[cmake-developers] [CMake 0012141]: Add Debian Source Generator Module

2011-04-30 Thread Mantis Bug Tracker

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:Rosen Diankov
Assigned To:
Issue ID:   12141
Category:   (No Category)
Severity:   feature
Priority:   normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2011-04-30 05:50 EDT
Last Modified:  2011-04-30 05:50 EDT
Summary:Add Debian Source Generator Module
We just finished a new debian source package generator script for cmake:


This is based on the initial UploadPPA.cmake file (
http://purplekarrot.net/blog/dputCMake.html )  by Daniel Pfeifer,
except it adds 4 new cool features:

1. Simultaneous output of multiple debian source packages for each
distribution. Users can specify them by

set(CPACK_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASES karmic lucid maverick natty)

and 4 dsc files, 4 changes files, 4 debian.tar.gz files, and one
src.orig.tar.gz file will be outputted. These can be sent directly to
launchpad via dput

2. Automatically generates symbols and run-time dependencies from the
build dependencies

3. Custom copy of source directory via CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SOURCE_COPY

4. Handles distro and release specific dependencies through:


The usage of this file for generating packages for the OpenRAVE project can be
seen here:



Issue History 
Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
2011-04-30 05:50 Rosen Diankov  New Issue
2011-04-30 05:50 Rosen Diankov  File Added: DebSourcePPA.cmake  

cmake-developers mailing list

Re: [cmake-developers] Better Eclipse CDT support

2011-04-30 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Saturday 30 April 2011, Oliver Buchtala wrote:
 Am 29.04.2011 21:45, schrieb Manuel Klimek:
  On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Alexander Neundorf neund...@kde.org 
  On Thursday 28 April 2011, Oliver Buchtala wrote:
  wst-file is allright and I see that all projects are generated :)
  Unfortunately, this working set stuff is yet a bit inconvenient, as it
  is not an Eclipse built-in.
  What you need to do:
  0. Switch to C/C++ perspective (maybe this is the empty project
  observation you described?)
  1. Import eclipse projects (all from the CDT_ECLIPSE_OUTPUT_DIR)
   - you see all projects flat side by side?
  I have to import all the projects in eclipse/ manually one by one ?
  Nope, you just go to the toplevel directory, and eclipse will import

Ah, I didn't know that.

  I want to create an Eclipse Plugin which shall make all this more
  convenient and more automatically.
  Something like a CMake enabling 'Solution' file that manages imported
  projects and working sets etc...
  But yet I am a PDE beginner... so, this will take some more weeks...
  That sounds like a great plan :-)
  But, for me, the thing which sucks by far most about the Eclipse
  generator, is that Eclipse has these problems with out-of-source
  AFAIK Eclipse expects that the project file is at the root of the source
  tree, and that e.g. also the svn etc. directories are in this tree.

 Nowadays, there are ways to deal better with that: linked folders,
 virtual folders and linked resources

I'm not using Eclipse actively myself, I'm just maintaining the generator.
But what people told me is that if the sources are not in a subdir of the 
project file, then the svn support of Eclipse does not work.
Also if the sources are in a linked folder.
Did this change ?

  For me Oliver's eclipse generator actually works with out-of-source
  builds. (eclipse 3.7, CDT 8). If I remember correctly the main thing
  to look out for is to put the workspace outside of both the source and
  the cmake build directory.

 Actually, *only* out-of-tree works well - unfortunately even
 (out-of-tree)^2 is necessary ;)

 The proposed solution is pretty similar to that generated for Visual
 Studio using virtual folders for structure and explicit referenced files.
 There are two options when importing generated eclipse projects:
 1. Create out-of-every-tree using CDT_ECLIPSE_OUTPUT_DIR, then easy
 import by one click (ehm... at least O(1)) ;)
 2. do not use CDT_ECLIPSE_OUTPUT_DIR? then make sure you copy the
 projects into your workspace (by activating a checkbox in the dialog).
 Though, I do not recomment as reconfigure won't affect your projects

 Unfortunately the following is not working (would be my favorite):
- src ...
- build
  - eclipse-prj
- eclipse-linked folder to proj-root/
 together with using proj-root/build as eclipse workspace.
 It is not allowed to have 'active' projects in some sub-dir of linked
 or in other words, to link to parent-folders from eclipse proj.

So how should the directory layout look like ?
I currently do
and there your new generator creates a 
SOMEDIR/foo-build/eclipse/ directory.


cmake-developers mailing list

[cmake-developers] [CMake 0012142]: Read-only files lose their read-only attribute when packaged using either ZIP or NSIS

2011-04-30 Thread Mantis Bug Tracker

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:Alan
Assigned To:
Issue ID:   12142
Category:   CPack
Severity:   major
Priority:   high
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2011-04-30 18:52 WAT
Last Modified:  2011-04-30 18:52 WAT
Summary:Read-only files lose their read-only attribute when
packaged using either ZIP or NSIS
To package a read-only file using CMake/CPack works as expected on Linux (using
TGZ) and Mac OS X (using either PackageMaker or ZIP), but not on Windows (either
using ZIP or NSIS).

Steps to Reproduce: 
To reproduce the problem:
 - Unzip the attached Test.zip file;
 - Either:
- Double click on the packageproj.bat file; or
- Open a command prompt window, cd to the directory where you unzipped the
file, and execute the packageproj.bat file from the command prompt;
 - Execute [Test]\build\Test-0.1.1-win32.exe and/or unzip the
[Test]\build\Test-0.1.1-win32.zip file;
 - Go to the installation/unzipped folder and check the permissions for our
deployed readOnlyFile.txt file.

Expected result: our deployed readOnlyFile.txt file should be readable only.
Actual result: our deployed readOnlyFile.txt file is read-writable.

Additional Information: 
If you were to test the above on either Linux or Mac OS X (using, for example,
the packageproj shell script which is provided), you would see that our deployed
readOnlyFile.txt file is readable only, as expected.

Otherwise, it might be worth pointing out that, on Windows and for NSIS and ZIP
[Test]\build\_CPack_Packages\win32\NSIS\Test-0.1.1-win32\readOnlyFile.txt and
[Test]\build\_CPack_Packages\win32\ZIP\Test-0.1.1-win32\readOnlyFile.txt are
read-only. So, could it be that the problem is during the packaging itself? It
certainly looks like it.

From a reply I got on the mailing list, it would seem that the same libarchive
is used for ZIP on the different platforms (see
http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2011-April/044124.html). Still, I get the
feeling that the problem might still be there (as we know, permissions are
handled in a very different way on Windows compared to Linux / Mac OS X,

Finally, regarding NSIS, having checked the contents of
[Test]\build\_CPack_Packages\win32\NSIS\project.nsi, it seems to me that the
NSIS project file misses a call to SetFileAttributes with READONLY as a
parameter. This would ensure that once deployed, our readOnlyFile.txt is indeed
read-only. At least, this is what I had to do for another project of mine for
which I had to 'manually' write a NSIS project file.

Issue History 
Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
2011-04-30 18:52 Alan   New Issue
2011-04-30 18:52 Alan   File Added: Test.zip 

cmake-developers mailing list

Re: [cmake-developers] Better Eclipse CDT support

2011-04-30 Thread Oliver Buchtala
Am 30.04.2011 19:56, schrieb Oliver Buchtala:
 Am 30.04.2011 19:29, schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
 Nowadays, there are ways to deal better with that: linked folders,
 virtual folders and linked resources
 I'm not using Eclipse actively myself, I'm just maintaining the generator.
 But what people told me is that if the sources are not in a subdir of the 
 project file, then the svn support of Eclipse does not work.
 Also if the sources are in a linked folder.
 Did this change ?

 Ok. Don't know. I have to  check...
 Actually, there happened a lot around folders. Maybe this also works in
 the meantime.

Nope. This is still not supported.
My personal opinion is that I do not care about eclipse svn support.
Other IDEs don't support this either (or not well).

Also, in earlier days I have had not too good experiences with
Subversive and Subclipse
and always returned to doing svn from command line or other tools (e.g.
I looked a bit around in the internet and still find mainly bad remarks
for those both plugins
and suggestions not to do it from within Eclipse.


cmake-developers mailing list