[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 5 January 2015

2015-01-05 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date: January 5, 2015

This is the Rare Bird Alert Monday, January 5 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Tundra Swan (Boulder, Mesa)
White-winged Scoter (Arapahoe, El Paso)
Long-tailed Duck (*Pueblo)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Huerfano, *Pueblo, Routt)
Chukar (Mesa)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (*Weld)
Red-throated Loon (*Pueblo)
Red-necked Grebe (Douglas/Jefferson, Huerfano)
Thayer's Gull (Arapahoe, *Thayer's Gull)
Lesser  Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, El Paso, *Pueblo)
Glaucous Gull (*Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (*Pueblo)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Prowers)
Black Phoebe (Mesa)
Chichuahuan Raven (*El Paso, Jefferson)
Lapland Longspur (*Denver, *Larimer)
Snow Bunting (*Weld)
Pine Warbler (*Jefferson)
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Bent/Kiowa)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Boulder, *Jefferson, Larimer, *Weld)
Black Rosy-Finch (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Brown-caped Rosy-Finch (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Common Redpoll (Weld)
PURPLE FINCH (Larimer, *Prowers)

--A Snow Bunting was reported by Kilpatrick at 96th and Tower Road on
January 2.

--A White-winged Scoter was reported by Clark at Cherry Creek on December
--At Cherry Creek SP on January 1, Teuton and Brooks reported Thayer's Gull
and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

--At Adobe Creek Reservoir on January 2, Duane Nelson reported 2 Rusty
Blackbirds from dam at outlet.  Drive W on Bent CR UU from CR 10 until you
get to spillway.

--On December 25, Gent reported all three species of Rosy-Finches at Fawn
Brook Inn in Allenspark.  On December 28, Drummong reported all three
species of Rosy-Finches at Fawn Brook Inn including one Black Rosy-Finch.
On January 1, Kaempfer reported Gray-crowned and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches
at Fawn Brook Inn.
--On January 1, Gent reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller Farms
parking lot.
--On January 1, Floyd reported 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (3 ad, 1 1-st
cyc, 1 2nd-cyc) at Waneka Lake.
--On January 1, Floyd reported 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (5 ad, 1 1-st
cyc) at Valmont Complex.
--A Tundra Swan was spotted by

--2 Lapland Longspurs were reported by Kibbe at Gun Club Road south of E
112th Ave on January 4.

--On December 27, Clark reported Red-necked Grebe at Chatfield.

--An ACORN WOODPECKER was reported by Peterson at Cheyenne Blvd in Colorado
Springs on January 2.
Please respect the privacy of homeowners.  On January 3, Driscoll reported
ACORN WOODPECKER in Willow Circle neighborhood of Colorado Springs.
--A Chihuahuan Raven was reported by Peterson and Walbek in Colorado
Springs along 26800 - 29024 Myers Road on January 4.

--On January 1 Gwen Moore and others reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Red
Rocks Trading Post.  On January 4 Kellner reported Golden-crowned Sparrow
and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch at Red Rocks Trading Post.
--A Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches was reported by Kibbe at Red Rocks Trading
Post on December 31.
--Ira Sanders reported Gray-crowned and Black Rosy-Finches coming to his
front yard at 314 DeFrance Ct in Golden on December 29.  Birders are
welcome to watch from the street.  On December 30, Kibbe reported
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches and 2 Black Rosy-Finches at Sanders residence.
On December 31, Stulp and Thompson reported Brown-Capped and Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finches at the Sanders residence.  On January 1, Skrentny reported
Gray-crowned, including Hepburn's Rosy-Finches and Black-Rosy-Finch at the
Sanders residence and Rasmussen reported Brown-capped Rosy-Finches.  On
January 2, Meredith reported Gray-crowned including Hepburn's Rosy-Finches
at the Sanders residence.  On January 3, Sanders reported that the
Rosy-Finches returned in the morning but were a no show after 1300.
--On January 2, Sanders reported several Chichuahuan Ravens flew by his
residence while birders were
watching Rosy-Finches.
--On January 4, Schottler reported a Pine Warbler at Denver West Office
Park near the SE corner of bldg 7.
--On January 4 at Apex Park, Elliott Gordon reported all three specied of

--On January 3 at Livermore Community Church, Komar reported 6 Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finches and a f PURPLE FINCH at the feeders and a Lapland Longspur on
the driveway.  On January 4, Komar reported Lapland Longspur at Livermore
Community Church.

--An EASTERN TOWHEE was reported by Larson at Tamarack Ranch on January 3.

--A Black Phoebe was reported by Walker along the Colorado River in the
Fuita Section of James M Robb SP on December 27.
--On January 1, Korte and Henwood reported Tundra Swan and 20+ Chukars at
Jerry Creek SWA.

--At Lamar Community College Woods on January 1, Duane 

[cobirds] Northern Goshawk [Jefferson County]

2015-01-05 Thread Rhonda Kelly
Observed eating a freshly caught rabbit the morning of Sunday, January 4th from 
the NW facing front door at 7101 W Yale Avenue, Denver 80227.   Note from 
This morning when I came downstairs, I noticed this 
flurry of feathers about 6 feet from my front door!  The hawk had just 
captured the rabbit.  When it saw me, it tried to fly with its catch but
 couldn’t get airborne…and dragged it about 30 feet from me.  Any ideas what it 
Accompanying video:  

Rhonda KellyParker, Douglas County


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[cobirds] Rosy-Finches - Golden - Jeffco

2015-01-05 Thread Ira Sanders
The Rosy-Finches are here this morning.  If you don't see them in front,
walk around the south side of the house and look in back.
Sign the liability waiver at the gate.  JUST KIDDING.
PLEASE be careful and don't slip.

Ira Sanders
Golden, CO

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[cobirds] Lapland Longspur/Nunn

2015-01-05 Thread The Nunn Guy
The Rawhide CBC started out as no wind and actually balmy from previous 
counts ... then Mother Nature struck with a fury!  :-) ... Fun times though 
and good birds.  Nice to be on a CBC section with zero House Sparrow, one 
starling and one Eurasian-collared dove ... :-)

In Nunn--gale force winds--on way back from Rawhide ran into gargantuan 
flock of Horned Larks (my favorite storm trooping bird) along 100 btw 23 
and 27 which I visually saw and heard multiple Lapland Longspur.  Also at 
WCR 33 .5m south of 100 the 1-5 Laplands that hang out there were still 
present on a recent walk.

In our yard, highlight during storm aftermath were 34 Western Meadowlark 
(record high!) and 18 American Tree Sparrow (record high!)

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Cassin's Finches in Roxborough

2015-01-05 Thread Greg Pasquariello
I've got about 30 Cassin's Finches at my feeder this morning, up from only
5 or 6 last week.  No purples in the bunch.  There has been a slight but
steady increase since last week, then a big jump this morning. This is the
first invasion in Roxborough in the 4 years I've been in this

The hermit thrush hasn't been seen since the day I reported it, nor has the
Harris' Sparrow.

-Greg Pasquariello
​Roxborough CO​

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[cobirds] American Dipper at Lowell bridge and I76

2015-01-05 Thread teuton

Bob Canter's reliable American Dipper is working off of an ice shelf about 
halfway between Lowell bridge and I76 on Clear Creek this morning. 
Cheryl Teuton

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

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[cobirds] Rosy-Finches Teller County

2015-01-05 Thread Duane Nelson


Quite by accident, I found myself in Victor (Teller County) today. I
encountered a flock of all three species of Rosy-Finches at a feeder on the
north side of the northernmost street in town. It didn't take long to find
out why they were here. There was a well-stocked feeder in a yard. Sorry I
don't have addresses, but Victor is a tiny town, and it should be easy to
relocate the flocks. Curiously, most of the Rosy-Finches here were
Brown-capped. There were also at least 10 Black Rosy-Finches in the flock of
approximately 100 individuals. I had to look hard to find a Gray-crowned


On my way to my hiking destination, I stopped by the Sailboard parking lot
on the north side of Pueblo Reservoir. Five Common Loons and one
Red-throated Loon (previously reported) were just offshore from the parking


Duane Nelson 

Las Animas, Bent County, CO

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[cobirds] Pine Warbler (JeffCo), longspurs (Arapahoe)

2015-01-05 Thread David Suddjian
I followed up on the report of the Pine Warbler at Denver West. I'd never
been there before, and sort of expected a hunt for a needle in a pine
grove. But as it turned out the *Pine Warbler* appeared within 6 minutes of
my arrival! (First noted about 9:30 am) It was in trees along Cole Blvd to
the west of Building 6, esp around a light pole with the number 08 over 48.
This is several 100 yards west of where it was reported yesterday, but I
assume it is the same bird. That area west of Building 6 and a circuit to
Building 7 and in Lena Gulch area had great activity with approx 300 *Am.
Robins*, 70 *Cedar Waxwings*, an adult *Nor. Goshawk*, *Merlin*, 4 *Brown
Creepers*, 14 *Red-breasted Nuts*, 1 *Ruby-crowned Kinglet*, 1 *Mourning
Dove*, and fly overs of three each of *Red Crossbills *(Type 2) and *Cassin's
Finches*. The greatest activity was west of Building 6, though.

Later I went east to South Prince Road north of Deer Trail, Arapahoe Co.,
following up on reports longspurs. Between County Road 18 and Stanford I
found large numbers of *Horned Larks*, with approx 120 *Lapland Longspurs*,
4 *Chestnut-collared* and 1 *McCown's*. One *Snow Bunting* flew over with
longspurs just north of CR 18.

David Suddjian
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake CBC preliminary results

2015-01-05 Thread Charles Hundertmark
34 participants set out in -5 degree weather Sunday morning to tally 73
species (preliminary count) on the Barr Lake CBC. As temperatures warmed to
a balmy 23 degrees, observers found a handful of Snow Geese and a single
Ross's Goose among the thousands of Cackling and Canada Geese. Highlights

Hooded Mergansers
Red-breasted Mergansers
Wild Turkey
Chukar (the sole survivor of six released last year)
Harlan's Hawk
Barn Owl
Northern Shrike
Say's Phoebe (first time on count)
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern and Western)
Brown Creeper
Spotted Towhee
Lapland Longspur
Great-tailed Grackle

Thanks to all who participated.

Chuck Hundertmark
2546 Lake Meadow Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
Cell: 720-771-8659

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[cobirds] possible Bohemian waxwings, Boulder 1/5

2015-01-05 Thread Scott E. Severs
Hi Birders,

During a staff meeting, I caught a glimpse of a flyover of 16 or so
starling-sized waxwings moving south outside my office (49th  Pearl). GISS
as well as time of year strongly suggested they were Bohemian Waxwings.

Happy New Year!

Scott E. Severs
Longmont, CO

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