Re: NSRunLoop method - configureAsServer alternative in 10.6.1?

2009-09-30 Thread Christopher Kane
It was actually deprecated in 10.5 according to the header, and the  
10.5 release notes explain:

Deprecated NSRunLoop API
The  -configureAsServer  method is deprecated in 10.5.  It never did  
anything, so there was never a point in calling it in Mac OS X.

Since time immemorial the implementation looked like this:

- (void)configureAsServer {

So any apparently beneficial effect of calling it was entirely  

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

On Sep 30, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:

When I use [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] configureAsServer]; after  
creating a service using NSConnection, it works.
But -configureAsServer is declared as deprecated with no alternative  

I tried removing it and the code doesn't work.

server code snippet: (doesn't work)

MYMessageServer   *server = self;// here "self" is in instance of  
MyMessageServer class

NSConnection  *defaultConnection;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:server
defaultConnection = [NSConnection  

[defaultConnection addRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]];
// not doing [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]; here as its the main  

Client code snippet:
server = [[NSConnection  
:@"MyCompanyName.MyProductName.serverFull" host:nil] retain];

server is nil after the above line is executed.

Where can I find a simple implementation?
Or what changes to make to the above code?



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Re: Rescheduling an NSTimer from a completion method

2009-08-12 Thread Christopher Kane

On Aug 11, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

iPhone OS 3.0

Can an NSTimer be rescheduled after firing, and after another trip  
through the run loop?

I'd like to "reschedule" a NON-repeating timer in my own code. I  
assume that in the simple case it would be something like:

- (void) handleTimer: (NSTimer *) aTimer
//  ... do things ...
[aTimer setFireDate: someTimeInTheFuture];
	[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: aTimer forMode:  


I'm pretty sure that this is legal — am I right?

No, as you suspected farther down in your message.  NSTimers which are  
not repeating are one-shot -- they cannot be rescheduled.  Create a  
new NSTimer, when you next need it, and add it to the run loop.  [And  
also self.myTimerIvar = nil; in your timer handler as you thought.]

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple


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Re: NSDateFormatter formats from NSLocale

2009-08-12 Thread Christopher Kane
You can call [[NSLocale currentLocale] localeIdentifier], to get the  
locale identifier of the user's preferred locale, and then create  
another NSLocale from it.  This will be a locale that doesn't have any  
(not just formatting) user preference overrides in it but is still the  
user's preferred base locale.  That might be close to what you want.

Contrary to popular opinion [not just yours], NSLocale and  
NSDateFormatter also do not know the element orders.  They just pass  
off the work to lower-level libraries, which -- as far as I understand  
it -- also do not themselves directly know what the order is (only  
indirectly through sets of format strings).  For one thing, the Short  
date format for a locale might have one order, the Medium another, the  
Long yet another, and so on.

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

On Aug 11, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:

Hi Sean,

I want to respect the user's locale, yet ignore his/her preferences  
as to formatting.

I thought about modifying the format I get from the standard styles.  
I would however expect NSLocale to know the correct order of  
elements in the date format.


So you want to use the user's preference and yet you don't.  The  
of leading zeros or no is part of the user's choice.  But if you  

you could get the user's format string and carefully alter it to add
leading zeros.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Adding more and more key/value observers is much too slow - workaround needed.

2009-08-12 Thread Christopher Kane
Don't pass the observer as the context: argument; pretty much anything  
else is better.  Passing NULL (just, for example) flattens the curve  
quite a bit.  If you have nothing better to pass in, put this in your  
code and pass the address of it:

static char _xyzzy_ = 0;

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

On Aug 3, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Andreas Känner wrote:


If you add more and more key/value observers with  
addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: this call takes longer and  
longer in a non-linear way.

I posted a bug report today (ID: 7112953) but maybe someone already  
has a workaround. Here is my sample code:


@interface ModelObject : NSObject
NSString* title;
@property (readwrite, copy) NSString* title;

@implementation ModelObject
@synthesize title;

@interface Observer : NSObject

@implementation Observer

void addObservers(NSUInteger count)
// Create model objects and observers:

	NSMutableArray* modelObjects	= [NSMutableArray  

NSMutableArray* observers   = [NSMutableArray 
for(NSUInteger i=0; i			 options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew |  


	NSLog(@"time to add %d observers: %f s", count, -[startDate  


int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];

[pool release];

In my test case an observer does always observe only one object and  
each observed object is only observed by one observer. I think this  
is a common use case.

I have results for Snow Leopard too, but I think I'm not allowed to  
post them on this mailing list. Here are the results for Leopard:

I tested this with different build settings (with/without GC and  

Machine: iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

Leopard (10.5.7/9J61):


With GC:

time to add10 observers: 0.001008 s
time to add   100 observers: 0.001796 s
time to add  1000 observers: 0.174864 s
time to add 1 observers: 10.746330 s

Without GC:

time to add10 observers: 0.000920 s
time to add   100 observers: 0.000956 s
time to add  1000 observers: 0.056894 s
time to add 1 observers: 4.615175 s


With GC:

time to add10 observers: 0.001340 s
time to add   100 observers: 0.001533 s
time to add  1000 observers: 0.125700 s
time to add 1 observers: 7.545702 s

Without GC:

time to add10 observers: 0.001058 s
time to add   100 observers: 0.000831 s
time to add  1000 observers: 0.053189 s
time to add 1 observers: 4.006754 s


If you know a workaround for this bottleneck please drop me an email.


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Re: Need localization-proof method of transporting dates.

2009-04-07 Thread Christopher Kane
Now that everybody else has had their say, I'll throw in my two  
bits: ;-)

* as others have pointed out, never store the hash of an object or  
data computed from the hash, nor transmit the hash of an object  
outside a process, if your goal is to compare it in any way with  
anything else (for example, storing it as [part of] keys in a database  
with the later hope of using the hash to retrieve records).

* the best thing to compare against (and include in your SHA-1 hash)  
is the result of the -timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate method (- 
timeIntervalSince1970 is equivalent, just shifted by a constant  
offset); the time interval is an absolute timescale that is not  
affected by time zones, locales, or calendars.

* the current time interval of the machine can be gotten with +[NSDate  
timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate], and you need not mess with an NSDate  
object itself if you don't want to.

* NSDates just store a time interval in the absolute scale; they  
themselves are not affected by time zones, locales, or calendars.   
However, when you produce a different representation of the date, that  
different representation can be affected by other factors.  For  
example, breaking down the time interval into calendrical components  
(year, month, day, ...) must be done in relation to some calendar, and  
often in relation to some time zone.  So, if you ever rely on the  
user's settings of these on their machine for their account, you've  
lost.  Plus the algorithms for "breaking down" and "reconstituting"  
from components can have bugs or get changes from OS release to OS  
release (unless you just write your own), and of course time zone data  
can change between OS releases (and software updates), so going  
through the extra steps of using calendrical components would have you  
relying on a lot more stuff remaining unchanged.

* Using a string representation of a date is the absolute worst  
possibility, since it's affected by all those things listed above  
(time zones, locales, and calendars), plus involves components, plus  
is a different representation.  There might be some people who would  
say "an all-numeric  components representation would be fine [if you  
made sure to generate it with respect to some specific fixed calendar  
and time zone]", but beyond what I've already noted, with a string  
representation you have the excitement of different Unicode code  
points that could be used to represent the digits (e.g., try running  
in an Arabic locale) or even different number representation systems  
(e.g., the Roman numerals of the Romans or the base-60 of the  
Babylonians -- I don't know if any locales have such a thing today,  
but unless _you_ know, it's best to just stay away).  So you should be  
sure to also generate the string description entirely yourself as  
well; don't use the system code for that.

So all that is why I suggest skipping all the extra work and  
intermediate steps and just use the timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.   
It's a nice double, and you can compare with <, >, etc.  (Of course,  
if you choose to hash the 8 bytes of the double as a chunk of bytes,  
then you have to take machine representation of doubles into account  
and make sure you know what you're doing there.)

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

On Apr 4, 2009, at 5:01 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

My app encodes expiry dates for demo versions, etc.

One problem I've had occasional reports of is that the expiry is  
prematurely detected, and it seems to be on systems with system  
language set other than English. I need to store and check the dates  
in a way that is not sensitive to this. I thought I was, yet the  
reports persist.

Here's what I'm doing:

The stored date originally comes from a NSDatePicker control,  
textual with stepper. I retrieve the date using its -dateValue method.

The date, along with other data, is digitally signed with a SHA-1  
hash, which in turn is based on the object's -hash method. As far as  
I could tell, the -hash method returns a value that is sensitive to  
the actual stored date, but not to the date localization on the  

At runtime, the date is recovered and verified by rehashing and  
comparing the hash, then the date value is simply compared to see if  
the current date is before or after it using [[NSDate date]  
timeIntervalSinceDate:expiryDate] (if negative, hasn't expired).

Can anyone spot any problem with this approach? Note that the SHA-1  
check appears to pass OK - it's the date comparison that seems to be  
wrong. Unfortunately I can't reproduce the bug locally so I'm  
relying on reports from relatively non-technical testers who aren't  
able to give me much to go on.



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Re: Date parsing problem (when running on iphone only)

2009-03-04 Thread Christopher Kane

On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:22 AM, Jacob Rhoden wrote:

On 4/3/09 10:15 PM, Jacob Rhoden wrote:
Anyone experience this weird behaviour with date parsing? Given the  
following code, it produces a different log output when running in  
the simulator or on the iPhone!!!

   NSString* test = @"Monday 26 January 2009 3:47:33 pm +";
   NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
   [df setDateFormat: @" dd   h:mm:ss a Z"];
   NSLog(@"DATE: %@ to %i", test, [df dateFromString: test]);

This is the NSLog output on the iphone:
2009-03-04 22:08:49.645 Test[2875:20b] DATE: Monday 26 January 2009  
3:47:33 pm + to 0

And this on the simulator:
2009-03-04 22:09:05.095 Test[68041:20b] DATE: Monday 26 January  
2009 3:47:33 pm + to 5432224
It seems that if you have your Regional settings to Chinese the date  
is not parsed. What is the proper way to parse an "English"  
formatted date?

Yes, the date formatter you're creating defaults to using the user's  
locale, which can have settings which override even your attempt to  
set a specific format string.  Do this after creating the formatter:  
[df setLocale:[NSLocale systemLocale]]; to set a generic locale object  
on the formatter.

[This applies to Mac OS X as well as iPhone OS, it's just that iPhone  
OS tends to exercise such override settings more -- currently.]

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple


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Re: NSNumber Formatter with percent?

2008-07-26 Thread Christopher Kane

On Jul 19, 2008, at 5:13 PM, Todd Heberlein wrote:
I was working through Hillegass's latest book and chapter 8 has me  
applying an NSNumberFormatter to one of the columns of a table view.  
Unfortunately I get unexpected behavior when I modify one of the  
values in the column. For example, if I add several employees (which  
have a default value of 5%), then I modify one of the numbers (say  
to 7%) then *all* the other number values get displayed as 500%.  
Furthermore, all new values are automatically displayed with a raise  
of 500% (as opposed to just 5%).

This is a known bug in 10.5 with NSNumberFormatter (and perhaps  
earlier), when the string to be parsed can't be initially parsed and  
has to try again in a different way.

As for the suggestion to use the 10.0 behavior mode, the multiplier  
property and the percent style don't work with 10.0 behavior, so  
you'll have to roll your own percent handling and multiplication and  

A workaround for 10.5 might be to set the multiplier after each string- 
>number parse attempt (and the various methods which do that).   
Something like [formatter setMultiplier:[formatter multiplier]]  
perhaps, due to the indirect things that happen when you do that.   
This is not particularly easy though if you have a number formatter  
set up in a nib file and/or attached to a cell.  You might subclass  
NSNumberFormatter, or implement a post-user-input delegate method on  
the particular control, or perhaps something else.

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple


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Re: NSDateComponents question

2008-07-01 Thread Christopher Kane

On Jul 1, 2008, at 1:08 AM, mmalc crawford wrote:

On Jun 30, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Jason Wiggins wrote:

Thanks mmalc for your reply. What you say makes sense. So comps is  
the whole date (now) minus 3 days. I wasn't expecting that.
I should've made it clear what I was trying to achieve. I want to  
set the start date to the start of the week, hence line 11. 3 was  
just an arbitrary figure that happens to be today (localised in  
Sydney at 3:20am)
I want to get the weekday and subtract *that* from the current  
date. I can't get a weekday figure without line 7. Any suggestions?

Assuming you want just the actual day of the beginning of the week,  
rather than a specific time on the day (and assuming a Gregorian  
calendar and that you want the week to start on a Sunday):

NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];

Get the components required to:
(a) determine the current day of the week, and
(b) create the day of the beginning of the week.
   NSDateComponents *components = [gregorian  
components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit |  
NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate:currentDate];

Update the components to represent the beginning of the week by  
subtracting the weekday number from the current day.
Weekday for Sunday in the Gregorian calendar is 1, so subtract 1  
from the number of days you want to subtract from the date in  
question.  (If today's Sunday, subtract 0 days.)

   [components setDay:([components day] - ([components weekday] -  

It is probably a little bit better to also set the weekday to  
undefined before the next computation:

[components setWeekday: NSUndefinedDateComponent];

so that the dateFromComponents: operation doesn't try to use the  
weekday info, which now is not in agreement with the day, so "who  
knows what might happen".

The more subtle and serious issue is that Sunday in the current week  
might be in the previous Month (so, Day < Weekday), or even previous  
Year, so setting the Day to a negative value and keeping the Month and  
Year the same will have ... "who knows what effect".

A more robust approach would be to just get the weekday value:

   NSDateComponents *components = [gregorian  
components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit fromDate: currentDate];

and subtract WD-1 days, e.g. (in the most straightforward way):

NSDateComponents *toSubtract = [[NSDateComponents new]  

[toSubtract setDay: - ([components weekday] - 1)];

NSDate * beginningOfWeek = [currentDate dateByAddingComponents:  
toSubtract toDate: currentDate options:0];

That gets you to Sunday, at least, though not necessarily the first  
day of the week in the user's current locale.

Note that in this case, beginningOfWeek has the same hour, minute, and  
second as the original date currentDate.  Another go with  
components:fromDate: and dateFromComponents: is one straightforward  
way to normalize those to midnight:

  components = [gregorian components: NSYearCalendarUnit |  
NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate: beginningOfWeek];

   beginningOfWeek = [gregorian dateFromComponents: components];

Fetching hour, minute, and second into the original 'components' and  
subtracting them would have been another way, though DST transitions  
might be a "gotcha" there, spoiling that approach (you'd subtract one  
too many or few hours to actually get back to midnight).  Probably  
better to explicitly state what you want in that case (ie, use  
dateFromComponents: not dateByAddingComponents:...).

Chris Kane
Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

// Create the day for the beginning of the week from the updated  
   NSDate *beginningOfWeek = [gregorian  



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