketing pitch, but maybe they'd come to love it
because it's OO.  It's worth noting that Lua isn't OO.  My jury is
still out on the technical merit of OO for builds.  I don't think the
Raven, Buildr universe proves anything, they don't seem to have any
projects big enough to warrant OO.  Onward to SCons.

   - how, in any universe, could this possibly be preferable to
   add_dependencies(target dep1 dep2 dep3...) ?

  An api (say swig wrapped) that would be identical to cmake would look like;

  add_dependency :target, :dep1, :dep2, :dep3

BTW I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who can't ever remember
whether it's singular or plural.  :-)

   Only Ruby people are going to see this syntax as an advantage.  It's
   worth remembering that Ruby got popular not because of the language,

  No, ruby got popular with the language and is highly respected for it.
  Rails made it popular for the web.

Perhaps we differ on notions of cause and effect.  IMO Python, Ruby,
and PHP all got popular because of the web.  Scripting languages get
tried when the code is throwaway and any scripting language would do.
A lot of web jobs were / are of that nature.  Haven't thought much
about why scripting languages are retained.  In Ruby's case, it
clearly has some advantages over Perl and is often described as an
OO-ified Perl.  In contrast, languages like Lisp and Scheme are never
retained, even though plenty of scripted versions exist.  Scheme could
be dismissed as too non-standard; even now the Scheme world is split
between RSR5, RSR6, and everyone's personal variant.  Common Lisp,
they claim it's all about historical prejudice due to the AI Winter,
but how long can that chestnut remain true when a new generation of
programmers doesn't even know what the AI winter was?  Maybe it's
their inability to define a standard C FFI.  Well, TIOBE would seem to
say that Common Lisp is more popular than Lua, so indeed maybe old
prejudices are fading.

  P.S.  BTW, rake is something like a 200 line script only, so it is
  extremely bare-bones.

Hm.  A reputation disproportionate to its size.  How does a language
or tool manage that?  Early niches filled?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] repeating conditional clauses

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 4:55 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I don't buy the do it with comments approach.
   Something changes, then the comments are wrong.

  It's a fact that the code must be self explanatory as much as possible
  but it will never be as powerful as good and up to date comments.

Comments don't get updated.  They're correct for awhile, then they rot.

  I don't buy the duplication of code approach.

It makes lots of sense when you have to scroll an entire screen to see
the next clause of the conditional.  Part of what trips people up
though, is that else really means else_not.  And what does endif
refer to, the if or the else_not ?

endif(blah_is_huh???) # should be blah_was_used

I think it's easy to get used to this, if you write a lot of CMake
script.  But clearly, it is paradigmatic of CMake, and weird to anyone
else.  It's not great marketing material.  It leaves the newbie or
casual user cold, i.e. someone who only does periodic maintenance and
doesn't try to be a CMake expert.

Maybe we could just ask our program text editor to magically insert an
appropriate comment, based on the if(clause).  It would be a form of
pretty printing.  It would comment any conditionals that are more than
20 lines apart or whatever.

else #(NOT blah)
endif # see blah

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Stephen Quinney
I'm sure I'm not the first person to need to do this but I can't see
an obvious solution. I want to be able to detect which Linux system
the package is building on, i.e. is it Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, etc?
And also beyond that, what version of the distro is it? (e.g. FC6. F9,
Debian 4.0) Can someone point me in the right direction?


Stephen Quinney

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Steven Van Ingelgem
check uname -a and cat /etc/issue.net... Worked for me :)

On 03/03/2008, Stephen Quinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure I'm not the first person to need to do this but I can't see
  an obvious solution. I want to be able to detect which Linux system
  the package is building on, i.e. is it Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, etc?
  And also beyond that, what version of the distro is it? (e.g. FC6. F9,
  Debian 4.0) Can someone point me in the right direction?


  Stephen Quinney

  CMake mailing list

CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Rodolfo Schulz de Lima

Stephen Quinney escreveu:

an obvious solution. I want to be able to detect which Linux system
the package is building on, i.e. is it Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, etc?

Hi... Usually there's a file named /etc/lsb-release which contents 
inform the distribution used (along with other infos).

Rodolfo Lima.

CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: CMake and Lua

2008-03-03 Thread Rodolfo Schulz de Lima

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva escreveu:

The point is that if you need to do complex programming stuff (and
that is a big if for build systems, because you should focus on
simplicity), why not use a programming language and let CMake Script
take care of the build management...

Using another external language environment could be costly and can make 
scripts non portable. On windows I can't use bash, on linux I can't use 
windows executable, etc. God forbids if I need a whole perl installation 
because of a script...

Best regards,
Rodolfo Lima.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Add lots of commands

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Robert Bielik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  COMMAND cmd1 args1
  [COMMAND cmd2 args2]

  I'd need to be able to add as many commands as are in a list, sort of like:

  COMMAND ${entry}

  Is it possible to achieve this is some way?

Not in any nice way.  You've hit the dis-unity of add_custom_command
with other things.  You could write all your commands out to a file,
and then execute that file as a CMake script.  But you can only use
FOREACH at configuration time, so if for some odd reason you're trying
to construct commands at build time after CMake is gone, that won't
work.  Assuming you are getting all your commands at configuration
time and that their configuration is static, you could do:

# make a chain of dependent targets, each executing 1 command
add_custom_command(TARGET mytargetname)
set(chain_num 0)
set(prevchain_name mytargetname)
foreach(entry ${some_command_list})
  set(thischain_name chain${chain_num})
  add_custom_command(TARGET ${thischain_name}
COMMAND ${entry})
  add_dependencies(${prevchain_name} ${thischain_name})
  math(EXPR chain_num ${chain_num} + 1)
  set(prevchain_name ${thischain_name})

I have used this kind of dependency chaining approach to automagically
disambiguate conditionals in Autoconf Makefile.in's.  Autoconf allows
conditionals inside of makefile targets and CMake does not.  If you
happen to be worrying about that kind of problem, and you have lots of
Makefile.in's to worry about, I'd strongly suggest you look at the
code I did for Mozilla.  There's a chance it might just parse your
conditionals into sanity, breaking them into appropriate dependent
chains.  Of course I wrote that code for Mozilla, not the rest of the
world, so no guarantees.  I'm willing to advise on what must be done
for anyone's specific purposes though.  The code is available under
Mozilla's usual tri-license.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
VMWare is a large commercial project.  http://www.vmware.com/  They
have been using SCons for about a year now, and they say they're
relatively happy with it.  They've made a recent post to the SCons
mailing list that has engendered a lot of discussion (131 replies).
 I'm going to pick through the post and see if SCons demonstrates
anything conclusive about scripting languages.  I think I've now
surveyed all the other open source tools out there, and they just
don't have a history of projects large enough to say anything.  I
don't think there are any competing proprietary tools?  If I've
overlooked something please let me know.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 VMWare is a large commercial project.

My impression so far is that SCons appeals to a company that wants to
program a customized build system, rather than have one off-the-shelf
that already works.  A customized build system requires dedicated
manpower and exotic needs.  VMWare has those needs; it has been
pointed out that many other companies do not have such needs, nor
dedicated full-time in-house build guru expertise.  Also, when the
build system is programmable, people seem to start treating it as a
library rather than an end user tool.  There's talk of refining SCons
into different engines and layers and so forth.  These could all be
strategic reasons to avoid offering general programmability.  Perhaps
most of the customers really don't want it.

What Would Microsoft Do?  They'd wait for someone else to do the RD,
then clone it.  Perhaps it's better to let companies customize to
their hearts' content in SCons, figure out the build feature they
really need (like a programmable dependency graph in the case of
VMWare), then provide some feature in CMake that answers that specific

I am starting to wonder if the whole Lua thing is indeed a red
herring, and what CMake really needs is the best possible website to
document, tutorialize, and market CMake.  In other words, what we've
got is fine; go sell it.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] cmake community site

2008-03-03 Thread Matt Williams
Hi everyone.

I've got a proposal for you all which I've been thinking about for a while. 
Since cmake is now getting more and more widely spread, being used by people 
for both small, casual projects as well as monolithic projects (e.g. KDE) it 
seems like cmake itself, as well as the users of it could benefit from a 
community site of sorts. In my experience with opensource projects, one of 
the largest factors in how large a mindshare it has as well as how long it 
manages to hold on to that mind share is how strong a community it has.

Now, this list is great; both for quick support as well as a direct line to 
the developers (kudos to Brad, Bill and co. for that) and the wiki is good 
for code snippets and extra documentation but I feel it could be better.

I'm looking to see what you guys on this list think about me starting up 
a 'cmake community' site, possibly featuring the following:
 - News about releases
 - News about projects' success stories etc.
 - Simple beginner's tutorials
 - Tutorials about more specific tasks e.g. platform specific things (even 
   when this isn't necessarily cmake specific)
 - A repository of Find*.cmake files including the ability to provide feedback
   to the module writer, such as improvements/patches
 - A repository of extra macros providing the same as the Find*.cmake
 - Discussion forums

So, what do you guys think? Is this sort of site wanted/needed? Is this list 
and wiki enough and should our efforts be focused on them? I'd like to hear 
your thoughts before anything is set in motion.

Finally, a little about myself: I've been using cmake ever since KDE first 
switched across to it (thankyou Alex) both for all my own projects as well as 
helping out a number of other projectsmore to a cmake system, particularly 
for its Linux and MacOS support. I'm a Physics University student by day and 
a KDE programmer by night.

Matt Williams

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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Hendrik Sattler
Am Montag 03 März 2008 schrieb Stephen Quinney:
 I'm sure I'm not the first person to need to do this but I can't see
 an obvious solution. I want to be able to detect which Linux system
 the package is building on, i.e. is it Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, etc?
 And also beyond that, what version of the distro is it? (e.g. FC6. F9,
 Debian 4.0) Can someone point me in the right direction?

You may be successfull with detecting the Distribution vendor (Debian, Fedora, 
etc.) but the version is mostly _not_ reliable.


CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Fernando Cacciola

Hi Brandon,

I am starting to wonder if the whole Lua thing is indeed a red
herring, and what CMake really needs is the best possible website to
document, tutorialize, and market CMake.  In other words, what we've
got is fine; go sell it.

I have the feelling that I'd like to get into *this* discussion (not that 
SCon's related one), but I'm a newcomer much too late to the party, so: 
what's the whole Lua thing in a nutshell?

If it has something to do with the CMake scripting language, well, I for one 
would love to drop it and use something else, like (don't get me started 
on the wrong tail)


Fernando Cacciola

CMake mailing list

RE: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Kedzierski, Artur CIV NSWC Corona, PA53
I had to do that too. I ended up going by distribution-specific
file in /etc. For example, 
Red Hat:   /etc/redhat-release
Slackware: /etc/slackware-version
Slamd64:   /etc/slamd64-version
To determine whether it is 64-bit vs 32-bit Red Hat, I use 
'uname -m'.

Artur Kedzierski

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Stephen Quinney
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 9:09
To: CMake
Subject: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

I'm sure I'm not the first person to need to do this but I can't see
an obvious solution. I want to be able to detect which Linux system
the package is building on, i.e. is it Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, etc?
And also beyond that, what version of the distro is it? (e.g. FC6. F9,
Debian 4.0) Can someone point me in the right direction?


Stephen Quinney

CMake mailing list
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] cmake community site

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Matt Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So, what do you guys think? Is this sort of site wanted/needed?

Yes it is.

 Is this list and wiki enough

No they aren't.

 and should our efforts be focused on them?

The inevitable problem is labor.  The mailing list works fine, there's
plenty of labor available for answering people's questions.  I can't
say the same about the wiki.  The documentation issues I've cared
about, and that I think a lot of developers care about, are improving
at a glacial pace.  I won't point fingers as I've been just as lazy as
anyone else.  I make contributions from time to time but it's very
boring and I find other things to do.  Other aspects of a website,
like marketing and general slickness, aren't being addressed much at
all.  Bill came up with a page of Really Cool CMake Features, and
that's a really cool thing to have on the wiki.  But it is also merely
a prototype / stand-in for something that, by corporate standards,
should be a lot slicker bulleted list of columns and tables comparo
type of thing.  I'm talking website production values.  The frontal
presence of CMake is ok if not exemplary.  But the farther one pushes
back into the wiki, the more it reeks of amateurism.

People who have a long memory for the various open source communities
I have offended, will remember that I went around the block with this
in Python days.  I'll never forget Guido chewing out his best web
designer, the one who had done all the free professional quality work
for him.  Back in the day, the Python Software Foundation wasn't
willing to buy into anyone's website vision or logo proposal.  Rather,
they reserved the right to dismiss and decline anything the open
source community might bring to them, and wouldn't bless or work with
anyone in particular.  This situation was never solved.  Despite the
abundant talent of webmasters, amateur logo artists, and CEOs of major
companies working to drive the project forwards, slick logos and
Python website redesign never happened.  The CEOs just folded up their
tents and went back to working on their own corporate websites, not
Python's.  Eventually Guido went to work for Google and adult things
were made to happen.  The Python website you see today, could have
easily happened 2 years earlier.

Kitware, thankfully, is a much more functional partner to be working
with on such matters than the PSF.  The lesson of history, however, is
that the controlling company's perspective and buy-in is critical.  If
they're not contributing a chunk of direction and labor to such an
enterprise, then it probably won't get any better than it is now.

Another lesson may have been that there simply wasn't enough money in
website slickness for Python to compete at the pro level?
Macroeconomically, perhaps Python inevitably had to be championed by a
company as large as Google to really get things done.  I don't know if
any Pythonistas are in the house to comment on this; perhaps they can
shed light on how Google has helped steward the Python community in
recent years.  I would like to think that once upon a time, before
Google, there were a lot of well-meaning amateurs capable of great
things who simply got blocked from doing them.  If that is true, then
all we have to do is be willing to do it.

Python also had a major strategic advantage for getting this sort of
thing done: lotsa web developers.  Who's good at that sort of thing
'round here?  I'm not.  I think I'll learn how to make my own slick
website before worrying about how to do it for CMake.  I've always
disliked web technology, as it's so godawful slow compared to 3D
graphics and assembly code, but the web is definitely the key to
modern techie marketing.  So grudgingly, I'll see if I can stand to
learn some NVU.  http://www.nvu.com/  I had a website a long time ago
that I used FrontPage 2000 for.  That was no fun, and it never
amounted to anything resembling professional production values.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Andreas Schneider
Kedzierski, Artur CIV NSWC Corona, PA53 wrote:
   I had to do that too. I ended up going by distribution-specific
 file in /etc. For example, 
 Red Hat:   /etc/redhat-release
 Slackware: /etc/slackware-version
 Slamd64:   /etc/slamd64-version
   To determine whether it is 64-bit vs 32-bit Red Hat, I use 
 'uname -m'.

uname -m is a bad idea. If you compile a 32bit application in a chroot system
on a x86_64 system. Then uname -m will return x86_64 and not i386.

You should use:


-- andreas

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Amitha Perera

/usr/bin/lsb_release -a

seems to be a platform agnostic way of getting the information from the 
various files in which it is stored.

CMake mailing list

[CMake] CMake, Java and JARs

2008-03-03 Thread Filipe Sousa

I'm new to java, so I might be doing something wrong.

Here is the CMakeLists.txt:

project(suplemento Java)
add_library(suplemento src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java)
target_link_libraries(suplemento ${GWT_LIBRARIES})

The contents of 

/opt/google-web-toolkit/gwt-user.jar; \
/opt/google-web-toolkit/gwt-dev-linux.jar; \

And the output

[100%] Building Java object 
/usr/bin/javac /home/fsousa/tmp/gwt/src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java -d 
/home/fsousa/tmp/gwt/src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java:3: package 
com.google.gwt.core.client does not exist
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
For some reason cmake is ignoring the jars.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Detecting linux distro?

2008-03-03 Thread Filipe Sousa

Kedzierski, Artur CIV NSWC Corona, PA53 wrote:
	I had to do that too. I ended up going by distribution-specific
file in /etc. For example, 
Red Hat:   /etc/redhat-release

Slackware: /etc/slackware-version
Slamd64:   /etc/slamd64-version

Gentoo: /etc/gentoo-release

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CMake mailing list

RE: [CMake] Removing cmake as a dependancy

2008-03-03 Thread Kevin Tucker
My company is Birdstep Technology, formerly Raima Corporation
(http://www.birdstep.com/database) and the SDKs we create are embedded
databases.  One of our strengths is our support of many different
platforms from Windows to the multiplicity of unix distros.  We've been
dealing with a hodge-podge of make systems to support these different
environments, especially between Windows and the unix's and really want
to find something we can standardize on!

We've been sending out our binaries with example code which had project
files build for Windows.  That was always a problem as different
customers have different versions of Microsoft's compilers, so we'd
tried including copies of project files for multiple versions or
including only the earliest version so that it could be upgraded, and
other things, but they have all been painful both for the customers and
for us to maintain.

So, with CMake able to easily generate a project file or nmake files, or
whatever, it would be a huge benefit for us in our maintenance of this.

However, there has been some push-back about requiring the customers to
have cmake installed.  Especially if we expect them to just install our
product and then start compiling the examples to evaluate the product,
we want there to be as few steps they need to take to get things working
as possible.

At this point, our best bet may be to just bundle cmake in with our
product install to ensure that customers have the easiest possible


-Original Message-
From: Bill Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:48 PM
To: Kevin Tucker
Subject: Re: [CMake] Removing cmake as a dependancy

Kevin Tucker wrote:
 Thanks Philip,
 I hadn't noticed the absolute paths yet.  I can see that they would
 portability without cmake a problem.  
 Is there any problem with including the cmake installer inside other 

Just curious, what types of products are you talking about?

CMake mailing list

[CMake] Lua in a nutshell

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Fernando Cacciola
 Brandon wrote:
   I am starting to wonder if the whole Lua thing is indeed a red
   herring, and what CMake really needs is the best possible website to
   document, tutorialize, and market CMake.  In other words, what we've
   got is fine; go sell it.
  I have the feelling that I'd like to get into *this* discussion (not that
  SCon's related one), but I'm a newcomer much too late to the party, so:
  what's the whole Lua thing in a nutshell?

Nutshell: is it strategically a good idea to implement Lua support for
CMake?  In my opinion:

- higher quality 3rd party documentation that the CMake community
needn't maintain.
- CMake gets a popularity boost from Lua, as it's a mainstream
accepted language.
- Lua's corner cases are more ironed out than CMake script.  3rd party
continues to iron them out.
- proof of concept has already been demonstrated and was relatively
easy to implement

- although doable, it's extra work to support 2 languages
- without a comprehensive migration strategy, it would split the CMake community
- CMake script must be maintained indefinitely for a small percentage
of users no matter what the migration strategy
- too much programmability may cause people to treat CMake as more of
a library or build component, rather than a standard end user tool

- Do advanced programming constructs really matter?  OO?  A fool's
game / fad / waste of time?  Or is it a killer feature that will make
or break products in the future?

  If it has something to do with the CMake scripting language, well, I for one
  would love to drop it and use something else, like (don't get me started
  on the wrong tail)

The archives contain abundant ink on this subject.  Well, bytes, whatever.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] test

2008-03-03 Thread Bill Hoffman

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Saturday 01 March 2008, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
  Rodolfo Schulz de Lima wrote:
The main issue with CMake script isn't when writing a build script,
but when writing auxiliary stuff, like a more elaborate Find*.cmake.
Just look at FindwxWidgets.cmake to see what I mean...
   Thanks for the feedback.  I am wondering if there is something that can
   be done in CMake c++ code to make writing a Find module like wx widgets
   easier.   Maybe regular expressions in the find_* commands would help.
   Lots of the verbosity comes from finding different names for libraries
   and paths.  I think that has come up on the list or the bug tracker
   recently.   The new break and return could clean it up some more, and
   the use of lower case would make it look nicer.

 quote from another related thread

 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Rodolfo Schulz de Lima wrote:
  Bill Hoffman escreveu:
   Wow, that must be a world record... I've mentioned the problem at 10:57

Don't think so, there are 4 hours in between, Bill and/or Brad have already 
proven before that they can be even faster than that :-)

   (Brazilian Standard Time), and the solution got committed at 14:18
   (BRST). Guinness anyone?? I which my cable TV customer support were that
   fast...thanks a lot Bill.

 And you all thought Bill was so resistant to change :P

 I really think this is the stuff that needs to be addressed and
 obviously Bill and the rest of the CMake developers are very willing
 to accomodate this. That is, things like relaxing the if/else
 constructs, scoping, return, break, lowercase commands, etc. are the
 components we need to help facilitate writing more complex stuff in
 CMake scripting.

Yes, maybe we should now simply wait a bit and see how new cmake scripts with 
the new features actually look. What we all know are cmake scripts using 
cmake 2.2/2.4 syntax, cmake cvs has all the mentioned improvements, maybe 
these are already enough to make the scripts easier to read/write and more 
scalable (e.g. scoped vars and functions).

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   VMWare is a large commercial project.


  My impression so far is that SCons appeals to a company that wants to
  program a customized build system, rather than have one off-the-shelf
  that already works.

Here's an exemplar:

I don't think we'll ever be able to define a model for how tools should look,
or how command lines should be generically specified, that will satisfy
everyone. It's just not possible. After I wrote my original email, I got a
lot of feedback (some through the list, some outside the list) from people
who use the tools exactly in the way that we at VMware do. That is, we don't
use them.

We wrote our own generic command lines, and our own module loading mechanism.
The part of scons we reuse is the machinery to convert the environment
variables into actual command lines, but we don't use any of the built in
variable schema at all. We write our own scanners, and our own builders.

CMake should not seek to emulate this business model.  Let the SCons
guys have it, and let them flounder in it.  For pete's sake they're
arguing in committee bazaar fashion about how to deploy a stable
release cycle.  They're way behind CMake in some areas.  I'm open to
Python, Ruby, or Lua demonstrating something important about scripting
languages and build systems, but the SCons crowd seems so dominated by
other problems that it doesn't seem all that relevant.  They're not
proving anything about Python; in fact, they're proving that Python
1.5 is a serious liability over the long haul.  It's slow and hard to
modify the SCons core.  That's another tidbit somewhere in that
thread, you can learn tons about SCons from that thread.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 03 March 2008, Félix C. Morency wrote:

 You seem to be right. Changing the build target to the name of my project
 did the trick. I can now run and debug the program successfully.

If you find any issues, please filel bug reports :-)

Known issue: Compile current file is not supported.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 03 March 2008, packadal wrote:
 I am trying to build a shared library from many static libs, so I can
 divide my compilation in subdirectories.

Don't do that, just use directly the source files from the subdirectories.

 But I don't get how i should do this.
 I tried to use TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY( first_lib, second_lib, ...)
 But cmake says :  Attempt to add link library first_lib, to target
 second_lib, which is not built by this project.
 Is there a better way to di this ?

Did you use SUBDIRS() ? Use ADD_SUBDIRECTORY() instead, then the dirs will be 
processed at the time of the call, with SUBDIRS the dirs are processed at the 
end of the CMakeLists.txt

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 03 March 2008, Brandon Van Every wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  VMWare is a large commercial project.

 My impression so far is that SCons appeals to a company that wants to
 program a customized build system, rather than have one off-the-shelf
 that already works.  A customized build system requires dedicated
 manpower and exotic needs.  VMWare has those needs; it has been
 pointed out that many other companies do not have such needs, nor
 dedicated full-time in-house build guru expertise.  Also, when the
 build system is programmable, people seem to start treating it as a
 library rather than an end user tool.

Yes, that was my impression too.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake, Java and JARs

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 03 March 2008, Filipe Sousa wrote:
 I'm new to java, so I might be doing something wrong.

 Here is the CMakeLists.txt:

 project(suplemento Java)
 add_library(suplemento src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java)
 target_link_libraries(suplemento ${GWT_LIBRARIES})

 The contents of

   /opt/google-web-toolkit/gwt-user.jar; \
   /opt/google-web-toolkit/gwt-dev-linux.jar; \

 And the output

 [100%] Building Java object
 CMakeFiles/suplemento.dir/src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.class /usr/bin/javac
 /home/fsousa/tmp/gwt/src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java -d
 /home/fsousa/tmp/gwt/src/pt/ipb/client/Suplemento.java:3: package
 com.google.gwt.core.client does not exist import
 For some reason cmake is ignoring the jars.

No idea, but in general the java support of cmake isn't very mature.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VS2005 PocketPC and Smartphone targets

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Friday 29 February 2008, Philip Lowman wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Tried to post the zip file to the cmake e-mail list, but it bounced
  because it was too large.  Hope you got it, Philip!  Here's just the one
  vcproj file.


 It might be possible to get most of the way there with a lot of custom
 preprocessor definitions, and tweaked compilation and linking flags .
 Modifying Windows-cl.cmake to support passing /machine:ARM along with the
 other ARM specific options that are needed would probably be a good place
 to start.  I'm not sure if anyone has undertaken the effort before though.

 Also, I'm not sure what this section does (I suspect it just modifies the
 possible build configurations) but noticed that nothing like it is being
 generated by CMake 2.4.8.

 Name=Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)
 Name=Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4)

I can't help with testing, since I don't have any Windows installation 
available, but I'd be happy to help with answering questions and integrating 
this into cmake cvs.
Supporting the MS cross toolchain would be really nice to have in cmake. I'd 
suggest the first step should be to modify Windows-cl.cmake so it can deal 
with different architectures and get the nmake generator working for your 
You need to use cmake cvs for that, 2.4 doesn't support cross compiling.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] cmake community site

2008-03-03 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 03 March 2008, Matt Williams wrote:
 Hi everyone.

 I've got a proposal for you all which I've been thinking about for a while.
 Since cmake is now getting more and more widely spread, being used by
 people for both small, casual projects as well as monolithic projects (e.g.
 KDE) it seems like cmake itself, as well as the users of it could benefit
 from a community site of sorts. In my experience with opensource projects,
 one of the largest factors in how large a mindshare it has as well as how
 long it manages to hold on to that mind share is how strong a community it

 Now, this list is great; both for quick support as well as a direct line to
 the developers (kudos to Brad, Bill and co. for that) and the wiki is good
 for code snippets and extra documentation but I feel it could be better.

 I'm looking to see what you guys on this list think about me starting up
 a 'cmake community' site, possibly featuring the following:
  - News about releases
  - News about projects' success stories etc.
  - Simple beginner's tutorials
  - Tutorials about more specific tasks e.g. platform specific things (even
when this isn't necessarily cmake specific)
  - A repository of Find*.cmake files including the ability to provide
 feedback to the module writer, such as improvements/patches
  - A repository of extra macros providing the same as the Find*.cmake
  - Discussion forums

 So, what do you guys think? Is this sort of site wanted/needed? Is this

I'd say not yet. For now it would probably be better to just help working on 
the wiki, there you can also write tutorials etc.
A solution for additional cmake modules is needed.
There is also a cmake site at google

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 6:13 PM, James Mansion
 Brandon Van Every wrote:
Then probably that is because those projects use Ruby AND Python AND Tcl
- so I have to have them anyway.  Hey, lets all use C89.  Everyone has
that, right?
   What if it is just C/C++ code?  And the open source author likes
   Python better than Lua?  So he does his build in Python, and now I
   have to have a Python interpreter just to build his C/C++ code.
  Fine.  Don't use his code.  I try to avoid automake.

Don't you see the problem as far as fragmenting open source builds in
general?  In the current day, avoiding automake is not a realistic
answer as far as the vast majority of open source developers are
concerned.  If you are personally converting every single open source
package out there from automake to CMake, that's commendable, but it's
not a labor we should expect the open source world to habitually
undertake.  If you are not converting anything at all, and simply
avoiding vast tracts of the open source landscape, then you are not
taking into account the concerns of a very large audience.  CMake
cares about that audience and it's part of why the Tower Of Babel
approach is deemed unacceptable.  Other projects, like SCons, do deem
it acceptable; you are certainly free to use those instead.  I've
reported on a number of alternate tools as of late, and given the
state of the competition, I do think that CMake's desire to be 1
standard rather than many standards is reasonable.

   Either CMake bloats with an interpreter for every scripting language
   out there, or the user has to install Python for not much of a good
   purpose.  I think the ease of the end user is more important than the
   ease of the developer in this case.
  The two are not separable.  The end user is a customer for *all* of the
  developer's product.
  If its a real issue, the developer will change.

So first I implement my CMake build in TCL.  Then people scream at me.
 I re-implement my build in Ruby.  People scream at me again,
especially the Python crowd.  So I add a Python build and chug with
both Python and Ruby for awhile, but I'm noticing it's a headache to
bother supporting both.  I'm getting really sophisticated with SWIG
and every single scripting language out there, so I dump everything
and build with Lua, for my own sanity of maintenance.  People scream
again because it isn't their personal favorite language.  By this
point, I've spent so much time futzing with the build system, that I
haven't really developed a product that people care about.  I give up
and swear off of the never-ending open source money pit for good.  I
get a real job shoveling Ant.  I hate it but I get paid well.

That's how I see it going down in the real world.  Most open source
projects don't have the luxury of change, change, change.

You're also making the unwarranted assumption that the developer is
1 person.  Open source projects are often polyglot.  People war over
these issues.  It causes enormous friction that keeps anything from
getting done.

  The biggest problem with verbosity is that its not really possible to do

Actually it is, even in CMake 2.4.8.  The price is you have to write
these horribly long global variable names, so that your macro
subroutines won't collide with higher level macros.  I've written
half of a general purpose Autoconf + GMake -- CMake translator using
nothing more than macro subroutines and regular expressions.  Some
people call that an extreme abuse of CMake script.  I say it worked,
and the macros were only 3 layers deep.  But that was deep enough to
clamor for scope and functions, and we're getting it in CMake 2.6.0.
As far as I'm concerned, this kind of verbosity has been addressed.
I'm probably on the high end of the absurdity scale for what I've
pushed CMake script to do, and I did get through it even with what's
available now.  I pushed CMake script that hard (1) to get paid to
push the limits of CMake script, to find out what really needed to be
improved about it in the worst case, and (2) the hope that by
providing a large example of CMake script doing something non-trivial,
I might help spawn more CMake script gurus.  (1) worked, jury's out on

  and the keywords-as-functions just look wrong to me.

But if you have a reason to write enough of it, you quickly get over
it.  People often must have forced reasons to deal with something new
and different.  If your boss says, I want a pilot build written in
CMake 1 week from today.  We have to know if it's capable of solving
our problems, then you just go do it.  If your boss says, Well what
do you think about this-or-that build tool? you have the wiggle room
to complain and carp about whatever you like, and thereby defeat the
use of the tool.  If you don't have any boss, if you're just trying
things out, you have no deadlines at all and you can reject stuff on
any basis you like.  It all depends on what you 

Re: [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues

2008-03-03 Thread Philip Lowman
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Alexander Neundorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday 03 March 2008, Félix C. Morency wrote:
  You seem to be right. Changing the build target to the name of my
  did the trick. I can now run and debug the program successfully.

 If you find any issues, please filel bug reports :-)

 Known issue: Compile current file is not supported.

Submitted! :)

Philip Lowman
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Jesper Eskilson

Brandon Van Every wrote:

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you can learn tons about SCons from that thread.

And there's one *really* spectacular public flame, if you need a
motive to stay awake reading through it.

Care to elaborate for those of use too lazy to read through the whole thing?


CMake mailing list