Re: multi-part forms

2003-02-21 Thread Christian Haul
On 20.Feb.2003 -- 04:58 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I'm looking over documentation on cocoon and can't find anything that 
 deals with handling multi-part forms. Specificly, I'd like to be able to 
 upload an XLS file, use POI to convert to XML, then mess with it a bit. 
 So, as far as I can tell, there are two part I might have to write, the 
 multi-part form handling, and the XSL-XML part. Two questions about 

On multipart forms see
in addition, there's an upload example included with the database

 that... looks lke XSP is used to process forms. Is there anything I can 

There are a lot actions related to forms around. Have a look at the
XMLForms stuff for example. Don't know how that behaves with uploads,

 put in a pipeline that will turn form parameters into XML? (some 

See request generator.

 generator?) Should something that converts XSL-XML be a generator? I 
 know POI generates SAX events, which means it can be a generator, but, 
 how would it get the multi-part form data on the input side? It would be 
 nice not to need a temporary file...

One - not necessarily good - way would be to write an input module
that calls POI, operates on another module (i.e. raw request
parameters) and returns a DOM. But since you plan to use XSL on the
output (?) it might not make sense.

Perhaps the best way is indeed to write a generator and call it in an
extra pipeline.

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multi-part forms

2003-02-20 Thread David Kavanagh
I'm looking over documentation on cocoon and can't find anything that 
deals with handling multi-part forms. Specificly, I'd like to be able to 
upload an XLS file, use POI to convert to XML, then mess with it a bit. 
So, as far as I can tell, there are two part I might have to write, the 
multi-part form handling, and the XSL-XML part. Two questions about 
that... looks lke XSP is used to process forms. Is there anything I can 
put in a pipeline that will turn form parameters into XML? (some 
generator?) Should something that converts XSL-XML be a generator? I 
know POI generates SAX events, which means it can be a generator, but, 
how would it get the multi-part form data on the input side? It would be 
nice not to need a temporary file...
Thanks in advance,

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