Re: importing certs with private key into keystore

2004-05-25 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
What I did was this:
1) I created a keystore with a new private key via:
   keytool -genkey
... which will create a JKS keystore
2) I then load the PKCS12 keystore
KeyStore inputKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance( PKCS12 );

3) I then load the JKS keystore
KeyStore outputKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance( JKS );
outputKeyStore.load( new 

4) I then load the certs from the PKCS12 and store them into the JKS 

   Enumeration aliases = inputKeyStore.aliases();
   String alias;
   Certificate certs[];
   Certificate cert;
   X509Certificate x509cert;
   Key key = null;
   while( aliases.hasMoreElements() ) {
 alias = (String) aliases.nextElement();
 System.out.println( Alias:  + alias +  
===  );

 if( inputKeyStore1.isKeyEntry( alias ) ) {
   key = inputKeyStore1.getKey( alias, 
wcapcertpreconfig37.toCharArray() );
   System.out.println( Private Key Type:  + 
key.getClass().getName() );
   System.out.println( Private Key Algorithm:  + 
key.getAlgorithm() );
   System.out.println( Private Key Format:  + key.getFormat() );

 certs = inputKeyStore.getCertificateChain( alias );
 System.out.println( Certificate chain has  + certs.length +  
entries.  );
 for( int i = 0 ; i  certs.length; i++ ) {
   cert = certs[ i ];
   System.out.println(  ---  );
   System.out.println( \tType:  + cert.getType() );
   System.out.println( \tIsKey:  + inputKeyStore1.isKeyEntry( 
alias ));
   System.out.println( \tIsCertificate:  + 
inputKeyStore1.isCertificateEntry( alias ));
   if( cert instanceof X509Certificate ) {
 x509cert = ( X509Certificate ) cert;
 System.out.println( \tSubject:  + 
x509cert.getSubjectDN().getName() );
 System.out.println( \tIssuer:  + 
x509cert.getIssuerDN().getName() );
   System.out.println( \tPublic Key Algorithim:  + 
cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm() );
   System.out.println( \tPublic Key Format:  + 
cert.getPublicKey().getFormat() );

 outputKeyStore.setKeyEntry( alias, key, 
replace_with_your_JKS_passphrase.toCharArray(), certs );

   System.out.println( Saving to new keystore ...  ); new FileOutputStream( 
replace_with_your_JKS_keystore.jks ), 
replace_with_your_JKS_passphrase.toCharArray() );
   System.out.println( New keystore saved  );

5) I then repeat the same process for each PKCS12 file.

Tim Wild wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to get my client certificate, complete with 
private key, into my Java keystore? I have my openssl generated 
certificate and private key  in .pem files. I can get it in sometimes, 
but never with private key, and if I do get it in I get errors when I 
try to use Java to present the client cert. I've read LOTS of guides 
on the web, but none seem accurate.

I managed this yesterday, but I can't work out how I did it... this 
key/keystore/certificate stuff's driving my crazy!

Many thanks for any ideas
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Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
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F: +61 2 94603677
PGP Public key:

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Re: client certs - how to choose which cert to use?

2004-05-24 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.

Tim Wild wrote:
Hi all,
Using a link to Sun code that a few people have posted before, I have 
client authentication working using HttpClient by creating my own 

The problem i'm having is that it seems to automatically choose a 
certificate without asking me which one to use. Does anyone know how 
to modify the following code to retrieve a cert by name?
I came across that same problem before.
My answer is: You don't.
If you have multiple client certificates, what you should do is combine 
all of them into one keystore.
PKCS12 only allows you to have one, so you have to put all your PKCS12 
certificates into a JKS keystore.

And then, you dont have to do the code that you showed earlier.
All you have to do is specify your JKS keystore filename via the system 
and the passphrase for the keystore via
and then specify that JKS for the property

Even a way to work out which client cert is loaded would be great.

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Re: client certs - how to choose which cert to use?

2004-05-24 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Tim Wild wrote:
Thanks Jesus,
I gave this a try, but I think I missed something, as it didn't work - 
I got a SSLHandshakeException: with the message handshake_failure, 
indicating that the client certificate hadn't been presented.

What JDK are you using ?
If you are using JDK 1.3, then you have to add to your 
system property
Also, add to your system property so that at least 
you can see what's happening.

I provided those parameters to the JVM and used the HttpClient as 
usual, simply specifying an https server. I also tried specifying the 
SSLProtocolSocketFactory. Do I still need to use a 
SecureProtocolSocketFactory, or should the default one work? If the 
default one should work, could you think what I might have missed?

Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

Tim Wild wrote:
Hi all,
Using a link to Sun code that a few people have posted before, I 
have client authentication working using HttpClient by creating my 
own SecureProtocolSocketFactory.

The problem i'm having is that it seems to automatically choose a 
certificate without asking me which one to use. Does anyone know how 
to modify the following code to retrieve a cert by name?

I came across that same problem before.
My answer is: You don't.
If you have multiple client certificates, what you should do is 
combine all of them into one keystore.
PKCS12 only allows you to have one, so you have to put all your 
PKCS12 certificates into a JKS keystore.

And then, you dont have to do the code that you showed earlier.
All you have to do is specify your JKS keystore filename via the 
system property
and the passphrase for the keystore via
and then specify that JKS for the property

Even a way to work out which client cert is loaded would be great.

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Re: Persistent HTTPS connections

2004-05-14 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Hi Oleg,

Thanks for that. I have now implemented my own MethodRetryHandler and 
got rid of my custom loop / retry.
Cleaner log files for my application as well.


Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:


Please correct me if I am wrong (which may well be the case) SO_TIMEOUT only affects socket read operations. I thought it had nothing to do with SSL inactivity timeout. But it looks like it might.

There's another way to deal with recoverable exceptions. You can provide a custom implementation of MethodRetryHandler

The default implementation of the MethodRetryHandler is quite conservative. It does not allow the method to be retried if the request has been transmitted in its entirety.


-Original Message-
From: Jesus M. Salvo Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:40
Subject: Persistent HTTPS connections

Using HttpClient 2.0
JDK 1.4.2_04 on Fedora
Is there anything special that I have to do to make use of persistent
HTTP(S) connections with HttpClient other than using
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager ?
Basically, what I am doing is the following ( more explanation after the
snippet of the source code ):
   MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager =
 new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
   connectionManager.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
   connectionManager.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );
   connectionManager.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );
   this.httpClient = new HttpClient( connectionManager );
   this.httpClient.setConnectionTimeout( 3 );
   this.httpClient.setTimeout( 3 );
 and then within a thread, the thread does this:

 String content;
 HttpMethod method;
   try {
 method = new PostMethod( connectionURL );
 method.setDoAuthentication( true );
 method.setRequestHeader( Content-Type, contentType + ;
charset= + this.outboundEncoding);
 if( method instanceof PostMethod ) {
   PostMethod postMethod = (PostMethod) method;
   postMethod.setRequestBody( content );
  int responseCode = this.httpClient.executeMethod( method );
  String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
   catch( Exception ex ) {}
   finally {
  if( method != null ) method.releaseConnection();

What I am doing, then, from a JUnit test class, is:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30
seconds )
3) Send another HTTP POST to the same URL.
What I am seeing with ethereal is that, after 30 seconds of no activity
( no TCP ACKs whatever on the socket ), the web server sends a a TLS alert.
So what actually happens is this:
1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30
seconds )
3) Web server sends a TLS alert after 30 seconds of inactivity. Web
server sends a TCP FIN, Java sends a TCP ACK _only_ .
4) Wake up from sleep at the 40 second mark, send another HTTP POST to
the same URL.
5) Receive a TLS alert instead of a HTTP response. The TLS alert
according to JSSE's debug mode is:
   main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, close_notify
   main, called closeInternal(false)
   main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, description = close_notify
6) HttpClient throws an HttpRecoverableException, shown below:
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with HTTP
Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have handled this case ?
e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by
creating a new HTTPS socket ?

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Re: Persistent HTTPS connections

2004-05-14 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
One small thing though. Why is setMethodRetryHandler() defined in 
HttpMethodBase class instead of the HttpMethod interface ?

Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for that. I have now implemented my own MethodRetryHandler and 
got rid of my custom loop / retry.
Cleaner log files for my application as well.


Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:


Please correct me if I am wrong (which may well be the case) 
SO_TIMEOUT only affects socket read operations. I thought it had 
nothing to do with SSL inactivity timeout. But it looks like it might.

There's another way to deal with recoverable exceptions. You can 
provide a custom implementation of MethodRetryHandler 

The default implementation of the MethodRetryHandler is quite 
conservative. It does not allow the method to be retried if the 
request has been transmitted in its entirety. 


-Original Message-
From: Jesus M. Salvo Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:40
Subject: Persistent HTTPS connections

Using HttpClient 2.0
JDK 1.4.2_04 on Fedora
Is there anything special that I have to do to make use of persistent
HTTP(S) connections with HttpClient other than using
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager ?
Basically, what I am doing is the following ( more explanation after the
snippet of the source code ):
   MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager =
 new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
   connectionManager.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
   connectionManager.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );
   connectionManager.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );
   this.httpClient = new HttpClient( connectionManager );
   this.httpClient.setConnectionTimeout( 3 );
   this.httpClient.setTimeout( 3 );
 and then within a thread, the thread does this:

 String content;
 HttpMethod method;
   try {
 method = new PostMethod( connectionURL );
   method.setDoAuthentication( true );
 method.setRequestHeader( Content-Type, contentType + ;
charset= + this.outboundEncoding);
 if( method instanceof PostMethod ) {
   PostMethod postMethod = (PostMethod) method;
   postMethod.setRequestBody( content );
  int responseCode = this.httpClient.executeMethod( method );
  String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
   catch( Exception ex ) {}
   finally {
  if( method != null ) method.releaseConnection();
What I am doing, then, from a JUnit test class, is:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30
seconds )
3) Send another HTTP POST to the same URL.
What I am seeing with ethereal is that, after 30 seconds of no activity
( no TCP ACKs whatever on the socket ), the web server sends a a TLS 
So what actually happens is this:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30
seconds )
3) Web server sends a TLS alert after 30 seconds of inactivity. Web
server sends a TCP FIN, Java sends a TCP ACK _only_ .
4) Wake up from sleep at the 40 second mark, send another HTTP POST to
the same URL.
5) Receive a TLS alert instead of a HTTP response. The TLS alert
according to JSSE's debug mode is:
   main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, close_notify
   main, called closeInternal(false)
   main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, description = close_notify
6) HttpClient throws an HttpRecoverableException, shown below:
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with 

Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have handled this case ?
e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by
creating a new HTTPS socket ?

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The information in this email is confidential and may be legally 
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recipient, please reply to or forward a copy of this message to the 
sender and delete the message, any

Re: Persistent HTTPS connections

2004-05-13 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Some clarifications below.

Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

What I am seeing with ethereal is that, after 30 seconds of no 
activity ( no TCP ACKs whatever on the socket ), the web server sends 
a a TLS alert.
So what actually happens is this:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30 
seconds )
3) Web server sends a TLS alert after 30 seconds of inactivity. Web 
server sends a TCP FIN, Java sends a TCP ACK _only_ . 
At this point, local socket is in CLOSE_WAIT state.

4) Wake up from sleep at the 40 second mark, send another HTTP POST to 
the same URL.
5) Receive a TLS alert instead of a HTTP response. The TLS alert 
according to JSSE's debug mode is:
   main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, close_notify
   main, called closeInternal(false)
   main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, description = close_notify 
Item (5) is actually not the webserver sending a TLS alert, but JSSE 
sending the TLS alert

6) HttpClient throws an HttpRecoverableException, shown below:

org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in 
parsing the status  line from the response: unable to find line 
starting with HTTP

Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have handled this case ? 
e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by 
creating a new HTTPS socket ?

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Re: Persistent HTTPS connections

2004-05-13 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have handled this case ? 
e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by 
creating a new HTTPS socket ?

What I have done now is, if I get a HttpRecoverableException, I retry 
the HTTP call.
The executeMethod() is therefore in a while loop. I am now to put a hard 
limit on the number of retries.
Just like to ask what have everyone else doing.
Is this the best pratice with HttpClient to handle persistent 
connections ?



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Persistent HTTPS connections

2004-05-12 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Using HttpClient 2.0
JDK 1.4.2_04 on Fedora
Is there anything special that I have to do to make use of persistent 
HTTP(S) connections with HttpClient other than using 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager ?

Basically, what I am doing is the following ( more explanation after the 
snippet of the source code ):

   MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager =
 new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
   connectionManager.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
   connectionManager.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );
   connectionManager.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );
   this.httpClient = new HttpClient( connectionManager );
   this.httpClient.setConnectionTimeout( 3 );
   this.httpClient.setTimeout( 3 );
 and then within a thread, the thread does this:

 String content;
 HttpMethod method;
   try {
 method = new PostMethod( connectionURL );
 method.setDoAuthentication( true );
 method.setRequestHeader( Content-Type, contentType + ; 
charset= + this.outboundEncoding);
 if( method instanceof PostMethod ) {
   PostMethod postMethod = (PostMethod) method;
   postMethod.setRequestBody( content );
  int responseCode = this.httpClient.executeMethod( method );
  String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
   catch( Exception ex ) {}
   finally {
  if( method != null ) method.releaseConnection();

What I am doing, then, from a JUnit test class, is:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30 
seconds )
3) Send another HTTP POST to the same URL.

What I am seeing with ethereal is that, after 30 seconds of no activity 
( no TCP ACKs whatever on the socket ), the web server sends a a TLS alert.
So what actually happens is this:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30 
seconds )
3) Web server sends a TLS alert after 30 seconds of inactivity. Web 
server sends a TCP FIN, Java sends a TCP ACK _only_ .
4) Wake up from sleep at the 40 second mark, send another HTTP POST to 
the same URL.
5) Receive a TLS alert instead of a HTTP response. The TLS alert 
according to JSSE's debug mode is:
   main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, close_notify
   main, called closeInternal(false)
   main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  warning, description = close_notify
6) HttpClient throws an HttpRecoverableException, shown below:

org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing 
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with HTTP

Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have handled this case ? 
e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by 
creating a new HTTPS socket ?

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Re: Question on Timeouts

2004-02-12 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.


I'm using your product for an application that we're building (that fetches some
HTTP content) and I'm running into an issue where it isn't timing out 


--This is how we're connecting -

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.setConnectionTimeout (connectionTimeout * 1000);
client.setTimeout (transferTimeout * 1000);
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
try {
statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

Try specifying an SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds via HttpClient.setTimeOut() 
Otherwise, it will default to whatever is the default SO_TIMEOUT on your 

BTW, does anyone have a compilation / list of the defautl SO_TIMEOUT 
values for each platform ?

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CLOSE_WAIT, logging

2003-12-07 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
HttpClient RC 2.0
64-bit Solaris 8
JDK 1.3.1_09
I am seeing lots of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT, despite the fact that 
postMethod.releaseConnection(); is called.
This has happened so far against 2 of our ( different ) clients' 
webservers, mostly to Tomcat / Coyote.
The problem with CLOSE_WAIT sockets do not seem to be happening against 
What happens in the long run is that I run of file descriptors

I am now able to reproduce the same problem against the client's test 
webservers ...
but in turnin on logging, the logging is not being logged on stdout.

In order to give meaningful results to this list about my CLOSE_WAIT 
I wrote a small class and script to replicate the problem, but still no 
Here is the sample shell script run on cygwin:

REM CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH\;/cvs/softgame-latest/development/lib/log4j.jar
java \
-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog \
   -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime=true \
   -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire=debug \ 
   $JAVA_DEFINES -classpath $CLASSPATH HttpClientTest

Help !



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Re: CLOSE_WAIT, logging

2003-12-07 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Saw that too ...

Having said that, I am actually not reusing an HttpClient instance, and 
create a new one every time using an empty constructor ... and therefore 
a new instance of SimpleHttpConnectionManager. All of this happens 
inside of a method.

Now I would assume that, because my instances of HttpClient ( and 
therefore SimpleHttpConnectionManager ) are inside of a method, that 
after the method call, they would be out of scope, that the connection / 
socket should close (!?)


Sam Berlin wrote:

The reason this is happening is because the releaseConnection method 
of  HttpMethods does not close the connection, it just returns it to 
the  HttpConnectionManager for reuse by another HttpMethod.  A 
'Connection:  Close' header tells HttpClient that this connection 
should be closed  after the request is made (instead of leaving it 
open, for further  HTTP/1.1 transfers).

Because the public API of HttpMethod has no 'close' method, and one  
would generally expect that, there is a misconception about what  
releaseConnection does.  A suggestion that has been posted here 
before  is adding an 'abort' method to HttpMethod and HttpMethodBase, 
the  contents of which call close() on the underlying HttpConnection.

On Sunday, December 7, 2003, at 10:31  PM, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

From a snoop capture, Apache Coyote sent a TCP FIN 20 seconds after  
the last ACK from the client.
But the client did not sent a TCP FIN of its own, leaving the socket  

The only difference between the Coyote's HTTP response and Orion's  
HTTP response is that the Orion response have Connection: close in  
the HTTP header.

So, what I did, by using HttpClient, I added:

   postMethod.addRequestHeader( Connection, close);

After the above, I no longer have CLOSE_WAIT sockets.



Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

HttpClient RC 2.0
64-bit Solaris 8
JDK 1.3.1_09
I am seeing lots of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT, despite the fact that  
postMethod.releaseConnection(); is called.
This has happened so far against 2 of our ( different ) clients'  
webservers, mostly to Tomcat / Coyote.
The problem with CLOSE_WAIT sockets do not seem to be happening  
against Orion.
What happens in the long run is that I run of file descriptors

I am now able to reproduce the same problem against the client's 
test  webservers ...
but in turnin on logging, the logging is not being logged on stdout.

In order to give meaningful results to this list about my 
CLOSE_WAIT  problem,
I wrote a small class and script to replicate the problem, but 
still  no logging.
Here is the sample shell script run on cygwin:


java \
Log \
   -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime=true \
   -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire=debug \
t=debug \
   $JAVA_DEFINES -classpath $CLASSPATH HttpClientTest

Help !



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For additional commands, e-mail:  

Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
T: +61 2 94604777
F: +61 2 94603677
PGP Public key:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
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To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
T: +61 2 94604777
F: +61 2 94603677
PGP Public key:

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Re: CLOSE_WAIT, logging

2003-12-07 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Sam Berlin wrote:

That's relying a bit too much on garbage-collection, which can happen  
at any time.  You should never rely on garbage collection to clean up  
native resources, like open sockets, especially if you're concerned  
about such low level things as a CLOSE_WAIT state.


Your're right.

Having said that ... it does seems odd that it was done this way and not 
noted on the documentation.

So bottom line is:

1) To implement HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, use a single HttpClient 
instance that is reused to execute HttpMethods. Assuming of course, that 
the HTTP response also does not have Connection: close, then we have 
HTTP persistent connections.

2) In order __not__ to use HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, explicitly 
add Connection: close HTTP header, specially if a new instance of 
HttpClient is created everytime. Otherwise, one will run out of files 
descriptors and get Too many open files exception.


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Re: CLOSE_WAIT, logging

2003-12-07 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Michael Becke wrote:

Agreed.  Relying on garbage collection is not really an option.  
There  are only 2 real choices that I can see:

1) add a method on HttpMethod to explicitly close a connection.  This  
would be the simplest solution, but I think it would also defeat the  
purpose of connection reuse.
2) add a system for cleaning up/closing unused connections, perhaps  
after some timeout period.  This is the better solution I think.  
Sam,  if i remember correctly, you proposed something like this as an  
addition to the MultithreadedHttpConnectionManager.  I would still 
like  to take this idea and make it a little more generic for use with 
all  connections.  Hopefully I will find some time to work on this soon.



OK  I dont know how the entire HttpClient works .. but ...
doesn't the fact that the socket is in CLOSE_WAIT state ( because the 
HTTP server sent a TCP FIN ) means that the HttpClient cannot use the 
socket anymore ?
So I guess what I am asking is, does HttpClient detect that the socket 
to be reused cannot be reused anymore and then closes it and creates a 
new one ?

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Re: RFE: Method to return an InputStream that includes both HTTPheaders and HTTP body

2003-02-27 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Definitely ... unless of course setFollowRedirect() is set to false.

Ortwin Gl|ck wrote:

Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

At the moment, the HttpMethod interface has a method 
getResponseBodyAsStream() that returns an InputStream of the HTTP body.
I need a method that returns the _entire_ HTTP response, including 
the HTTP headers and body, in a single InputStream.

I assume in case of redirection, authentication and the like, you only 
want the stream from the final request.


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Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
T: +61 2 94604777
F: +61 2 94603677
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Re: RFE: Method to return an InputStream that includes both HTTPheaders and HTTP body

2003-02-26 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
I should qualify that the line containing the HTTP response code _not_ 
be included in the returned InputStream

Ortwin Gl|ck wrote:

Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:

At the moment, the HttpMethod interface has a method 
getResponseBodyAsStream() that returns an InputStream of the HTTP body.
I need a method that returns the _entire_ HTTP response, including 
the HTTP headers and body, in a single InputStream.
The reason for this is that I need to pass the InputStream to 
JavaMail's MimeBodyPart constructor, and MimeBodyPart requires the 
HTTP headers to properly set the MIME headers.

Sounds reasonable. Maybe we can find an easy way to do it. We could 
add another property parseHeaders (default true) to set before you 
make the request.

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Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
T: +61 2 94604777
F: +61 2 94603677
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Re: Redirect to a different domain not supported?

2003-02-25 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Did Oleg's work on the redirect made it to alpha3 rc4?

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

I was going to start working on it today. If there are any other takers,
please let me know


On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 07:27, Jeffrey Dever wrote:

This is currently on the todo list.  Refer to the following bug for more 

Adrian Sutton wrote:


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Redirect to a different domain not supported?

2003-02-23 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Using Alpha2, when I do an HTTP GET from an Australian ISP to with setFollowRedirects set to true,

   HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
   HostConfiguration config = new HostConfiguration();
   config.setHost(, 80, http );
   client.setHostConfiguration( config );
   Method method = new GetMethod( / );
   method.setFollowRedirects( true );
   int returnCode = client.executeMethod( method );
I get:

750 [main] WARN httpclient.HttpMethod  - Redirect from host to is not supported

I had a look at the code and it was comparing the hostname of the 
original URL and the hostname of the redirect to URL ... and if they do 
not match, it does not follow the redirect.

Why is this so? Is this specifically prohibited in the HTTP RFC? If yes, 
why does browsers follow them anyway?

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Re: Redirect to a different domain not supported?

2003-02-23 Thread Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
I initally thought that commenting out the specific code in 
checkValidRedirect() would do it, but the Javadoc for 
HttpMethodBase.execute() did say:

* Execute this method. Note that we cannot currently support redirects
* that change  the connection parameters (host, port, protocol) because
* we  don't yet have a good way to get the new connection.  For  the time
* being, we just return the redirect response code,  and allow the user
* agent to resubmit if desired.
If the host and protocol and ports are the same, it simply calls 
HttpMethodBase.setPath() and HttpMethodBase.setQueryString():

   //check for redirect to a different protocol, host or port
   try {
   checkValidRedirect(currentUrl, redirectUrl);
   } catch (HttpException ex) {
   //LOG the error and let the client handle the redirect
   return false;
   //update the current location with the redirect location.
   //avoiding use of URL.getPath() and URL.getQuery() to keep
   //jdk1.2 comliance.
So I am wondering ... in the case of a different host and port ( and 
protocol? ), why not also call setHostConfiguration() ... and possible 
also change the HttpConnection that is passed in so that the host and 
port are changed?

Adrian Sutton wrote:

This is a remnant from the old design of HttpClient and hopefully will be
removed soon.  I'm not sure of the technical details involved, but there is
definitely nothing in the RFC that goes against this and it is a commonly
requested feature.
If you felt like providing a patch I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.
It's probably worth searching bugzilla (
for the bug related to this and seeing if it's assigned to anyone, I can't
remember if someone was working on it or not.

Adrian Sutton, Software Engineer
Ephox Corporation
-Original Message-
From: Jesus M. Salvo Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 24 February 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: Redirect to a different domain not supported?

Using Alpha2, when I do an HTTP GET from an Australian ISP to with setFollowRedirects set to true,

   HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
   HostConfiguration config = new HostConfiguration();
   config.setHost(, 80, http );
   client.setHostConfiguration( config );
   Method method = new GetMethod( / );
   method.setFollowRedirects( true );
   int returnCode = client.executeMethod( method );
I get:

750 [main] WARN httpclient.HttpMethod  - Redirect from host to is not supported

I had a look at the code and it was comparing the hostname of the 
original URL and the hostname of the redirect to URL ... and if they do 
not match, it does not follow the redirect.

Why is this so? Is this specifically prohibited in the HTTP RFC? If yes, 
why does browsers follow them anyway?

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Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
Mobile Internet Group Pty Ltd
(formerly Softgame International Pty Ltd)
M: +61 409 126699
T: +61 2 94604777
F: +61 2 94603677
PGP Public key:

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