Re: View shifted up on iPhone simulator

2009-10-02 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hmm I have a few comments:

It look like you're seeing the superposition of two problems that look  
like one:

1) The status bar is covering up the very top of your view in the sim

2) The bottom button is 20px further from the bottom in the sim

The interface builder likes to make views default to a height of 460,  
not 480. I always change mine to 480 before I start using them. From  
your pictures, it looks like this is the culprit - that, and the  
status bar covering up the top. In order to change it, you must  
disable the 'simulate status bar' option in the view's inspector.

I believe that view is designed to be shown in a view controller who  
takes the status bar into account already. I also believe that you  
simply added the view as a subview of the window, which is what caused  
the status bar to cover up the top. (also, the interface builder shows  
you what the view would look like in a view controller that takes the  
status bar into account)

From this, you have a few options:

1) Disable the status bar in your application, set the view's  
Simulated Interface Elements to not show the status bar, then change  
the hight of the view to 480. To disable the status bar in your  
application, go to its info.plist, add a new row, scroll to the  
bottom, select Status Bar is Initially Hidden and set it to TRUE.

2) Use a view controller to show your view. I didn't fully understand  
just what the controllers did until after a very long time of  
tinkering, but they're a godsend... or, an apple-send in this case.  
They'll help making stuff like that line up, though only after you  
understand them.

or 3) Use both the above options (this is my recommendation)

On 2 Oct 2009, at 12:28 PM, Anthony Smith wrote:

When I run my app in the iPhone simulator the view seems to be  
shifted up on the screen. If that doesn't make sense I've uploaded  
some images. Take a look and see if you've run into this before.


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CAKeyframeAnimation for 'position' not working

2009-10-01 Thread Christopher J Kemsley
(Note: I apologize for not having this nicely formatted. My previous  
message - 8kB over the size limit - was rejected because it was too  
large, so I had to remove the extra HTML)

I have a CAKeyframeAnimation that simply will not work.

I have a layer. When I apply a CABasicAnimation to it, it animated  
exactly as expected. When I apply the keyframe animation, it doesn't...

Here's the code for the keyframe animation:

+ (CAAnimation*)	randomPathAnimationWithBounds:(CGRect)inBounds  
keyFrames:(UInt32)inKeys layer:(CALayer*)inLayer duration:(CGFloat) 
duration {

// Setup our variables for keeping track of points and relative timings
CGPoint points[inKeys] ;
CGFloat timing[inKeys+1] ;

	timing[inKeys] = CKRandomRange(1000) ;  // CKRandomRange(range) is  
the same as  random()%range
	CGFloat		total = timing[inKeys] ; // Keep a running tally of our  
total int count for later normalization

	// This will produce a random point putting the layer somewhere  
outside the parent's bounds, supplied to us as bounds

CGPoint r1 = [self randomPointForLayer:inLayer outOfBounds:inBounds] ;
inLayer.position = r1 ; // apply the initial position

// Make our arrays
NSMutableArray * locArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:inKeys+1] ;
NSMutableArray * timArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:inKeys+1] ;

UInt32 i ;
for ( i=0 ; iinKeys ; i++ )
// Get timing
timing[i] = CKRandomRange(1000) ; // Make a new random relative 
total += timing[i] ; // add it to the running tally

// Get some random point inside the bounds
		points[i] = CGPointMake (  CKRandomRange(inBounds.size.width) 
+inBounds.origin.x  ,  CKRandomRange(inBounds.size.height) 
+inBounds.origin.y  ) ;

// Add that point to the location array
[ locArr addObject: [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:points[i]] ] ;

// Get an endpoint, outside the bounds, and add it to the array
CGPoint r2 = [self randomPointForLayer:inLayer outOfBounds:inBounds] ;
[locArr addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:r2]] ;

// Normalize the timings, comulative
timing[0] = timing[0] / total * duration ;
for ( i=1 ; iinKeys+1 ; i++ )
timing[i] = timing[i] / total * duration + timing[i-1] ;

// Fill the timing value array
for ( i=0 ; iinKeys+1 ; i++ )
[timArr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:timing[i]]] ;

// Make the animation
	CAKeyframeAnimation * animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation  
animationWithKeyPath:@position] ;

animation.values = locArr ;
animation.duration = duration ;
animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationLinear ;
animation.keyTimes = timArr ;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards ;

// Print stuff
NSLog ( @%@ , animation ) ;
NSLog ( @ -- %lu, %lu , locArr.count , timArr.count ) ;
NSLog ( @ -- %@ , animation.keyTimes ) ;
NSLog ( @ -- %@ , animation.values ) ;

return animation ;

The output, from the print statements, to show that it has VALID  
values, is:

2009-10-01 13:11:00.887 Whose Line[56132:207] CAKeyframeAnimation:  

2009-10-01 13:11:00.888 Whose Line[56132:207]   -- 11, 11
2009-10-01 13:11:00.888 Whose Line[56132:207]   -- (
2009-10-01 13:11:00.888 Whose Line[56132:207]   -- (
NSPoint: {437, 159},
NSPoint: {30, 0},
NSPoint: {446, 272},
NSPoint: {398, 21},
NSPoint: {469, 117},
NSPoint: {377, 111},
NSPoint: {84, 95},
NSPoint: {101, 111},
NSPoint: {291, 138},
NSPoint: {359, 237},
NSPoint: {7, -12}

The timings look right - the duration was set to 2 seconds... So  
they're all in order and randomly spaced.

The positions are also all inside the bounds (iPhone landscape, full  
screen @ 480x320)

However, when I add the animation, nothing happens...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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CARenderer Example

2009-09-21 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hi all,

I've been trying to make a class to record CALayers and their  
animations to QuickTime movies.

I've only found two ways to do this:

Poll and renderInContext

I can have a timer running at some rate, and I use that to tell the  
layer's presentationLayer renderInContext:(someBitmapContext). This  
does not work with CAShapeLayer or any other OpenGL layer.

Use CARenderer

This should work for what I need, but I don't know anything about  
OpenGL and need to have this recorder object by... tomorrow...

Does anyone know of - or could anyone create - a very simple example  
of efficiently doing the following:?

• Creating an OpenGL offscreen context;
• Create the CARenderer, setup for the context;

(loop, or something:)
• Drawing animations to the context, while
• Capturing context as a bitmap, and
• Writing image to quicktime file; then,

• Clean up

I've been searching for this for about four days now and have turned  
up very little. All of Apple's docs [that I've found] on OpenGL assume  
that I am already an experienced OpenGL programmer, which I am not. I  
really don't care about OpenGL right now, I just need to record this  

I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could 

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CALayer renderInContext not rendering all sublayers

2009-09-13 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hi all,

I've been unable to find anything on this through Google searches...

I'm building for x86_64 on Snow Leopard.

I have a window containing a view whose layer has two sublayers, set  
up like this:

- (void)awakeFromNib {
[self setWantsLayer:YES] ;
points  =   [ [CALayer layer] retain ] ;
bindings=   [ [CALayer layer] retain ] ;
[self.layer addSublayer:bindings] ;
[self.layer addSublayer:points] ;

Later, I add sublayers (sent via NSNotificationCenter) like this:

if ( [object isMemberOfClass:[TSBinding class]] )
[self.bindings addSublayer:object] ;
[self.points addSublayer:object] ;

Some time later, just after (also tried just before) the animations  
start, I do this:

recorder = [CARecorder recorderWithLayer:self.layer destination:path  
duration:[GSVariable cgfloatForKey:@Duration] frameRate:15.  
delegate:self] ;

CARecorder is a class I made which spawns a thread and, at a regular  
interval, tells the given layer's presentationLayer to render in a  
local context, using the following code:

[self.layer.presentationLayer renderInContext:self.context];

(Note that the CARecorder has iVars layer and context that are set  
during initialization. 'layer' corresponds to the layer sent to it in  
initialization. Also note that it is not a problem of the context  
being over-written repeatedly, as putting the context creation in the  
thread's loop instead of initialization doesn't change anything)

However, when it draws, it only draws the top CALayer who's a subclass  
of the main layer.

I recorded, using, the view as displayed on screen. I  
put that video, the video produced by the code as well as the  
CARecorder code online here:

Please take a look.

I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone could provide on how to get  
this to draw/record/save both sublayers of this layer...

- Christopher

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CAShapeLayer for Drawing Lines; Animations Skewed

2009-09-10 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hi all,

In my current development project, I have numerous dots that will be  
moved around periodically, each connected by a line.

The dots are represented as CALayers, with the contents set to a  
simple 20x20 dot, and they are moved around by animating the  
position property.

The connecting lines will be drawn between the centers of two dots,  
and will be moved via an animations whenever the dots change position.

This is where I'm running into trouble. Any suggestions on how to fix  
what I've done so far or suggestions for a different, easier approach  
are more than welcome.

What I've tried:

CALayer with 50x1 Square as Contents

In this method, I used a 50x1 square. For every animation, I set the  
bounds to:

CGRectMake ( 0 , 0 , absoluteDistanceBetweenPoints , 1 ) ;

and the transform to

CATransform3DMakeRotation ( angleBetweenPoints , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;

This worked, but had the unfortunate side-effect of, during some of  
the moves, rotating too far around in the wrong direction, making the  
endpoints come out from under the points.  (For example, instead of  
rotating 90º, it would rotate 270º in the wrong direction. This, in  
theory, is easy to fix, but isn't as easy as it sounds.

CAShapeLayer with Path from PointA to PointB

In this method, I used a CAShapeLayer with the correct color and a 1px  
width. I made a path between the two points.

For moves, I created another path representing the new position and  
used a CABasicAnimation to animate the path property.

This also 'works,' but also has a side-effect: A line, instead of  
animating from (oldPointA,oldPointB) to (newPointA,newPointB) would  
animate to (oldPointA,oldPointB) to (randomPoint,randomPoint) to  
(newPointA,newPointB)   (Note:  (aPoint,bPoint) represents a line/ 
path from aPoint to bPoint)

Any suggestions for improving these methods (especially fixing the  
CAShapeLayer, which would be optimal) would be greatly appreciated!


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QuickTime Animation Rendering

2009-08-25 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hi all,

I have a project where I will be drawing nothing more than simple  
circles with lines connecting them. At some point, I will be animating  
these lines and circles to move them to another position.

I would like to:

(1) Display these, animated, on the screen; and

(2) Render the animation to a QuickTime file.

As far as the lines themselves go, a multi-layered CALayer (using  
CALayer's -addSublayer method) would work perfectly for viewing on the  
screen... but I don't know how to export this to QT.

So, I have two questions:

(1)  Is there a way for me to create the animations with CoreAnimation  
Layers (CALayer and sublayers) and simply tell some object to write to  
file? If so, how?

(2)  What is another method to create the animation easily? I would  
prefer that the same code be used to both display on screen and render  
to file; but it would also be acceptable to write to file then play  
the file on screen.

Note that I am going more for simplicity of code rather than speed  
performance, as the on-screen viewing will ONLY be for 'previewing'  
the output. All publications of the animations will be in the form  
of a QuickTime video.

-Christopher Kemsley
Sent from my Beautiful 17 MacBook Pro

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Re: Design Paterns: +/- Initializers and Subclassing (Solved)

2009-08-03 Thread Christopher J Kemsley
Oh yeah - I thought I did that once and it didn't work... Though, now  
that I think about it, I think I did it the other way in the past   
(used self in a +method to refer to a newly created object)

So, in all reality, the +method could be boiled down to:

[ autorelease] ;

since  =  =  [MyClass new]  =  [ [self alloc] init ]

Thanks for clearing that up!

On Aug 2, 2009, at 10:34 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Aug 2, 2009, at 22:26, Quincey Morris wrote:

return [ [ [[self class] alloc] init ] autorelease ] ;

('self' refers to the class object because this is a class method)

Doh, if that's true, then:

return [ [ [self alloc] init ] autorelease ] ;

should be good enough. (IIRC, [self class] == self when self is a  
class, but I always confuse myself with the class versions of  
methods, sorry.)


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Design Paterns: +/- Initializers and Subclassing

2009-08-02 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Ok, so here's the deal:

I have a class (CYMethod) that provides a standard interface for  
multiple implementations of the same type (multiple ways in which to  
read a file, for instance). Here are its constructors:

+ (CYMethod*)   method {
return [ [ [CYMethod alloc] init ] autorelease ] ;
- (CYMethod*)   init {
if ( self = [super init] )

return self ;

What I want to be able to do is subclass this, but only override the - 
init method. However, if I use the above code and call

[CYMethodSubclass method]

I'll get back a new instance of CYMethod, not CYMethodSubclass.

How do I make the +method call return an initialized object of  
whatever type the +method was sent to?  (so that [CYMethodSubclass  
method]  returns  [ [ [CYMethodSubclass alloc] init ] autorelease])


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Looking for a method to Lock and Unlock the computer

2009-07-29 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Hi all,

I'm looking to write a program to run in the background and do the  

• Listen for Event A
• If Event A occurs, either Sleep Display or Display Login Screen

• Listen for Event B
• If Event B occurs, log-in to a specific account

Listening for the event is not a problem. However, what is a problem  
is logging in and displaying the login screen progmatically.

My preference is to display the login screen, though simply sleeping  
the display would suffice if I cannot have the former.

I'd appreciate any suggestions anyone might have.



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NSSocketPort initRemoteWithTCPPort is never valid

2009-07-14 Thread Christopher J Kemsley
This is just a quick question for anyone who may know (or, at least I  
hope it's quick)

If I declare a port:

port = [ [NSSocketPort alloc] initRemoteWithTCPPort:portNumber  
host:hostName ] ;

And use it with an NSConnection, it works.

If I use that same port in any other way (such as NSFileHandle) it  
doesn't work. The error it gives is:

[NSConcreteFileHandle writeData:]: Bad file descriptor

(when I use   initWithFileDescriptor:port.socket  )

However, if I create a port like this:

port = [ [NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:portNumber ] ;

(and add it to the port manager, run loops, etc of course)

NSFileHandle suddenly works (as a server)

Ideally, I'd like to be able to use NSFileHandle (or something very  
similar) on both ends of the connection.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Finding anything useful for what I'm trying to do online has proven to  
be almost completely futile...

- Christopher

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2009-07-13 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

I'm not sure how to begin this, so I'll start off with what I have.

What I have:

Device A and Device B.

Device A is connected to the internet (at address The Address, and has  
port The Port routed to it for instance)

Device B is also connected to the internet, but is not on the same  
local network as Device A.

What I want:

A custom written server on Device A that listens on The Port for a  
device to connect. It expects to be sent an NSData object and will be  
expected to return another NSData object.

Device B should be able to, through a blocking method (or background  
in a thread), get an NSData object returned by Device A after giving  
it another NSData object.   (for example, Device B asks Device A Do I  
have messages? and gets Yes, you have two in response)

What I've tried and/or cannot use:

I cannot use Distributed Objects. Although this would make this  
incredibly easy, Device B is an iPhone and does not support  
distributed objects.

I've tried setting up an HTTP server using NSSocketPort and  
NSFileHandle's acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify method;  
however, I seem to be unable to get the client (regardless of  
platform) to be able to send an arbitrary data package to it and get  
one in return.

So, my question is, does anybody know of any other ways - or good  
beginner's guides - to networking in situations like this?


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NSString's mutableCopy creating a leak?

2008-10-01 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

I'm writing a program that, in one table view, has the following code:

id receivedName = [theDatabase itemAtIndex:editedRow] ;
editedRowName = [receivedName mutableCopy] ;
[receivedName release];

where editedRowName is defined as an NSMutableString.

[theDatabase itemAtIndex:editedRow]

Asks my database to return item editedRow. The object at that index  
is an NSString. For this function, the database would return

[theStringHere retain]

My code needs a mutable version of this string, so I make a  
mutableCopy of it and release the old one, as to prevent a memory leak.

However, when I do a Run with performance tool: Leaks, it tells me  
that, ever time this part of the code runs, it leaks a  
GeneralBlock-32 with the following information:

Category: CFString (store)
Event Type: Malloc
Responsible Library: Foundation
Responsible Caller: -[NSCFString mutableCopyWithZone:]

Does anybody know where this leak is coming from?

This is an Objective-C/Cocoa based application, compiling for the  
iPhone Simulator with the i386 architecture.
(Before anybody yells at me saying that the iPhone SDK cannot be  
discussed here, read this:  )

-Christopher Kemsley
Sent from my Beautiful 17 MacBook Pro


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Re: NSString's mutableCopy creating a leak?

2008-10-01 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

Instead of replying to everybody individually, let me say this:

I neglected to mention in my original post that, when this object is  
deallocated, it explicitly deallocated the editedRowName before  
calling a [super dealloc], so the thing should be deallocated.


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Re: NSString's mutableCopy creating a leak?

2008-10-01 Thread Christopher J Kemsley

A bit more information about what's going on:

The object is a subclass of UIViewController. When I click on  
something in a UITableView, it allocates this object and initializes  
it to use as an editor.

Example: You're looking at a list of stuff, and you click on one of  
the object to bring up an editor pane. The list you're looking at  
allocates the object, which then sets the editedRowName.

On initialization, I set editedRowName to the mutableCopy.

Later, when I pop the view controller, the navigtionController  
deallocates the object (and I have verified this). In the  
deallocation, it used to call [editedRowName dealloc].

Only once is editedRowName set to anything - in the initialization  
stage. Later, the only modification is [editedRowName setString:],  
but this does not cause a memory leak.

I was not aware that I shouldn't explicitly call a dealloc... Why not?  
Replacing it with a release in the object made that leak go away,  
but I still don't understand why I can't dealloc it.

I. Savant, thank you for your comments on the NDA - they were exactly  

I believe you all have answered my main question though, and that is  
that I should use only release/retain statements - not dealloc  


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NSTableView problems when 0 items

2008-06-15 Thread Christopher J Kemsley
I have an NSTableView object and an NSPopUpButton that I use to select  
a category of information to display in the table...

The problem is this:

If I select a category with 0 items in it, the table view will update  
as expected... but, if I select one with more than one item right  
afterwards, the entire list does not display right away. Instead, it  
updates row by row when I select it.

I AM sending it a [nameOfTable reloadData] message, and it IS getting  
that information it needs to be getting... but I cannot figure out why  
it's doing this!

To see what I mean, click here:

Anyone have any idea how to fix this stupid problem? Any help would be  
greatly appreciated!


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NSTextField setStringValue method - deallocates?

2008-06-14 Thread Christopher J Kemsley
I'm new to Obj-C, and I'm trying to make sure I start off writing good  
code so I don't have to come back and learn how to avoid dirty code  
and/or memory leaks.

That being said, if I do the following:

NSString *someString = [ NSString stringWithString:@Hello World! ] ;
[ someNSTextField setStringValue:someString ] ;

Does the NSTextField take care of de-allocating the memory from the  
old value by itself?

-Christopher Kemsley
J-Net Webcasting


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