Re: Now you see ant, Now you don't

2001-07-30 Thread Ross Burton

On 29 Jul 2001 17:58:13 -0700, Cassandra Bonner wrote:

>> Might the dos formatted file have
>> something to do with bash not finding and executing it?

Yes - the DOS line ends are why bash cannot find the files.  I'm not
sure why this is - and make is even more strict about line endings.
Lucky we are not using that...

> Just run dos2unix on the file (you'll also need to do this to antRun)

Not all machines have dos2unix and unix2dos, however... :-(  It's a

If you are an emacs users, run a search and replace for "[control] q
[control] m" (or C-q C-m if you speak emacs).  Apparently vi can be told
to strip them upon saving the document - but I only know one vi command
(:qa!, which is quit now, don't ask, just do it).

Shell freaks also get "tr" - use it to delete the character "\r" - at a
guess I'd say the command is "cat antRun | tr -d '\r' > newAntRun".


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Re: Now you see ant, Now you don't

2001-07-30 Thread Jon Peterson

I'm having the same difficulty.  I've tried dos2unix, running the same
commands the script executes but from a clean shell, as well as modifying to run "sh $PWD/bin/ant ..." all with the same result ...
$HOME/cocoon2/bin/ant - No such file or directory.  I've verified
permissions as correct and can run ant from outside the  Is this
some obscure Bash bug (I'm using GNU bash, version 1.14.7(1)) or is there
something else I need to check?  I looked over the mail archives and FAQ's
for "Cocoon Downloads" but didn't find anything.  What am I missing?

I'm running RedHat 6.1, 2.2.16-3smp i686.


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: Now you see ant, Now you don't

> on 29/7/01 11:06 pm, Ryan Worley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> See the mail entitled "Cocoon Downloads"
> -
> Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
> FAQ before posting. <>
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Re: Now you see ant, Now you don't

2001-07-30 Thread Mark Miller

on 29/7/01 11:06 pm, Ryan Worley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

See the mail entitled "Cocoon Downloads"

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Re: Now you see ant, Now you don't

2001-07-29 Thread Cassandra Bonner

this is likely because the files delivered in the release are in DOS
ormat.  I was receiving this same message.

Just run dos2unix on the file (you'll also need to do this to antRun)

e.g. (from within the bin directory)
dos2unix ant ant
dos2unix antRun antRun

This will update the files from DOS format to ISO format.  


--- Ryan Worley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build cocoon.war from Cocoon 2.0b2 and keep getting
> the error:
> /usr/local/src/Cocoon/bin/ant - No such file or directory.  So I
> went
> directly to the bin directory, `cat ant` - displays the file,
> `./ant` - No
> such file or directory  what's going on?  When I `vi ant` there
> is a
> '[dos]' at the bottom of the screen.  Might the dos formatted file
> have
> something to do with bash not finding and executing it?
> Thanks for any help,
> Ryan
> Please check that your question has not already been answered in
> the
> FAQ before posting. 
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Now you see ant, Now you don't

2001-07-29 Thread Ryan Worley

I'm trying to build cocoon.war from Cocoon 2.0b2 and keep getting the error:
/usr/local/src/Cocoon/bin/ant - No such file or directory.  So I went
directly to the bin directory, `cat ant` - displays the file, `./ant` - No
such file or directory  what's going on?  When I `vi ant` there is a
'[dos]' at the bottom of the screen.  Might the dos formatted file have
something to do with bash not finding and executing it?

Thanks for any help,


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