[cobirds] Arapahoe County yard bird - Did I see a Pine Warbler?

2011-12-07 Thread Becky Campbell

I need some I.D. help!!  At 4:20 this afternoon, from my kitchen window, I
noticed a bird on my suet feeder.  Grabbed binocs and noticed a yellowish
warbler as it turned around on the feeder and then flew left out of view.
I raced to my laundry room window on the side of the house and saw it
hopping around in the pine tree not far from the window.  I got decent
views of it for a couple of minutes.  It appeared slightly larger and
chunkier than a yellow warbler, had an olive green back and head, yellow on
face with some olive (not sure about exact facial pattern), bright yellow
spectacle look to eye ring, slightly longish "warbler" beak, bright yellow
throat with yellow extending about halfway down the belly, white lower
belly and white undertail coverts, two white wing bars, noticed long area
of white on underside of tail with black spots.  The bird appeared to be
foraging in the pine tree, nipping at the boughs.  After several minutes,
it flew out of view, and I was not able to locate it again before the light

I'd appreciate an opinion from someone with more warbler experience than I


Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty. just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Pine Warbler - Arapahoe County yard bird

2011-12-08 Thread Becky Campbell

The adult male Pine Warbler I saw yesterday afternoon has returned to the
suet feeder in my backyard fairly frequently this a.m. and early
afternoon.  He seems to come in about every 15 to 30 minutes.  He is
brilliant.  Three birders have been able to get photos.  I'll try to keep
the feeder full, and people are welcome to come by and take a look.  It has
been very birdy back there lately!  If you are interested in coming by,
please call 303-771-0897.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Pine Warbler -Arapahoe County

2011-12-11 Thread Becky Campbell
The Pine Warbler continues to come in fairly regularly to my backyard
suet.  Today he cooperated for 12 folks, bringing his viewing audience to
33 happy birders.  Call 303-771-0897 if you are interested in dropping by
to look for this guy!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty south of CCSP

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[cobirds] PINE WARBLER -Arapahoe County

2011-12-22 Thread Becky Campbell

The adult male Pine Warbler continues to come to my backyard suet feeder.
He has been a daily visitor since Dec. 7.  Today, with all the snow, I have
seen him in the yard even more frequently, even on the seed feeder.  It's
busy back there!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty. south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County - Pine Warbler

2011-12-25 Thread Becky Campbell
Christmas Joy - a passel of Bush Tits on one side of my suet feeder, Pine
Warbler on the other!!

Happy Holidays!

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] No Pine Warbler - Arapahoe County

2012-01-01 Thread Becky Campbell

December 2011 was a certainly birdy  month in my backyard.  I am sad to
report, though, that I have not seen the Pine Warbler for the past 3 days.
I suspect, with the warmer weather, that he has not had need of the suet.
He was around for 3 weeks and 58 birders had the opportunity to see him.
Dec 28 was the last day I saw him.  I will definitely post right away if he

Wishing you all a very birdy New Year!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty. south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Fun Spring Yard Day - Arapahoe County

2012-03-21 Thread Becky Campbell

On this beautiful spring day, I had a nice mix of winter and spring birds
with one surprise visit:

pair of N. Flickers
Red-breasted Nuthatch
BC Chickadees
H. Finches
Black-billed Magpies
pair of adult White-crowned Sparrows
pair of Downys
Red-winged Blackbirds
FOS C. Grackle
FOS Mourning Dove
female Spotted Towhee - almost daily since late November!

and - a brief visit from a Hermit Thrush (observed slow tail lift)!

Becky Campbell
s. of CCSP Arapahoe County

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek State Park/Whimbrel

2009-05-02 Thread Becky Campbell
This morning around 10:00 at the new wetland area near Peoria:  2 Whimbrel,
4 Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 Spotted Sandpiper, 1 Solitary Sandpiper, kildeer,
semipalmated sandpiper, and avocet.  Also nearby: 8-10 yellow-headed
blackbird and a house wren, with Tree, Barn and N. Rough-winged Swallow
overhead.  As I was leaving a flock of 20+ Wilson's Phalarope landed - an
inspiring end to a short morning of birding.  Such great variety in such a
newly-established little spot!

Becky Campbell
unincorp. Arapahoe Cty.
next to CCSP

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[cobirds] Orchard Oriole at Cherry Creek State Park

2009-06-04 Thread Becky Campbell

Yesterday,during a quick lunchtime stop at CCSP, I spotted a male Orchard
Oriole in the cottonwoods along the Lake Loop.  On a return trip this am, he
was in the same location (actually same tree) along with a female.  What
beautiful birds!

Becky Campbell
Unincorp. Arapahoe County

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Yard Bird: House Wren/Arapahoe County

2009-06-06 Thread Becky Campbell

I also have House Wrens this year.  This is my third year living in my home
in Arapahoe County, very near Cherry Creek State Park and the second time I
have seen a wren in my yard (mature trees and shrubs).  The male arrived on
May 7 and has been singing his heart out ever since.  He spent a week or two
deciding between a wren house and a chickadee house and then opted to build
his stick nest in the chickadee house.  He has attracted a mate and they
have been lining the nest.  He's also building another stick nest in the
wren house now.  It is hard to tell exactly how many wrens are around and
when or if eggs have been laid.  Anyway, they have kept the yard quite noisy
and busy.  It has been a great spring with all the recent moisture.  I have
also had a pair of Bullock's Orioles coming to an oriole feeder off and on
all day for the past several weeks.  Other spring visitors have included a
pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks and a few weeks later what looks like a
juvenile, a Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Black-chinned and Broad-tailed
Hummingbirds, White-crowned Sparrow, Western Kingbirds, Bushtits, Pine
Siskin, Lesser Goldfinch (both), Brown-headed Cowbirds and a Western Wood
Peewee.  Not bad for suburbia.  Colorado is turning out to be more birdy
than I had anticipated!!

Becky Campbell
Unicorporated Arapahoe County

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Another "plains" Red-breasted Nuthatch

2009-08-17 Thread Becky Campbell

Just had a brief visit from a Red-breasted Nuthatch to my backyard safflower
feeder in Arapahoe County (near Cherry Creek State Park).  Also still seeing
Black-chinned, Broad-tailed and occasional Rufous Hummers.

Becky Campbell

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove - unincorporated Arapahoe Cty yard bird

2010-06-09 Thread Becky Campbell

New yard bird this afternoon - a White-Winged Dove!  So that makes it a
3-dove day!!  Just when I thought migrant traffic was about over for my
yard!  I am still enjoying regular visits from 3 - 5 Bullock's Orioles, a
pair of Eurasian Collared Doves (had lots of these at my house when I lived
in n. Italy), and a pair of nesting House Wrens.  In May, I had visits from
3 Black-headed Grosbeaks, Bushtits, White-crowned sparrow, Spotted Towhee,
Yellow-rumped Warblers (both), 3 Western Tanager, Western Wood Peewee,
Red-winged Blackbirds, Western Kingbirds, and Black-chinned and Broad-tailed
Hummingbirds.  Variety in suburban Denver continues to surprise me.

Becky Campbell

Arapahoe County, just so of Cherry Creek State Park

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Yard Bird - Yellow-headed Blackbird

2012-05-17 Thread Becky Campbell
Just had a beautiful, brilliant spring male Yellow-headed Blackbird at my

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Nice new yard bird - Arapahoe County

2012-07-30 Thread Becky Campbell

I had several (2 or 3?) Cedar Waxwings feeding in my pink honeysuckle hedge
at about 11:45!

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Yard Bird - probable White-throated Sparrow

2012-10-19 Thread Becky Campbell

I noticed a sparrow yesterday in my backyard but thought it was a song
sparrow and did not really check it out.  Rethought that decision today as
it was scratching around under the thistle feeder with regularity.  Got out
my scope to check lores more closely.  Looks like a tan stripe WTSP with
yellowish lores and faint streaking to upper breast.  Also had a Swainson's
Thrush today!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty. just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] BCLP Brambling

2012-11-23 Thread Becky Campbell

The Brambling arrived at 7:20 this morning. There is still some seed on the 
path. He made several brief appearances before I had to leave at 8:00 a.m.

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] White-throated Sparrows - Arapahoe County Yard

2012-11-26 Thread Becky Campbell

I have really enjoyed this fall's migration.vicariously..by reading
Cobirds:)  (I have spent the past 7 weeks mostly at home recovering from
surgery and a prior unrelated injury.) It is truly fun, though, reading and
imagining the great experiences being had in the field.  One of the
interesting aspects of this migration season - the increase? in
White-throated Sparrows - did not pass me by!  I have had 3 separate WTSP

10/19/12 - tan-striped adult
11/15/12 - white-striped adult
11/24/12 -  tan-striped adult vs 1st year  This individual had more
extensive blurry streaking on sides and an outlined white throat.

Lucky me!  I've actually had more WTSP's than WCSP's.  I also managed to
get a glimpse of the Brambling on Friday!


Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty. just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Owl Close Encounter - Arapahoe County

2012-12-27 Thread Becky Campbell

Around 6:30 this evening, as I was getting dinner prepared, several times I
thought I saw the flash of a wing out over the back patio.  But, at 6:30,
all I could see against the pitch black of night was kitchen reflections.
I assumed my brain was playing tricks on me, since I'd watched a sharpie
hanging out near a juniper next to the patio and occasionally swooping low
over the grass at dusk an hour or so earlier.  By the 3rd time I saw a
"wing flash," I stepped over to the sink, leaned over to look through the
window and came face to face with a very small owl.  He was perched about 3
feet away from me on the window sill.  He flew after about 5 seconds, so I
got just a brief look.  My quick impressions were of a small owl 8 inches
or less with a small round whitish facial disk with brown streaking and a
white "X" through the eye area and no ear tufts visible.  He seemed more
brown than gray, but hard to tell in the dark.  I have little experience
with owls.  It looked very similar to photos of Northern Saw-whet, but
could have been W. Screech???  Not sure what would be likely here in
suburbia in December.  A fun and very close encounter!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty just so of CCSP

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[cobirds] White-throated Sparrow - Arapahoe County

2013-01-23 Thread Becky Campbell

More backyard fun this morning - two White-throated Sparrows!


Becky Campbell
just so. of CCSP Arapahoe Cty.

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[cobirds] Probable Varied Thrush - Arapahoe County

2013-04-10 Thread Becky Campbell

This evening my parents called to say they saw a robin-like bird under the
feeders at their Greenwood Village home east of the Tech Center.  They
described it as being robin sized with a distinct eyebrow, a rusty and
speckled belly and "striped" wings. They observed it pecking at seed under
their feeders and taking cover under the nearby blue spruce. It had been
there off and on all afternoon.  I rushed over, but the bird did not put in
an appearance for me.  After consulting a field guide, they felt certain it
was a varied thrush!

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Female Varied Thrush - Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County

2013-04-12 Thread Becky Campbell

A beautiful female Varied Thrush continues for the third day in my folks
backyard.  Today, she was seen briefly under feeders off and on during the
morning hours, through lunchtime and again around 5:30.  I was able to see
her this afternoon.  She graciously gave us superb views for 4 or 5
minutes.  Usually she is only visible for shorter periods.  I suspect she
is foraging under cover most of the time.  Given that this is mid April, I
suspect she won't stay long.  If anyone would like to try catching a
glimpse of the thrush, my parents, Kirby and Mary Eleanor Cockerham, have
agreed to allow birders into their home this weekend.  If you are
interested please call them at 303-771-8021.  Or contact me if you have

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Varied Thrush - Greenwood Village, Arapahoe Cty

2013-04-16 Thread Becky Campbell
The female Varied Thrush (probably first yr.) continues to come to feeders
in my parents' yard!

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Varied Thrush not seen

2013-04-28 Thread Becky Campbell
The Varied Thrush that had been visiting my parents yard in Greenwood
Village has not been seen the past few days.  My folks have had company and
been quite busy and have not been watching for her as often.  They do think
she has moved on though.  I will post again if she is seen again.

Becky Campbell

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove, Arapahoe County

2013-05-04 Thread Becky Campbell
My own backyard, three-dove day!!!  The WWDO has been hanging around since
early a.m.  I did get a cell phone shot of all three (WWDO, Eurasian
Collared Dove and Mourning Dove) under the feeders.  Posted to CFO facebook

Becky Campbell
just so. of Cherry Creed State Park

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] New Yard Bird - Arapahoe County Pheasant

2013-12-29 Thread Becky Campbell
Just had a nice ten minute visit from a female Ring-Necked Pheasant. 

Becky Campbell
Just south of Cherry Creek State Park

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Worm eating Warbler. Cherry creek

2014-05-06 Thread Becky Campbell
I want to add my thanks to Gene and Glenn as well. And thanks to John for 
refinding the warbler by the Dixon grove when I was there!!  Great bird!

Becky Campbell
Unincorporated Arapahoe Cty.

On May 6, 2014, at 1:00 PM, JBreitsch - Denver  wrote:

> Thanks to Gene Rutherford ( I believe) for finding this bird and for Glenn 
> Walbek for posting it and then helping others to relocate the warbler later.  
> The bird keep moving north from the original location it was spotted in.  
> Unlike when it is on its breeding grounds, it stayed fairly high up in the 
> trees; mid to high level.  Thanks also to the gentleman who spotted the 
> Townsend's Warbler.  It is nice to get some variety.  With those two birds 
> present and some Yellow and Yellow-rumpeds around, it was nice to see 
> eastern, west coast, and mid-west warblers all in one area.  
> John Breitsch
> Denver, Colorado
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/breitschbirding/
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:37:17 AM UTC-6, JBreitsch - Denver wrote:
>> North of Dixon picnic area. Continuing North. Also a Townsend's Warbler
>> John. Breitsch 
>> Denver
> -- 
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[cobirds] Ovenbird and Green-tailed Towhees - Arapahoe County Yard

2014-05-12 Thread Becky Campbell

I have had an Ovenbird this afternoon foraging off and on under my
overgrown pink honeysuckle shrubs along with a pair of Green-tailed Towhees
and a Spotted Towhee.  The Ovenbird is a new yard bird as well as a lifer
for me.  Other birds of note on this 18 species and counting yard day:  2
FOS male Bullocks Orioles, Chipping Sparrow, a Cooper's Hawk and an
unidentified empid (would have been a new yard bird, but only got the
briefest of looks).

Becky Campbell
so. of Cherry Creek State Park

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty Owl Question

2016-11-04 Thread Becky Campbell

I just had a close encounter with a medium-sized owl just outside my front
door.  It was perched on a planter slightly less than 20 feet away.  We had
about a two minute stare at one another.  It had a tawny longish looking
facial disk, yellow eyes, longish and very vertical ear tufts, with dark
barring and streaking (like little squares).  Measuring the visualized
height later with a ruler, I think it had to be slightly longer than 12".
Looked longer when it flew.  Definitely not Great-Horned size.  Could this
be a Long-eared Owl?

Becky Campbell
Just so. of Cherry Creek State Park

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] More yard White-crowned Sparrows - Arapahoe County

2017-04-05 Thread Becky Campbell
Okay, has anyone else noticed increased numbers of White-crowned Sparrows
under yard feeders this past winter season??  I have had a little
flocklet.  In the previous ten winters of living here in Arapahoe County
(near CCSP), I have usually had 2-5 brief visits from WCSPs each winter.
Usually 2 or 3 individuals for 1 or 2 days.  This season, I have had about
5 - 20 WCSPs almost daily since Dec 9.  The higher numbers arrive when the
weather changes.  I keep thinking they will move on, but 8-10 are still
hanging around.  Most of the winter they have outnumbered my Juncos and
House Finches!  Alas, no White-throated Sparrows this year!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County
Just so. of CCSP
Arapahoe County, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Red-breasted Nuthatch movements

2017-08-24 Thread Becky Campbell
I am located just south of Cherry Creek State Park.  I have had RBNU's
visiting my yard all year.  Two have been especially regular visitors this
summer.  On July 2, I had an adult feeding 2 fledglings.  I am assuming
that they nested nearby, because their visits were so frequent.  According
to my records, RBNUs were around last summer as well, but not as regularly.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
just so of CCSP

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Greg Pasquariello  wrote:

> I get them in Highlands Ranch every year around mid-August.  I used to
> think this was early, but it’s happened every year.  This year, they showed
> up last week.  Right now there is one picking around the pine outside my
> window.
> Greg Pasquariello
> Highlands Ranch CO
> On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 9:09:13 AM UTC-6, Walter Wehtje wrote:
>> Yesterday afternoon I birded the Dadd Gulch Trail along the Poudre River
>> in Larimer County with Leslie Starr. Apart from a flock of 10+ Audubon's
>> Warblers that had a Yellow Warbler, female American Redstart and a
>> Townsend's Warbler along for the ride, we counted at least 9 RBNU. A nice
>> total but I didn't think much of it. This morning, while out with the dog,
>> I heard 4+ RBNU calling in my Fort Collins neighborhood. It seems early for
>> these guys to be so low this early. Is anyone else seeing/hearing unusual
>> numbers of RBNUs along the Front Range?
>> Walter Wehtje
>> Fort Collins, CO
> --
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[cobirds] Blue Jay and Painted Lady

2017-10-07 Thread Becky Campbell
Birdy morning in my yard, with four Blue Jays in the mix plus a FOS junco.
About an hour ago I saw a Blue Jay swoop to the ground with a Painted
Lady.  In trying to position it in his beak, he dropped it once then
grabbed it again and quickly consumed it whole.  I thought it was
interesting in light of the fact that several yards away were mixed seed
feeders, suet, and earlier I had put out peanuts in the shell which had
eagerly been toted off by the four jays.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
just so. of Cherry Creek State Park

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Re: [cobirds] Mountain Chickadees - Jeffco (Wads and Bowles)

2017-12-31 Thread Becky Campbell
I have had a MOCH here since Dec 17.  I live a bit east near Belleview and
Havana, about a block south of Cherry Creek State Park.

Becky Campbell
unincorporated Arapahoe Cty

On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 9:53 AM, modise  wrote:

> Given all the rarities being posted, I hesitated with mountain chickadees,
> but it's been a really long time since we had them at our feeders (at least
> five years), so I thought I'd go ahead.  We have at least two of them this
> morning, and we live about half a mile south of Clement park in Littleton.
> Bryan and Kristin Arnold
> Jeffco
> 5,500'
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[cobirds] Hummingbird with dark belly band??

2018-09-05 Thread Becky Campbell
I am still trying to learn immature hummingbird identification!!  I have
had an individual for the past four days that has a very dark band
completely across the belly with more blackish patches below.  Throat is
very lightly spotted and chest is white.  Wings approach tail length, head
spotted greyish green.  I have not seen any rufous coloration or gotten
good view of tail.  Overall impression of proportions/size is black-chinned
hummer-ish.  The bird comes in to my feeder briefly and then flies out
sight to perch.  Have not had great views of the back.  I have never seen a
dark wash extend beyond the sides.  Is this common?  Is the black
appearance just a lighting phenomenon?  Is this an immature
characteristic?  Which species would show this?

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County - Harris's Sparrow

2015-11-13 Thread Becky Campbell

New Yard Bird - seen under my nyger feeders this afternoon around 4:30.

Becky Campbell
Just so. of CCSP

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Juvenile Sapsucker ID Question - Araphoe County

2015-12-14 Thread Becky Campbell

I had a brief visit to my backyard from a juvenile sapsucker this morning.
It was working in an Ash tree and I was only able to visualize from the
back (head pale brownish with whitish supercilium and malar? stripe, back
buffy with irregular brown and blackish barring, some white on rump, white
stripe on wing).  My question:  would this necessarily be a Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker because it has retained juvenile plumage into December?  This is
the first season I have had a sapsucker in the yard.  Interestingly, I had
a visit from a similar or same individual on Oct 22.


Becky Campbell
just so. of Cherry Creek State Park
Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Varied Thrush - Arapahoe County

2016-01-01 Thread Becky Campbell

I just had a brief visit to my yard near CCSP from a male Varied Thrush.
Unfortunately I noticed it just as I was letting my little dog out back.
It was there just long enough for a couple of point and shoot photos.  A
decent add to the Denver Urban CBC (I'm doing my yard/neighborhood count.).

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County
so. of CCSP

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[cobirds] Return? of the Varied Thrush - Arapahoe Cty

2016-03-22 Thread Becky Campbell

I just had another brief visit from a male Varied Thrush.  He was perched
in my tall locust tree and briefly turned to face me.  We have roofing
going on next door and he did not stay long.  I doubt if he will return.
Point and shoot photos were backlit:(  Interestingly, I had a male Varied
Thrush in my yard briefly on New Year's Day for the Denver Urban CBC.  Same
one?  Who knows!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Varied Thrush - Arapahoe County

2016-03-22 Thread Becky Campbell

A follow-up to previous post a half hour ago.  As I left my computer, I
wondered if the post was too hasty.  And it was.  First thing I saw at the
kitchen window was the thrush hopping on the grass in full sun.  Much
better pics.  He doesn't seem to mind the noisy work next door.  I will
repost if he stays and returns tomorrow in case anyone is interested in
seeing this guy.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County
just so. of CCSP

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty Varied Thrush

2016-03-23 Thread Becky Campbell

Now that the winds have died down, the male Varied Trush has emerged from
shelter.  He is beautiful against all the snow.  I don't know how long he
will stay.  Email me if you are interested in trying to see him.

Becky Campbell
just south of CCSP
Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty. Varied Thrush

2016-03-24 Thread Becky Campbell

The male Varied Thrush is out this morning.

Becky Campbell
just south of CCSP

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty Varied Thrush

2016-03-25 Thread Becky Campbell
The Male Varied Thrush continues to come to my yard. He has been seen by 14
Becky Campbell
Just so. of CCSP

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Varied Thrush

2016-03-26 Thread Becky Campbell
-- Cobirders,

The male Varied Thrush continues in my yard.

Becky Campbell
just so. of CCSP
Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Varied Thrush

2016-03-28 Thread Becky Campbell
The male Varied Thrush is still around.

Becky Campbell
just so. of CCSP

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty. Varied Thrush

2016-03-30 Thread Becky Campbell

I have NOT seen the VATH in my yard since Monday evening.  I spoke with a
good friend/neighbor who lives about two blocks from me, who saw the thrush
in her backyard briefly yesterday.  With all the snow now mostly melted
off, the VATH has lots more forage area to choose from and is likely
roaming the neighborhood and maybe Cherry Creek State Park or has moved
westward.  If he returns with coming weather system with any regularity, I
will post again.

Interestingly, I spoke with another neighbor who lives about 3 blocks from
me who had seen the VATH at her yard between Jan 9 and Jan 22.  She brought
pictures to show me for confirmation.  Makes it highly likely that this is
the same individual here for the winter.

Becky Campbell
just so. of CCSP
Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Arapahoe Cty. Varied Thrush

2016-04-03 Thread Becky Campbell

The Varied Thrush showed up in my yard again after a five day absence. I
thought he might have had the migratory urge and moved on to the northwest,
but he must have been hanging around the neighborhood.  There will be
painters working in the yard behind me the next few days, so maybe he will
decide these aren't such great digs after all. If he stays, I'll post

Becky Campbell
Just so of CCSP

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Varied Thrush

2016-05-02 Thread Becky Campbell

VATH 3.0  The male Varied Thrush has apparently not headed the migration
call just yet.  He showed up again in my yard this morning.  His last
appearance here had been on Apr 3.  The bi-colored bill is much more
visible - hard to miss!

Becky Campbell

Arapahoe County, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Western Tanager invasion, Boulder

2019-05-19 Thread Becky Campbell
I live in the southeast metro- Denver area just south of Cherry Creek State
Park.  I’ve had four Western Tanagers for about a week, also going for
suet.  It’s definitely the brightest male who dominates. Previous years’
tanager visits have been fleeting.

For the past several weeks, I’ve also had several male Bullock’s Orioles
and two male Black-headed Grosbeaks joining the American Goldfinches to
round out my color parade.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
Just so. of CCSP

On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 12:00 PM Janet Hanley 

> I live on the west edge of Louisville and I have had several  Western
> Tanangers for three days now.  They are after the suet.
> Janet Hanley
> On Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 9:30:04 AM UTC-6, Joyce Takamine wrote:
>> I live in East Boulder away from the foothills and usually do not
>> see
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[cobirds] Orchard Oriole Arapahoe - New Yard Bird

2019-05-21 Thread Becky Campbell

It's been the oriole/tanager wars in my backyard.  Increased numbers of
both Bullock's Orioles(7) and Western Tanagers(6) competing for the suet,
seed and oriole feeders pretty much all day.   Also arriving with the
oriole flock was an male Orchard Oriole - a new yard bird for me!  Alas,
have only had 2 short visits from this more reticent bird.  Love this

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
just so. of Cherry Creek State Park

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Re: [cobirds] Woodcock bd snipe Arapahoe county

2019-11-02 Thread Becky Campbell
Deb, Linda, Dave,

I had a very odd snipe experience in Oct, 1998.  I noticed a "Common Snipe"
(before Wilson's designation) in my suburban Tacoma, WA backyard.  It
caught my eye because of the strange and very prominent bobbing up and down
behavior as it probed and walked around in my vegetable garden and yard.  I
thought it had a neurological problem;)  It was an amazing opportunity
because, for some reason, the bird hung around from about 1pm till dusk
pretty much in full view.  I also had several chances to observe the
"freezing for camouflage" position it took when alarmed. Once, when a
sharpie landed on a tree stump, it adopted the angled frozen posture for
almost 10 min. I looked through all my bird guides and couldn't find
anything on the bobbing behavior; so, after a few phone calls, got in touch
with the president of the Washington Ornithological Society.  He was quite
interested in my story because he was only familiar with bobbing behavior
in the Jack Snipe.  He subsequently sent my crude photos and write up to a
shorebird expert at University of Puget Sound, who also did not know about
bobbing in the Common Snipe but did verify my photos as Common Snipe.  Wish
I'd had better technology then.  I assume it was a Wilson's.  At the time
there had been one documented report of a Jack Snipe in Washington state,
based mostly on bobbing behavior, as the observation was from a distance!

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County

On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 1:05 PM linda hodges  wrote:

> Interestingly, 7 Wilson's Snipes exhibited the rear-bobbing behavior at
> Clear Spring Ranch (El Paso Cty) a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen that
> before. And yes, they probe while bobbing.
> Linda Hodges
> Colorado Springs
> On Sat, Nov 2, 2019, 12:58 PM 'Deborah Carstensen' via Colorado Birds <
> cobirds@googlegroups.com wrote:
>> While birding at South platte park, a bird that  had been identified as a
>> snipe by another Birder was watched. He had the exact gate of the Woodcock
>> with His rump obbing up-and-down continuously. He was going using his beak
>> probe the soil. Do snipes also have this type of walking behavior?
>> We were across the river and I didn’t have my scope. We have pictures
>> on a camera that we need to download to a computer before I can share it.
>>I’ll send a location if anyone feels like this would be a Woodcock
>> instead of a snipe.
>> Deb Carstensen Arapahoe county
>> Sent from my iPhone
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[cobirds] Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Arapahoe Cty.

2021-05-22 Thread Becky Campbell

We were graced with a new yard bird this morning!!  A bright male
Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed up first thing this morning and continued to
come to feeders and birdbath off and on throughout the day.  A life bird
for me!!!  The past few weeks have been quite colorful in my yard, with
tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks and goldfinches queuing up on the honey locust
branch with the suet feeder.

Becky Campbell
Arapahoe Cty.
just so. of Cherry Creek State Park

Arapahoe County, CO

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[cobirds] Zonotrichia Trifecta - Arapahoe County

2022-12-09 Thread Becky Campbell
One short of a Zono Grand Slam in my yard this morning!  I live just a block 
south of Cherry Creek State Park.  Joining my usual assortment of White-crowned 
Sparrows and a 1st winter Harris’s Sparrow that has been visiting regularly 
since 11/30, I had a brief visit from an White-throated Sparrow under my 
backyard feeders.  Rusty brown sparrow with bright white, outlined throat, 
distinctly yellow lores, gray bill, white wing-bars, lateral crown stripes 
almost white (not as tan as tan-striped WTSP I had in the yard years ago).  
Leaning white-striped adult.  Hopefully it will return so I can better id it.  
The Harris’s showed up about 20 min after the WTSP appearance, so not quite 
like David S.’s Zono Hat Trick of all three present at the same time!


Becky Campbell
Arapahoe County

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