[CMLHope] Advice on Liver Enzymes

2007-02-02 Thread Priesty

Hi everybody
looking for experience / advice on elevated liver enzyme levels,
Vanessa is intolerant to Gleevec, both from a perspective of her blood
counts not being able to stabilise at a safe level, but more
critically that her liver enzymes are elevated. She has now been off
Gleveec for 3-4 weeks to give her liver a rest. When the enzymes get
back to normal levels, her onc will then start her on Sprycell.

Here lies the issue. Vanessa's enyme levels are going up not down,
despite the break from the meds. They are not at dangerous levels, but
unfortunately going up. Her ALT level is at 308 and her AST level is
at 114.

The only supplements she is taking is flax seed oil and iron tablets
everyday, which she is now going to take a break from. She doesn t
drink and has a very healthy diet.

Any ideas?

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[CMLHope] Advice on Sprycel please

2007-01-06 Thread Priesty

Hi all
haven t posted for some time, but we are keen to get some information
on Sprycel.
Although Vanessa was having a great response to Gleevec in terms of
reaching CCR from the fish test, she is unable to tolerate it anymore
due to the impact on her liver.

As of yesterday, having been on 400 then 300mg her onc finally
concluded that enough was enough. She is having a 10 day break to allow
the liver to recover and is then starting on Sprycel.

We know very little about the treatment (as it is so new) and are
really keen to get as much imformation as possible. We'd be very
gratelful to hear from anyone who has experience of sprycel, knows
anyone with experience of it, or has any useful information to share,
particularly in relation to success rates and side efffects.

Trey and Anjana I saw a couple of postings you made back in August. Do
you have any more to add?

Thank you and happy new year
Stay well

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[CMLHope] Update on Vanessa and any advice welcome please

2006-10-27 Thread Priesty

Hi everyone,
it's been sometime since I've posted but wanted to get some opinions.
We went to see our oncologist at Sloane in NY today and received mixed
Vanessa's standard cytogenic test and Fish is absent of any
Philadelphia chromosome. She was 100% +ve at diagnosis. This is after 4
months, which i gather is a great result. Is it?

The Molecular tests still show evidence of the leukemia. What should we
be looking for and asking for next?

However, in relation to her bloods that were taken today, her White
cells are at 1.7 (4 weeks ago they were at 5.6) and her platelets are
down to 117. As a consequence she has come off the Gleevec for a week
and had an injection to stimulate white cell production. She is having
additional blood tests next week to check the Blood Counts and we'll
take it from there. The onc is talking about putting her back on 300Mg
of Gleevec. She has just come off 400mg.

As you can imagine, it has been another day on the rollercoaster. Any
views, comments and observations would be very welcome, especially if
any of you have had similar experiences.

stay well

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[CMLHope] Stinging/tingling sensation in the upper legs

2006-09-06 Thread Priesty

Has anyone experienced a tingling or mild burning sensation in the
thighs or upper legs?  and if so, at what stage of treatment was it.

I have been on Gleevac for 3 months now and am having this strange
sensation.  It's not painful in anyway, I was just wondering if it's
normal or if I should be resting/sitting down more.

Thanks a lot

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[CMLHope] Time Frames for Complete Cytogenic Remission side effects tips

2006-08-29 Thread Priesty

Hi everybody
was just looking for some clarity on a couple of issues. Vanessa has
been on Gleevec now for approx 2.5months and has achieved a complete
haemotological response.

The questions are as follows:

How quickly can she expect a CCR? What are the usual timeframes? Is it
possible to achieve Haemotologocal response but not get to CCR?

The whites of Vanessa's eyes are lightly' bloodshot.We assume as a
result of the Gleevec. Does anybody have a recommendation for
alleviating this?

Finally her hair is thinning a little, again as a response to the
Gleevec. Does anyone have any advice?


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[CMLHope] Re: Muscle Pain

2006-08-03 Thread Priesty

Thanks Katy.
What did you treat it with?
Does anyone else have any suggestions? Are there any drugs that one
should avoid with Gleevec?
Many thanks

 OMW yes! I had so much muscle and bone pain at the beginning it wassnt funny. 
 I still have it but not quite as bad. My neck is the only thing that is 
 consistently hurting since starting gleevec.


 -- Original message --
 From: Priesty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  wondered if anyone can help...my wife has significant muscle pain
  around her neck and shoulders which is a little reminiscent of pain she
  had prior to her CML diagnosis. I am aware that bone pain occurs, but
  does anyone have muscle pain and is it attributable to the CML or
  let me know
 Content-Type: text/html
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 X-Google-AttachSize: 977

 DIVOMW yes! I had so much muscle and bone pain at the beginning it wassnt 
 funny. I still have it but not quite as bad. My neck is the only thing that 
 is consistently hurting since starting gleevec. /DIV
 DIV class=signature id=signature--BRxanga.com/katybug45/DIV
 2px solid-- Original message -- BRFrom: Priesty 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] BRBR BR Hi BR wondered if anyone can help...my 
 wife has significant muscle pain BR around her neck and shoulders which is 
 a little reminiscent of pain she BR had prior to her CML diagnosis. I am 
 aware that bone pain occurs, but BR does anyone have muscle pain and is it 
 attributable to the CML or BR Gleevec? BR let me know BR cheers 
 BR steve BR BR BR


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[CMLHope] Re: Can someone help with the terminology?

2006-07-11 Thread Priesty

firstly I wanted to reitterate my thanks for your support over the last
few days. It is truely terrific.
My apologies, I have misled you in terms of Vanessa's initial
treatment, It was not interferon but Hydroxyurea.
As I mentioned, she had a count of 250k WBC and a bone marrow biopsy
was done immediately to establish that it was CML and to assess whether
the Ph+ chromosome was present. After a week , she was then put onto
600Mg of Gleevec. From what we can tell her response to date has been
pretty good, except for the WBC being at 2k.
With regard to her % ratio, we don t know what that is at present. We
have another BM Biopsy next week. Based on the feedback we will
definitely enquire in more detail why this is being done so soon.
We are getting care from Sloane Kettering in New York.
Best Regards

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[CMLHope] Re: Hi I'm New and have a couple of questions

2006-07-09 Thread Priesty

Thanks for the response Rob, we don t know that. Vanessa has another
Bone Marrow Biopsy in just over a week to check that

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[CMLHope] Re: Hi I'm New and have a couple of questions

2006-07-09 Thread Priesty

thank you so much for the responses so far, it is great to have an
opportunity to share with with people that truely understand.

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