[cobirds] owls

2011-01-06 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

There is very few postings about Eastern Screech Owl sightings in and around 
Boulder. I am just wondering why this is?  

Are Eastern Screech Owls as common as Great Horned Owls, and therefore not 
warranting discussion?  Or are there so few screech owls that no one ever sees 

Thanks for any information that anyone can give. You can e-mail me privately if 
you would like.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-03-22 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

The Nothrthern Pygmy-Owls are courting like crasy, last evening I took Nathan 
Pieplow out to get some sound recordings of a pair of owls. They didn't let us 
down.  The little owls began calling about 7:20pm and didn't stop until a Great 
Horned Owl flew over the calling male pygmy just before it was too dark to see 
the little guy.

I also went into RMNP to search for Northern Saw-whet Owls. I had two calling 
males in different areas, and a few incubating GHO's.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-03-23 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

Found a Northern Pygmy-Owl calling in RMNP tonight. The lone male called from 
7:30pm till 7:34pm then moved east and called until 7:40pm.   I timed the toots 
and they were 1 second apart.

When I got home there was a Northern Saw-whet Owl calling just south of my 

Scott Rashid
EStes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-09-17 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

Last evening we continued the saw-whet owl project here in Estes Park and 
caught 3 owls 
The first owl was a very young bird sex unknown  This little one still had 
his/her baby feathers and was molting into its adults plumage
The second owl was a 2 year old and the third was at least three years old.

We have caught 8 owls to this point, mostly young of the year. We had to take a 
week off from trapping due to the full moon. During a full moon, the owls can 
see the nets and subsequently evade them.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-10-04 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

A few weeks ago I was granted permission to trap owls inside RMNP (this 
coincides with my park research permit). A small group of up set up nets and 
played the recording of a Northern Saw-whet Owl. In a few minutes there were 
three birds calling back to the lure, non were caught though.

At 9:00 pm I switched the audio lure to the Boreal Owl call. Within 15 minutes 
there was a Boreal Owl perched a few feet from one of  the nets looking at the 
speakers.  I stepped away allowing the others to come up to see the owl perched 
in the woods.  Unfortunately the bird had moved.

After a short...very short frantic search, the bird was found in the net.  This 
beautify bird was an HY (hatching year) bird that weighed 133.6 grams and had a 
wing length on 172 mm.

Pictures of the bird can be seen on my facebook page.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-10-11 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

Last evening in RMNP we caught three more owls.  We began the evening by 
playing the Boreal Owl call and had three Northern Saw-whet Owls responding to 

So we played th saw-whet call and caught an adult female saw-whet. 

At 9:00pm we played the Boreal Owl call and by 9:30pm had two BorealOwls 
caught. One was an adult female and the other a juvinile female.

The Boreal Owls are not as docile as they appear.  They are by far much more 
aggressive than I would have ever expected. But as I always say "Ya got to 
be tough to live in the west"

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2011-10-19 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

Our owl banding project has thus far trapped and banded 18 Northern Saw-whet 
Owls and 4 Boreal Owls.  Three of the four Boreal Owls have all been young of 
the year with the adult being at least a three year old female.

The most interesting thing is that since 1994, I have been hearing Boreal Owls 
in the park, but never more than a single bird calling at a time. So, I 
presumed there was only a single bird in the area.

I guess I was mistaken.

The last Boreal Owl that we caught was actually attracted to the Northern 
Saw-whet call and caught as the saw-whet call was playing.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-03-07 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all, 
This past Sunday I found a vocalizing Northern Pygmy-Owl. 

This morning while placing Northern Pygmy-Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl nest 
boxes I found two more Northern Pygmy-Owls.  I was fortunate to capture and 
band one of the owls. 

Also there were at least 5 Common Redpolls on the corner of Whispering Pines 
and Fishcreek Drive.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-03-14 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

This morning I found my fourth Northern Pygmy-Owl since the first of March.  

This past week I also found a Northern Saw-whet Owl. This owl was on a friends 

My friend had called Sunday evening and said she had heard a Northern Saw-whet 
Owl calling in and around her neighborhood. Monday after noon, I placed a nest 
box on her property and returned that evening to listen for the bird.  
When I arrived on her property it was silent. I made a few whistled toots and 
the little owl responded. After I made a few more toots, the little guy came to 
a juniper in her back yard a short time later she was able to see the little 

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-04-10 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

I have been studying two pairs of Northern Pygmy-Owls. The first pair began 
incubating this morning and the other pair began incubating yesterday or the 
day before. 

I have one NOPO nest were I work and interestingly enough, that pair is using 
the same nest that they used in 2009.

IScott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2009-09-19 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

A few nights  I began my fall Northern Saw-whet Owl banding project. This is my 
fourth year.  So far we have banded 9 owls.  This may not seem like much, 
however, in the past three years, we  captured a total of 33 birds, 11 each 
year for three years.

Also, we would usually trap for five weeks. We have only been trapping for  
four nights so far.

I am hoping to capture and band many more owls this fall. It is amazing how 
many of these little birds are moving through the area.

My banding station is in Pinewood Springs between Lyons and Estes Park.

If anyone is interested in assisting me, e-mail me privately

Scott Rashid
Estes Park
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] owls

2010-02-16 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

I began my winter owl survey this evening and heard 5 different Northern 
Saw-whet Owls two of which I was able to see.

Also saw 1 Great Horned Owl fly accross the road carrying some hapless creature 
then  went to look for Boreal Owls, but it was too windy to hear anything.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get out in time to look for Northern  
Pygmy-Owls, but will try that on Wednesday.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2010-09-04 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

Last evening I began my first ever Flammulated Owl Banding Project here in 
Estes Park. We set up and began broadcasting the owls call at 8:15 pm.  At 9:00 
pm. I caught my first owl. It was an HY (Hatching Year) meaning the bird 
hatched this year, Flammulated Owl.  
I plan to continue the project here in Estes Park until the 26th of the month 
at which tme I will move to Pinewood Spring to start my 5th year of my Northern 
Saw-whet Banding Project.

If anyone is intersting in assisting with eather project, you can e-mail me 


Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2010-09-12 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

For those of you that like owls, it appears that the Northern Saw-whet Owls are 
on the move. In the past three nights of trapping and banding owls we have 
captured 10 birds, with 6 of those being captured last evening.

Most of the birds, both adults and juveniles are just finishing their molts.  
So far none of the birds are overly fat, but they all seem to be in good shape.

Last year we began the season trapping on the 15th of this month and captured 
32 birds by the time the season was over the second week in November.  So we 
are already ahead of last year, so I hope this means that the little guys had a 
good year, as far as breeding goes.

I also had 4 nest boxes full of saw-whets this summer that produced a total of 
14 fledglings.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2010-10-05 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

We have been trapping Northern Saw-whet Owl ( myself and several volunteers) 
for a month now four night per week. We have banded 30 Northern Saw-whets and 1 
Flammualted Owl so far. I am splitting my time between Estes Park and Pinewood 

Last season in Pinewood Springs we banded 32 owls starting in mid September and 
finishing in mid November. Again trapping four nights per week.

I believe the major migration of these owls is the second and third weeks of 

Thought you might be interested,

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-05-21 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

The past few evenings I have been hearing a Flammulated Owl in RMNP. The first 
evening I was able to call it close enough to actually watch it fly by.  He 
doesn't appear to have a mate yet, because I haven't herd a female calling. In 
this same area are several vocalizing Common Poorwills

Also the pygmy-owls have hatched and will be fledging in less than three weeks.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-06-07 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all, 
A friend and I were at my pygmy-owl nest for two and a half hours before we 
watched the female enter the cavity with a chipmunk. This pair has to hunt far 
a field from theri nest to find food because it is so dry in the area of the 
nest.  There are at least two young in the nest and I presume they will fledge 
next week.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-06-24 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

Sorry for the late post but I have been busy with stuff
First of all my little pygmy-owls fledged last Sunday and Monday.  Most 
everything about this nest was different than every other pygmy-owl nest that I 
have had in the past and that totals 17nests.

A number of things changed this year... #1)Normally I would say that pygmy-owls 
in Colorado (or at least in and around RMNP) have two to three young and the 
mother is seen perched outside of the nest at about three days after the chicks 
hatch. #2) The female does not take any birds near her nest because she doesn't 
want to draw attention to the nest by attacked birds that will give a distress 
call and alert other species to the owls nest.  #3) The male has never been 
noted entering the nest after the chicks have hatched and #4) The female would 
always be in view of the nest as she perches outside of it after the chicks 

Well this year was quite different...
First of all the female this year stayed in the nest for almost three weeks 
before beginning to forage near the nest.
#2) The male entered the nest with food on several occasions, Got video of him 
entering the nest witha chipmonk.
#3) The female killed all of the birds near the nest with the exception of a 
pair of Pygmy Nuthatches that nested a few yards away.
#4) The female was noted on only three perched near the nest.

Now the reason all of this had changed.. In all of the other 17 nests that 
I have studied, the owls have raised only 2 or 3 young.  This year they had 5, 
yes 5 owlets... I have heard of this but have never seen such a large brood.

One cool thing that I did witness for the first time was seeing one of the 
owlets fledge. I even got it on video!  I was even able to catch and band the 
little guy.  Furthermore I arrived at the nest area three days after the owlest 
had fledged and saw all 5 owlets as they perched close to each other.

Scot Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-09-05 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all,

I began my fall Northern Saw-whet Owls Banding Project last evening and caught 
three young Northern Saw-whet Owls.

All three birds were in great shape and very healthy. This is something I will 
be doning until November. The birds are trapped on a private residence south of 
Estes Park.

In 2011 we caught 32 Owls 
In 2010 we caught 43 Owls 

We did attempt to trap Boreal Owls twice, but had no success. I will be 
Trapping Boreal wls later in the month.

As an FYI, I had a Scrub Jay in the yard this morning along with about 50 
Steller's Jays and a single Band-tailed Pigeon.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-09-21 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

We opened our mist nets tonight for our third evening of attempting Boreal Owl 
trapping in RMNP.  We began playing the Boreal Owl call at 7:30pm and checked 
the nets every half hour. We heard and saw nothing until 9:30pm.

We went to check the nets and still saw nothing in the nets.  I did hear a 
Northern Saw-whet Owl calling back to the recording, so I began shining my 
flashlight in the trees to see if the bird was near us or not, and to my 
surprise a Boreal Owl was looking at me as the Northern Saw-whet was calling 
behind it.

I called to the rest of the group to come and see the owl, it was a life bird 
for most of the folks. 

At the same time I turned the recorder down very low to see if the Boreal owl 
would move closer to the CD player. As I was turning down the recorder, the 
Boreal Owl moved closer and closer to me until it was just a few feet in front 
of me looking at the recorder. At that time the Northern Saw-whet Owl flew into 
one of the three mistnets and was captured.

I extracted the smaller saw-whet and placed her in a holding bag to be carried 
into the room to be processed.  I went back toward the Boreal Owl and it flew 
directly into the mistnet that I had just taken the saw-whet from.

I processed the saw-whet first  She was a bird born this year and had a wing 
length or wing cord of 140mm and weighed 95.3 grams. The Boreal Owl was also a 
bird of this year who had a wing length og 182mm and she weighed 127.5 grams.

I have photos of the two bird together that I will be posting on my facebook 
page in a day or so.
After  we had taken eecerything down, a Northern Saw-whet Owl was heard calling 
back up the hill.  All and all , I would say it was a pretty good evening.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-10-04 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

We finished trapping this evening at 10:30 pm after having caught and banded 
four Northern Saw-whet Owls. One third year female, 1 hatching year female and 
two birds of this year whose sex could not be determined, but were hatched this 
This brings our total this fall to 25 birds which is already four more than all 
of last year and we still have 5 weeks left.

Hopefully weather permitting we will be trapping Boreal Owls this Friday and 
Saturday evenings.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2012-11-08 Thread pygmyowl
Hi All,

We finished our owl banding season last evening with a total of 42 Northern 
Saw-whet Owls and three Boreal Owls caught.  It turned out to be our second 
best year for each species.  I would like to thank everyone who assisted me 
this season and we will begin our 8th season next year in September.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park.

P.S. If anyone is on facebook, I have a page called "Colorado Owl banding" 
where you can see several  photos from the participants this season. 

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[cobirds] owls

2013-03-17 Thread scott

Hi All,
We started our first night of owl searching last evening and found three 
Northern Saw-whet Owls and a single vocalizing Northern Pygmy-Owl.
We were able to see two of the three saw-whet owls as they were 
vocalizing near the trail.

The pygmy-owl  was too far up the hill to search out

We are planning to search again tonight.

Scott Rashid
estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2013-03-29 Thread scott

Hi All,

Yesterday morning we could hear a pygmy-owl calling from our front yard. 
The bird is a single male. If he finds a girlfriend he most likely will 
nest in the same area they nested last year.

Yesterday afternoon-early evening, we found a pair of pygmy-owls in 
RMNP.  I will be going back to the area to better ID where the nesting 
pair will be setting up house keeping.

No Saw-whet Owls were heard , but two pairs of GHO's  were dueting early 
last evening.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park.

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[cobirds] owls

2013-06-12 Thread scott

Hi All,

Just a note on timing... Northern Pygmy- Owls are about to fledge. I 
have been monitoring a pair of owls since their courtship began in 

The young will soon fledge. I can hear at least three young in the nest 
as they chitter when their mother brings food to feed to them. So far I 
have watched the father bring in a Deer Mouse, Pygmy-Nuthatch, Sparrow 
species (probably a White-crowned). The sparrow was only a body and 
legs, no wings or tail  and a Long-tailed Vole.  The male arrives near 
the nest then calls to the female who comes from the nest to take the 
prey item and deliver it to the young inside the nest.  The male seldom, 
if ever, enters the nest.

The little ones have not been seen peering from the nest cavity yet, but 
this is because their mother has been in the nest with them.
This afternoon she was perched a few yards from the nest keeping a look 
out for any potential danger.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2014-09-29 Thread scott

Hi All,

Just an FYI... those of you who were watching the CARRI Barn Owl 
camera.  I just wanted to let you know that if you stopped watching, The 
cameras are now on the outside of the box and the owlets are on the box 
most  evenings.

Feel free to watch live at www.CARRIEP.org

Scott Rashid
Estes Park.

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[cobirds] owls

2017-02-16 Thread Jill Boice
  Thank you Mark Amershek for posting on DFO's Facebook page urging 
people not to photograph raptors at or near nests.   I have recently 
been very concerned about owls that have been seen at Cherry Creek State 
Park.  Word got out of the location of two unusual owls. Immediately, 
many people were coming to see and often take pictures. I'm sure that 
most birders were careful and kept a respectful distance.  However, a 
number of people approached the birds very closely.  Sadly, someone went 
so far as to cut the barbed wire fence and stomp it down so that they 
could get even closer.  The park rangers have had to spend their time 
doing crowd control.As a volunteer monitor at CCSP, we know that a 
few years ago, a pair of owls attempted to nest in this vicinity and 
abandoned their nest. These birds are sensitive to human presence.  If 
they fail to nest, or ledge young successfully,  this year, will it be 
due to our disturbance?   The raptor monitoring guidelines recommend 
staying 200 meters away from owl nests.  Perhaps  this should be a 
guideline for owls generally during nesting season.  Maybe this makes it 
difficult to get a good photo,  But consider what's more important 
here.   Jill Boice

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[cobirds] owls

2019-03-11 Thread Scott


Last evening I went out in a few places in RMNP and found a Northern 
Pygmy-Owl and a Northern Saw-whet Owl

Searched for Boreal Owls but they were not vocalizing.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2016-03-02 Thread Scott

Hi All,
Wondering if there is anyone near Lyons that has an area that would be 
good to place a structure or two for Long-eared Owls?

If so, please contact me privately.

Thank You,

Scott Rashid
Director of CARRI
Estes Park

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[cobirds] owls

2019-09-16 Thread Scott

Hi everyone,

We are beginning  our annual fall owl banding project were we are 
capturing and banding both Boreal and Northern Saw-whet Owls.

The research is in conjunction with Project Owlnet  which is a 
nation-wide project that targets these species.

It is a good chance to see these owls up-close in a safe environment, 
for both the birds and the viewer.

If you are interested in this, please e-mail me. We are capturing the 
birds every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights beginning 
about 7:00 p.m. and continuing until 11:00 p.m. or so.

We will be accepting donations as we are in need of new cameras and a 
sound system for the project.

Scott Rashid

Estes Park

P.S. *No children* as they don't do well in this situation as there is a 
lot of down time as we never know when an owl is going to be captured.

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[cobirds] owls

2021-08-06 Thread Scott

Hi All,

Tomorrow morning I will be presenting a workshop that will cover the 11 
species of owls that can be found in Northern Colorado.

Near the end we will be taking the participants to an active Barn Owls 
nest to show them live Barn Owls.

If anyone is interested in participating Click Here. 

See you tomorrow,

Scott Rashid

Estes Park.

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Re: [cobirds] owls

2011-01-06 Thread William Schmoker
Hi Scott- On the Boulder CBC Eastern Screech-Owls have gotten quite difficult- 
we've scraped by on 1 or 2 detections for several years now & I think they are 
now missable on any given Boulder count, despite some pretty intense efforts in 
places that used to produce them more reliably.  Can't say why that would be 
but from my experience personally and with the count I certainly don't think 
they are as common as Great Horneds 'round here, even factoring in their lower 
profile lifestyle.

Enjoy- Bill Schmoker, Longmont
   • Bill Schmoker •

On Jan 6, 2011, at 7:45 PM, pygmyowl wrote:

> Hi all,
> There is very few postings about Eastern Screech Owl sightings in and around 
> Boulder. I am just wondering why this is? 
> Are Eastern Screech Owls as common as Great Horned Owls, and therefore not 
> warranting discussion?  Or are there so few screech owls that no one ever 
> sees any?
> Thanks for any information that anyone can give. You can e-mail me privately 
> if you would like.
> Scott Rashid
> Estes Park
> -- 
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[cobirds] Owls Boulder

2011-04-25 Thread Howie
Spotted the Burrowing owl pair just north west of Boulder Reservoir
and in the same area, a pair of Great Horned Owls.  Also an American
Bittern in wetland areas just to the west of 51st.

Howard Witkin Boulder Colo

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[cobirds] Owls at CBR

2011-04-25 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBIrders,

During a successful first day today of RMBO banding at Chico Basin Ranch, Bill 
Maynard found a Long-eared Owl in the Russian Olives at the west end banding 
station grove.  We re-found it about 130 pm, along with 2 Barn Owls in the same 

34 banded birds today!  Many Audubon's and Myrtle Yellow-rumped Warblers, an 
Orange-crowned Warbler, several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, also 2 Am. Robins and 1 
Dark-eyed Junco banded in previous seasons - dates to be determined.

Good birding,
Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] owls and ducks...

2010-01-31 Thread Josh Bruening
Hi all!  After searching in vain for open water from Fort Collins east
to Crow Valley yesterday (I've been to
Sharp Point too often as of late), My girlfriend and I headed to 88th
and Platte today to try for these ducks everyone keeps seeing.
Arrived around 2:30 pm and headed straight to the place where the Long-
tailed Ducks were.  All 3 were still on the Thornton Water Supply
Res.  Had to head down the river a ways to find the Barrow's
Goldeneye.  Initially, a group of birders found a male and a female in
the river.  However, a man and his Huskie spooked all the ducks off
the river.  I headed back up to the resevoir after the birds had
settled down and found 3 male and 3 female Barrow's.  The males were
already engaging in the "I'm bigger and better than you" show in front
of the ladies.  (life is a cabaret...) I then headed to Lower Latham
to try for the Short-eared Owls.  Made it just as the sun went down
and the Owls (at least 2 maybe 3) were cruising again this evening.  A
good afternoon to be out!  Nothing of great note on the plains
yesterday.  I scrounged up one Northern Shrike, a Prairie Falcon, 6
Rough-legged Hawks, one Ferruginous, a pair of Great-Horned Owls and
the other usual suspects.

Good Birding as always!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] owls and finches

2013-05-19 Thread scott

Hi All,
If anyone still needs a rosy finch, there is still a lone individual 
coming to my feeder.  It is not too uncommon for them to be here this 
late.  In the past we have had rosy's clear into June. A few years ago I 
had fledglings at my feeder.

Also the pair of  pygmy-owls that I have been monitoring since March, 
should hatch Tuesday morning. Last year this pair attempted to nest, but 
the nest failed.  I believe the male was killed by the neighborhood 
Cooper's Hawk.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] Owls/Aurora/Arapahoe

2017-09-19 Thread Karl Stecher Jr.
At 0030 this morning, my daughter had a barn owl fly across in front of her 
car on Smoky Hill just east of Pheasant Run, Aurora.
 At 0600, a long-eared owl called several times near my front window. 
Location:  Aurora 4-5 blocks northeast as the crow flies (they are here 
nearly every day) or, on a straight line, from the intersection of Parker 
Road and Quincy, next to Cherry Creek State Park.
 Also a blue jay here this AM, first I have seen at my new location.
 Karl Stecher

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[cobirds] Owls in FoCo

2019-04-01 Thread Natalie
Hello all!

I went to Grandview Cemetery this morning to see if the Great Horned Owl 
was nesting where it usually was, or if the Eastern Screech Owl was still 
around, but no luck. I also haven't seen any sign of the CSU Environmental 
Learning Center Eastern Screech Owl or the Spring Canyon Park one. Has 
anyone else had luck with these birds recently?


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[cobirds] Owls and Bats

2015-07-14 Thread cougar
Took the family up to see the 200,000 Mexican Freetailed Bats at the Orient 
Mine near Villa Grove last week. Was surprised to find 2 Long-eared Owls 
frolicking in the entrance to the cave as evening approached. The bats put on a 
wondrous display as they headed out into the vast Valley. During the evening, 
they would consume more that 2 tons of insects. 

Later, I did some reading and found a reference that stated that owls would in 
fact eat bats. Any young that would fall to the ground would be easy and 
accessible prey. I do not know if the owls nested there or were just staying 
there on an interim basis. Other birds there included Cordilleran Flycatcher, 
GT Towhee, and Rock Wren  (Saguache County). 

There are 2 access points for the mine. One is from BLM trailhead (Black 
Canyon) and the other is from the Valley View Hot Springs, a clothing-optional 
establishment. You may encounter those folks along the trail.

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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[cobirds] Owls in NoCO

2020-11-25 Thread nat....@gmail.com
It's that time of year where I feel a call to search for owls! I've been 
seeing a pair of GHO often in my neighborhood and feel blessed!
I searched some old hangouts of Eastern Screech Owls in Larimer County 
today with no luck. Has anyone else had any luck with ESOs in the area 

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[cobirds] Owls shopping at Safeway

2010-04-20 Thread William Bond
Heard about some Great Horned Owls that had taken up at the Safeway at
Wadsworth and Church Ranch in Westminsters.  Sure enough, right above
the entrance to the store up on a brick pillar maybe 15 feet above the
sidewalk sat a pair of GHO's.   Store was pretty busy at about 3:30PM
and looked like they were having trouble getting some winks.  Lots of
folks were watching them.  Safeway lady on break said she's seen them
in the neighborhood the past five years, but that they had just
started perching there the last day or so.  Said she thought maybe
something had happened to their tree  over by the nearby Prairie Dog
town just to the south.  Guess we'll see what happens.

William Bond

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[cobirds] Owls on Clear Creek Open Space

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Slingsby
Hi CoBirders.
While the Great Horned Owls have nested where the Red Tailed Hawks nested last 
year, the Red Tailed Hawks now have a nest just east of the Coors grain 
elevator.  The female hawk is on the nest and a male is often nearby.  The male 
is shy.  Maybe he isn't accustomed to the harmless open space human traffic.

The Coors grain elevator is most easily accessed from Mcintyre.  Look for a 
dead-end road going east, just south of the east bound ramp for Colorado 
highway 58.  The open space trailhead has a porta-potty.  You can see the red 
tail nest by looking about 100 yards south from the trail near the porta-potty.

To see the owl nest, walk east on the open space trail about 1/4 mile until you 
come to a turn to the south and a trail closure sign where the trail used to go 
straight east.  The owl nest, with at least one gray, 1/2 grown young, is a few 
paces south and nearly over the trail.  The male was nearby when Jim Duggan and 
I were there, March 12th.  Passing bicyclists and hikers will help you find 
this nest.

If you continue east on the trail until it goes through a tunnel for a railroad 
crossing, and then continue shortly until the trail turns east again, you can 
find another owl nest.  This one is about 20 yards north of the trail.  The 
female is sitting but she is very difficult to see.  There are 2 or 3 
suspicious nest constructions in this area.  Look closely for ear tufts.

Paul Slingsby & Jim Duggan

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[cobirds] owls, hawks, turkeys, phoebes, Boulder County

2013-04-06 Thread JohnT
 Canvassing Boulder and Weld County for nesting raptors and 
owls among other stuff.  Here's what I've found the last couple days:
Wild Turkeys - off 75th Street to the east; just east of Walden Ponds - 
sure surprised me!  Out in the big open field - two big toms displaying and 
calling, with 8 hens.  
Wild Turkeys - Heil Ranch - on a regular basis, just as you pull into the 
road going into Heil Ranch - at the little farmhouse;  Also up the main 
Loop Trail out in the ponderosa pines. 
Great Blue Heron Rookeries - three - Crane Hollow Road, Walden Ponds (east 
of Ricky Wiser Pond), and Kenosha Road where Boulder Creek intersects it.  
All are very active with dozens of pairs sitting on nests, displaying, 
building nests.  Great stuff!  
Red tailed hawks are on nests all over Boulder County.  
Bald eagles nesting near Stearns Lake, 75th and Jay Road, and Lagerman 
Reservoir (to the south of the res.)
American kestrel males are flight displaying and bringing mice to females. 
Ospreys are on nest poles all over Boulder County - Display flights, food 
exchanges (in mid air), and nest building. 
Great horned owls have chicks or are still incubating - at least 11 nest 
sites found, (and I've just started monitoring).  More on this tomorrow.
Barn owl is present at Sandstone Ranch - lets hope for another good year. 
Found white crowned sparrows singing and coming through in small groups - 
mostly eastern Boulder County. 
1st Marsh Wren - heard singing at the pond where Route 52 intersects Weld 
County Line Road (Boulder Creek). 
Say's Phoebes are scattered all over the county in small numbers. 
American Robin migratory groups are still coming through in large numbers. 
Great tailed grackles in several locations - Walden Ponds and other places 
Western meadowlarks in good numbers - singing throughout Boulder County. 
Mourning doves and common grackles - numbers increasing in Louisville, 
Boulder, and Lafayette
Spotted towhees singing in backyards - Louisville, Lafayette and Boulder
Looks like we are going to get a bumper crop of birds this year, drought or 
no drought.   
Happy birding,  -  John T  (Tumasonis)  of Louisville CO

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[cobirds] Owls, Riverwalk, Cañon City, Fremont County

2020-06-02 Thread Laura Gorman
This rainy morning, two pale, fluffy young owls were perched on a branch 
above their nest (formerly used by red tail hawks) on the Riverwalk Trail. 
 Also seen on the Trail were lazuli buntings (male and female), chats (seen 
and heard!), catbirds, a blue grosbeak pair, and a female black headed 
grosbeak.  A pheasant and common yellowthroats were seen two days ago at 
the MacKenzie end of the Trail.
Laura Gorman

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[cobirds] Owls, Falcons & Eagles, Bear Creek Lake Park, Red Rocks Park, Jeffco

2013-05-05 Thread CloverLane
Hello everyone,
Took some non-birder children, their parents and grandparents  birding 
today. We all got to see a pair of adult GHOWs and one chick on the nest  at 
Bear Creek Lake Park. On Friday, I saw two chicks on the same  nest.
Everyone saw the adult male Prairie Falcon roosting on Frog  Rock at Red 
Rocks. We did not see him fly in. He was perched there when we  arrived. 
Assume the female was on the nest.
We saw the adult male Peregrine Falcon fly in to roost on  his usual perch 
to the right of the nest on Ship Rock at Red Rocks. He is a  handsome fellow 
and spent the entire time preening. Assume the female was on the  nest. 
We all saw the adult male Golden Eagle bring food to the adult  female 
Golden Eagle on the nest in Bear Creek Canyon. They both tore the prey on  the 
nest and fed the chicks for a few minutes then the male flew off. He perched  
on a tree on the hillside for a short while then flew off toward Lair O' 
the  Bear. The female continued to tear meat and feed the chicks. We couldn't 
tell  how many chicks were in the nest. We just saw their little heads 
barely pop up  for food occasionally. One regurgitated over the side of the 
which was  actually pretty cool to see. When finished feeding the young, 
the adult female  took off and flew in circles over the nest.
Children, parents and grandchildren were totally enthralled and delighted  
by these amazing birds. Think I made some converts...Yay!
Marilyn Rhodes
Evergreen, CO

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