RE: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Lenz, Evan
I have been periodically scanning the list for almost a year, hoping that
someone would take this bull by the horns, i.e. wsproxy in general. At SU
Law, we are currently supporting legacy ASP pages through use of the
HTMLGenerator and hard-coded GET params in sitemap.xmap. I have really been
looking forward to a better approach, especially since it would be nice to
just allow our Web developer to use her ASP skills to develop forms,
surveys, etc. (provided that they generate well-formed output) and know we
can integrate them into our Cocoon-based Web site in a solid and
maintenance-friendly way.

Other features needed to make WebServiceProxyGenerator feature-complete, at
least for us, include:

  * Remote HTTP authentication support
  * Reverse redirects, a la Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive [1]

Good luck to whomever tries to fix the issues with WebServiceProxyGenerator!
You can count me as another user eagerly awaiting to see progress in this


Evan Lenz
Content Management Architect
Seattle University School of Law


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Collen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 12:08 PM
 Subject: Re: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator
 Joerg Heinicke wrote:
  There seems to be a real problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg27925.html
 Yeah, It's looking that way :(
 I've noticed posts from other people asking about this, too -- no replies.
 I'm a little short on time this afternoon, I'll try to dig into it tonight
 after class...
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RE: problem with WebServiceProxyGenerator

2003-07-01 Thread Lenz, Evan
 A year?!  Yoink.  I had some mods to the WSPG a while ago and I know it
 was working correctly.  I
 don't think they were that long ago, though.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it had been completely broken for a year,
but just that for whatever reason it has never been up to snuff for what we
wanted to use it for.

  Other features needed to make WebServiceProxyGenerator feature-complete,
  least for us, include:
* Remote HTTP authentication support
* Reverse redirects, a la Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive [1]
 I do know the HttpProxyGenerator was intended as a replacement for the
 WSPG, but as previous posts
 have mentioned, the newer proxygenerator doesn't contain all of the
 functionality of the WSPG yet.
 It would be nice to get all of the functionality merged into one nice
 component (which has the added
 bonus of working correctly ;) )

Yes, that sounds good to me!


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Cocoon/tomcat memory usage

2002-12-02 Thread Lenz, Evan
I'm trying to further utilize the memory resources of our Linux server for
Cocoon by increasing the StoreJanitor heapsize and Java -Xmx parameters. My
current settings are as follows:

In tomcat4.conf:
 JAVACMD=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx360m

In cocoon.xconf (inside the store-janitor element):
 parameter name=freememory value=2000/
 parameter name=heapsize value=33600/

Performance has visibly improved as a result. However, actual memory usage
(per top output) seems to peak at 111-112M, no matter what I throw at the

How do I make the JVM and Tomcat/Cocoon utilize more of my machine's memory
(thereby further improving performance hopefully)?

Evan Lenz

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RE: Separation of concerns?

2002-11-12 Thread Lenz, Evan
I've taken this approach in the past. I've found that it involves heavy (or
at least essential) use of the document() function. This approach has been
documented in a couple articles on

But I learned there are apparently problems with use of the document()
function in Cocoon, given current limitations with respect to caching.

I was pleased to find Leigh Dodds' note on the Cocoon Wiki for

I'm now successfully using this approach in my current project to implement
custom tag libraries in Cocoon without needing to use the document()

However, I am wondering how much this approach really scales. I guess I will
find out.

I believe that putting XSLT into the hands of graphic designers and average
Web developers does *not* achieve separation of concerns. Custom tag
libraries is the way to go. XSP addresses that. But Cocoon appears yet to
directly address the problem of implementing tag libraries *in XSLT*.
Perhaps metastylesheets is the way to go. Or perhaps the document()
function is the way to go, and the caching problems just need to get
addressed. Or perhaps there is another approach that I haven't considered.
In any case, this needs to be addressed, IMHO. It's also quite possible that
this has been fully addressed and I just haven't seen it. In that case, I
would appreciate a link to that discussion :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Luca Morandini [mailto:spectrum.morandini;]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 5:35 AM
 Subject: R: Separation of concerns?
 to ease the burden on your graphic designers, you could even build a sort
 taglib with XML elements to be expanded by an appropriate XSL.
 I've done a lib which allows me to specify smart HTML without the need
 XSL (well, it works behind the scenes)... here's an example:
 img src={insert-request-parameter:images-home}/blank.gif border=0
 I hope you got the idea :)
 Best regards,
 Luca Morandini
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Lorenzo De Sio [mailto:l.desio;]
  Inviato: martedì 12 novembre 2002 12.35
  Oggetto: R: Separation of concerns?
  I think you pointed out quite a big issue, though from my point
  of view this
  is not such a problematic one.
  I currently work in a co-founded small company. We are 1 programmer, 1
  HTML/graphic designer, 1 HTML/Flash developer, 1 junior developer
  which has
  no actual programming skills, but quickly learned HTML and XSL.
  You could ask: why Cocoon in such a small team? The answer is XSL
  Currently, our application development work in the past few years (we
  focused on small-medium businesses) has been mainly on e-commerce,
  data-driven, customer-updatable sites and, later, content management for
  small-to-medium publishing needs.
  We ended up in producing many, many times the same mini-applications,
  branding them differently each time. This led us (even on the ASP
  we were, and still mainly are, working on) to XSL. ASP already
  (no .NET) has
  a few underlooked features (XML serialization of a Recordset object to a
  Stream object, for example, which is quite fast and can support XSL
  transformation) which allowed us to separate the presentation
  layer from the
  content/logic one. This actually allowed me to totally drop the
  of such applications to the junior programmer. He also benefits from the
  separation, by actually reusing 99% of the code (we embedded
  database write
  logic in a single library .asp file, the only required code changes
  for changing SELECT queries), and by being able to personalize the look
  only changing one XSL template file.
  This simple implementation of a XML/XSL separation, much simpler
  but similar
  to Cocoon's approach, already gave us these benefits.
  The next step, which we are experiencing in the development of
  quite a large
  e-learning site (with Cocoon), is to directly let the designers access
  XSLs, by giving them the basic XSL skills required to do the job.
  I find that The XSL skills required are not really heavy. Heavy XSL
  are, in my opinion, required in working on complex structure
  that come *before* the final, presentation-aimed XSL transformation. Our
  experience is that, instead, the final transformation deals 99%
  of the time
  with: a) a container with many rows of data (a master, which can be
  handled even with a simple xsl:for-each/; b) an item of data with many
  fiels (a detail). Such XSL-drive HTML renderings are done mostly using
  xsl:value-of/ inserted into traditional HTML markup and I found
  that even
  the HTML designer and 

Testing for the *presence* of a particular request parameter

2002-11-09 Thread Lenz, Evan
I need to test for the presence of a particular request parameter. In
particular, I want to write my sitemap such that the following URLs will
behave as described:

/search - loads the search page
/search?q=blah  - displays search results
/search?q=  - empty results, or the search page itself (don't care)

I know how to use the request-parameter selector (which tests for particular
parameter *values*), but I don't know how to test for the *presence* of a
particular parameter (or to test for a non-empty value). Can
request-parameter do this, or do I need to use something else?


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Serializer for d-o-e?

2002-11-08 Thread Lenz, Evan
I understand why Cocoon disables the use of disable-output-escaping in XSLT.
However, in my current project, which involves parsing XML results from
Google containing escaped (and non-well-formed) HTML, I need to find a way
to disable output escaping for certain sections of text, perhaps based on
the presence of a special attribute or PI that I can generate when
necessary. Does Cocoon provide a way of parameterizing an existing
serializer to do this? Has anyone implemented such a serializer? I would
think that such a customization of an existing XML serializer should be
pretty simple, but the Cocoon serialization framework is so abstract that
I'm having trouble finding the right code to extend or modify.

Any related information or help would be appreciated.


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RE: Serializer for d-o-e?

2002-11-08 Thread Lenz, Evan
J.Pietschmann wrote:
 The answer is quite simple: you can't. D-o-e only works if the
 XSLT processor serializes the result itself,

Please re-read my message a little more carefully. It's easy to dismiss it
as a top-10 XSLT FAQ, but it isn't.

 the information
 which text nodes are supposed to be d-o-e'd on output is not
 transported through the SAX pipelines Cocoon uses for plumbing
 it's components.

Actually it can be if I just pass that information on as a special attribute
(or element or processing instruction). Note that I'm not interested in
using xsl:disable-output-escaping. I already understand that I can't and
that there are very good reasons why I can't.

An example is in order. Here is what I would like to do:

xsl:template match=html-blob
  html-blob my:disable-output-escaping=yes
xsl:value-of select=./

Then I would like a custom serializer to simply check every element (or
perhaps only certain elements) for the presence of the attribute in my
namespace called my:disable-output-escaping. When its value is yes, then
output the content of that element without escaping markup characters.

This is a general problem that comes up often enough in the real world that
I thought someone might have already implemented such a feature. I recall
that the Xalan serializer had some kind of PI-based hack for attaining the

As it happens, I've already solved my problem at hand by using the Google
Appliance's internal XSLT processor (which supports
xsl:disable-output-escaping) to generate custom HTML, and then using the
HTMLGenerator to load the Google results into Cocoon. Not exactly Web
services, but it's at least nice to isolate the hack on the Google side. It
may break in rare cases, but at least my site will still only be serving
well-formed XHTML :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:j3322ptm;]
 Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: Serializer for d-o-e?
 Lenz, Evan wrote:
  I understand why Cocoon disables the use of disable-output-escaping in
  However, in my current project, which involves parsing XML results from
  Google containing escaped (and non-well-formed) HTML, I need to find a
  to disable output escaping for certain sections of text, perhaps based
  the presence of a special attribute or PI that I can generate when
  necessary. Does Cocoon provide a way of parameterizing an existing
  serializer to do this? Has anyone implemented such a serializer? I would
  think that such a customization of an existing XML serializer should be
  pretty simple, but the Cocoon serialization framework is so abstract
  I'm having trouble finding the right code to extend or modify.
 The answer is quite simple: you can't. D-o-e only works if the
 XSLT processor serializes the result itself, the information
 which text nodes are supposed to be d-o-e'd on output is not
 transported through the SAX pipelines Cocoon uses for plumbing
 it's components.
 One work around would be to do the opposite: emulate serializing
 in XSLT and use a text serializer, with some magic so that the
 client gets a content-type=text/html.
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RE: Serializer for d-o-e?

2002-11-08 Thread Lenz, Evan
Hi Geoff,

 I had user edited real world html coming out of a
 database that would definitely have been invalid xml.
 My first pipeline serialized that result to xml and
 specified those elements as CDATA sections
 (configuration param in sitemap).  From then on, the
 bad html was unparsed down the pipeline, but was
 successfully output at the end by the html serializer
 as is.

This sounds like a bug in the HTML serializer rather than a feature... But
I'm confused: Are CDATA sections among the types of SAX events that Cocoon
passes through its pipelines? They aren't preserved in the XSLT/XPath data
model; where are they preserved? Are you saying that the HTMLSerializer
looks at a CDATA section event and serializes the value thereof unescaped?
If that's the case, then it's broken. Otherwise, I think I must be missing a
step in what you did.

 If your aim was to actually clean up the output, could
 you use jTidy to clean up the results?

I ended up using the HTMLGenerator (which I assume uses JTidy), but only
after using xsl:disable-output-escaping with the Google server's internal
XSLT processor. So I think my problem is solved. My original plan had been
to take Google's raw XML results and pass them through Cocoon's pipelines,
but that was unfeasible because of the isolated bits of escaped,
non-well-formed HTML that appear in different elements in the Google XML
results. In that case, I could have tried to apply JTidy (to each isolated
bit of HTML?), but I'm not sure how I could manage that in the sitemap
(multiple extractions from the same source and then aggregating all the
results again?), and in any case would be horribly inefficient even if I
were to figure out a way to do it.

Anyway, as I said, my current problem is solved. But I am still interested
in the possibility of a custom HTML serializer that will recognize a special
flag to disable output escaping. I just don't need it right away :-)

Thanks for the input.

 --- Lenz, Evan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  J.Pietschmann wrote:
   The answer is quite simple: you can't. D-o-e only
  works if the
   XSLT processor serializes the result itself,
  Please re-read my message a little more carefully.
  It's easy to dismiss it
  as a top-10 XSLT FAQ, but it isn't.
   the information
   which text nodes are supposed to be d-o-e'd on
  output is not
   transported through the SAX pipelines Cocoon uses
  for plumbing
   it's components.
  Actually it can be if I just pass that information
  on as a special attribute
  (or element or processing instruction). Note that
  I'm not interested in
  using xsl:disable-output-escaping. I already
  understand that I can't and
  that there are very good reasons why I can't.
  An example is in order. Here is what I would like to
  xsl:template match=html-blob
html-blob my:disable-output-escaping=yes
  xsl:value-of select=./
  Then I would like a custom serializer to simply
  check every element (or
  perhaps only certain elements) for the presence of
  the attribute in my
  namespace called my:disable-output-escaping. When
  its value is yes, then
  output the content of that element without escaping
  markup characters.
  This is a general problem that comes up often enough
  in the real world that
  I thought someone might have already implemented
  such a feature. I recall
  that the Xalan serializer had some kind of PI-based
  hack for attaining the
  As it happens, I've already solved my problem at
  hand by using the Google
  Appliance's internal XSLT processor (which supports
  xsl:disable-output-escaping) to generate custom
  HTML, and then using the
  HTMLGenerator to load the Google results into
  Cocoon. Not exactly Web
  services, but it's at least nice to isolate the hack
  on the Google side. It
  may break in rare cases, but at least my site will
  still only be serving
  well-formed XHTML :-)
   -Original Message-
   From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:j3322ptm;]
   Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:58 AM
   Subject: Re: Serializer for d-o-e?
   Lenz, Evan wrote:
I understand why Cocoon disables the use of
  disable-output-escaping in
However, in my current project, which involves
  parsing XML results from
Google containing escaped (and non-well-formed)
  HTML, I need to find a
to disable output escaping for certain sections
  of text, perhaps based
the presence of a special attribute or PI that I
  can generate when
necessary. Does Cocoon provide a way of
  parameterizing an existing
serializer to do this? Has anyone implemented
  such a serializer? I would
think that such a customization of an existing
  XML serializer should be
pretty simple, but the Cocoon serialization
  framework is so abstract
I'm having trouble finding the right code to
  extend or modify.
   The answer is quite simple: you

Serializing JavaScript

2002-10-15 Thread Lenz, Evan

I have an XSLT transformation that outputs a JavaScript file that I need to
serialize as text to send to the client. I am using map:serialize
type=text/, but the serialized result includes an XML declaration with
markup characters escaped (as if serializing an external parsed general
entity). How do I force Cocoon to serialize JavaScript the way it should be
serialized, not to mention with the right media type?

Any help would be much appreciated,

Evan Lenz
Seattle University School of Law
Technology Department

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ProxyPass vs. mod_jk

2002-10-11 Thread Lenz, Evan

I intend to use Apache in conjunction with Cocoon. What are the advantages
of using mod_jk as opposed to just ProxyPass? I'm probably missing some
obvious things. What are they?


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General questions about caching in Cocoon

2002-10-04 Thread Lenz, Evan

Does Cocoon provide a mechanism by which all pages on the site can be cached
(perhaps via a crawler)? I'm aware of the command-line interface (and had
trouble getting the crawler to get past the first page, but that's another
story). Ultimately, I would like to use Cocoon as a servlet but have as many
pages cached as possible at the click of a button, as opposed to waiting
for each page to be requested. I suppose this could be done externally (with
my own crawler) but I was wondering if Cocoon had some built-in mechanism
for doing this.

Also, I am building a site that has three versions per page (Flash,
non-Flash, etc.) and that uses cookies to set a user's preference. All of my
cookie logic is specified in sitemap.xmap, so I am already committed to
using Cocoon as a servlet. Are there caching issues with such an approach?
If performance ultimately becomes a problem, I suppose I could statically
generate most of the pages and just use readers for each version of each
page, but that wouldn't be ideal, as certain portions of the site are indeed

Finally, if anyone has any words of wisdom with respect to using Cocoon for
serving multiple versions of a page (from the same URL), I'd be happy to
hear them.


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HTMLGenerator not working with Command-line interface

2002-09-30 Thread Lenz, Evan

I'm trying to use the Cocoon CLI along with the HTMLGenerator to convert
existing HTML content into well-formed XML en mass. (I have a fairly recent
checkout from CVS.)

I've begun with the docs target in build.xml as a starting point, creating
a new target with incremental modifications.

When I use the default (File) generator, everything works fine (as long as
the source is well-formed XML to begin with). But when I use the
HTMLGenerator, Ant returns successfully but reports my starting URL as a
broken link and creates a Resource Not Found HTML page in the
destination directory.

This appears to be a CLI-specific problem (at least from my perspective),
because when I drop the application into a servlet container, the
HTMLGenerator works just fine, serving up the page as I expect.

Does anyone have any idea why this wouldn't work? Any help would be greatly


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