[cobirds] Barr Lake today

2017-10-03 Thread 'Norm Lewis' via Colorado Birds
I thought I'd follow up on my earlier post about the jaeger (more on him/her in 
minute) with a summary of our outing. I had my monthly museum group out at Barr 
Lake today, and it was a quite productive day. We started by harrassing the 
inimitable Meredith McB at the banding station, where she retaliated with a 
fusillade of Wilson's warblers, intimidating us into a quick retreat. But we'd 
be back.
Next stop was a walk down to the Pioneer Trail blind, where a cooperative 
peregrine falcon posed on a snag for us. A quick scope scan of the lake 
revealed hundreds of western grebes, and with a little imagination we converted 
a few of them into Clark's. That's our story, and we're stickin' to itWe 
had good numbers of orange-crowned, yellow-rumped and Wilson's warblers. 
However, my entry of eight orange-crowns was roundly rebuked by eBird, and it 
didn't like my western wood-pewee either, which kind of hurt my feelings. But I 
persisted, and Mr. eBird relented. We then slunk back to the banding station, 
where Meredith cut us some slack, as well as a couple of good birds. A nice 
Hammond's flycatcher (a small individual with some characteristics overlapping 
with least) emerged from a bag, followed by a hermit thrush. Then came a 
mystery sparrow, which after some discussion we agreed to call a Lincoln's, and 
a sorry one indeed. The poor bird looked like it had been in bar fight and lost.
Elbowed aside by the sixth or seventh busload of grade-schoolers (Meredith, how 
do you do it?), we set out for the lake, where out by the island was a sizable 
flock of gulls that we could no longer ignore with good conscience. The group 
proved to consist of 100+ Californias, with a smattering of ringers, Franklins 
and a herring or two. Some searching turned up a Sabine's lurking behind a 
ponderous Cal, followed by another fly-by Sabine's.
Next up was the Neidrach Trail and boardwalk. Things initially didn't look too 
promising, but we did pick up a couple of eared grebes and a few assorted 
ducks. A couple of birds lurking on the distant grassy beach yielded several 
mis-identifications until we finally decided to trek down the trail for a 
closer look. They quickly proved to be plovers, and finally, two American 
golden-plovers. Other than a couple of killdeer, they were the only shorebirds 
we saw all day. by this time I was beginning to feel like a certified eBird 
We closed things out with a jaeger sp that was coursing back and forth across 
the lake to the northeast. After following it with binos at considerable 
distance for a minute, we thought we saw it settle on the water far down the 
lake, closer to the dam. So, we hoofed it back to the parking lot and headed 
down to the boat launch to see if we could refind the bird. We could not. I 
will be interest to see if it reappears. While we were walking/driving down to 
the launch, the bird had plenty of time to relocate. Our consolation prize was 
a couple more Sabine's, which may or may not have been the same two we had seen 
to the west earlier.
Please post if you 1) relocate the jeager and 2) have any idea which species it 

Norm Lewis
Lakewood, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake Today (Adams)

2015-01-22 Thread Nick Moore
After Alec Hopping's report I headed out to Barr Lake this morning and had
a nice time. The vast majority of the water is frozen but openings remain.
The number of birds around sunrise was amazing, but gull and geese numbers
dropped drastically as the day warmed up.

A small ice hole near the boat launch had a good number of large gulls
including a first year Thayer's. This was a nice place for point blank
views. The biggest hole in the ice is best viewed from the banding station.
It held a Ross's x Cackling Goose, over forty Herring gulls and a Lesser
Black-backed Gull. As the morning steam lifted the gull number began to
drop. By the time I made the long walk to the opening in the south west
corner of the res the majority of gulls had left and right before I got to
look at the geese about half the flock left to leave. I still found a group
of 28 Snow and 8 Ross's Goose and a single Greater White-fronted Goose. The
flock of dabblers held one male Mexican Duck integrade. The first I've seen
showing some of the greenish mallard head color.

Overall a fun day and worth checking as good birds could easily still be
hiding out there.

Nick Moore
Boulder CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake today (Adams County)

2014-11-04 Thread 'Cathy Sheeter' via Colorado Birds
My fall has been busy and I have not had much time to bird here in CO, so 
loved being outside on such a glorious fall day today.
Nothing REALLY spectacular, except for some impressive numbers for November.
Over 500 American White Pelicans are still staging at Barr. An estimated 
1200 Double Crested Cormorants were lined up on the far shoreline in the 
early afternoon (didn't see any in the AM)!  I guess with the water level 
so low the fish must be concentrated in available water.  In the mud flat 
that used to be the lake behind the visitors center was a large group of 
shore birds... which turned out to be almost exclusively Killdeer!  Over 
400 of them including a further out flock on the wing of 100+!  And 
pretending to be shore birds both on the mud flats and various other areas 
on the lake I tallied over 700 Green-winged Teal.
A few late migrants included one Least and one Semipalmated Sandpiper (plus 
a couple of Pecs) on the mud flats.  A late Orange Crowned Warbler was on 
the back side of the dam.  
I didn't fully pick over the gull flocks, which were mostly very distant, 
but did find two Lesser Black-backed (one adult, one first cycle), one 
Thayer's Gull (First Cycle) and an assortment of the other expected species 
early in the AM when most were loafing.
I also found a dapper juvenile Harris's Sparrow on the back side of the 
dam (FOS for me).
Full list at: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20441342
Good birding-
Cathy Sheeter

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[cobirds] Barr Lake today - Adams County

2013-08-13 Thread Cathy Sheeter
I enjoyed a lovely few hours in the sun today at Barr Lake.  Birds of note 
included 1 Cordilleran Flycatcher, 1 Gray FC, and two slightly early 
migrant Nashville Warblers (the NAWA are on the boat ramp side of the 
park in the ditch).  There were also MANY Yellow Warblers around (mostly 
females/juveniles), House Wrens in abundance, and Chickadees and Goldfinch 
calling from all directions.  Most of the Kingbirds of both variety have 
left, as have almost all of the Orioles (I only saw one juvenile male 
Bullock's left).  Shore birds are not many though shore line is abundant 
(water is fairly low), with just a few Yellowlegs (both species), and 
Spotted and Solitary Sandpipers (of course Killdeer too).  I didn't carry 
my scope, but what I could see of water birds included a good size group of 
Western Grebes (with a couple of Clarks mixed in) and little else of note.
I got some decent shots of the Nashville Warblers which can be found on my 
Flickr site at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aphelionart/
Happy birding-
Cathy Sheeter
Ft. Lupton, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake Today (Tundra Swan)

2011-11-20 Thread Dave Cameron
Beautiful day at Barr lake today, and plenty of bird action.  Tens of
thousands of Canada/Cackling Geese were the star, with small numbers
of Snow Geese mixed in.  There was one flyover of 20 Snow Geese,
otherwise, all were mixed in in ones and twos with the white-cheeked.
We were able to single out 3 or 4 Ross.'

Of the 7 or so Bald Eagles we saw today, a lakeside flyover by an
adult, sending thousands of Geese into the air, was exciting to be
next to.

There was one pair of adult Tundra Swans on the East end of the lake,
easily viewed from the Niedrach loop, which is just outside the
visitor's center.

Other waterfowl included many Shovelers and Mallards, Pintail,
Gadwall, Western Grebes (about 50), Horned Grebes (3), Com. Merganser
(3 f), Pied-billed Grebes, Buffleheads, etc.

Raptors included one very dark-morph Red-tailed, vying for space with
one of two very-light morphs.  Also a very dark Rough-legged Hawk gave
us a flyover.  We heard one Great-Horned Owl hooting just before dusk
as we left.  There were also several Kestrels.

Song Sparrows, Juncos, Goldfinches, Blue Jays, Chickadees, Flickers,
Downys, etc, added to the 34 species we saw today.

Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Barr Lake today

2011-03-26 Thread Dave Cameron
Two Great Horned Owls sitting on nests, within a few hundred yards of
each other.
A third Great Horned nest, but with the bird barely visible through
A Bald Eagle sitting on a nest; also four other Balds
A Canada Goose sitting on a nest she's built immediately under the
Gazebo boardwalk
Many Western Meadowlarks
Thousands and thousands of Shovelers
Ruddy Ducks (3)
Ring-necks, Gadwalls, Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Wigeons, Green-wing Teal
Collared Doves
Great-tailed and Common Grackles
Much hustle and bustle at the Heron and Cormorant rookery:  at least
20 Heron nests, and probably twice that many Cormorant nests.  Lots of
hauling of nest material going on.
Green-tailed Towhee (heard)
White-crowned Sparrows
Red-tails and Harriers
Nice close-up view of a pair of preening Kestrels
1 Blue Jay

Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Barr Lake today

2010-04-04 Thread Dave Cameron
Not the busiest day today, bird-wise, at Barr, but some highlights:

Fervent nest-building actvity by a great many Great Blue Herons and DC
Two gorgeous breeding-plumage Horned Grebes
8 Wood Ducks, incl 3 pairs and 2 bachelors
Possible Lesser Black-backed Gull
A very active pair of Kestrels
2 Ring-Necked Pheasants
Several Killdeer
Pied-billed Grebes
1 Green-Winged Teal
Western Meadowlarks
Am. Goldfinches
And of course, the Bald Eagles on the nest.

Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Barr Lake today

2009-05-06 Thread Dave Cameron

- A very large flock of White-Faced Ibis, maybe 200 birds.  We were
unable to single out any Glossy Ibis in the crowd.
- Several (6 or 7) Swainson's Hawks
- Green-Tailed and Spotted Towhees
- One Bald Eagle Parent and one Eaglet on the nest
- Tree Swallows
- One Pink-Sided Junco (LOY?)
- American Goldfinch
- White Pelicans
- Both Myrtle and Audubon's Warblers
- Large numbers of nesting Great Blue Herons and Double-
  Crested Cormorants
- Spotted Sandpipers
- Kildeer
- Wood Duck
- Quite a few Western Kingbirds
- Chipping Sparrows
- White-Crowned Sparrows
- Lark Sparrows
- House Wrens

Dave Cameron
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