Re: [CODE4LIB] Question for Institutional Repository Folks

2013-10-28 Thread Rob Casson
i was recently helping some students, and discovered that the ColorSync
utility for OSX did pretty well with opening/printing PDFs while ignoring
the passwordsjust fyi

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Jim DelRosso wrote:

 Ah, they definitely get more specific than most. Breaking the password or
 getting it from the prof is probably your best bet, then. Good luck!


 *Jim DelRosso, MPA, MSLIS
 Digital Projects Coordinator*
 *Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library*
 Catherwood Library
 ILR School
 Cornell University
 239D Ives Hall
 Ithaca, NY 14853
 p 607.255.8688
 f 607.255.9641
 *Advancing the World of Work*

 On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Matthew Sherman

  Correct, it is locked only to editing.  The professor is around so I
  probably should contact him as you suggest.  I was asking in the case I
  into something where I could not contact the professor, but asking him
  directly is probably the best move.  As for adding it to the metadata I
  just a bit unsure as the e-mail they sent me requested that I Please add
  this text to the pdf file:
  On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Jim DelRosso wrote:
   Just to clarify: the password's only necessary to *edit *the PDF?
   In my experience, most publishers are fine with required statements
   in the metadata, so long as the metadata is visible to users. That
   said, it does depend on the publisher, and their specific request.
   Is it possible to contact the author directly about getting the
   or a PDF that's not password-locked?
   *Jim DelRosso, MPA, MSLIS
   Digital Projects Coordinator*
   *Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library*
   Catherwood Library
   ILR School
   Cornell University
   239D Ives Hall
   Ithaca, NY 14853
   p 607.255.8688
   f 607.255.9641
   *Advancing the World of Work*
   On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Matthew Sherman
We use DSpace for our repository so any editing to the PDFs have to
in Acrobat before uploading.  I can add a note to the metadata in
but I am not sure if that fulfills the permissions agreement.  I was
recently hired for this position so I do not know who provided us the
to upload in the first place.  That is why I am asking if anyone else
dealt with this since I am unsure if I can ever get the password.
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Jim DelRosso

 Does the software you use generate cover pages that you can edit?
 you add the note to the metadata page associated with the document?


 *Jim DelRosso, MPA, MSLIS
 Digital Projects Coordinator*
 *Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library*
 Catherwood Library
 ILR School
 Cornell University
 239D Ives Hall
 Ithaca, NY 14853
 p 607.255.8688
 f 607.255.9641
 *Advancing the World of Work*

 On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:13 PM, Matthew Sherman

  Hello Code4libbers,
  I had a question for for others who work with institutional
  I have a file given by the a professor that I have permission to
  add a note to the PDF, but the file is password locked.  Has
  run into this problem before?  Can anyone give me some advice in
  edit this to add the required note to the top of the PDF?  Any
  Matt Sherman


Re: [CODE4LIB] local APIs atop III's Sierra DB

2013-10-16 Thread Rob Casson
i've done some very ugly, preliminary hacking at getting MARC records out:

generally works, but still need to account for more invalid MARC tags,
on-the-fly records (non-MARC records, i.e. reserve items, ordered bibs,

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Thomale, Jason jason.thom...@unt.eduwrote:

 Everyone: You guys are fantastic. Thanks to those who have responded thus
 far for being so willing to share. I will be contacting y'all off-list, if
 you don't mind. :-)

 Just wanted to tag onto Dave's response here...

  I've written a decent amount of code against Sierra, but I don't know if
  any of it amounts to an API.
  * I've also started creating little web services with mod_perl for use
  in a
  web-application I'm working on.  Examples: a script that spits back item
  information in JSON when given an item barcode, a script that spits back
  JSON list of all attached items when given a bib record number.  Again
  these are mostly special purpose, but I have a notion to find ways to
  generalize them.

 Yes this is basically where I am right now and where this is coming from.
 I've thrown together sort of a prototype app for helping us with some
 inventory stuff we're doing, which consists of a really quick-and-dirty web
 service that serves up JSON and a bootstrap/jQuery front-end. For what it
 is--which at this point isn't much more than a proof-of-concept--it works.
 But. In the coming year there are a lot of similar things we plan to do,
 and building out a RESTful API to serve up catalog data in particular ways
 seems like a logical step right now.

 Julia alluded to some things you don't want to do when you're querying
 the database, which is something I'm interested in talking about as well.
 If my experiences are anything like yours, Julia, I'm finding things just
 aren't indexed in ways that make it optimal for our use cases. Namely,
 querying on most variable field data is out of the question if you don't
 want multi-minute response times. It seems the only way to get this to work
 well will be to dump portions of the database out to an external document
 store / indexer. I'm primarily looking at serving up JSON at this point, so
 probably something like Solr or Elasticsearch. Learning from your
 experiences building a Sierra driver for VuFind would be quite helpful and

 Francis, I'll be interested to see whether you're thinking along similar
 lines or if you're going a totally different direction...

  Sadly, I'm a team of one here and I'm a bit shy about the state my code
  currently in, so I haven't published it anywhere.  ( Also the way I use
  locally is probably wrong, not to mention there are probably passwords
  old commits. )

 No worries! I completely understand, and I share your shyness. Believe me,
 I'm the last person that should judge.

  Nonetheless, I'd definitely be interested in collaborating on anything
  might benefit all Sierra users.

 Cool. I really appreciate it. I guess--at this point I'm still looking at
 solving local needs first, but making it easy enough to extend to new use
 cases. the very least doing something that will provide for a good
 learning experience. :-) I don't know, it's still ideas.



Re: [CODE4LIB] Examples of augmented reality?

2013-08-14 Thread Rob Casson
a computer science prof (Bo Brinkman) who happens to be married to one of
our librarians is working on ShelvAR, a shelf-reading app:

there's some youtube videos too

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:11 PM, William Denton wrote:

 I'm writing a chapter about augmented reality and would like to include a
 couple more examples of it in use in libraries and archives.  Are any of
 you using it for something exciting?  I know about SCARLET at U Manchester
 [1] but would love to hear about other work.

 I'm especially interested in anyone that's made their own app or otherwise
 gone beyond just popping up POIs in Layar or Junaio or adding an image or
 video overlay to something in print.

 While I'm here about AR, the YouTube recording of Geoffrey Alan Rhodes's
 2012 talk AR on AR: Occupying Virtual Space is worth a look as an
 interesting way of mixing and discussing the real and the virtual.

 And also, if you haven't seen the video showing of Meta's SpaceGlasses
 [3], it's freaky.



 [1] https://teamscarlet.wordpress.**com/
 William Denton
 Toronto, Canada

Re: [CODE4LIB] 2012 preconference proposals wanted!

2012-01-20 Thread Rob Casson
as the guy who suggested someone do this (and now, sadly, can't make
it to seattle), thanks for doing this.  beers on me in 2013,

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:

 Let me know how I can help.


 On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Michael B. Klein wrote:
 Anjanette brought this up on the conference mailing list, and asked for a
 new facilitator. I volunteered. I was going to throw together a little
 intro and some starting points, and then throw it open to the room to share
 information and ask questions. But I think your name was on the board
 first, Cary, so if you'd like to facilitate, I'm happy to play either role.


 On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:

 I would really like some help. I was going to be the assistant, but
 while I use git every day, I am no expert.



 On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Ian Walls wrote:
  Due to a recent change in employment, I'm not going to be able to make it
  to Code4Lib this year (much to my disappointment).  That means I won't be
  able to facilitate the Git -r Done preconference session.  It looks like
  there are enough other interested Git users attending, though, to make a
  pretty good show of it.
  I look forward to attending in 2013, once I've established myself at my
  On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Carl Wiedemann
  I've been using Git extensively for a library's Drupal sites and may
  some relevant items to share about deployment strategy and managing
  across dev/test/prod environments. Would be very interested to hear how
  others have approached these issues, especially on different platforms.
  Carl Wiedemann
  Website design and development consulting | skype: c4rlww
  On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Ian Walls
   Yup, for better or worse, I'll help shepherd this preconference along.
   Anyone interested in sharing their knowledge and experience is
 welcome to
   contact me directly, or put something up on the wiki when it returns.
   personally quite interested in the different workflows groups have
 set up
   around Git; the way we do it for Koha may be completely different
   for Drupal or Summon.
   On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Kevin S. Clarke
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Andrew Nagy
 Is anyone leading this session or is a free for all?  Code4lib
 - so I can't see whats on the wiki.
I believe volunteered to lead it.
your engineer contact him(?)
   Ian Walls
   Lead Development Specialist
   ByWater Solutions
   Phone # (888) 900-8944
   Twitter: @sekjal

 Cary Gordon
 The Cherry Hill Company

 Cary Gordon
 The Cherry Hill Company

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Community google custom search

2011-10-06 Thread Rob Casson
jrochkind++ # very cool, and
wickr++ # for the assist.

beyond my personal use, this will be my first suggestion for a lot of
my colleagues' questions/etc.  cheers.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 9:46 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
 (PS: Thanks a lot to ryan wick for spending time helping to get a reasonable
 ruby environment installed on the server, so I could then get
 my scripting done quickly and pleasantly.)

 On 10/6/2011 9:35 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

 So I was in #code4lib, and skome asked about ideas for library hours. And
 I recalled that there have been at least two articles in the C4L Journal on
 this topic, so suggested them.

 Then I realized that there's enough body of work in the Journal to be
 worth searching there whenever you have an ideas for dealing with X
 question. You might not find anything, but I think there's enough chance you
 will, illustrated by that encounter with skome.

 Then I realized it's not just the journal -- what about a Google Custom
 Search that searches over the Journal, the Code4Lib wiki, the Code4Lib
 website, and perhaps most interestinly -- all the sites listed in Planet

 Then I made it happen. Cause it seemed interesting and I'm a
 perfectionist, I even set things up so a cronjob automatically syncs the
 list of sites in the Planet with the Google custom search every night.

 The Planet stuff ends up potentially being a lot of noise -- I tried to
 custom 'boost' stuff from the Journal, but I'm not sure it worked. But I did
 configure things with facet-like limits including a just the planet limit,
 if you do want that. But even though it's sometimes a lot of noise, it's
 also potentially the most interesting/useful part of the search, otherwise
 it'd pretty much just be a Journal search, but now it includes a bunch of
 people's blogs, as well as other sites deemed of interest to Code4Lib
 community (including a couple other open source library tech journals) --
 without any extra curatorial work, just using the list already compiled for
 the Planet.

 I'm curious what people think of it. Try some searches for library tech
 questions or information and see how good your results are. If people find
 this useful, I'll try to include it on the main webpage in some
 prominent place, spruce up the look and feel etc. (Or try to draft someone
 else to do that, I think my time to work on this might be _just_ about up
 after staying until 9.30 hacking on this cause it seemed cool).

Re: [CODE4LIB] ny times best seller api

2011-09-28 Thread Rob Casson
and nothing specific to this case, but i've taken to developing using
.ajax() instead of the .getJSON(), etc.  .ajax underlies all the
others, but i've had better luck debugging/diagnosing with the
lower-level function.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Nate Hill wrote:
 Anybody out there using the NY times best seller API to do stuff on their
 library websites?
 I can't figure out what's wrong with my code here.
 Data is returned as null; I can't seem to parse the response with jQuery.
 Any help would be supercool.
 I removed the API key - my code doesn't actually contain ''.
 Here's the jQuery:

                    //json request to new york times

                    function(data) {
                        //loop through the results with the following
                        $.each(data.results.book_details, function(i,item){
                        //turn the title into a variable
                        var bookTitle = item.title;


 Here's a snippet of the JSON response:

    status: OK,
    copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 The New York Times Company.  All Rights
    num_results: 35,
    last_modified: 2011-09-23T12:00:29-04:00,
    results: [{
        list_name: Hardcover Fiction,
        display_name: Hardcover Fiction,
        updated: WEEKLY,
        bestsellers_date: 2011-09-17,
        published_date: 2011-10-02,
        rank: 1,
        rank_last_week: 0,
        weeks_on_list: 1,
        asterisk: 0,
        dagger: 0,
        isbns: [{
            isbn10: 0399157786,
            isbn13: 9780399157783
        book_details: [{
            title: NEW YORK TO DALLAS,
            description: An escaped child molester pursues Lt. Eve
 Dallas; by Nora Roberts, writing pseudonymously.,
            contributor: by J. D. Robb,
            author: J D Robb,
            contributor_note: ,
            price: 27.95,
            age_group: ,
            publisher: Putnam,
            primary_isbn13: 9780399157783,
            primary_isbn10: 0399157786
        reviews: [{
            book_review_link: ,
            first_chapter_link: ,
            sunday_review_link: ,

 Nate Hill

Re: [CODE4LIB] 2012 preconference proposals wanted!

2011-09-23 Thread Rob Casson

looking forward to it

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Cary Gordon wrote:
 Afternoon is great. I am willing to help present.

 I am not excited about doing a git /subversion comparison, and would
 rather see the time filled with git specific info. There is certainly
 enough of it to keep us busy.

 I am not a raconteur, but a couple years ago, when the Drupal
 migration from CVS was in its nascent stage, I was walking Dries
 Buytaert back to his hotel... on Rue Git in Paris. He asked if I
 though that was portentous. I said it was bzr.



 On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Ian Walls wrote:
 Cool, I'll add this to the wiki, then.

 Anyone prefer morning v. afternoon?  Afternoon is currently empty, so I
 figure it'd make sense to default there for now.  Unless folks want to talk
 about Git for the whole day

 Giving the session a cute name... git lends itself well to such.  I'm in
 no way wedded to the name; I may have had too much/little caffeine this


 On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Kevin S. Clarke kscla...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Ian Walls wrote:
  If we still need someone to take the lead on this, I would

 I don't believe anyone else has volunteered to lead so if you want to
 do it, run with it!

 I'd be glad to do a quick bit on how easy it is to use gitolite for
 private git repositories, if there is time for it (with all the other
 good git topics that have been suggested).


 Ian Walls
 Lead Development Specialist
 ByWater Solutions
 Phone # (888) 900-8944
 Twitter: @sekjal

 Cary Gordon
 The Cherry Hill Company

Re: [CODE4LIB] 2012 preconference proposals wanted!

2011-09-15 Thread Rob Casson
some of us in IRC were kicking around the idea of a git preconf.  i'm
just getting started, and totally unqualified to lead something like
that, but could help out a bit...anyone feel like they could wrangle
that?  we've got a couple folks that could talk about specifics
(gitolite, etc)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:13 PM, John Fink wrote:
 Hey Code4lib folks!

 Code4Lib 2012 is rapidly approaching and it's time to gather up some
  proposals for the Code4Lib 2012 preconference sessions! We're accepting
 preconference proposals for both full day and half day morning/evening
 sessions. If you've got an idea, put it on the wiki! It's at The proposal
 deadline is Friday, November 18th. We can accommodate preconference sessions
 of varying sizes; there's a main room that can fit 275 people and five
 breakout rooms that can fit between 30-35 people. For examples of last years
 preconference proposals, take a look at the wiki here -- Once we've
 collected enough proposals, we'll put them up, and if we've collected too
 many of them, we'll vote on which ones are the best, probably after November
 18th. Thanks for submitting and let us know if you've got any questions!


Re: [CODE4LIB] Web platform for digitized books

2011-09-08 Thread Rob Casson
lots of folks use XTF ( for ebook collections


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:
 Hello all,

 Can anyone suggest projects or general approaches for providing access to
 digitized books on the web? We're not interested in CONTENTdm, Greenstone
 has worked for us in the past but will not work for our ongoing projects.

 I don't have real experience with DSpace and such repository products, but
 they seemed ill-suited for this purpose when I've examined them in the past.
 Omeka (at last evaluation) is not compatible with hierarchic objects (like

 I am rather amazed that I have not been able to find any FOSS dedicated to
 this. I am currently favoring the idea of creating a web app using a decent
 framework (symfony2) designed for this purpose (web presentation of
 hierarchic text-based entities).

 Many thanks,

 Yitzchak Schaffer
 Systems Manager
 Touro College Libraries
 212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib 2012 Seattle Update

2011-06-15 Thread Rob Casson
i've got admin rights on the code4lib drupal, so i went ahead and set the alias:

cary: i'll look into getting you the correct privileges.  you're
highermath, correct?


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:
 In a modern version of Drupal, you can set a path alias for any page.
 Unfortunately, C4L does not appear to be in a modern version of
 Drupal. It looks like 4.7 or earlier.

 I would be happy to volunteer to help manage it.


 On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Anjanette Young wrote:
 Hey Susan,

 Sweet! Language. Information. Social niceties.

 Here is the link to the 2012 sponsor page.

 (Anyone know how to make that a nicer url on drupal?)

 There seems to be discussion on expanding options for sponsorship, but the
 options on the page are standard.
 Thank you for the words.  Hope that it turns out that you able to travel to
 Seattle for the conference.


 On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Susan Kane adarconsult...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Anj,

 Nice to see your name again after meeting briefly at UW when you were
 and I was leaving for Boston!

 I doubt I'll be able to attend the conference this year but I've put the
 word out to the group of Ex Libris and Endeavor alumni that I manage on
 LinkedIn.  Many people now work for other library technology companies.
 Will let you know if anything useful comes back.

 Here's a copy of my promotional message, in case others on the list want to
 try their own networks.  It might help our cause if someone could add a
 about sponsorships to the conference section of the website.

 --- promotional blurb ---

 c4l -- code4lib is a unique conference that attracts a small but
 group of library technologists each year. Next year's conference is Feb
 2012 in Seattle, WA. They are still seeking vendor sponsorships -- great
 visibility with influential folks for a fraction of the cost of ALA!   If
 you can help, please contact me privately through your preferred contact
 method here.

 -- promotional blurb ---

 Susan Kane
 Harvard University OIS

 Anjanette Young | Systems Librarian
 University of Washington Libraries
 Box 352900 | Seattle, WA 98195
 Phone: 206.616.2867

 Cary Gordon
 The Cherry Hill Company

Re: [CODE4LIB] A suggested role for text mining in library catalogs?

2011-02-22 Thread Rob Casson
And I probably should have added to your thread on NGC4LIB, rather than 
Code4lib - I tend to conflate them.

i'm offended ;)

Re: [CODE4LIB] exporting marc records from iii

2011-02-18 Thread Rob Casson
all good suggestions so far.some colleagues have been poking
around davidWalker's excellent shrew project (with
timing out for me on some projects right now.  strange):

overview of options is also found at III's customer documentation
site, which will require a login/password:

essentially Create LISTs and Output MARC records using FTS

i like to pretend i don't work at a III-institution, but if you found
me in IRC or something, i might accidentally paste something in a


On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Walker, David wrote:

 Hey Eric,

 Is this an Innovative system you have access to (at Notre Dame)?  And do
 you need to do this one time only, or does it need to be automated and

 If it's a system you have access to, and you only need it once, then you
 might just have one of the staff there use the Millennium client to get
 these records.  Innovative provides modules (Create Lists and Data Exchange)
 to search for and export MARC records.  There is, of course, documentation
 for that.

 There is also a function in the character based system that allows you to
 export MARC records. This can easily be automated with expect.

 If it is ongoing and you only need individual records, you can also ask
 target systems to enable XRECORD for bib records in their system. This will
 enable you to pull up records in XML that contain all the fields in their
 full glory. I strongly recommend against this option as it is one of the
 most insane schemas I've ever seen, it doesn't deal with certain characters
 properly, and you can only harvest by control number.

 There is also a syntax that you can use to pull individual records from the
 staff view in the public OPAC that gives you a textual representation of
 the MARC record. This can be parsed and converted to a real MARC record.

 If you need all records in the system, the expect route through the
 character based system is the best. The other methods can be used in a

 I recommend against Data Exchange not because it doesn't work (though the
 last time I checked it didn't work well with large sets), but because you
 can't automate it and it forces you to work though a java gui client.

 Kyle Banerjee
 Digital Services Program Manager
 Orbis Cascade Alliance / 503.877.9773

[CODE4LIB] experiences with Liferay/Unicon and/or CampusEAI

2010-12-21 Thread Rob Casson
our university is currently evaluating products/vendors for our campus
portal, and i'd be interested in hearing anyone's opinions/experiences
with Liferay/Unicon and/or CampusEAI.

campusEAI seems to be a fork of Liferay 5.x (fork might be
generousprobably just a repackaging), with Liferay moving away
from their previous MIT licensing to the LGPL for 6.x

thanks for any info you might have, and please feel free to reply
off-list if you don't feel comfortable replying publicly,

Re: [CODE4LIB] [code4lib-midwest] code4lib midwest [agenda and challenge]

2010-06-07 Thread Rob Casson
Solr will surely get mentioned/used during the meeting, so it might be
worth your time to attend Erik Hatcher's webinar on Thursday, Rapid
Prototyping Search Applications with Solr:

should be a great crash course for the unfamiliar.  cheers,

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
 We are now up to sixteen registrants (Woot!)...

 Here is our tentative Friday agenda for the Midwest Meeting:

  * 10 o'clock - Meet  greet
  * 10:30 - Show  Tell / Lighting Talks
  * Noon - Lunch at the Dining Hall
  * 1 o'clock - Tour of campus
  * 2:30 - Code4Lib Challenge
  * 3:30 - Hack Session
  * 6 o'clock - Social Event

 But I wanted to especially highlight the Code4Lib Challenge. In one of 
 preplanning conference calls a number of months ago, the idea of a 
 challenge was proposed, and here is what we hope to do:

  1. from the lightning talks, pick one or two really really cool things
  2. present the selected ideas to library employees
  3. ask the employees to challenge the Meeting attendees
     to solve a particular computing problem
  4. hope someone from the Meeting picks up the banner and hacks a solution
  5. present the solution back to employees at a later time

 Or something like that. Wish us luck, and we'll let y'all know how it goes.

 Eric Lease Morgan
 University of Notre Dame

 (574) 631-8604

Re: [CODE4LIB] 12 Bones BBQ excursion

2010-02-10 Thread Rob Casson
i've also heard good things about this place:

some of us non-veg*ns were even thinking of getting a meal there at
some idea about capacity, etc, just a heads-up.

looking forward to asheville,

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Jodi Schneider wrote:
 Much as I love corn bread and Kale, Wednesday (aka BBQ night [1]) may be a
 good night to take in a good vegetarian restaurant:


 Full up, but there's a waitlist.

 On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Rosalyn Metz wrote:

 Only 4 spots left.  Get them while you can.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Support for attending Code4Lib2010

2009-12-09 Thread Rob Casson
this++ # not pledging money, just props to y'all for doing this

Re: [CODE4LIB] solr - search query count | highlighting

2009-10-16 Thread Rob Casson
i think some of the new TermVectorComponent stuff might be
applicable...i've not experimented with it yet tho, so YMMV.

it's only part of 1.4, which is due for a release any day now, once
they patch up a Lucene bug

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Eric James wrote:
 Thanks for your response.  But, yes I'm able to use facets in general, and 
 yes I'm able to do highlighting on stored fields.

 But finding how many times the query appears in the full text is my question. 
 For example say you search on Heisenberg   We'd like to see:

 Hit 1: Your search for Heisenberg appears 10 times within the Finding Aid

 Hit 2: Your search for Heisenberg appears 3 times within the Finding Aid

 Hit 3: Your search for Heisenberg appears 88 times within the Finding Aid


 Could there be a solr parameter that calculates this? Otherwise a klugey, not 
 very scalable method could be that once you retrieve a solr result xml, find 
 the fedora pid, retrieve the EAD full text, run a standard function to count 
 how many times the query appears in the text for each hit, and add parameters 
 back into the xml with these counts.

 Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 15:27:42 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] solr - search query count | highlighting

 Hi Eric,

 You do not have to store the entire text content of the EAD guide in order
 to enable facets. Here's an example:*:* . There are about 15 facets
 enabled on a collection of almost 1500 EAD documents (though quite small in
 filesize compared to traditional EAD finding aids), and there's no slowdown
 whatsoever. I don't believe you need to store the guides to enable
 highlighting either, though I have heard there is some dropoff in
 performance with highlighting enabled. I've never done benchmarking on
 highlighting enabled versus disabled, so I can't tell you how much of a
 dropoff there is. In an index of only several hundred documents, I would
 think that the dropoff with highlighting enabled would be fairly negligible.


 On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Eric James wrote:

  For our finding aids, we are using fedoragenericsearch 2.2 with solr as
  index. Because the EADs can be huge, the EADs are indexed but not stored
  (with stored EADs, search time for ~500 objects = 20 min rather than  1
  However, we would like to have number of search terms found within each
  hit. For example, CDL's collection:
  Also we would like highlighting/snippets of the search term similar to
  Is it a lost cause to have this functionality without storing the EAD? Is
  there a way to store the EAD and have a reasonable response time?
  Eric James
  Yale University Libraries

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Logo?

2008-09-19 Thread Rob Casson
think it's a swell ideasolr is looking at a new logo, and this
site came up on-list:

not endorsing, or painting a bikeshedjust a heads-up.


Re: [CODE4LIB] BarCampOhio and LibraryCampOhio, August 11, 2008

2008-07-17 Thread Rob Casson

looking forward to this, and thanks to peter and bob (and whomever
else) for actually making this happen.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Joe Atzberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sounds good!

 On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Peter Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All of the details, include stuff not covered below, are on the event

 Did I miss the URL, or are you holding out on us?   : )


Re: [CODE4LIB] Life after Expect

2008-05-16 Thread Rob Casson

Re: [CODE4LIB] Z39.50 for III Database?

2007-05-02 Thread Rob Casson

Actually, it comes with the OPAC as far as I know.  We don't have the XML

yeah, it comes with the stock innopac; the returned xml is the same as
that from the (defunct) xml server, and there are xslts that can convert
it to marcxml, mods, dc, etc.

it may not have all the info that godmar wants thomy first thought
was to suggest the xrecord stuff too :)


- adam

On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 02:51:04PM -0700, Bin Zhang wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Adam Brin
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Z39.50 for III Database?

BTW, one other solution comes to mind, III supports an XML format
from the OPAC (it has to be configured in the wwwoptions to enable, but
you *should* be able to request bib's/items via:



I believe it's III's xml (as opposed to marcXML, but it might be
preferable (and easier). It's essentially a poor man's rest interface.

- adam

[BZ] You don't have it unless you have purchased the XML server product, right?


On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 06:32:02PM -0400, Godmar Back wrote:

If I may follow up on an earlier discussion [ relevant parts are
included below ] regarding how to extract holdings information from
III or other catalogs.

I have one thing to offer and 1 thing to request. I'll start with the
offering: MAJAX. MAJAX is a JavaScript library that screenscrapes III
catalogs and can include the results so obtained into any document
served from the same domain. URL of the current code is ; a demo is at )

After an initial, somewhat clumsy approach, we've now adopted an
approach that's similar to COinS. For instance, to include holdings
information for a book into a website, all you have to do is include


span class=majax-showholdings title=iX/span in your
HTML, and include MAJAX via a single script element, which will
result in that SPAN being replaced with the holdings of the book with
ISBN XXX. Also support bibrecord number and title.
It's so easy a cave librarian could do it. It can be done directly
from the WebBridge management panel for those of you have are damned
to use WebBridge. Of course, the underlying JavaScript API is still
available for more advanced users. MAJAX has been released under the

Now for the thing to request. Are there any reusable, open source
scripts out there that implements a REST interface that screenscrapes
or otherwise efficiently accesses a III catalog? David and James have
provided links, but no code. I would be grateful for anything I could
reuse and don't have to reimplement.

Here's what I envision:

Interface: REST

Input: search terms/type - maybe OpenURL v0.1-syntax, or another
adopted standard, or something custom, but ideally simple.

Output: XML - maybe Marc XML with 852 (or whatever the number is)
holdings records - similar to what David's screen scrape test
provides. Ideally XML that comes with a schema and validates against
it. Maybe JSON like James's scripts (?)

Implementation: Something that a cave librarian could deploy - good
candidates are PhP and possibly Perl-based cgi, but one could


of others. Nothing that requires elaborate server setups or


custom frameworks.

Thank you for any pointers/suggestions you may have.

- Godmar

On 3/4/07, Birkin James Diana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mar 1, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Walker, David wrote:

Very cool; works on our III catalog!

Nathan Mealy -- I also used the screenscrape method to get info we
needed for a couple of ISBN-based projects, not knowing at the time
about the yaz-z39.50-OPAC option.

By implementing this in the form of a web-service, I can switch the
work-horse code without affecting other apps, and minimize session

(The returned json info is more comprehensible via view-source.)

Birkin James Diana
Programmer, Web Services
Brown University Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] Videos

2007-03-10 Thread Rob Casson

i've incremented everyone's karma in-channel, but just want to do the
same here; it was my big-mouth that (re)started the video capturing,
since i didnt' attend, and i really just want to thank everyone for
their work on this...code4lib++; it's really appreciated, and i sing your
praises all the timei'm excited for the videos, and i'm forwarding
them on to colleagues, as i already know how informative/inspiring
they'll bethanks again,


of course, roy says it much better, but that's why he's roy :)

I just want to reflect on the fact that how the videotaping and the
aftermath of the videotaping is the essence of code4lib. From beginning to
end (not there yet, but soon), it has been a volunteer effort by an ad hoc
group of willing individuals. People came forward to do it, and are still
working to complete it.

At minimum, Karen Schneider, Noel Peden, and Ryan Eby have been involved
with taping, editing, and mounting on the web all of the talks from the
conference. Others have also done bits here and there. It has been wonderful
to watch and amazing in its nature and effectiveness.

I think one of our greatest challenges as a group is how to enable such ad
hoc involvement while not letting things fall through the cracks with too
little planning and forethought. I guess a part of it is making sure
everyone knows that there is no such thing as an in group that controls
everything. We are all code4lib. Just step forward and contribute. We'll
love you for it.

On 3/9/07 4:55 PM, Ryan Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I should have mentioned that I'm tagging them as I go:


On 3/9/07, Ryan Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Once the videos are uploaded to code4lib I'll add links if someone
else doesn't. For those that were finished so far I've uploaded them
to google so they can be embedded. Example:

Once everything is up I'll create some video podcasts. Let me know if
anyone has a problem with the embedding.


On 3/9/07, Noel Peden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good idea.  I'll see about cutting/pasting from the schedule.

Jeremy Dunck wrote:

On 3/9/07, Noel Peden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With several issues being 'solved', I'm finally starting to generate the
final videos.

If possible, could you give a synopsis of the video topic?

The file name is one thing, but I don't know what Karen's keynote was
about, and I bet you'd save bandwidth if I didn't download them all to
find out.  :)