Re: Email App

2007-11-21 Thread Daniel Robinson
Would someone take me off this goddamn list, again?

I was subscribed to it once, and unsubbed, but I keep showing up on it.

What the hell is going on?

On 11/21/07, Ian Darwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thomas Wood wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 09:52 -0600, Tim Shannon wrote:
> >> I'm curious if anyone knows that status of an Email app.  I though
> >> originally there was going to be one app that handled all
> >> communication, SMS, internet chat, email, etc, but I haven't seen
> >> anything like this with the new 2007.2 framework.
> >
> > Check applications/openmoko-messages2
> >
> > We are hoping that something will be ready for the next snapshot, but it
> > will only be a simple SMS application to send and receive messages.
> That's a great step, thanks!
> Obviously later it can grow to do email...
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hardiness of the Neo1973?

2007-09-30 Thread Daniel Robinson
Getting email from the community again.

I unsub'd before, and I have started getting email again.

I can no longer unsub (I don't get the followup email).

If someone from OpenMoko actually reads this list, could you please unsub

On 8/29/07, Baxter Kylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've been following this project for a couple years with great
> interest but I have a few questions (for those with gen1 and just
> those with some knowledge of the possibilities/limitations of the
> hardware)
> How hardy is the unit? I realize it has no moving parts but could it
> take repeated jarring up and down? Also, is it too heavy or too big
> for an armband strap?
> I'm a marathon runner and words cannot describe how astounding it
> would be for me to be able to find a waterproofed armband case for
> this unit to take on runs. Not only could it provide cell service in
> case of emergencies and act as my portable music player but with the
> gps and accelerometers I could (with a little help) get some useful
> runners' apps in place to track important numbers on runs -- not just
> times on terrains but even stride data (assuming the accelerometers
> are sensitive enough to track arm swing + impact).
> Assuming the unit is up to these tasks I fully intend (with a gen2 in
> hand) to try to get an app up and running for logging this type of
> info ... anyone who thinks this is a good idea or has any additional
> thoughts, I'd love to hear them!
> Regards,
> ~Baxter
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 is sold out...

2007-08-06 Thread Daniel Robinson
One of the things that I have found unpleasant about the Internet is the
tendency for many people to think that every thought they have has value and
other people need to know about it. Forum, mail lists, whatever, people have
to throw it out there.  It has been this way since USENET days.  This list
is no different than the other lists I'm on.

Basically, here are the facts:

1) the people who have been leading OpenMoko don't have retail experience.
They have not run a site and distribution organization.  I have wished that
they had people on board to handle this, but it wasn't that way.  They are
hacker nerds.  Would any of you people complaining about this really want to
deal with charging credit cards and processing orders for 8 or more hours a
day, day after day?

I didn't think so.

2) They didn't anticipate the demand for phones.  I'm  willing to bet that
FIC was very skeptical about this and they had a hard time getting approval
for the production run that was actually made.  Hey, people want a
cellphone/media player experience that doesn't suck.  Who knew?

3) A word I learned when I was a soldier: kwitcherbitchin.


On 8/6/07, Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2007, at 5:17 PM, Jonathon Suggs wrote:
> > I for one am glad that I did not purchase the GTA01.  The entire
> > process (at least from what I have read) has been at best a
> > complete disaster, and it still isn't over or even getting better.
> Now thats just going too far.  It is not a complete disaster, nor
> would I consider it a disaster at all: The whole order of initial
> developer-focused product has been *sold out*.  Do you have no idea
> what that means?
> Certainly, it is encouraging, and nowhere near disaster.  Lucky
> developers out there right now are getting their code on; just
> because you aren't (yet) able to do so for physical hardware just
> means the game is, quite seriously, on.
> > Sorry for the rant again but just thought it needed to be said.
> >
> Your rant is misplaced in my opinion.  GTA01's have been delivered to
> hundreds, if not thousands of geeks around the planet who eagerly
> awaited their arrival, and many (myself included) still do check the
> mailbox daily, in eager anticipation of getting on with some
> seriously fun hacking.  I predict a worthy app-sphere for the GTA02
> delivery, as a result, and certainly: the GTA02 horizon is where the
> focus should be, frankly, for all avid hackers and coders currently
> wetting at the jaw for something fun to carry their works around in ..
> I think you, personally, Jonathon Suggs, are just simply complaining
> too much, when there is in fact a grand deal of positive activity
> occurring on the entire Moko project, which stands to make rather
> nice headway in the opensource hardware realm; a realm which,
> frankly, has new rules worth applying enthusiastically.  OpenMoko is
> a -startup- for this activity; rapid growth pains most certainly can
> be disastrous, but in this case are worth bearing by all and sundry
> interested in the future of portable, pocketable, Linux-based
> communications devices.
> If the GTA01's are all sold out, more the merrier for the 02's, which
> are positively the developer-user step up they ought to be.  I hope
> for sure that while there are a few thousand 01 hackers around, the
> 02 crowd numbers in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands.
> So .. If you don't have your OpenMoko yet, well don't kid yourself.
> You probably came late to the party.  This is no reason to start
> pissing in the punch.
> j.
> --
> Jay Vaughan
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: app idea

2007-07-24 Thread Daniel Robinson

The SE phones allowed creation of ring tones on the phone or with a PC
application.  Cingular allowed downloading to the phone via BlueTooth.  My
current carrier, t-mobile, doesn't allow things to be downloaded to the

Creating ringtones should be pretty easy.  I'm at work right now, so I can't
check it out, but I think tuxguitar will save things as midi or wav files.
tuxguitar is good for creating loops, and getting the right file format
should not be hard.

On 7/24/07, Jeff Andros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yeah, but they seem to be in the minority (my cingular SE phone works
properly too) I'm thinking of going a step beyond this: not requiring you to
whip out your computer at all.  My Sony Ericsson has a program called "Music
DJ" that I think I've played with all of twice, but it will let you mix
loops to create your own ringtone... what if we go a step farther, and
create a composition program with social aspects... allow you to record or
create a ringtone on the device itself.  The other part that makes this
really cool is then uploading this to a sharing site... yes, I know, there's
the chance that you record some song off the radio, so we need something to
deal with DMCA (it seems a message that says "don't freaking put copyrighted
stuff here" is no longer sufficient).  Again, I'm having nightmares of
people turning recordings of their kids screaming and worse into
ringtones... but I think this could be one of the apps that really turns on
the mass market

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-24 Thread Daniel Robinson

Sorry, man, the ante is four cents.  :)

So much for a tidy email list of just serious, seasoned, developers.  Heh.

That sound you hear is one lip gloating

On 7/24/07, Richard Reichenbacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

According to the wiki there's about 2300 phone orders and the number
increases every day.  There's some 75-100 people that have posted on the
wiki in the P1 owners category.  Given, not every developer has
to the P1 owners page so there's probably about 300 people or so that
the wiki and haven't posted in it.  Leaving about 2000 orders to people
don't follow the wiki and are probably not interested in developing.  If
they were interested in developing, they would follow the wiki as it is
only source for finding development specs, cvs links, walkthroughs, etc.
That's a pretty large amount of people that are going to want help
openmoko and flashing it to the phone.  I think a forum is a good idea for
now if anytime.  If we can show that there is a great support base
for the phone this early on we can draw a much larger fan base later on.

Just my 2 cents

Richard Reichenbacher

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andreas
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:23 PM
To: Jonathon Suggs
Cc: Jacques Poulin;
Subject: Re: OK, the forum is coming..

Hash: SHA1

Jonathon Suggs wrote:

> Well, I've said it before and I will say it again.  We are not wanting
> to kill the mailing lists!!!  We are wanting to supplement the mailing
> list with a forum.  I cannot see ANY reason why this would be a bad

Well, it splits the community into two subcommunities. The number of
users that will bother to use both forms of communication will probably
be small.

Additionally there is currently no need for "customer"-level
communications at the moment. What will you answer? Considering the fact
that many features are still not completely stable, and many features
are completely missing. So what can you answer truthfully to some troll
that wants to know if the phone will support syncing with Outlook 97?
Will it support push mail? Is it better than the iPhone?

Bluntly speaking, creating an enduser support forum is something that is
the job of FIC, isn't it?

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-24 Thread Daniel Robinson

The general tone on this item of discussion is "This is what I want/need,
therefore, that is the best solution (for everybody)".  What I have not seen
is any concession to gather information.  What I have seen is a lot of
data-free analysis.

What I would like to see is some examination of the traffic and what sort of
organization can be placed on it.

On 7/24/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not arrogance or snobbery -- different view of reality.
> At this point, openmoko *is* a development project.  It's emphatically
> for Joe and Jane -- it says so on the web site, where you order your
> There are disclaimers all over the place.  It's not even for early
> -- it's for hackers and developers.  Explicitly.
> It is devoutly to be hoped that someday there will be a need for a forum
> Joe and Jane.  But as a real concern that's at *least* 6 months away.
> realistically, it will be a year before there is a unit that will be
> enough for Joe and Jane.
Point well taken.  However, we are starting to get some interest from
people who fall into that middle ground category.  They follow
technology (to an extent) but aren't willing/capable to actively
develop.  So we are suggesting creating a forum to be able to answer
their basic questions...ones that they wouldn't register on a mailing
list to ask.

Mailing lists are great tools for keeping the developers in touch, and
so we should not change that (nor has that even been suggested).  We are
merely trying to establish another method to communicate with potential
customers, even if they aren't going to be purchasing for 6-12 months.

Sorry for being so aggressive in my posts, but seeing people shoot down
the thoughts/ideas just because it doesn't "suit them" is a little
arrogant/snobby.  Anyway, thanks for bringing the tone down a little and
making good solid points.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-24 Thread Daniel Robinson

The fact that you are subscribed to 20 different mailing lists and you would
find it difficult to read all of that information on 20 different forum UIs
is your issue, and it is not the responsibility of this community to

To state, axiomatically,  that mailing lists are more efficient is to
attempt proof by assertion.

The goal is communication, not rightness.  How is communication best served?


On 7/24/07, Andreas Kostyrka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

No, it's just habits. And it's not about Engineers, it's about long time
email users. (I mean the generation before the invention of the "http
protocol". If one can consider HTTP 0.9 to be a protocol ;) )

And yes, email is important to these old timers. Mailing lists are quite
well standardized, there are less than half a dozen mailing list
management packages that matter, and even these have mostly the same
behaviour. I'm subscribed on more than 20 mailing lists (most of these
in the Linux/Python/PostgreSQL realm), that I follow more or less
depending upon work pressure. I can keep a tab on these mailing lists,
because they use a standard interface.

Navigating 20 different "forums", is not feasible:

- -) I need to actively pull information. That's time I could be already
using to read messages.

- -) the UI of forums is really not uniform. I need to join, login
(depending upon the forum and my browser setting each time, every 2
weeks, never), manage to find if new messages that might interest me, ...

- -) the UI of mailing lists is my known standard mail client.

You can see the difference, e.g. my wife participates in a forum based
cooking community. Notice: "relative newcomer" (less than a decade
Internet experience), 1 community (not dozens of mailing lists needed).

Basically, mailing lists are more efficient. Not necessarily easy on
newbies. (And yes, efficient does not mean easy. Efficient is measured
in units like "transaction" per "time unit". And I can clearly "process"
(or decide not to "process") more messages per hour in my mailer than
with my browser)


Daniel Robinson wrote:
> What is it about engineers that they act like any idea other than theirs
> is not worthy of consideration?
> I don't know any of you, and I am only responding to this email because
> it is typical of the kind of traffic that has been going back and forth
> about this issue.
> Don't build your house on ice?  This is typical of the dismissiveness
> with which people have responded about this issue.  The straw man being
> used here, that wanting one position or the other is as meritorious as
> building one's house on ice, is not valid.  It smacks of sanctimony and
> that should be avoided.
> On 7/24/07, *Ted Lemon* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> > Quite frankly I am completely, totally,
> > overwhelmingly baffled at the resistance to the forums.  Quite a
> > people have expressed their dislikes of mailing lists and how they
> were
> > *very* reluctant (like myself) to join.
> Worrying about your email address being exposed is pretty silly.
> That's like worrying that the ice on a pond will break when it melts
> the spring and your house will fall in.   Don't build your house on
> ice.
> As for forums, they are very nice for casual use.   They are
> for staying in touch, unless you visit them obsessively.   The nice
> thing about a mailing list is that the mail keeps arriving in your
> inbox, you see it go by, and you can pay attention or not as you
> And if you miss something, it's easy to go back and find it.
> Forums aren't bad - they're just different.   I think it would be
> if the casual traffic migrated to a forum.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
> <>
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-24 Thread Daniel Robinson

What is it about engineers that they act like any idea other than theirs is
not worthy of consideration?

I don't know any of you, and I am only responding to this email because it
is typical of the kind of traffic that has been going back and forth about
this issue.

Don't build your house on ice?  This is typical of the dismissiveness with
which people have responded about this issue.  The straw man being used
here, that wanting one position or the other is as meritorious as building
one's house on ice, is not valid.  It smacks of sanctimony and that should
be avoided.

On 7/24/07, Ted Lemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quite frankly I am completely, totally,
> overwhelmingly baffled at the resistance to the forums.  Quite a few
> people have expressed their dislikes of mailing lists and how they were
> *very* reluctant (like myself) to join.

Worrying about your email address being exposed is pretty silly.
That's like worrying that the ice on a pond will break when it melts in
the spring and your house will fall in.   Don't build your house on ice.

As for forums, they are very nice for casual use.   They are terrible
for staying in touch, unless you visit them obsessively.   The nice
thing about a mailing list is that the mail keeps arriving in your
inbox, you see it go by, and you can pay attention or not as you choose.
And if you miss something, it's easy to go back and find it.

Forums aren't bad - they're just different.   I think it would be great
if the casual traffic migrated to a forum.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Cancel order?

2007-07-23 Thread Daniel Robinson

I ordered a Neo1973, but I because of work assignments that I got today, I
don't think I will be able to work on it for several months.  (things are
crazy at my day job)

Is there a way to cancel an order?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-23 Thread Daniel Robinson

I already use my browser to read my email.  I use Gmail to handle the mail
from my domain.  I can read it at home, at the coffee house or at my day

The argument that you have to start your browser seems thin to me.  What is
a mail reader if not an application as complex as a browser?

A forum allows the _writer_ to sort the posting.  I have yet to find an
email filtering program that does works in a more than rudimentary fashion.
A forum can be searched for keywords in much the same way that an email list
can be searched.

Posts stay on a forum.  Much of the email on this list goes into the bit
bucket for me.  Advertising?  Marketing?  We don't have a working phone yet.


On 7/23/07, wim delvaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tuesday 24 July 2007 00:06:55 Mickael Faivre-Macon wrote:
> Maybe you're right, and the whole point is here: mailing lists are for
> geeks and forums are for all other people. We should then have a web
> based forum.

Are you sure ? I find personally a mailing is much easier.  You get the
messages with your regular mail, you can sort them to a special inbox
to read them when you have time.  Whereas a forum you need to start your
browser, generally wade through some pages to get to the location you
log on, use some user interface that changes from forum to forum.

Searching a mailing list is also easy : google or some searchable mail

Adding another channel is counter productive.  Focus all data in one
and optimize that medium to the max.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: qemu trouble...

2007-07-22 Thread Daniel Robinson

Hey Lars,

Huzzah to you, sir, for getting that far.  I got my ubuntu system up
yesterday, but I haven't gotten some of the other pieces working.  I haven't
used  OpenEmbedded  or bitbake before.  I use perforce at work.

My ubuntu system is a new dual core box.  Does the development environment
use distcc?

Cheers, Dan

On 7/22/07, Lars Hallberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not sure if this is dev or community...

I manage to build the neo qemu and it works :-)

Have made (, downloaded the files manualt as did not
work (no lynx)) a open moko image and it boots but...

No on-screen keyboard makes it pretty useless. Anyone having the same
problem or even a solution?

Network don't work (qemu -net user)... Is this a limitation in the moko
image, the neo qemu or my hostsystem (ubuntu 7.04)? Is it somehow

Anyone successfully got network on there qemu moko systems, an in that
case how?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-22 Thread Daniel Robinson

COGS = cost of goods shipped

Sorry to be off topic.

Yes, we need a forum,

On 7/22/07, Valerio Bruno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Daniel Robinson ha scritto:
> The COGS on this phone should be around $100-110.  FIC will make money,
> but won't make a lot of money unless they sell a lot of them.  They are
> leveraging their expertise, manufacturing, and if they manufacture
> something that doesn't sell, that is wasted manufacturing resources.

Sorry for ignorance but what are COGS ? building costs at FIC?

i hope part of the 300$ are given to boost openmoko team..

Valerio, Italy

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-21 Thread Daniel Robinson

The COGS on this phone should be around $100-110.  FIC will make money, but
won't make a lot of money unless they sell a lot of them.  They are
leveraging their expertise, manufacturing, and if they manufacture something
that doesn't sell, that is wasted manufacturing resources.

I think the business plan for them is to enable developers who want to make
a better phone/PDA than the pieces of crap on the market.  I had a Sony
Ericcsson phone on Cingular and I could create my own ring tones and down
load them.  I have a RAZR on T-Mobile and they will only let me buy
ringtones.  This is a brain dead phone/company combo.  If dev heads make a
better product (a product being a solution to a customer's problem) they
will sell phones.


On 7/21/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 22 Jul 2007, at 01:13, Mickael Faivre-Macon wrote:

> By the way, does FIC plan to make money out of the neo ?
> Like selling manuals ? Or whatever ?

They'll make money on the hardware. Developing a good smartphone OS
costs quite a bit of money.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Fwd: community communication option review

2007-07-20 Thread Daniel Robinson

Here are the community communication options:

1) email lists

   email lists are available as single emails or as a digest.  These
lists can be searched via Google proxy.  Inherent organization is
chronological.  Can be threaded, but threads on similar topics are not

2) IRC

  and you got me there.  I don't do IRC. I can't get my sampling
frequency that high.

3) forum

 forums allow for submissions according to topic.  Discussions are,
by definition, threaded.  Search functions may or may not be limited
to what ever the forum software supports.  Some forum software search
functions allow for all postings between dates.  Some forum software
supports email notification for posts on boards, subboards or threads.
Forum software would require some amount of supervision.

OpenMoko community mailing list

community communication option review

2007-07-20 Thread Daniel Robinson

Here are the community communication options:

1) email lists

   email lists are available as single emails or as a digest.  These
lists can be searched via Google proxy.  Inherent organization is
chronological.  Can be threaded, but threads on similar topics are not

2) IRC

  and you got me there.  I don't do IRC. I can't get my sampling
frequency that high.

3) forum

 forums allow for submissions according to topic.  Discussions are,
by definition, threaded.  Search functions may or may not be limited
to what ever the forum software supports.  Some forum software search
functions allow for all postings between dates.  Some forum software
supports email notification for posts on boards, subboards or threads.
Forum software would require some amount of supervision.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shipping, Billing, etc

2007-07-19 Thread Daniel Robinson

My number was 3585.  Does that mean there are 1747 nerds ahead of me?

On 7/19/07, Scott Rushforth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Out of curiosity,

Has anyone else seen their credit card charged?

My order was only 1838, and my card has not been charged, nor have I
received an ack, or any form of confirmation after replying with

Seems like they should be able to process at least 18 credit cards per
day?  Maybe Not?

Ah well, whats another week, right?



Peter Trapp wrote:
> :) or better we => group purchasing :)
> From our side everything went fine (#1952 -> also not that fare away
> from Jason (#1820) if this mean something at all). I'm just curios...
> Rodolphe Ortalo schrieb:
>> Hmm, btw, I did not even get a "YES_I_DO" message personnally... has
>> everyone on the list received one against their order?
>> Rodolphe
>> ___
>> OpenMoko community mailing list
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shipping, Billing, etc

2007-07-19 Thread Daniel Robinson

I had some concerns about this also.  There has been very little info coming
out from OpenMoko about the number of units of each type that have been
ordered by developers and how many are available.  Moreover, there hasn't
been any information about where we are in the queue.  All that has been
said is that you get one email, then you get another email, then you get
your dev unit.

Do they expect me to keep hitting the refresh button like some blue-haired
lady playing the nickel slots?

On 7/19/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Benjamin Flanagin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> The limited number of neo's have got me worried that I might not be in
> the first batch. Have anyone been charged for the device yet? I'm ready
> to learn the ways of Openmoko Ninjitsu.

One person has confirmed on the list that their order has been processed.

There's a few factors, first there's two colours. Secondly there's two
kits, the phone only and the phone + dev board kits.

Maybe the white and orange versions will be in more supply?

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Daniel Robinson

I don't know how much of the at signaling is available at the data
terminal.  What is the signaling for sending caller ID to a cellular phone?
For example, on POTS, the digits are signaled with a Bell 103 modem between
the first and second ring.

Someone said something about having the ringback tone be a sound file that
is configurable according to caller.  I don't know if that is possible from
the phone.  The ring back tone is generated by switching equipment, not the


On 7/18/07, Jim McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 [This may have been better to post to the development list but as people
are talking about it here I'll start here]

   A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they
would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at the
information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the current
codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I take a simple
example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions that we have seen
so far to handle it include different ring tones for different people or
groups of people, auto-handling of the call by sending it to voicemail or
letting it through, different responses depending on the time of day, *etc.
*The point that I'm trying to make is that there are a multitude of things
that you *could* do but each person will have a limited number of things
that they want the 'phone to *actually* do.  As such, building out all of
these options in to a single piece of code will not only be very hard to
manage and maintain but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch
their itches and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

   If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach is
required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which comes
in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number of hooks
to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the base code and as
such to alter the functionality of the product very extensively.  If we want
this openmoko to be as free as possible then it also needs to be as easy as
possible for people to extend, and this is the most likely way of doing it.

   I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be
addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start as
to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the final
product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the fact that
those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally exclusive.  So
my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and if not can it be

   Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Sorting out development interests

2007-07-18 Thread Daniel Robinson

I asked the question yesteday about what people wanted to do with the
OpenMoko project and a lot of people added to the thread.  The wiki
has areas for many of the things that were mentioned.

Check it out and add your project or fillout an existing project area
with your thoughts.

I think the thing that is missing is for people to find collaborators
to work on these projects.  Is this the right forum?


OpenMoko community mailing list

projects of interest?

2007-07-17 Thread Daniel Robinson

What are the projects of interest for people?

I am interested in working on kid's phones.  I have wanted a kid's phone
that was not as brain-dead as the phones that are currently targeted at
children.  I like that the Neo1973 has a secure tether point.  I want the
phone to be tethered to my kid's backpack or clothing so it can't be lost or

In terms of software, I want to work on GPS related things.  It would be
good to know where my kids are and when they exit certain zones, e.g.,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: shipping?

2007-07-17 Thread Daniel Robinson

I was hoping for more feedback in the process of ordering and receiving a
phone.  Not that I'm in a rush, or anything

Has anyone gotten the 'payment received' email?


On 7/16/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 16 Jul 2007, at 23:00, Daniel Robinson wrote:

> I ordered a neo1973 and got an email back, but my bank account has
> not been hit for the money and I haven't heard anything else.
> Anyone on this list gotten a neo1973 yet?

Today's apparently the day when they arrive from China. So they won't
be shipping for a couple of days I guess.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Not "the free phone"

2007-07-16 Thread Daniel Robinson

Let's make it work first.


Giles Jones wrote:
> On 16 Jul 2007, at 19:49, Ryan Prior wrote:
>> I like the tagline "Your phone, your way." The idea is that we are
>> putting the consumer in control - this line may mean different things
>> to a techie and non-techie, but that's okay - it ties in with the
>> spirit of freedom.
> Maybe, but then I think all the marketing is academic without the
> software being there and working. Good planing is needed in the
> development stage as well as at the point where you sell the product :)
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

I like the "MyPhone" and  "Your Phone" ideas the best so far.  Of
course, "MyPhone" is already taken as a current phone product.  One idea
would be to leave the word "phone" off all together, since that is kind
of redundant.  Make the tag name be something that's defines itself,
like Google did.

Regardless of the final tag name, I can see the end of the OpenMoko
commercialSean Moss Pultz sort of off center camera with a stark
white background (a la Apple commercials).Sean answers his Neo then
extends his arm with the face of the Neo filling the camera and says,
"It's for you."


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-07-16 Thread Daniel Robinson

I ordered a neo1973 and got an email back, but my bank account has not been
hit for the money and I haven't heard anything else.

Anyone on this list gotten a neo1973 yet?

OpenMoko community mailing list