Re: RunLoop in Helper Tool

2013-09-16 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 16 Sep 2013, at 01:10, Greg Parker wrote:
 And of course every Cocoa app halts by calling exit(). NSApplicationMain() 
 never returns. (I'm pretty sure it doesn't attempt to stop the main run loop, 

 It does go and close all documents and send 
NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification and ask the app delegate if it’s OK to 
quit though. So it’s a tad more graceful than just exit() alone. But yeah, 
NSApplicationMain doesn’t return, and that silly autorelease pool most people 
put in main() these days never gets released, just accumulating any objects 
that get autoreleased on the main thread without any other pool in place.

 All things to keep in mind.

-- Uli Kusterer
“The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...”


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Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
In a new app (not document based) I inserted:

#import ZipProtocol.h

//  ZipProtocol.h:
@protocol ZipProtocol NSObject
- (void)command:(NSString *)command  withReply: (void (^)(  NSString 
*answerString ))reply;

#define MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL   //  defined or not - makes a strange 

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSString *helperName = @something.very.silly;

NSXPCConnection *aCo =  [[NSXPCConnection alloc]

if ( aCo == nil)//  error
NSLog(@%s Error NSXPCConnection,__FUNCTION__);
return ;

NSLog(@%s will use magic - you will see 
NSLog(@%s without magic  - you will NOT see 

aCo.remoteObjectInterface = [ NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol: 
@protocol(ZipProtocol) ];
[ aCo resume];

//  can do magic here

id ZipProtocol ree;
ree =   [ aCo remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler: ^(NSError *err)
//  if helperName is not running 
(always the case) and 
defined, then the next line will never print:
%@,__FUNCTION__, err);
if ( ree == nil)//  error
NSLog(@%s Error remoteObjectProxy,__FUNCTION__);

//  can do magic here as well:

NSLog(@%s will use magic,__FUNCTION__);

[ ree   command:@a command
withReply:  ^( NSString *answerString ) 
NSLog(@%s the reply block %@,__FUNCTION__, 
answerString );
[ aCo invalidate];

NSLog(@%s did send,__FUNCTION__);

The question: why does the fact whether MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined or not 
makes any difference?
Seems not to depend on optimisation - same for Debug and Release builds.

Probably there is a very simple answer, but I just cannot see it.

The latest and still very secret Xcode.



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Re: Window controllers and memory leaks

2013-09-16 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks Kyle and Jerry.

It feels a bit strange to be adding extra glue code to track 
otherwise-completely-autonomous windows (and controllers), but that has 
certainly done the trick.

I found the static analyzer a bit odd to get used to - it sometimes gives 
purportedly very detailed explanations of its logic that actually seem to miss 
out the key non-obvious step (e.g. obscure code path accidentally returning nil 
from a constructor). Once I'd got the hang of it, though, it was a great tool.


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Re: Confusion about Image I/O export?

2013-09-16 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 02 Sep 2013, at 18:42, Graham Cox wrote:
 Maybe more education is needed but we thought we had explained all that. 
 Maybe we need to display the calculated pixel sizes up front so the user 
 doesn't get surprised by the outcome.

 I’d go with the latter. If a popular app or the system display stuff in one 
format, display it the same way. If you need to display this way, maybe go with:

16 bit 256 x 256 (128 x 128 @ 144dpi)

or something like that, so users can get the information needed, but also know 
which value Finder gets its info from. IMO pixels are actually a good idea, 
because for bitmaps it indicates whether it has enough pixels to print (even if 
you may have to resize it a little) Whereas that’s harder to tell. I.e. if I 
know my paper is 5 inches wide and my printer is 300 dpi. I can tell that 
anything below 1500px width will look blocky at full width. Or for the web, you 
know what size it can be at most, stuff like that.

-- Uli Kusterer
“The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...”


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Re: NSTabView

2013-09-16 Thread Joseph Ayers
I'm writing a signal processing program and I am trying to use a window to 
display multiple NSViews of an oscilloscope, histograms, etc. I create the 
NSTabViewItems programmatically. The window controller declares the following 

@property(nonatomic, strong)  IBOutlet NSWindow *analysis;  
// the visualization window
@property(nonatomic, strong)  IBOutlet NSTabView*myTabView; 
 // the host view
@property(nonatomic, strong)  IBOutlet NSTabViewItem*scopeItem; 
 // the host view
@property(nonatomic, strong)  IBOutlet NSTabViewItem*graphItem; 
 // the host view
@property(nonatomic, strong)  IBOutlet NSTabViewItem*DSPItem;   
   // the host view

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet NSDrawer *scopeDrawer;
@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet NSDrawer *graphFormatDrawer;
@property(nonatomic, strong)  NSView*myCurrentView; 
// the host view
@property(nonatomic, strong)  NSViewController  
*myCurrentViewController;   // the current view controller

When I create the tab view items. I use in the window controller

-(void) awakeFromNib
[self setDelegate:self];
- (IBAction) viewScope:(id)sender
AppDelegate *appDelegate = [NSApp delegate];
if ([appDelegate oscilloscopeController] == nil){
[appDelegate setOscilloscopeController: [[OscilloscopeController 
alloc]initWithNibName:@OscilloscopeController bundle:[NSBundle 
bundleForClass:[OscilloscopeController class;
NSLog(@New Oscilloscope Controller Created by viewScope);
if ([appDelegate graphViewController] == nil)   //Needed for 
drawing grids, etc.
[appDelegate setGraphViewController: [[GraphViewController 
alloc]initWithNibName:@GraphViewController bundle:[NSBundle 
bundleForClass:[GraphViewController class;
if ([[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] oScopeView] == nil){
   [[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] setOScopeView:[[OscilloscopeView 
alloc] initWithFrame: [[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] myTabView] 
NSLog(@New Oscilloscope View Created by viewScope);}

if (!scopeItem){
[[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] initScopeSweep];
[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] setScopeItem: 
[(NSTabViewItem*)[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil]];

appDelegate graphicsWindowController] scopeItem] view] 
[[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] scopeItem] 
appDelegate graphicsWindowController] scopeItem] view] 
addSubview:(NSView*)[[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] oScopeView]];
[myTabView addTabViewItem:[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController]  

[[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController]graphFormatDrawer] close];
[[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController]scopeDrawer] open];
[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] setMyCurrentViewController: 
[appDelegate oscilloscopeController]];  // keep track of the current view 
[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] setMyCurrentView:  
(NSView*) [[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] oScopeView]];
NSRect  iRect = [[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] myCurrentView] 
[[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] setDistOffset:(iRect.size.height/ 3)];
[[appDelegate oscilloscopeController] setProxOffset:((iRect.size.height / 
3) * 2)];
NSApp delegate] graphicsWindowController] myCurrentView] 

- (IBAction) viewGraph:(id)sender
AppDelegate *appDelegate = [NSApp delegate];
if ([appDelegate graphViewController] == nil)
[appDelegate setGraphViewController: [[GraphViewController 
alloc]initWithNibName:@GraphViewController bundle:[NSBundle 
bundleForClass:[GraphViewController class;
if ([[appDelegate graphViewController] graphicsView] == nil){
[[appDelegate graphViewController] setGraphicsView:[[GraphicsView 
alloc] initWithFrame: [[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] myTabView] 
NSLog(@New Graphics View Created by viewGraph);}

if (![[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] graphItem]){
[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] setGraphItem: 
[(NSTabViewItem*)[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil]];
appDelegate graphicsWindowController] graphItem] view] 
[[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] graphItem] setLabel:@Graph];
appDelegate graphicsWindowController] graphItem] view] 
addSubview:(NSView*)[[appDelegate graphViewController] graphicsView]];
[myTabView addTabViewItem:[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController] 
[[[appDelegate graphicsWindowController]graphFormatDrawer] open];

UIView Center does not seem to change with orientation change

2013-09-16 Thread Rich Collyer
I am looking at at view that covers the entire iPhone screen. The app is also 
required to only work in Landscape. I see that in viewWillAppear the bounds and 
center of the view are in Portrait mode - this is fine. However, in 
viewDidAppear the bounds of the view are in Landscape, but the center is 
unchanged. This makes the center of the view incorrect, which make 
transformations wrong and any calculations based on the center of the view 

Should the app force a new center on an orientation change?

Further I find that running this code:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[self.view setFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, 
[self.view setBounds:storeView.frame];
NSLog(@self.view.bounds: %@, [NSValue valueWithCGRect:self.view.bounds]);
NSLog(@self.view.frame: %@, [NSValue valueWithCGRect:self.view.frame]);
NSLog( %@, [NSValue]);
generates these logs:

self.view.bounds: NSRect: {{0, 0}, {320, 568}}
self.view.frame: NSRect: {{0, 0}, {320, 568}} NSPoint: {160, 284}

self.view.bounds: NSRect: {{0, 0}, {568, 320}}
self.view.frame: NSRect: {{124, -124}, {320, 568}} NSPoint: {284, 160}
Where does the {124, -124} come from?

Rich Collyer

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Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Brian Clark
I'm hoping someone can suggest the correct way to deal with the following 

For an image viewing app i display a file in the usual way in an NSDocument. 
setFileURL: is properly called by NSDocument's 

I now want to display the next file in the folder, and move the old file to the 
Trash. To do this I do the necessary file reading tasks and call setFileURL: 
with the new file URL. I then move the old file to the trash (using 
NSFileManager 's trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: but using different 
methods gives the same result.)

Prior to 10.7 this worked fine and gave the desired result. Under 10.8, shortly 
after I load the new file and call setFileURL: with the new file URL as 
described above, I see a presentedItemDidMoveToURL: call with the old file URL. 
From that point on, the document has the wrong URL associated with it.

#0  0x000100014cf0 in -[ImageDoc setFileURL:] at 
/Volumes/Data/Documents/Projects/Ptah/ptah src 3.1.0/Source/ImageDoc.m:3669
#1  0x7fff84763b6f in __block_global_243 ()
#2  0x7fff842fa869 in -[NSDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] ()
#3  0x7fff842fa432 in -[NSDocument 
_performFileAccessOnMainThread:usingBlock:] ()
#4  0x7fff842ff0d7 in -[NSDocument 
performAsynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock:] ()
#5  0x7fff84763b3d in __40-[NSDocument 
presentedItemDidMoveToURL:]_block_invoke_0 ()
#6  0x7fff832789cf in -[NSBlockOperation main] ()
#7  0x7fff8324e926 in -[__NSOperationInternal start] ()
#8  0x7fff832560f1 in __block_global_6 ()
#9  0x7fff8750bf01 in _dispatch_call_block_and_release ()
#10 0x7fff875080b6 in _dispatch_client_callout ()
#11 0x7fff8750d0c8 in _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF ()
#12 0x7fff8c4b4b4c in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#13 0x7fff8c4b40e2 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#14 0x7fff8b9e0eb4 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode ()
#15 0x7fff8b9e0c52 in ReceiveNextEventCommon ()
#16 0x7fff8b9e0ae3 in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode ()
#17 0x7fff8442a533 in _DPSNextEvent ()
#18 0x7fff84429df2 in -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#19 0x7fff844211a3 in -[NSApplication run] ()
#20 0x7fff843c5bd6 in NSApplicationMain ()
#21 0x000100063f79 in main at 
/Volumes/Data/Documents/Projects/Ptah/ptah src 3.1.0/Source/App.m:136
#22 0x000120e4 in start ()

What is the proper way to prevent this behavior? Obviously simply calling 
setFileURL: with the new file URL does not fully establish the the document is 
now associated only with the new file, and that the old file should be 
forgotten and not associated in any way with the document. I'm not explicitly 
using NSFileCoordinator or NSFilePresenter. This is a non-sandboxed app.

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Re: Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Sep 2013, at 21:14, Brian Clark wrote:

 I'm hoping someone can suggest the correct way to deal with the following 
 For an image viewing app i display a file in the usual way in an NSDocument. 
 setFileURL: is properly called by NSDocument's 
 I now want to display the next file in the folder, and move the old file to 
 the Trash. To do this I do the necessary file reading tasks and call 
 setFileURL: with the new file URL. I then move the old file to the trash 
 (using NSFileManager 's trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: but using 
 different methods gives the same result.)

What are the necessary file reading tasks? Rather than call -setFileURL: 
yourself, have you tried calling -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: instead? 
The top of the class documentation briefly notes that it should always be used 
for re-reading documents.
 Prior to 10.7 this worked fine and gave the desired result. Under 10.8, 
 shortly after I load the new file and call setFileURL: with the new file URL 
 as described above, I see a presentedItemDidMoveToURL: call with the old file 
 URL. From that point on, the document has the wrong URL associated with it.
 #00x000100014cf0 in -[ImageDoc setFileURL:] at 
 /Volumes/Data/Documents/Projects/Ptah/ptah src 3.1.0/Source/ImageDoc.m:3669
 #10x7fff84763b6f in __block_global_243 ()
 #20x7fff842fa869 in -[NSDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] ()
 #30x7fff842fa432 in -[NSDocument 
 _performFileAccessOnMainThread:usingBlock:] ()
 #40x7fff842ff0d7 in -[NSDocument 
 performAsynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock:] ()
 #50x7fff84763b3d in __40-[NSDocument 
 presentedItemDidMoveToURL:]_block_invoke_0 ()
 #60x7fff832789cf in -[NSBlockOperation main] ()
 #70x7fff8324e926 in -[__NSOperationInternal start] ()
 #80x7fff832560f1 in __block_global_6 ()
 #90x7fff8750bf01 in _dispatch_call_block_and_release ()
 #10   0x7fff875080b6 in _dispatch_client_callout ()
 #11   0x7fff8750d0c8 in _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF ()
 #12   0x7fff8c4b4b4c in __CFRunLoopRun ()
 #13   0x7fff8c4b40e2 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
 #14   0x7fff8b9e0eb4 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode ()
 #15   0x7fff8b9e0c52 in ReceiveNextEventCommon ()
 #16   0x7fff8b9e0ae3 in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode ()
 #17   0x7fff8442a533 in _DPSNextEvent ()
 #18   0x7fff84429df2 in -[NSApplication 
 nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
 #19   0x7fff844211a3 in -[NSApplication run] ()
 #20   0x7fff843c5bd6 in NSApplicationMain ()
 #21   0x000100063f79 in main at 
 /Volumes/Data/Documents/Projects/Ptah/ptah src 3.1.0/Source/App.m:136
 #22   0x000120e4 in start ()
 What is the proper way to prevent this behavior? Obviously simply calling 
 setFileURL: with the new file URL does not fully establish the the document 
 is now associated only with the new file, and that the old file should be 
 forgotten and not associated in any way with the document. I'm not explicitly 
 using NSFileCoordinator or NSFilePresenter. This is a non-sandboxed app.
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Re: RunLoop in Helper Tool

2013-09-16 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Sep 16, 2013, at 9:12 , Uli Kusterer wrote:

 On 16 Sep 2013, at 01:10, Greg Parker wrote:
 And of course every Cocoa app halts by calling exit(). NSApplicationMain() 
 never returns. (I'm pretty sure it doesn't attempt to stop the main run 
 loop, either.)
 It does go and close all documents and send 
 NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification and ask the app delegate if it’s OK to 
 quit though. So it’s a tad more graceful than just exit() alone.

Hmm…I don’t think Greg or anyone else said anything about calling exit() alone. 
 For example:

On Sep 15, 2013, at 16:30 , Marcel Weiher wrote:
 Do all the cleanup you want to do and then exit(0)  ?

 But yeah, NSApplicationMain doesn’t return, and that silly autorelease pool 
 most people put in main() these days never gets released, just accumulating 
 any objects that get autoreleased on the main thread without any other pool 
 in place.

Yes, hopefully it doesn’t get released.  The reason to put it there was to 
avoid console messages of the form “object xyz autoreleased without a pool in 
place - just leaking”.   Better to have them leak silently in a pool than with 
a console message, if they are indeed top-level objects that are supposed to 
stick around.

Just testing it now on my Mac doesn’t show the message.  Has it been 
removed/optionalized or are we now getting an automatic top-level pool?  



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Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Graham Cox
Hi all,

If I wanted to add some sort of progress reporting to archiving and 
dearchiving, what's a good way to do it? The problem seems to me to know what 
the 'count' of things read from/written to the file is to set the progress max 
value. Since the delegate gets called for each object instantiated, that part 
of it isn't a problem, I can just bump a counter. Counting the objects rather 
than actual bytes is probably as fine-grained as I need to get.



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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Chris Devereux
How about tracking the number of written objects when saving the document,
then encoding an additional key containing the object count at the top
level of the archive? This could then be retrieved before decoding the root

A possible problem with this idea is that it might require the data for the
root object to be read into memory before the count can be read. Maybe this
wouldn't be a problem with a binary format --- I don't know enough about
the implementation of NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver to be sure.

On 16 September 2013 13:53, Graham Cox wrote:

 Hi all,

 If I wanted to add some sort of progress reporting to archiving and
 dearchiving, what's a good way to do it? The problem seems to me to know
 what the 'count' of things read from/written to the file is to set the
 progress max value. Since the delegate gets called for each object
 instantiated, that part of it isn't a problem, I can just bump a counter.
 Counting the objects rather than actual bytes is probably as fine-grained
 as I need to get.



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Re: UIView Center does not seem to change with orientation change

2013-09-16 Thread David Duncan

On Sep 13, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Rich Collyer wrote:

 I am looking at at view that covers the entire iPhone screen. The app is also 
 required to only work in Landscape. I see that in viewWillAppear the bounds 
 and center of the view are in Portrait mode - this is fine. However, in 
 viewDidAppear the bounds of the view are in Landscape, but the center is 
 unchanged. This makes the center of the view incorrect, which make 
 transformations wrong and any calculations based on the center of the view 
 Should the app force a new center on an orientation change?

The center property of a view is in its superview’s coordinate system. What you 
describe sounds like the view is the view that is vended by the window’s root 
view controller, which has the unique property that to enable rotation it is 
transformed rather than resized. This can lead to some unexpected geometry if 
you are looking at the “wrong” thing.

Basically what it comes down to is that a view (or the view controller which 
returns it as a its view) should not be looking at the geometry it has that is 
expressed in the parent coordinate system (frame, center, transform) and should 
not modify its own bounds, as these values are effectively “owned” by the 
view’s superview. In your case, the odd frame origin is likely due to your 
alternation of the view’s bounds, as setting bounds alters the frame (since 
frame is derived from center, bounds, and transform).
David Duncan


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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 16 Sep 2013, at 22:10, Charles Srstka wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 3:22 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
 In a new app (not document based) I inserted:
 #import ZipProtocol.h
 //   ZipProtocol.h:
 @protocol ZipProtocol NSObject
 - (void)command:(NSString *)command  withReply: (void (^)(  NSString 
 *answerString ))reply;
 #define MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL//  defined or not - makes a strange 
 - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
  NSString *helperName = @something.very.silly;
  NSXPCConnection *aCo =  [[NSXPCConnection alloc]
  if ( aCo == nil)//  error
  NSLog(@%s Error NSXPCConnection,__FUNCTION__);
  return ;
  NSLog(@%s will use magic - you will see 
  NSLog(@%s without magic  - you will NOT see 
  aCo.remoteObjectInterface = [ NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol: 
 @protocol(ZipProtocol) ];
  [ aCo resume];
  //  can do magic here
  id ZipProtocol ree;
  ree =   [ aCo remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler: ^(NSError *err)
  //  if helperName is not running 
 (always the case) and 
 defined, then the next line will never print:
 %@,__FUNCTION__, err);
  if ( ree == nil)//  error
  NSLog(@%s Error remoteObjectProxy,__FUNCTION__);
  //  can do magic here as well:
  NSLog(@%s will use magic,__FUNCTION__);
  [ ree   command:@a command
  withReply:  ^( NSString *answerString ) 
  NSLog(@%s the reply block %@,__FUNCTION__, 
 answerString );
  [ aCo invalidate];
  NSLog(@%s did send,__FUNCTION__);
 The question: why does the fact whether MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined or not 
 makes any difference?
 Seems not to depend on optimisation - same for Debug and Release builds.
 Probably there is a very simple answer, but I just cannot see it.
 What's the error that logs in your error handler?

If (and only if) MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined, I see:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a helper 

Makes sense, as there just is no helper application named: 

Kind regards,



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Charles Srstka
On Sep 16, 2013, at 3:22 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 ree = [ aCo remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler: ^(NSError *err)
   //  if helperName is not running 
 (always the case) and 
 defined, then the next line will never print:
   NSLog(@%s MAGIC_ERROR: 
 %@,__FUNCTION__, err);

What is the error that gets logged here?



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Keary Suska

On Sep 16, 2013, at 9:27 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 On 16 Sep 2013, at 22:21, Charles Srstka wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 
 If (and only if) MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined, I see:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a 
 helper application.
 Makes sense, as there just is no helper application named: 
 Make sure you've got the Mach service name for your helper registered in 
 your helper's launchd plist. If it's set up correctly, your helper should 
 automatically launch when the client app tries to communicate with its Mach 
 service name.
 Maybe I was not very clear.
 The problem is NOT that the helper app does not start. There just is no 
 helper app, there is nothing which has a MachService called 
 The problem is, that the error block, which prints MAGIC_ERROR, does only get 
 called when there is an NSLog right in front of it.
 This makes no sense (to me).

Unless I didn't understand, your original post indicated that the issue was 
with the macro define. Has this changed? If not, I would run the file manually 
through the preprocessor and examine the output.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Brian Clark

On Sep 16, 2013, at 4:38 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:

 On 14 Sep 2013, at 21:14, Brian Clark wrote:
 I'm hoping someone can suggest the correct way to deal with the following 
 For an image viewing app i display a file in the usual way in an NSDocument. 
 setFileURL: is properly called by NSDocument's 
 I now want to display the next file in the folder, and move the old file to 
 the Trash. To do this I do the necessary file reading tasks and call 
 setFileURL: with the new file URL. I then move the old file to the trash 
 (using NSFileManager 's trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: but using 
 different methods gives the same result.)
 What are the necessary file reading tasks? Rather than call -setFileURL: 
 yourself, have you tried calling -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: 
 instead? The top of the class documentation briefly notes that it should 
 always be used for re-reading documents.

The necessary tasks are readFromURL:ofType:error: and the other chores 
associated with setting up the document state for the different image file.

Using -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: instead does not work. After doing 
this NSDocument still seems to treat the old URL as the file's document, and I 
still get presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for the old file URL when it is moved to 
the Trash AFTER I-ve called revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error:. While 
revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: may work correctly for the cases for which 
I guess it was intended (as described by the NSDocument Class Reference), it 
doesn't seem to work for this case, for reasons unknown.

The best work-around I've found is to add a file reference URL to my NSDocument 
subclass, and set it in an override of setFileURL:. Then in an override of 
presentedItemDidMoveToURL: I test if the saved file reference URL is the same 
as the new URL, and do nothing if they're not the same file. That seems to 
work, but it's a bit of a hack, and I'd really like to understand if NSDocument 
is simply broken in this regard, or why setFileURL: does not work and what is 
the correct and reliable way to change the URL for an open document.


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Re: Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Sat, Sep 14, 2013, at 01:14 PM, Brian Clark wrote:
 I'm hoping someone can suggest the correct way to deal with the following
 For an image viewing app i display a file in the usual way in an
 NSDocument. setFileURL: is properly called by NSDocument's
 I now want to display the next file in the folder, and move the old file
 to the Trash. To do this I do the necessary file reading tasks and call
 setFileURL: with the new file URL. I then move the old file to the trash
 (using NSFileManager 's trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: but using
 different methods gives the same result.)
 Prior to 10.7 this worked fine and gave the desired result. Under 10.8,
 shortly after I load the new file and call setFileURL: with the new file
 URL as described above, I see a presentedItemDidMoveToURL: call with the
 old file URL. From that point on, the document has the wrong URL
 associated with it.

Can you post your code for this?

One thing that comes to mind: you need to serialize against the incoming
file presenter notifications (delivered on the queue returned by
-presentedItemOperationQueue). Otherwise there's no guarantee that the
file coordination subsystem will have seen and confirmed your
relinquishing of the old URL by the time you start dealing with the new

Furthermore, the NSFilePresenter protocol doesn't give you a way to
inform the system that the presentedItemURL of the presenter has
changed. You should make sure that NSDocument is calling
+removeFilePresenter: and +addFilePresenter: as part of its -setFIleURL:

To be honest, I'm not even sure it's possible to do what you want to do.
You might need to open up the next file as a new document.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Charles Srstka
On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:27 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 

 Maybe I was not very clear.
 The problem is NOT that the helper app does not start. There just is no 
 helper app, there is nothing which has a MachService called 
 The problem is, that the error block, which prints MAGIC_ERROR, does only get 
 called when there is an NSLog right in front of it.
 This makes no sense (to me).

I just tried your code on my machine, and whether the error logs or not seems 
fairly random. Whether or not your define is present, I sometimes get the error 
log and sometimes not, and repeatedly running the app (or putting the code in 
an IBAction instead of applicationDidFinishLaunching: and repeatedly pressing a 
button to invoke it) results in a different outcome each time. There might be a 
race condition in the framework or something. Have you filed a Radar report on 
this yet?



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NSCollectionView item crashes when bound

2013-09-16 Thread Benjamin Rindt
Hey guys I'm really grinding with the NSCollectionView when its bound. I had a 
running collection view but wanted to use bindings, I looks like it should 
work, but it doesn't. This is written just in code not in IB. 

Hope you guys can help :)

The problem is, the View is displayed correctly, but as soon as I try to bind a 
property in the newItemForRepresentedObject method, it is trying to call 
setChannelID (I can see it in the console outputting hello all the time, but 
keeps stuck in the else part of the if statement. It never gets to make the if 
true, always trying to set it. There is no output after the self.channelID = 
chanID; command, there is just another hello. I think the ChannelView property 
is not holding the data. The program crashes after 10 seconds trying to set the 
value. It should be possible to do this, others have obviously bound in the 

Anyway, any help is appreciated this is the code:


#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

@interface ChannelView : NSView

@property (readwrite, nonatomic, copy) NSString *channelName;
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *channelID;

@property (readwrite) NSTextField *channelNameField;
@property (readwrite) NSTextField *deviceChannelField;


@implementation ChannelView

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 500)];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.

ColorView *test = [[ColorView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 

self.channelNameField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 
100, 20)];
self.deviceChannelField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 
50, 100, 20)];

[self addSubview:test];
[self addSubview:self.channelNameField];
[self addSubview:self.deviceChannelField];

return self;

-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];

//add die teile

return self;

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
// Drawing code here.

// setters.

 -(void)setChannelID:(NSNumber *)chanID
if (self.channelID == chanID) {
else {
NSLog(@hello); //just this in debug output
//self.channelID = [chanID copy];
NSLog(@no output);
self.channelID = chanID;
NSLog(@chanid %d current: %d, chanID.intValue, self.channelID.intValue); 
//never shown in debug
[self.deviceChannelField setStringValue:[NSString 

The piece of my subclassed NSCollectionView

- (NSCollectionViewItem *)newItemForRepresentedObject:(ChannelsToMixes*)object
NSCollectionViewItem *item = [super newItemForRepresentedObject:object];
// ChannelView *view = (ChannelView *)[item view];

NSLog(@cahnnelid: %d,object.channelID.intValue);

// [view bind:@title toObject:object withKeyPath:@title options:nil];

 [item.view bind:@channelID toObject:object withKeyPath:@channelID 


return item;

self.collectionView = [[ChannelCollectionView alloc] 
initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, 0, width, self.splitview.frame.size.height)];
[self.collectionView setItemPrototype:[ChannelViewItemController new]];
[self.collectionView setMaxNumberOfRows:1];
[self.collectionView setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewWidthSizable 
| NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin  | NSViewHeightSizable| 
[self.collectionView setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
[self.collectionView bind:NSContentBinding toObject:self.channelController 
withKeyPath:@arrangedObjects options:nil];

@implementation ChannelViewItemController

-(void)loadView {

[self setView:[[ChannelView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]];

The actual value is passed to the setter method, but just not held by the 
property I think, but why? Tried multiple properties, strong, readwrite atomic 
or nonatmoic but thats not helping.

What is the thing to get the NSCollectionView set up with bindings?



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Re: Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Kevin Perry
Re-using a single NSDocument instance to represent several different files is 
certainly atypical…

But, I suspect the problem here is that you're not using File Coordination when 
reading in the contents of the new file. By not doing that, you're not giving 
File Coordination the hint that it needs to check back with your 
NSFilePresenter (the NSDocument) for its presentedItemURL. When you read in the 
contents of the new file you should:

1) Start a File Access with -performSynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock: or 
2) Create an NSFileCoordinator instance with the NSDocument as the 
NSFilePresenter passed in the initializer.
3) Using that NSFileCoordinator, take a coordinated read of the target file
4) Inside the coordinated read: read the contents of the new file 
(-revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: is probably the most correct here, as it 
will update -fileURL, -fileModificationDate, -fileType, change counts, and 
other internal state as necessary)

After the coordinated read, NSFileCoordinator should re-invoke 
-presentedItemURL (which returns [self fileURL] by default), notice the URL has 
changed, and disassociate the NSFilePresenter state from the previous URL. This 
should prevent you from getting any unwanted NSFilePresenter messages.


On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:04 AM, Brian Clark wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 4:38 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 14 Sep 2013, at 21:14, Brian Clark wrote:
 I'm hoping someone can suggest the correct way to deal with the following 
 For an image viewing app i display a file in the usual way in an 
 NSDocument. setFileURL: is properly called by NSDocument's 
 I now want to display the next file in the folder, and move the old file to 
 the Trash. To do this I do the necessary file reading tasks and call 
 setFileURL: with the new file URL. I then move the old file to the trash 
 (using NSFileManager 's trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: but using 
 different methods gives the same result.)
 What are the necessary file reading tasks? Rather than call -setFileURL: 
 yourself, have you tried calling -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: 
 instead? The top of the class documentation briefly notes that it should 
 always be used for re-reading documents.
 The necessary tasks are readFromURL:ofType:error: and the other chores 
 associated with setting up the document state for the different image file.
 Using -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: instead does not work. After doing 
 this NSDocument still seems to treat the old URL as the file's document, and 
 I still get presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for the old file URL when it is moved 
 to the Trash AFTER I-ve called revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error:. While 
 revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: may work correctly for the cases for 
 which I guess it was intended (as described by the NSDocument Class 
 Reference), it doesn't seem to work for this case, for reasons unknown.
 The best work-around I've found is to add a file reference URL to my 
 NSDocument subclass, and set it in an override of setFileURL:. Then in an 
 override of presentedItemDidMoveToURL: I test if the saved file reference URL 
 is the same as the new URL, and do nothing if they're not the same file. That 
 seems to work, but it's a bit of a hack, and I'd really like to understand if 
 NSDocument is simply broken in this regard, or why setFileURL: does not work 
 and what is the correct and reliable way to change the URL for an open 
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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Graham Cox

On 16/09/2013, at 8:08 PM, Jeffrey Oleander wrote:

 Yes, of course, you can.  But that is too late.
 You need to know the total, the max, before you display the progress bar

Ah, true but in fact displaying progress when dearchiving is more important. 
Documents get saved in the background, so in some ways it doesn't matter how 
long they take, but when waiting for a very big file to open, there can be a 
noticeable delay (maybe 10-15 seconds) between the Open dialog going away and 
the document appearing - I want to give the user some feedback that something 
is happening. So I can accept a dearchiving-only solution based on a saved 



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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Graham Cox

On 16/09/2013, at 6:51 PM, Jeffrey Oleander wrote:

 I'll bite.  If you want to know the total number of objects to be archived, 
 then you need to count them, at some time or another.  To count them, you 
 need to walk the object tree before you start actually archiving...  which 
 may take a significant fraction of the time it takes to archive.

I can count them as I archive, using the delegate. 

 Then, you could make sure it's the first thing that is archived, and hence 
 the first thing unarchived... after which you can display/update the progress 

It can actually be the last thing archived, but the first thing unarchived (you 
can do that with keyed archiving). But it might also be something that can be 
stored in my info file rather than the archive itself.

What I was sort of hoping was that there was a way to figure out from the 
archive how many objects there were without having to archive the number 
explicitly. For example, the root level of an archive is a dictionary, which 
has a count, but that's only the top level. Going more into the way archives 
are actually stored, maybe the $top array might be a more accurate count? 
Dunno, I guess I'll have to experiment.



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Re: Unwanted presentedItemDidMoveToURL: for old file after using setFileURL: to specify a new file

2013-09-16 Thread Brian Clark

On Sep 16, 2013, at 12:24 PM, Kevin Perry wrote:

 Re-using a single NSDocument instance to represent several different files is 
 certainly atypical…

True, and I don't know what other similar applications so, but for some 
applications that are viewers it makes sense to let the user move forwards and 
backwards through a folder to display the file using the same window rather 
than opening and closing a window for each file. IT's mre efficient and a more 
pleasant experience for the user.

 But, I suspect the problem here is that you're not using File Coordination 
 when reading in the contents of the new file. By not doing that, you're not 
 giving File Coordination the hint that it needs to check back with your 
 NSFilePresenter (the NSDocument) for its presentedItemURL. When you read in 
 the contents of the new file you should:
 1) Start a File Access with -performSynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock: or 
 2) Create an NSFileCoordinator instance with the NSDocument as the 
 NSFilePresenter passed in the initializer.
 3) Using that NSFileCoordinator, take a coordinated read of the target file
 4) Inside the coordinated read: read the contents of the new file 
 (-revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: is probably the most correct here, as 
 it will update -fileURL, -fileModificationDate, -fileType, change counts, and 
 other internal state as necessary)

Thanks! That seems to have worked.

It *is* necessary to use -revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: rather than 
-readFromURL:ofType:error:. And it's necessary as you suggested to do this 
inside a File Access with an NSFileCoordinator. Simply using 
-revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: without these doesn't work.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Chris Devereux
Another angle worth looking at: Depending on the output format you're using
with NSKeyedArchiver, your file might already contain an object count, even
if the API doesn't expose it.

According to the Cocotron source[1], the binary plist format actually does
this. It won't correspond exactly to the number of objects encoded using
NSCoding since it represents the number of plist objects, but may be close
enough to give an indication of progress.


On 16 September 2013 18:25, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 16/09/2013, at 6:51 PM, Jeffrey Oleander wrote:

  I'll bite.  If you want to know the total number of objects to be
 archived, then you need to count them, at some time or another.  To count
 them, you need to walk the object tree before you start actually
 archiving...  which may take a significant fraction of the time it takes to

 I can count them as I archive, using the delegate.

  Then, you could make sure it's the first thing that is archived, and
 hence the first thing unarchived... after which you can display/update the
 progress bar.

 It can actually be the last thing archived, but the first thing unarchived
 (you can do that with keyed archiving). But it might also be something that
 can be stored in my info file rather than the archive itself.

 What I was sort of hoping was that there was a way to figure out from the
 archive how many objects there were without having to archive the number
 explicitly. For example, the root level of an archive is a dictionary,
 which has a count, but that's only the top level. Going more into the way
 archives are actually stored, maybe the $top array might be a more accurate
 count? Dunno, I guess I'll have to experiment.



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 16 Sep 2013, at 22:13, Charles Srstka wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 3:22 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
 ree =[ aCo remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler: ^(NSError *err)
  //  if helperName is not running 
 (always the case) and 
 defined, then the next line will never print:
 %@,__FUNCTION__, err);
 What is the error that gets logged here?

2013-09-16 22:13:33.946 XpcTest[31422:303] __48-[T1aAppDelegate 
applicationDidFinishLaunching:]_block_invoke MAGIC_ERROR: Error 
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a helper 



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Charles Srstka
On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 

 If (and only if) MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined, I see:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a helper 
 Makes sense, as there just is no helper application named: 

Make sure you've got the Mach service name for your helper registered in your 
helper's launchd plist. If it's set up correctly, your helper should 
automatically launch when the client app tries to communicate with its Mach 
service name.



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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Graham Cox

On 16/09/2013, at 4:25 PM, Chris Devereux wrote:

 How about tracking the number of written objects when saving the document,
 then encoding an additional key containing the object count at the top
 level of the archive? This could then be retrieved before decoding the root
 A possible problem with this idea is that it might require the data for the
 root object to be read into memory before the count can be read. Maybe this
 wouldn't be a problem with a binary format --- I don't know enough about
 the implementation of NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver to be sure.

I was thinking along these lines but I was hoping to come up with something 
that would work for existing archives that don't have the extra info.  I don't 
know how much lazy loading NSKeyedUnarchiver does - it might get read or mapped 
into memory anyway. Perhaps there's a fairly quick way to count the number of 
objects in it?

My file format is actually a package that has an auxiliary plist independent of 
the archive, so I could store a value there which would avoid loading the 
archive just to get that number, but that would only be for archives I write in 



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 16 Sep 2013, at 22:21, Charles Srstka wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 
 If (and only if) MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined, I see:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a 
 helper application.
 Makes sense, as there just is no helper application named: 
 Make sure you've got the Mach service name for your helper registered in your 
 helper's launchd plist. If it's set up correctly, your helper should 
 automatically launch when the client app tries to communicate with its Mach 
 service name.

Maybe I was not very clear.
The problem is NOT that the helper app does not start. There just is no helper 
app, there is nothing which has a MachService called something.very.silly.

The problem is, that the error block, which prints MAGIC_ERROR, does only get 
called when there is an NSLog right in front of it.
This makes no sense (to me).

Kind regards,



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 16 Sep 2013, at 23:16, Charles Srstka wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:27 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 
 Maybe I was not very clear.
 The problem is NOT that the helper app does not start. There just is no 
 helper app, there is nothing which has a MachService called 
 The problem is, that the error block, which prints MAGIC_ERROR, does only 
 get called when there is an NSLog right in front of it.
 This makes no sense (to me).
 I just tried your code on my machine, and whether the error logs or not seems 
 fairly random. Whether or not your define is present, I sometimes get the 
 error log and sometimes not, and repeatedly running the app (or putting the 
 code in an IBAction instead of applicationDidFinishLaunching: and repeatedly 
 pressing a button to invoke it) results in a different outcome each time. 
 There might be a race condition in the framework or something.

I also did some more testing. The magic does not lie in the NSLog() but in the 
elapsed time.

On my machine the sending of a message to remoteObjectProxy must NOT be done 
earlier than ca. 180 μsec after [NSXPCConnection resume].

Without anything in between these are only 50 μsec apart. Not enough.

NSLog() adds a sufficient delay of almost 250 μsec.
But usleep(130) also does the trick. 

aCo.remoteObjectInterface = [ NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol: 
@protocol(ZipProtocol) ]; 
[ aCo resume];
uint64_t machTime1 = mach_absolute_time();

id ree =[ aCo remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler: ^(NSError 

uint64_t machTime2 = mach_absolute_time();
[ ree   command:...
uint64_t elapsed = machTime2 - machTime1;
double microSec = elapsed * 1e-3;

 Have you filed a Radar report on this yet?
Not yet. Will do tomorrow.

Kind regards,



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 16 Sep 2013, at 23:13, Keary Suska wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2013, at 9:27 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
 On 16 Sep 2013, at 22:21, Charles Srstka wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 
 If (and only if) MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is defined, I see:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 Couldn’t communicate with a 
 helper application.
 Makes sense, as there just is no helper application named: 
 Make sure you've got the Mach service name for your helper registered in 
 your helper's launchd plist. If it's set up correctly, your helper should 
 automatically launch when the client app tries to communicate with its Mach 
 service name.
 Maybe I was not very clear.
 The problem is NOT that the helper app does not start. There just is no 
 helper app, there is nothing which has a MachService called 
 The problem is, that the error block, which prints MAGIC_ERROR, does only 
 get called when there is an NSLog right in front of it.
 This makes no sense (to me).
 Unless I didn't understand, your original post indicated that the issue was 
 with the macro define. Has this changed? If not, I would run the file 
 manually through the preprocessor and examine the output.

As I just explained in some reply in this thread: if MAGIC_BUG_REMOVAL is 
defined, then some sufficient delay is added by printing NSLog().

Kind regards,



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Re: Very strange Xpc magic

2013-09-16 Thread Charles Srstka
On Sep 16, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 

 I also did some more testing. The magic does not lie in the NSLog() but in 
 the elapsed time.
 On my machine the sending of a message to remoteObjectProxy must NOT be done 
 earlier than ca. 180 μsec after [NSXPCConnection resume].
 Without anything in between these are only 50 μsec apart. Not enough.
 NSLog() adds a sufficient delay of almost 250 μsec.
 But usleep(130) also does the trick. 

Yep, sounds like a race condition for sure.



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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Jeffrey Oleander

On 2013 Sep 16, at 08:53, Graham Cox wrote:
If I wanted to add some sort of progress reporting to archiving and 
dearchiving, what's a good way to do it? The problem seems to me to 
know what the 'count' of things read from/written to the file is to 
set the progress max value. Since the delegate gets called for each 
object instantiated, that part of it isn't a problem, I can just bump 
a counter. Counting the objects rather than actual bytes is probably 
as fine-grained as I need to get.

I'll bite.  If you want to know the total number of objects to be 
archived, then you need to count them, at some time or another.  To 
count them, you need to walk the object tree before you start actually 
archiving...  which may take a significant fraction of the time it 
takes to archive.

Then, you could make sure it's the first thing that is archived, and 
hence the first thing unarchived... after which you can display/update 
the progress bar.

Yah, I know; ugly, but unavoidable as far as I know.


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Re: Progress for archiving/dearchiving

2013-09-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 17 Sep 2013, at 00:26, Graham Cox wrote:

 What I was sort of hoping was that there was a way to figure out from the 
 archive how many objects there were without having to archive the number 
 explicitly. For example, the root level of an archive is a dictionary, which 
 has a count, but that's only the top level. Going more into the way archives 
 are actually stored, maybe the $top array might be a more accurate count? 
 Dunno, I guess I'll have to experiment.

Every archive has a $objects table at the end. The size of it is easily 
readable. (But doing so might break whenever Apple changes the format).

Kind regards,



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