[cobirds] Lamar area on 4/28

2011-04-28 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN

Continuing the inventory of the Lamar area (Thurston Res on the north, AT&T 
tower on US287 south of town on the south, Prowers CR13 on the east, Prowers 
Bridge over the Ark River (Bent CR34.5) on the west, roughly), I added the 
following birds to my trip list:

House Wren (Fairmount Cemetery)
Rock Wren (entrance wall at Fairmount Cemetery)
Redhead (Thurston)
Lesser Scaup (Thurston)
Greater Yellowlegs (1, Thurston)
American Avocet (30, Thurston)
Willet (2, Thurston)
Black-necked Stilt (1, Thurston)
Marbled Godwit (1, Thurston)
Least Sandpiper (6, Thurston)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (1, Thurston)
White-faced Ibis (about 10, Thurston, and a few in flooded field on CR13 n of 
Long-billed Dowitcher (60, Thurston)
Wilson's Phalarope (30+, Thurston)
Note: all the shorebirds at Thurston were basically in the northwest corner on 
a private road that leads to a silver pumphouse by the water off CR U (I asked 
permission).  A few phalaropes were on the southeast marshy shore, visible from 
the boat ramp on the south side.

Other birds of note today:
Nashville Warbler (at LCC Woods ese of the library, perhaps the same individual 
seen on 4/26, but there has been a lot of turnover)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (pair, male excavating nest cavity at south end of LCC 
Clark's Grebe (beautiful pair at close range at Thurston)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (pair at Fairmount Cemetery)
Wren sp. (House or Bewick's, in Russian-olive tangle at LCC, never could get a 
decent look at it)

Monarchs everywhere.  FOY odes (Green Darners and a bluet (probably Familiar) 
at Thurston).  Lots of other common butterfly spp.

Total for Lamar area 4/25-28: 87 species

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins


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[cobirds] Lamar area on 4/28

2010-04-28 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN

Fairmount Cemetery, Lamar
Nashville Warbler (1 adult male, I think a "western" race based on the grayish 
back and frequent tail-flicking, which makes it a different individual than the 
other two I've seen down here of late).

Oriole (heard) - presumably it was a Bullock's, my FOS oriole, but when I 
finished with the Nashville, the oriole was nowhere to be found.

Thurston Reservoir, north of Lamar (with Jane Stulp, Dottie Russell, and during 
the ibis observations by Mark Peterson and Brad Steger)

Glossy Ibis (1 for sure, and a second individual that looked OK for glossy but 
not perfect) - on the south shore of the res a little ways southwest of the 
boat ramp, with several White-faced Ibis

White-eyed Vireo (1) first spotted by Dottie, along the east side of the res, 
just west of the ditch road in cottonwoods, willows, currant clumps, and even 
down in dead kochia weed along the water (decent views and poor photos obtained)

Cattle Egret (FOS for me, spotted by Mark) along the north shore of the res 
with, what else, horses

Other Miscellaneous Observations: LCC was very quiet this afternoon.  The only 
migrants I saw were Hermit Thrush, Yellow-rumped Warbler (5), Wilson's Warbler 
(1), and Orange-crowned Warbler.  I did not see the Harris's Sparrows.  I heard 
one cardinal, did not hear any Carolina Wrens.

Mark and Brad reported seeing two Broad-winged Hawks over Willow Creek this 
morning, a MacGillivray's Warbler at the north end of LCC in the currant 
thicket near the creek.  Jane had a FOS Yellow Warbler, Nashville Warbler, 
Cassin's Vireo, and another Northern Parula at her yard early this morning.  I 
think Mark and Brad said they also saw the Nashville and a Cassin's Vireo at 

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins


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