[CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Journal Issue 15 Call for Papers

2011-06-29 Thread Tod Olson
Call for Papers (and apologies for cross-posting):

The Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ) exists to foster community and share
information among those interested in the intersection of libraries,
technology, and the future.

We are now accepting proposals for publication in our 15 issue.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your ideas and experiences.
To be included in the 15th issue, which is scheduled for publication
in late October 2011, please submit articles, abstracts, or proposals at
http://journal.code4lib.org/submit-proposal or to jour...@code4lib.org 
by Friday, July 29, 2011.  When submitting, please include the title  
or subject of the proposal in the subject line of the email message.

C4LJ encourages creativity and flexibility, and the editors welcome
submissions across a broad variety of topics that support the mission
of the journal.  Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

* Practical applications of library technology (both actual and 
* Technology projects (failed, successful, or proposed), including 
  how they were done and challenges faced
* Case studies
* Best practices
* Reviews
* Comparisons of third party software or libraries
* Analyses of library metadata for use with technology
* Project management and communication within the library environment
* Assessment and user studies

C4LJ strives to promote professional communication by minimizing the
barriers to publication.  While articles should be of a high quality,
they need not follow any formal structure.  Writers should aim for the
middle ground between blog posts and articles in traditional refereed
journals.  Where appropriate, we encourage authors to submit code
samples, algorithms, and pseudo-code.  For more information, visit
C4LJ's Article Guidelines or browse articles from the first 14 issues
published on our website: http://journal.code4lib.org.

Remember, for consideration for the 15th issue, please send proposals,
abstracts, or draft articles to jour...@code4lib.org no later than 
Friday, July 29, 2011.

Send in a submission.  Your peers would like to hear what you are doing.

Code4Lib Journal Editorial Committee

Re: [CODE4LIB] library linked data

2011-06-29 Thread John Fereira
I found the paper about vocabularies interesting.  I was in China last week at 
a workshop that was discussing Linked Data, among other things, related to a 
FAO initiative I have been involved in.  While I was there I heard about a 
recently funded project (to the tune of $12 million US) involving a few 
institution in China that is going to create what they're calling a super 
thesauri (called STKOS) that will be a comprehensive vocabulary for medical, 
engineering, science, and agriculture (all in English).  They're talking about 
mapping some very large thesauri such as UMLS and Agrovoc to this new thesaurus.

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Eric 
Lease Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:08 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] library linked data

  * LLD Vocabularies and Datasets - Enumerated various
library-related metadata element sets, value vocabularies, and
datasets. In combination, these thing support the creation,
maintenance, ad use of Library Linked Data (LLD). I was
pleasantly surprised at the number of items in each enumeration.
The next step is to put them into practice to a greater degree.

[2] vocabularies - http://bit.ly/ksioyK 

Eric Lease Morgan

[CODE4LIB] Library Lab podcasts (the latest features Dan Cohen of Zotero)

2011-06-29 Thread Matthew Phillips
Fellow code4libers,

My group (specifically, David Weinberger) has been producing an interesting set 
of library/tech focused podcasts. Last week's episode featured Dan Cohen of 

The Dan Cohen episode is the third in the series, if you're interested in the 
two previous, have a look here:
Episode 2: Peter Suber talks about free knowledge, 
Episode 1: James Bridle talks about the physical and digital forms of reading: 

I've been enjoying these and thought others might too.

Matt Phillips
Harvard Library Innovation Laboratory
mphill...@law.harvard.edu | 617-495-4815
142 Langdell Hall | Harvard Law School Library

[CODE4LIB] library linked data

2011-06-29 Thread Eric Lease Morgan
For the time-challanged, here are a few of my notes taken from the recently 
published drafts on Library Linked Data (LLD) from the W3C. Stuff well-worth 

  * DraftReportWithTransclusion - Makes the case for Linked Data in
libraries. Distinguished between metadata elements, value
vocabularies, and data sets. Advocated the Semantic Web as a way
for people to "follow their nose", or, in other words, facilitate
browse. A cool quote included, "In a sea of RDF triples, no
developer is an island", and echoed "The best thing to do with
your data will be thought of by somebody else." Was aptly
critical of the professions slowness to change, lack of the
necessary resources, and top-down approach to standards creation.
Contrasted library metadata as record-based and Web metadata as
graph based. [1]
  * LLD Vocabularies and Datasets - Enumerated various
library-related metadata element sets, value vocabularies, and
datasets. In combination, these thing support the creation,
maintenance, ad use of Library Linked Data (LLD). I was
pleasantly surprised at the number of items in each enumeration.
The next step is to put them into practice to a greater degree.
  * UseCaseReport - Outlined a number of use cased for Library
Linked Data, including: bibliographic, authority, vocabulary
alignment, archives, citations, digital objects, collections, and
social networks. The list of possible use cases was quite long
demonstrating the great potential usefulness of LLD. [3]

[1] draft report - http://bit.ly/jtPrL0
[2] vocabularies - http://bit.ly/ksioyK
[3] use cases - http://bit.ly/m7Lf0A

Eric Lease Morgan

Re: [CODE4LIB] Access 2011 Conference - Early Bird Reminder

2011-06-29 Thread Cindy Harper
For those of us unable to attend, will handouts/video be posted?

Cindy Harper, Systems Librarian
Colgate University Libraries

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Mark Jordan  wrote:

> It's only 112 days until the Access 2011 conference this fall. A friendly
> reminder to look at the schedule and started making plans to come to
> Vancouver! We're also still accepting Hackfest project suggestions:
> http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/hackfest/
> Early Bird registration rate is only available until August 1st
> http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/registration/. At only $169/night the
> conference hotel is quickly booking up. The rate is available for several
> days before and after the conference, but you must book through the link on
> the conference website  http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/hotel/.
> Open data, open source development and community building, digital
> preservation, and artful data visualization! We hope to see you here for all
> this and more October 19-22, 2011 in Vancouver.
> Mark Jordan
> Access 2011 Conference Planning Committee
> Follow us on Twitter - @access_2011

[CODE4LIB] Fwd: [brushtail] Brushtail version 5.0

2011-06-29 Thread Carol Bean
For the folks out there who have asked about booking and/or scheduling 
software.  I tried this a few years ago in its nascent form, as a staff 
intranet and room booking software.  I was evidently still on their mailing 
list. :-)  

> www.brushtail.org.au
> Brushtail 5.0 now available
> Brushtail 5.0 changes
> + New client software for pc bookings written in PHP-GTK2. More stable. Now 
> shuts down computers when library closes.
> + New module for managing staff leave applications.
> + Colour picker widget
> + New date widget 
> + Room bookings
> colour coded by payment status
> recurrent bookings can now be in a manually selected irregular pattern.
> Can now book multiple rooms simultaneously
> Default view is a week view that shows all rooms
> + Content module
> Images may new be aligned left, right, centre, left with wrapping text, right 
> with wrapping text.
> Can now upload multiple documents at once.
> Content can be put into bordered boxes and columns.
> Can now add calendar, noricboard or room bookng widgets.
> + Events calendar
> recurrent bookings can now be in a manually selected irregular pattern.
> + Staff availability calendar rewritten. Old data in this module will be 
> lost..
> __,_._,___

Carol Bean