[cobirds] Broomfield gulls

2011-01-15 Thread Peter Plage
The pond south of Hwy 7 and east of Lowell hosted several hundred gulls this 
p.m. With the highlight an apparent  juvenile glaucous gull. 

Pete Plage
Sent from my iPhone

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[cobirds] Broomfield Gulls

2012-01-04 Thread Joyce Takamine
After seeing the dark Barr Lake SNOWY OWL, Sandy Arnesen, Maggie Boswell
and I
went to see some of the Broomfield Gulls that Pete Plage has been

At Siena Pond which is at Sheridan Parkway and Lowell, we found a Greater
Goose, 1 ad Glaucous Gull, and 1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull.

At the pond at Lowell and Indian Peaks Parkway we found 1 ad Glaucous Gull.

Joyce Takamine

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[cobirds] Broomfield Gulls

2012-01-18 Thread jxdrummo

CO birders :

  My first visit to these series of ponds in Broomfield around midday today 
revealed some goodies . Most of the action at this time was at the Anthem Ranch 
ponds where in a 45 minute span we had 2 1st cycle Thayers , 1 1st cycle 
Glaucous ( very white ) , 1 adult Lesser Black- backed , 1 1 st or 2 cnd cycle 
Greater Black-backed Gull ( I incline to 2 cnd cycle because of the white upper 
tail coverts ) and 1 1st cycle Glaucous-winged Gull . The Glaucous-winged stood 
out by it's greater size than corresponding Herring Gulls , uniform broad pale 
upper wing and tail in flight with mottling , large all black bill , very 
aggresive in behaviour dominating a immature Herring Gull for prey. . Very 
windy conditions made it impossible to get photos however.
Siena Pond in the time we were there had just an adult Lesser-Black-backed Gull 
of interest . There was constant comings and goings so we could have well 
missed other rarities . These ponds are outstanding for allowing close views 
for larophiles .

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Broomfield Gulls

2012-12-27 Thread Bill Schmoker
Folks- Steve Mlodinow summed up most of the goodies from Anthem Ponds &
Sienna Pond today, but I thought I'd add a few comments.

Anthem Ponds (S. of HWY 7 & Lowell Blvd) and Sienna Pond (continuing south
on Lowell across the Northwest Parkway) are frozen hard but have bubblers
creating open water.  These are close to the Erie dump, perhaps the best
mid-day watering stop for gulls seeking refuge after perusing refuse.  The
same gulls presumably head over to Valmont for the night.  Despite the
bubblers, the water holes had totally frozen over at Anthem but by late
morning, perhaps helped by the weight of hudreds of gulls, a couple of the
holes had re-opened.

Regarding the Iceland Gull, although I texted Steve that it was a
first-winter bird, after reviewing Howell & Dunn's Gulls of the Americas
I'm now revising my age to a 2nd-cycle bird.  It had a strongly bicolored
bill, and the mantle had some adult-type pale gray feathers.  The bird was
overall pale gray, little if any brown tones to my eye in the body or
wings.  Thanks to Ted for his finds at Valmont yesterday (hopefully to be
built upon this evening) for tipping us off to the potential presence of
youngster Icelands 'round here...

I saw two Lesser Black-backed Gulls with adult plumage, but one has a lot
of black on the bill just behind the red gonys spot.  Howell & Dunn
indicate that this may be a 4th-cycle feature (see fig. 27.2, p. 187.)  I
saw the darker-billed bird at Anthem pond before lunch, then a clean
yellow&red-billed one at Sienna Pond, and later both together at Anthem
Pond on my second run through.

As far as Glaucous Gulls, I saw single birds at both Anthem and Sienna
Ponds.  As Steve alluded to, the Sienna Ponds bird was small and
smallish-billed for a glock, only marginally bigger than adjacent Herring
Gulls.  I think this is a strong contender for the Barrovianus subspicies.
 I think the adult bird I saw at Anthem Ponds was larger than the other
bird, outsizing the Herring Gulls in a more expected way.

Thanks to Steve for the Redhead x Ringneck Duck pick- I had brushed right
by it on my duck count so I could get onto the gull sort...  nicely done, a
lifer taxa for me (and Steve, too, I think...)

Enjoy- Bill Schmoker, Longmont

|   Bill Schmoker  |
|  bill.schmo...@gmail.com  |
|   http://schmoker.org |
| http://brdpics.blogspot.com |

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[cobirds] Broomfield gulls, Monday

2012-01-10 Thread Dick Filby
Hi all,


Apologies for late post - arrived home very late last night  from a day's
birding around Denver, been busy all day with work


The Anthem Ranch Pond (on east side of Lowell Blvd) yesterday, Monday, had:




4 THAYER'S (3 adults, 1 juv)

1 LESSER BLACK-BACKED (3rd winter)



SIENA POND: just east of Lowell Blvd, on north side of Sheridan 




6+ THAYER'S (2+ adults, 4+ juvs)

2 GLAUCOUS (immature and adult)

1 LESSER BLACK-BACKED (adult or near adult)


Plus a 1st winter Thayers x Kumlien's/Iceland Gull type.. pale looking bird
(strikingly paler than the other juv/1w Thayer's) with broad whitish edgings
to pale/mid brown primaries (centres pretty much concolorous with other dark
markings on upperparts. Slight trace of secondary bar in flight.  Bill just
starting to have a pale base to lower mandible,


Good birding all



Dick Filby

Carbondale (in gull-less western CO )





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[cobirds] Broomfield Gulls and other "Denver" birds TUESDAY

2012-01-18 Thread Dick Filby
Hi all,


First:  apologies for the late posting, couldn't get onto my computer until
this evening, and nothing too dramatic to report..


Spent yesterday birding the Denver area. Well worth the 450miles of driving
to enjoy the great variety and great views of the gulls on the Broomfield



Highlights included:


Bear Creek Lake Park

Harris's Sparrow 1 by boat launch at 8am


Red Rocks Park - feeders at the Trading Post

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Ca.30 Rosy Finches, mainly Gray-crowned 

3 Hepburn's 

1 Brown-capped

2 Black


Anthem Pond (Bromfield) 10:15am - midday, and again 2.15-2:30pm 

Birds that cycled thro' included..

2  first cycle Glaucous Gulls

5+ Thayer's Gulls (2 adult, 3 first cycle)

20+ Herring Gulls

100's Ring-billed Gulls

(+ad Lesser Black-backed Gull seen by Joe Roller et al before I arrived)


Siena Pond (Broomfield) midday-2.10p and  2.40p-4.15p

2 Glaucous Gulls (a very small adult and a 1cy)

8+Thayer's Gulls (3 ads, 4 1cy and a 2cy)

Kumlien's Gulls? Ad (flight only - no photos) and a 1cy type - tho' I think
the latter is likely a hybrid Thayer's x Iceland/Kumlien's - excellent
perched photos and OK'ish flight shots

30+ Herring Gulls, 100's Ring-billed Gulls

Ross's Goose

Hybrid Ross's x Cackling Goose ?


No Greater Black-backs, nor Glaucous-winged..


And a ton of other good birds I didn't even make time to look for (Greater
Roadrunner, Snowy Owl, Long-tailed Duck...)

PLUS.. Had to be back in Snowmass for my appointment with the Rosy Finches
this morning. 


Lots of driving on a cold and  snow-packed I70  where it was a chilly -4 on
Vail Pass at 6pm

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[cobirds] Broomfield Gulls (Possible Iceland, Lesser Black-backs, hybrid thing), etc.

2010-02-21 Thread William Schmoker
Folks- Larry Semo & I had the pleasure of birding today with Steve  
Mlodinow who is in Denver from Washington State on business this  
coming week.  We fought tricky birding conditions for most of the day  
with frequent snow flurries and less-than-ideal roads, but found some  
pleasant bird variety to keep us occupied throughout the day.

A quick stop at the S. Platte River where Florida crosses it produced  
the spanking male Barrow's Goldeneye and our first white-cheeked goose  
studies of the day, along with a smattering of other ducks.

The trading post at Red Rocks was pretty slow (no Golden-crowned  
Sparrow during our visit) but afforded some detailed looks at our  
Western Scrub Jay and Spotted Towhee subspecies.

Of most interest to the list may be the pond in Broomfield off of  
Highway 7 & Lowell that Mark Peterson described on 13 Feb. (with link  
to a map and the 2nd-cycle Iceland Gull pic @ http://tinyurl.com/yj2n9tz.) 
  Good viewing can be had from the E. side of the pond on Promontory  
Way.  While we didn't re-locate his 2nd-cycle bird, we did have a  
strong 1st-cycle Iceland Gull candidate.  I got digiscoped pictures  
that look good to me for that taxon but Steve has flight shots of the  
bird that I haven't yet seen, so I haven't completely pulled the  
trigger on the ID.  In the field we also considered that the bird  
could be an Iceland x Thayer's intergrade.  Howell and Dunn remark on  
1st-cycle Iceland vs. Thayers in Gulls of the Americas:  "Thayer's  
Gull darker and browner overall with blackish brown to dark brown  
wingtips..." which this bird doesn't show.  In my shots I think it  
compares favorably to several of their examples of darker 1st-cycle  
Kumlien's Iceland Gulls.  They go on to say, however:  "Presumed  
(Thayer's) hybrids with Kumlien's look intermediate and not safely  
assigned to either taxon."  So there 'ya go...

The pond also had a hulking brown 1st-cycle gull that could well be a  
Glaucous-winged x Herring Gull hybrid.  Less ambiguous were two inky  
adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls along with a smattering of Herring and  
California Gulls among the Ringers.

Nearby Erie and Thomas Reservoirs (Boulder County) had small open  
water patches and gatherings of dull gulls.

Enjoy- Bill Schmoker, Longmont
   • Bill Schmoker •

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