[cobirds] The Big Sit! at Chatfield - Results

2010-10-12 Thread Joey Kellner
Another cold and rainy "sit/stand" at Chatfield.  Interesting that it's been
that way 5 out of the last 8 years!

Twenty-six people braved the weather and tallied 61 species!  Not bad!
Coincidentally, the average for the last seven years is also 61 species.
The "rarest" birds were Peregrine Falcon and Ferruginous Hawk.

Other interesting birds of note were:

Tree Swallow - 2
Barn Swallow - 5
Double-crested Cormorant - 350+  HUGE flocks flying by
Least Sandpiper - 1
Spotted Sandpiper - 1

The full species list will be published on the DFO web-page along with all
the other October DFO trips.

Thanks to everyone that came out and helped look for birds and visit.
Everyone had a good time and thanks to State Parks for providing some
signage and some MUCH APPRECIATED hot chocolate!  Thanks Susan!

Hoping for better weather next year and to see a few more of you!

Lastly, I will "second" Hugh's post about starting a "The Big Sit!" near
you.  Anyone can register a 17-foot circle ANYWHERE.  I challenge all of you
to start one and run it for a few years.  It can be a LOT of fun and it is
amazing what can be found by just birding from one location!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] South Park Mountain Lakes yesterday

2010-10-16 Thread Joey Kellner
Brenda and I visited Antero, Spinney Mountain, and Eleven Mile Reservoirs
yesterday.  The lakes contained a number of ducks and (mostly) American
Coots.  Numbers are definitely not high as yet.

Basic Common Loon was seen on Eleven Mile.

Dark morph Ferruginous Hawk was along Hwy 24 just east of Antero.

First of Season Rough-legged Hawk was also along Hwy 24 east of Antero.

Numbers should peak around early November for several weeks.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

PS - Even though it was over a week since the Crested Caracara was last seen
at the Chalk Cliffs Fish Hatchery, we tried anyway with no success.  Spent
some time talking with the hatchery manager and found out that the Caracara
was feeding on dead fish side by side with Common Ravens.  Interesting.

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[cobirds] Mountain Lakes Birding Results

2010-10-31 Thread Joey Kellner
Tim Smart and I did a mountain lakes loop today.  Birds are still not up to
their "normal" numbers and several species were very under-represented
(Common Goldeneyes, Mergansers of any kind, etc.).  The following are our

Eleven Mile Reservoir:
Common Loon - 1
American Pipit - 1

Spinney Mountain Reservoir:
Tundra Swan - 5
Common Loon - 3
Bonaparte's Gull - 10
Brown Thrasher - 1
American Pipit - 1

Antero Reservoir:
White-winged Scoter - 2 (1ad male, 1female)
Common Loon - 3
Sandhill Crane - 32 flying overhead calling
Lapland Longspur - 1

Clear Lake:
Surf Scoter - 3 immature
Common Loon - 1 calling!

Twin Lakes:
Very little - typical

Mount Elbert Forebay:
Barrow's Goldeneye - 11 (8m, 3f)

Turquoise Lake:
Very little - also typical

Dillon Reservoir:
Barrow's Goldeneye - 11

Blue River Water Treatment Plant:
Yellow-rumped Warblers - 12
Marsh Wren - 1

Arrived at Chatfield Reservoir with just enough light to relocate the Dunlin
on the marina sandspit and the Pacific Loon and the two imm Black Scoters,
both seen from the Heronry Overlook (thanks to Steve Stachowiak, Glenn
Walbek, Cole Wild, and Nick Komar).

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Wednesday Chatfield Reservoir Update

2010-11-03 Thread Joey Kellner
I stopped by Chatfield Reservoir at lunch today and found that clearly
75% of the birds that were on the water on Sunday are now gone.

The basic plumaged DUNLIN is still on the marina sand spit and the
PACIFIC LOON is still out from the Heronry Overlook.  I did not
relocate the two Black Scoters.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] RED-THROATED LOONS at Chatfield

2010-11-10 Thread Joey Kellner
There are two RED-THROATED LOONS at Chatfield today.  Both swimming
together (one is an adult, one is a juv.) between the Handicapped
Fisherman's access (just west of the marina) and the dam outlet tower.

Also seen was a single Common Loon.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Sunday morning loons at Chatfield Reservoir

2010-11-14 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning I was able to relocate two Common Loons and the two
RED-THROATED LOONs (one ad and one juv).  The Red-throated Loons were
swimming and diving together in the water along the face of the dam near the
east end of the dam.  Best places to view these birds might be the Marina
sand-spit or even walking along the top of the dam to the east.

Good luck!  

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Chatfield Reservoir birds

2010-11-18 Thread Joey Kellner
I stopped by Chatfield after work today.  The number of birds has risen from
their "lows" of earlier in the week.  "Highlights" today were:

Common Loon - 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1 adult on the marina boardwalk
Bonaparte's Gull - 1 adult basic - being harassed by THREE Ring-billed
Hooded Merganser - 2 males (FOS for the reservoir)
American White Pelicans - A definite recent increase in the numbers

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] SNOW BUNTING at Cherry Creek Reservoir

2010-11-19 Thread Joey Kellner
30 minutes ago Bob Rozinski found and photographed a SNOW BUNTING at
Cherry Creek Reservoir.  Glenn Walbek and Joe Roller saw the photos,
started drooling and are looking for the bird now.  They would
appreciate anyone with some free time coming and help look.

The bird was seen on the east side of the reservoir at the north end
of the long row of picnic tables along the shoreline.  For reference
this road with the row of picnic tables is south of the swim beach.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] LITTLE GULL at Cherry Creek Reservoir

2010-11-19 Thread Joey Kellner
The "Patagonia Picnic Area Effect" is in full force!

Joe Roller found and Glenn Walbek confirmed an adult LITTLE GULL at
Cherry Creek Reservoir seen flying along the face of the dam at Cherry
Creek State Park.  Joe described the small size, white upper wing and
black underwing.

They have not as yet refound the Snow Bunting or the Jaeger sp.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] 'Little Gull' may be ROSS'S GULL

2010-11-19 Thread Joey Kellner
Just talked with Glenn Walbek.  He believes the bird at Cherry Creek
Reservoir might just be a Ross's Gull.  He describes a wedge-shaped
tail and that the bird is "pink".

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] ROSS'S GULL & SNOW BUNTING Monday - YES!

2010-11-22 Thread Joey Kellner
Ira Sanders and Steve Stachowiak report that both speces are still
present at Cherry Creek Reservoir on Monday morning.

SNOW BUNTING: Flew overhead at the Lake Loop shoreline and was heading
SE follow the shore.

ROSS's GULL was initially seen on the sandspit along the dam by the
west marina, but is now flying around and feeding.  BEST place in the
morning to view this bird is from the Lake Loop area (best light).  In
the afternoon, the best light is probable along the dam near the west

Good luck to all.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Ross's Gull - Wednesday - YES!

2010-11-24 Thread Joey Kellner
The Ross's Gull is on the west marina sandbar as this is posted.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] ROSS'S GULL - Continues at Cherry Creek

2010-11-25 Thread Joey Kellner
The ROSS'S GULL was seen again today (Thanksgiving) all morning, initially
see from the Prairie Loop at Cherry Creek State Park.  Now it is flying out
over the water.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] GYRFALCON Sunday in South Park

2010-11-28 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning I found a juv. GYRFALCON along Hwy 285 in South Park 0.2 miles
north of mile marker 193.  This is just north of the town of Como, Colorado.
The bird was perched on a power pole right next to the highway at 6:35am.
It sat there for about 25 minutes (while I waited for the sun to come up and
give me some better light for photos).  At one point the bird's head moved
sided to side and up and down rapidly...and regurgitated a sizable pellet!
No, I didn't think at that time to go get the pellet to see what the bird
had eaten. :-(   The pellet is still there on the "Como side" of the pole
closest to the GPS coordinates below, if anyone wants to look for it.
Several people were stopping nearby along the highway to watch several cow
elk attempt to cross the highway.  I think the Gyrfalcon became a little
nervous at that point because it flew towards a second set of power lines to
the west that also parallel the highway.  The bird flew very low to the
ground and at the last second "popped up" and landed on one of the power
poles.  The bird was now a little too far for my SLR and the sun was still
below the horizon (and it was 3F) so I decided not to get out of the car and
try digiscoping.  By now it was 7:00am and I decided to leave the area and
get a text message out to several people in the hopes of getting the
sighting posted to COBIRDS (Thanks Glenn!).

Garmin Nuvi GPS coordinates:

Some pre-dawn (dark) photos are located at:


Five vehicles searched the area starting 2.5 hours after the original
sighting, but could not relocate the bird.  The bird may have been perched
on the ground making it difficult to find, or it may have completely vacated
the area...who knows.  It would be worth a try in the next few days to drive
the highway near here prior to sunrise to see if the bird returns along the

Incidently, there was a flock of about 60-80 Rosy Finches (Gray-crowned,
Hepburn's race, and Black) in the town of Como.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Apology from Joe Roller and his new email

2010-12-06 Thread Joey Kellner
Joe Roller's computer was "hijacked" and his email contacts list was
used to send out spam.  You should no longer receive any emails from
his old email address.  Joe is working to get back onto COBIRDS.  If
you have Joe Roller's email address in your "contacts", please remove
his email address "per...@aol.com" from your address book and replace
it with his new email address:  jrol...@gmail.com

Joe apologizes for the inconvenience.

Your carrier owl,

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Apology from Joe Roller and his new email

2010-12-06 Thread Joey Kellner
Sorry.  Joe's new email address contains a "9" and is:

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Dec 6, 12:28 pm, Joey Kellner  wrote:
> Joe Roller's computer was "hijacked" and his email contacts list was
> used to send out spam.  You should no longer receive any emails from
> his old email address.  Joe is working to get back onto COBIRDS.  If
> you have Joe Roller's email address in your "contacts", please remove
> his email address "per...@aol.com" from your address book and replace
> it with his new email address:  jrol...@gmail.com
> Joe apologizes for the inconvenience.
> Your carrier owl,
> Joey Kellner
> Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Apologry from Joe Roller

2010-12-06 Thread Joey Kellner
Sorry.  Joe's new email address contains a "9" and is:
jroll...@gmail.com (jroller9 at gmail.com)

Sorry, this owl was off course!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Denver CBC Invite!

2010-12-09 Thread Joey Kellner
The 57th Denver Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December
Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in the annual Denver
Christmas Bird Count (CBC) sponsored by the Denver Field Ornithologists and
the National Audubon Society. The Denver count circle is centered on the
entrance to the old Ken Caryl Ranch in the SW Denver metro area.  To
participate, call one of the Area Leaders listed below to assist in a
particular area, or call the Count Leader (contact info below) if you would
like to help in an area that still needs additional observers.  After a day
in the field, all participants are invited to attend the short compilation
meeting to feast, warm up, chat with other birders, and find out how the
count fared. It is a lot of fun.  The Compilation meeting will be at the
Carson Nature Center (Santa Fe & Mineral Ave, between the Light Rail parking
and the Platte River) at 5pm.  Feel free to bring a dish or desert to share!

Fees: Each observer over the age of 18 must pay a $5.00 fee to participate
in the Denver CBC. Participants should pay the $5.00 fee to their Area
Leader before taking part in the Count. Checks should be made payable to
National Audubon Society, not to DFO.

The 15-mile diameter "count circle" is subdivided into 24 "count areas" each
with a leader.  Area locations and names and phone numbers of Area Leaders
are listed below. Participants should contact Area Leaders for meeting times
and places on Count day, Saturday, December 18.

Area Number and Location   Area LeaderPhone Number
 1. Red Rocks Park Bob Brown  303-791-6204
 2. Lower Bear Creek   Karen von Saltza   303-368-9961
2A  Bear Creek Lake Park   Kathy Hawkins  303-969-8909
 3. Bow Mar/MarstonKay Niyo   303-679-6646
4A. Lower South Platte - East  Ed Holub   303-979-2194
4B. Lower South Platte - West  Bob Shade  303-975-2476
 5. Highline Ditch Nancy Crews303-791-8276
 6. Plum Creek Norm Erthal303-424-6747
7A. Middle South Platte - West Randy Lentz303-680-3381
7B. Middle South Platte - East Hugh Kingery   303-814-2723
 8. Chatfield State Park   Joey Kellner   303-978-1748
 9. Upper South Platte *   Jill Holden303-972-6410
10. Lower Deer Creek   Lynn Willcockson   303-757-7000
11. Upper Deer Creek   Paul Slingsby  303-422-3728
12. Yegge Peak Ann Bonnell303-979-6211
13. Doublehead MountainTim Davis  303-841-6163
14. North Turkey Creek Dick Schottler 303-278-8035
15. Indian Hills   Sherman Wing   303-697-8840
16. Upper Bear Creek   Tom Parchman   303-274-7951
17. Ken Caryl RanchTom Bush   303-904-4576
18. Garrison Gate  Steve Stachowiak   303-791-4974
19. Morrison/Willowbrook   Jackie King303-287-1644
20. Willow Creek   Doris Cruze303-798-8072
21. Mount Lindo/Willow Springs Wayne Wathen   720-344-0158

*  to participate in this area, you must contact the area leader no later
than Tuesday, December 14.

Additional Contact Information:

Count Leader/Compiler:  Joey Kellner (303-978-1748), vir...@comcast.net
Feeder Coordinators:Patty Echelmeyer  (303-233-4947), Tina Jones
Compilation meeting:5:00 pm, South Platte Park Solar Classroom, 3000 W.
Carson Dr.

If you cannot participate in the Denver CBC, please consider helping with
one or more other counts throughout the state...it's a lot of fun!

Joey Kellner
Compiler - Denver CBC
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Surf Scoter at Chatfield State Park

2010-12-12 Thread Joey Kellner
A female/immature Surf Scoter is at Chatfield Reservoir this morning best
seen at the Fox Run parking area.  Interestingly all 89 Western Grebes that
were present yesterday are gone this morning.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: second hand report of an Emperor Goose in Larimar Co.

2010-12-13 Thread Joey Kellner
IIT - Interesting If True.  I am only skeptical for one reason.  This
is a report of a very rare bird (first state record) without ANY
supporting details what-so-ever.  I cannot even be sure the observer
eliminated the more common "Blue" form of Snow Goose!  Reports like
this cannot be objectively evaluated by anyone since there is no
information.  Someone now has to drive up there, spend time, gas and
energy to see if they can get any information (basic, simple,
information that could have saved time and money had it been
provided).  I've seen off-the-wall species reported on Christmas Bird
Counts that turned out to be something completely different, if only a
little basic information was provided, the ID could have been

Let's look a similar scenerio but from completely different angle:
What if the news reported that an "undisclosed government agency has
said that terrorists are going to strike tomorrow"?  Do you think
anyone would scramble to do anything with so little information?  A
few specifics are warranted.  Where are they going to strike?  What
governement agency is reporting this?  I would have more credence in
Homeland Security than, say the US Department of Agriculture!

A few specifics would be nice when someone just casually drops a first
state MEGA-RARITY bombshell on the community.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Dec 13, 1:38 pm, COBirds  wrote:
> Christian,
> I am not sure about one being dispatched, but I saw one flying in
> October of 2008 in Weld County and reported that on CO Birds (the
> white tail, dark body/under neck, and white head and upper neck make
> them fairly unmistakable.  I must admit that I first thought escapee,
> but later thought I really should have sent that in to the records
> committee because I do not know of a zoological collection that has
> one (I am sure they are somewhere) and it is not unheard of for them
> to be seen in odd places.  With that said, I have seen them in Oregon
> on both sides of the Cascades where they are a "normal" winter visitor
> (I say normal - they are accidental, but seen somewhat routinely) and
> accepted as a vagrant.  It is odd to see them in the fall and not year
> round if they were an escape from a collection.
> tom hall
> Livermore
> On Dec 13, 11:56 am, Christian Nunes  wrote:
> > Cobirders,
> > A report from the Colorado Birders list:
> > A single Emperor Goose was at N. Poudre No. 3 Reservoir today. Also present
> > were Ross's Goose (3), Snow Goose (ca 15), and hundreds of the various
> > white-cheeked geese.
> > Dix Smith
> > Ft. Collins
> > I was just discussing this with Nick Komar yesterday. Many birders (myself 
> > included) have a knee-jerk reaction to reject such birds as escapees from 
> > captivity. But, the reality is that species like Emperor Goose show a clear 
> > pattern of vagrancy. It would not be impossible for an Emperor Goose to 
> > join a group of Lesser Canada Geese who were headed to CO. Others may be 
> > able to shed more light on this, but I recall a report of an Emperor Goose 
> > in Weld Co. last winter or the winter before that. The bird was dispatched 
> > by a hunter, and I believe some birders tried (in vain?) to obtain some 
> > physical evidence from that bird for analysis.
> > Fall/Winter 2010 is turning into a remarkable vagrant waterfowl year across 
> > the continent. There's a Taiga Bean Goose in CA, Baikal Teal in AZ, bona 
> > fide Graylag Geese in maritime Canada, and a slew of Barnacle and 
> > Pink-footed Geese in New England. Proving natural provenance is always 
> > difficult, but not impossible.
> > If some Ft. Collins birders could get out there and provide us with the 
> > pertinent information that one would think would be logical to collect like 
> > the bird's age and the status of its toes and bling-bling, that would be 
> > great.
> > Christian Nunes
> > pajaro...@hotmail.comhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/christian_nunes/- Hide 
> > quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[cobirds] Denver CBC results

2010-12-19 Thread Joey Kellner
The Denver CBC was held Saturday, December 18th.  The preliminary
compilation results counted up 103 species.  A few areas were not able to
make the compilation and results from the feeder watchers are still being
tabulated and will be submitted in a few days, so the total will like be one
to three species higher.

Notables were:

Ross's Goose
Tundra Swan
Long-tailed Duck
Pacific Loon
Bonaparte's Gull (first for the count)
Thayer's Gull
Glaucous Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Say's Phoebe
Eastern Winter Wren
Curve-billed Thrasher (first for the count)
White-throated Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Rusty Blackbird

A note on the Winter Wren.  Several of us were 90% sure it was a Pacific
Wren after viewing it for about 5 minutes (excellent light, in the open,
etc.).  The bird looked a warm, orange-buff on the entire undersides
(throat, breast and belly all a uniform color) After Glenn Walbek got some
photos it became pretty obvious that it was a Winter Wren (pale throat, .  I
obviously need to learn more about this species.  I can't trust my eyes to
record accurate color.

Lesson Learned: Look at the bird, but only trust a photograph to confirm the
species as a visual can often be incorrect with the "stub-tailed wren"

Joey Kellner
Compiler - Denver CBC

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[cobirds] Chatfield today

2010-12-22 Thread Joey Kellner
I stopped briefly at Chatfield Reservoir today.

Glaucous Gull - 1 - first winter still present (first seen on Denver CBC on
the 18th)
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1 ad (also seen on the Denver CBC)

Also seen today (but missed last Saturday at Chatfield): Horned Grebe(2),
Red-breasted Merganser(2), Western Meadowlark(7).

Happy Holidays!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Sunday late afternoon birds at Chatfield

2010-12-26 Thread Joey Kellner
I birded Chatfield today from 3-4pm.  The GLAUCOUS GULLS (2-1st winter) were
still present as well as a female LONG-TAILED DUCK along the dam and a
immature RED-NECKED GREBE in with the Western Grebes.

The water is freezing over quickly now and by Thursday night (with the
upcoming cold front) will likely be mostly frozen.  For now the lake is
about 1/3 open.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Birding in Waterton Canyon

2011-01-06 Thread Joey Kellner
A very late Gray Catbird!  Nice find!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Jan 6, 5:57 pm, B K  wrote:
> As you may know, the South Platte River exits the mountains through Waterton 
> Canyon -- just above Chatfield Reservoir southwest of Denver.
> Because of construction work at Strontia Springs Dam, the canyon will be 
> closed after January 31, 2011 -- and is not scheduled to re-open until 
> January 1, 2012.  So -- just an FYI.  Most of the South Platte River is 
> frozen over -- but there is still some open water.  Spotted Towhee, Junco, 
> Belted Kingfisher, Black-capped Chickadee and American Dipper were enjoyed.  
> The road is mostly muddy or thinly packed with snow -- might be better to go 
> earlier in the day before the road thaws.  
> There is ongoing construction traffic in the canyon, but it's not 
> overbearing.    
> I hiked about 3.7 miles up the canyon road -- and met upon a nice friendly 
> herd of Bighorn Sheep at about 2 miles up.  Given the brief opening of the 
> canyon to the public, I was surprised to see so many people in the canyon on 
> a weekday (yesterday, 1/5/2011) -- but January is the only opportunity for 
> the year!  
> I also came across this bird -- web photos below:  
> http://picasaweb.google.com/timshel40/WatertonCanyonColoradoJanuary52...
> I have scoured my bird identification books and cannot identify this bird.  
> It's probably obvious to many of you, but I'm still pretty new at this.  
> Please email me privately if you can help me!   Thanks!  
> Ben Kemena
> Denver

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Re: Fwd: [cobirds] Gulls at Valmont Reservoir, Boulder County, Feb. 4th

2011-02-05 Thread Joey Kellner
That's a good question Pete!  I've got a quick-n-dirty answer.

Immatures are 1) easily spotted (aka noticed) because of their darker
plumage and 2) are more easily confused/lost when it comes to
migrating.  Hence immature birds are more likely to be found and
noticed by birders.

2nd and 3rd year birds have already migrated once or twice and are not
as likely to continue to be "lost" when it comes to their northward
and southward movements.  On top of that sadly, not many birders look
at and try to identify 2nd and 3rd year birds.  These two plumages
(2nd & 3rd) are the rarest of plumages seen since the birds only
retain these plumages for a single year (out of 5, 10, 15+ years).

Adults have migrated multiple times and have "learned" (right or
wrong) where to go and how to get there.  Of the "rare" gulls the most
likely birds to get lost and show up in Colorado would be 1st year
birds.  After that I would say that adults would be most likely since
there are more gulls in an adult plumage aged anywhere from 4-15 or so
years old.  As you can see there are many years worth of adults that
could show up and only one year each for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd cycle bird
to show up and be identified.

My $.02 for what its worth.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Feb 5, 8:18 am, Peter Plage  wrote:
> My first reaction to Ted's post is that maybe Social Services should be 
> contacted if he is making his children look at immature gulls ;-)   Hey 
> what's the deal with all the 1st cycle birds as opposed to year 2 and later?  
> Do they not make it to their 2nd year or is this a case birds wintering at 
> different locations based on age?
> Pete Plage
> Broomfield
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Ted Floyd 
> > Date: February 4, 2011 9:23:09 PM MST
> > To: cobirds 
> > Subject: [cobirds] Gulls at Valmont Reservoir, Boulder County, Feb. 4th
> > Reply-To: tedfloy...@hotmail.com
> > Hello, Birders.
> > Elena Klaver and Hannah and Andrew and I had a great time gulling at 
> > Valmont Reservoir early this evening, Friday, February 4th. We saw:
> > 5 first-cycle Thayer's Gulls
> > 4 first-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gulls
> > 1 second-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > 1 third-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > 1 adult Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > 1 first-cycle Glaucous Gull
> > 1 adult Glaucous Gull
> > 1 adult Mew Gull
> > 50+ Herring Gulls
> > 10,000+ Ring-billed Gulls
> > Although that's a great gull tally, it's pretty much what we were 
> > expecting, what with the deep freeze earlier in the week. As long as it 
> > stays cold, gulling should remain excellent at Valmont.
> > (The Tundra Swan decoy still is present.)
> > ---
> > Ted Floyd
> > Editor, Birding
> > Blog:http://tinyurl.com/2g2staq
> > Twitter:http://tinyurl.com/2ejzlzv
> > Facebook:http://tinyurl.com/2wkvwxs
> > ---                          
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Colorado Birds" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to cobirds@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > cobirds+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/cobirds?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Fwd: [cobirds] Gulls at Valmont Reservoir, Boulder County, Feb. 4th

2011-02-05 Thread Joey Kellner
Joe Roller responded (excellently, I might add) that:

"Your post implies but does not state that there are always more 1st
cycle gulls in the world in contrast to 2nd and 3rd cycle gulls
because of mortality at each age. A first cycle gull in winter has
only had to survive this cruel world for less than a year, but 2nd
year gulls have had to survive an additional 12 months, and so on."

Thanks Joe!  You are quite right!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Feb 5, 8:37 am, Joey Kellner  wrote:
> That's a good question Pete!  I've got a quick-n-dirty answer.
> Immatures are 1) easily spotted (aka noticed) because of their darker
> plumage and 2) are more easily confused/lost when it comes to
> migrating.  Hence immature birds are more likely to be found and
> noticed by birders.
> 2nd and 3rd year birds have already migrated once or twice and are not
> as likely to continue to be "lost" when it comes to their northward
> and southward movements.  On top of that sadly, not many birders look
> at and try to identify 2nd and 3rd year birds.  These two plumages
> (2nd & 3rd) are the rarest of plumages seen since the birds only
> retain these plumages for a single year (out of 5, 10, 15+ years).
> Adults have migrated multiple times and have "learned" (right or
> wrong) where to go and how to get there.  Of the "rare" gulls the most
> likely birds to get lost and show up in Colorado would be 1st year
> birds.  After that I would say that adults would be most likely since
> there are more gulls in an adult plumage aged anywhere from 4-15 or so
> years old.  As you can see there are many years worth of adults that
> could show up and only one year each for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd cycle bird
> to show up and be identified.
> My $.02 for what its worth.
> Joey Kellner
> Littleton, CO
> On Feb 5, 8:18 am, Peter Plage  wrote:
> > My first reaction to Ted's post is that maybe Social Services should be 
> > contacted if he is making his children look at immature gulls ;-)   Hey 
> > what's the deal with all the 1st cycle birds as opposed to year 2 and 
> > later?  Do they not make it to their 2nd year or is this a case birds 
> > wintering at different locations based on age?
> > Pete Plage
> > Broomfield
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > Begin forwarded message:
> > > From: Ted Floyd 
> > > Date: February 4, 2011 9:23:09 PM MST
> > > To: cobirds 
> > > Subject: [cobirds] Gulls at Valmont Reservoir, Boulder County, Feb. 4th
> > > Reply-To: tedfloy...@hotmail.com
> > > Hello, Birders.
> > > Elena Klaver and Hannah and Andrew and I had a great time gulling at 
> > > Valmont Reservoir early this evening, Friday, February 4th. We saw:
> > > 5 first-cycle Thayer's Gulls
> > > 4 first-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gulls
> > > 1 second-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > > 1 third-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > > 1 adult Lesser Black-backed Gull
> > > 1 first-cycle Glaucous Gull
> > > 1 adult Glaucous Gull
> > > 1 adult Mew Gull
> > > 50+ Herring Gulls
> > > 10,000+ Ring-billed Gulls
> > > Although that's a great gull tally, it's pretty much what we were 
> > > expecting, what with the deep freeze earlier in the week. As long as it 
> > > stays cold, gulling should remain excellent at Valmont.
> > > (The Tundra Swan decoy still is present.)
> > > ---
> > > Ted Floyd
> > > Editor, Birding
> > > Blog:http://tinyurl.com/2g2staq
> > > Twitter:http://tinyurl.com/2ejzlzv
> > > Facebook:http://tinyurl.com/2wkvwxs
> > > ---                          
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "Colorado Birds" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to cobirds@googlegroups.com.
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > > cobirds+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > athttp://groups.google.com/group/cobirds?hl=en.-Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[cobirds] NE Colorado Birding - first NE migrant shorebirds

2011-02-27 Thread Joey Kellner
Steve Larson and I roamed the northeastern portion of the I-76 corridor with
the following highlights:

Red Lion SWA - frozen
Little Jumbo - partly open; highlight: Canvasback-35
Jumbo Reservoir - maybe 1/5 open; Greater Scaup-1; Bald Eagle-18
Logan County backroads - some snow covered (about 2 inches); Lapland
Longspur-100+; Horned Lark-4,000+
Prewitt Reservoir - partly open in the morning, mostly open in the afternoon
 Bald Eagle - 85!
 Gulls - ~4,000!
 Lesser Black-backed Gull-2 adults
 Mew Gull-1 adult
 Thayer's Gull-6 (5-1st year, 1 adult)
 American White Pelican-15 (sitting on the ice)
 NO ducks!  Water just opened in last day or so...ducks haven't found it
Elliot SWA - water in ponds nearby mostly open
 Cinnamon Teal-1 male
 Greater White-fronted Goose-5

Story about the Prewitt Reservoir Bald Eagle and gull numbers is that there
has been a LARGE Gizzard Shad kill at the lake and the eagles and gulls are
feasting big time!  Most of the birds are on the ice shelf at the SW end of
the lake (Washington County).  This ice shelf will likely disappear in the
next day or two due to warmer weather and wind/wave action.

I'm not sure when the first migrant Greater Yellowlegs shows up in Colorado
(much less northeastern Colorado), but February seems a bit early.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Jumbo fee to enter Prewitt and Jumbo Reservoirs in Northeast Colorado!

2011-03-16 Thread Joey Kellner
Interesting.  TECHNICALLY you don't need the pass until May.


The pass is good for one year from April 1st to March 31 of the
following year.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Mar 16, 3:36 pm, SeEtta Moss  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Joe Roller  wrote:
> > "Beginning April 1, adults (yes they will card you and you can't pass for
> > 17 years old
> > any more) who does not possess a valid annual hunting for fishing license
> > must
> > purchase a $36 permit (like the old Habitat Stamp, I guess) to enter Jumbo
> > Reservoir
> > or Prewitt Reservoir State Wildlife Areas in northeastern Colorado.
> Joe and all--this was a decision made at the March State Wildlife Commission
> and here is the reason for this large fee:
> " Basis and Purpose:
> Non-wildlife recreation makes up the majority of the activities at Jumbo
> Reservoir and Prewitt Reservoir State Wildlife Areas (SWAs) from mid-May
> through the end of August each summer. Use at these reservoirs has increased
> dramatically since the requirement to possess a habitat stamp when entering
> or using a SWA was eliminated. Many of the law enforcement issues occur at
> night with large groups of people that are camping at the SWAs. During the
> late 1980s an experimental use fee permit system was incorporated on Jumbo
> and Prewitt State Wildlife Areas. These wildlife areas were and are
> currently still allowing many uses similar to the state parks, which are
> charging user fees in the form of daily use passes, annual use passes, and
> camping fees. The Division of Wildlife and its employees have been mandated
> with managing, protecting and preserving the state’s wildlife. To do this,
> budgets and priority work packages have been set to fulfill the mandate. The
> majority of the activities associated with these SWAs are now non-wildlife
> related activities. Most parks have designated staff with sole
> responsibility of patrolling that area along with a budget and equipment to
> support those activities. Nearby North Sterling State Park operates on an
> annual budget of roughly $250,000 and has a full time staff of three as well
> as an increased seasonal staff, whose sole responsibility is North Sterling
> State Park. In an effort to help mitigate the issues on these SWAs while
> still allowing for non-wildlife related recreation, these regulations
> establish an annual user permit. This measure is intended to help bring the
> non-wildlife related usage of these SWAs closer to compliance with the
> intent of the State Wildlife Area 
> program."http://wildlife.state.co.us/NR/rdonlyres/B02FC982-4F65-4910-B280-2B22...
> With the state budget in bad shape and continuing cuts to DOW, plus the lack
> of income stream from those of us who do not pay the hunting and fishing
> fees that provide the majority of DOW funds, I suspect we may be facing more
> of these site based fees in the future.  Those who buy fishing and hunting
> licenses have been supporting other users at State Wildlife Areas including
> us birders and I don't blame them for objecting to paying for us.  Even if
> some don't use the toilet facilities, campgrounds, etc, everyone drives on
> the roads that must be maintained and law enforcement protects us.  It is
> too bad DOW couldn't continue with the Habitat Stamp program (conflicted
> with federal rules that provided funds to purchase some SWA's out of federal
> fishing and hunting equipment fees) even though few wildlife watchers
> purchased them--they might have saved us from site based fees.
> SeEtta Moss
> Canon Cityhttp://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com

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[cobirds] TRICOLORED HERON at Chatfield State Park

2011-05-02 Thread Joey Kellner
Randy Lentz just called me.  About one hour ago he watched a
Tricolored Heron walk/hop up Plum Creek (in the creek bed) from the
Plum Creek delta.  He then walked over to the foot bridge and walked
downstream in an effort to relocate the bird without success.  His
description of the bird ruled out Little Blue Heron and was spot on
for Tricolored Heron.  The Plum Creek delta is located just north (at
the end of the dirt trail) from the Plum Creek Picnic Area.

It's snowing there now, but I suspect this bird will remain through
the day, if not longer.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] SE Colorado birds this past weekend

2011-05-09 Thread Joey Kellner
Hhi All,

Twenty-one people spent a three-day weekend (May 6-8) in SE Colorado
birding the migrant traps.  Most of the time was spent birding
together, some time was spent in smaller groups going after target
species or to target locations.  Below is a summary of “notable”
species seen across all parties for the whole weekend.  This is just
to give everyone a “heads-up” as to what is starting to show up in our
great State!  Great birds, great company and a fun time was had by
all.  A quick tally showed that we identified just shy of 200 species
in the three days!

Lake Holbrook & NeeNoshe Reservoirs were visited and have excellent
shorebird habitat.  Trees seem a little slow in leafing out.  VERY,
VERY dry (might be why leafing out seems delayed).  Grasslands are

Mississippi Kite – 27+ (catching insects over the High School Grove in
Snowy Plover - 4
Whimbrel – 4
White-rumped Sandpiper – 6
Common Poorwill – 3
Empid Flycatcher sp? - 3
Yellow-throated Vireo – 1
Cassin’s Vireo - 1
Carolina Wren – 1 singing
Veery – 1
Hermit Thrush – lots
Swainson’s Thrush – a few
Golden-winged Warbler – 1m
Orange-crowned Warbler – fair numbers
Nashville Warbler – 1
Virginia’s Warbler – 3
Northern Parula – 3
Yellow Warbler – Several (still small numbers)
Chestnut-sided Warbler – 1m
Black-throated Blue Warbler – 1m
Yellow-rumped Warbler – good numbers (more Myrtle than Audubon’s race)
Glack-throated Gray Warbler – 1m
Blackburnian Warbler – 1m
Palm Warbler – 3 western race
Blackpoll Warbler – 2m
Black-and-White Warbler – 3f, 1m
American Redstart – 1
Worm-eating Warbler – 1
Ovenbird – 3
Northern Waterthrush – 5
MacGillivray’s Warbler – 1
Common Yellowthroat – Several (still small numbers)
Hooded Warbler – 2f, 1m
Wilson’s Warbler – ~15-20
Yellow-breasted Chat – 2
Western Tanager – 2m
Summer Tanager – 2f
Northern Cardinal –2m, 2f
Rose-breasted Grosbeak – 2m
Lazuli Buniting – 5
Indigo Bunting – 4
Bobolink – 1m
Bullock’s Oriole – 7
Orchard Oriole – 1m
Cassin’s Finch – 1f

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Bay-breasted Warbler and Summer Tanager at Chatfield

2011-05-28 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning's Birdwalk at Chatfield State Park found a female Bay-breasted
Warbler and molting male Summer Tanager at the Plum Creek Picnic Area near
the largest cottonwood at the end of the parking lot.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Western Gull persists

2011-06-02 Thread Joey Kellner

Joe Roller reports the Western Gull is still present at Chatfield
reservoir Thursday morning at 6:15am.  The bird was seen at the Marina

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Western Gull still at Chatfield

2011-06-11 Thread Joey Kellner
6am the bird was on the south Marina docks.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Co

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[cobirds] White-eyed Vireo at Chatfield

2011-06-11 Thread Joey Kellner
A singing White-eyed Vireo is currently on the south Marina sand spit
in the trees at the base of the spit.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Chatfield birds still present

2011-06-18 Thread Joey Kellner
Western Gull on the tires at the Marina.  Cassin's Sparrow singing at start of 
Plum Creek Nature Area road.  All at 6:45am.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Chatfield birds still present

2011-06-18 Thread Joey Kellner
There are two Cassin's Sparrows singing, One on each side of the road.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Chatfield birds still present

2011-06-18 Thread Joey Kellner
Also present are Grasshopper and Vesper Sparrows.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Eastern Phoebes continue at Phoebe Bridge, Chatfield

2011-06-23 Thread Joey Kellner
In answer to SeEtta's question, yes, the area around the "footbridge
over Plum Creek" will be under water at either proposed water storage
level.  Yes, I will always call this bridge (until such time as it is
removed), the "footbridge over Plum Creek".  It is a more descriptive
name, more accurate and allows ANYONE visiting Chatfield State Park to
find it.  A visiting birder can ask ANY State Parks Ranger, Employee
or Volunteer and they would know where the "footbridge over Plum
Creek" is.  I'd venture that less than 15% of Colorado's birders know
where "Phoebe Bridge" is.  If someone asked me a week ago, I would
have guess somewhere near Canon City (SeEtta's territory)!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Jun 23, 2:36 pm, SeEtta Moss  wrote:
>  in Colorado.>
> Joe and all,
> It looks to me like even the west side of Chatfield seems to be
> longitudinally several miles east of Canon City which has hosted a number of
> Eastern Phoebe nestings.  It is interesting to see this apparent range
> expansion by Eastern Phoebes.  Is the bridge where they are nesting near the
> parts of Chatfield that are proposed for modification to enlarge the
> reservoir?
> SeEtta Moss
> Canon Cityhttp://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com

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[cobirds] Fall migrant Marbled Godwit at Chatfield State Park

2011-06-25 Thread Joey Kellner
Participants of today's monthly birdwalk at Chatfield found a Marbled Godwit
resting on the sandbar at the Plum Creek delta.  Not a lot of time between
when Spring migration ends for some species and Fall migration starts for
others.   Also on the same sandbar was a migrant adult Franklin's Gull.

Cassin's Sparrows (2) still singing along the Plum Creek Nature Area road.
Birds were not as vocal today, but I think that has more to do with the time
of day.  I think best is first light to just after sunrise.

We did not see the Western Gull at any of its usual haunts.  May have been
moving around and therefore not found.

A singing Sage Thrasher was found across the road from the Platte River
parking lot, located on the east side of the Platte River near the restroom.

Lastly, a male Lark Bunting (possible fall migrant?) was seen at the top of
the dam.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Western Gull at Chatfield - NOT

2011-06-26 Thread Joey Kellner
Again this morning (yesterday also) I failed to located the adult Western
Gull.  There is a possibility that it is in the area (flying around or in a
new location at the lake), but my guess is that is has departed for
location(s) unknown.  I'd recommend looking at your local gull haunt for
this individual.  Here's an opportunity for you horizontal County Listers!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: No Scissor-tail Flycatcher at Chatfield at 2 PM

2011-06-28 Thread Joey Kellner
I (and several others) also searched for, but could not confirm the
earlier report of a Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher at Chatfield.  I did see
an Eastern and several Western Kingbirds.  Talking with Gary earlier,
the bird is likely a female vs a juvenile (since juvs are likely still
in the nest).  Hopefully the bird will put in another appearance.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Jun 28, 3:34 pm, Joe Roller  wrote:
> I searched the area (now being called "Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Meadow")
> which was well-described in the earlier post
> but did not see the juvy Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, or any other T*yrannus*
> flycatchers for that matter.
> It is likely to be nearby, and more scanning may yet be fruitful.
> Joe Roller, Denver

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[cobirds] Broad-winged Hawk at Chatfield State Park

2011-07-30 Thread Joey Kellner
A calling Broad-winged Hawk was found on this morning's monthly Birdwalk at
Chatfield State Park.  What amazed me was that the bird was CALLING in late
July!  The bird was just south of the west entrance station where the road
to the horse stables turns off the main park road.  It was being mobbed by
Western Kingbirds and was calling about once a minute for about 10-12
minutes.  The bird sat hidden in the cottonwoods to the west of the Horse
Stable road and finally flew off to the east across the reservoir.  I
suspect the bird to have been an immature bird due to some whitish markings
on the back and head.  Several of the middle primaries on each wing were in

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] DFO field trip to NE Colorado (Prewitt & Jackson Reservoirs)

2011-09-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Hi All!

Glenn summed up the best birds well.  First, conditions at both reservoirs.
Prewitt has SOME shore closer to the inlet canal area.  Campers are
EVERYWHERE.  Biting insects are not nearly as bad as previous years.  Bring
bug spray, but you won't need the whole can.  Jackson Reservoir is very full
and has very limited shoreline.  What shoreline is present is loaded with
holiday campers.  Reservoir is slowing drawing down and it may be good in a
week or two, fewer people, too.

Birds:  Passerines were in short supply today (and the last several days).
We had many big "misses".  For example, no Catbird, Towhee, Chat, Grosbeaks
of any kind, etc.  We had to work hard to find things like Yellow and
Wilson's Warblers.  We DID have a number (perhaps 7 or so) American

Best birds today:
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 fall male at the trees along the outlet canal below
the dam.
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 fall plumaged bird in the trees along the inlet
Townsend's Warbler - 1 female in the trees along the inlet canal
Cassin's Vireo - 1 in the trees below the dam (about half way across the
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 in the trees along the inlet canal
Caspian Tern - 2 (maybe 3)
Common Tern - 2
Forster's Tern - 12

Hopefully there will be more birds moving through in the next several days,
in time for next week's DFO Fall Counts.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Canada Warbler at Last Chance (Washington County)

2011-09-06 Thread Joey Kellner
The female Canada Warbler found yesterday at the Last Chance rest area
(by the pond behind the restrooms) was relocated this morning by Joe

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Sabine's Gulls at Chatfield (update)

2011-09-17 Thread Joey Kellner
After the light rain this afternoon I visited Chatfield (at Glenn Walbek's
prompting) and found the four Sabine's Gulls from this morning as well as
three more!  Total of 7 Sabine's Gulls (6 juvs, 1 adult).

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] NE Colorado Sunday

2011-09-19 Thread Joey Kellner
Nine of us explored the north central plains yesterday.  The birding
was still fairly slow, but there were a few goodies out there.  Still
many Empidonax flycatchers, catbirds, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, etc.
joined by a few Kinglets, Juncos and Townsend's Solitaires for a nice
mix of birds during this transition time from summer to winter.

Private Lincoln County Ranch:
Red-naped Sapsucker - 2m, 1f
Plumbeous Vireo - 1
Cassin's Vireo - 1

Last Chance:
Cassin's Vireo - 1
Cassin's Kingbird - 1

Akron (Washington County Golf Club park pond):
BLUE-HEADED VIREO - 1 (Glenn Walbek took some nice pics of this bird
which can be seen at: http://www.pbase.com/gwalbek/2011_birdsThis
bird completed the single day "Solitairy Vireo Trifecta" for us.

Gray Flycatcher - 1
Eastern Phoebe - 1

Prewitt Reservoir:
The best selection of shorebirds I've seen this fall.  Thirteen
species of shorebird including Steve Mlodinow's:
Townsend's Warbler - 1
Ovenbird - 1

Jackson Reservoir:
Cassin's Kingbird - 2
Eastern Screech-Owl - 1
Townsend's Warbler - 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 1

Andrick SWA (Morgan County Road 2, SW of Jackson Reservoir):
Virginia Rail - 2
Sora - 1
American Bittern - 1
LEAST BITTERN - 1!  (Found by Norm Erthal and seen VERY well, out in
the open for perhaps 20 seconds.  Unfortunately only half of the
participants could see this bird before it ran into the cattails.  :-
(  This bird was just off MCR2 at the large southern most pond where
the water goes under the road from the west and enters the pond on the
east side of the road.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] NE Colorado Friday (RED PHALAROPE, interesting Golden Plover)

2011-09-30 Thread Joey Kellner
Kathy Mihm-Dunning, Connie and Rick Steinkamp and I headed up to NE Colorado
today.  The water level at Jumbo Reservoir is increasing, but still there
were a few shorebirds present including an interesting Golden Plover, likely
an American.  The bird had a "yellowish buff" colored face and the spotting
on the scapulars was golden colored (and I thought somewhat large).  Pacific
Golden Plover?  Don't know, the bird flew from the south end of the
reservoir to the north end and could not be refound.  My pics are terrible.
LOTS of American Pipits along the shore's edge.  A large raft of Redhead and
a single male Lesser Scaup also graced the reservoir.

Otherwise we found single White-throated and Harris' Sparrow in nearby

Land birding at the inlet canal at Prewitt Reservoir was slow with only a
handful of migrants.  The Carolina Wren continues to linger and has been
here since late August (very frustrating to try to actually SEE).  The
shorebird diversity is decreasing.  Interesting that the only phalarope
present was a Juv. RED PHALAROPE molting into basic plumage!  This bird and
an American Golden Plover were seen at the west end in a "bay" near the
inlet canal.

All in all a beautiful day to be out.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Re: NE Colorado Friday (RED PHALAROPE, interesting Golden Plover)

2011-09-30 Thread Joey Kellner
In looking at my poor photos, I believe that the plover at Jumbo was
just a very brightly marked American Golden Plover and NOT a Pacific
Golden Plover.


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[cobirds] Sunday birding in Northeastern Colorado

2011-10-02 Thread Joey Kellner
Alison Kondler, Dick Schottler, Steve Larson, Nick Moore and myself birded a
number of locations today with the following highlights:

"Norma's Grove":
Townsend's Warbler - 1f

Crow Valley Campground:
   Broad-winged Hawk - 1
   Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1
   Townsend's Warbler - 1
   Yellow-breasted Chat - 1
   Common Poorwill - 1
   Field Sparrow - 1
   White-throated Sparrow - 1 tan-stripe race

Hedgerow along Hwy 14:
   White-throated Sparrow - 1 tan-stripe race
   Field Sparrow - 1

BYO Pond (Weld County Road 75 north of Road 100):
   Black-bellied Plover - 1
   Lots of Longspurs

Prewitt Reservoir (shore near inlet canal):
   Long-billed Dowitcher - 6
   SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 1 juv molting
   Red-necked Phalarope - 2

Prewitt Reservoir (inlet canal grove):
   Yellow Warbler - 1 (getting pretty late)
   Nashville Warbler - 1
   Townsend's Warbler - 1 first year male
   Western Wood Pewee - 1 (getting late)
   Plumbeous Vireo - 1
   White-throated Sparrow - 3 (2 tan-striped & 1 white-stripe race)

Last Chance:
   White-throated Sparrow - 1 tan-stripe race

Fall migration is still going strong

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] "THE BIG SIT!" at Chatfield State Park this Sunday!

2011-10-05 Thread Joey Kellner
What is a "Big Sit" you ask?

Well a Big Sit is similar to the birding event called a "Big Day", in both
events participants try to count as many species as possible, the difference
is that in a Big Day you travel all over a geographical area whereas during
a Big Sit you sit (or stand) in one location (a 17-foot diameter "circle")
and count as many species seen or heard as possible.  This is a nationwide
event and as of this posting there are already 147 Big Sit "circles"
registered for this year's event!

The Denver Field Ornithologists will once again sponsor and I will host "The
Big Sit!" at Chatfield State Park this Sunday, October 9th.  This will be
the 9th year for this fun and frivolous event.  It is open to the public and
EVERYONE is welcome!  It will be held from (before) dawn to (after) dusk,
come for an hour or stay all day, whatever works for your schedule.  In
addition to a day list I perform hourly counts so that every hour there are
"new" birds to be added to the hour's count.  

The Big Sit! at Chatfield will be located at the Heronry Overlook on the
east side of the reservoir.  Just follow the signs located at both
entrances.  Bring your own chair or use the bench seating provided by the
herony overlook deck.  Bring binoculars, spotting scope, food, water, sushi,
whatever you need to spend time birding!  State Parks will be erecting a
canopy for shade from the sun, or shelter from rain.  This year's weather
looks to be perfect.for once!
If you cannot attend "The Big Sit!" at Chatfield create your own!  The
details and rules can be found at:

The "DFO Insaniacs" (as we are registered) have had the highest "Big Sit"
count for Colorado eight years running!  There are at least two Colorado
"Big Sits" that have already registered this year, so come help DFO's Big
Sit at Chatfield stay on top!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Mountain lakes on Saturday

2011-10-22 Thread Joey Kellner
I did the usual loop through the mountains today just to see what was

St. George Reservoir:
   Fairly quiet with a few ducks

Elevenmile Reservoir:
   Common Loon - 3
   Americanm Pipit - 6

Spinney Mountain Reservoir:
   White-winged Scoter - 1 imm
   Surf Scoter - 2 imm
   Common Loon - 4

Antero Reservoir:
   Surf Scoter - 3 (1imm, 2 adult males!)
   Common Merganser - 4
   Red-breasted Merganser - 1

Clear Creek Reservoir:
   Almost nothing

Twin Lakes:
   Very little

Mount Elbert Forebay:

Dillon Reservoir:
   Mallards and a few California Gulls

No goldeneyes of any kind...still a tad early.  Numbers of American Coots
are right up there with several thousand.  Bufflehead numbers are still VERY
low, but that will change in the next week or so.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Little Blue Heron...is not.

2011-10-24 Thread Joey Kellner
I just returned from viewing the reported Little Blue Heron at Chatfield
Reservoir (Jefferson County).  I'm very certain that the bird is a juv. Snow
Egret for the following reasons:

1) Bird is in immaculate white plumage without even a hint of dusky
coloration (not even the very tips of the wings)
2) The bird does not have a bi-colored bill.  Little Blues (LBs) should
sport a dark-er distal end of the bill with the base of the bill being pale.
The Chatfield bird only shows the base of the lower mandible as fleshy
3) The bird sports yellow feet and slightly duller yellow legs, LBs show
greenish legs with no difference in color between the legs and feet.
4) The front of the Chatfield bird's legs are black.  This is typical of a
juv Snowy Egret.  LBs legs are greenish all over.
5) Lastly, and even more obvious are the bright yellow lores on this bird.
LBs should have grayish lores.

For these reasons I believe the bird to be a nice study of a juv. Snow
Egret.  Sibley depicts this plumage nicely in his guide.

My thoughts.


Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Mountain Scoters

2011-10-30 Thread Joey Kellner
Joe Roller, John Drummond, Kathy Mihm-Dunning, Tim Smart, Nick Moore and
myself did a mountain lakes loop and found all three scoters in South Park.
Admittedly, these birds were pretty far out, but there none the less.

Black Scoter - 2f, 1imm male on Eleven Mile Reservoir
Surf Scoter - 1imm on Spinney Mountain Reservoir
White-winged Scoter - 1imm on Spinney Mountain Reservoir

We found a single male Barrow's Goldeneye on the large pond just south of
the Blue River Waste Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne (along Hwy 9) and
a nice calling flock of 92 Sandhill Cranes flying south over Silverthorne.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Chatfield Saturday Morning

2011-11-05 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning at Chatfield Paul Differding and I relocated the following

Common Loon - 13!
Pacific Loon - 1
Red-necked Grebe - 1
Mew Gull - 1 adult winter

Then the wind hit and the whitecaps and shaking scopes were fairly useless.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Pomarine Jaeger & Glaucous Gull

2011-11-19 Thread Joey Kellner
In addition to the Juv. intermediate morph Pomarine Jaeger at Chatfield
Reservoir, there is also a 1st winter Glaucous Gull.  Both can be seen from
the Handicapped Fisherman's access point just NW of the marina.  The
Glaucous Gull was seen on the far shore and was later photographed along the
shore between the North Marina parking lot and the Massey Draw parking lot.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Pomarine Jaeger continues at Chatfield Reservoir

2011-11-23 Thread Joey Kellner
At 4pm today I easily relocated the Pomarine Jaeger in the middle of the
calm reservoir.  Best light in the morning would be from the Handicapped
Fisherman's access point (just northwest of the south marina).  In the late
afternoon the best light is from the north boat launch.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Chatfield birds

2011-11-26 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning at Chatfield I relocated the POMARINE JAEGER flying around the
middle of the reservoir seen from the Handicapped Fisherman's access point.
TWO first winter GLAUCOUS GULLS were also on the reservoir seen west of this
same location.

There are three RUSTY BLACKBIRDS at the Plum Creek delta (2 males, 1
female).  One of the males looks similar to a female but has a fair amount
of black on the belly and breast.

Flying over the reservoir was a VERY late OSPREY.

A WINTER WREN was also found about 1.3 miles upstream from Kingfisher Bridge
on the East (Douglas County) side between the two gravel ponds.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] NE Colorado highlights from Sunday

2011-11-28 Thread Joey Kellner
Eight of us headed up to NE Colorado yesterday to see what might be
"around".  Highlights:

North Sterling Reservoir:
Very little of note around or on the reservoir.

At a private ranch in Logan County:
RUSTY BLACKBIRD - 3 (2 males, 1 femaleand a lone female Red-winged
Blackbird with them)
HARRIS'S SPARROW - 1 adult winter

Duck Creek SWA:
NORTHERN GOSHAWK - 1 immature seen briefly
VARIED THRUSH - 1 seen briefly by one very keen observer.  This bird
was with a good number of American Robins and was likely "spooked off"
by the rush of the rest of us trying to get to the spot where it could
be seen.  :-( It's difficult to quickly maneuver through thickets
of Russian Olive and Junipers and "sneak up" upon any bird!

Tamarack Ranch:
COMMON REDPOLL - 3 (at least) along road going east of the hunter
checkstation south of Crook

Jumbo Reservoir:
Snow/Ross's Goose - ~10,000
Canada/Cackling Goose - About an equal mix of both (~6,000 total)

All in all not a bad day of birding for late November and the weather
was beautiful!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Denver CBC and an urgent note

2011-12-05 Thread Joey Kellner
The Denver Christmas Bird Count (58th year running!) will be held on
Saturday, December 17th with a compilation potluck at 5pm at the Carson
Nature Center in South Platte Park (just west of the Santa Fe and Mineral
Ave light rail park and ride).   All 24 count areas now have leaders and we
are in need of participants.  Several count areas have very few (if any)
observers beyond the Area Leader.   We need YOU to help us out!  You don't
have to be an "expert" birder!  People of all birding levels are welcome!
Since the Denver CBC covers a broad range of habitats this is a great way to
select a habitat and learn the species in a habitat that you perhaps are not
as familiar with.  Please contact me if you are interested in helping out
for a morning, or all day.

Note - If you cannot help out on this date, PLEASE consider volunteering to
help out on another Christmas Bird Count.  There are many CBCs held state
wide from December 14th to January 5th.  Again, no prior experience is
needed and all skill levels are welcome by the Compilers!  This is an
amazing way to learn more about our "birds of winter".  Please join in the

Joey Kellner
Compiler - Denver CBC
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 978-1748

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[cobirds] Denver CBC Initial Tally

2011-12-18 Thread Joey Kellner
Beautiful weather was a treat for the 58th annual Denver Christmas Bird
Count.  An initial tally was performed at the compilation potluck and the
species count right now stands at 98 species (a phone call from one intrepid
Area Leader last night added the 98th species...a Northern Mockingbird!
Feeder watcher reports may add an additional species.

One new species was added to the count, the two Brant were still present
near the mouth of Plum Creek!  That brings the Denver CBC TOTAL species
count over 58 years to 198 species!  Amazing!

Other highlights yesterday include:

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - at the elementary school just SE of Red Rocks
White-winged Scoter - seen on only 3 previous counts
Lesser Black-backed Gull - seen on only 4 past counts
Say's Phoebe - seen on only 5 past counts
Mountain Bluebird - Seen on only 4 past counts
Northern Mockingbird
Golden-crowned Sparrow - at Red Rocks
Harris's Sparrow - 2 (possibly 2 additional as not all areas have reported

Everyone enjoyed the food, photos and people.  Another successful CBC!

Thank you to all who participated!

Joey Kellner
Compiler - Denver CBC

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[cobirds] Saturday DFO NE Colorado Raptor trip cancelled

2012-02-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Due to the weather and impassable county roads the trip today is cancelled.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] NE Colorado Sunday

2012-02-05 Thread Joey Kellner
Kathy Mihm-Dunning and I headed out NE today to see what might be around.
We drove a number of county roads (most of which were passable) between Hwy
34 and I-76 and found many Horned Larks and a good number of Lapland
Longspurs (many transitioning into breeding plumage).  We also flushed 13
Greater Prairie-Chickens NE of Akron.  At Red Lion SWA we found two Tundra
Swans.  Jumbo Reservoir is mostly open and held three Lesser Black-backed,
one Thayer's, and three Glaucous Gulls (as well as many Ring-billed and
Herring Gulls).  Snow & Ross's Goose numbered about 9000 and double digit
Greater White-fronted Geese were found.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Gulls & Yellowlegs - Washington & Morgan Counties respectively

2012-03-10 Thread Joey Kellner
Glenn Walbek and I found ourselves out at Prewitt Reservoir this afternoon
and saw:

American White Pelican - 8
MEW GULL - 1 adult
Ring-billed Gull - 110
Herring Gull - 90
Thayer's Gull - 3 first year
ICELAND GULL - 1 first year
Glaucous Gull - first year

The "wetland" along US-6 just south of Prewitt had (among other things):

Glaucous Gull - 1 first year
Greater White-fronted Goose - ~110

Snyder SWA in Morgan County had a single Greater Yellowlegs.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Sunday NE Colorado highlights (inc.l Dunlin)

2012-04-01 Thread Joey Kellner
Dick Schottler, Steve Larson, Lisa Edwards and I spent the day in NE
Colorado.  The temperature reached 90F!

Some highlights and/or FOS for some of us were:

Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 each @ Tamarack Ranch SWA (Logan) & Jumbo Reservoir
campground (Sedgewick)
Greater White-fronted Goose - 5 Red Lion SWA (Logan)
Greater White-fronted Goose - 150 flying over Jumbo Reservoir (Sedgewick)
Blue-winged Teal in a few locations (Logan, Weld)
Franklin's Gull - 6 Jumbo Reservoir (Sedgewick)
Glaucous Gull - 1 adult Jumbo Reservoir (Sedgewick)
Vesper Sparrow - 1 (Logan)
Burrowing Owl - 4 Along Highway 138 just west of the town of Crook (Logan)

US 6 & Washington County Road R (just west of Prewitt Reservoir):
Glaucous Gull - 1 first year
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 3 (1ad, 2-2nd year birds)
Thayer's Gull - 4

Weld County Road 59 just south of Hwy 34 (Weld):
Long-billed Dowitcher - 7 in basic plumage
DUNLIN - 1 in basic plumage
Black-necked Stilt - 1
American Avocet - 3
Greater Yellowlegs - 1
Lesser Yellowlegs - 1
Killdeer - 6

Loloff Reservoir (Weld):
Cinnamon Teal - 20 (finally after looking all day for this species)

Late May weather, early April birds.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] FOS Hummingbird - Jefferson County

2012-04-05 Thread Joey Kellner
At approximately 10am I heard a male Broad-tailed Hummingbird flying over
Waterton Canyon.  Looks like this year April 4th is the left side of the
bell-shaped curve of Broad-tailed migration.  :-)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Saturday Birding NE Colorado

2012-04-07 Thread Joey Kellner
Six of us birded NE Colorado and found that Prewitt Reservoir held few gulls
and the small wetland just NW of Prewitt Reservoir along US 6 was devoid of
both shorebirds and gulls.  A single Barn Swallow was below the dam at

Along Hwy 14 east of Briggsdale we found our FOS Swainson's Hawk.
Interestingly it was a handsome dark morph individual!  Quite nice.

A single Tree Swallow was at Crow Valley Campground along with the singing
Northern Mockingbird reported earlier.

BYO Playa has VERY little water remaining from last year, but McCown's
Longspurs were making frequent stops for a drink, giving us lots of great
looks at both males and females.

McCown's Longspurs seemed to be in most short grass/Prickly Pear habitat
along Murphy's Pasture north of Crow Valley Campground. 

Eight Snowy Egrets were seen flying over I-76 at the Platte River (Adams

There were few landbirds and shorebirds, but then it still early April...

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Re: Mountain Bluebirds at Chatfield/ Jeffco-Dougco

2009-04-20 Thread Joey Kellner

I'm not sure a conclusion can be drawn concerning the differences
between Mountain Bluebird and Western Bluebird survival rates.  There
were likely several thousand Mountain Bluebirds present and perhaps
200-300 Western Bluebirds present (perhaps 15% of MOBL).  Birders do
not usually see/find all birds that die.  Birders just may not have
found the dead Western Bluebirds as they were in much smaller numbers
(and are not as brightly colored...which helps birders find them).

I also noticed that Mountain Bluebirds were "sheltered" in fairly
obvious, open ended places (next to a retaining wall, or next to a
restroom).  These places are fairly exposed to the elements (and
visible to birders).  IF (big 'if') Western Bluebirds better shelter
themselves, they MAY have higher survival rates and/or not be easily
seen by birders if they die.

Lots of factors involved and lots of speculation can be made...very
little in the way of answers.  :-)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Apr 20, 11:23 am, "Mitchell, Christina"
> Hello, list-
> A portion of Ira Sander's message on Saturday about birding at Chatfield 
> caught my interest.
> There were bluebirds almost everywhere with the biggest concentration of 
> Western Bluebirds east of the marina...
> As Tammy was rescuing wet and cold Mountain Bluebirds that were trying to get 
> out of the rain and snow near the outhouse east of the marina...
> 2 of the bluebirds were already dead but she picked up 2 still living and we 
> took them to a rehabilitator in Lakewood.  Unfortunately 1 had alread died by 
> the time we got there and we hope Shelby can save the one that was still 
> living.
> I was interested in why the Mountain Bluebirds (MOBLs) might have succumbed 
> to the wet conditions more so than did the Western Bluebirds (WEBLs).  (With 
> so many unknowns, it's all speculation, of course.)  Since these species are 
> so closely related, it's hard to believe that their feather structures would 
> differ dramatically, resulting in differential weatherproofing.  Perhaps the 
> MOBLs had been travelling further than the WEBLs had and arrived at Chatfield 
> in a more depleted condition.  (We'll never know that one.)  I believe MOBLs 
> are more dependent on insects than are WEBLs; Birds of North America Online 
> refer to MOBLs as more carnivorous than most thrushes.  That write-up also 
> says that one (very old) study found 92% of the stomach contents to be 
> insects across the year.  I couldn't find similar statistics about WEBL diet, 
> but in general it seems that they may more commonly eat fruit in addition to 
> insects.  (We have a lot of MOBLs during breeding season on our property in 
> central CO; I can't recall ever seeing them eat the most obvious fruit 
> there-juniper berries-although the Townsend's Solitaires and American Robins 
> do in the winter.)  So I'm wondering if perhaps the WEBLs were able to find 
> fruit to eat while the MOBLs, more dependent on insects, might not have been 
> able to find sufficient nourishment.
> Does anyone know more about relevant differences in these 2 species or have 
> other thoughts about the differential vulnerability?
> Tina Mitchell
> Lakewood/Coaldale, CO
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[cobirds] Re: Glossy Ibis @ Chatfield SP- Douglas Co

2009-04-21 Thread Joey Kellner

The Glossy Ibis was still present at Chatfield State Park as of Monday
evening and associating with White-faced Ibis.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Apr 19, 1:24 pm, Bill Schmoker  wrote:
> Folks- My dad Jim & I found a Glossy Ibis with a few dozen White-faced  
> Ibis about 1/4 mile upstream from the Plum Creek Nature Center parking  
> area at Chatfield SP. Note that this is not the Plum Creek Delta  
> parking area, instead the next road above it (its end is flooded by a  
> beaver pond.). FOS Sora was in the marsh above the parking area with  
> numerous Virginia Rails.
> Still lots of bluebirds and a migrant Broad-winged Hawk amazingly lit  
> by the snow. Also had a low flyby of an immature Norhern Goshawk at  
> the Old Heron Overlook.
> Bill Schmoker
> -bill.schmo...@gmail.com-
> Sent from my iPhone
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[cobirds] NE Colorado on Friday

2009-04-24 Thread Joey Kellner

Dick Schottler, Paul Differding and I birded NE Colorado on Friday.
Mostly a slow day until late afternoon.

Rusty Blackbird - 1m, 1f at the bridge on Hwy 36 just west of Last

Last Chance was very slow with very few migrants around.

Ponds between Anton and Akron were almost dried out.  No shorebirds
(except Killdeer)

Akron Golf Course - Yellow-rumped Warblers (both races) and Orange-
crowned Warbler

Prewitt Reservoir - Very high; no shore; inlet canal grove flooded

Crow Valley Campground - Yellow-rumped Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglet,
little else.

Loloff Reservoir - fair variety of birds in general, few shorebirds.

Latham area - This is BY FAR the BEST shorebirding we saw.

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[cobirds] Re: NE Colorado on Friday

2009-04-24 Thread Joey Kellner

Sorry - must have hit the send.

Latham Area (Roads 48, 42, & 40)

15 species of shorebird.

Dunlin - 1 alternate plumage south side of Rd 48
Marbled Godwit
Western Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Wilson's Snipe
Wilson's Phalarope
American Avocet
Black-necked Stilt
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Apr 24, 8:29 pm, Joey Kellner  wrote:
> Dick Schottler, Paul Differding and I birded NE Colorado on Friday.
> Mostly a slow day until late afternoon.
> Rusty Blackbird - 1m, 1f at the bridge on Hwy 36 just west of Last
> Chance
> Last Chance was very slow with very few migrants around.
> Ponds between Anton and Akron were almost dried out.  No shorebirds
> (except Killdeer)
> Akron Golf Course - Yellow-rumped Warblers (both races) and Orange-
> crowned Warbler
> Prewitt Reservoir - Very high; no shore; inlet canal grove flooded
> Crow Valley Campground - Yellow-rumped Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglet,
> little else.
> Loloff Reservoir - fair variety of birds in general, few shorebirds.
> Latham area - This is BY FAR the BEST shorebirding we saw.
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[cobirds] Re: Glossy Ibis at Chatfield Latest Update

2009-04-25 Thread Joey Kellner

The Glossy Ibis was seen again today (Saturday) at 11am.  The bird was
still along Plum Creek about 100 yards upstream from the flooded
parking lot.  Wellies or the like are needed for direct access, or one
can go around the water by walking back along the road, around the
flowing water and walk through the field back towards Plum Creek.  The
bird is currently with about 40 White-faced Ibis.  Be patient, as the
birds feed actively and getting a good look at the face can take some

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Apr 21, 8:29 pm, Alison Kondler  wrote:
> Hello,
> Mackenzie Goldthwait, Doug Klibbe and myself went to Chatfield this
> evening and viewed the Glossy Ibis in with the White-faced Ibis. Great
> timing because as we got into the car, around 6:45pm, the entire flock
> flew SW until they were out of sight.
> Alison
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[cobirds] Broad-winged Hawks at Chatfield

2009-04-28 Thread Joey Kellner

This morning between 6:15 and 7:15am I found FOUR Broad-winged Hawks
at Chatfield.

1 light morph at the Plum Creek delta/picnic parking lot
3 (2 light, 1 dark) at the "newer" heron overlook (the spot with the
four parking spots along the main road)

One of the light morph birds was heard calling about 12 times.

Also seen this morning:
Great Egret - 1 flyover
Willet - 18 on the Marina tires

LOTS of Chipping Sparrow all over the place.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] NE Colorado birding on Friday

2009-05-15 Thread Joey Kellner

Today Glenn Walbek, Loch Kilpatrick and I birded around eastern and
northern Colorado.

Tricolored Heron - 1 adult in full breeding plumage found on the west
side of  Logan County Road 95 at a small pond with willow across from
"Little Jumbo" Reservoir.

Magnolia Warbler - 1 male - Prewitt Reservoir inlet canal trees (could
wear hiking boots, wellies add a little extra "protection")

Magnolia Warbler - 1 male at a private ranch in Lincoln County
Summer Tanager - 1 male in molt at at private ranch in Lincoln County
Curve-billed Thrasher - 1 at a private ranch in Lincoln County

Northern Waterthrush - 1 at Last Chance

Bell's Vireo - 2 south of "Little Jumbo

Other than the expected Killdeer and Spotted Sandpipers we could only
find three Least Sandpipers!  All of the plains ponds and puddles that
we found were EMPTY.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Hooded Warbler & Ash-throated Flycatcher at Chatfield Reservoir - Douglas County

2009-05-16 Thread Joey Kellner

Bob Shade called to report:

A singing male HOODED WARBLER:
Park in the small parking lot just outside the East entrance to
Chatfield State Park (the parking lot serves the Highline Canal).
Walk downstream along the Highline Canal just past Mile Marker 7.
There will be a large cottonwood on the right side and six small
cottonwoods on the left side of the canal.  The Hooded Warbler was
singing here on both sides of the canal in the chokecherries.

This bird was seen near Plum Creek.  Take the paved road to just
before the flooded parking lot road block.  Just before you down the
hill (where the road block is) there is a paved bike path that meets
the road.  Walk up this bike path to the top of the hill where the
junipers are.  The flycatcher was seen in the junipers on the hill

Bob said that Chatfield seemed pretty birdy this morning.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO
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[cobirds] Spring migration on the plains and post-breeding wandering

2009-06-05 Thread Joey Kellner

Today Allison Hilf, Dick Schottler, Joe Roller, Glenn Walbek, Paul
Differding and I spent time birding on the plains with the following
migrants seen.

"Norma's Grove" - Weld County
Swainson's Thrush - 7
Dark-eyed Junco - 1!!

Crow Valley Campground - Weld County
Swainson's Thrush - 50+
Red-eyed Vireo - 1 singing
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1

Akron Golf Course - Morgan County
Swainson's Thrush - 6
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1m "Audubon's" race

Last Chance rest area - Washington county
Swainson's Thrush - 3
American Redstart - 1f
Black-and-White Warbler - 1f
"Traill's Flycatcher" - 1

NOW for the post-breeding wandering!   A Crow Valley Campground today
we found a family group of six RED CROSSBILLS!  1 adult male, 1 adult
female, 4 immature birds.  The birds were hanging out at the north end
of the campground.

While slow, spring migration still continues.   Keep birding your
favorite migrant trap!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Re: Marston and Bonny Reservoirs

2009-07-21 Thread Joey Kellner

This bird was brought to my attention this past Sunday.  I checked out
the report and determined that this small gull is a juv. Franklin's
Gull.  Cole is correct in stating that the bird is small compared to
nearby Ring-billed Gulls.  The bird has mostly clean white undersides
of the breast, belly and undertail coverts and the undersides of the
wings are also mostly white.  This white underside of the wings I
believe rules out Little Gull.  This bird has a brownish head (hood-
like) and from the top of the wing has brown secondaries and coverts
and black primaries and primary coverts.  The secondaries are
terminated with white giving a wide white edge to the back of the
inner wings.  Bill is too small for a juv. Laughing Gull and the wings
too rounded.

Again, the best I could make of the bird is a juv. Franklin's Gull.  I
have to say that this is the youngest plumage of Franklin's Gull that
I have ever seen.  Nice bird.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Jul 20, 9:40 pm, Cole Wild  wrote:
> First thing this morning I stopped by Marston Reservoir (Denver County). I 
> saw the basic plumaged Red-throated Loon and 4 Common Loons (1 alternate and 
> 3 basic). There was also a gull out there that was very small compared to 
> Ring-billed Gulls. It was to dark to get any details on it when I saw it. My 
> impression on its size made me think there was a chance it could have been a 
> Little Gull, but it also could have been a Bonaparte's Gull. It would be 
> great if others could refind this bird to get a positive identification on 
> it. I could never refind it when it got light enough to see details on all 
> the birds.
> Then Jessi Oberbeck and I headed out to Bonny Reservoir (Yuma County). We 
> could not refind the interesting warbler like bird that was reported from 
> yesterday. We saw and/or heard 1 Great Crested Flycatcher, 3 Yellow-billed 
> Cuckoos, 1 Field Sparrow, 1 Indigo Bunting, 1 Bell's Vireo, 4 Red-bellied 
> Woodpeckers,1 Orchard Oriole, and 5 Eastern Bluebirds. We also saw a bird 
> that looked good for a pure male Eastern Towhee, but we never heard it sing. 
> It was on the north side of the reservoir before reaching the state park just 
> east of the area where the marsh reaches the road.
> Cole Wild
> Loveland
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[cobirds] Blue-footed Booby "chase"? Leaving at midnight tonight...

2009-08-22 Thread Joey Kellner

If anyone wants to see the Blue-footed Booby tomorrow morning on
Conchas Lake SE of Las Vegas, New Mexico let me know and we can
carpool from I-25 and C-470 tonight at midnight.

Call me at 303-978-1748 before 7pm tonight.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] NE Colorado Monday

2009-09-07 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning ten of us left for NE Colorado (Joe Roller, Allison Hilf, Steve
Larson, Randy Lentz, Cole Wild, Rick & Connie Steinkamp, Kathy Mihm Dunning
and husband Jeff, and myself).  Land and shorebirds are still a little on
the slow side, but have definitely improved from the last few weeks.
Crow Valley Campground had a number of Orange-crowned Warblers along with
the usual Wilson's Warblers and a single NASHVILLE WARBLER as well as two
Hermit Thrushes.
Prewitt Reservoir inlet canal grove had a number of Wilson's Warblers, a
Cassin's Vireo, American Redstart, and Olive-sided Flycatcher.
Jumbo Reservoir had more shorebirds than Friday including two Juv.
excellent spotter, Cole Wild) in the SW corner of the reservoir.
On our return home we passed through Tamarack Ranch and found a nice
Dickcissel on the powerlines.
Multiple flocks of Western Kingbirds and Eastern Kingbirds were see from
Prewitt Reservoir eastward to Jumbo Reservoir.
Even with the lack of cold fronts, things move...just a little more slowly.
Herps seen today:
Woodhouse's Toad - 2 Jackson Reservoir
Short-horned Lizard - 1  Jackson Reservoir
Six-lined Racerunner - 1 Prewitt Reservoir
Bullsnake - 1 Dead on Road (DOR) Jumbo Reservoir
Common Garter Snake - 1 DOR
Prairie Rattlesnake - 1 on the road to "Norma's Grove"
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Northern Plains on Friday

2009-09-11 Thread Joey Kellner
This morning Glenn Walbek, Connie Steinkamp and I fought the morning wind
and found a nice selection of birds at Crow Valley Campground.  Warbler
highlights were:
Tennessee Warbler - 1st fall
Townsend's Warbler - female
Nashville Warbler
Among the abundant Wilson's Warbler's there were also a number of
Orange-crowned Warblers, a single Yellow-breasted Chat and then several
Swainson's Thrushes.
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] The Big Sit! - at Chatfield State Park

2009-10-01 Thread Joey Kellner
The Denver Field Ornithologists will once again host "The Big Sit!" at
Chatfield State Park on Sunday, October 11th.  This will be the seventh year
for this fun and frivolous event.  It is open to the public and I welcome
EVERYONE!  It will be held from (before) dawn to (after) dusk, come for an
hour or stay all day, whatever works for your schedule.  I perform hourly
counts so that every hour there are "new" birds to be added to the hour's
count.  State Parks will be erecting a canopy (for shade from the sun, or
shelter from rain) and even offered to bring some breakfast foods!
The Big Sit! at Chatfield will be located at the Heronry Overlook on the
east side of the lake.  Just follow the signs located at both entrances.
Bring your own chair or use the bench seating provided by the herony deck.
Bring binoculars, spotting scope, food, water, sushi, whatever you need to
spend time birding!
If you cannot attend "The Big Sit!" at Chatfield try to attend another
nearer you (it sounds like Connie Kogler is putting one together "up north"
so stay tuned!)...or even start your own! 
Like Connie Kogler pointed out, the details and rules can be found at:
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Birds on Friday - NE Colorado

2009-10-09 Thread Joey Kellner
Dick Schottler and I birded several locations today.  Birds were either
moving (migrating) or preparing to migrate (feeding frenzy).  
At Jackson Reservoir (Morgan County) we had flocks of Sandhill Cranes in the
hundreds flying over in waves.  We'd hear them and find them high overhead
and watch them head south and their primative calls fade away.  Minutes
later we could hear the calls of the next "wave" of a few hundred coming
from the north!  THOUSANDS of cranes flew over us in the 2 hours we were
On Hwy 144 (Morgan County) we found an almost pure flock of Common Grackles
feeding in a corn stubble field.  There were at LEAST 4,000 grackles!!
Also at Jackson Reservoir we found a flock of shorebirds consisting of:
Long-billed Dowitcher - 300+
Pectoral Sandpiper - 10
Least Sandpiper - 20
Baird's Sandpiper - 2
Western Sandpiper - 3 (1juv, 2ad)
Stilt Sandpiper - 1
This flock did not care that Dick and I were there.  They would flush up and
land again almost at our feet!  We walked up to them to within about 25 feet
and they did not care that we were there.  They were so intent on feeding
(Jackson Reservoir has even more exposed shoreline now).  Many groups of
shorebirds were seen around the reservoir including Yellowlegs, Sanderling
and Semipalmated Plovers.  My guess is that they are feeding intently and
getting ready to leave tonight if the winds change...which they are supposed
to.  A few Forster's Terns are now on the lake and still about 400+
Franklin's Gulls.  
NO Sabine's Gulls were seen at Jackson Reservoir.
Last Chance rest area (Washington County) was VERY birdy:
Wilson's Warbler - 1 (lingering)
Plumbeous Vireo - 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1
White-throated Sparrow - 1juv
Red-naped Sapsucker - 1 juv. male
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1
Hermit Thrush - 1
Sandhill Cranes - 50+ flying over (even here!)
Lincoln County:
Townsend's Warbler - 1f
Field Sparrow - 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1
Hermit Thrush - 1
Mountain Bluebirds - 9 along county roads
We found American Wigeons in several places today.  They have not been
around in numbers yet this fall.
Weld County Road 386:
Mountain Bluebirds - 5
Eastern Bluebird - 1 male
All in all my best day out this fall!
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Reminder - Sunday Big Sit! at Chatfield

2009-10-10 Thread Joey Kellner
The Chatfield State Park Big Sit will be held "Dawn to Dusk" at the Heronry
Overlook.  Follow the signs to the Heronry parking lot (just south of the
Campground).  Come for an hour or stay all day.  Bring your own bins,
snacks, lunch, etc.  State Parks will bring some munchies and I think hot
chocolate.  We'll do a day total as well as hourly counts, meaning that we
start from scratch and see what we can see each hour.  An hourly "tally
board" tracks our progress.  Below are the totals from past years.
2003 - 61 species seen
2004 - 60
2005 - 55
2006 - 71
2007 - 53
2008 - 58
2009 - ?
Hope to see you there!
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Results of Sunday Big Sit! at Chatfield

2009-10-11 Thread Joey Kellner
Thank you to everyone who braved the cold temps and helped with the daily
and hourly bird counts.
Today we tallied 71 species!!!  We tied our Chatfield Big Sit! record that
was set in 2006!
Highlights today were:
White-winged Scoter - 1 adult male!
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Considering that Chatfield really has virtually no shoreline we had 5
shorebird species!
Black-bellied Plover - 1 basic
Long-billed Dowitcher - 22
Wilson's Snipe - 1
Greater Yellowlegs - 3
Killdeer - 1
We also watched an Osprey catch a fish right in front of us!
Yes, we also had Sandhill Cranes, three flocks - the last flock of about 50
birds was at 7pm and we called it quits.
Again, "Thank you" to each and every person that helped.  Maybe next year it
will be warmer!
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] NE Colorado on Friday

2009-10-16 Thread Joey Kellner
Chris Wood and I birded NE Colorado today with the following results:
Jumbo Reservoir and surrounding area:
American Bittern - 1 flying over Red Lion SWA
Stilt Sandpiper - 1 at Red Lion SWA
Pectoral Sandpiper - 1
Greater Yellowlegs - several at Jumbo and Red Lion SWA
LECONTE'S SPARROW - 1 (found while taking the time to walk nearby fields)
SPRAGUE'S PIPIT - 1 flying overhead calling at Red Lion SWA
Black-bellied Plover - 2
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1 imm
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1
Field Sparrow - 1
Long-billed Dowitcher - several
Least Sandpiper - ~12
American Avocet - 2
Mountain Bluebird - 12
Chipping Sparrow - 1
North Sterling Reservoir State Park:
Black-bellied Plover - 8
Baird's Sandpiper - ~9
Jackson Reservoir:
Snow Goose - 3
Long-billed Dowitcher - lots
Brewer's Sparrow - 1
Morgan County Road 2 (SW of Jackson Reservoir) "Joey's Slough"
Western Tanager - 1 adult male - LATE
Loloff Reservoir:
Black-bellied Plover - 5
Lower Latham Reservoir and surrounding area:
Great Egret - 3 still present
Sandhill Cranes - 30 in nearby corn stubble fields
Cinnamon Teal - 1 imm starting to get its red eyes!
Lots of Longspurs of all three of the expected species seen and heard in
numerous locations.
Many dabbling ducks were seen on all the reservoirs along with a sprinkling
of Redheads, Canvasbacks, Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks and a Bufflehead
or two.
Songbird migrants were few but included (in addition to the above): 
Orange-crowned Warbler - ~3
Yellow-rumped Warbler (both races) - 8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2
American Pipit - a number seen and heard in a few places
Savannah Sparrow - several seen and heard in a few locations
NO terns seen anywhere.
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Unknown Jaeger at Cherry Creek Reservoir

2009-10-18 Thread Joey Kellner
Gary and Linda Ackert called and are looking at a dark jaeger at Cherry
Creek State Park from the jet ski area.  Bird has long central tail
streamers.  They are trying to get a specific ID on the bird.
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] DFO Mountain Lakes Trip Highlights

2009-11-01 Thread Joey Kellner
Seven people enjoyed a beautiful day to the "mountain lakes" on a Denver
Field Ornithologists trip with the following highlights:
Eleven Mile Reservoir:
Surf Scoter - 1 imm
Spinney Mountain Reservoir:
Common Loon - 2 (1 basic plumage, 1 still in mostly alternate
Surf Scoter - 2 males
Antero Reservoir:
American White Pelican - 2
Dillon Reservoir:
Barrow's Goldeneye - 19 (at the marina)
Long-tailed Duck - 1 male (at the marina with the above goldeneyes)
Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Mountain Lakes on Sunday

2009-11-08 Thread Joey Kellner

On Sunday, Lisa Edwards, Cole Wild and travelled a mountain lakes loop with
the following highlights:

Eleven Mile Reservoir:
Surf Scoter - 3 imm (different birds from the ones seen last week at
Spinney Mountain Reservoir)
Common Loon - 3

Spinney Mountain Reservoir:
Common Loon - 6

Mt Elbert Forebay:
Barrow's Goldeneye - 3m, 2f
Surf Scoter - 1 imm

Turquoise Reservoir:
Long-tailed Duck - 1m, 1f

Dillon Reservoir:
Barrow's Goldeneye - 1m, 1f
Long-tailed Duck - 1 adult male (same bird seen a week ago)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Red-throated Loon still at Chatfield...

2009-11-15 Thread Joey Kellner
The immature Red-throated Loon was still present along with 11 Common Loons
seen by Steve Stachowiak and myself around 4pm this afternoon.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Weather conditions prior to the two Chatfield sightings

2009-11-16 Thread Joey Kellner
Chatfield Reservoir has two documented murrelet sightings (one
each...see Brandon's post for the specific dates).  The semi-local
weather conditions in the days prior to each were the same.  That
being, multiple days of high westerly winds (Chinooks) followed by a
"dead" calm day.

My guess/theory on this is:  The Chinook winds are caused by a cold
front coming through the mountains (okay that's not theory).  This
cold front likely causes some lakes to start to freeze or completely
freeze over.  Some birds, wanting to escape the potential freeze,
flyout.  Heavy Chinook winds blow them towards the east.  Once out of
the mountains the birds, being out of "normal looking" habitat
(remember these guys nest in costal conifers) drop into large nearby
reservoirs and wait-out the storm/winds.  Then next day they spend
time feeding.  The calm (like a sheet of glass) waters are "unnatural"
to them (they are used to cold, deep, wave action of the sea) and they
leave.  This is "evidenced" by no Colorado record of a murrelet
staying more than one day on a lake.  The calm weather is also VERY
important from a birding perspective.  On a lake that's like a "sheet
of glass" it is MUCH easier to find a bird that is SMALLER than any
North American duck or grebe.  Waves or wavelets can easily conceal
such a bird.  On a calm lake every little ripple can be seen and
traced to it cause.

Now that being said, my theory on the winds may be total "bunk" (time
will tell...maybe), but for sure get out on those ultra-calm days
because that's about the only way to see one way out on a lake!

Good luck on your search!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Red-throated Loon still at Chatfield State Park

2009-11-18 Thread Joey Kellner
Two of the Common Loons and one juv. plumaged Red-throated Loon were
still on Chatfield Reservoir and seen this afternoon along the dam.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Sunday Mountain Lakes

2009-11-22 Thread Joey Kellner
I spent the day driving the "mountain lakes loop" (numbers of species as
well as individuals is dropping fast over the last month).  Here are the ice
conditions and some highlights for each lake:


   Eleven Mile Reservoir (50% frozen):
  Barrow's Goldeneye - 1m
  Common Loon - 2
  Gray-crowned Rosy Finch - 45 (+2 'Hepburn's' race)

   Spinney Mountain Reservoir (50% frozen):
  White-winged Scoter - 1 adult
  Surf Scoter - 1 imm
  Common Loon - 1
  Gray-crowned Rosy Finch - 90
  Black Rosy Finch - 1m
  Brown-capped Rosy Finch - 2

   Antero Reservoir (90% frozen - best viewing is the south road next to the
  American White Pelican - 3
  Long-tailed Duck - 1f


   Clear Creek Reservoir (0% frozen):


   Twin Lakes (0% frozen):
  Common Loon - 3

   Mount Elbert Forebay (0% frozen):
  Barrow's Goldeneye - 3m

   Turquoise Lake (0% frozen):


   Dillon Reservoir (1% frozen):
  Barrow's Goldeneye - 9 (5m, 4f)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Black Scoter at Chatfield

2009-11-25 Thread Joey Kellner
Paul Differding and I watched a female Black Scoter from the marina sandspit
at Chatfield Reservoir.  The bird was seen for about 40 minutes prior to the
sun setting out from the spit and later towards the far shore near Plum

Nice pick Paul!  Thanks for the phone call!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
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[cobirds] Turkey Day Tundra Swans at Chatfield

2009-11-26 Thread Joey Kellner
>From 7:40-9:20am a pair of Tundra Swans was present at the Platte River
delta.  Paul Differding and I watched them fly away towards the Plum Creek
area, but were unable to relocate them.

The female Black Scoter could not be relocated, but the wind and wave action
MAY have hidden it.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Friday NE Colorado birding highlights

2009-11-27 Thread Joey Kellner
Chris Wood, Jessie Barry and I birded NE Colorado.  Interesting that there
were NO white geese (an almost no geese of any kind) at Jumbo Reservoir!
Waterfowl in general were noticeably lacking at all reservoirs including,
Jumbo, Sterling and Prewitt Reservoirs, Loloff Reservoir and the ponds on
Weld County 59, EVEN Lower Latham!   Some selected highlights included:

Jumbo Reservoir:
   Yellow-billed Loon – 1 imm still present
   Pacific Loon – 1

Prewitt Reservoir:
   Pacific Loon – 4!

Lower Latham Reservoir: - See the report below for our Lower Latham results
(there are a few REALLY nice sightings included in the list below).  

This report was produced by eBird.  It’s easy to enter your records and be
able to produce trip lists such as these.  PLUS your sightings have meaning
to 1) you (you can produce histograms and other reports of your
records…pretty cool), 2) other birders, 3) researchers 4) posterity and 5)

I challenge you to enter your next trip(s) into eBird at http://ebird.org
and see what it can do for you!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Location:     Lower Latham Reservoir
Observation date:     11/27/09
Notes:     Our last stop of the day was highlighted by several great birds
including a very late American Bittern, an early Glaucous Gull and several
Short-eared Owls. OBSERVERS: Chris Wood, Jessie Barry and Joey Kellner.
WEATHER: Calm. 80% clear with some high clouds. 45 - 53F.
Number of species:     34

Cackling Goose     225
Canada Goose     150
Gadwall     20
American Wigeon     20
Mallard     175
Northern Shoveler     35
Northern Pintail     5
Green-winged Teal (American)     2
Common Goldeneye     75
Common Merganser     70
Red-breasted Merganser     1     Adult male.
Ring-necked Pheasant     1
AMERICAN BITTERN 1     ***Late. Jessie spotted one that flew up out of the
canal and landed in the marsh (about 445).
Bald Eagle     2     Two adults.
Northern Harrier     7
Red-tailed Hawk     3
Rough-legged Hawk     1     Adult male.
American Kestrel     1
Virginia Rail     2     Heard grunting.
American Coot     15
Wilson's Snipe     1     Flyover just after sunset.
Ring-billed Gull     4600     When we arrived there were only about 1000
Ring-billed Gulls on the lake, but flocks from 20 - 400 birds kept coming
in, particularly around dusk.
California Gull     35     Very conservative count.
Herring Gull     90     Very conservative count.
LESSER BLACK_BACKED GULL (graellsii)     1     **A single adult.
GLAUCOUS GULL     1     **Rare. Early. A very white individual with very few
markings on the upperparts. Fairly long pinkish bill with black ring near
tip. First-cycle bird.
SHORT-EARED OWL     5     At least 5 individuals started flying around
American Crow     2
American Tree Sparrow     5
Song Sparrow     7
Swamp Sparrow     1     Heard calling from marsh.
Red-winged Blackbird     2500
Western Meadowlark     2
Great-tailed Grackle     3

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] VEERY at Chatfield State Park

2009-11-28 Thread Joey Kellner
Several of us found what appeared to be a "western race" VEERY at Chatfield
this morning.  The bird was upstream from Kingfisher Bridge (bridge that
crosses the Platte River) on the west (Jefferson County) side of the river
about 50 yards past the end of the paved bike path.

This is a LOS (Last of Season) bird for me.  :-)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Trumpeter Swans at Chatfield State Park

2009-12-03 Thread Joey Kellner
Seven Trumpeter Swans graced Chatfield Reservoir this afternoon.  Initially
they were in the middle (deeper) part of the lake, but were later relocated
by Paul Differding just out from the heronry overlook "deck".

It will be interesting to see what other birds show up in the next week as
the smaller (and some larger) lakes freeze over.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] More swans at Chatfield

2009-12-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Paul Differding is at Chatfield this Friday morning and reports 11
swans seen from the heronry overlook deck.  He believes that 7 of them
are the Trumpeter Swans reported yesterday and that the other 4 newly
arrived swans (includes 2 immatures) are also Trumpeter Swans (heads
spent mostly tucked in).

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Update on ID of Chatfield Swans

2009-12-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Glenn Walbek has been at Chatfield and studying the eleven swans (a
group of seven and a group of four).  At his closest approach (with
good optics) he could see small yellow lores on a few of the adults.
This, combined with closer and better looks at the overall bill length
and structure leads to the identification of these birds as TUNDRA
SWANS and not Trumpeter Swans.

I apologize for my postings calling these birds Trumpeters...the seven
birds seen yesterday further out on the lake looked like they had very
large bills with straight culmens.  Distance being the difference
between my view yesterday and Glenn's view this morning.

It was suggested that maybe the birds I saw yesterday were indeed
Trumpeters and that they moved on and these birds arrived...I doubt
that.  That just seems like way too many swans moving in and out of a
single location when few are being reported elsewhere.  Occam's Razor
(in summary) states that the simplest explanation tends to be the best/
correct one.  Which means I misidentified the swans yesterday.  :-(

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Glaucous Gull at Chatfield

2009-12-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Glenn Walbek reports relocating a first cycle Glaucous Gull over at
the Plum Creek delta at Chatfield Reservoir.  Paul Differding first
found this bird yesterday morning, but could not relocate it after and
extensive search.  Apparently this bird moves around a little.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Re: Glaucous Gull at Chatfield

2009-12-04 Thread Joey Kellner
Glenn just texted me saying that there are TWO Glaucous Gulls (1-1st
cycle bird, and one 1st or second cycle bird)

Joey Kellner
Littleton, CO

On Dec 4, 11:22 am, Joey Kellner  wrote:
> Glenn Walbek reports relocating a first cycle Glaucous Gull over at
> the Plum Creek delta at Chatfield Reservoir.  Paul Differding first
> found this bird yesterday morning, but could not relocate it after and
> extensive search.  Apparently this bird moves around a little.
> Joey Kellner
> Littleton, CO

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