Re: [COCOON2] My application deploy and developing taglibs/logicsheets

2002-10-11 Thread Ola Berg

I have a zillion settings. Suppose I
will have a trillion of applications here. Then I would have to made a
trillion of changes to the above mentioned files [cocoon.xconf, web.xml]?

For me, this hasn't been so much of a problem.

1) Regard the cocoon instance as a platform that should be suitable for all your 
cocoon-apps (very much like the configuration for tomcat should be suitable for all 
your web-apps).

2) Most application specific things are done in the sitemap (much more so now in 
version 2 than in version 1). Use sub-sitemaps on a per application basis.

3) If you really really have deep application specific settings that needs to go in 
cocoon.xconf and web.xml, consider using many cocoon instances on your servlet engine. 
It is as easy as deploying the cocoon.war many times under different names 
(cocoon-myapp1.war, cocoon-myotherapp.war).

The benefit of centralized management? Well, some things should be central and others 
should be per application. 

The problem (if any) is that cocoon doesn't directly support the notion of different 
applications. There is no clear definition on what an application is in cocoon. 
The discussion about Cocoon Blocks somewhat deals with this, one idea is to create a 
cocoon block as a reusable block of functionality containing its own configuration 
(very much like a war). See the discussion on the dev list.

Hope this helps


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Re: [newbie] wml serializer

2002-10-11 Thread Ola Berg

If you put a static wml file in tomcat, can you see it in your WAP-phone (not going 
via cocoon)? Maybe Tomcat needs to be configured for wml?

If you access the wml file via a browser or telnet, can you see the wml?


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Re: how do you document your projects?

2002-10-09 Thread Ola Berg

 i am just wondering: if and how do you document your cocoon projects? I
 donĀ“t mean cocoon itself, but the projects you build up on cocoon.

I use UML interaction diagrams (where the pipelines are instances of a Pipeline class).


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Re: Cocoon, sockets and not a web browser.

2002-10-09 Thread Ola Berg

  So then why are you considering Cocoon?

Cocoon has actions, aggregations, pseudo-protocols and other declarative goodies.


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Re: Handling lousy HTML

2002-09-06 Thread Ola Berg

From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HTMLGenerator uses JTidy directly, without making assumptions itself.
 If you can use JTidy to work for you, it should work - or can be easily 
 made to work - with HTMLGenerator too.

What do you mean? I can use JTidy on my system, whether Cocoon utilizes or not was my 
question to you, dear community ;-)

Therefore I provided both the sitemap snippet as well as the test bhtml-document.

I use the binary distribution of Cocoon 2.0.2 (where documentation says that this 
feature is enabled by default). And if it is not enabled by default, I haven't been 
able to find out how to enable it. 

Question restated: given my configuration and the bhtml document that fails, is it 
safe to believe that HTMLGenerator utilizes JTidy and that JTidy fails, or is it safe 
to believe that HTMLGenerator fails because it fails to utilize JTidy? And if the 
latter is true, how could I tweak it so that JTidy will be utilized by HTMLGenerator? 
If the first is true (HTMLGenerator can't handle the bhtml-snippet no matter what) I 
really need to investigate another solution, such as:

 Look here, maybe it's the right time to ditch tidy entirely

...sounds promising. I'll try to download and investigate. Hopefully I can provide a 
CleaningHtmlGenerator soon, if it is needed.

  BTW: the example I provided is actually cleaner than much of the code I need 
Cocoon to deal with.

I could provide a list of testsnippets that the tidying thing should handle, fx:
h1Hello pHow do you do 
table border=2 thing1tdthing2/table
Wonderingpfoo bbar ibaz/b garply/i
--- should become something like ---
pHow do you do
table border=2
pfoo bbar ibaz/i/b igarply/i

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Handling lousy HTML

2002-09-05 Thread Ola Berg

At work I have to handle really bad written HTML (they used some really bad HTML 

h1Hello, world!/H1

Hi there.
This is plain wrong.
But it works in certain browsers

I thought by using the HTMLGenerator, the Tidy-thing should take care of this. In my 
site map I have

map:generate src=\hello.html\ type=\html\/
map:serialize type=\xhtml\/

But the server complains about the source \hello.html\ being lousy html (containing 
unbalanced tags). 

1) Shouldn\'t tidy handle this? 

2)Or isn\'t tidy involved when I declare my sitemap as above?

If 1) is no, I plan to hack the functionality (going to the dev list first).

If 2) is no, I\'d like to know how to configure it to handle.

I use cocoon-2.0.2-bin.



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