[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Teller County

2016-12-13 Thread Jeff J Jones
Been a while since I have seen an American Dipper at the dam. And a rather
late Wilson's Snipe.


Manitou Lake (Fee Area), Teller County - 7,700'


10 Species in all.



Wilson's Snipe



Belted Kingfisher 



Northern Flicker cafer



American Crow 

Common Raven  



American Dipper   



European Starling 



Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided)  

Song Sparrow  



American Goldfinch


Birder's Diary - www.BirdersDiary.com - 12/13/2016


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County - 58 species!!!

2014-05-31 Thread Jeff J Jones
I beat my Big Day Record of 56 species by 2 at Manitou Lake today with the
help of 4 Empidonax (Cordilleran, Hammonds, Dusky, Willow); all calling in
appropriate habitat.


Dave Elwonger birded with me this morning and helped me out and then I went
back after the rains this afternoon.


My previous record of 56 in a day at Manitou Lake Park (Fee area) was done
twice on the same day on May 18th, 2010 and 2014! Today I got 58 species.
Complete list below my signature.


Highlights were:

* Willow Flycatcher; seen both in morning giving fitz-bew song and
in afternoon calling. Only seen by me two other times here in 26 years.

* Hammond's Flycatcher; a recent new-comer to the big pines below
the dam on the west side of the creek. First sighting of one by me here was
last year. Today there were a few singing.

* MacGillivray's Warbler

* Lazuli Bunting


Not bad for a little mountain lake. Missed on so many common birds that I
could have easily gotten over 60. No chickadees (mtn and black-capped),
nuthatches (pygmy and white-breasted), mourning dove, woodpeckers, coot,
pied-billed grebe, etc. Still a great day.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 0, Annual: 7, World Annual: 4

Species: 58 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 58

Total Records: 58


Canada Goose   Branta canadensis

MallardAnas platyrhynchos   

Blue-winged Teal   Anas discors 

Green-winged Teal  Anas crecca  

Common Merganser   Mergus merganser 

Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis   

Western Grebe  Aechmophorus occidentalis

American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

Great Blue Heron   Ardea herodias   

Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura   

Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis

Virginia Rail  Rallus limicola  

Sora   Porzana carolina 

Killdeer   Charadrius vociferus 

Spotted Sandpiper  Actitis macularius   

Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata   

California GullLarus californicus   

Eurasian Collared-Dove [a] Streptopelia decaocto

Broad-tailed Hummingbird   Selasphorus platycercus  

Belted Kingfisher  Megaceryle alcyon

Red-naped SapsuckerSphyrapicus nuchalis 

Northern Flicker   Colaptes auratus 

Western Wood-Pewee Contopus sordidulus  

Willow Flycatcher [a*] Empidonax traillii   

Hammond's Flycatcher [a*]  Empidonax hammondii  

Dusky Flycatcher   Empidonax oberholseri

Cordilleran Flycatcher [a] Empidonax occidentalis   

Plumbeous VireoVireo plumbeus   

Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus 

Black-billed MagpiePica hudsonia

American Crow  Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven   Corvus corax 

Tree Swallow   Tachycineta bicolor  

Violet-green Swallow   Tachycineta thalassina   

Northern Rough-winged Swallow  Stelgidopteryx serripennis   

Barn Swallow   Hirundo rustica  

House Wren Troglodytes aedon

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher [a*] Polioptila caerulea  

Western Bluebird   Sialia mexicana  

American Robin Turdus migratorius   

Gray Catbird   Dumetella carolinensis   

MacGillivray's Warbler Geothlypis tolmiei   

Common YellowthroatGeothlypis trichas   

Yellow Warbler Setophaga petechia   

Yellow-rumped Warbler  Setophaga coronata   

Wilson's Warbler   Cardellina pusilla   

Chipping Sparrow   Spizella passerina   

Savannah Sparrow   Passerculus sandwichensis

Song Sparrow   Melospiza melodia

Lincoln's Sparrow  Melospiza lincolnii  

Western TanagerPiranga ludoviciana  

Black-headed Grosbeak  Pheucticus melanocephalus

Lazuli Bunting [a*]Passerina amoena 

Red-winged Blackbird   Agelaius phoeniceus  

Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus   

Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula   

Brown-headed Cowbird   Molothrus ater   

American Goldfinch [a] Spinus tristis  

[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County

2014-04-13 Thread Jeff J Jones
New species at Manitou Lake (Fee $6) since Friday.


. Ruddy Duck

. Osprey

. Ring-billed Gull

. Lone Franklin's Gull hanging out at lake today

. American Kestrel

. Yellow-rumped Warbler (odd looking male mix between auduboni and
coronata - photos on request)




Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County - Black-crowned Night-Heron, Cinnamon Teal

2014-04-09 Thread Jeff J Jones
Manitou Lake, Teller County (Fee Area $6).


New arrivals include Black-crowned Night-Heron and Cinnamon Teal.


Looked for Rusty Blackbirds that over-wintered; but not found. Last seen,
that I am aware of, on March 23rd. 


The Night-Heron was found in the day-time roost tree that has been used for
the past couple seasons that I am aware of. This is best viewed at a
pull-off on the west side of Hwy 67, 350 yards south of the south end of the
marsh of Manitou Lake. Scan the tree line 300 yards to the west and about
350 yards south of this pullout to find a large live Ponderosa with many
dead branches along the lower two-thirds of the tree; approx. here
39°04'33.66" N 105°05'49.63" W. This beats my earliest record (4/16/2006)
for BCNH here by 8 days. 


Also, thought I briefly heard a Gray Catbird chattering in the willows
quietly; but was unable to confirm.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County - Ice free; no Rusty Blackbirds

2014-04-02 Thread Jeff J Jones
After the windy night Sunday (> 90% frozen) night, Manitou Lake was 50% ice
free on Monday; and 100% ice free yesterday.


I haven't seen the Rusty Blackbirds since Sunday, March 23rd. So perhaps
they have moved on by now.


The usual waterfowl are starting to arrive now.


Of interest:

. Magpies completed nest

. Crows building nest

. Paired red-tailed hawks north of dam; but have not located nest
nor witnessed nest-building activities.

. Western Scrub-Jay first seen in 2011 keeping company with
Steller's Jays at FR339 where it crosses trout creek, seen again this past
weekend; still in company with Steller's Jays. This is its 4th season that I
have found it at this location; and no other scrub-jays around. I keep
looking for signs of a hybrid, but none seen yet.


28 species in all seen at Manitou Lake (does not include species seen at
FR339) so far this year. Complete list below with date of first sighting. 


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


Species: 28 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 28

Total Records: 28


American Wigeon 04/01/2014  

Ruby-crowned Kinglet03/29/2014  

Western Bluebird03/29/2014  

American Robin  03/29/2014  

Steller's Jay   03/23/2014  

Mountain Chickadee  03/23/2014  

Canada Goose03/22/2014  

Gadwall 03/22/2014  

Green-winged Teal   03/22/2014  

Lesser Scaup03/22/2014  

Common Merganser03/22/2014  


Northern Flicker03/22/2014  

Black-billed Magpie 03/22/2014  

Red-winged Blackbird03/22/2014  

Rusty Blackbird 03/22/2014  

Northern Shrike 03/01/2014  

American Crow   03/01/2014  

Common Raven02/23/2014  

Mallard 01/01/2014  

Great Blue Heron01/01/2014  

Red-tailed Hawk 01/01/2014  

Belted Kingfisher   01/01/2014  

Black-capped Chickadee  01/01/2014  

Pygmy Nuthatch  01/01/2014  

American Tree Sparrow   01/01/2014  

Song Sparrow01/01/2014  

Dark-eyed Junco 01/01/2014  


Birder's Diary - www.BirdersDiary.com - 4/2/2014

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County - 4 Black-crowned Night-Herons

2013-04-29 Thread Jeff J Jones
Had at least 4 Black-crowned Night-Herons flying around the marsh at the
south end of the lake after sunset tonight. The most I have ever seen up
here. Really neat to watch them circle the marsh on their broad wings giving
their distinctive 'woc' calls.


FOS species today at the lake:


. Black-crowned Night-Heron

. Spotted Sandpiper

. Northern Rough-winged Swallow

. Barn Swallow

. Broad-tailed Hummingbird yesterday at my house.


27 species in all. Complete list below.


Note: Manitou Lake is a fee area ($6 per car) and closes at or just after


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


Species: 27 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 27

Total Records: 27


Canada Goose   



Green-winged Teal  

Common Merganser   

Pied-billed Grebe  

Western Grebe  

Great Blue Heron   

Black-crowned Night-Heron  

Turkey Vulture 


Spotted Sandpiper  

Wilson's Snipe 

Belted Kingfisher  

Northern Flicker   

American Crow  

Common Raven   

Tree Swallow   

Northern Rough-winged Swallow  

Barn Swallow   

Ruby-crowned Kinglet   

Western Bluebird   

American Robin 

Yellow-rumped Warbler  

Song Sparrow   

White-crowned Sparrow  

Red-winged Blackbird   


Birder's Diary - www.BirdersDiary.com - 4/29/2013

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County (early virginia rail)

2012-03-23 Thread Jeff J Jones
The lake is still 80% ice-covered, but melting fast. The beaver ponds to the
south in the marsh are mostly ice-free. 


There was a Virginia Rail calling incessantly near the boardwalk. This
sighting is the earliest I have for Manitou Lake by 36 days! Previous early
sighting is 4/28/2007. But my monitoring is not that rigid.


Also Red Crossbills and singing Cassin's Finches were present.


Am Crows were carrying sticks.


Complete list below.


Of note at my home:

. I have had about a hundred evening grosbeaks for the past month or
two. The males are in beautiful bright plumage. They are at my feeders all
day long. Or sitting in the trees calling constantly. I love their sound.

. Many singing Cassin's Finches - incredible.

. I have just about got one Steller's Jay to take peanuts from my
hand in the morning. I have to put it on the feeder right next to my head,
then he will take it, just inches from my head - but not out of my hand yet.
The rest won't get closer than 6 feet. But this individual is always the
first to come and get them. The others insist I move away before they


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 0, Annual: 10, World Annual: 3

Species: 14 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 14

Total Records: 14


Canada Goose [a] Branta canadensis   

Mallard [a]  Anas platyrhynchos  

Blue-winged Teal [a*]Anas discors

Green-winged Teal [a]Anas crecca 

Great Blue Heron [a] Ardea herodias  

Virginia Rail [a*]   Rallus limicola 

Belted Kingfisher [a*]   Megaceryle alcyon   

Black-billed Magpie [a]  Pica hudsonia   

American CrowCorvus brachyrhynchos   

Common Raven Corvus corax

Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia   

Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus 

Cassin's Finch [a]   Carpodacus cassinii 

Red Crossbill [a]Loxia curvirostra   


Birder's Diary - www.BirdersDiary.com - 3/23/2012


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County

2012-01-22 Thread David Chartier

The wind was not blowing at Manitou Lake like it was everywhere else.  Had a 
good morning of birding there.  Highlights include:
American dipper
Red crossbill
Cassin's finch
White-winged junco
Many of the other usual suspects were also present.
David Chartier
Colorado Springs  

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County, Sage Thrasher and Field Sparrow

2011-10-13 Thread Jeff J Jones
I went back out yesterday afternoon to attempt to get a photo of the Field
Sparrow. Alas, where there was a group of 4 Spizellas (1 field, 1 brewer's
and 2 chipping), now there was only 3 - just the 2 chippie's and 1 brewer's.
The 4th was nowhere to be found.


I did get a few photos of the 3 Spizellas that I wouldn't mind getting some
feedback on. The photos are grainy (low light) but they show the important
field marks well enough I believe.

. Adult Spizella: first 7 photos; my guess is like Sibley's "pale
1st winter chipping sparrow"

o   Shows loral stripe - should make it a chippy

o   Broad median pale crown stripe

o   Strong covert pattern

o   Broad, at times, buffy supercilium

o   Gray unstreaked nape; 

o   I got no good pics of an exposed rump on any of these birds.

. Juv. Spizellas: pics 9-14; Brewer's or Chipping?

o   All pics of same bird; the first two show hint of loral stripe; while
the rest seem to show none at all.


Also, I did not realize that the sage thrasher can/does show buffy flanks in
fresh fall plumage! Not shown in Natl Geo, but shown in Sibley. I got and
included a photo of that; very low light.





Thanks for any feedback on the Spizellas.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake (Teller County) - two new location birds And white-faced ibis and black-crowned night-heron

2011-04-18 Thread Jeff J Jones
4-5pm this afternoon at Manitou Lake in Teller County found 14 new year
birds for the lake; two of which were new lifetime Manitou Lake birds:
Townsend's Solitaire and American Pipit! 33 species in all. This puts the
total Manitou Lake species count for me in 23 years to 141 species. The
campground host there described to me what sounded like a great egret or
snowy egret that he might have seen earlier in the day. I have one sighting
of the former on 5/10/2009 and 4 of the latter from 4/26 to 6/1 from 2000 to


Highlights were:

Black-crowned Night-Heron (1)

American Dipper carrying food to nest

White-faced Ibis (2)


New species for the year at Manitou Lake: blue-winged teal, black-crowned
night-heron, white-faced ibis (2), sora, California gulls, northern
rough-winged and barn swallows, townsend's solitaire, starlings, am pipit,
vesper and white-crowned sparrows, common grackle.


Complete list below.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands



FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 2, Annual: 14, World Annual: 5

Species: 33 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 33

Total Records: 33



Canada Goose   Branta canadensis

GadwallAnas strepera

MallardAnas platyrhynchos

Blue-winged Teal   Anas discors

Northern Shoveler  Anas clypeata

Green-winged Teal  Anas crecca

Common Merganser   Mergus merganser



Great Blue Heron   Ardea herodias

Black-crowned Night-Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax



White-faced Ibis   Plegadis chihi   red legs and red



Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis



Sora   Porzana carolina

American Coot  Fulica americana



Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata



California GullLarus californicus



Belted Kingfisher  Megaceryle alcyon



Northern Flicker   Colaptes auratus



American Crow  Corvus brachyrhynchos



Tree Swallow   Tachycineta bicolor

Northern Rough-winged Swallow  Stelgidopteryx serripennis

Barn Swallow   Hirundo rustica



Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus



American DipperCinclus mexicanuscarrying food to



Mountain Bluebird  Sialia currucoides

Townsend's Solitaire   Myadestes townsendi

American Robin Turdus migratorius



European Starling  Sturnus vulgaris



American Pipit Anthus rubescens calling and
landed at shore  



Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus

Song Sparrow   Melospiza melodia

White-crowned Sparrow  Zonotrichia leucophrys



Red-winged Blackbird   Agelaius phoeniceus

Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula   male/female


Birder's Diary - www.BirdersDiary.com - 4/18/2011

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[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Teller County - Swamp Sparrows not found.

2010-10-25 Thread Jeff J Jones
This weekend I was unable to relocate any swamp sparrows at Manitou Lake.


I did have a singing Am Dipper at the dam spillway. I also had a Virginia
Rail calling at the east end of the boardwalk, as well as a ruby-crowned
kinglet. The winter-plumaged eared grebes continue at the lake also.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Teller County - latest arrivals

2010-05-13 Thread Jeff J Jones
An hour walk around Manitou Lake at noon turned up 8 new species today in 35
degrees, wind, snow and overcast.


Black-crowned Night-Heron - on schedule within a week; bred last year; in
marsh south and across hwy 67 from lake)

Solitary Sandpiper - only 3rd record

Wilson's Phalarope - 5; one still mostly in winter plumage

House Wren (5/8)

Gray Catbird - se corner; calling

Wilson's Warbler - dam spillway

Myrtle Warbler - first of the season for this subsp; audubon's showed up

Brewer's Sparrow (5/8)

Vesper Sparrow - several singing on se side of lake

White-crowned Sparrow (5/8)

Brewer's Blackbird - breed along bank on either side of hwy 67 south of

Brown-headed Cowbird (5/8)

House Finch (5/8)

Evening Grosbeak (5/8) - irregular


That brings the total species at Manitou Lake this year to 71 out of 137
recorded over 20+ years.


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake, Teller County - Broad-winged Hawk

2010-04-25 Thread Jeff J Jones
Along with all the other broad-winged hawk sightings this weekend across the
state, I had my first ever at Manitou Lake (in fact ever in Teller County)
today. Flying low overhead being harassed by a crow.


Other than that - it was pretty dead. Spring arrivals have been slow in
coming this year as compared with last. Recent migrant arrivals:


Red-naped Sapsucker - 4/18

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 4/19

Chipping Sparrow - 4/19

Wilson's Snipe - 4/19

Pied-billed Grebe - 4/21

California Gull - 4/21

Yellow-rumped Warbler - 4/21 (only one; and not a single one since)

White-faced Ibis - 4/22

Broad-tailed Hummingbird - 4/22

Turkey Vulture - 4/22

Killdeer - 4/22

Common Grackle - 4/22


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Teller County

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff J Jones
This afternoon at Manitou Lake (Teller County, fee) there were dozens and
dozens of warblers (Yellow, Yellow-rumped and Wilson's) at the dam spillway.
Could not pick out an Orange-crowned however. All collecting flying gnats
and ants. A great study while standing on top of the dam walkway. Imms and
fall plumaged adults! So neat.


Had a Sora call briefly from the cattail marsh. Did not see any
black-crowned night-herons.




Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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