Re: Link Livesites:

2003-07-01 Thread Derek Hohls

I was browsing the white paper referred to; in
it mentions that XML files are connected to XSL files
by placing links to the stylesheets at the top of the XML
files.  It then goes on to say:

This significantly simplifies content management because it 
enables you to make changes to only one content file and 
make no changes to the stylesheets because the content 
is totally separated from the presentation. 

Figure 8 illustrates how these XML/XSL transformations occur 
within the Cocoon publishing framework.  

This is a little misleading and underplays the true value
added by Cocoon in completely separating content from
presentation - the connections happen in the sitemap;
there is no need to specify  stylesheets in your XML files;
as soon as you do this you are implicitly mixing content
and presentation.

If you are able, I think some changes would help
clarify the situation.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30/06/2003 10:03:04 
We had it already on the list last week, here is the official 
announcement. I have added the link in the CVS.


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Contact  Us Form
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 09:41:18 -0400
From: Jim Costello [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We would be glad to be listed on your powered by Cocoon page. Our base 
url is The entire site is done in Cocoon 2, 
using standard XML/XSL with a docbook schema for our XML documents. The 
site currently has close to 4000 pages produced by approximately 300 
xml/xsl files. We expect to be producing about 10,000 pages by the end 
of the year with no increase in the number of xml/xsl files. The main 
content of our site are the reports, guides and studies that our Center 
produces. We needed a sensible way to manage these documents, control 
the source file and produce a variety of formats HTML, PDFs, multiple 
locations on the site. XML and Cocoon has been the answer. The site has 
only been live for about 1 month, but we've already seen a doubling of 
our traffic and it's much easier to maintain and find our information on 
the site now. It's all Cocoon and XML/XSL; no database involvement.

We also have a white paper on the site at that explains our
rationale and approach to using xml and cocoon.

One other component of the site at uses Cocoon 1 and mySQL 
database to power an information repository application. We will be 
upgrading this application to Cocoon 2.

Jim Costello
Web Application Developer
Center for Technology in Govenment 
(518) 442-3812

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Re: Woody textareas?

2003-07-01 Thread Marc Portier

Nathaniel Alfred wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Simon Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Montag, 30. Juni 2003 20:04

Cocoon's form handling is (imho) it's weakest area at present 
it is rapidly improving with the interplay between flow and xmlform.


Luke Penca wrote:

Are textareas implemented in Woody yet?  I cannot find 
anything in the (oh so sparse) documentation.

Furthermore, has anyone used Woody extensively yet?  (I 
know, I know, it's alpha at this point but I need some 
serious forms handling.)  Should I be considering Xforms 
instead?  Who got some experience getting their hands 
bloodied with forms in Cocoon?  I'm ever anxious to find out.


I've just started prototyping with Woody and I think it is a
diamond in the raw.  Finally a form handling package that does
not require you to write a bean class or Cocoon action for
every little form!
I think it can even get better: just made a posting on cocoon-dev 
on how we could have it working for binding to a bean class as 
well :-)

Coming to the original question:  There is no special textarea widget
but you can emulate it easily by a field widget with styling:
wt:widget id=question
  xhtml:textarea rows=5 cols=30

which is then transformed into HTML as:

xsl:template match=wi:field[wi:styling/xhtml:textarea]
  xhtml:textarea name=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
xsl:apply-templates select=wi:styling/xhtml:textarea/@*/
  xsl:when test=wi:value != ''
xsl:value-of select=wi:value/
xsl:value-of select='#160;'/
HTH, ALfred.
nice angle of attack,
(you might want to add a call-template to add the 'wi:validation' 
section to the show)

care to share this as a patch?
(it's the surest way to start cutting the diamond out of the raw 
stone :-))

Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
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Re: Link Livesites:

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Hello Derek,

yes, that's obviously misleading. But I'm not related to this page. 
After the mention on this list last week I only asked them to be listed 
on Cocoon's Livesites page and Jim Costello sent me this mail below. I 
added the link in the CVS and forwarded this mail, especially because of 
the impressive figures.
Now the report: It's the typical Cocoon 1.x handling using processing 
instructions. But I don't know if they wrote their own component 
handling processing instructions or if the report is outdated or simlpy 
wrong. The X-Cocoon header clearly states that they use Cocoon 2.0.4, 
but he also wrote (in the mail below) that they still have Cocoon 1.x in 
use for a part of their homepage.
I'm cc-ing Jim Costello, so he can read and clarify your objections.



Derek Hohls wrote:

I was browsing the white paper referred to; in
it mentions that XML files are connected to XSL files
by placing links to the stylesheets at the top of the XML
files.  It then goes on to say:
This significantly simplifies content management because it 
enables you to make changes to only one content file and 
make no changes to the stylesheets because the content 
is totally separated from the presentation. 

Figure 8 illustrates how these XML/XSL transformations occur 
within the Cocoon publishing framework.  

This is a little misleading and underplays the true value
added by Cocoon in completely separating content from
presentation - the connections happen in the sitemap;
there is no need to specify  stylesheets in your XML files;
as soon as you do this you are implicitly mixing content
and presentation.
If you are able, I think some changes would help
clarify the situation.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 30/06/2003 10:03:04 
We had it already on the list last week, here is the official 
announcement. I have added the link in the CVS.


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Contact  Us Form
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 09:41:18 -0400
From: Jim Costello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We would be glad to be listed on your powered by Cocoon page. Our base 
url is The entire site is done in Cocoon 2, 
using standard XML/XSL with a docbook schema for our XML documents. The 
site currently has close to 4000 pages produced by approximately 300 
xml/xsl files. We expect to be producing about 10,000 pages by the end 
of the year with no increase in the number of xml/xsl files. The main 
content of our site are the reports, guides and studies that our Center 
produces. We needed a sensible way to manage these documents, control 
the source file and produce a variety of formats HTML, PDFs, multiple 
locations on the site. XML and Cocoon has been the answer. The site has 
only been live for about 1 month, but we've already seen a doubling of 
our traffic and it's much easier to maintain and find our information on 
the site now. It's all Cocoon and XML/XSL; no database involvement.

We also have a white paper on the site at that explains our
rationale and approach to using xml and cocoon.

One other component of the site at uses Cocoon 1 and mySQL 
database to power an information repository application. We will be 
upgrading this application to Cocoon 2.

Jim Costello
Web Application Developer
Center for Technology in Govenment 
(518) 442-3812

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Cocoon 2.1 CVS and Java 1.4.2

2003-07-01 Thread Antonio Gallardo

Just reporting that Cocoon 2.1 CVS run using Sun Java 1.4.2. My config:

Red Hat Linux 9
Java 1.4.2
Tomcat 4.1.24
Cocoon 2.1 CVS

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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RuntimeException : The sitemap is null

2003-07-01 Thread GUILLAUME Gabriel FTRD/DIH/HDM REN
Hi folks,

I'm currently performing some load tests on the following configuration
cocoon 2.0.4
resin 2.1.9
SUN JDK 1.4.003
Linux (RH 9)

After 5-10 minutes, I got the following  well known RuntimeException :
The sitemap is null.
I've seen on the cocoon-dev archive that a bug report has been recently
posted about this, but I just would like to know :
- if this bug is planned to be fixed in the 2.0.4 or in the 2.1 ?
- if there are some workaround to avoid this problem ? Any hint (change
JVM, system, servlet engine) ?

Many thanks for your help

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Mount vs File for logicsheets inside cocoon.xconf

2003-07-01 Thread Derek Hohls
I'd appreciate a brief explanation (or pointer
to such) as to why:

parameter name=href value=file:///my-path-to-cocoon/logic/my-taglib.xsl/

works (placed inside the builtin-logicsheet section of 

and why:

parameter name=href value=resource://logic/my-taglib.xsl/

gives an error (the file could not be located).  I have seen both
forms of referencing used in examples, but cannot get the latter
to work...  can someone suggest why??

Related follow on:

IF I can get the resource:// to work, then it seems there are 
other issues,  Vadim writes:

Ok, after looking into sources, I can say that if logicsheet is built-in
or not is not important. It is important how it is referenced from the
XSP or cocoon.xconf.

If it is referenced as a file then it is checked for modification using
File java API. If not (like resource://) - then it is not checked.

So - using  resource:// is better from a development/maintenance
point (I dont have to check the xconf file for changes if we move to
a new machine, or from production to public system, for example)
but if it requires restarting the servlet container, then this is NOT
good from a perspective of uptime and admin...

Comments/suggestions for this welcome


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esql:getXXX - wrong diagnostics?

2003-07-01 Thread Dmitry Diskin

I have been struggling with the following problem for a while: if I 
specify non-existing column name in esql:get-int column=wrong_column 
//xsp:attribute tag, I get the following error message:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in 
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error 
executing statement: select something from somewhere : 
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

I think that is misleading, since the error is not in SQL, but in my XSp 
text. It was very hard to find it out.


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newbie question with wildcard in sitemap

2003-07-01 Thread Sliman Bouchareb
hi cocooners,

i have the following directory structrue:

|-docs -

and the followinf sitemap:

map:match pattern=do-login
!-- first validate whether submitted values are ok --
map:act type=form-validator
  map:parameter name=descriptor
  map:parameter name=validate value=username/
  !-- now try to log in --
  map:act type=db-authenticator
map:parameter name=descriptor
!-- now go to protected area --
map:redirect-to uri=home/home.section/
!-- something was wrong, try it again --
map:redirect-to uri=error/

* after a successfull login i call the uri  home/home.section

and then i have the following match:

map:match pattern=*/*.*
!-- first validate whether user has logged in --
map:act type=session-validator
  map:parameter name=descriptor
  map:parameter name=validate
  !-- generate protected content --
  !-- map:generate type=serverpages
src=docs/protected.xsp/ --
  !-- map:transform src=stylesheets/{theme}-page2html.xsl/ --

map:generate src=docs/home/home.xml/
map:transform src=stylesheets/page.xsl
  map:parameter name=section value=home/
  map:parameter name=toc-file value=../docs/toc.xml/
  map:parameter name=base-url value=/cocoon/protected/

map:transform src=stylesheets/menupage.xsl
  map:parameter name=section value=home/
  map:parameter name=request-url value=home.section/
  map:parameter name=toc-file value=../docs/toc.xml/
  map:parameter name=css-stylesheet value=default.css/
  map:parameter name=base-url value=/cocoon/protected/
!-- something was wrong, redirect to login page --
map:redirect-to uri=login/

* well this works fine, nut i want to substitute map:generate
src=docs/home/home.xml / with map:generate src=docs/{1}/home.xml /
because i have many ressources, but this dont work :-(, why that ?


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Re: newbie question with wildcard in sitemap

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
You have a map:act/ surrounding not only this map:generate/. This 
map:act/ makes it necessary to use {../1}:

map:generate src=docs/{../1}/home.xml /



Sliman Bouchareb wrote:
hi cocooners,

i have the following directory structrue:

|-docs -
and the followinf sitemap:

map:match pattern=do-login
!-- first validate whether submitted values are ok --
map:act type=form-validator
  map:parameter name=descriptor
  map:parameter name=validate value=username/
  !-- now try to log in --
  map:act type=db-authenticator
map:parameter name=descriptor
!-- now go to protected area --
map:redirect-to uri=home/home.section/
!-- something was wrong, try it again --
map:redirect-to uri=error/
* after a successfull login i call the uri 	home/home.section

and then i have the following match:

map:match pattern=*/*.*
!-- first validate whether user has logged in --
map:act type=session-validator
  map:parameter name=descriptor
  map:parameter name=validate
  !-- generate protected content --
  !-- map:generate type=serverpages
src=docs/protected.xsp/ --
  !-- map:transform src=stylesheets/{theme}-page2html.xsl/ --
map:generate src=docs/home/home.xml/
map:transform src=stylesheets/page.xsl
  map:parameter name=section value=home/
  map:parameter name=toc-file value=../docs/toc.xml/
  map:parameter name=base-url value=/cocoon/protected/
map:transform src=stylesheets/menupage.xsl
  map:parameter name=section value=home/
  map:parameter name=request-url value=home.section/
  map:parameter name=toc-file value=../docs/toc.xml/
  map:parameter name=css-stylesheet value=default.css/
  map:parameter name=base-url value=/cocoon/protected/
!-- something was wrong, redirect to login page --
map:redirect-to uri=login/
* well this works fine, nut i want to substitute map:generate
src=docs/home/home.xml / with map:generate src=docs/{1}/home.xml /
because i have many ressources, but this dont work :-(, why that ?

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how long still a session valid ?

2003-07-01 Thread Sliman Bouchareb
im using :

map:action name=session-validator
map:action name=session-invalidator
map:action name=form-validator

is there a time out or something like that in the session-validator ?

many thanx

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Cache Key

2003-07-01 Thread David LAGARDERE

I'm doing an extensive use of cache and I'd like
to be sure that every key is unique. Can the Hash
algorithm provided with Cocoon (buzhash) generate two
identical keys ? If so, what will happen ?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Mount vs File for logicsheets inside cocoon.xconf

2003-07-01 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Derek Hohls wrote:

I'd appreciate a brief explanation (or pointer
to such) as to why:
parameter name=href value=file:///my-path-to-cocoon/logic/my-taglib.xsl/

works (placed inside the builtin-logicsheet section of 

and why:

parameter name=href value=resource://logic/my-taglib.xsl/

gives an error (the file could not be located).  I have seen both
forms of referencing used in examples, but cannot get the latter
to work...  can someone suggest why??

You know that resources are loaded by class loader, right? Which means that

 parameter name=href value=resource://logic/my-taglib.xsl/

translates to

 parameter name=href 

I guess that was the missing piece.

PS Due to the above (class loader) resources can be reloaded only 
together with all the classes. Redeploy of the whole webapp will pick up 
changes in the logicsheet but then you will have to manually delete all 
compiled XSPs because Cocoon will not know that it was changed.


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background task management

2003-07-01 Thread David Kavanagh

For those who were interested in something to manage background tasks in
cocoon, have a look at bug 20271 in the bugzilla
database. Please vote for it so it gets some attention.


sendMail using Logicsheet

2003-07-01 Thread Yan, Charlene


It may 
be a silly question. I'm using Cocoon2.1M2's sendMail example. http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/mail/sendmail/new.html. 
When I tried to use sendMail by logicsheet, after the email is sent, there is 
"setup done" message on the next page. I cannot find out where the message 
is defined and how I can get rid of it. I have checked simplepage2html.xsl 
and sendmail_xsp.xml and still cannot find it. Anybody can help me out 



LDAP Transformer

2003-07-01 Thread Maxime.Gheysen
I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from these
seven groups :
I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
the sitemap, like 
map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't

So the only way to filter it is to search by the attribute memberOf in
every user data. But this attribute is a DN (means not substring or
wildcards search). With a shareware I've found (LDAP Browser) I can
search all these data, but with the ldap transformer I get the error :
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query:
javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 3 - Timelimit
Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=corproot,DC=net'
Is it a bug of the ldap transformer? Is the filter to long/complex?

Here is the filter (ldap:filter)



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Accessing file in selector

2003-07-01 Thread Paul Bowler
I'm creating a new selector that takes in an xml configuration file as a parameter 
from the sitemap.

The selector, unlike other components such as Transformers, does not have access to a 
SourceResolver object so my 
component cannot find the xml file passed to it.

How can I access the Source object in my selector to get the full path of the xml file?



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Re: LDAP Transformer

2003-07-01 Thread Yury Mikhienko
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:55:52 +0200

 I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
 My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from these
 seven groups :
 I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
 the sitemap, like 
 map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
 But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
 rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't
try the following filter syntax: (amp;(uid={request-param:name}))

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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RE: LDAP Transformer

2003-07-01 Thread Maxime.Gheysen
it doesn't work. As I said the filter cannot be definied as parameter in
the sitemap. It returns the error 
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query: Empty filter;

It must be a bug or so...
But refering to the original may, with the other way to search why is it
so slow ?

I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
seven groups :
I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
the sitemap, like 
map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't

So the only way to filter it is to search by the attribute memberOf
every user data. But this attribute is a DN (means not substring or
wildcards search). With a shareware I've found (LDAP Browser) I can
search all these data, but with the ldap transformer I get the error :
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query:
javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 3 -
Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=corproot,DC=net'
Is it a bug of the ldap transformer? Is the filter to long/complex?

Here is the filter (ldap:filter)



-Original Message-
From: Yury Mikhienko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: LDAP Transformer

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:55:52 +0200

 I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
 My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
 seven groups :
 I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter
 the sitemap, like 
 map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
 But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The
 rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't
try the following filter syntax: (amp;(uid={request-param:name}))

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Olivier Billard
Hi all !

I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I get this error :

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer handler for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl: 
org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in creating Transform Handler

Here is a snippet of my sitemap :

map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=requestlist-part
map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/
Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
Am I misunderstanding some things ?
Thanks in advance !!
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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Olivier GUCKERT

Olivier Billard a écrit :
 Hi all !
 I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I get this error 
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer handler for 
 org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in creating 
 Transform Handler
 Here is a snippet of my sitemap :
 map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
 map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
 map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/
 map:match pattern=requestlist-part
 map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/
 Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
 Am I misunderstanding some things ?
 Thanks in advance !!

Did youb try  : 
map:transform src=cocoon:picto-filter.xsl/

(without the / before picto) ?

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RE: LDAP Transformer

2003-07-01 Thread Maxime.Gheysen
I think there must be a way other than set the parameter in the sitemap
like :

from the ldap.xml write something like that :

Is that possible?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: LDAP Transformer

it doesn't work. As I said the filter cannot be definied as parameter in
the sitemap. It returns the error 
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query: Empty filter;

It must be a bug or so...
But refering to the original may, with the other way to search why is it
so slow ?

I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
seven groups :
I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
the sitemap, like 
map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't

So the only way to filter it is to search by the attribute memberOf
every user data. But this attribute is a DN (means not substring or
wildcards search). With a shareware I've found (LDAP Browser) I can
search all these data, but with the ldap transformer I get the error :
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query:
javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 3 -
Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=corproot,DC=net'
Is it a bug of the ldap transformer? Is the filter to long/complex?

Here is the filter (ldap:filter)



-Original Message-
From: Yury Mikhienko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: LDAP Transformer

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:55:52 +0200

 I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
 My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
 seven groups :
 I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter
 the sitemap, like 
 map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
 But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The
 rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't
try the following filter syntax: (amp;(uid={request-param:name}))

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Olivier Billard
Thanks Olivier but this syntax is not correct.

You must put a / to refer to the current sitemap, and // to refer to the root sitemap (or maybe the inverse).



Olivier GUCKERT wrote:

Olivier Billard a écrit :

Hi all !

I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I get this error :

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer handler for 
org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in creating Transform 
Here is a snippet of my sitemap :

map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
   map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
   map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
   map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=requestlist-part
   map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
   map:serialize type=xml/
Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
Am I misunderstanding some things ?
Thanks in advance !!

Did youb try  : 
map:transform src=cocoon:picto-filter.xsl/

(without the / before picto) ?

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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Upayavira
Check out:

Regards, Upayavira

On 1 Jul 2003 at 16:06, Olivier GUCKERT wrote:

 Olivier Billard a écrit :
  Hi all !
  I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and
  I get this error :
  org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer
  handler for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:
  org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in
  creating Transform Handler
  Here is a snippet of my sitemap :
  map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
  map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
  map:serialize type=xml/
  map:match pattern=requestlist-part
  map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
  map:serialize type=xml/
  Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
  Am I misunderstanding some things ?
  Thanks in advance !!

 Did youb try  :
 map:transform src=cocoon:picto-filter.xsl/

 (without the / before picto) ?

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RE: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Orson Davis
The stylesheet must be available before the pipeline is setup.  The setup,
configure and compose methods for each component in a pipeline is called
before the startdocument method is called.  In the case of the
org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer the call to the stylesheet
is made in before any XML gets generated from the generate portion of the

The only way I can think to work around this is to write your own version of
the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer such that the
getTransformerHandler(inputSource) is called from the startDocument.  I
modified the TraxTransformer in such a way for my application.  It could
probably be easily modified to meet your needs.

If anyone knows a more graceful way to do this, please let me know.

-Original Message-
From: Olivier GUCKERT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

Olivier Billard a écrit :
 Hi all !
 I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I get
this error :
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer handler
for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:
 org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in
creating Transform Handler
 Here is a snippet of my sitemap :
 map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
 map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
 map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/
 map:match pattern=requestlist-part
 map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/
 Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
 Am I misunderstanding some things ?
 Thanks in advance !!

Did youb try  : 
map:transform src=cocoon:picto-filter.xsl/

(without the / before picto) ?

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RE: LDAP Transformer with XSP page?

2003-07-01 Thread Maxime.Gheysen
Is it possible to create the ldap.xml, with the ldap queries in a xsp

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: LDAP Transformer

I think there must be a way other than set the parameter in the sitemap
like :

from the ldap.xml write something like that :

Is that possible?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: LDAP Transformer

it doesn't work. As I said the filter cannot be definied as parameter in
the sitemap. It returns the error 
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query: Empty filter;

It must be a bug or so...
But refering to the original may, with the other way to search why is it
so slow ?

I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
seven groups :
I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
the sitemap, like 
map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't

So the only way to filter it is to search by the attribute memberOf
every user data. But this attribute is a DN (means not substring or
wildcards search). With a shareware I've found (LDAP Browser) I can
search all these data, but with the ldap transformer I get the error :
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query:
javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 3 -
Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=corproot,DC=net'
Is it a bug of the ldap transformer? Is the filter to long/complex?

Here is the filter (ldap:filter)



-Original Message-
From: Yury Mikhienko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: LDAP Transformer

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:55:52 +0200

 I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
 My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
 seven groups :
 I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter
 the sitemap, like 
 map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
 But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The
 rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't
try the following filter syntax: (amp;(uid={request-param:name}))

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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RE: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Upayavira
On 1 Jul 2003 at 9:19, Orson Davis wrote:

 The stylesheet must be available before the pipeline is setup.  The
 setup, configure and compose methods for each component in a pipeline
 is called before the startdocument method is called.  In the case of
 the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer the call to the
 stylesheet is made in before any XML gets generated from the generate
 portion of the pipeline.  
 The only way I can think to work around this is to write your own
 version of the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer such
 that the getTransformerHandler(inputSource) is called from the
 startDocument.  I modified the TraxTransformer in such a way for my
 application.  It could probably be easily modified to meet your needs.
 If anyone knows a more graceful way to do this, please let me know.

Hmm. Seems rather complicated. Doesn't the stuff on this wiki page work for you:

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RE: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Orson Davis
Sadly, for my application no.  I am breaking all the rules and having the
xml determine which stylesheet I want to use. :-(  It is a legacy app and
that was the easiest way to update it from cocoon 1.8.1 to cocoon 2.0.4

-Original Message-
From: Upayavira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: Howto use a generated stylesheet

On 1 Jul 2003 at 9:19, Orson Davis wrote:

 The stylesheet must be available before the pipeline is setup.  The
 setup, configure and compose methods for each component in a pipeline
 is called before the startdocument method is called.  In the case of
 the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer the call to the
 stylesheet is made in before any XML gets generated from the generate
 portion of the pipeline.  
 The only way I can think to work around this is to write your own
 version of the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer such
 that the getTransformerHandler(inputSource) is called from the
 startDocument.  I modified the TraxTransformer in such a way for my
 application.  It could probably be easily modified to meet your needs.
 If anyone knows a more graceful way to do this, please let me know.

Hmm. Seems rather complicated. Doesn't the stuff on this wiki page work for

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SourceResolver in Selector?

2003-07-01 Thread Paul Bowler
Anyone know how to resolve a URI within a selector?

No SourceResolver is passed to it, unlike a Transformer, and I'm trying to gain access 
to a local XML file with no 



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RE: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Upayavira
On 1 Jul 2003 at 9:19, Orson Davis wrote:

 The stylesheet must be available before the pipeline is setup.  The
 setup, configure and compose methods for each component in a pipeline
 is called before the startdocument method is called.  In the case of
 the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer the call to the
 stylesheet is made in before any XML gets generated from the generate
 portion of the pipeline.  
 The only way I can think to work around this is to write your own
 version of the org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer such
 that the getTransformerHandler(inputSource) is called from the
 startDocument.  I modified the TraxTransformer in such a way for my
 application.  It could probably be easily modified to meet your needs.
 If anyone knows a more graceful way to do this, please let me know.

Hmm. Seems rather complicated. Doesn't the stuff on this wiki page work for you:

What you say may be correct, but the xsl for the TraxTransformer can be 
initialized from another pipeline before the main pipeline is fully set up. Surely?

(Sorry about last message - accidentally sent message before I'd finished writing 

Regards, Upayavira

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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Olivier Billard
Thanks Upayavira !

Unfortunately, using the http:// protocol isn't very portable...
Con and StephenNg were able to use the cocoon protocol... I'll ask them.
I'm using the CVS version of cocoon.

Thanks again...



Upayavira wrote:

Check out:

Regards, Upayavira

On 1 Jul 2003 at 16:06, Olivier GUCKERT wrote:

Olivier Billard a écrit :

Hi all !

I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and
I get this error :
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer
handler for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:
org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in
creating Transform Handler
Here is a snippet of my sitemap :

map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
   map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
   map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=requestlist-part
   map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
   map:serialize type=xml/
Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
Am I misunderstanding some things ?
Thanks in advance !!
Did youb try  : 
map:transform src=cocoon:picto-filter.xsl/

(without the / before picto) ?

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XUpdate questions

2003-07-01 Thread jm
hi all,

i have one complex xml-document which i want 
to edit via my webbrowser with some kinds of forms so i don't really need 
a heavy CMS.

i read about xmlforms, xforms and then i came across XUpdate which 
sounds like that i'm looking for. (but i would be glad about any system 
which is easy to use instead of XUpdate either)

so the first problem is, that i don't realy know how to install and use the XUpdate 
functionality into my cocoon 2.0.4.

i would be glad if anybody could help me or give me a hint where 
to find further information.


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RE: XUpdate questions

2003-07-01 Thread Jonathan Spaeth
Title: RE: XUpdate questions

The Xupdate functionality comes with the xindice database. (See the wiki for more information on how to integrate xindice).


-Original Message-
From: jm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: XUpdate questions

hi all,

i have one complex xml-document which i want 
to edit via my webbrowser with some kinds of forms so i don't really need 
a heavy CMS.

i read about xmlforms, xforms and then i came across XUpdate which 
sounds like that i'm looking for. (but i would be glad about any system 
which is easy to use instead of XUpdate either)

so the first problem is, that i don't realy know how to install and use the XUpdate 
functionality into my cocoon 2.0.4.

i would be glad if anybody could help me or give me a hint where 
to find further information.


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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Hello Olivier,

your sitemap looks absolutely ok and I can't spot any error. We did such 
things too and everything works without any problems. No http:// needed, 
nothing with wrong order of initialization of components.

Olivier Billard wrote:
Hi all !

I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I 
get this error :

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer handler 
for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:
This error message lets me guess you are using XSLTC - there is no tool 
reporting errors better than this one ;-) Try to use Xalan in the pipeline 
that uses the generated XSLT. Or try to request picto-filter.xsl directly in 
the browser and have a look on it, maybe there is an error in it. You can 
also save this generated XSLT to disk and try the transformation statically.

org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in 
creating Transform Handler

Here is a snippet of my sitemap :

map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=requestlist-part
map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/
here: map:transform type=xalan src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/

map:serialize type=xml/
Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
Am I misunderstanding some things ?
Thanks in advance !!



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problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Hübner, Stefan
Title: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

Hello out there,

I'm developing a webapp with cocoon-2.1m2 and want to use the wsproxy. but wsproxy doesn't work, instead it throws an IllegalArgumentException host parameter is null. the configuration is quite simple and should be correct - as far as the documentation is up to date.

map:generator name=wsproxy logger=webapp.wsproxy pool-grow=2 pool-max=16 pool-min=2 src="">

map:generate type=wsproxy src="" href="http://localhost:8080/comnetSkat/login.skat">http://localhost:8080/comnetSkat/login.skat

 map:parameter name=wsproxy-method value=POST/


here's a snippet of the stack trace

ERROR (2003-07-01) 17:12.05:452 [access] (/comnetCocoon/login.skat) Thread-10/CocoonServlet: Internal Cocoon Problem

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Error invoking remote service: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null

 at org.apache.cocoon.generation.WebServiceProxyGenerator.fetch(

 at org.apache.cocoon.generation.WebServiceProxyGenerator.generate(

 at org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.AbstractProcessingPipeline.processXMLPipeline(

 at org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.AbstractProcessingPipeline.process(


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null

 at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection.init(

 at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection.init(

 at org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionManager.getConnection(

 at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(

 at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(

 at org.apache.cocoon.generation.WebServiceProxyGenerator.fetch(

so, what's going wrong here? i would be glad, if anybody could give an answer.

thanks you very much in advance.

stefan hübner

ps: I tried the HttpProxyGenerator, but this one doesn't fit my needs, because it passes only those parameters to the remote service which I configure in the sitemap - am I wrong?

Re: background task management

2003-07-01 Thread Peter Nuetzel . inglobo
Hi David,

I am interested in your background task manager.

I downloaded your document and your code from Bugzilla and found that several
source files are missing.
e.g. the Actions described in the document and
com.dotech.cocoon.environment.thread.BackgroundThreadEnvironment used by the

I'm specially interested in calling a cocoon pipeline from a background thread.
Am I right that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is responsible for that?

Maybe you can upload the missing source files to bugzilla.

Regards, Peter

BTW: I would not recommend to use Microsoft Word files for documentation in an
open source project. Especially if it's not bound to the Microsoft Windows
platform. Better you use plain text, html or xml for contributing

David Kavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For those who were interested in something to manage background tasks in
cocoon, have a look at bug 20271 in the bugzilla database. Please vote
for it so it gets some attention.


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Unable to get transformer handler...

2003-07-01 Thread James Cummings


I'm really new to cocoon so am probably doing something completely
wrong.  But using cocoon 2.1m3-dev, I want to grab a particular
elment by id() from an xml file in the first step of a pipeline,
and convert the result to html in the second step. In each
instance I want the parameters in the URI available to the xslt.

The transformation works perfectly fine on the command line
(with saxon), but I keep getting Unable to get transformer handler
for style/xsl/repos2rdg.xsl as an error (with Eception in creating Tranform

Looking through possible bugs, I should say that the xsl is fairly straight
forward and does not use xsl:applyimports or xsl:include or anything
referencing another document except the xml file's dtd (which provides
necessary entities and such). I've tried specifying type=xslt in the
map:transform since (I believe?) this makes it use Xalan?  But to no

My sitemap.xmap in the context contains:

map:match pattern=antiphons.xml
   map:generate src=content/repository.xml/
   map:transform type=xslt src=style/xsl/repos2rdg.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
   map:transform type=xslt src=style/xsl/rdg2html.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
   map:serialize type=html/

I'm sure I'm probably going about it completely wrong or something,
but this is basically the first time I'm trying to get cocoon to do
something in two steps instead of one. ;-)  It is probably something
really simple.

Any suggestions (on and/or off-list -- I get it via digest)?

Dr James Cummings, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Cursus Project, School of Music, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, UK  Tel:(01603)593-595

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Pipelines and error handling

2003-07-01 Thread Eddy Fras

I have a problem with Cocoon 2.0.4 and error handling in a homemade
I declared an error-handler in my sitemap and when a SAX exception is thrown
in the transformer, the handler applies a specific XSL stylesheet on the
generated error code.
The problem is that when the error occurs, the transformer may have begun to
send SAX events into the pipeline to the next component.
If this is not the case, everything is fine.
If this is the case, the error message is displayed but the browser does not
close the connection and is still waiting for something.

Do I have to explicitely stop the current pipeline before starting the error
pipeline ?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Howto use a generated stylesheet

2003-07-01 Thread Olivier Billard
Thanks Joerg for your answer,

It is in fact an error in my xsl, as I wrote on Cocoon-dev...
I'm very happy to see that the cocoon protocol works fine with transformers...
I'm now looking for the solution of the next problem (there is always a next problem... ;))

Thanks again !!

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Hello Olivier,

your sitemap looks absolutely ok and I can't spot any error. We did such 
things too and everything works without any problems. No http:// needed, 
nothing with wrong order of initialization of components.

Olivier Billard wrote:

Hi all !

I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and I 
get this error :

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer 
handler for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:

This error message lets me guess you are using XSLTC - there is no tool 
reporting errors better than this one ;-) Try to use Xalan in the 
pipeline that uses the generated XSLT. Or try to request 
picto-filter.xsl directly in the browser and have a look on it, maybe 
there is an error in it. You can also save this generated XSLT to disk 
and try the transformation statically.

org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in 
creating Transform Handler

Here is a snippet of my sitemap :

map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
map:generate src=context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf/
map:transform src=stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=requestlist-part
map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/

here: map:transform type=xalan src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl/

map:serialize type=xml/
Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
Am I misunderstanding some things ?
Thanks in advance !!



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[Fwd: RE: Link Livesites:]

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Link Livesites:
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:03:26 -0400
From: Jim Costello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Joerg Heinicke' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Joerg and Derek,
  The white paper (which is nearly a year old) on our Web site does refer to
XML applications we had developed using Cocoon 1, so that's why there is no
mention of the sitemap of Cocoon2. In fact, that paper is directed to a
general web site audience who may be wondering about the
advantages/drawbacks of moving from an HTML-based website to an XML-based
website. So while we do mention Cocoon since we use it, we primarily focused
on general use of XML/XSL.
  The Web site itself uses Cocoon 2 - with the sitemap performing the
functions as noted below of associating stylesheets with XML files - but we
didn't start using Cocoon 2 until after we had written the paper. However,
in Cocoon 1 the separation of content/style/logic was still achieved when
properly implemented within the Cocoon 1 framework. So I don't think the
point is incorrect, although I see where it may be a bit misleading or
confusing to someone who is familiar with Cocoon. We can look to clarify
this in the paper by stating that our references are to Cocoon 1 and that
Cocoon 2 handles these things differently and more effectively through its
use of the sitemap. But again, the paper is primarily directed to a general
audience (not Cocoon specific) and not surprisingly, one of the main
questions we'd hear when developing the paper was from Web developers who
were familiar with HTML and JavaScript etc., but not too familiar with XML,
and asked how you connected your XML files with your XSL stylesheets. That
basic separation of content from style is still a big mystery to many HTML
users. So that's why we explicitly mention the connection using processing
instructions in the paper.
  Thanks for the comments. We'll try to clear up some of its misleading
Jim Costello
Web Application Developer
Center for Technology in Govenment
(518) 442-3812

-Original Message-
From: Joerg Heinicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 2:37 AM
Cc: Jim Costello
Subject: Re: Link Livesites:
Hello Derek,

yes, that's obviously misleading. But I'm not related to this page.
After the mention on this list last week I only asked them to be listed
on Cocoon's Livesites page and Jim Costello sent me this mail below. I
added the link in the CVS and forwarded this mail, especially because of
the impressive figures.
Now the report: It's the typical Cocoon 1.x handling using processing
instructions. But I don't know if they wrote their own component
handling processing instructions or if the report is outdated or simlpy
wrong. The X-Cocoon header clearly states that they use Cocoon 2.0.4,
but he also wrote (in the mail below) that they still have Cocoon 1.x in
use for a part of their homepage.
I'm cc-ing Jim Costello, so he can read and clarify your objections.


Derek Hohls wrote:

I was browsing the white paper referred to; in
it mentions that XML files are connected to XSL files
by placing links to the stylesheets at the top of the XML
files.  It then goes on to say:
This significantly simplifies content management because it 
enables you to make changes to only one content file and 
make no changes to the stylesheets because the content 
is totally separated from the presentation. 

Figure 8 illustrates how these XML/XSL transformations occur 
within the Cocoon publishing framework.  

This is a little misleading and underplays the true value
added by Cocoon in completely separating content from
presentation - the connections happen in the sitemap;
there is no need to specify  stylesheets in your XML files;
as soon as you do this you are implicitly mixing content
and presentation.
If you are able, I think some changes would help
clarify the situation.

System Development
Fon  +49(0)341-979-7419
Fax  +49(0)341-979-7409
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question: adapting matchers to environment

2003-07-01 Thread FREDERICK E WAYNE
hullo all,

we're running a cocoon site in multiple places. each of the developers has their own 
local tomcat/cocoon install, plus we have the production server.

trouble is, the production server has a slightly different environment. URIs have to 
be a little different:

development: http://localhost:8080/ems/emslinks/foo
production: http://server/cocoon/ems/emslinks/foo

the sitemap has to reflect this, so:

map:match pattern=emslinks/*
 map:generate type=html src=emslinks/{1}.html/

map:match pattern=ems/emslinks/*
 map:generate type=html src=emslinks/{1}.html/
so i have to maintain two sitemap files, which is incredibly error-prone. my question 
is this: is there some way i can parameterize the matching from, say, an environment 
variable? say:
map:match pattern={$fnord}/emslinks/*

or am i completely barking up the wrong tree, and should apply my efforts to making 
the URIs the same for the development machines?

thanks for the help,


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[ANNOUNCE] Cocoon Training Classes in July, August

2003-07-01 Thread Lajos
Hi all -

Just a reminder that I will be giving my Building Cocoon Applications 
class July 14-17 in Colorado Springs, CO, USA. This is a four-day crash 
course in everything you need to know to build Cocoon-based 
applications. We cover sitemap logs, XSPs, logicsheets, actions, 
portals, authentication mechanisms, performance, administration, 
development  deployment techniques, custom components, Lucene and many 
other topics.

I also have a class Cocoon 2.1 Intensive, August 4-6. From the course 
description: This course is designed first to give participants with 
previous Cocoon experience an overview of the new concepts and features 
of Cocoon 2.1, but then, more importantly, to provide then with 
practical and concrete principles for using this new functionality in 
building web applications. In particular, we will cover the 2.1 portal 
framework, authentication framework, flow control, modular actions, form 
handling, web syndication and SOAP services. The emphasis of this course 
is less on using all the features, and more on making effective and 
intelligent use of certain features in creating robust applications. 
Since this is an intensive course, lab time will dominate the sessions, 
as we take a hands-on approach to learning Cocoon 2.1.

More information on these and other courses can be found at the Galatea 
IS Inc. training page,

For those of you who don't know, I am one of the authors of the Cocoon 
Developer's Handbook, published by SAMS last December.



   Lajos Moczar
Open Source Support, Consulting and Training
Cocoon Developer's Handbook
   _  _
  / \ /
 /___\  /
/ \   / -- powered by AzSSL

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Re: Cocoon 2.1 CVS and Java 1.4.2

2003-07-01 Thread Andreas Hochsteger
The same over here.

My config:
* SuSE Linux 8.2
* Sun J2SDK 1.4.2
* Tomcat 4.1.24
* Cocoon CVS from yesterday
Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Just reporting that Cocoon 2.1 CVS run using Sun Java 1.4.2. My config:

Red Hat Linux 9
Java 1.4.2
Tomcat 4.1.24
Cocoon 2.1 CVS
Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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Trouble with if

2003-07-01 Thread Tim Bachta
I am having trouble with an xsl:if condition.  I am testing to see if
the date value is the same as the previous date value. If it is I want
to skip over the code otherwise I want it to execute the code, simple,
here is my code: (the xsl:variable is declared under the stylesheet
element as xsl:variable name=oldGroup/


Xml coming in is -


=debug1## - productivity-lines

=debug1## - productivity-line


  namePest Strip Change - KRL Facility/name 





=debug1## - productivity-line


  nameSafety Checks - LC LSB Facility/name 





=debug1## - productivity-line


  nameSoap Conc. Checks - LC LSB Facility/name 





=debug1## - productivity-line


  nameWater Quality - LC LSB Facility/name 





=debug1## - productivity-line


  nameclean office - 085 Grosvenor - Carpenter,Scott/name 







Xsl is -- 


 xsl:if test=date != $oldGroup

xsl:variable name=oldGroupxsl:value-of

fo:table-row empty-cells=show


 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block





 fo:block font-weight=boldxsl:if
test=(date != '12/31/3000')Date - xsl:value-of












fo:table-row empty-cells=show

   fo:table-cell empty-cells=show

 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block



 fo:block /fo:block



xsl:if test=(date != '12/31/3000')


 fo:table-cell border=solid black

font-weight=boldTask Name/fo:block


 fo:table-cell border=solid black



 fo:table-cell border=solid black

font-weight=boldActual Time Taken/fo:block


 fo:table-cell border=solid black



Re: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
There seems to be a real problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg27925.html


Tony Collen wrote:
Hübner, Stefan wrote:

Hello out there,

I'm developing a webapp with cocoon-2.1m2 and want to use the wsproxy. 
but wsproxy doesn't work, instead it throws an 
IllegalArgumentException host parameter is null. the configuration 
is quite simple and should be correct - as far as the documentation is 
up to date.

map:generator name=wsproxy logger=webapp.wsproxy pool-grow=2 
pool-max=16 pool-min=2 


so, what's going wrong here? i would be glad, if anybody could give an 

Well, Looking at the source to commons-httpclient at, 
it looks like the 'host' which is being passed to the constructor is 
null.  Obviously, it's very strange this is happening.  I'll try to dig 
into the WSPG code today and see if I find anything...

Does anybody know if commons-httpclient has changed recently?


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Re: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Tony Collen
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
There seems to be a real problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg27925.html
Yeah, It's looking that way :(

I've noticed posts from other people asking about this, too -- no replies.

I'm a little short on time this afternoon, I'll try to dig into it tonight after class...


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Re: Trouble with if

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Group your data by date/, anything else won't work.

Tim Bachta wrote:
I am having trouble with an xsl:if condition.  I am testing to see if
the date value is the same as the previous date value. If it is I want
to skip over the code otherwise I want it to execute the code, simple,
here is my code: (the xsl:variable is declared under the stylesheet
element as xsl:variable name=oldGroup/
Xml coming in is -
XML and XSLT stripped ...

and my output is showing up with each productivity-line showing.  Thanks
for the help
Tim Bachta

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Re: Unable to get transformer handler...

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Hello James,

James Cummings wrote:

I'm really new to cocoon so am probably doing something completely
wrong.  But using cocoon 2.1m3-dev, I want to grab a particular
elment by id() from an xml file in the first step of a pipeline,
and convert the result to html in the second step. In each
instance I want the parameters in the URI available to the xslt.
The transformation works perfectly fine on the command line
(with saxon), but I keep getting Unable to get transformer handler
for style/xsl/repos2rdg.xsl as an error (with Eception in creating Tranform
it's the XSLTC error message.

Looking through possible bugs, I should say that the xsl is fairly straight
forward and does not use xsl:applyimports or xsl:include or anything
referencing another document except the xml file's dtd (which provides
necessary entities and such). I've tried specifying type=xslt in the
map:transform since (I believe?) this makes it use Xalan?  But to no
type=xslt is the default, so XSLTC. Try type=xalan.

(xslt = xalan, xsltc = xsltc is true for Cocon 2.0.x)


My sitemap.xmap in the context contains:

map:match pattern=antiphons.xml
   map:generate src=content/repository.xml/
   map:transform type=xslt src=style/xsl/repos2rdg.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
   map:transform type=xslt src=style/xsl/rdg2html.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
   map:serialize type=html/
I'm sure I'm probably going about it completely wrong or something,
but this is basically the first time I'm trying to get cocoon to do
something in two steps instead of one. ;-)  It is probably something
really simple.
Any suggestions (on and/or off-list -- I get it via digest)?


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Re: XUpdate questions

2003-07-01 Thread Erik Bruchez
I am not sure if this is 100% relevant to your need, as it looks like
you may need XIndice, but we will release soon an XUpdate processor
that we developed independently from the XUpdate implementation that
comes with XIndice. It will work with our framework OXF
(, but will also be available as a standalone TrAX
tranformer that you should be able to integrate with Cocoon. This will
come with OXF beta 2 (RC 1?) early next week.

Jonathan Spaeth wrote:

 The Xupdate functionality comes with the xindice database.  (See the wiki
 for more information on how to integrate xindice).


 -Original Message-
 From: jm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:43 AM
 Subject: XUpdate questions

 hi all,

 i have one complex xml-document which i want
 to edit via my webbrowser with some kinds of forms so i don't really need
 a heavy CMS.

 i read about xmlforms, xforms and then i came across XUpdate which
 sounds like that i'm looking for. (but i would be glad about any system
 which is easy to use instead of XUpdate either)

 so the first problem is, that i don't realy know how to install and use the
 functionality into my cocoon 2.0.4.

 i would be glad if anybody could help me or give me a hint where
 to find further information.

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Re: esql:getXXX - wrong diagnostics?

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Why? You use a not existing column name and you get the message Invalid 
column name. What's wrong with it?


Dmitry Diskin wrote:

I have been struggling with the following problem for a while: if I 
specify non-existing column name in esql:get-int column=wrong_column 
//xsp:attribute tag, I get the following error message:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in 
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error 
executing statement: select something from somewhere : 
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

I think that is misleading, since the error is not in SQL, but in my XSp 
text. It was very hard to find it out.


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Re: Trouble with if

2003-07-01 Thread Erik Bruchez
If you just want to ignore the subsequent productivity-line records
with the same date, i.e. you are only concerned about the first record
for a given date, AND records with the same date are ordered, you
could use something like:
xsl:for-each select=productivity-line
  xsl:if test=position() = 1
 or preceding-sibling::productivity-line[1]/date != date
This is much lighter that grouping.


Joerg Heinicke wrote:

 Group your data by date/, anything else won't work.


 Tim Bachta wrote:

 I am having trouble with an xsl:if condition.  I am testing to see if
 the date value is the same as the previous date value. If it is I want
 to skip over the code otherwise I want it to execute the code, simple,
 here is my code: (the xsl:variable is declared under the stylesheet
 element as xsl:variable name=oldGroup/

 Xml coming in is -

 XML and XSLT stripped ...

 and my output is showing up with each productivity-line showing.  Thanks
 for the help

 Tim Bachta

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Re: including a static XML file in the return from my sql call?

2003-07-01 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Have a look on the output of the render-logic5.xsl transformation. You 
have maybe kicked the sql:* elements out of your XML.


Paul Tomsic wrote:
I'm trying to import a static XML file into the
results of my SQL call.  
Here's my sitemap.xmap block:
	map:match pattern=ameddReportByBDE/*.pdf
map:generate type=request/
	map:transform type=xslt src=render-logic.xsl
map:parameter name=label value={1}/
map:transform type=xinclude/

map:transform type=xslt src=render-logic.xsl/
map:transform type=xinclude/
map:transform type=xslt src=render-logic5.xsl   
map:parameter name=label value={1}/
map:transform type=sql
map:parameter name=dburl
map:transform type=xinclude/

map:transform src=ameddReportByBDE.xsl/

map:serialize type=fo2pdf/
map:serialize type=xml/
and inside render-logic5.xsl, I've got :

xsl:template match=mops:report-sql
xsl:attribute name=hrefreports/xsl:value-of
but my final XML only includes the included xml, and
not the results from the sql query.

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RE: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Lenz, Evan
I have been periodically scanning the list for almost a year, hoping that
someone would take this bull by the horns, i.e. wsproxy in general. At SU
Law, we are currently supporting legacy ASP pages through use of the
HTMLGenerator and hard-coded GET params in sitemap.xmap. I have really been
looking forward to a better approach, especially since it would be nice to
just allow our Web developer to use her ASP skills to develop forms,
surveys, etc. (provided that they generate well-formed output) and know we
can integrate them into our Cocoon-based Web site in a solid and
maintenance-friendly way.

Other features needed to make WebServiceProxyGenerator feature-complete, at
least for us, include:

  * Remote HTTP authentication support
  * Reverse redirects, a la Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive [1]

Good luck to whomever tries to fix the issues with WebServiceProxyGenerator!
You can count me as another user eagerly awaiting to see progress in this


Evan Lenz
Content Management Architect
Seattle University School of Law


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Collen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 12:08 PM
 Subject: Re: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator
 Joerg Heinicke wrote:
  There seems to be a real problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg27925.html
 Yeah, It's looking that way :(
 I've noticed posts from other people asking about this, too -- no replies.
 I'm a little short on time this afternoon, I'll try to dig into it tonight
 after class...
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RE: Trouble with if

2003-07-01 Thread Tim Bachta
Can you give me an example of what you are referring to?

Tim Bachta

-Original Message-
From: Joerg Heinicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: Trouble with if

Group your data by date/, anything else won't work.


Tim Bachta wrote:
 I am having trouble with an xsl:if condition.  I am testing to see if
 the date value is the same as the previous date value. If it is I want
 to skip over the code otherwise I want it to execute the code, simple,
 here is my code: (the xsl:variable is declared under the stylesheet
 element as xsl:variable name=oldGroup/
 Xml coming in is -

XML and XSLT stripped ...

 and my output is showing up with each productivity-line showing.
 for the help
 Tim Bachta

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Re: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Tony Collen
Lenz, Evan wrote:
I have been periodically scanning the list for almost a year, hoping that
someone would take this bull by the horns, i.e. wsproxy in general. At SU
Law, we are currently supporting legacy ASP pages through use of the
HTMLGenerator and hard-coded GET params in sitemap.xmap. I have really been
looking forward to a better approach, especially since it would be nice to
just allow our Web developer to use her ASP skills to develop forms,
surveys, etc. (provided that they generate well-formed output) and know we
can integrate them into our Cocoon-based Web site in a solid and
maintenance-friendly way.
A year?!  Yoink.  I had some mods to the WSPG a while ago and I know it was working correctly.  I 
don't think they were that long ago, though.

Other features needed to make WebServiceProxyGenerator feature-complete, at
least for us, include:
  * Remote HTTP authentication support
  * Reverse redirects, a la Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive [1]
I do know the HttpProxyGenerator was intended as a replacement for the WSPG, but as previous posts 
have mentioned, the newer proxygenerator doesn't contain all of the functionality of the WSPG yet. 
It would be nice to get all of the functionality merged into one nice component (which has the added 
bonus of working correctly ;) )


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RE: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Lenz, Evan
 A year?!  Yoink.  I had some mods to the WSPG a while ago and I know it
 was working correctly.  I
 don't think they were that long ago, though.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it had been completely broken for a year,
but just that for whatever reason it has never been up to snuff for what we
wanted to use it for.

  Other features needed to make WebServiceProxyGenerator feature-complete,
  least for us, include:
* Remote HTTP authentication support
* Reverse redirects, a la Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive [1]
 I do know the HttpProxyGenerator was intended as a replacement for the
 WSPG, but as previous posts
 have mentioned, the newer proxygenerator doesn't contain all of the
 functionality of the WSPG yet.
 It would be nice to get all of the functionality merged into one nice
 component (which has the added
 bonus of working correctly ;) )

Yes, that sounds good to me!


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Re: background task management

2003-07-01 Thread Peter Nuetzel . inglobo
Hi David,

there are still missing the sources for
and com.dotech.messaging.Message
to compile all classes. The latter one is less interesting, but the
BackgroundThreadEnvironment seems to be pretty cocoon specific ;-)
I would suggest you to create a complete source package with sitemap.xmap and
cocoon.xconf snippets (already in user documentation) which can be easily
compiled and testet. I think this will raise the changes that a commiter will
review and commit the code.

Do I unterstand correct that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is some kind of
FakeEnvironment (no output/no input)?
I digged a bit around in your code and in the cocoon core and environment code
and now I am a bit confused about using different Environments with the same
Cocoon instance. What I was wondering about is that you use the HTTPEnvironment
to resolve (and construct) a Source object (in UploadTaskAction) and later use
your own BackgroundThreadEnvironment (in FileUploadTask) to process the source.
Does this work without problems?
What I want to do is generating PDF files in a background thread triggered by a
HTTP request. I guess I have to use the FileSavingEnvironment to do this. I am
somehow curious how to correctly use Cocoon and the CocoonComponentManager to
do this. Can you give me some hints or point to some docs about this?
Is this the following code the right approach?

env = new FileSavingEnvironment(...);
Processor processor =

Thank You,

David Kavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for finding the omission. I've uploaded a zip including the two
Yes, that environment object was needed to keep the underlying code
happy. I don't do anything with the pipeline results. I just scan for
error elements because I was doing some SQL commands via the
If I can be of any further help, please let me know.

Peter Nuetzel . inglobo wrote:

Hi David,

I am interested in your background task manager.

I downloaded your document and your code from Bugzilla and found that several
source files are missing.
e.g. the Actions described in the document and
com.dotech.cocoon.environment.thread.BackgroundThreadEnvironment used by the

I'm specially interested in calling a cocoon pipeline from a background
Am I right that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is responsible for that?

Maybe you can upload the missing source files to bugzilla.

Regards, Peter

BTW: I would not recommend to use Microsoft Word files for documentation in
open source project. Especially if it's not bound to the Microsoft Windows
platform. Better you use plain text, html or xml for contributing

David Kavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For those who were interested in something to manage background tasks in
cocoon, have a look at bug 20271 in the bugzilla database. Please vote
for it so it gets some attention.


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Re: background task management

2003-07-01 Thread Peter Nuetzel . inglobo
Hi David,

there are still missing the sources for
and com.dotech.messaging.Message
to compile all classes. The latter one is less interesting, but the
BackgroundThreadEnvironment seems to be pretty cocoon specific ;-)
I would suggest you to create a complete source package with sitemap.xmap and
cocoon.xconf snippets (already in user documentation) which can easily be
compiled and testet. I think this will raise the changes that a commiter will
review and commit the code.

Do I unterstand correct that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is some kind of
FakeEnvironment (no output/no input)?
I digged a bit around in your code and in the cocoon core and environment code
and now I am a bit confused about using different Environments with the same
Cocoon instance. What I was wondering about is that you use the HTTPEnvironment
to resolve (and construct) a Source object (in UploadTaskAction) and later use
your own BackgroundThreadEnvironment (in FileUploadTask) to process the source.
Does this work without problems?
What I want to do is generating PDF files in a background thread triggered by a
HTTP request. I guess I have to use the FileSavingEnvironment to do this. I am
somehow curious how to correctly use Cocoon and the CocoonComponentManager to
do this. Can you give me some hints or point to some docs about this?
Is this the following code the right approach?

env = new FileSavingEnvironment(...);
Processor processor =

or is there some way to directly get the Cocoon object from the manager or
somewhere else?

Thank You,

David Kavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for finding the omission. I've uploaded a zip including the two
Yes, that environment object was needed to keep the underlying code
happy. I don't do anything with the pipeline results. I just scan for
error elements because I was doing some SQL commands via the
If I can be of any further help, please let me know.

Peter Nuetzel . inglobo wrote:

Hi David,

I am interested in your background task manager.

I downloaded your document and your code from Bugzilla and found that several
source files are missing.
e.g. the Actions described in the document and
com.dotech.cocoon.environment.thread.BackgroundThreadEnvironment used by the

I'm specially interested in calling a cocoon pipeline from a background
Am I right that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is responsible for that?

Maybe you can upload the missing source files to bugzilla.

Regards, Peter

BTW: I would not recommend to use Microsoft Word files for documentation in
open source project. Especially if it's not bound to the Microsoft Windows
platform. Better you use plain text, html or xml for contributing

David Kavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For those who were interested in something to manage background tasks in
cocoon, have a look at bug 20271 in the bugzilla database. Please vote
for it so it gets some attention.


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XSP examples not working in Cocoon 1.8.2

2003-07-01 Thread Mark Vitale
When I load the example /xsp/page.xml (First XSP Page
and pure content version) I get the folowing error:

java.lang.Exception: XSP Java Compiler: Compilation
failed for
error: An error has occurred in the compiler; please
file a bug report
1 error

Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
at org.apache.cocoon.Engine.handle(,
Compiled Code)
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.service(,
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

I am running: 
Apache 1.3
Cocoon 1.8.2
ApacheJServ 1.1.1
JDK 1.2.2

My classpath (


All other examples work great. Any help dealing with
my specific setup would be appreciated.



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Re: XUpdate questions

2003-07-01 Thread Michael Wechner
Erik Bruchez wrote:

I am not sure if this is 100% relevant to your need, as it looks like
you may need XIndice, but we will release soon an XUpdate processor
that we developed independently from the XUpdate implementation that
comes with XIndice.

Under what software license will your XUpdate processor be released?



It will work with our framework OXF
(, but will also be available as a standalone TrAX
tranformer that you should be able to integrate with Cocoon. This will
come with OXF beta 2 (RC 1?) early next week.

Jonathan Spaeth wrote:

 The Xupdate functionality comes with the xindice database.  (See the 
 for more information on how to integrate xindice).


 -Original Message-
 From: jm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:43 AM
 Subject: XUpdate questions

 hi all,

 i have one complex xml-document which i want
 to edit via my webbrowser with some kinds of forms so i don't really 
 a heavy CMS.

 i read about xmlforms, xforms and then i came across XUpdate which
 sounds like that i'm looking for. (but i would be glad about any system
 which is easy to use instead of XUpdate either)

 so the first problem is, that i don't realy know how to install and 
use the
 functionality into my cocoon 2.0.4.

 i would be glad if anybody could help me or give me a hint where
 to find further information.


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Re: sendMail using Logicsheet

2003-07-01 Thread Christian Haul
Yan, Charlene wrote:
It may be a silly question.  I'm using Cocoon2.1M2's sendMail example.  http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/mail/sendmail/new.html.  When I tried to use sendMail by logicsheet, after the email is sent, there is setup done message on the next page.  I cannot find out where the message is defined and how I can get rid of it.  I have checked simplepage2html.xsl and sendmail_xsp.xml and still cannot find it.  Anybody can help me out here?
It appears that I have forgotten to remove it from the logicsheet 
please update from CVS.


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Re: XUpdate questions

2003-07-01 Thread Erik Bruchez
Michael Wechner wrote:

 Erik Bruchez wrote:

 I am not sure if this is 100% relevant to your need, as it looks
 like you may need XIndice, but we will release soon an XUpdate
 processor that we developed independently from the XUpdate
 implementation that comes with XIndice.

 Under what software license will your XUpdate processor be released?
Right now it's still part of OXF, which is not open source, but free
(like in free beer) for evaluation and non-commercial use.

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Antw: RE: LDAP Transformer with XSP page?

2003-07-01 Thread Martin Geissler
Hello Maxime,

it is possible.
the xsp page has to generate the correct xml syntax for the 
LDAP transformer. (example at wiki)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 16:20:59 
Is it possible to create the ldap.xml, with the ldap queries in a xsp

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .org] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: LDAP Transformer

I think there must be a way other than set the parameter in the sitemap
like :

from the ldap.xml write something like that :

Is that possible?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .org] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: LDAP Transformer

it doesn't work. As I said the filter cannot be definied as parameter in
the sitemap. It returns the error 
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query: Empty filter;

It must be a bug or so...
But refering to the original may, with the other way to search why is it
so slow ?

I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
seven groups :
I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter in
the sitemap, like 
map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The parameter
rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't

So the only way to filter it is to search by the attribute memberOf
every user data. But this attribute is a DN (means not substring or
wildcards search). With a shareware I've found (LDAP Browser) I can
search all these data, but with the ldap transformer I get the error :
[LDAPTransformer] Error in LDAP-Query:
javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 3 -
Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=corproot,DC=net'
Is it a bug of the ldap transformer? Is the filter to long/complex?

Here is the filter (ldap:filter)



-Original Message-
From: Yury Mikhienko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: LDAP Transformer

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:55:52 +0200

 I have integrated ldap into my portal as identhification system.
 My problem is that I have to put a filter to search all users from
 seven groups :
 I have to ways, the first would be to set into my filter a parameter
 the sitemap, like 
 map:parameter name=filter value=(cn={request-param:name})/ 
 But it seems that the ldap transformer has a lot of bugs. The
 rootdn works, password works, but both filter and serverurl doesn't
try the following filter syntax: (amp;(uid={request-param:name}))

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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Re: LDAP Transformer with XSP page?

2003-07-01 Thread Yury Mikhienko
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:20:59 +0200

 Is it possible to create the ldap.xml, with the ldap queries in a xsp
Yes, for example:


  String cn = request.getParameter(cn);
  if(cn == null) cn = *;
  ldap:rootdncn=Directory Manager/ldap:rootdn

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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