[cobirds] Trivia question

2012-11-07 Thread Ted Floyd

Hello, Birders.

Say, I recently received in the (old, snail) mail the results of the 2011-2012 
Christmas Bird Count (CBC). These appear in each year in "American Birds," 
published by the National Audubon Society. Perhaps the most fun part of the 
annual CBC issue is the summary of high counts for the United States.

For the 2011-2012 CBC, 11 birds achieved their national high counts in Colorado.

Name them!

Ted Floyd


Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado   

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012-11-07 Thread Joyce Takamine
 Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date:   November 7, 2012
email:  rba AT cfobirds.org
phone: 303-659-8750

 This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Wednesday, November 7, 2012,
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your
name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for
each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)

TUNDRA SWAN (Jackson, Rio Blanco)
White-winged Scoter (Montezuma, Pueblo)
Pacific Loon (Boulder, Douglas/Jefferson, *Montezuma, Pueblo)
Red-necked Grebe (Douglas/Jefferson, Pueblo)
Dunlin (Prowers)
Thayer's Gull (Boulder, Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Pueblo)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Bent, Prowers, Sedgwick, Yuma)
Carolina Wren (Prowers)
Fox Sparrow (*Bent)
Swamp Sparrow (Boulder, Pueblo, Yuma)
White-throated Sparrow (Douglas, Pueblo)
Harris's Sparrow (Arapahoe, Douglas/Jefferson, El Paso,  Larimer, Prowers,
Lapland Longspur (Weld)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Washington)
Common Redpoll (*Boulder, *Jefferson)

Arapahoe County:
--An imm Harris's Sparrow was reported by Tina Jones at Hudson Gardens near
the bank S Platte River on November 4.  It was near the Cafe which is next
to the bike trail.  Hudson Gardens is at 6115 S Santa Fe.

Bent County:
--Duane Nelson reported red Fox Sparrow and Red-belllied Woodpecker visited
his feeders on November 6.  Birders are welcome if you contact him first.
 His e-mail is dnelson1 AT centurytel.net

Boulder County:
--An ad Thayer's Gull was reported by Nunes at Sixmile Reservoir in Boulder
on November 3.
--A Pacific Loon was reported by Nunes at Boulder Reservoir on November 4.
--A Swamp Sparrow was reported by Nunes along Boulder Creek W of 75th St on
November 4.
--8 Common Redpolls were reported by Guarente at McIntosh Lake in Longmont
on November 6.  There were near the shoe near the SE boat ramp.

Douglas County:
--A 1st year White-throated Sparrow has been visiting the feeders at the
home of Royce Beatty in Castle Rock since November 2.
Birders are welcome to try to see the bird which can be viewed from
adjacent Open Space.  His address is 3857 Miners Candle Place.  If you want
to contact him, his e-mail is r1928lb AT gmail.com.

Douglas/Jefferson Counties:
--A Red-necked Grebe was reported by Walbek W From Fisherman's Pier on
October 30.  Kibbe refound the Red-necked Grebe at Chatfield on November 4
N of the sand spit..
--A Pacific Loon was reported by Walbek at Chatfield SP on November 1.
--An imm Harris's Sparrow was reported by Henwood on the trail E of Boat
Marina at Chatfield on November 5.

Jackson County:
--A pair of TUNDRA SWANS was reported by Dodson on Lake John in North Park
on November 4.

Jefferson County:
--2 Common Redpols were reported by Balais and Tuesday Birders at Prospect
Park in Wheatridge on November 6.  They were past the bridge, approximately
200 yards on west side by birch/alder catkins.

Larimer County:
--A 1st winter Harris's Sparrow has been visiting the yard of Sean Walters
in Loveland since October 26.  If you would like to
try to see it contact him at waltersintherockies AT gmail.com.  Walters
reported on October 31 that the Harris's Sparrow was seen again.

Montezuma County:
--Two White-winged Scoters were reported by Rees at Totten Reservoir near
Cortez on November 4.
--A Pacific Loon was reported by Jim Beatty in the SW corner of Totten
Reservoir on November 6.

Prowers County:
--A m Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by Leatherman at Willow Valley
Subdivision E of Willow Creek Park in Lamar on November 5.
 --An ad Harris's Sparrow was reported by Leatherman at Riverside Cemetery
in Lamar on November 5.
--At Lamar Community College Woods (LCCW) Leatherman reported Carolina Wren
and m Northern Cardinal on November 5.
--At Thurston Reservoir on November 5, Leatherman reported 1 Dunlin.

Pueblo County:
--A Red-necked Grebe was reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir off the
Sailboard Lauching Area on November 1.
--An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Percival by the S Marina
tires at Pueblo Reservoir on November 1.  On November 2, Percival reported
a Lesser Black-backed Gull swimming off the Sailboard Launching Area in the
morning and one at the S Marina tires in the afternoon.  On November 3, at
S Shore Marina tires, Percival reported 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 1
Thayer's Gull.  On November 5, Percival reported Lesser Black-backed Gull
at S shore marina tires.
 --At Valco Ponds on November 1, Percival reported 2 White-throated
Sparrows and 1 Swamp Sparrow.
--At Pueblo City Park on November 1, Percival reported 1 m YELLOW-BELLIED
SAPSUCKER.  Drummond reported  1 ad m YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER b

[cobirds] Pine Warbler Pueblo City Park

2012-11-07 Thread Brandon K . Percival
Bill Maynard and I have a Pine Warbler west of the pond with a flock of birds 
right now.

Brandon K. Percival, Pueblo West, CO -- sent from my phone.

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[cobirds] Greater Scaup, City Park, Denver ??

2012-11-07 Thread Hugh Kingery

 One of our bird class members sent a picture of a female scaup that probably 
is Greater. She saw it at City Park yesterday. If anyone would like to view the 
photo she took, email me -- I don't have any Flickr/et sim accounts.


Hugh Kingery 
Franktown, CO

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[cobirds] More Redpoll Fun - Golden Gate Canyon SP, Jefferson County

2012-11-07 Thread JBreitsch - Denver
Species Seen: Common Redpoll, Adult Male (I think)
Location (General): Golden Gate Canyon State Park, Jefferson County
Location (Specific): Ralston Roost Picnic Area; first picnic table you 
get to from the Visitors Center.  
Time:   0700-0718 and again 0830-0834
Distance: ~7 - 25 feet
Observers:  Just myself
Photo Documentaion:  Yes.  Links below:
Additional Information:  After almost going to Prosect Park yesteraday and 
ending up at Cherry Creek instead, I was a little annoyed at myself that I 
missed the Common Redpolls reported there.  Upon hearing of both 
reports yesterday, I decided that I would go on a blantant quest for 
redpolls this morning.  I whittled my location choices down to four last 
night, and this morning I finally decided to try Golden Gate.  Other than 
some flybys of robins, jays, and a Downy Woodpecker, the first bird that I 
saw on land was this Common Redpoll.  Life is good sometimes.  
John Breitsch
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Bent County shorebirds

2012-11-07 Thread Duane Nelson


I went with Mike Smith to Adobe Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake) this 
morning. The south end of the lake had some late migrant shorebirds: 
three American Golden-Plovers, one Black-bellied Plover, three Dunlin, 
about 30 Long-billed Dowitchers and a few Greater Yellowlegs. Drive west 
from Bent County Road 10 on Road UU to the dam, and drive approximately 
one mile north on the two-track to the edge of the south lake.

Feeders in my yard have attracted both red Fox Sparrow and Harris' 
Sparrow this morning.

Duane Nelson
Las Animas, Bent County, CO

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[cobirds] woodcock

2012-11-07 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,
This morning about 11:00am I found a Woodcock at the sanctuary on the west side 
of Lake Estes. The bird was in the grass  along the creek in the area we call 
chat flats.   

 Walk the trail from the parking lot on HWY 36. Before the trail makes a bend 
to the north ( veers left),  walk down to the creek. That is where I saw the 
bird first.   Check all of the wet areas along the creek as well as near the 
pond and to the north of the pond.

The bird is much more rusty color than a snipe and a much slower flyer. 

Scott and Julie Roederer came down, as did Susan Ward and Bob Chase, but as of 
12:30 pm today the bird was not refound.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] Pueblo City Park , Pueblo Co. 11/07

2012-11-07 Thread Brandon K. Percival
Here is the full report from what Bill Maynard and I saw around Pueblo City 
Park and other Pueblo birding locations this morning.

The highlight was a first year male (since it had some yellow on the throat) 
PINE WARBER, it was west of the pond in Pueblo City Park, in some tall 
pondarosa pine trees.  It was feeding high in the pine needles and hard to see 
some of the time.  Also, in these trees, we saw a female Williamson's Sapsucker 
and at least two Pygmy Nuthatches, among several other birds.  Over in the 
eastern portion of the park there was both a juvenile and an adult male 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, pus at least one more Pygmy Nuthatch.  While we were 
over in the western part of the park, we decided to walk down the concrete 
trail to the river, along this concrete trail, we saw and heard an "Eastern" 
White-breasted Nuthatch.  We didn't hear or see any for sure Red Crossbills or 
Evening Grosbeaks, that have been around City Park off and on.

After Pueblo City Park, we went to the Valco Ponds parking lot, and looked at 
butterflies and a dragonfly that have been hanging out there recently.  Then 
just east of the parking lot, I was hearing aSwamp Sparrow, and we saw a Marsh 

At Pueblo Reservoir, the best birding was from the SE Side of the lake.  We had 
an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull swimming on the water, a Franklin's Gull 
sitting on the South Shore Marina tires, and two Common Loons out on the lake.  
We also heard a calling flyover Lapland Longpsur. 


Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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