[CMake] Passing CMake Arguments to FetchContent

2019-03-22 Thread Jason Beach
I'm upgrading from cmake 3.5.1 and am trying to understand the new
FetchContent command. So far I have:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
project (json_test)

set(JSON_BuildTests OFF) #if I try this I get a warning as it appears to be

GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/nlohmann/json.git
GIT_TAG v3.6.1
#CMAKE_ARGS -DJSON_BuildTests=OFF #doesn't work
add_executable(main src/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json)

I first tried sending in the JSON_BuildTests=OFF with CMAKE_ARGS in the
FetchContent_Declare command but that didn't work.  On this post
https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2018-July/067804.html it appears this is
because only the download portion of FetchContent_Declare is enabled with
the intent to not do too much during configure time. How does specifying
how the external project is configured fit that rationale?  If I execute

cmake -DJSON_BuildTests=OFF ..

the argument successfully makes it through to the external project. I guess
I'm trying to understand why it's ok to specify it on the command line but
not permanently in the CMakeLists.txt, particularly if you have many
libraries each potentially with their options that need to be configured.


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[CMake] FetchContent or Export Targets

2019-03-23 Thread Jason Beach
  As I've been learning CMake, it seems the best practice for a library is
for it to export the targets it creates. There is also the relatively new
command FetchContent. It seems that at least in part the FetchContent
command obviates the need for exporting targets.

I can see that for larger more permanent libraries exporting targets is
still preferred so the library can be installed once and used by multiple
projects on a developers workstation without having to install it on each

At work we're a bunch of research engineers that happen to write a lot of
software-- exporting targets still seems cumbersome and it seems not
exporting targets and then just have users use FetchContent to pull in a
library is not a bad idea.

Are there other reasons /advantages of exporting targets?


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[CMake] add_subdirectory namespaces

2019-07-24 Thread Jason Beach
I've been reorganizing / updating our software cmake build. It currently
uses a mixture of Externa Projects and normal target definitions that
depend on the external projects (which has you probably know causes much
sorrow and grief).  One of my goals in the reorganization was to replace
all the ExternalProjectAdd statements with FetchContent, however I soon
discovered that some of the external projects declare targets with the same
name (i.e. an uninstall target).  These external projects are third party
libraries that are not under our control.

It appears there's been a suggestion to add namespaces to the
add_subdirectory command:

Is that going anywhere?  It seems like that would address FetchContent's
main limitation. I guess for the time being I'll use ExternalProject for
thirdparty libraries not under our control and FetchContent for libraries
that are and do a true super build instead of the muddled sort of
arrangement we have now.

One other kind of not-so-random question-the documentation on the Project
statement is fine if it's in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt (in which case it
defines some project level variables, etc.) but it's silent about what
happens if it's not in the top level CMakeLists.txt.  i.e. if I add a
library via add_subdirectory or FetchContent and that library's toplevel
CMakeLists.txt has the project statement, what happens when it's executed?
Is it silently ignored?


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[CMake] Don't list Up-to-date files during install

2019-10-24 Thread Jason Beach
When installing files, cmakes prints a list of all files that are to be
installed, even if some of those files are already installed and up-to-date
(i.e. installed from a previous build).  If the file is not installed or
out-of date, cmake prints "Installing: ..." and if a file was already
installed and didn't change it prints "Up-to-date: ..."

Is there a way to suppress listing all of the up-to-date files and only
show the files that are being installed because they changed?  Some of the
libraries we use install a ton of files and if we change only one it's
difficult to find and verify that one was installed among the sea of
up-to-date files.


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