[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, August 26, 2013

2013-08-26 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date:  August 26, 2013
email: rba AT cfobirds.org http://cobirds.org/
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, August 26, 2013, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report):

WHITE IBIS (Alamosa)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Morgan)
White-winged Dove (Pueblo)
Black Phoebe (Montrose, Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Boulder, Morgan, Pueblo, *Washington)
Bell's Vireo (*Logan)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Nashville Warbler (La Plata, Moffat)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (La Plata)
Northern Waterthrush (Boulder, Larimer, Moffat, Pueblo)
Indigo Bunting (Jefferson, Moffat)

--The WHITE IBIS is still in the area.  On August 17, Beauchaine, refuge
manager of Alamosa NWR reported seeing the WHITE IBIS in a closed area of
the refuge flying around with White-faced Ibis.

--A sub-adult white-morph REDDISH EGRET was reported by Duane Nelson at
Lake Hasty below the dam at John Martin Reservoir on August 20.  It was
partial the the shallow water on either side of the isthmus that divides
the north and south halves of the lake.  The REDDISH EGRET was seen on
August 21 by numerous birders at Lake Hasty as reported by Duane Nelson.
 Nelson reported on August  22 that the REDDISH EGRET flew from Lake Hasty
to a private ranch with a lake.  If the egret is not at Lake Hasty Duane
Nelson maybe able to help you see the bird.

--A Great Crested Flycatcher was reported by Knight at the footbridge at
Golden Ponds in Longmont on August 19.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Floyd on the north shore of Waneka
Lake on August 22.

--2 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Moss at Florence River Park on August

--An Indigo Bunting family (m, 4 young) was reported by Henwood at Bear
Creek Lake Park on August 19.  The family was along Bear Creek just below
the Soda Lakes Road across the street from the Conoco Station at C470 and
Morrison Road.  On August 24, Kibbe reported (m, 1 young) Indigo Bunting on
the east side of Soda Lakes Road.
--A possible ARIZONA WOODPECKER was reported by Helen Poelker at her suet
feeder on August 25.  The
bird came around noon and 3 pm.  The feeder is in the back yard.  If you
want to try to see the bird and help
identify it, please contact Helen at 303-238-3741 or elenyte AT comcast.net.
 Her address is 9730 W 23rd Ave, Lakewood, 1/2 black east of Kipling St.

--A Black-throated Gray Warbler and Nashville Warbler were reported by
Morris at the Durango Hatchery on August 17.

--At least one Northern Waterthrush was reported by Biggerstaff on the
Poudre River near the Environmental Learning Center in Fort Collins on
August 23.

--Calling Bell's Vireos were reported by Kaempfer at Red Lion below the
Little Jumbo dam on August 17.  On August 21, Lewis reported 3 Bell's
Vireos at Little Jumbo.  On August 26, Kaempfer reported multiple Bell's
Vireo singing below Little Jumbo dam.

--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Luke at Loudy-Simpson Park in
Craig on August 20.
--On August 24, Luke reported 2+ Nashville Warblers and a juv male Indigo
Bunting at Loudy-Simpson Park in Craig.

--A Black Phoebe was reported by Horn near Uravan on V19 Road on August 21.
 V19 turns off of Hwy 141 where the Hwy crosses the San Miguel River.  V19
 crosses Tabeguache Creek on a small bridge and the phobe was sitting on an
old piece of fence just upstream.

--A couple of Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by Dowell in the
campground groves at Jackson SP on August 21.
--A BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER and Short-billed Dowitcher were reported by
Dowell along the NW shore at Jackson on August 21.  Best viewing was from
the north end SWA.  On August 24, Kaempfer reported BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER
in NW corner at Jackson.  On August 25, Fink reported that the
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER continues in the NW corner at Jackson.

--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Drummond at Chico Basin Ranch (fee
area) at HQ Willows on August 17.
--A Great Crested Flycatcher was reported by Drummond at Chico Basin Ranch
in Russian Olives along Rose Pond on August 17.
--A White-winged Dove was reported by Rawinski on August 17 near Lowes on
Pueblo Blvd in Pueblo.
--At Valco Ponds on August 18, Hurtado reported Northern Waterthrush along
the creek near the parking lot, 2 

[cobirds] Evening Grosbeaks Jeffco

2013-08-26 Thread JoAnn Hackos
We had a nice visit at our feeders from 10 to 12 male, female, and immature 
Evening Grosbeaks yesterday (Sunday). Great fall visit. A 15-bird flock of 
Band-tailed Pigeons showed up on Saturday.

Sent from my iPad
JoAnn Hackos
Evergreen Jefferson County

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[cobirds] Bill K's Jungle Tour - NE Colorado

2013-08-26 Thread JohnT
  I saw an add for Bill Kaempfer's Jungle Tours in NE 
Colorado - it said .see exotic birds, snakes, lizards, and beautiful 
wild scenery.   .I decided to bite on this one, not wanting to 
miss a chance at seeing some interesting flora and fauna.  Besides that it 
was cheap.   
 Somewhere, half way through the trip - while hacking through 
malarial ridden swamps of Prewitt, Jackson, and Jumbo Reservoirs - I 
started having 2nd thoughts.  Temperatures were soaring and sweat was 
pouring as we cut and slashed with machetes and poles though thick jungle, 
watching for poisonous snakes.  Herp expert John Vanderpool and I had to 
wrestle a gigantic snake (Pituophis melanoleus) in a parking lot, before it 
swallowed the SUV whole.  
  Later, plant expert, Gwen, told us of all the fascinating 
flowering jungle plants, as we tripped and stumbled over creepers and 
vines.  While expert birder JoAnn helped us identify rare birds such as 
black bellied plover, stilt sandpiper, buff breasted sandpiper, red necked 
phalaropes, long billed curlew, marbled godwits, black necked stilts, and 
the elusive Bell's vireo (not to be confused with Bell's Theorem - whatever 
that heck that is).  Exotic hummingbirds and plants were seen in the 
tropical jungle town of Julesburg CO, along with hundreds of doves, and 
several strange species like American redstarts and red-breasted 
 Cicadas of several species buzzed and droned day and night in 
the tropical forests and jungle towns.  Insects of many varieties swarmed 
the street lights at night, and screams of a wild jungle cat (Felis catus) 
were heard at a river outpost.  
 Many animal track and scat signs were seen in the thick 
tropical forests - deer, coyote, raccoon, tree squirrel, mouse, lizards, 
and ground squirrels. 
  To sum up:  Bill K's jungle tours are well worth the time and 
effort and I would encourage to go on them.  Then write back to me and tell 
me how you liked it, while I stay at home with an ice pack on my head, 
nursing insect bites.  
  Just kidding.  It was a great trip, and Bill and John did an 
excellent job.  
John T (Tumasonis)   Louisville CO 

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[cobirds] Mini-yard Fallout This AM/Nunn

2013-08-26 Thread The Nunn Guy
Birds are on the move up here ...

Wilson's Warbler 3-4 (two days)
Brown Thrasher
Lark Sparrow - 7 (been around a week now)
Blue Grosbeak - 2
Loggerhead Shrike - 2

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Blanca Shorebirds Update

2013-08-26 Thread cougar
This is kinda like my report from 2 weeks ago. Shorebirds are in in good 
numbers and varieties. Lisa and I had 14 species of shorebirds including 
Willet, Snowy Plover, Solitary, Least, Baird’s, Western and Stilt Sandpipers, 
Gr and Les Yellowlegs, and Long-billed Dowitcher (Alamosa County). Many of the 
usually good ponds for shorebirds are surprisingly lacking in shorebirds for 
some mysterious reason. Pond #16 continues to be the hotspot, which is a mile 
walk south of the first gate on the right as you enter the Wetlands property. 
Bring a scope.

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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[cobirds] Caspian Tern, Reddish Egret in Bent County

2013-08-26 Thread Duane Nelson


An adult Caspian Tern fished and loafed (no miracles, though) on and 
around a tiny island just offshore from the Lake Hasty swim beach in the 
late morning on August 26th.

The subadult white morph Reddish Egret has remained at private Verhoeff 
Reservoir since it moved there from Lake Hasty on August 22nd, and was 
still present today. It may be visible from US 50, just east of Bent 
County Road 26.5, but before you get to the lone tree on the south side 
of the highway. This lake is on private property, and trespassing is not 
allowed. If you want more information, you can email me. I'll help you 
try to see the bird.

Duane Nelson
Las Animas, Bent County, CO

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[cobirds] NOCO Nature Festival-Formerly Northern Colorado Birding Fair-Volunteers needed

2013-08-26 Thread Josh Bruening

Hello all!

By permission of the moderator, I would like to make everyone aware of this 
years event on Saturday, September 21st at Fossil Creek Reservoir in 
Larimer County from 9am-3pm.  In order to reach a greater audience, the 
planning committee for the event has decided to change the event from the 
Northern Colorado Birding Fair to the NOCO Nature Festival.  There will be 
plenty of new and exciting speakers and activities for the young and the 
young at heart.  There will be new groups involved that might not be 
specifically about birds but they affect our avian friends and vice versa.  
Check out the website and find out when you will be able to see a 
Black-footed ferret, hear about the affects of feral cats and even a 
butterfly release.  Either way it should be fun for the whole family!  

We are requesting 3-6 volunteers to lead bird walks starting at 7am before 
the actual event commences.  Birders attending the tours will be of all 
skill levels.  The tours will last around an hour or so and breakfast 
goodies/coffee will be provided for the volunteers.

For more information about the event please click 

If you are interested in being a trip leader or need more information, 
please respond to me off-list.  

Thank you!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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Re: [cobirds] CO DOW

2013-08-26 Thread Norm Lewis

Good afternoon!  I have a serious interest in this issue, since I lead monthly 
birding outings for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  This month's trip 
is to, of course, Prewitt.  After reading Steve's post, I realized that this 
would be a great opportunity to have another of my famous run-ins with the 
authorities (see, Julesburg Elementary School), so I rang up the Division of 
Parks, Wildlife, Birder Harrassment and General Bureaucratic Annoyance (the 
DPWBHGBA if you're looking it up) to see if I could get an answer.  I got one, 
and here it is:

If this looks familiar, it is the same policy that is in place for Jumbo and 
Red Lion.

If you are between the ages of 19-64, you need an Access Pass to so much as set 
foot on the property.  The pass is $36.  If you have a CO hunting or fishing 
license, that will suffice.  If you're a geezer (guilty as charged), you're 

As Steve mentioned, this policy is confusing and unfair, but it is what it is.  
As to the underlying reason- I spoke to a wildlife officer a few years back 
about the -then- new policy at Jumbo.  He explained that there was a developing 
problem at Jumbo with partiers and carousers who were making disturbances and 
trashing the place, especially at night.  His explanation was that the permit 
was a way to give officers an enforceable method for dealing with the problem.  
Sounds reasonable, to a point.  I have never heard that this has been a problem 
at Prewitt, but 

So, if you are a youngster and you are birding Prewitt without a permit, you 
are at risk for a ticket.


Norm Lewis
Lakewood, CO

-Original Message-
From: Steven Mlodinow sgm...@aol.com
To: cobirds cobirds@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 4:57 pm
Subject: [cobirds] CO DOW

Greetings All,

No, this has naught to do with dowitchers.

I find the behavior of the DOW enforcement agents in this state baffling. I've 
had more run-ins (all at Banner Lakes SWA and St Vrain SP) with state wildlife 
enforcement agents than in 20 years in WA (where the number was a lovely zero, 
though the number of locations roughly equal). 

The Banner Lakes guy didn't like where I parked, even though it was not on SWA 
area land and totally legal. He threatened to have my car towed and fine me 
even though he had no jurisdiction to do so. I don't argue with folks carrying 
guns and yelling at me, so I hiked the two miles back to my car and left.

The most recent St Vrain incident on Co Rd 7 occurred a month ago when the 
officer claimed that a clearly unused Osprey nest built along WCR 7 still 
required a 1000 m clearance, even though it was unoccupied because it might be 
used. In mid-July. Really. 

This Prewitt thing is odd. I've talked to rangers there a dozen or so times 
over the 3 last years, usually chit-chatting about what birds I was seeing. No 
one mentioned a permit. Now they are ticketing folks. I wonder, has anyone in 
COBIRDS land received a warning during the last 3 years? My guess the answer is 
zero, or close to it. None of us regulars out there have received such that I 
know of.

And I could not find, in 20 frustrated minutes, anything about a special permit 
about Prewitt or that any permit was needed simply to enter Prewitt. Maybe 
there is a sign at Prewitt that says such, but their website says naught (as 
far as I can tell) about a Prewitt/Jumbo permit.

This erratic behavior just confounds and irritates me. Signs at Andrick Ponds 
SWA outright contradict themselves and their website. I've encountered this at 
other locations. Most of the officers I've bumped into (like at Prewitt in 
past, and at Andrick recently) have been exceptionally nice, but then you get 
this weird aggressive angry behavior.

I truly wonder what the underlying cause is.

Best Wishes
Steve Mlodinow
Back in Longmont

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Re: [cobirds] CO DOW

2013-08-26 Thread Joe Roller

Just to supplement Norm Lewis's excellent post, IF you are exempt from
being required to carry a valid fishing or hunting license
SAGACITY AND WISDOM (in other words, old age)


I cannot tell you how many times I have needed to trudge back to my
vehicle, retrieve my Colorado Driver's License with PROOF OF MY AGE,
and display it to the well-meaning arresting office, all because said
officer was INCREDULOUS that I was 65 or older based on my appearance alone.

Joe Roller,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Norm Lewis migran...@aol.com wrote:

 Good afternoon!  I have a serious interest in this issue, since I lead
 monthly birding outings for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  This
 month's trip is to, of course, Prewitt.  After reading Steve's post, I
 realized that this would be a great opportunity to have another of my
 famous run-ins with the authorities (see, Julesburg Elementary School), so
 I rang up the Division of Parks, Wildlife, Birder Harrassment and General
 Bureaucratic Annoyance (the DPWBHGBA if you're looking it up) to see if I
 could get an answer.  I got one, and here it is:

 If this looks familiar, it is the same policy that is in place for Jumbo
 and Red Lion.

 If you are between the ages of 19-64, you need an Access Pass to so much
 as set foot on the property.  The pass is $36.  If you have a CO hunting or
 fishing license, that will suffice.  If you're a geezer (guilty as
 charged), you're exempt.

 As Steve mentioned, this policy is confusing and unfair, but it is what it
 is.  As to the underlying reason- I spoke to a wildlife officer a few years
 back about the -then- new policy at Jumbo.  He explained that there was a
 developing problem at Jumbo with partiers and carousers who were making
 disturbances and trashing the place, especially at night.  His explanation
 was that the permit was a way to give officers an enforceable method for
 dealing with the problem.  Sounds reasonable, to a point.  I have never
 heard that this has been a problem at Prewitt, but 

 So, if you are a youngster and you are birding Prewitt without a permit,
 you are at risk for a ticket.

  Norm Lewis
 Lakewood, CO
   -Original Message-
 From: Steven Mlodinow sgm...@aol.com
 To: cobirds cobirds@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 4:57 pm
 Subject: [cobirds] CO DOW

  Greetings All,

  No, this has naught to do with dowitchers.

  I find the behavior of the DOW enforcement agents in this state
 baffling. I've had more run-ins (all at Banner Lakes SWA and St Vrain SP)
 with state wildlife enforcement agents than in 20 years in WA (where the
 number was a lovely zero, though the number of locations roughly equal).

  The Banner Lakes guy didn't like where I parked, even though it was not
 on SWA area land and totally legal. He threatened to have my car towed and
 fine me even though he had no jurisdiction to do so. I don't argue with
 folks carrying guns and yelling at me, so I hiked the two miles back to my
 car and left.

  The most recent St Vrain incident on Co Rd 7 occurred a month ago when
 the officer claimed that a clearly unused Osprey nest built along WCR 7
 still required a 1000 m clearance, even though it was unoccupied because it
 might be used. In mid-July. Really.

  This Prewitt thing is odd. I've talked to rangers there a dozen or so
 times over the 3 last years, usually chit-chatting about what birds I was
 seeing. No one mentioned a permit. Now they are ticketing folks. I wonder,
 has anyone in COBIRDS land received a warning during the last 3 years? My
 guess the answer is zero, or close to it. None of us regulars out there
 have received such that I know of.

  And I could not find, in 20 frustrated minutes, anything about a special
 permit about Prewitt or that any permit was needed simply to enter Prewitt.
 Maybe there is a sign at Prewitt that says such, but their website says
 naught (as far as I can tell) about a Prewitt/Jumbo permit.

  This erratic behavior just confounds and irritates me. Signs at Andrick
 Ponds SWA outright contradict themselves and their website. I've
 encountered this at other locations. Most of the officers I've bumped into
 (like at Prewitt in past, and at Andrick recently) have been exceptionally
 nice, but then you get this weird aggressive angry behavior.

  I truly wonder what the underlying cause is.

  Best Wishes
 Steve Mlodinow
 Back in Longmont
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 To post to this 

Re: [cobirds] CO DOW

2013-08-26 Thread John Home
Does all of this mean that a CO annual parks pass doesn't cover access to 
Prewitt etc? And that I now need to carry my fishing license, which resides in 
my fishing vest so that I always have it handy when stopped on the river , now 
has to be ever present on my person? Passport required as well?

John Maynard

On Aug 26, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Joe Roller jroll...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just to supplement Norm Lewis's excellent post, IF you are exempt from being 
 required to carry a valid fishing or hunting license
 SAGACITY AND WISDOM (in other words, old age)
 I cannot tell you how many times I have needed to trudge back to my vehicle, 
 retrieve my Colorado Driver's License with PROOF OF MY AGE,
 and display it to the well-meaning arresting office, all because said officer 
 was INCREDULOUS that I was 65 or older based on my appearance alone.
 Joe Roller,
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Norm Lewis migran...@aol.com wrote:
 Good afternoon!  I have a serious interest in this issue, since I lead 
 monthly birding outings for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  This 
 month's trip is to, of course, Prewitt.  After reading Steve's post, I 
 realized that this would be a great opportunity to have another of my famous 
 run-ins with the authorities (see, Julesburg Elementary School), so I rang 
 up the Division of Parks, Wildlife, Birder Harrassment and General 
 Bureaucratic Annoyance (the DPWBHGBA if you're looking it up) to see if I 
 could get an answer.  I got one, and here it is:
 If this looks familiar, it is the same policy that is in place for Jumbo and 
 Red Lion.
 If you are between the ages of 19-64, you need an Access Pass to so much as 
 set foot on the property.  The pass is $36.  If you have a CO hunting or 
 fishing license, that will suffice.  If you're a geezer (guilty as charged), 
 you're exempt.
 As Steve mentioned, this policy is confusing and unfair, but it is what it 
 is.  As to the underlying reason- I spoke to a wildlife officer a few years 
 back about the -then- new policy at Jumbo.  He explained that there was a 
 developing problem at Jumbo with partiers and carousers who were making 
 disturbances and trashing the place, especially at night.  His explanation 
 was that the permit was a way to give officers an enforceable method for 
 dealing with the problem.  Sounds reasonable, to a point.  I have never 
 heard that this has been a problem at Prewitt, but 
 So, if you are a youngster and you are birding Prewitt without a permit, you 
 are at risk for a ticket.
 Norm Lewis
 Lakewood, CO
 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Mlodinow sgm...@aol.com
 To: cobirds cobirds@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 4:57 pm
 Subject: [cobirds] CO DOW
 Greetings All,
 No, this has naught to do with dowitchers.
 I find the behavior of the DOW enforcement agents in this state baffling. 
 I've had more run-ins (all at Banner Lakes SWA and St Vrain SP) with state 
 wildlife enforcement agents than in 20 years in WA (where the number was a 
 lovely zero, though the number of locations roughly equal). 
 The Banner Lakes guy didn't like where I parked, even though it was not on 
 SWA area land and totally legal. He threatened to have my car towed and fine 
 me even though he had no jurisdiction to do so. I don't argue with folks 
 carrying guns and yelling at me, so I hiked the two miles back to my car and 
 The most recent St Vrain incident on Co Rd 7 occurred a month ago when the 
 officer claimed that a clearly unused Osprey nest built along WCR 7 still 
 required a 1000 m clearance, even though it was unoccupied because it might 
 be used. In mid-July. Really. 
 This Prewitt thing is odd. I've talked to rangers there a dozen or so times 
 over the 3 last years, usually chit-chatting about what birds I was seeing. 
 No one mentioned a permit. Now they are ticketing folks. I wonder, has 
 anyone in COBIRDS land received a warning during the last 3 years? My guess 
 the answer is zero, or close to it. None of us regulars out there have 
 received such that I know of.
 And I could not find, in 20 frustrated minutes, anything about a special 
 permit about Prewitt or that any permit was needed simply to enter Prewitt. 
 Maybe there is a sign at Prewitt that says such, but their website says 
 naught (as far as I can tell) about a Prewitt/Jumbo permit.
 This erratic behavior just confounds and irritates me. Signs at Andrick 
 Ponds SWA outright contradict themselves and their website. I've encountered 
 this at other locations. Most of the officers I've bumped into (like at 
 Prewitt in 

[cobirds] Lakewood Woodpecker NOT an Arizona Woodpecker

2013-08-26 Thread Joe Roller
This was a simple, honest mis-identification which can happen to anyone.
The homeowner
has a great feeder set-up, a birdy yard and was pleasant company while a
couple of birders
sat watching her feeders and figured out the ID problem.

Maybe next time.
Joe Roller,

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Re: [cobirds] CO DOW

2013-08-26 Thread Norm Lewis

Joe- are you tellin' me you're over 64?  I think I'm gonna need to see some ID, 
my friend.

Norm Lewis
Lakewood, CO

-Original Message-
From: Joe Roller jroll...@gmail.com
To: Norm Lewis migran...@aol.com
Cc: Steven Mlodinow sgm...@aol.com; Colorado Birds cobirds@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 2:13 pm
Subject: Re: [cobirds] CO DOW


Just to supplement Norm Lewis's excellent post, IF you are exempt from being 
required to carry a valid fishing or hunting license

SAGACITY AND WISDOM (in other words, old age)


I cannot tell you how many times I have needed to trudge back to my vehicle, 
retrieve my Colorado Driver's License with PROOF OF MY AGE,
and display it to the well-meaning arresting office, all because said officer 
was INCREDULOUS that I was 65 or older based on my appearance alone.

Joe Roller,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Norm Lewis migran...@aol.com wrote:

Good afternoon!  I have a serious interest in this issue, since I lead monthly 
birding outings for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  This month's trip 
is to, of course, Prewitt.  After reading Steve's post, I realized that this 
would be a great opportunity to have another of my famous run-ins with the 
authorities (see, Julesburg Elementary School), so I rang up the Division of 
Parks, Wildlife, Birder Harrassment and General Bureaucratic Annoyance (the 
DPWBHGBA if you're looking it up) to see if I could get an answer.  I got one, 
and here it is:
If this looks familiar, it is the same policy that is in place for Jumbo and 
Red Lion.
If you are between the ages of 19-64, you need an Access Pass to so much as set 
foot on the property.  The pass is $36.  If you have a CO hunting or fishing 
license, that will suffice.  If you're a geezer (guilty as charged), you're 
As Steve mentioned, this policy is confusing and unfair, but it is what it is.  
As to the underlying reason- I spoke to a wildlife officer a few years back 
about the -then- new policy at Jumbo.  He explained that there was a developing 
problem at Jumbo with partiers and carousers who were making disturbances and 
trashing the place, especially at night.  His explanation was that the permit 
was a way to give officers an enforceable method for dealing with the problem.  
Sounds reasonable, to a point.  I have never heard that this has been a problem 
at Prewitt, but 
So, if you are a youngster and you are birding Prewitt without a permit, you 
are at risk for a ticket.

Norm Lewis
Lakewood, CO

-Original Message-
From: Steven Mlodinow sgm...@aol.com
To: cobirds cobirds@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 4:57 pm
Subject: [cobirds] CO DOW

Greetings All,

No, this has naught to do with dowitchers.

I find the behavior of the DOW enforcement agents in this state baffling. I've 
had more run-ins (all at Banner Lakes SWA and St Vrain SP) with state wildlife 
enforcement agents than in 20 years in WA (where the number was a lovely zero, 
though the number of locations roughly equal). 

The Banner Lakes guy didn't like where I parked, even though it was not on SWA 
area land and totally legal. He threatened to have my car towed and fine me 
even though he had no jurisdiction to do so. I don't argue with folks carrying 
guns and yelling at me, so I hiked the two miles back to my car and left.

The most recent St Vrain incident on Co Rd 7 occurred a month ago when the 
officer claimed that a clearly unused Osprey nest built along WCR 7 still 
required a 1000 m clearance, even though it was unoccupied because it might be 
used. In mid-July. Really. 

This Prewitt thing is odd. I've talked to rangers there a dozen or so times 
over the 3 last years, usually chit-chatting about what birds I was seeing. No 
one mentioned a permit. Now they are ticketing folks. I wonder, has anyone in 
COBIRDS land received a warning during the last 3 years? My guess the answer is 
zero, or close to it. None of us regulars out there have received such that I 
know of.

And I could not find, in 20 frustrated minutes, anything about a special permit 
about Prewitt or that any permit was needed simply to enter Prewitt. Maybe 
there is a sign at Prewitt that says such, but their website says naught (as 
far as I can tell) about a Prewitt/Jumbo permit.

This erratic behavior just confounds and irritates me. Signs at Andrick Ponds 
SWA outright contradict themselves and their website. I've encountered this at 
other locations. Most of the officers I've bumped into (like at Prewitt in 
past, and at Andrick recently) have been exceptionally nice, but then you get 
this weird 

[cobirds] Last Chance, CO - Washington County

2013-08-26 Thread BirdNerd's Email
I decided to see how Last Chance was faring this afternoon on the way home from 
work and to my surprise there was still water in the little pond.  The 
vegetation also is thriving in some places providing some ok understory.  
Considering that temps were still in the high 90's while I was there activity 
was still decent.  Here's what I found of interest-

Willow Flycatcher
Hammond's Flycatcher
Dusky Flycatcher
Western Kingbird
Warbling Vireo
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Black-headed Grosbeak
Brewer's Sparrow
Lincoln Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow

Happy birding-

Mark Minner-Lee
Superior, CO

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[cobirds] Timnath Reservoir - LARIMER

2013-08-26 Thread John Shenot
Timnath Reservoir was teeming with birds this afternoon. Species that I 
considered highlights were 2 Wilson's Snipe and 1 Pectoral Sandpiper in the 
NE corner of the reservoir. Huge numbers of geese, ducks, grebes, herons, 
cormorants, pelicans, coots and gulls. A single White-faced Ibis. No 
rarities identified but I wouldn't want to say there are none out there!

My advice: enjoy it while it lasts. Construction crews have been working 
near the parking area on the west side of the reservoir, and there is this 
from the website of the home developer on the east side of the reservoir. 
My heart is sinking...

*Timnath to Pilot Boating Program Soon*

August. 6th, 2013, Timnath, Colo – Get your boats ready! After being idle 
for several years, the Town of Timnath plans to restart a boating program 
on Timnath Reservoir. The Town is planning to pilot a program yet this 
year. The program, which is set to begin August 15th, will include the 
opening of a park facility on the south end of the Reservoir and the use of 
lower impact boats such as kayaking and sailing. The Town plans to expand 
and grow the program next year to more aggressively use the surface of the 
Reservoir. While the exact plans for future use have not been finalized, 
water-skiing, wake-boarding, boating, etc. seems imminent.

“It is great to see that the Town of Timnath is putting the Reservoir to 
use,” said Gary Hoover, Development Manager of WildWing. “It is a great 
asset and amenity to the Town of Timnath and WildWing residents. We look 
forward to working with the Town to expand the program and make it 
successful in years to come.”

Contact April D. Getchius, AICP (Town Manager) for more detail – 

John Shenot
Fort Collins

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Re: [cobirds] Last Chance, CO - Washington County

2013-08-26 Thread Deborah Carstensen
Wow, that sounds great. I'm happy that at least part of the area survived the 
flooding and that so many birds are there. Nice. 
Deb Carstensen, Littleton, Arapahoe County

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2013, at 8:35 PM, BirdNerd's Email markrminner...@gmail.com wrote:

 I decided to see how Last Chance was faring this afternoon on the way home 
 from work and to my surprise there was still water in the little pond.  The 
 vegetation also is thriving in some places providing some ok understory.  
 Considering that temps were still in the high 90's while I was there activity 
 was still decent.  Here's what I found of interest-
 Willow Flycatcher
 Hammond's Flycatcher
 Dusky Flycatcher
 Western Kingbird
 Warbling Vireo
 Wilson's Warbler
 Yellow Warbler
 Black-headed Grosbeak
 Brewer's Sparrow
 Lincoln Sparrow
 Chipping Sparrow
 Happy birding-
 Mark Minner-Lee
 Superior, CO
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