Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Marcel de Jong
Hash: SHA1

Paul Bohme wrote:
> Mike wrote:
>> Marcel de Jong wrote:
>>> ps.
>>> I really don't like the fact that 'reply' doesn't work on this
>>> mailinglist. I have to add the mailaddress myself. (this is the only
>>> mailinglist that I know, that does that this way)
> You'll want to be careful here - is an odd thing that people get really
> bent out of shape about..  Have no idea why.
> Interesting discussion:
What I'm missing in that 'discussion' is a valid alternative.
A Thunderbird is no Elm. Sure it may work great with his
email-reader(s), it sure as heck doesn't in mine. :-(

oh well.. *shrug* :)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
Dnia wtorek, 16 stycznia 2007 00:45, Marcel de Jong napisał:

> >>> I really don't like the fact that 'reply' doesn't work on this
> >>> mailinglist. I have to add the mailaddress myself. (this is the
> >>> only mailinglist that I know, that does that this way)

Nearly all lists which I read are configured like that.

> > You'll want to be careful here - is an odd thing that people get
> > really bent out of shape about..  Have no idea why.
> > Interesting discussion:
> >

> Okay, indeed very interesting, but still, currently I have to click
> Reply All (that's two steps in Gmail) if I want to reply to the list,

Pester gmail to add proper 'Reply to Mailing List' like it is in normal 

OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

   Could you please speak more slowly? I'm a masochist
   and I want to prolong the agony of this conversation.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Idea: Human screenning

2007-01-16 Thread Ole Tange

On 1/15/07, Paul Bohme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 15/01/07, Gervais Mulongoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Heh, until the phone spam operators start using basic voice
>> recognition and
>> to defeat the simple riddle :p
> Spammers don't do email address de-obfuscation because it takes too
> much processing time; I can't see them doing this in practice :-)

Unfortunately, with zombie bot-nets being what they are, spammers have
essentially infinite CPU power at their disposal.  Whether the
investment to get through a single obstinate node is worthwhile, look
for any mechanism short of a pure white-list to be eventually overrun.

Could you elaborate on that?

To me it seems that if you can solve riddles then you are fairly close
to making a computer that passes the Turing test. Especially if the
riddles are not of the same form: "What is ten plus hundred?" "Enter
the last five digits of my phone number" "Enter yesterday's date"

First of all you need to solve speech to text. Then you need to parse
and understand the sentence. Both problems have proven to be really
hard problems. Throwing a botnet after this is not going to solve it
if the algorithm is simply not there.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Bluetooth questions from a bluetooth guy

2007-01-16 Thread Brad Midgley

Bluetooth profiles are optional and not all are uniformly or completely
implemented on bluez. It's also worth noting that the bluetooth consortium
wants all advertised profiles to be implemented completely and to go through
an expensive qualification process.

I wouldn't be surprised if openmoko underadvertises the device's profiles or
leaves some profile installation as an end-user exercise to dodge the issue.

On 1/15/07, Sven Neuhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fabien Chevalier wrote:
>  * Which profiles to you intend to support in the initial release ?
Umm.. maybe I'm missing something here - but since the phone is runnig
Linux with BlueZ, it will support all core Bluetooth protocols and layers.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Mike Krier schreef:
> Marcel de Jong wrote:
>> On 1/15/07, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm in the US, in New York city.  What networks can I use a Neo1973
>>> phone on?  Do all GSM carriers accept all GSM phones?
>> In contrast to CDMA phones, a GSM phone isn't normally locked to a
>> carrier, only the GSM-chip (SIMcard) that is inside your GSM phone is
>> locked to your carrier.
>> Some carriers offer you bundles with phones that are simlocked
>> (, which means that the phone
>> and the SIMcard are paired, but if you have a SIMcard you can put it
>> in any GSM-phone.
>> So no, they can't deny your phone.
>> The only limitation on which GSM-phones you can choose from depends on
>> the frequency that is used in your country. But given that the Neo is
>> quad band (it supports all current GSM-frequency ranges), they can't
>> stop you from using the Neo.
>> (
>> -- 
>> Marcel
>> ps.
>> I really don't like the fact that 'reply' doesn't work on this
>> mailinglist. I have to add the mailaddress myself. (this is the only
>> mailinglist that I know, that does that this way)
> I agree with this, and I'd also like to add that this list should also
> auto-prepend a marker in the subject line like most other lists do, for
> example [OMOKO-COM] so that we can set up mail filters.

No, need, just let procmail filter on the List-Id: header:

* ^List-Id:.*community\.lists\.openmoko\.org

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Wish: easy connecting with linux

2007-01-16 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
Dnia poniedziałek, 15 stycznia 2007 22:45, Sven Neuhaus napisał:
> Get bluetooth for your PC, establish a PPP link via the serial port
> profile and you're set. No additional software required (if you run
> linux on your PC).

PAN is much easier and does not add any extra layers.

OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

Due to unexpected conditions Windows 2000 will be released
in first quarter of year 1901

OpenMoko community mailing list

Alternative input, like Dasher

2007-01-16 Thread Alexander McLeay

G'day all... New to the list, but absolutely interested in buying one...

Because the Neo1973 has no keyboard/pad, I was wondering about the
possibilities of input. I imagine SMSes etc. would be entered with a
full on-screen keyboard rather than a 12-char keypad like on regular
phones. But I would guess that the small screen size would mean this
probably needs to be done with a stylus rather than fingers.

I used to have a Palm pilot with Graffiti handwriting recognition,
which was okay as a stylus method, but I always found it very slow.
Similarly, on screen qwerty keyboards seem to be a poor choice because
they require a lot of attention and precision; unlike key-based
keyboards, you need to look at them continuously, so you miss errors
when you've made them... Also, the shape of a keyboard is designed to
assist nine-fingered input, whereas with one stylus you'd want
everything to be more centrally/circularly located (I'd think).

I initially was thinking of simply a more circular keyboard layout
with the most common letters in the minute, but I'm currently reminded
of a GTK+ program that comes with Gnome---Dasher I think---which is an
excellent tool for entering text with the mouse. You simply aim your
single pointing device at a letter, it comes towards you and shows
next letters; it also predicts the likely next letters and makes them
easier to hit. It also shows the word you're typing in the area you're
working (I think), so although it requires attention, you will know
you've made a mistake. It should also be lenient enough to allow input
with a finger instead of a stylus.

It seems comparatively graphically intensive for as simple a device as
a handheld computer. Does anyone know if it would be practical to use
this on a Neo1973? Alternatively, does anyone know of any other
text-input methods that would be superior than slow handwriting
recognition or tedious OSKs?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 10, Issue 11

2007-01-16 Thread Derek Pressnall

I have never seen a device where the same connector could act as both
audio-in and audio-out,

I have a device that does that, the Sharp Zaurus.  From what I
understand, a microphone has a different impedence than a headphone
speaker, so the hardware switches the one earpiece betwean mic and
audio out based on that.  Only problem is that it plays havoc with
certain audio out devices, such as a cassette adapter (not enough
impedence), so I'd rather have this software controlled (i.e., switch
one or both lines to audio in depending on the app that has controll
of the connecter).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Meta: Reply-to munging and subject tagging

2007-01-16 Thread Mikko Rauhala
ma, 2007-01-15 kello 16:49 -0700, Joe Pfeiffer kirjoitti:
> Mike writes:
> >Yes I know that, I still vote for subject tags and reply-list.
> I don't really care about subject tags, but would prefer reply-list.

I don't really care about subject tags (space-hogging and useless as
they are in the presence of headers better suited for filtering), but
let me chime in with a hearty "no" for reply-to munging, just to balance
things out a bit. (I also note that the people for munging and subject
tagging don't apparently particularly care about keeping the subject
line and the discussion in sync, which sheds some light to why they
don't see how crowding it out would inconvenience some people. Ah well.)

There was already a good reference on why list software should _not_
touch Reply-to. I'd like to add Lars Wirzenius's take on the matter,
largely overlapping as it is:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00146.html

That's that from me on this matter, and I do hope a quick death for this

Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
Transhumanist   - WTA member ->
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter ->

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Mikko Rauhala
ma, 2007-01-15 kello 23:58 +0100, Grahame Falvey kirjoitti:
> Not to sound too negative, but that's rather pointless really.  I have
> a Nokia 6230 which has the MMC slot under the battery and it's just
> plain annoying to have to remove it whenever I want top copy stuff
> onto or off it.  Would there be a technical reason why it would be
> done this way?

They apparently use a combo SIM/microSD reader, and I guess the location
and exposure are partly determined through that.

Anyway, it'd probably be a bother to handle mounting/unmounting, esp. if
you have applications and libraries on the microSD. (Doable, sure.) We
have USB and BT (yay for BT) to transfer data, I don't really see much
real need for manual swapping. (Some specialized situations where that
would be preferred, sure, but it's not the end of the world, like the v8
(don't ask))

Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
Transhumanist   - WTA member ->
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter ->

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Kingmax announces microSDHC 4G card

2007-01-16 Thread Ole Tange

On 1/15/07, Grahame Falvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 15/01/07, Paul Bohme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kkr wrote:

> > As mentioned on , the
> > CPU (Samsung s3c2410) can manage 1 GB of memory.
> >
> > Even if I don't know how Linux manage SDcard (or SDHC), I think that the
> > limitation is bound to the CPU.
> The SD is going to be handled through interfaces that enable much larger
> range than the physical memory limitations of the CPU.

>From the Wiki:

"SD and SDHC - compatibility

A new SD format, SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity), allows
capacities in excess of 2GB (4GB to 32GB)[5]. SDHC uses the same form
factor as SD, but the SD 2.0 standard in SDHC uses a different memory
addressing method (sector addressing vs byte addressing[6])."

So it appears that it's all up the the controller chip in the reader?

If the microSD is pinwise compatible with SD, would it be possible to:

* take out the battery
* attach the battery using wires
* take out the microSD
* attach a SD-card using wires

If so then it should be fairly easy to test if the Neo will work with
an 8 GB card, even though 8 GB microSD cards do not exist yet. The
test could be done with

(No, it do not suggest using the Neo with the battery and flash card
dangling on wires - it is only for testing).


OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread thomas.cooksey
The specs for the NEO say it boasts a 2.8" 640x480 display. From my
calculations this is 285 dpi, which is just awesome... In fact it's so
good that I almost don't believe it. What LCD is actually in the phone
(Make&Model?). I've searched all the LCD manufactures I can think of and
none of them have screens anywhere near that dpi. The smallest VGA LCD I
can find is 4".

Can you please confirm that this screen really is full VGA not 320x200?



OpenMoko community mailing list

MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Joe!

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

> Grahame Falvey writes:
> >
> >Is the microSD slot accessable while the phone is operational?  Or
> >does one have to remove the battery and hence power down the device in
> >order to swap out the card?
> As far as we know, it requires powering-down the phone.

- small capacitator parallel to the battery
- script/function that 
-- unmount the SD
-- let the phone sleep for a while

This is why I'm not in favor to produce the Neo1973 as fast as possible
- small features make the hardware much more smart.

Imagine you would like to copy from on mikroSD to another mikroSD
what a pain when you have to reboot and only the rest memmory of
you 64 MB flash... 

With the capacitator you could use the free memory of your RAM (128 MB)
and I can imagine that it would be possible run a "copy mode" system
that let you have >120MB free RAM to copy

Hope that I haven't to hack my Neo1973 myself with my solder iron :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: kexec-arm.patch? Re: Question about kernel level hacking

2007-01-16 Thread Arthur Marsh

Robert Michel wrote, On 13/01/07 04:01:

Salve Alessandro!

On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, Alessandro Iurlano wrote:

As I am mainly a low level programmer I will probably try to put my hands on
the Neo at kernel level like customizing
the linux kernel with patches or even try to program the Neo with my own


I think that the openess of the platform will allow me that. Is it right?
Is there a way to recover a mistake at this level (that is, the boot loader
doesn't work any more)?

Do you know the kexec kernel patch?

Only the first booted kernel need this patch and
can load any other kernel into the RAM and switch
to the second without reboot. *G*

Maybe not the best links - just some quick found links

This contains an error.

It has:

kexec -l /boot/bzImage -append="root=/dev/hda1"

instead of

kexec -l /boot/bzImage --append="root=/dev/hda1"

Note the 2 dashes before append.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
* Marcel de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070115 23:24]:
> On 1/15/07, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I'm in the US, in New York city.  What networks can I use a Neo1973
> >phone on?  Do all GSM carriers accept all GSM phones?
> >
> >
> In contrast to CDMA phones, a GSM phone isn't normally locked to a
> carrier, only the GSM-chip (SIMcard) that is inside your GSM phone is
> locked to your carrier.
> Some carriers offer you bundles with phones that are simlocked
> (, which means that the phone
> and the SIMcard are paired, but if you have a SIMcard you can put it
> in any GSM-phone.
> So no, they can't deny your phone.

Well, if they take some extreme measures they probably could deny it,
based on EMEI numbers. But no, it probably will work, although some
networks callcenter support might have problems and insist to walk you
through a specific phone model menu to do something ;(

SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module btw :)

Basically phones come in different variants:
-) unlocked, you can put any SIM into it.
-) locked to SIMs specific operator.
-) locked to a specific SIM.

The last two are usually refered to as a SIMLOCK or simlocked phone,
and one usually gets one these in subsidized contracts. OTOH this is
strictly operator/country specific. There is one additional thing,
branded phones.

-) branded => that's orthogonal to the above, it means that the
firmware of the phone was altered to do things for a given operator.
Usually this involves logos, binding certain hotkeys to a fixed WAP
dialin. Or some US operators have been known to kill features that
would allow transfering images out of the phone with something else
than their data plan :(

It's orthogonal, because there are branded phones that are not
simlocked, and one can put a different SIM into it and use it.

As examples:
In Austria, most phones bought at a shop operated by a network are
simlocked to the network of the operator. (Speciality phones sometimes
are not, because they are sold in to small numbers)

In Germany, they like to brand the phones, but they usually come
without a simlock.

> The only limitation on which GSM-phones you can choose from depends on
> the frequency that is used in your country. But given that the Neo is
> quad band (it supports all current GSM-frequency ranges), they can't
> stop you from using the Neo.
> (
> --
> Marcel
> ps.
> I really don't like the fact that 'reply' doesn't work on this
But it does. That's why you have a "group reply" function in your
mailer. Some advanced mailers might even have a special "list reply"
function *g*

OTOH, adding a Reply-To to the messages pointing to the list makes
replying just to the poster for offtopic messages hard.

> mailinglist. I have to add the mailaddress myself. (this is the only
> mailinglist that I know, that does that this way)A
Nope, most technical mailing lists work this way. Only mailing lists
targeted to endusers that might have troubles operating their MUAs are
setup to include a Reply-To usually.


OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1


> Can you please confirm that this screen really is full VGA not 320x200?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
* Mike Krier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070116 00:11]:
> I agree with this, and I'd also like to add that this list should also 
> auto-prepend a marker in the subject line like most other lists do, for 
> example [OMOKO-COM] so that we can set up 
> mail filters.
But it does already set a marker:

List-Id: List for OpenMoko community discussion 


OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Tom!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The specs for the NEO say it boasts a 2.8" 640x480 display. From my
> calculations this is 285 dpi, which is just awesome... In fact it's so
> good that I almost don't believe it. What LCD is actually in the phone
> (Make&Model?). I've searched all the LCD manufactures I can think of and
> none of them have screens anywhere near that dpi. The smallest VGA LCD I
> can find is 4".

I don't know the produce of the display for the Neo1973
but a quick search gives me this:
LCD up to 368 dpi.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Grahame Falvey

On 16/01/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salve Joe!

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

> Grahame Falvey writes:
> >
> >Is the microSD slot accessable while the phone is operational?  Or
> >does one have to remove the battery and hence power down the device in
> >order to swap out the card?
> As far as we know, it requires powering-down the phone.

- small capacitator parallel to the battery
- script/function that
-- unmount the SD
-- let the phone sleep for a while

This is why I'm not in favor to produce the Neo1973 as fast as possible
- small features make the hardware much more smart.

Imagine you would like to copy from on mikroSD to another mikroSD
what a pain when you have to reboot and only the rest memmory of
you 64 MB flash...

With the capacitator you could use the free memory of your RAM (128 MB)
and I can imagine that it would be possible run a "copy mode" system
that let you have >120MB free RAM to copy

Hope that I haven't to hack my Neo1973 myself with my solder iron :)


I know it's probably too late, but why not have the ability to access
the MicroSD from the outside of the device?  Such as in the Sansa e200
series devices?

To me it make far more sense.  I found the Nokia solution very
annoying.  Especially when it would crash while transferring large
files to and from the phone with bluetooth.  Fortunately here in
Europe we haven't been locked down to relying on the network providers
to be able to access our photos, but I personally don't care for
cameras on phones either.  Of more interest to me personally would be
the smart phone capability with audio and video playback.

As an aside, I'm assuming that it's planned to have a "Flight" mode
for the phone to allow the use of it in aircraft without the
transceiver of the device being active?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 10, Issue 11

2007-01-16 Thread Grahame Falvey

On 16/01/07, Derek Pressnall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have never seen a device where the same connector could act as both
>audio-in and audio-out,

I have a device that does that, the Sharp Zaurus.  From what I
understand, a microphone has a different impedence than a headphone
speaker, so the hardware switches the one earpiece betwean mic and
audio out based on that.  Only problem is that it plays havoc with
certain audio out devices, such as a cassette adapter (not enough
impedence), so I'd rather have this software controlled (i.e., switch
one or both lines to audio in depending on the app that has controll
of the connecter).

I also had a computer motherboard that would do the same however
software configured.  It had the ability to produce 5.1 sound however
if you wanted to use a microphone you had to reduce that to 2.1 sound
and use one of the output jacks as the microphone input.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Idea: Human screenning

2007-01-16 Thread Paul Bohme

Ole Tange wrote:

On 1/15/07, Paul Bohme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 15/01/07, Gervais Mulongoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Heh, until the phone spam operators start using basic voice
>> recognition and
>> to defeat the simple riddle :p
> Spammers don't do email address de-obfuscation because it takes too
> much processing time; I can't see them doing this in practice :-)

Unfortunately, with zombie bot-nets being what they are, spammers have
essentially infinite CPU power at their disposal.  Whether the
investment to get through a single obstinate node is worthwhile, look
for any mechanism short of a pure white-list to be eventually overrun.

Could you elaborate on that?

To me it seems that if you can solve riddles then you are fairly close
to making a computer that passes the Turing test. Especially if the
riddles are not of the same form: "What is ten plus hundred?" "Enter
the last five digits of my phone number" "Enter yesterday's date"

First of all you need to solve speech to text. Then you need to parse
and understand the sentence. Both problems have proven to be really
hard problems. Throwing a botnet after this is not going to solve it
if the algorithm is simply not there.

Thus the 'Whether the investment to get through a single obstinate node' 
comment above - acknowledgment that cases like this probably won't 
matter enough to warrant the effort on the part of the unwanted caller.  
As a more general note, many suggestions have been put forth in the 
email realm to incur some CPU cost for sending an email - these do fall 
readily enough given enough CPU power.

If someone were to arrange a central call-filtering mechanism to kill 
off these kinds of calls, count on someone  else circumventing it.  
Discussions about algorithms and problems are all well and good, but 
this is money.. ;-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

I'd like to see a Neo1973 running without battery, but USB powered :) Re: Kingmax announces microSDHC 4G card

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ole, *!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Ole Tange wrote:
> If the microSD is pinwise compatible with SD, would it be possible to:
> * take out the battery
> * attach the battery using wires

If the Neo1973 could run only with USB power (without battery)
than you would be able to skip this point "attach the battery using wires"

> (No, it do not suggest using the Neo with the battery and flash card
> dangling on wires - it is only for testing).
Good idea to test this with the frirst testing devices and before
starting the mass production- would be great if the SD controler 
would  manage 4,8GB or more :))


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Grahame!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Grahame Falvey wrote:

> On 16/01/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Alternative:
> >- small capacitator parallel to the battery
> >- script/function that
> >-- unmount the SD
> >-- let the phone sleep for a while

> I know it's probably too late, but why not have the ability to access
> the MicroSD from the outside of the device?  Such as in the Sansa e200
> series devices?
> To me it make far more sense. I found the Nokia solution very
> annoying. 

Hmm but without rebooting I could live with a microSD slot 
under the battery. The capacitator would also help to change
the SIM card without rebooting :)

> Especially when it would crash while transferring large
> files to and from the phone with bluetooth. 
Oh, when having a hang um a capacitator could be a problem
- no hard reset by putting out the battery 
so my capacitor solution would create a need for a reset button

> As an aside, I'm assuming that it's planned to have a "Flight" mode
> for the phone to allow the use of it in aircraft without the
> transceiver of the device being active?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko - Giving away ideas?

2007-01-16 Thread Sergio Bessa


I was wondering what ou guys think about someone using the ideas 
collected at
What if some big company, such as the one who announced a new phone last 
week, gets some of these ideas and registers them?

Sorry if I'm just making some irrelevant 'noise'

Sérgio Bessa

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:53, Robert Michel wrote:
> Hope that I haven't to hack my Neo1973 myself with my solder iron :)

I still dont see why anyone would really need that. If you need to copy from 
microsd to microsd, attach a powered hub and SD reader to the Neo. Besides, 
microsd is such a hassle to handle that most people will stick it in ONCE 
then pray they won't have to bother with it again.

Description: PGP signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko - Giving away ideas?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sergio!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Sergio Bessa wrote:
> I was wondering what ou guys think about someone using the ideas 
> collected at
> What if some big company, such as the one who announced a new phone last 
> week, gets some of these ideas and registers them?

You mean if they try to get a patent for this?
The idea on the list and I think of this wiki as well,
is to speak out as much ideas as possible to have 
"a priory" publications against patents.

And the best of charing ideas - even if they looks stupid
they inspire other's to have other ideas :)
So read this list, the archive and the wiki
and chare your ideas and questions ;)

> Sorry if I'm just making some irrelevant 'noise'
IMHO, that's no noise  :))


OpenMoko community mailing list

Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Gabriel!

Gabriel Ambuehl schrieb am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2007 um 13:03h:

> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:53, Robert Michel wrote:
> > Hope that I haven't to hack my Neo1973 myself with my solder iron :)
> I still dont see why anyone would really need that. If you need to copy from 
> microsd to microsd, attach a powered hub and SD reader to the Neo.

Two things you have to carry with you.

And USB 1(.1?) has only 11? Mbit/s.
Copy 1 GByte = 727 seconds = 12 Minutes,
this is quite slow.

Ok you are right, most devices with microSD will have Bluetooth,
most cameras have no Bluetooth, but also using no microSD.
An normal size SD slot, usable from outside, would be fine :)


PS: Use for the capacitor 
- changing SIM / microSD card without reboot
- copy form microSD to microSD without reboot
- switching display to black when the battery
  is removed and (optional) sending (encrypted) 
  SMS with localisation to your server 

OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Oleg Gusev
Am Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007 11:24 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> The smallest VGA LCD I
> can find is 4".
Sony ACX526AKM is a 3.6" VGA LCD.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko - Giving away ideas?

2007-01-16 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 13:31, Sergio Bessa wrote:
> I was wondering what ou guys think about someone using the ideas
> collected at
> What if some big company, such as the one who announced a new phone last
> week, gets some of these ideas and registers them?

You would then have (most likely provably) prior art by any means.

Description: PGP signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 14:04, Robert Michel wrote:
> Two things you have to carry with you.
> And USB 1(.1?) has only 11? Mbit/s.
> Copy 1 GByte = 727 seconds = 12 Minutes,
> this is quite slow.
Um with 128MB RAM it would be more like 100s which is to beat...

Yeah but how often do you do this? (I can't really think of any use for that, 

> Ok you are right, most devices with microSD will have Bluetooth,
> most cameras have no Bluetooth, but also using no microSD.
> An normal size SD slot, usable from outside, would be fine :)

You can use microsd cards with adapter in cams just fine.

> - changing SIM / microSD card without reboot

Not sure why anyone would need to switch SIM constantly...

> - copy form microSD to microSD without reboot
> - switching display to black when the battery
>   is removed and (optional) sending (encrypted)
>   SMS with localisation to your server

Ok THAT might help. Then again you could do that with pretty much any SIM 

Description: PGP signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Gabriel!

Gabriel Ambuehl schrieb am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2007 um 14:12h:
> > Ok you are right, most devices with microSD will have Bluetooth,
> > most cameras have no Bluetooth, but also using no microSD.
> > An normal size SD slot, usable from outside, would be fine :)
> You can use microsd cards with adapter in cams just fine.

Yes, when it is your cam - but I thought about situations
that you meet somebody with nice photos..

> > - changing SIM / microSD card without reboot 
> Not sure why anyone would need to switch SIM constantly...

gooing abroad - using a cheaper tariff 
I would prefer a mutipexer for 4 sim cards...
but we already had this discussion.. on this list

> > - copy form microSD to microSD without reboot
> > - switching display to black when the battery
> >   is removed and (optional) sending (encrypted)
> >   SMS with localisation to your server
> Ok THAT might help. Then again you could do that with pretty much any SIM 
> inside

And I forgot one - changing the battery without rebooting
- maybe possible in 5 seconds without sleeping the CPU
and stopping calls/data transmission. *g*


PS: Hey, what is the uptime of your Neo?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Robert Michel schreef:
> Salve Gabriel!
> Gabriel Ambuehl schrieb am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2007 um 14:12h:
>>> Ok you are right, most devices with microSD will have Bluetooth,
>>> most cameras have no Bluetooth, but also using no microSD.
>>> An normal size SD slot, usable from outside, would be fine :)
>> You can use microsd cards with adapter in cams just fine.
> Yes, when it is your cam - but I thought about situations
> that you meet somebody with nice photos..
>>> - changing SIM / microSD card without reboot 
>> Not sure why anyone would need to switch SIM constantly...
> gooing abroad - using a cheaper tariff 
> I would prefer a mutipexer for 4 sim cards...
> but we already had this discussion.. on this list

That is still not 'constantly'
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re:MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Robert Michel writes:
>> As far as we know, it requires powering-down the phone.
>- small capacitator parallel to the battery
>- script/function that 
>-- unmount the SD
>-- let the phone sleep for a while

Sure -- this is essentially the PalmOS solution.

>This is why I'm not in favor to produce the Neo1973 as fast as possible
>- small features make the hardware much more smart.

Well...  I'm happy to wait a little while for small tweaks, but you're
asking for actual circuitry changes.  I'm not involved in production,
but I've got to think this would add months -- I don't want to wait
that long.

>Imagine you would like to copy from on mikroSD to another mikroSD
>what a pain when you have to reboot and only the rest memmory of
>you 64 MB flash... 

I don't expect to want to do that often, if at all.

>With the capacitator you could use the free memory of your RAM (128 MB)
>and I can imagine that it would be possible run a "copy mode" system
>that let you have >120MB free RAM to copy

I expect to be adding the phone to my nightly backups at home (I run
RAID0 on my main file server -- a fact that saved me last week when
I killed one of my disk drives through a bit of hardware stupidity on
my part that even I find hard to believe -- and every night a cron job
runs an rsync that backs up everything in the house to a separate

So if I ever want to copy the contents of my phone to another MicroSD
card, I expect to be doing it from a hard drive.
>Hope that I haven't to hack my Neo1973 myself with my solder iron :)

Hacker's lunchbox :)

OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Koen Kooi writes:
>Hash: SHA1
>> Can you please confirm that this screen really is full VGA not 320x200?

I've found another product that also claims the same size and
resolution LCD; its manufacturer trumpets the size and resolution
loudly enough that (at least in their case) it's unlikely to be an

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re:I'd like to see a Neo1973 running without battery, but USB powered :) Re: Kingmax announces microSDHC 4G card

2007-01-16 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Robert Michel writes:
>If the Neo1973 could run only with USB power (without battery)
>than you would be able to skip this point "attach the battery using wires"

Hmmm, it is possible to charge the battery over USB.  If you could run
the phone using USB power with the battery unplugged then the
speculation about needing to turn off the phone to remove the Micro-SD
goes away  Sean?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: I'd like to see a Neo1973 running without battery, but USB powered :) Re: Kingmax announces microSDHC 4G card

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Joe!

Joe Pfeiffer schrieb am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2007 um 08:16h:

> Robert Michel writes:
> >
> >If the Neo1973 could run only with USB power (without battery)
> >than you would be able to skip this point "attach the battery using wires"
> >:)
> Hmmm, it is possible to charge the battery over USB.  If you could run
> the phone using USB power with the battery unplugged then the
> speculation about needing to turn off the phone to remove the Micro-SD
> goes away  Sean?

Not complete, because you will not have USB power on the road.

And when you have serveral cards
- with pictures
- with music
- with programms
- with maps for routing
- with backups

I would find the need for reboots not smart. The wish that
the Neo would run also USB powered would only help on the
road, when I have a battery powered USB hub or any other
USB power source - only for switching the cards?

No - a small capacitor at the right place would help.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Bluetooth question ;)

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sean, *!

It is great that the Neo1973 v1 will have Bluetooth :)))
Will you publish which version and class it will have?

And can somebody explain (me) if beside the bandwith
are any hardware limitation for Bluetooth profiles?

Where is a good overview about linux Bluetooth and profiles?

And will it be possible to use several profiles/Bluetoothsolutions
simultanions? E.g. Bluetooth keyboard and headset at the same time?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Bluetooth question ;)

2007-01-16 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Robert Michel schreef:
> Salve Sean, *!
> It is great that the Neo1973 v1 will have Bluetooth :)))
> Will you publish which version and class it will have?

Bus 1 Device 2: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: I'd like to see a Neo1973 running without battery, but USB powered :) Re: Kingmax announces microSDHC 4G card

2007-01-16 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 17:17, Robert Michel wrote:
> I would find the need for reboots not smart. The wish that
> the Neo would run also USB powered would only help on the
> road, when I have a battery powered USB hub or any other
> USB power source - only for switching the cards?

I doubt switching cards all the time will do much good for the longevity of 
the slot in the phone anyhow. If the average SIM slot is any indication, you 
don't want to use it more than you really really have to.

Description: PGP signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: keyboard / keypad idea

2007-01-16 Thread Justyn Butler

Why not modify a normal screen protector to have raised bumps in a keyboard
layout, but leave the whole thing transparent. A screen protector is just a
piece of plastic film with adhesive round the edges. The protector will live
on the screen all the time and you could probably "forget" it's there when
not using the keyboard, because you'd be reading things through it. Of
course, it would undoubtedly affect the clarity of the display where the
raised buttons are.

When you want to use the keypad, the buttons would appear on the screen in
the correct positions under the keys, a simple software matter.


On 15/01/07, Sven Neuhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Derek Pressnall schrieb:
> Then you would still be using the touch screen
> for input (pressure applied to the bumps would transfer through the
> overlay to the touch screen), but the keypad pattern would show up
> through the bottom part of the overlay (with the "bumps") where you
> could still "blind dial".
> Add in a hinged connection at the top of the overlay, and possibly a
> sensor that could switch the phone's screen between normal mode and
> "phone only" mode when the overlay is in use, and you could have a
> very cheap method of obtainin a keypad similar to a Motorola A780.  So
> what does everyone think?

The Sony Ericsson P800 phone uses a keyboard like that. It's usable, but
not really great. I found a picture at


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Ole Tange

On 1/16/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > - changing SIM / microSD card without reboot
> Not sure why anyone would need to switch SIM constantly...

gooing abroad - using a cheaper tariff
I would prefer a mutipexer for 4 sim cards...
but we already had this discussion.. on this list

Why will a cloned SIM not work for you? See:,ProductID,2687,,.htm


OpenMoko community mailing list

LG touchscreen phone screenshots

2007-01-16 Thread Oleg L. Sverdlov

Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Bluetooth question ;)

2007-01-16 Thread collin

It is great that the Neo1973 v1 will have Bluetooth :)))
Will you publish which version and class it will have?

I would guess Class 2 (20-40mw) that's common for PDAs and mobile phones

And can somebody explain (me) if beside the bandwith
are any hardware limitation for Bluetooth profiles?

Yes, the hardware needs to support SCO connections in order to support 

audio (e.g. headset and handsfree)

Profiles I know about...

WORK very well:
 obex push/ftp
 HID (human interface device)
 BNEP (bluetooth ehternet encapsulation)
 DUN (dial up networking)
 bluetooth serial port

 bluetooth headset support, works but still is under development 
(please correct

me if I'm wrong)
 Syncml (e.g. with opensync)

Should work (never tried myself):
 bluetooth printing (e.g. with CUPS)

... did I forget anything?

Where is a good overview about linux Bluetooth and profiles?

start here:

And will it be possible to use several profiles/Bluetoothsolutions
simultanions? E.g. Bluetooth keyboard and headset at the same time?

blueZ, the Linux bluetooth stack is totally capable of doing this.

Collin (a bluetooth hacker at heart)

OpenMoko community mailing list

This is interesting :)) also legal? Re: Time to copy 1GB via USB 1.1 = 12 minutes? Re: MikroSD under the battery - unmount, sleep modus, small capacitator Re: MicroSD Wifi ?

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ole!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Ole Tange wrote:

> On 1/16/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > - changing SIM / microSD card without reboot
> >> Not sure why anyone would need to switch SIM constantly...
> >
> >gooing abroad - using a cheaper tariff
> >I would prefer a mutipexer for 4 sim cards...
> >but we already had this discussion.. on this list
> Why will a cloned SIM not work for you? See:
I didn't know that it is possible to clone a SIM.
I thought they are crypto-chips and have a hidden

needs also
not so cheap - but interesting :)

Couldn't be such a scaner and writer included inside the Neo1973?


OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Sean Moss-Pultz
On 1/16/07 11:24 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you please confirm that this screen really is full VGA not 320x200?

VGA definitely is 480x640 not 240x320. And yes, the device is VGA.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

2007-01-16 Thread Mike

Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

* Mike [070116 00:11]:
I agree with this, and I'd also like to add that this list should also auto-prepend a marker in the subject line like most other lists do, for example [OMOKO-COM] so that we can set up 
mail filters.

But it does already set a marker:

List-Id: List for OpenMoko community discussion 


Yea it's just that I can't see at a glance in my inbox whether it's an 
openmoko email or an email to me.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Engin Erenturk
Hi, I'm Engin;

I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most about open  
openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails today, it will have a 
640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions about the gamşing 
oportunities of this device? 
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> Hi, I'm Engin;
> I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most about
> open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails today, it
> will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions about the
> gamşing oportunities of this device?

Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it as 
gaming device.

Description: PGP signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Christopher Heiny
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:20, Gabriel Ambuehl scribbled in crayon on the 
back of a kid's menu:
> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> > Hi, I'm Engin;
> >
> > I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most
> > about open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails
> > today, it will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions
> > about the gamşing oportunities of this device?
> Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it
> as gaming device.

What don't you like about game control with touchscreen phones?  If we know 
that, we can improve it for OpenMoko.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: A FIC phone with a real keyboard - Was: OpenMoko ON the iPhone

2007-01-16 Thread Dane Jensen
On Saturday 13 January 2007 13:0
> PS I have an unrelated question. I see that FIC produces laptops (the
> contact for clients here in the Netherlands is someone in the UK). I
> expect you are a user of these laptops. Do you have a good
> experience? I was very upset when, at the moment of buying my current
> laptop almost 2 years ago, I was forcefed a copy of XP. It is of
> little importance that it was away from my HD by the time I returned
> home by train from the shop. I had to pay, possibly for the first time
> since MS-DOS, a microsoft tax.
> Do you know if FIC is bound by the same idiot rules, or I can purchase
> a portable with a clean hard drive? I might be interested in a GR3
> model.

OpenMoko community mailing list

More info on standard applications

2007-01-16 Thread Eildert Groeneveld
Hello folks

the thaught to run vi on the command line on a cell phone really has 

but on a somewhat more serious note: what is known about the 
mailing/calendar/todo etc applications, anybody have an idea?

The question ofcource relates to synchronization, for me preferable the KDE 
suite of kmail, kalendar etc.



OpenMoko community mailing list

Register article

2007-01-16 Thread Ben Fleming-Williams

Positive write-up in the Register, with one surprise...

"Sean Moss-Pultz, the project's architect, expects the first samples of 
OpenMoko hardware to ship in March 2007."

Was that interview conducted when Sean wasn't sure how long the hardware 
delays would be?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Christopher Heiny
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:20, Gabriel Ambuehl scribbled in crayon on the 
back of a kid's menu:
> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> > Hi, I'm Engin;
> >
> > I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most
> > about open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails
> > today, it will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions
> > about the gamşing oportunities of this device?
> Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it
> as gaming device.

What don't you like about game control with touchscreen phones?  If we know 
that, we can improve it for OpenMoko.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Engin Erenturk
hi again;

the main problem with touch screen controls is you cannot give the user "my 
hands fits on this button" feeling. this feeling makes the players comfortable 
about controlling the characters, etc. on th screen. 
as i said before, also virrtual keypads can be used, or just touching can be a 
great idea for games... we had some experiences with touchscreen gaming, and 
the users mainly don't like to playimg doom-like games with a touchscreen, they 
feel more comfortable with arcade style games... gamers mostly used to a 
controlling device like joypads, mouse, or keyboards nowadays. and as we 
experienced, gamers like the analog joysticks of gamepads most. because it 
gives the feeling of really controlling the character on the screen. but with 
ipod usage, people used to control simple and touch input device... and now 
they like mainly no button idea. so that this is an advantage for touch screen 
games. and also people nowadays like playing arcade games on every playform 
(even the next-gen gaming consoles). 
maybe another problem is the response time of the touch screens. this could 
effect the gameplay experience.
the main problem can be the usage of the screen. this is what Nokia N-Gage 
bumps onto wall. they didn't used a psp like widescreenish screen for gaming. 
and this became a huge limitation for game developers. If there is a vertical 
usage oportunity in games, then the games can be more attractive for people. i 
want to tell you about one of my experiences. we've developed two soccer games 
for mobile phones (a j2me game, not a s60 game). in the first edition we used 
the screen as n-gage used, people liked the game but in the second edition we 
usd the screen in vertical position. then the number pad became like a joypad 
for right hand. and the area of usage became incredibly beatiful. it triple the 
first edition downloads and people returned incredibly beatiful comments to us. 
because there was no (maybe 1-2 more) games that uses the screen of mobile 
phones vertical.

sorry for the long mail :) but i'm really curious about this device. i'm 
curious about the graphics capabilities, i'm curious about the shape in the 
hand (as i said before, if i use it veritcal will it be comfortable in my 
hand?), i'm curious about the marketing strategy of the product (distribution 
of the content), and i'm curious about nearly everything about this thing :) 
i'm not against of playing games on touch screens, but there are not much 
examples of this kind of games in the market. with iphone i think there will be 
a market for touch screen games on itunes, as i said not too complex games, 
mostly arcades.

when openmoko is in the market i'll get one and trye every possibility on it 
for gaming. maybe it could be a good platform for games too. because today's 
mobile phones suck with gaming  capabilities (in graphics and gaming 

Christopher Heiny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:20, 
Gabriel Ambuehl scribbled in crayon on the 
back of a kid's menu:
> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> > Hi, I'm Engin;
> >
> > I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most
> > about open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails
> > today, it will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions
> > about the gamşing oportunities of this device?
> Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it
> as gaming device.

What don't you like about game control with touchscreen phones?  If we know 
that, we can improve it for OpenMoko.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Engin Erenturk
maybe with virtual buttons on the screen it can be used as a gaming device? i 
mean not a total gaming device but, some arcade games (like j2me games, but 

Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, 
Engin Erenturk wrote:
> Hi, I'm Engin;
> I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most about
> open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails today, it
> will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions about the
> gamşing oportunities of this device?

Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it as 
gaming device.
OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Engin Erenturk
maybe with virtual buttons on the screen it can be used as a gaming device? i 
mean not a total gaming device but, some arcade games (like j2me games, but 

Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, 
Engin Erenturk wrote:
> Hi, I'm Engin;
> I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most about
> open  openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails today, it
> will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions about the
> gamşing oportunities of this device?

Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it as 
gaming device.
OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Marc Verwerft

Hi everyone.

Ever since I 'met' the OpenMoko I wanted one. And since it has AGPS on
board, it could be even more usefull to me.
I love riding a motorcycle and was hoping that this thingy could be turned
into a TomTom rider equivalent. Meaning that I need large buttons when using
Looks like there are already people here with a _lot_ of UI experience.
Things are looking good :-)


On 1/16/07, Engin Erenturk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi again;

the main problem with touch screen controls is you cannot give the user
"my hands fits on this button" feeling. this feeling makes the players
comfortable about controlling the characters, etc. on th screen.
as i said before, also virrtual keypads can be used, or just touching can
be a great idea for games... we had some experiences with touchscreen
gaming, and the users mainly don't like to playimg doom-like games with a
touchscreen, they feel more comfortable with arcade style games... gamers
mostly used to a controlling device like joypads, mouse, or keyboards
nowadays. and as we experienced, gamers like the analog joysticks of
gamepads most. because it gives the feeling of really controlling the
character on the screen. but with ipod usage, people used to control simple
and touch input device... and now they like mainly no button idea. so that
this is an advantage for touch screen games. and also people nowadays like
playing arcade games on every playform (even the next-gen gaming consoles).
maybe another problem is the response time of the touch screens. this
could effect the gameplay experience.
the main problem can be the usage of the screen. this is what Nokia N-Gage
bumps onto wall. they didn't used a psp like widescreenish screen for
gaming. and this became a huge limitation for game developers. If there is a
vertical usage oportunity in games, then the games can be more attractive
for people. i want to tell you about one of my experiences. we've developed
two soccer games for mobile phones (a j2me game, not a s60 game). in the
first edition we used the screen as n-gage used, people liked the game but
in the second edition we usd the screen in vertical position. then the
number pad became like a joypad for right hand. and the area of usage became
incredibly beatiful. it triple the first edition downloads and people
returned incredibly beatiful comments to us. because there was no (maybe 1-2
more) games that uses the screen of mobile phones vertical.

sorry for the long mail :) but i'm really curious about this device. i'm
curious about the graphics capabilities, i'm curious about the shape in the
hand (as i said before, if i use it veritcal will it be comfortable in my
hand?), i'm curious about the marketing strategy of the product
(distribution of the content), and i'm curious about nearly everything about
this thing :) i'm not against of playing games on touch screens, but there
are not much examples of this kind of games in the market. with iphone i
think there will be a market for touch screen games on itunes, as i said not
too complex games, mostly arcades.

when openmoko is in the market i'll get one and trye every possibility on
it for gaming. maybe it could be a good platform for games too. because
today's mobile phones suck with gaming  capabilities (in graphics and gaming

*Christopher Heiny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:20, Gabriel Ambuehl scribbled in crayon on
back of a kid's menu:
> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:51, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> > Hi, I'm Engin;
> >
> > I'm a game developer from Istanbul/Turkey. the thing i wonder most
> > about open openmoko is the gaming oportunities. as i read from mails
> > today, it will have a 640x480 vga screen. Is there any predictions
> > about the gamşing oportunities of this device?
> Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it
> as gaming device.

What don't you like about game control with touchscreen phones? If we know

that, we can improve it for OpenMoko.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: More info on standard applications

2007-01-16 Thread el jefe delito

I'd love to see the KDE apps on this thing, but I read somewhere on the list
that most of the WM interface is likely based on GTK libraries (GNOME).
Being Open, though, we could probably move KWM/KDE onto the Neo; not sure if
the processing power and storage can handle it.

Being that KDE4 uses SVG, I can't even imagine how beautiful this will be...

On 1/16/07, Eildert Groeneveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello folks

the thaught to run vi on the command line on a cell phone really has

but on a somewhat more serious note: what is known about the
mailing/calendar/todo etc applications, anybody have an idea?

The question ofcource relates to synchronization, for me preferable the
suite of kmail, kalendar etc.



OpenMoko community mailing list

be seeing you.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Wil Chung

Hi, this is my first time posting, I'm just been lurking so far.  Looks like
everyone, including myself is excited about openmoko.

Engin's recent post on controls had me thinking:  Why do we have buttons in
games?  But I think we had buttons to control games because early game
makers didn't have direct interactivity with the game elements, and the
closest thing they had were the buttons as controls.  But now that we're a
step closer to direct manipulation of game objects, we want to put buttons
on it.  I'm not sure this is the right way to go, because it seems like
we're trying to retrofit things.

I have to admit, tactile feedback is pretty important in how we interact
with our devices.  However, when it comes to playing games, I see no reason
to put direction buttons, shoot and jump button as artifacts on the screen.
Why not use the touchscreen as a way to directly manipulate game elements?
NintendoDS could be a guide here.

Just as a suggestion for first-person shooters, couldn't the tracing of the
finger on the screen correspond to where the player character is looking,
and a tap to shoot?  And the soccer game that you just mentioned, couldn't
the dribbler of the ball move to where your finger is, and pass or shoot to
where you tap?

the main problem with touch screen controls is you cannot give the user "my

hands fits on this button" feeling. this feeling makes the players
comfortable about controlling the characters, etc. on th screen.

as i said before, also virrtual keypads can be used, or just touching can be

a great idea for games... we had some experiences with touchscreen gaming,
and the users mainly don't like to playimg doom-like games with a
touchscreen, they feel more comfortable with arcade style games... gamers
mostly used to a controlling device like joypads, mouse, or keyboards
nowadays. and as we experienced, gamers like the analog joysticks of
gamepads most. because it gives the feeling of really controlling the
character on the screen. but with ipod usage, people used to control simple
and touch input device... and now they like mainly no button idea. so that
this is an advantage for touch screen games. and also people nowadays like
playing arcade games on every playform (even the next-gen gaming consoles).
maybe another problem is the response time of the touch screens. this
could effect the gameplay experience.
the main problem can be the usage of the screen. this is what Nokia N-Gage
bumps onto wall. they didn't used a psp like widescreenish screen for
gaming. and this became a huge limitation for game developers. If there is a
vertical usage oportunity in games, then the games can be more attractive
for people. i want to tell you about one of my experiences. we've developed
two soccer games for mobile phones (a j2me game, not a s60 game). in the
first edition we used the screen as n-gage used, people liked the game but
in the second edition we usd the screen in vertical position. then the
number pad became like a joypad for right hand. and the area of usage became
incredibly beatiful. it triple the first edition downloads and people
returned incredibly beatiful comments to us. because there was no (maybe 1-2
more) games that uses the screen of mobile phones vertical.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread el jefe delito

Some of the easier ideas could be:
1. Tic-Tac-Toe: grid changes colour for the Red player's turn, or Blue
player's turn
2. Connect Four: grid also changes colour
3. Checkers
4. Chess
5. Gem Drop (already GPL, some info here
6. that addictive Photo game where you have to spot the 5 differences in x
7. KMines or something like MS's Minesweeper
8. Tron? :)

On 1/16/07, Wil Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, this is my first time posting, I'm just been lurking so far.  Looks
like everyone, including myself is excited about openmoko.

Engin's recent post on controls had me thinking:  Why do we have buttons
in games?  But I think we had buttons to control games because early game
makers didn't have direct interactivity with the game elements, and the
closest thing they had were the buttons as controls.  But now that we're a
step closer to direct manipulation of game objects, we want to put buttons
on it.  I'm not sure this is the right way to go, because it seems like
we're trying to retrofit things.

I have to admit, tactile feedback is pretty important in how we interact
with our devices.  However, when it comes to playing games, I see no reason
to put direction buttons, shoot and jump button as artifacts on the screen.
Why not use the touchscreen as a way to directly manipulate game elements?
NintendoDS could be a guide here.

Just as a suggestion for first-person shooters, couldn't the tracing of
the finger on the screen correspond to where the player character is
looking, and a tap to shoot?  And the soccer game that you just mentioned,
couldn't the dribbler of the ball move to where your finger is, and pass or
shoot to where you tap?

the main problem with touch screen controls is you cannot give the user
> "my hands fits on this button" feeling. this feeling makes the players
> comfortable about controlling the characters, etc. on th screen.

as i said before, also virrtual keypads can be used, or just touching can
> be a great idea for games... we had some experiences with touchscreen
> gaming, and the users mainly don't like to playimg doom-like games with a
> touchscreen, they feel more comfortable with arcade style games... gamers
> mostly used to a controlling device like joypads, mouse, or keyboards
> nowadays. and as we experienced, gamers like the analog joysticks of
> gamepads most. because it gives the feeling of really controlling the
> character on the screen. but with ipod usage, people used to control simple
> and touch input device... and now they like mainly no button idea. so that
> this is an advantage for touch screen games. and also people nowadays like
> playing arcade games on every playform (even the next-gen gaming consoles).
> maybe another problem is the response time of the touch screens. this
> could effect the gameplay experience.
> the main problem can be the usage of the screen. this is what Nokia
> N-Gage bumps onto wall. they didn't used a psp like widescreenish screen for
> gaming. and this became a huge limitation for game developers. If there is a
> vertical usage oportunity in games, then the games can be more attractive
> for people. i want to tell you about one of my experiences. we've developed
> two soccer games for mobile phones (a j2me game, not a s60 game). in the
> first edition we used the screen as n-gage used, people liked the game but
> in the second edition we usd the screen in vertical position. then the
> number pad became like a joypad for right hand. and the area of usage became
> incredibly beatiful. it triple the first edition downloads and people
> returned incredibly beatiful comments to us. because there was no (maybe 1-2
> more) games that uses the screen of mobile phones vertical.

OpenMoko community mailing list

be seeing you.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: More info on standard applications

2007-01-16 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
el jefe delito writes:
>I'd love to see the KDE apps on this thing, but I read somewhere on the list
>that most of the WM interface is likely based on GTK libraries (GNOME).
>Being Open, though, we could probably move KWM/KDE onto the Neo; not sure if
>the processing power and storage can handle it.

Ah, perspectives and preferences the fact openmoko is gtk-based is
one of the things I like about it :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Marcel de Jong

If the Neo has a multi touch touchscreen, we really should think
outside of the box.

Look at this demonstration by mr. Jeff Han to see an example of what
might be possible :)

And look at what Nintendo did with their DS. (though of course we do
not have the amount of money that Nintendo has to spend on game


On 1/16/07, el jefe delito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some of the easier ideas could be:
1. Tic-Tac-Toe: grid changes colour for the Red player's turn, or Blue
player's turn
2. Connect Four: grid also changes colour
3. Checkers
4. Chess
5. Gem Drop (already GPL, some info here )
6. that addictive Photo game where you have to spot the 5 differences in x
7. KMines or something like MS's Minesweeper
8. Tron? :)

On 1/16/07, Wil Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, this is my first time posting, I'm just been lurking so far.  Looks
like everyone, including myself is excited about openmoko.
> Engin's recent post on controls had me thinking:  Why do we have buttons
in games?  But I think we had buttons to control games because early game
makers didn't have direct interactivity with the game elements, and the
closest thing they had were the buttons as controls.  But now that we're a
step closer to direct manipulation of game objects, we want to put buttons
on it.  I'm not sure this is the right way to go, because it seems like
we're trying to retrofit things.
> I have to admit, tactile feedback is pretty important in how we interact
with our devices.  However, when it comes to playing games, I see no reason
to put direction buttons, shoot and jump button as artifacts on the screen.
Why not use the touchscreen as a way to directly manipulate game elements?
NintendoDS could be a guide here.
> Just as a suggestion for first-person shooters, couldn't the tracing of
the finger on the screen correspond to where the player character is
looking, and a tap to shoot?  And the soccer game that you just mentioned,
couldn't the dribbler of the ball move to where your finger is, and pass or
shoot to where you tap?
> > the main problem with touch screen controls is you cannot give the user
"my hands fits on this button" feeling. this feeling makes the players
comfortable about controlling the characters, etc. on th screen.
> > as i said before, also virrtual keypads can be used, or just touching
can be a great idea for games... we had some experiences with touchscreen
gaming, and the users mainly don't like to playimg doom-like games with a
touchscreen, they feel more comfortable with arcade style games... gamers
mostly used to a controlling device like joypads, mouse, or keyboards
nowadays. and as we experienced, gamers like the analog joysticks of
gamepads most. because it gives the feeling of really controlling the
character on the screen. but with ipod usage, people used to control simple
and touch input device... and now they like mainly no button idea. so that
this is an advantage for touch screen games. and also people nowadays like
playing arcade games on every playform (even the next-gen gaming consoles).
> > maybe another problem is the response time of the touch screens. this
could effect the gameplay experience.
> > the main problem can be the usage of the screen. this is what Nokia
N-Gage bumps onto wall. they didn't used a psp like widescreenish screen for
gaming. and this became a huge limitation for game developers. If there is a
vertical usage oportunity in games, then the games can be more attractive
for people. i want to tell you about one of my experiences. we've developed
two soccer games for mobile phones (a j2me game, not a s60 game). in the
first edition we used the screen as n-gage used, people liked the game but
in the second edition we usd the screen in vertical position. then the
number pad became like a joypad for right hand. and the area of usage became
incredibly beatiful. it triple the first edition downloads and people
returned incredibly beatiful comments to us. because there was no (maybe 1-2
more) games that uses the screen of mobile phones vertical.
> >
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

be seeing you.
OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Jonas Berlin

Quoting Marcel de Jong on 01/16/2007 09:33 PM UTC:

If the Neo has a multi touch touchscreen, we really should think
outside of the box.

Look at this demonstration by mr. Jeff Han to see an example of what
might be possible :)

And look at what Nintendo did with their DS. (though of course we do
not have the amount of money that Nintendo has to spend on game

Unfortunately, the touchscreen in the first version is not multi touch.. But I was 
thinking, if the series of events the touchscreen generates when the user "adds the 
second finger" could be detected reliably enough, maybe some of the operations could 
be simulated to some degree..

At least in my old palm pilot, which also was single-touch, if you added another finger, 
the output was the average of those coordinates. But when you add the other finger, the 
"location" of the cursor moves very quickly (maybe almost instantly, if we're 
lucky :) to the average and then stops there. Also when releasing one finger, it probably 
moves back just as fast. I think it might be different enough to separate it from moving 
the finger very fast.

If this would work, you could detect at least some of the "two finger" 
operations.. rotation with the first finger kept in fixed location, zooming the same 
(maybe requiring the second finger to move in a diagonalish direction) .. Scrolling could 
then also be detected by vertical or horizontal movement (of both fingers)..

I haven't tried this ever, I don't know if the touchpad is fast enough and what series of 
"movements" the adding of the second finger does.. but I'm sure going to try 
(unless somebody else does it first :)

- xkr47

 "if I'd make up my own definitions, unrational would be the the end
  result after someone unrationalized something i.e. actively worked
  to cut down on rationality, whereas irrational would be more a
  result of laziness or lack of skill"
- me, 23.11.2006

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread tony

el jefe delito wrote:

Some of the easier ideas could be:
1. Tic-Tac-Toe: grid changes colour for the Red player's turn, or Blue 
player's turn

2. Connect Four: grid also changes colour
3. Checkers
4. Chess
5. Gem Drop (already GPL, some info here )
6. that addictive Photo game where you have to spot the 5 differences in 
x seconds

7. KMines or something like MS's Minesweeper
8. Tron? :)

I am planning a Nethack port. It should be quite easy.

- Tony

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Paul Bohme

tony wrote:

I am planning a Nethack port. It should be quite easy.

In theory, yes.  In practice...  I have run this on a Zaurus, and it's a 
little hard to see/read.  At least on that I have a reasonable keyboard 
- what are your thoughts on display sizes as well as input mechanism?

If it can be made to work, that's almost enough excuse for me to buy one 
right there (as if there weren't already plenty of them..)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Register article

2007-01-16 Thread Marcel de Jong

On 1/16/07, Ben Fleming-Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Positive write-up in the Register, with one surprise...

"Sean Moss-Pultz, the project's architect, expects the first samples of
OpenMoko hardware to ship in March 2007."

March? Please say it isn't so! :) Well I guess if the devs and
manufacturers need some more time to get it right, and it would make
the Neo even better, I'm all for it.
I just really hope it'll be out soon.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread tony

Paul Bohme wrote:

tony wrote:

I am planning a Nethack port. It should be quite easy.

In theory, yes.  In practice...  I have run this on a Zaurus, and it's a 
little hard to see/read.  At least on that I have a reasonable keyboard 
- what are your thoughts on display sizes as well as input mechanism?

If it can be made to work, that's almost enough excuse for me to buy one 
right there (as if there weren't already plenty of them..)


I'm not entirely sure yet. I imagine I'll first do a text port with a 
"portal" view (in which you only see a part of the screen at a time), 
and a user-selected font size. Then I'd try a tiles-based port.

It all depends on how readable the text is on the small screen.

- Tony

OpenMoko community mailing list

Unpowered USB as a data drive?

2007-01-16 Thread Pranav Desai

Hello All,

From some info on the list I gather that the SD card will have no more that

4GB, so will I be able to use a USB flash drive with 'X' GB storage for
media files e.g.
I am asking since I am not sure what implication does the Unpowered aspect
have on USB devices.

Related to media files, will the initial version have some media player
(mplayer) on it, or is it upto the user to compile and use it.

Thanks for your input.

-- Pranav
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread tony

Paul Bohme wrote:

tony wrote:

I am planning a Nethack port. It should be quite easy.

In theory, yes.  In practice...  I have run this on a Zaurus, and it's a 
little hard to see/read.  At least on that I have a reasonable keyboard 
- what are your thoughts on display sizes as well as input mechanism?

If it can be made to work, that's almost enough excuse for me to buy one 
right there (as if there weren't already plenty of them..)


Sorry-- I only answered half the question. I had originally planned on 
testing multi-touch input for common tasks, like opening, kicking, 
zapping, etc. Since the first rev won't have multi-touch (I hear), I 
will use either a menu system, or a gesture system, or a combination of 
the two.

- Tony

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Unpowered USB as a data drive?

2007-01-16 Thread Ole Tange

On 1/16/07, Pranav Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From some info on the list I gather that the SD card will have no more that
4GB, so will I be able to use a USB flash drive with 'X' GB storage for
media files e.g.
I am asking since I am not sure what implication does the Unpowered aspect
have on USB devices.

You will not be able to attach a USB stick directly. You will be able
to attach a stick to a USB hub and attach the hub to the Neo. You may
be able to attach a USB harddisk, if it has external power.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities

2007-01-16 Thread Richard Franks

On 1/16/07, Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Unless your game can be controlled with a touchscreen, you won't like it as
gaming device.

I've got a mockup I did for a Gravity Power port I've been putting off
for too long:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/359950380/

With a bigger input wheel for the stylus, I think this could work
quite nicely. The darker coloured direction arc's are the deadzone,
one phone button = fire- and I'd imagine it'll be relatively simple to
make this resizeable/transparent/movable/skinnable.

It's physically analagous to the old up/down/left/right/fire joysticks
- in that you can't do up+down at the same time, but you can do
up+right, etc.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Register article

2007-01-16 Thread Jason Elwell
I saw that article too, and thought the same thing.

Surely just a mis-printright?


On Tuesday 16 January 2007 16:52, Marcel de Jong wrote:
> On 1/16/07, Ben Fleming-Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Positive write-up in the Register, with one surprise...
> >
> > "Sean Moss-Pultz, the project's architect, expects the first samples of
> > OpenMoko hardware to ship in March 2007."
> >
> March? Please say it isn't so! :) Well I guess if the devs and
> manufacturers need some more time to get it right, and it would make
> the Neo even better, I'm all for it.
> I just really hope it'll be out soon.
> Marcel
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

[OPENMOKO] Great Job

2007-01-16 Thread andy
Hey Guys,

I know the specification of the phone doesn't include wifi, nor do I want
to badger the list to say it should be included, as I'm sure it will be
integrated in a matter of time.

However, I would like to suggest that we look into developing some sort of
VoIP transferral software, so that when an openmoKo user is within the
range of their home wifi network, incoming calls come from both the GSM
and wifi network, and outgoing calls can default to going via VoIP, or
non-default selected to go via GSM.

I know i'd find this feature amazingly useful, but wanted to know other
opinions on it's practicality (technically), and whether or not there are
other people to whom this feature would be useful.



OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Craig St Jean

Just wondering, does that mean its EVDO? Or something else? I have  
Cingular, which supports I believe only EDGE (2G and 2.5G?) and 3G.  
Could someone please expand on the "2.5G NOT EDGE" line?


OpenMoko community mailing list

phone bot idea

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Colleton

I'd like to run a bot on my phone that I'd be able to chat with via Jabber
(XMPP, used by Gmail and others).  This would allow me to easily set and
receive notifications to augment the small screen UI by extending the reach
of the phone to any net connected computer.  The bot could also set your own
IM status based on active phone calls or the screen being switched off (if
you weren't signed in and active elsewhere).  This could be really easy to
set up, just add yourself as a buddy and start chatting with your phone:

Phone: Ahoy!
Me: alarm
Phone: Alarm set 0630 weekdays
Me: alarm set 0900 everyday
Phone: Alarm set 0900 everyday
Me: call mom
Phone: dialing (XXX)XXX-
Phone: call duration 1:20::35

you get the idea...

--Lee Colleton
OpenMoko community mailing list