RE: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Enric Staromiejski

Yes, but we're solving them little by little. Right now (thanks Marcus, and
everybody) we're already running Cocoon 2.02b. Last problem related to
sitemap was solved starting up cocoon from a console opened under X (yes, as
silly as that. The cocoon.log was telling us the problem related to X11).

Next challenge to us: executing dinamic pages from cocoon without having to
use 8080 port inside the url. Any hint about that?

Thanks a lot to everyone there

-Mensaje original-
De: K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: viernes, 24 de agosto de 2001 19:15
Para: Enric Staromiejski
Asunto: Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

sounds like you are having much of the same problems as me--good luck!!

- Original Message -
From: "Enric Staromiejski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 6:29 AM
Subject: RE: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

> TOMCAT_OPTS is inside tomcat/bin/
> Enric
> -Mensaje original-
> De: K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: viernes, 24 de agosto de 2001 18:08
> Asunto: Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started
> Marcus, thank you,
> you've saved me from certain later-stages of insanity :
> > If you're using jdk1.3.1 under linux, then add '-classic' to your
> > TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable. This is a known problem with that
> > jdk.
> >
> > Hope that helps, keep trying :-)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Marcus
> Well of course, _I_ didn't know that.but what _do_ i know, anyway
> ;-)
> But do you know where I can find more information about this bug in
> jdk1.3.1?
> How exactly do I set TOMCAT_OPTS to add '-classic'?
> I have Tomcat 4 b7 and Tomcat 3.22 (rather than 3.23 as you have)--should
> this make a difference? Or is it strictly a jdk error?
> Thanks,
> Kris
> -
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Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread java guru

The problem is with hotspot shipped with jdk specially
for linux platforms..

The "-classic" option  instructs the jvm runtime to
use Classic stuff rather than default "HOTSPOT'..

Have g'day

 --- Marcus Crafter
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri,
24 Aug 2001, K wrote:
> > Marcus, thank you,
> > you've saved me from certain later-stages of
> insanity :
>   *smile*.. then I'm glad it helped! :-)
> > But do you know where I can find more information
> about this bug in
> > jdk1.3.1?
>   I found out about the problem a while back when the
> problem first
>   surfaced with jakarta-ant. Have a look at the
> thread:
> > How exactly do I set TOMCAT_OPTS to add
> '-classic'?
>   Just set an environment variable at the command
> line:
>   $> export TOMCAT_OPTS="-classic"
>   or add the above line to your tomcat startup
> scripts.
> > I have Tomcat 4 b7 and Tomcat 3.22 (rather than
> 3.23 as you have)--should
> > this make a difference? Or is it strictly a jdk
> error?
>   I think the problem is independant from tomcat
> versions, for a whie it
>   was also present when trying to build cocoon.
>   Cheers,
>   Marcus
> -- 
> .
>  ,,$,  Marcus Crafter
> ;$'  ':Computer Systems Engineer
> $: :   Open Software Associates GmbH
>  $   o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
>  ;$,_/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
>' /( &&&
>\_' Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .Business Hours : +49 69 9757
> 200
> &&&:
> Please check that your question has not already been
> answered in the
> FAQ before posting.
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Thanks and have great day

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Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Marcus Crafter

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, K wrote:

> Marcus, thank you,
> you've saved me from certain later-stages of insanity :

*smile*.. then I'm glad it helped! :-)

> But do you know where I can find more information about this bug in
> jdk1.3.1?

I found out about the problem a while back when the problem first
surfaced with jakarta-ant. Have a look at the thread:

> How exactly do I set TOMCAT_OPTS to add '-classic'?

Just set an environment variable at the command line:

$> export TOMCAT_OPTS="-classic"

or add the above line to your tomcat startup scripts.

> I have Tomcat 4 b7 and Tomcat 3.22 (rather than 3.23 as you have)--should
> this make a difference? Or is it strictly a jdk error?

I think the problem is independant from tomcat versions, for a whie it
was also present when trying to build cocoon.



 ,,$,  Marcus Crafter
;$'  ':Computer Systems Engineer
$: :   Open Software Associates GmbH
 $   o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
 ;$,_/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
   ' /( &&&
   \_' Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200

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Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread K

Marcus, thank you,
you've saved me from certain later-stages of insanity :
> If you're using jdk1.3.1 under linux, then add '-classic' to your
> TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable. This is a known problem with that
> jdk.
> Hope that helps, keep trying :-)
> Cheers,
> Marcus
Well of course, _I_ didn't know that.but what _do_ i know, anyway

But do you know where I can find more information about this bug in
How exactly do I set TOMCAT_OPTS to add '-classic'?
I have Tomcat 4 b7 and Tomcat 3.22 (rather than 3.23 as you have)--should
this make a difference? Or is it strictly a jdk error?


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RE: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Enric Staromiejski

That's it Finally the exception message now is ... DIFFERENT! It sounds
great, it seams that we only will need a couples of months more to get
Cocoon running !!! Great!

Now jokes apart... thanks a lot, Marcus now we've having what seems a
Tomcat configuration prob:

The sitemap handler's sitemap is not available. Please check
/opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/cocoon.log for the
exact error.

For the moment let's have lunch... it should help ;D

-Mensaje original-
De: Marcus Crafter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: viernes, 24 de agosto de 2001 12:33
Asunto: Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Enric Staromiejski wrote:

> We attatch cocoon.log

where is the log ? :-)

> embedded exception stacktrace) because aparently is trying to use jaxp to
> parse instead of Xerces. The problem now is that if we move jaxp.jar and
> rename parser.jar as zz_parser.jar (or even remove both)from/in the
> Tomcat/lib directory, then Tomcat is unable to start (Violacion de
> that means Segmentation Fault). So what?

which version of the jdk are you using ? this sounds like the token
jdk1.3.1 error.

> Next we've retrieved jaxp.jar and parser.jar (and kept xerces in
> tomcat/lib), modified cocoon.xconf and uncomented the line

Here's what I have on my system:

Standard tomcat 3.2.3 install with xerces jar in the lib directory, and no
parser.jar or jaxp.jar.

fztig938[/home/crafterm/workarea]:6>ls -l jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/lib
total 2732
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   295934 Aug 17 17:58 ant.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   214074 Aug 17 17:58 jasper.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm40813 Aug 17 17:58 servlet.jar
drwxr-sr-x3 crafterm crafterm 4096 Aug 17 17:58 test/
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   428372 Aug 17 18:09 webserver.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm  1787796 Aug 17 18:00 xerces_1_4_1.jar

cvs cocoon2 checked out, without changes

context in conf/server.xml:

And that is it.

I simply start it with 'bin/ -f conf/server.xml', and it
works fine.

If you're using jdk1.3.1 under linux, then add '-classic' to your
TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable. This is a known problem with that

Hope that helps, keep trying :-)



 ,,$,  Marcus Crafter
;$'  ':Computer Systems Engineer
$: :   Open Software Associates GmbH
 $   o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
 ;$,_/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
   ' /( &&&
   \_&&&&' Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  &&&&.Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200

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RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Enric Staromiejski

We attatch cocoon.log

Thanks to all of you

-Mensaje original-
De: Enric Staromiejski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: viernes, 24 de agosto de 2001 9:51
Asunto: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

Following the advise of some of the list's participants we've reinstalled
everything from scratch using this time Tomcat-3.2.3 and Cocoon2b2. We've
put Xerces_1_4_1.jar into Tomcat/lib, but did not deleted jaxp.jar, nor
parser.jar. Cocoon still is giving a parser message error
(org.xml.sax.SAXException: Could not get valid parserNamespace not supported
by SAXParser
embedded exception stacktrace) because aparently is trying to use jaxp to
parse instead of Xerces. The problem now is that if we move jaxp.jar and
rename parser.jar as zz_parser.jar (or even remove both)from/in the
Tomcat/lib directory, then Tomcat is unable to start (Violacion de segmento,
that means Segmentation Fault). So what?

Next we've retrieved jaxp.jar and parser.jar (and kept xerces in
tomcat/lib), modified cocoon.xconf and uncomented the line

But we still get the same exception.

The ones that are using Tomcat and Cocoon, how do you start Tomcat without
jaxp.jar  and parser.jar?


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Re: RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Marcus Crafter

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Enric Staromiejski wrote:

> We attatch cocoon.log

where is the log ? :-)

> embedded exception stacktrace) because aparently is trying to use jaxp to
> parse instead of Xerces. The problem now is that if we move jaxp.jar and
> rename parser.jar as zz_parser.jar (or even remove both)from/in the
> Tomcat/lib directory, then Tomcat is unable to start (Violacion de segmento,
> that means Segmentation Fault). So what?

which version of the jdk are you using ? this sounds like the token
jdk1.3.1 error.

> Next we've retrieved jaxp.jar and parser.jar (and kept xerces in
> tomcat/lib), modified cocoon.xconf and uncomented the line

Here's what I have on my system:

Standard tomcat 3.2.3 install with xerces jar in the lib directory, and no
parser.jar or jaxp.jar.

fztig938[/home/crafterm/workarea]:6>ls -l jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/lib
total 2732
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   295934 Aug 17 17:58 ant.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   214074 Aug 17 17:58 jasper.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm40813 Aug 17 17:58 servlet.jar
drwxr-sr-x3 crafterm crafterm 4096 Aug 17 17:58 test/
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm   428372 Aug 17 18:09 webserver.jar
-rw-r--r--1 crafterm crafterm  1787796 Aug 17 18:00 xerces_1_4_1.jar

cvs cocoon2 checked out, without changes

context in conf/server.xml:


And that is it.

I simply start it with 'bin/ -f conf/server.xml', and it
works fine.

If you're using jdk1.3.1 under linux, then add '-classic' to your
TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable. This is a known problem with that

Hope that helps, keep trying :-)



 ,,$,  Marcus Crafter
;$'  ':Computer Systems Engineer
$: :   Open Software Associates GmbH
 $   o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
 ;$,_/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
   ' /( &&&
   \_' Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200

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RV: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

2001-08-24 Thread Enric Staromiejski

We attatch cocoon.log

Thanks to all of you

-Mensaje original-
De: Enric Staromiejski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: viernes, 24 de agosto de 2001 9:51
Asunto: newcomer: desperately impossible getting Cocoon Started

Following the advise of some of the list's participants we've reinstalled
everything from scratch using this time Tomcat-3.2.3 and Cocoon2b2. We've
put Xerces_1_4_1.jar into Tomcat/lib, but did not deleted jaxp.jar, nor
parser.jar. Cocoon still is giving a parser message error
(org.xml.sax.SAXException: Could not get valid parserNamespace not supported
by SAXParser
embedded exception stacktrace) because aparently is trying to use jaxp to
parse instead of Xerces. The problem now is that if we move jaxp.jar and
rename parser.jar as zz_parser.jar (or even remove both)from/in the
Tomcat/lib directory, then Tomcat is unable to start (Violacion de segmento,
that means Segmentation Fault). So what?

Next we've retrieved jaxp.jar and parser.jar (and kept xerces in
tomcat/lib), modified cocoon.xconf and uncomented the line

But we still get the same exception.

The ones that are using Tomcat and Cocoon, how do you start Tomcat without
jaxp.jar  and parser.jar?

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. 

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