Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 03:04 PM 11/19/2004, Brian Behlendorf wrote:

>This may be completely inappropriate for this list... but this, is so, 
>*wrong*. And no matter what side of the political spectrum you sit on, I know 
>transparency and auditability and trust is important to you - that's why 
>you're here at Apache.  And yes, this is news; not a rehash of what you heard 
>second-hand was debunked, or whatever.

All very sensational - lots of 'evidence', but I'm waiting for major
media to pick up on it...

Not much there yet.  If it can be proven, a Pulitzer story for one
media outlet or another.

The only problem, of course, is the lack of audit and accountability.
The only result (if proved true) is the complete loss of faith in any
form of electronic voting by the general public for at least the next
20 years.

Vote fraud occurred.  Not an opinion, but a historical trend dating
from the outset of democratic elections.  The goal has to be deter and
minimize.  In the end, the electoral college decides, so if there
was enough fraud to tip the balance, someone better provide plausible
and complete documentation to the electoral college soon :)

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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Saturday 20 November 2004 05:04, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
> This may be completely inappropriate for this list... 

Yes it is. ASF is not political, and AFAIU fairly international, and for the 
non-USA community, this doesn't concern us any more than dirty politics in 
other countries.

> but this, is so, *wrong*. 

Yes it is.

And no matter what side of the political spectrum you sit on, I
> know transparency and auditability and trust is important to you - that's
> why you're here at Apache.  

When I called upon more transparency at ASF, I was 'crucified' by mainly the 
US-based ASF members, saying that secrecy is a necessity. IMHO, that attitude 
leads to the alleged actions, or the suspicion that the alledged actions 
could have occurred. 
The way you make the bed, is the way you are going to sleep.

 / / 

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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
The way you make the bed, is the way you are going to sleep.
in case you didn't notice, the ASF is *NOT* a democracy.
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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Saturday 20 November 2004 17:38, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > The way you make the bed, is the way you are going to sleep.
> in case you didn't notice, the ASF is *NOT* a democracy.

I wasn't making a comment from a democratic PoV. And if any 'democratic' 
principles, such as transparency, representation through election, certain 
rights and freedom, disqualify from being mentioned in the ASF, then why does 
Brian think the Florida election should at all be mentioned here??

 / / 

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RE: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> The only result (if proved true) is the complete loss of faith
> in any form of electronic voting by the general public for at
> least the next 20 years.

You're kidding, right?  Is there anyone here who has faith in unauditable
systems?  Electronic voting, at least as "practiced" here in the USA, is a
farce, and a disaster either waiting to happen, or already happening.  And
this story isn't even strictly about electronic voting.  It is about the
deliberate destruction of whatever audit records do exist to validate the
results of an election.  I am in favor of any (legal) cluestick large enough
to embarrass State and Federal gov'ts into sufficient action to ensure that
the results of elections are what the public actually voted.

--- Noel

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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Serge Knystautas
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
systems?  Electronic voting, at least as "practiced" here in the USA, is a
farce, and a disaster either waiting to happen, or already happening.  And
I'm wondering who (whether in Apache or elsewhere) will build the first 
open source electronic voting system. :)

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501
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RE: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Martin van den Bemt
On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 18:08, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> > The only result (if proved true) is the complete loss of faith
> > in any form of electronic voting by the general public for at
> > least the next 20 years.
> You're kidding, right?  Is there anyone here who has faith in unauditable
> systems?  Electronic voting, at least as "practiced" here in the USA, is a
> farce, and a disaster either waiting to happen, or already happening.  And
> this story isn't even strictly about electronic voting.  It is about the
> deliberate destruction of whatever audit records do exist to validate the
> results of an election.  I am in favor of any (legal) cluestick large enough
> to embarrass State and Federal gov'ts into sufficient action to ensure that
> the results of elections are what the public actually voted.

I trust the dutch electronic voting system. Besides technical problems
(when we locally introduced electronic voting, we were the last city to
deliver our voting results), it works like this :
- When you want to vote, you bring your passport (or any other valid ID)
and your voting card.
- Your passport will be checked together with your voting card, your
name is called, so other voting booth staff can hear it too and your
name will be manually "checked" (by means of a pen).
- The voting machine is released, so that person can vote. Ones voted,
the machine is automatically locked again, so no one can cast more than
1 vote or the number of allowed votes.
- After voting booth closes, a printout is made with the voting results.
- The number of people from the paper list will be counted and compared
with the printout.
- If there are any problems, they will try to find where the problem is.
(manually go through all the voting cards and checked people). If still
in error, the memory card with the electronic voting results will be
checked). Don't know what happens when that also has an error. 
- If all is ok, the printout will be signed by the voting booth staff.
- This paper is used as the official voting result, the electronic
version will be stored for some specific time, but in normal
circumstances will never be looked at again (unless there are errors of
some kind).

Sounds pretty safe, except when there is an electronic malfunction, it
could be that some votes will be lost.


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RE: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 11:08 AM 11/20/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> The only result (if proved true) is the complete loss of faith
>> in any form of electronic voting by the general public for at
>> least the next 20 years.
>You're kidding, right?  Is there anyone here who has faith in unauditable

Let's make certain you read me right.  I said "General Public".  The
ones who have microwaves, clock radios, electronic ovens, VCR's that
still blink 12:00 since sometime in the 80's.  And a PC that crashes
at least once a week.

If it works, they trust it, when it breaks, they don't.  They will
never understand the concepts behind the audits inside the computer.
They can clearly understand the idea of an 'audit tape' being signed,
and what happens if those are 'switched'.

But right now, in general, they trust the 'machine' more than people.
When that flips, they will have a very hard time regaining trust in
the 'machine' - at least people apologize and resign or are fired, 
they are replaced by people who insist they are more honest and will
restore confidence in the public trust (and have some record of service 
to back it up.)  
The machines won't proclaim they are safer.  People will, but once the
voting public knows that machines 'eat' or 'edit' their votes in such 
a way that nobody is ever aware of the changes, then they will balk.
Once confidence is destroyed, no manner of encryption/transaction
tracking/electronic audit will satisfy them.

The only fraud arises from people (programmers, vote counters, multiple
voters or 'impartial' observers), but the faith is in the machine now.
That will soon be lost.

One thing, paper receipts to the voter and to the voting precinct
counters, will be the only method to restore the faith.  Fraud will
continue, but it will be back on the humans to answer for.


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RE: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Serge Knystautas wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Electronic voting, at least as "practiced" here in the USA,
> > is a farce, and a disaster either waiting to happen, or
> > already happening.

> I'm wondering who (whether in Apache or elsewhere) will build
> the first open source electronic voting system. :)

I am cynical that our governments want to see any real solution.  Power
corrupts, and those in power corrupt the system to keep them that way.

FWIW, another list member sent me a private e-mail, with a reference to  At least in that
case, there were audit records.  But it seems that the courts have thus far
refused to support a requirement that all electronic voting systems be

--- Noel

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RE: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> Let's make certain you read me right.  I said "General Public".

> right now, in general, they trust the 'machine' more than people.

> Once confidence is destroyed, no manner of encryption/transaction
> tracking/electronic audit will satisfy them.

And this is a bad thing?  Humans SHOULD be asking hard questions, and
wanting checks and balances.  The greater the risks, the more confidence
they should demand.  Only herd animals follow blindly, and they just get led
to slaughter.

--- Noel

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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Justin Mason
Hash: SHA1

Serge Knystautas writes:
> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > systems?  Electronic voting, at least as "practiced" here in the USA, is a
> > farce, and a disaster either waiting to happen, or already happening.  And
> I'm wondering who (whether in Apache or elsewhere) will build the first 
> open source electronic voting system. :)

open source is a red herring for voting systems -- would you be happy to
vote on an unauditable, insecure, undocumented, buggy system even if
it had an OSS license?

The problem isn't the license, it's the lousy design.

(PS: ASF link! I'm peripherally involved, and fellow Apache committer Colm
McCarthaigh is deeply involved, with ICTE -- Irish Citizens for
Trustworthy Evoting (   We've had good results
lobbying against the introduction of e-voting systems in Ireland.)

- --j.
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