The Ages Old __MyCompanyName__ Question

2008-12-17 Thread Phil Hystad
OK, I am fairly new to Xcode and Cocoa programming and I want to  
change the __MyCompanyName__ template macro definition.

So, I google this question, find answers, and try it out.  It did not  
work.  So, is there something different in today's Xcode that means  
the procedure for changing __MyCompanyName__ is different.  I think  
the most recent entry I found (with a date) was 2005 or so.

The procedure I tried was to set ORGANIZATIONNAME in the  
PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions key of the Xcode plist.  First, I  
could not find it by looking at the plist.  So, I tried the defaults  
command from the shell and this seemed to work but no change in  
behavior on Xcode in spite of cycling Xcode and trying a number of  
other things.

So, How do you change __MyCompanyName__?



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NSLog ??

2008-12-19 Thread Phil Hystad
Why can't I find any reference page for NSLog?  I believe I have  
searched all over all documentation that I have and the closest match  
is NSLogicalTest.   I even tried a search using Spotlight on my entire  
system.  I was able to find a usage of NSLog in a program but no  
documentation hits.

Help needed for snowed in beginning Cocoa programmer.


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Neophyte Question: Connecting to nib objects

2009-10-19 Thread Phil Hystad
I am new to Cocoa and I am wondering how to do something that should  
be simple and obvious.  Given that I have an object defined in the nib  
(aka xib), for example, an object that responds to a given view, what  
is the correct way for my running application (if it is in some other  
state, not responding to an action) to obtain a pointer to that object.

Maybe a second question is "Do I ever need to do this?".

This question came about because I was experimenting with a sample  
program I am using to learn Cocoa and I wanted to change the state of  
the class that is defined in the nib.  I did not know how to get a  
pointer to that object.  It seems that it is serialized (un-archived?)  
when the nib is loaded.



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Opinion on managed memory and garbage collection

2009-06-22 Thread Phil Hystad
Being relatively new to Cocoa and Objective-C, what is the consensus  
on using the new version 2.0 managed memory features (garbage  

If you were writing a new Cocoa application from scratch, would  
garbage collection be the preferred method over the reference counting  
(retain/release) method.  Having spent years in Java I would prefer a  
GC'd approach but I have also seen the great improvement of GC in Java  
over the years.  Therefore, I am also curious on how the new Objective- 
C design for GC compares.

The applications I have in mind are mostly graphic (Quartz 2D)  
oriented and likely also some OpenGL work.

Thanks for your opinions and comments.


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Re: Opinion on managed memory and garbage collection

2009-06-22 Thread Phil Hystad


Thanks for the comments.  I agree that experience in using retain/ 
release is good to have, especially with iPhone.  Although I have no  
plans for an iPhone app right now, I certainly would not rule it out.   
I did do a kind of hello world using the iPhone simulator though --  
maybe I can market that through iTunes, ;-).  However, I have written  
a number of simple Cocoa applications using retain/release just to  
build up my experience level but this question on GC is motivated by a  
more serious effort and starting from scratch.

Having been a programmer for over 40 years with 20 years in C++,  
having to do my own memory management is certainly not a new thing for  
me.  Though, I must admit, I do prefer GC languages and I much prefer  
Java over C++.


On Jun 22, 2009, at 8:14 AM, WT wrote:

On Jun 22, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Phil Hystad wrote:

Being relatively new to Cocoa and Objective-C, what is the  
consensus on using the new version 2.0 managed memory features  
(garbage collection).

If you were writing a new Cocoa application from scratch, would  
garbage collection be the preferred method over the reference  
counting (retain/release) method.  Having spent years in Java I  
would prefer a GC'd approach but I have also seen the great  
improvement of GC in Java over the years.  Therefore, I am also  
curious on how the new Objective-C design for GC compares.

The applications I have in mind are mostly graphic (Quartz 2D)  
oriented and likely also some OpenGL work.

Thanks for your opinions and comments.


Hi Phil,

I've also lived in java-land for a long time, so I understand where  
you're coming from. I've since come to think that spending some time  
coding without gc has the great advantage that it forced me to be  
more attentive and careful in my coding practice. Ultimately, of  
course, it would be nice not to have to worry about memory  
management at such fine-grained level, but the lessons I learned by  
coding without the gc safety net will be with me when that day  
comes. Also, if you're programming for the iPhone OS, you have no  
choice at the time being because the iPhone OS does not support gc.



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Interface Builder Questions...

2009-06-28 Thread Phil Hystad
I am new to Interface Builder and I am still trying to figure out some  
subtle details of how things work.  And, my frustration level is  
growing because although I have access to a very rich set of  
documentation, a number of questions I have pondered are not  
answered.  Some of these may be rather silly but remember I am very  
new to Cocoa and Interface Builder.

(1)  The default Cocoa Application created by Xcode creates a simple  
application with a single window and a default menu (among other  
things I presume).  This window has a content view which I am assuming  
is an instance of NSView but I actually can't find out if that is  
true.  Therefore, are there any inspectors that tell me the actual  
class used for a particular view.  The class identity part of the  
Inspector for the content view suggests has a drop down that allows me  
to choose various classes but there must be a specific class that is  
used already.  How do I find this?

(2)  I am trying to understand how the window sizing features of the  
view inspector relate to the window itself.  As best as I can tell,  
none of the actual window sizing features for the content view are  
usable as they do not really seem to do anything.  Is this true?  Is  
it possibly the case that the content view, being bound to the window  
frame, is sized automatically based on the window size?

(3)  Again, on the window sizing inspector, if I resize the window  
using the resize thingy in the lower right hand corner, I can see the  
updated pixel size in the inspector, but only after I stop resizing.   
If I want to resize to a particular dimension, say 300 x 225 (or,  
whatever), it is a try this, check, try that check, and so on.  Is  
there a way to enable the size values of height and width to resize  
dynamically as I change the window size?  I have looked all over the  
documentation and tried a lot of things but nothing seems to make the  
behavior different.

(4)  And, finally, on the window sizing inspector, in the part called  
"autosizing" when I click on the content view (remember, it is empty,  
just as created by Xcode), there is an animated image that expands and  
contracts  in size and I have absolutely no idea why it is animated or  
what it means.  Any help?

InterfaceBuilder newbie phil


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Re: Interface Builder Questions...

2009-06-28 Thread Phil Hystad

(3)  Again, on the window sizing inspector, if I resize the window  
using the
resize thingy in the lower right hand corner, I can see the  
updated pixel
size in the inspector, but only after I stop resizing.  If I want  
to resize
to a particular dimension, say 300 x 225 (or, whatever), it is a  
try this,
check, try that check, and so on.  Is there a way to enable the  
size values
of height and width to resize dynamically as I change the window  
size?  I
have looked all over the documentation and tried a lot of things  
but nothing

seems to make the behavior different.

Don't think so.  File a radar:  You can
also enter the values directly in the text fields.

Good suggestion. Note though, that if you already know the dimension  
you want to use, it's probably easier to set it using the numeric  
input fields in the inspector directly. Also note that if you hold  
down the Command key while resizing in IB it will resize smoothly,  
and not snap to guides. This often makes pixel resizing / alignment  
a lot easier.

So, are you telling me that everyone else can see dynamic changes to  
these height and width pixel values but I can't?  I would submit that  
it is a little early to submit a bug report -- certainly there must be  
something I am not doing right.  Yes, I know that I can enter them in  
manually but I am more interested in trying to figure out if anything  
is broken with my IB or not.  Maybe I am seeing normal behavior.  But,  
if this is normal, it sure seems to be very awkward which does not  
seem like IB or Xcode.



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File system file renaming question...

2009-12-08 Thread Phil Hystad
This question is not specifically about Cocoa programming but I hope that some 
Mac OS X experts out there can give me an answer.

I sent an attached photo to my daughter so that she could print it out using 
Costco print services.  I sent it at high resolution, the photo image was 1.6 
MB.  It seems that Mac mail changed the resolution to a more web friendly size 
of about 64 K with much reduced resolution.  So, I thought that a way to get 
around this was to change the file type (extension) of the image file to 
something other then .jpg such as .dat (and, I tried .zz, .q, and null).  
However, the file was still recognized and interpreted as a jpeg file and 
treated in the same manner by mail (and, also by the finder that displayed the 

So, it looks like Mac OS X is interpreting the file based on contents and not 
based on file extension.  This seems to be a very wrong thing to do in my 
opinion.  Does anyone know of a way to turn this off or is this considered a 
"feature" for some ease-of-use aspect of OS 

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NSString and Regular Expressions

2009-12-14 Thread Phil Hystad
I was sort of suspecting that regular expression matches would be supported by 
NSString yet I find no message interface for supporting regular expressions.  
So, is the only capability for handling regular expressions in Objective-C the 
Posix Regex library?



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