[cobirds] Migration Galore -- NE Colorado

2013-09-01 Thread Chris Rurik
Hey Cobirders --

David Dowell and I looped through Washington, Logan, Phillips and Sedgwick 
counties today. Migrants were in many places and I saw so many lifers (12) 
it's almost embarrassing, considering I've been living in CO a year now.

We started off the morning with those notorious long-distance migrants, 
GREATER PRAIRIE CHICKENS, at the previously reported location (Logan CR 93 
between CR 44 and CR 46). Also present were clay-colored sparrows and brown 

Haxtun had a few common residents and migrants, nothing special.

Holyoke City Park was quite an experience, feeling like a mini fallout. Two 
redstarts, warbling and red-eyed vireos, yellow and Wilson's warblers, 
pewees, an empid, etc. all very active.

The Holyoke cemetery was okay, with olive-sided flycatcher and orioles.

Our takeaway from Julesberg: skip the town and the cemetery, bird the rest 
area. The rest area (right on I-76) had a PLUMBEOUS VIREO and yellow, 
Wilson's and redstart warblers.

Ovid Woods was pretty quiet in the heat of the afternoon, but we saw a 
DUSKY FLYCATCHER, two RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES (early for the plains), and 
some surprising wild turkeys, among others.

Tamarack was hot and dry.

We ended the day at Prewitt, planning to bird the inlet canal, but every 
dirt pulloff had an encampment and every field had at least a couple of 
hunters. Maybe there is a special Labor Day hunt going on. Not sure what 
the story is or if the hunters will be there tomorrow. So we went to Plan 
B, land-birding the west side of the reservoir, then walking out onto the 
half-empty lakebed to view thousands of shorebirds.

At Prewitt, we saw Townsend's warblers, blue-gray gnatcatchers, a single 
CASPIAN TERN, marbled godwit, long-billed curlew, solitary sandpipers, 
hundreds of Wilson's phalaropes and a handful of red-necked phalaropes, 
avocets, stilt, stilt sandpipers, a bald eagle, many ducks and pelicans, 
etc. etc.

It looks like they are draining Prewitt very fast, so the shorebird habitat 
may not last much longer. Again, not sure what the story is. Sunset sure 
was beautiful though.

Happy fall and good birding to all,

Chris Rurik
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Larimer County hawks and other birds

2013-09-01 Thread Libby Edwards
Getting out of the heat this past week, I have spent a delightful time
above treeline.  Two days ago on the way to Mount Ida from Poudre Pass, I
saw 2 roughed-legged hawks hovering and then diving into the krumholtz.
 They did this several times.  On this same trip, I watched a prairie
falcon buzz a few marmots who were calling in alarm.  Along the way there
was a female ptarmigan with 2 pretty small chicks among the rocks in the
tundra.  I hope they grow fast before the cold sets in.

Today on the way to Montgomery Pass near Cameron Pass, there was a large
flock of mixed warblers moving upslope in the morning in an open meadow
surrounded by dead and live spruce and fir.  I was able to ID male and
female Wilson's warblers and male and female Townsend's warblers flitting
around with lots of juncos and chickadees.  I watched parent chickadees
feed their fledgling young.  Then on top of the pass, 2 rough-legged hawks
were soaring up and down the ridges, over our heads.

In the yard yesterday in our big honey locust there was a yellow warbler, a
red-eyed vireo, and a western tanager.  Migration is on.

Libby Edwards
Fort Collins
Larimer County

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[cobirds] MacGillivray's Warbler and other yard birds / Denver

2013-09-01 Thread Dave Cameron
Our second-ever MacGillivray's in the backyard was present yesterday 
afternoon and this morning, during a very busy afternoon back there.  
Also of note was what will be a new yard bird if it'll ever sit still long 
enough for positive ID, but a very probable Wilson's Warbler.
Other regulars, many with fresh youngsters along, include:
BC Chickadees (including one with a black eyeline, but otherwise mostly 
white head)
1 Mtn Chickadee
1 Blue Jay
Red-breasted Nuthatches
Mourning Doves
1 Chipping Sparrow
EC Doves
1 Empidonax Flycatcher
2 already-winter plumaged Am. Goldfinches
House Finches/ House Sparrows
Barn Swallows
A surprising lack of raptor activity.  I typically get a Cooper's or 
Sharpie drive-by with this much feeder activity.  Though one suddenly quiet 
half-hour this morning may suggest that there was one in the neighborhood.
Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] RMBO Barr Banding Station Report, Sunday, 9/1

2013-09-01 Thread Meredith
This weather upheaval brought in birds - caught 76 new birds today.  It felt
like the "old days" - from years back when the birds appeared early in the
morning and Wilson's Warblers were 40-60% of the total:


Western Wood-pewee 3

Western Flycatcher 2

Warbling Vireo  1

Black-capped Chickadee   1 return (banded 9/17/12)

House Wren   6

Swainson's Thrush  2 (FOS)

Yellow Warbler 13

MacGillivray's Warbler   4

Common Yellowthroat  2

Wilson's Warbler  42 (all but one were hatch year birds, almost
evenly split between males and females)


Our closed day this week is Fri (9/6), next week Mon (9/9).


Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory




Celebrating 25 Years of Bird and Habitat Conservation


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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, September 1, 2013

2013-09-01 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date:  September 1, 2013
email: rba AT cfobirds.org
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, September

1, 2013, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report):

Snowy Plover (Alamosa)
Dunlin (*Morgan)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Morgan)
Caspian Tern (Bent)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Washington)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Nashville Warbler (Moffat)
Black-and-white Warbler (*Adams, *Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Larimer)
Indigo Bunting (Jefferson, Moffat)

-- A Black-and-white Warbler was reported by McBurney at the Barr Lake
Banding Station on August 30.

--On August 26, Rawinski reported 14 species of shorebirds at Blanca
Wetlands including a Snowy Plover.  Pond #16 continues to be a hotspot.  It
is a mile walk south of the first gate on the right.  Bring a scope.

--A sub-adult white-morph REDDISH EGRET was reported by Duane Nelson at
Lake Hasty below the dam at John Martin Reservoir on August 20.  It was
partial the the shallow water on either side of the isthmus that divides
the north and south halves of the lake.  The REDDISH EGRET was seen on
August 21 by numerous birders at Lake Hasty as reported by Duane Nelson.
 Nelson reported on August  22 that the REDDISH EGRET flew from Lake Hasty
to a private ranch with a lake.  Nelson reports that the REDDISH EGRET
remains at private Verhoeff Reservoir.  It may be visible from US 50 just
east of CR 26.5 but before the lone tree on the south side of the Hwy.  If
you want more information or help contact Duane at dnelson1 AT
centurytel.net   On August 28, Duane Nelson reported that the REDDISH EGRET
is still around.   He is able to help those who want to see it on Thursday
and Friday.
--An ad Caspian Tern was reported by Duane Nelson on a tiny island off
shore from Lake Hasty swim beach on August 26.

--A Trumpeter Swan was reported by Boyd on the Mamm Creek Ponds near I-70
near Rifle on August 27. Take exit 94 from I-70.  Take the northern
frontage road west.  Swan had been on the third pond as you travel west
about 1.5 miles from exit.

--An Indigo Bunting family (m, 4 young) was reported by Henwood at Bear
Creek Lake Park on August 19.  The family was along Bear Creek just below
the Soda Lakes Road across the street from the Conoco Station at C470 and
Morrison Road.  On August 24, Kibbe reported (m, 1 young) Indigo Bunting on
the east side of Soda Lakes Road.

--At least one Northern Waterthrush was reported by Biggerstaff on the
Poudre River near the Environmental Learning Center in Fort Collins on
August 23.
--A possible immature male RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Jim
Nelson in Estes Park
on Lower Broadview Road 30 feet west of intersection with Mary's Lake Road
on August 29.

--Calling Bell's Vireos were reported by Kaempfer at Red Lion below the
"Little Jumbo" dam on August 17.  On August 21, Lewis reported 3 Bell's
Vireos at "Little Jumbo".  On August 26, Kaempfer reported multiple Bell's
Vireo singing below "Little Jumbo" dam.

--On August 24, Luke reported 2+ Nashville Warblers and a juv male Indigo
Bunting at Loudy-Simpson Park in Craig.  On August 26, Luke reported 5
Nashville Warblers at Loudy-Simpson Park.

--Two first year BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS were reported by Walbek at
Jackson Reservoir on August 29.  The two birds were together on the north
side of the reservoir.  Park in the parking lot for the SWA and walk out
onto the sandflats.  Head east.  The birds were near the shore around a
rocky area.
On August 30, Sanders reported BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER in the NE corner and
one is NW corner of Jackson
--An ad CURLEW SANDPIPER was reported by Ira Sanders in the NW corner of
Jackson Reservoir on August 30.  The CURLEW SANDPIPER was not seen on
August 31.
--A 2nd cycle LAUGHING GULL and Dunlin in non-breeding plumage were
reported by Komar in the NE corner of Jackson Reservoir on August 31.

--A Great Crested Flycatcher was reported by Kaempfer at the inlet canal at
Prewitt on August 16.  On August 24, Kaempfer again reported a Great
Crested Flycatcher at the inlet canal at Prewitt.  On August 26, Kellner
reported a Great Crested Flycatcher below the dam at Prewitt.

--A Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Lefko at Crow Valley Campgr