Re: warning: 'NSEntityDescription' may not respond to

2008-05-30 Thread Peter Burtis
The compiler only knows about methods declared somewhere or the  
headers, and Core Data accessor methods are handled at runtime and not  
declared anywhere.  It's only a warning and not an error because the  
compiler is smart enough to know that Objective C can do cool stuff  
like that.

One solution is to use [managedObject valueForKey:@memo] and  
[managedObject setValue:@test123 forKey:@memo] instead of the  


On May 30, 2008, at 5:17 AM, Steven Hamilton wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a custom datasource that does a fetch from Core Data. My  
entity has a property in it called 'memo'.

When I enumerate the returned array to check the results I get the  
following warning.

warning: 'NSEntityDescription' may not respond to '-memo'

The fetch appears to work ok and I can use the data returned no  
problems but I don't like warnings I don't know as it may mean  
somethings going to bite my bum later on. Any clues?

Also, any warnings or errors I get in xcode appear twice in the  
bubbles. Anyone know why that is?


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Re: Which framework for Wifi?

2008-05-28 Thread Peter Burtis

On May 27, 2008, at 11:28 PM, J. Scott Tury wrote:

And in 10.5.2 the -x command line option does not work at all

Hrm... That's odd and disturbing.  But not *quite* true. :)

I'm using 'airport -x -s' in my little network jumper app to list  
networks in range, which--I just checked--*does* still give XML plist  
output in 10.5.2.  So it's not completely gone.

But like you say, the -x flag seems to be gone for everything else  
now.  I hadn't noticed that.  (Was it ever there? I can't remember  
ever playing with it although I'm sure I must have.)

*Sigh* The wonderful world of hacking around where you're not welcome.


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Re: Which framework for Wifi?

2008-05-27 Thread Peter Burtis

There is a private command line utility at the path:


Calling it with NSTask works.  If there's a better way I'd love to  
know it.

It will give XML output with the right flag (-x) so it's quite  
useable.  You can use it to check network signal levels and get a list  
of visible networks, you can join networks, create WPA keys from  
passwords, restore user settings (which never quite works, when I do  
it), etc. All the documentation that I know of that exists for this  
utility can be found by calling it with the -h flag:

 -z--disassociate   Disassociate from any network
 -i[arg] --ibss=[arg]   Create IBSS
 -x--xmlPrint info as XML
 -s[arg] --scan=[arg]   Perform a wireless broadcast scan.
   Will perform a directed scan if the optional 
arg is provided
 -rarg   --repeats=arg  Repeat the command the specified  
number of times

 -A[arg] --associate=[arg]  Associate to network.
   Will prompt for network name if arg is not 
   and if necessary, for a password if the network is using WEP  
or WPA.
   The following additional arguments may be specified with this  
  --bssid=arg Specify BSSID to  
associate with
  --password=arg  Specify a WEP  
key or WPA password
 -I--getinfoPrint current wireless status, e.g.  
signal info, BSSID, port type etc.
 -Parg   --psk=arg  Create PSK from specified pass  
phrase and SSID.
   The following additional arguments must be specified with  
this command:
  --ssid=arg  Specify SSID  
when creating a PSK

 -c[arg] --channel=[arg]Set arbitrary channel on the card
 -h--help   Show this help

 Which is to say, there's no real documentation that I know of.


On May 27, 2008, at 6:25 PM, Howard Shere wrote:

Which Apple framework would I use to interact with the wireless  
settings? I need to be able to get a list of the current visible  
networks, change networks, etc. from within my app.

Howard Shere
Altair 8800a to Mac OS X so far...


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Re: NSWindow CoreAnimation Delegate not being called

2008-05-24 Thread Peter Burtis

I'm no core animation expert, but.


// self is an NSWindow instance
CAAnimation *anim = [CABasicAnimation animation];
[anim setDelegate:self];
	[self setAnimations:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:anim  

[[self animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(0,0,0,0) display:YES];

... works perfectly in my app, calling the delegate methods and all.   
All other things being equal, the only difference I see is that you  
use [window animationForKey:@frame] whereas I create a new animation  
and then add it to the window with [window setAnimations:...].

My *guess* would be that maybe windows don't instantiate default  
animations until they're needed, whereas frames instantiate them at  
init.  So when you call [window animationForKey:@frame] you're  
getting nil back.  But that's just a guess.  I really don't know  
enough about it.

Bug? Feature?  I don't know.  But this could be a workaround, anyway.


On May 24, 2008, at 7:11 AM, Milen Dzhumerov wrote:

Hi all,

I've been playing with CA and I tried to set up one my objects as  
the delegate for the frame change animation for an NSWindow by using  
the following code:

CABasicAnimation* anim = [window animationForKey:@frame];
anim.delegate = self;
[[window animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(400, 500, 500, 500)  

Using this, the window correctly animates but the delegate methods  
(namely animationDidStop:finished: and animationDidStart:) for the  
CAAnimation do not get called. When I use the exact same piece of  
code for setting the delegate of view animations, the delegates do  
get called.



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NSTextField will not become editable in a borderless window

2008-05-22 Thread Peter Burtis
When I add an NSTextField to a borderless window, nothing I do will  
make it editable.  Specifically, running the code below, the text  
field just won't work.  (I've tried it with all backing types, BTW.)

NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc]  
styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered  

NSTextField *field = [[NSTextField alloc] init];
[field setEditable:YES];
[window setContentView:field];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

But change the styleMask to NSTitledWindowMask and it works as expected.

What am I missing?  Is it impossible to do this for some reason?  On  
the subject of NSBorderlessWindowMask, the docs give the rather opaque  
guidance, Useful only for display or caching purposes,  as if a  
window was useful for anything other than display.  Is there some  
other, better way to create a completely custom window?

I'm running 10.5.2, if that matters.

Peter Burtis

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Re: NSTextField will not become editable in a borderless window

2008-05-22 Thread Peter Burtis
Thanks Robert and Graham.  FWIW, the one that finally did the trick  
was overriding canBecomeKeyWindow to return YES, which makes a lot of  
sense in hindsight.  For whatever strange reason, nothing else  
suggested worked.  (This is all happening on a CoreAnimation layer,  
BTW, which may well be throwing a few extra curveballs into the mix.)

Now, overriding canBecomeKeyWindow seems to be wreaking havoc with my  
mouseEntered and mouseExited code, and the focus ring isn't drawing  
anywhere near properly, but those are other bugs for other nights- 
turned-mornings. :)

Thanks again for the help,

Graham Cox:

Me again ;-)

It just occurred to me - have you tried the following overrides in  

- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; }
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; }
- (BOOL) becomeFirstResponder { return YES; }
- (BOOL) resignFirstResponder { return YES; }
Borderless windows are set up to return NO in these cases by  
default, so these overrides are necessary to force it back into the  
land of the living. If the text field now works, but shows the  
inactive appearance, THEN try the active hack.


On 22 May 2008, at 10:47 pm, Graham Cox wrote:

Found it just after I posted:

- (BOOL) _hasActiveControls
return YES;

Also, while this works to show an active *appearance* for buttons,  
pop-ups and so on, I've never tried it with text fields. It's a  
quick thing to try though. It would be useful for Apple to provide  
a properly supported way to do this, to allow pop-up controls  
though perhaps the new view-in-a-menu-item mechanism will do that  



On 22 May 2008, at 10:40 pm, Graham Cox wrote:

Peter, I've run into something similar and I think it has to do  
with the window server not making a window active (i.e. main and  
key) if it has the borderless attribute. The workaround I ended up  
using was to override a private undocumented NSWindow method which  
controls use to query the active state of the window, to always  
return YES.

Unfortunately I've dug through a mountain of code but can't find  
where I used it. Someone else may remember this trick and help me  
out... of course, it's not a great solution but it works from 10.3  
through 10.5 so far...


On 22 May 2008, at 10:13 pm, Peter Burtis wrote:

When I add an NSTextField to a borderless window, nothing I do  
will make it editable.  Specifically, running the code below, the  
text field just won't work.  (I've tried it with all backing  
types, BTW.)

NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc]  
styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered  

NSTextField *field = [[NSTextField alloc] init];
[field setEditable:YES];
[window setContentView:field];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

But change the styleMask to NSTitledWindowMask and it works as  

What am I missing?  Is it impossible to do this for some reason?   
On the subject of NSBorderlessWindowMask, the docs give the  
rather opaque guidance, Useful only for display or caching  
purposes,  as if a window was useful for anything other than  
display.  Is there some other, better way to create a completely  
custom window?

I'm running 10.5.2, if that matters.

Peter Burtis

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