How "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI get using GTK?

2007-09-02 Thread denis
Watching a lot of videos about Openmoko and the GUI I saw that it is
very slow and yards away from being "snappy". (regarding the application
startup and the acting inside an application) I know that speed is not
the priority thing in developement  at the moment but how fast and
"snappy" can the Openmoko GUI using GTK get? I'm looking at this from
the user point of view, I'm not a developer so it would be very
interesting to me what can be expected in the future. What are you're
expectations? Will it get as snappy as the old PALM Pdas had been?

I'm really looking forward for your answers.

Regards, Denis.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Two finger input methods (PyGTK demos)

2007-09-02 Thread denis
Lars Hallberg schrieb:
> This is a new one (Layout is 'numlock' one):
> 12 keys... tap a key for main function. Drag to any of the other keys
> for 11 secondary functions. A total of 12*12=144 combinations.
> To much to show... You have to press a key to see the secondary keys.
> Drag outside the keyboard to cancel a keypress.
> A bit awkward to begin with... might work fast when You learn to know
> the most common secondary keys.
> Know of no patent jet.
> Old demo:
> Tap key or drag in any of 8 directions. 9 funktions per key, easier
> strokes (bigger end target, butt less functions per key may need to be
> compensated with smaller start target). maybe patent encumbered.
> Both demos can easily be adjusted between 3x4 to 3x6 keys to test the
> feel. I don't know hove easy it is to get a PyGTK demo running on the
> phone... and they probably perform horribly. But I would be grateful
> for any report on hove easy the keys and strokes are to hit.
> /LaH
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
I've tested the input system and it works very well even for a beginner
like me. It is very intuitive and after a short time of practice I'm
very fast writting with it. It would be interesting to test this system
combined with word prediction.

Regards, Denis.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: speeding up the flow of information

2007-09-08 Thread denis
Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb:
> On 9/9/07 clare wrote:
>> Hi Sean, and Michael and Joachim;
>> Sorry for late reply, Mailout was broken.
>> Pity this seems to have been submerged in mails about Apple.
>> However I hope that leads to much more emphasis on the documentation
>> side of the Open Source feature of the Neo1973 and OpenMoko itself.
>> THis is where, in my opinion the real strength of the product will
>> emerge. It is already evident in that a large number of people
>> paid about 10 times the cost of a functional phone from ebay,
>> even knowing it would take effort to get it usable. 
> I couldn't agree with you more. We've been talking a lot internally
> about how to get the quality (and quantity) of our documentation
> increasing.
> Michael and Roh will both be working on this a lot in the (very) near
> future.
> If there are things that you would specifically like to see please let
> us know.
> -Sean
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
One thing could be an offical roadmap that gets updated in the Wiki.
(perhaps a locked site) I've seen so much talks in the german Ubuntu
forum about Neo 1973 / openmoko and there are several release dates
flying  around and so it would be useful if I or someone else could link
to an official roadmap.

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list


2008-01-10 Thread Denis
Are user applications and GUI run as root? If yes, is it safe? What is
the root password in OpenMoko, by the way?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: root

2008-01-10 Thread Denis
But as far as I understand it's not secure, esp. for a device with
wi-fi, bluetooth, gprs and running ssh daemon! Linux gives us a great
power of user privilegies management but we waste it. Woldn't it be
better to run everything as an unprivileged user, or at least ask for
password at first run time?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: root

2008-01-10 Thread Denis
So why did OpenMoko developers decided to run everything as root?

2008/1/11, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Good luck easily hacking over a GPRS connection. Make your password
> longer than 6 characters, a ban after retry attempts, take it off port
> 22 and that will save 95% of attacks from script kiddies. (everything
> I listed is controllable on sshd_config, I believe)
> Just imho it helps, opinion and experience :)
> But overall, I agree, but your privileges are only as safe as your
> software.
> (eg when you run a socket based process as root, you trust it.)
> However, you make a good point :)
> Kde and gnome take that precaution with gtk based Sudo when you login
> as a normal user (at least in debian/ubuntu) and I like that method.
> ----
> Brandon
> On Jan 10, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But as far as I understand it's not secure, esp. for a device with
> > wi-fi, bluetooth, gprs and running ssh daemon! Linux gives us a great
> > power of user privilegies management but we waste it. Woldn't it be
> > better to run everything as an unprivileged user, or at least ask for
> > password at first run time?
> >
> > ___
> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community update, Thursday, January 10, 2008

2008-01-11 Thread Denis
Unfortunately, opengl drivers for the SMedia chip will unlikely be
ready by the release of FreeRunner. Only XRender extension is
implemented by now. Also, GoogleEarth is closed-source and therefore
can not be recompiled for ARM.

P.S. Does anyone know whether we'll see accelerated XVideo extension
in the near future?

2008/1/12, Brad Midgley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Michael
> > I'm pretty sure that the only "new" things we mentioned were new
> > hardware features: WiFi, faster processor, 2D/3D accelerator chip, and
> > the accelerometers.
> ah yes, 3d! It'll be nice to have 3d renderings using something like
> google earth ;)
> --
> Brad
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Status of resellers (Was: GTA02 preorder please?)

2008-01-22 Thread Denis
So how much will FreeRunner cost for end user approximately? As I
understand, resellers will buy FreeRunners for $450 and sell them for
about double price? And how about delivery cost?

2008/1/22, Joseph Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Gilles,
> I work for a UK based company with an office in the south of France.
> We plan to use the FreeRunner as a business tool are actively looking
> to become a reseller in the areas that we operate.
> Hopefully we'll be able to provide you with a phone at some point :)
> Thanks, Joseph
> On 22/01/2008, Gilles Casse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Michael,
> >
> > So direct pre-orders to are unlikely but in fact, I guess
> > that some of us (in Europe for example) would prefer local resellers.
> >
> > Btw, what is the status of local resellers for France?
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Gilles
> >
> >
> > ___
> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: digital compass modules

2008-01-23 Thread Denis
I think the accelerometers don't provide enough accuracy.

2008/1/23, joerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Am Mi  23. Januar 2008 schrieb Tilman Baumann:
> > François TOURDE wrote:
> > > Maybe the 3D accels can do that. And the GPS can be used as a bearing
> > > indicator, when you move. No magnetic device needed in this case.
> As stated in prev posting, GPS _can_not_ deliver bearing of device at all.
> Imagine having the GTA in your pocket while moving - there's not the
> faintest
> relation between movement vector as seen by GPS and bearing of GTA.
> >
> > Gyroscopes is what you look for. ;)
> > Accelerameters don't see rotational movings.
> Though gyro won't help here at all, i think TWO 3D-accelerometers placed
> some
> distance from each other in a system make a nice gyro with the aid of some
> mathematics in driver. IIRC there was mentioned more than one acc-meter for
> the GTA. I thought that's exactly for this purpose.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: More about the GTA02

2008-02-05 Thread Denis
1200mAh battery? Is it a mistake?! It use to be 1700mAh! I think
1200mAh is too few for 400 mhz CPU, wi-fi and everything...

2008/2/5, Christopher Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> the specs have changed (very slightly)
> * Atheros 802.11 b/g WiFi
> * Samsung S3C2442 B54 SoC @ 400Mhz
> * SMedia Glamo3362 Graphics Accelerator
> * 2x ST 3D Accelerometers
> * 256MB Flash
> * 128MB SDRAM
> * 2MB NOR Flash
> * 1200mAh Battery
> * 2 LEDs illuminating the two buttons.
> * u-blox/Atmel ATR0635 GPS
> * Bluetooth
> * 850/1800/1900 Mhz or 900/1800/1900 Mhz for GSM/GPRS
> * USB Host function with power
> So anyone in NorthAmerica (mainly the states) needs to add that they want
> the 850/1800/1900 GSM bands, I dont have a clue about how thats going to
> work
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: More about the GTA02

2008-02-05 Thread Denis
The wiki history showes that Feb, 3rd it still was 1700mAh. Can
anybody from OpenMoko confirm whether it is correct?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: More about the GTA02

2008-02-06 Thread Denis
The wiki page says
"1200mAh lithium battery charges when connected to powered host", but the
page says it's a 1700mAh
one. So where is the typo?

2008/2/6, Christopher Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Maybe a typo in the GTA02 hardware wiki, here is the link
> >>> Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/05/08 8:04 PM >>>
> The wiki history showes that Feb, 3rd it still was 1700mAh. Can
> anybody from OpenMoko confirm whether it is correct?
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Bike power (Re: solar power)

2008-02-10 Thread Denis
I have a sort of it on my bike. My dynamo gives 6W @ 12V, which is
exactly 500mA that Neo needs for fast charging. I use a standard car
charger and a four transistors-converter to direct current with it. I
don't have a Neo yet, but my phone does charge.

The problem is you hardly would ride more than an hour per day, and
the dynamo is heated a lot, I don't think it's good for the trunk.

2008/2/11, Schmidt András <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Today we were talking about new generation of portable personal
> computers (yes, that is OpenMoko :-) with friends. Our idea was to use
> it as cyclocomputer (That idea has already appeared on the wiki or in
> the list somewhere). We were wondering whether it would be possible to
> charge the phone using a dynamo (
> The dynamo uses the energy of the woman/man who rides the bike. It would
> be very useful on long nomad bike tours where we don't have any other
> power source. We did not compare the output of a dynamo to the charging
> current of a cell-phone yet, it is just an idea.
> I have another futuristic idea :-). It has no name yet... It is a
> chemical power generator that generates DC using ATP from blood (the
> power source of the muscles). Installing this device in our body would
> equip us with some plugs that could be used directly for powering these
> devices. It is two in one: prevents you from the problem of discharged
> accumulators and also prevents you from getting overweighted :-).
> Happy hacking!
> Wolfgang Spraul wrote:
> > Andy (or anyone else),
> > if the whole back of the Neo would be a solar panel, and you would put
> > it back side up into direct sunlight, say for 5 hours, how much could
> > that charge the battery?
> > Could you operate the phone without a battery (and without USB) power
> > if you were standing in sunlight?
> > Just curious, thanks for any answers,
> > Wolfgang
> >
> > ___
> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Using Wi-fi on Neo FreeRunner

2008-03-12 Thread Denis
Maemo uses framebuffer instead of X, you will have to re-write GUI to
port anything to OpenMoko from it.

2008/3/12, joerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Am Mi  12. März 2008 schrieb Robin Paulson:
> > So, are there any issues with running software for this OS under OM?
>  > is it just a matter of installing the correct dependencies - hildon,
>  > etc?
> You might compile software source for use on OM, with a little work to fix
>  dependencies.
>  However for sure you can not run precompiled binaries made for another
>  platform - e.g. skype.
>  Binaries are hw-dependent, starting with processor...
>  j
>  ___
>  OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Using Wi-fi on Neo FreeRunner

2008-03-12 Thread Denis
OK, looks like I was wrong.

2008/3/13, Markus Schlichting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>  i think, Maemo is not using FB directly, it's using an x-server and the
>  matchbox WM.
>  see
>  cheers
>  Markus

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: video/graphics on GTA02

2008-03-25 Thread Denis
2008/3/25, Hans L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Which of course leads to question #4:
>  Can it run Quake
>  ;-)

And Tuxracer!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Loosing your moko

2008-04-04 Thread Denis
We can also set up a fake-reflashing button so that we will be able to
get information from the device even after 'reflashing'.

> About the "we can do nothing if the phone is turned off by the thief
> immediately" - maybe we can do at least something:
> - implement the regular shutdown via a hidden menu entry, maybe with a
>   password
> - if the phone is instead turned off via the (hardware) power button of the
>   Neo we just fake a power-off by displaying a shutdown animation and turn
> off
>   the LCD and speaker.
> In this case it's even an advantage if the thief tried to turn off the phone
> because then we can be really sure that the phone is in illegitimate hands
> (as it might be that a good soul finds your lost phone and tries to return
> it
> to you/the police).
> After the fake-shutdown, the phone sets the THEFT_IN_PROGRESS flag and does
> all the fancy things you mentioned before:
> - encrypting/uploading/erasing the data
> - calling owner/police with GPS/GSM-cell location
> etc...
> Some more (exotic) things which came to my mind:
> - record and upload ambience to maybe catch the voice of the thief
> - setting volume to max and play a "The holder of this phone is currently
>   stealing it, the rightful owner and the police have been called 15 minutes
>   ago and know about your current location - drop it now and run like hell
> or
>   face the consequences" :o)
> - auto-accept a voice-call and make hanging-up impossible - that way you
> might
>   get the chance to talk him out of stealing your phone
> Of course - if he rips out the battery right after he finds it we really
> can't
> do much about it but if someone is paranoid enough he could probably make it
> very hard to open the case (-> superglue ;o)
> And if the thief does not turn off the phone, we could still trigger the
> THEFT_IN_PROGRESS mode by a coded SMS message.
> I'm pretty sure that the Neo could be made one of the hardest-to-steal
> phones
> ever :o)
> -- beren
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Loosing your moko

2008-04-09 Thread Denis
Then why on Earth would a hijacker use standard image?

2008/4/9, Didier Raboud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Flemming Richter Mikkelsen wrote:
> > On 4/7/08, Didier Raboud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> * If I loose or let my Moko being stolen, I can find my connection
> >> parameters (on the paper) and go to and there I can
> >> find
> >> 24 coordinates a day. This could help me find it back or help the police
> >> find it back. Of course, if the Moko is turned off, it won't be possible
> >> to
> >> track it. But as soon as it is turned on again (even if flashed with
> >> default image), it will restart to send coordinates to the default server
> >> with its SIM-change and flash-change prone ID.
> >
> >
> > There is only one problem with this. If the phone is flashed, the the
> > flash will be erased/overwritten and the program to transmit the
> > coordinates will be gone.
> Actually, (wondering, because I have no technical skills undergoing my
> theory...) if the _standard_ image (the one you get after flashing [0], the
> standard one you would get from openmoko.[com|org|whatever]) contains that
> software, it would be resistant to people not able to build an own image.
> The whole idea is there : build this anti-steal program INTO the standard
> openmoko image, so that the _default_ behavior of any Neo would be to send
> its coordinates to an openmoko server. The access to this server would be
> granted by the paper sent _with_ the Neo, linked to the serial
> (non-modifiable) number of it. (This assumes that this precious paper would
> not be lost/stolen with the Neo.)
> This needs strong intrusion of OpenMoko (or its community) into the standard
> image to be shipped with the Neos.
> Anyway, as I see it, it _should work_ :)
> Regards,
> Didier
> [0] I understand "flashing" as for a certain number of devices : "reset the
> original image" => if this original image contains the tracker, we're OK.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Loosing your moko

2008-04-09 Thread Denis
Centralized database is evil. I'm going to use my own server for
tracking my Neo. I think it's the only way to keep privacy.

Openmoko community mailing list

Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-01 Thread denis
I searched the different hardware specs and archives of the mailing list but
didn't find any information if LEDs will be one part of the hardware. One of
the most important things, from my point of view, talking abount a mobile
phone is the possibility to get a "silent" alarm with the help of a LED. 

So is something like this planed?

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

WG: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-01 Thread denis
Salve rob! :) 

It's great that an implementation of LEDs is discussed. My problem with
flashing screens is the high amount of energy that it costs. At the moment I
have a SE S700i and I always have to turn the screen on in order to get to
know if there are messages or emails. And blinking only two or three times
is not enought because you're not looking at the screen all the time.
Flashing LEDs have the advantage that they cost less energy and can blink
over a large amount of time. So you just look at the LED and know "ah there
is a sms or ah I got an email". 
In my opinion it's not much effort to integrate a LED into the hardware and
it gives you a lot of options for telling the user something about the
status of its phone.

Regards, Denis

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Robert Michel
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007 11:47
Betreff: Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

Salve denis!

denis schrieb am Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2007 um 11:03h:

> I searched the different hardware specs and archives of the mailing 
> list but didn't find any information if LEDs will be one part of the

AFAIK the Neo1973 v1 will have no LEDs (beside the screen backlight and
inside the touchscreen)

> One of
> the most important things, from my point of view, talking abount a 
> mobile phone is the possibility to get a "silent" alarm with the help of a

A binking screen should be visibel enough.

> So is something like this planed?

We collected some ideas for the next version of the Neo and having one or
more LEDs are already an idea/wish discussed here.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-01 Thread denis
 >But for many reasons it is important to start whith an working device now
(I don't want to restart a discussion about this, just as an explanaitions
for Denis) and the Neo1973 will be much much more than I have dreamed about
a hackable Linux phone for a long time!>

I understand that!

>Let us be happy what all we can do with the first version ;)>

I will definetly be happy with that version. ;)

>Because the shipping of the first version is very soon, it is now not the
pefect time for hardware ideas for next generations, but to give you a
feedback that your idea will not got lost I started a new page on our
(temorary) wiki: 

But this LEDs are not soo important that you prefer to wait utill 2008
instead of getting the first hackable Linux phone in March - or?

For sure I will not wait for the phone till 2008. I'm so interested in the
possibilties you have with such a phone so I can't wait any longer. 

Regards, Denis

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Robert Michel
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007 12:41
Betreff: Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

Salve denis!

denis schrieb am Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2007 um 12:17h:

> Salve rob! :)
> It's great that an implementation of LEDs is discussed. 
use google " LED" 
> My problem with flashing screens is the high amount of energy that it 
> costs. At the moment I have a SE S700i and I always have to turn the 
> screen on in order to get to  know if there are messages or emails.
> And blinking only two or three times is not enought because you're not 
> looking at the screen all the time.
> Flashing LEDs have the advantage that they cost less energy and can 
> blink over a large amount of time. So you just look at the LED and 
> know "ah" there is a sms or ah I got an email".
yes :) 
> In my opinion it's not much effort to integrate a LED into the 
> hardware and it gives you a lot of options for telling the user 
> something about the status of its phone.

Consider that the first devices will be send out in the next days, so I
would love to see a postponing of the release for adding some more nice
hardware feature to the Neo, like flashing LEDs

But for many reasons it is important to start whith an working device now (I
don't want to restart a discussion about this, just as an explanaitions for
Denis) and the Neo1973 will be much much more than I have dreamed about a
hackable Linux phone for a long time!

Let us be happy what all we can do with the first version ;)

Because the shipping of the first version is very soon, it is now not the
pefect time for hardware ideas for next generations, but to give you a
feedback that your idea will not got lost I started a new page on our
(temorary) wiki: 

But this LEDs are not soo important that you prefer to wait utill 2008
instead of getting the first hackable Linux phone in March - or?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-03 Thread denis
One LED would be enough for me. But it's worth adding it to the hardware. ;)

It's right that 1 to 4 hardware buttons would be nice as well. 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Joe Pfeiffer
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. Februar 2007 18:50
An: Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
Betreff: Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer writes:
>Harald Welte wrote:
>>> > I searched the different hardware specs and archives of the 
>>> > mailing list but didn't find any information if LEDs will be one part
of the hardware.
>>> AFAIK the Neo1973 v1 will have no LEDs (beside the screen backlight 
>>> and inside the touchscreen)
>> This is true, no LED.
>Which is utterly sad, given I'm such a big fan of Blinkenlights...
>Trying to make sure we get a couple of multicolor LEDs in v2 ;)

Much as I love flashing lights (there's just something *wrong* when my
ethernet hub looks more like a computer than my computers do!), I'd much
rather get more hardware buttons.  Wiring application launching to the
buttons on my Palm is really, really nice.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973

2007-02-05 Thread denis
That's something I have to criticize as well. The information for "normal"
users is pretty bad. Is there a point of time for the launch of a real
community site with a lot of content that is also understandable for the
normal user? Don't get me wrong I like lists and IRC but the normal users
need a website with information.
Regards, Denis


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Krzysztof
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Februar 2007 10:12
Betreff: Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973



I read much about OpenMoko and the FIC Neo1973. I´m very interested in this
and I want to know more about the phone. I found nothing new on the FIC
website and on about the start or final specifications.
I hope someone can give me more news.
(sry for the bad english but I´m from germany and I slept to much at school)

Did you check wiki:

Lots of info.



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973

2007-02-05 Thread denis

Yeah I know that. But don't you think it would be useful to offer interested
users, that heart from others something about the phone, more easy to access

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Mikko Rauhala
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Februar 2007 12:01
Betreff: Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973

ma, 2007-02-05 kello 10:32 +0100, denis kirjoitti:
> That's something I have to criticize as well. The information for 
> "normal" users is pretty bad. Is there a point of time for the launch 
> of a real community site with a lot of content that is also 
> understandable for the normal user?

The mass-market launch is planned for early autumn so there's plenty of time
to create normal user info. The March launch is aimed at developers.

Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
Transhumanist   - WTA member ->
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter ->

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973

2007-02-05 Thread denis
I want to add something. I meant to offer them content right now and not 1
month in front of the launch.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: denis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Februar 2007 12:19
Betreff: Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973


Yeah I know that. But don't you think it would be useful to offer interested
users, that heart from others something about the phone, more easy to access

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Mikko Rauhala
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Februar 2007 12:01
Betreff: Re: OpenMoko / FIC Neo1973

ma, 2007-02-05 kello 10:32 +0100, denis kirjoitti:
> That's something I have to criticize as well. The information for 
> "normal" users is pretty bad. Is there a point of time for the launch 
> of a real community site with a lot of content that is also 
> understandable for the normal user?

The mass-market launch is planned for early autumn so there's plenty of time
to create normal user info. The March launch is aimed at developers.

Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
Transhumanist   - WTA member ->
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter ->

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Wiki is open

2007-02-14 Thread denis

Tomasz Zielinski schrieb:

It looks like is open to public :-)

For me it seems to be verly slow at the moment. But it is great to see 
progress on this site.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: For German Readers: Technology Review article about Sean and Open Moko

2007-02-14 Thread denis


Interesting ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list


Thank's for waking me up on this article. :)

Regards from Germany.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SIM Interface

2007-02-14 Thread denis
SIM = Simple Instant Messenger? 

I'm using SIM for nearly 3 years and I really like it. (although there are
some bugs, perhaps I could write you a mail later on) In my opinion it would
be nice to see SIM on OpenMoko. 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Andrew Papia
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007 23:22
Betreff: SIM Interface

I am a SIM developer and I am very interesting in getting my hands on an
open phone so I can develop mobile applications that make use of the SIM.
What is the interface to the SIM like on OpenMoko?  I've read you can query
phone book entries.  What else can you do?  Can you send abitrary APDUs?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No stylus on V1 release?

2007-02-15 Thread denis

Ian Stirling schrieb:

Stefan Schmidt wrote:


On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 01:01, kkr wrote:

I can't see a stylus on the pictures (on Has it one?

It has a stylus, but no place in the case to hide it.

My thoughts on this: - a 
modified case.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Should we add that page to the hardware wish list?

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko articles

2007-02-16 Thread denis

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb:

On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 17:35 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Very nice writeups at linuxdevices and slashgear

Now that's more like it. I didn't like the the tone of the other
review much

It would probably make for good publicity if we would monitor the
posted in response to all those articles, so that we can correct and
information as needed. 

That would be really great. We just can't seem to scale enough to do it
ourselves, so any help from you guys would be awesome!


OpenMoko community mailing list

Are there some high definition photos of the Neo available ? It would be 
nice to have some high def. pictures in the wiki and in the articles. 
(in the especially for the basic users section, these need some eye 
candy ;) )

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko articles

2007-02-16 Thread denis

Krzysztof Kajkowski schrieb:

2007/2/16, denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

Are there some high definition photos of the Neo available ? It
would be
nice to have some high def. pictures in the wiki and in the articles.
(in the especially for the basic users section, these need some eye
candy ;) )

What about picture of Neo1973's stylus ;-)


OpenMoko community mailing list
That is a surprise ;). But yeah I'd like to see the stylus photos as 
well. But it would be enough to get high def. photos for the wiki. :D

OpenMoko community mailing list

Copyrights in the wiki

2007-02-17 Thread denis
I got a question. Is it allowed to post screenshots from MacOS 
applications and use them as a reference for the layout and look of the 

For example here:

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo1973 With Screen On at PopSci!

2007-02-24 Thread denis

Dart schrieb:
The pictures were very nice, however, they better have a pretty 
graphical boot screen for the final product.  That boot-up screen 
would scare the average non-geek something fierce.  I can just see it 
now, "Oh no!  My phone is broke!"
Maybe they could have a customization setting that would allow you to 
turn the geek boot screen on, but have it a pretty graphical one by 


Bryan Fink wrote:

Hi All.  I was just browsing for Neo1973 pictures, as I do every few
days, and finally found pictures of a Neo with the screen on!  Check
out Popular Science's 10-photo gallery:


Images 2 and 3 show the Neo booting up.  It's quite amazing how much
text fits on that screen.

The gallery is part of this short blog post:


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list
Thank you for posting the link. The pictures look very nice and I'm 
thinking about buying a black one except the orange one :D. It would be 
nice to get some shots of the phone lying next to some other smartphones 
in order to get an idea of the size. (yeah I know I could take the size 
data but seeing the device next to another one would be even better)

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-26 Thread denis

Richard Bennett schrieb:

On Monday 26 February 2007 13:20, Rod Whitby wrote:

Ole Tange wrote:

I had hoped there was video coverage of the event. When I found out
there was not I asked one of the better seated persons to record the
event using my pocket camera. I have yet to see if the recording is

What is the easiest way to distribute the video?

Thanks to Ole and SpeedEvil (on IRC), the FOSDEM talk is now on - search for "openmoko" and you'll find it.

One interesting thing is said at 30:20.
Food for speculation...
Would they really add *that* so late in the process?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Yeah that is indeed really interesting. From my point of view it would 
be fair to keep the community informed about the features that will be 
added in that "v2" of the Neo before selling the "developement" version. 
Even a developer will not really be amused about buying two phones in 6 

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-26 Thread denis

Paul Bonser schrieb:

On 2/26/07, denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah that is indeed really interesting. From my point of view it would
be fair to keep the community informed about the features that will be
added in that "v2" of the Neo before selling the "developement" version.
Even a developer will not really be amused about buying two phones in 6

Sean already said that they will be giving some sort of discount on
the v2 phone for those who buy the v1 phone...
I know that. But what is the discount? Is it 20% or 50%? I won't buy a 
phone from which I know there will be a better version available 6 
months later. So there need to be some sort of clear statement. ("It's a 
bonus of x % and that will be the features you miss in V1")

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-27 Thread denis

Rod Whitby schrieb:

denis wrote:

Paul Bonser schrieb:

Sean already said that they will be giving some sort of discount on
the v2 phone for those who buy the v1 phone...

I know that. But what is the discount? Is it 20% or 50%? I won't buy a
phone from which I know there will be a better version available 6
months later.

There will *always* be a better phone available 6 months later.

With consumer electronics, you either buy now with the feature set you
know at the price you know (and not complain when a better feature set
is announced at a lower price the next day), or you wait forever as
announcement after announcement of new features keeps you waiting ...

-- Rod

OpenMoko community mailing list

Have you ever seen Nokia (or any other company) announcing the SAME 
device (just with 2-5 more features) in 6 months. I have never seen this.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-27 Thread denis

Richard Bennett schrieb:

On Tuesday 27 February 2007 09:07, denis wrote:

Have you ever seen Nokia (or any other company) announcing the SAME
device (just with 2-5 more features) in 6 months. I have never seen this.

Yeah. I think it is really great that they are so open about these things. At 
least this way everybody has a choice - either use the simulator to develop 
your apps, and buy the phone after the hardware upgrade (yes, after they add 
WIFI, motion detectors, stereo mics, multi-point touch screen and a 
heart-rate monitor), or if you can afford it, buy one early and upgrade 
later-on at a reduced price.

Any other company would just release the updated phone 2 weeks after you 
bought yours, and wouldn't offer a trade-in deal...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Why can't they just tell us what the features will be? Is it so 
difficult to be open? In my opinion it would bring much more credibility 
for FIC. I don't understand why it is so important to keep the things 
secret. At the moment I don't see much difference to a normal hardware 
producer. But let us wait and see if there will be some more details 
about v2 in the next time. I've decided to wait untill the 4-5 devices 
are announced and I get to know the specs.

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Features and promises

2007-02-27 Thread denis

Mikko J Rauhala schrieb:

On ti, 2007-02-27 at 10:52 +0100, denis wrote:
Why can't they just tell us what the features will be? Is it so 
difficult to be open? In my opinion it would bring much more credibility 
for FIC.

Allow me to hazard a guess:

Most of this stuff is preliminary plans, and the guys don't like to make
promises they know they might now be able to keep. That's also why I
think Sean was being evasive about "that other thing that everyone asks
about". If something goes wrong with the plans, as things go sometimes
and have gone in parts of this project already, and they can't deliver,
what would that do to their credibility? ('course, everyone is already
jumping at that "other thing" regardless, but apparently that's how it

To repeat, this is all just guesswork; I don't have any inside
information. And I for one will be getting one of them p1 devices; get
in on the ground floor, people. If you feel you need to upgrade right
away, arrange a new home for the older one; I suspect you'll be able to
get a reasonable resale price for the old model as well (my p1 Neo will
go to my SO though when I upgrade ;). Spread the Moko, you know you want
to, since the more there are of these in _your_ social circles, the more
useful they will be to you, too :)


I will and am spreading the informations on OpenMoko. ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-27 Thread denis

Duncan Hudson schrieb:

denis wrote:
Have you ever seen Nokia (or any other company) announcing the SAME 
device (just with 2-5 more features) in 6 months. I have never seen 
I haven't seen Nokia do it.  But Handspring / Palm / PalmOne / Access 
(whatever their Name de Jour is) has been doing this for sometime with 
the current round of Treos.  Very frustrating indeed.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Yeah Palm failed in their whole product portfolio. The switch to 
WinMobile killed at least the last reason (Palm OS) for buying a Palm. 
But that's off topic. :)
But that is the difference between better companys and companys with bad 

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-27 Thread denis

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb:

On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 10:52 +0100, denis wrote:
Why can't they just tell us what the features will be? Is it so 
difficult to be open? In my opinion it would bring much more
for FIC. 

But if we can't deliver for some reason it would have the inverse
effect. Please understand I'm not doing this to irritate you guys, we
just don't want to commit on something that we cannot deliver. 

I don't understand why it is so important to keep the things 
secret. At the moment I don't see much difference to a normal

Thanks for letting us know your opinion. Sorry you feel this way, but
there's nothing we can do.

But let us wait and see if there will be some more details 
about v2 in the next time. I've decided to wait untill the 4-5
are announced and I get to know the specs. 

Most of these devices are _not_ phones. 


OpenMoko community mailing list


Thank you for answering.


But if we can't deliver for some reason it would have the inverse
effect. Please understand I'm not doing this to irritate you guys, we
just don't want to commit on something that we cannot deliver. 


I can understand that point. It would be nice if you could keep us up to 
date concerning the v2 of the Neo.


Tanks for letting us know your opinion. Sorry you feel this way, but
there's nothing we can do.

Don't get me wrong. I'm really looking forward for getting the Neo 
together with OpenMoko the speculations about differences  between 
hardware v1 and v2 just irritated me.

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: OpenMoko workshop at ETel

2007-02-28 Thread denis

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb:

On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 17:02 -0500, Alan Ide wrote:

So, I am a little confussed still. Are you saying the "Refreshed"
version of the Neo that will be released in June will have A faster
CPU, dedicated Graphics Acceleration, AND Wifi?? If so, thats a hell
of an "upgrade" after 3 months.

The thing we can promise at this point is a faster CPU. We're still
working on the WiFi stuff. Graphics acceleration is much later. 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Thank you for the clear statement. Ok your are not a normal hardware 
manufacturer. :)

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neologics

2007-03-01 Thread denis

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb:

Dear Community,

For those of you who couldn't make it FOSDEM or Etel, I've posted our
presentation here:

Happy reading!


OpenMoko community mailing list


That is great. Thank you for that!



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Crossroads

2007-03-13 Thread denis

Mike schrieb:

Scott Rushforth wrote:

OpenMoko community mailing list

Not sure what this has to do with Wifi?

I think part of the issue is that the openmoko is a GSM device, and GSM
is available all over the world.  I bet the majority of the company
(FIC), and current developers are probably not even in the same country
you are.  (i have no clue).

So especially in this first developer phase, I think its fair and
understandable that developers and interested individuals do their own
research and experimentation to find out how they will make it work for
them, and contribute that back to the community.

Let's face it, the device is in its very early form, and a lot of
things are not going to be very polished it seems.  I for one am
willing to pay the 350, and also willing to check my account status
with cingular online every few days to see what my usage will look like.

What this has to do with wifi is covered in my last email.  If I can't 
have wifi on the device, then I have to rely on the mobile service 
provider.  If I have to rely on the mobile service provider, then I 
have to figure out what plan to get.  If we have to do that, then the 
openmoko people shouldn't leave us entirely on our own.  If they're 
going to sell worldwide then they should FIGURE OUT worldwide.

This is open source development.  So we developers aren't making money 
here.  I for, one am NOT willing to pay $350 to get a device that I'm 
not sure will work with whatever service I choose, and therefore that 
I'm not sure I can even develop for.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Why shouldn't you be able to use the services? GRPS, GSM are standards 
you can use with every provider. In Germany the Neo will work with every 
provider. So I don't understand your problem.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Concern for usability and ergonomics

2007-06-11 Thread denis
Krzysztof Kajkowski schrieb:
> 2007/6/11, Sean Moss-Pultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Believe me when I say that we are working on new stuff that will
>> address these issues. I have been quiet for the past few months
>> because of some major internal re-allocations and new events. Within
>> about a month we should be more or less finished and emerge with far
>> more focus and resources.
>> Until then, please accept my sincere apology for not being able to
>> keep up with all your comments and questions. Internally all my time
>> and energy is being used now.
> So, I guess this means there will be no release of GTA-01 (at least in
> one month) or the amount of devices will be reduced... Is it correct?
> cayco
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
That is something I would like to know as well. The statement ist not
really clear and seems to be very misterious. I don't know.

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Guitar Tuner

2007-06-29 Thread denis
Ryan Prior schrieb:
> Whoever gets to it first -- if left up to the core developers,
> everything more critical than it gets precedence. If somebody from the
> community (say, a guitar player) decides to take the project and
> develop it, we'll get the tuner all the sooner. (I'm a poet and didn't
> even realize it!)
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
What is the easiest way to get information about the status of some
actual program developement for the normal user? (what applications are
developped and what is the status of the project, perhaps some
screenshots) Is it the Wiki? (seems to me not so up to date) Or is it
the projects site or should I try testing the whole thing with qemu?

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: New Oceans

2007-06-29 Thread denis
I'd also like to say thank you! Thank you for all the hard work you've
done. I'm really looking forward getting my first open phone soon.

Regards, Denis

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fake Steve Rags on OpenMoko!

2007-07-01 Thread denis
David "Lefty" Schlesinger schrieb:
> I don't recall having seen a mention of this on the list previously, but
> "Fake Steve Jobs" has taken notice of the FIC1973...
> "Freetards", hm?
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
Let them flame. It makes no sense discussing with the guys blinded by
apple out there. ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v22

2010-05-11 Thread Denis Johnson
Thanks for all your hard work and efforts.

I re-flashed with latest v23 files and my first call, although I could
hear the other party pretty well (although I would like to increase
the volume), the other party complained of bad distortion so I guess
it is time to find the correct mix of state files. Mine is a GTA02 A5
buzz fixed. So if someone has good working state files then please

cheers Denis

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> Hi,
> i have uploaded new stable QtMoko debian images [1].

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v22

2010-05-23 Thread Denis Johnson
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> Hi,
> i have uploaded new stable QtMoko debian images [1].
> ..
> - workaround for the GSM (restart not needed now)
> ..
> As for the fixes: first two are quite clear. The problem with GSM not
> registering can be partially solved by putting sleep after we power the modem
> on. GSM registering now failed for me only first time after flashing. Then i
> tried many times and haven't hit the problem again so let's hope it's fixed
> now. Anyway 2.6.32 does not have this problem - so 2.6.32 is long term
> solution.

I have reflashed to v22 and found that it cycled on "searching for
network". A qt restart did not help at first but then seemed to
register as my carrier was shown. I have since restarted QT and the
device a few times and sometimes it cycles searching and other times
it just seems to register. Nonetheless, I cannot send sms, simply get
given error "error sending sms" and the sms is placed into drafts. I
also cannot establish a call... it goes through the motions after I
dial a number, but pretty quickly shows disconnected and quits the

Happy to be guinea pig with versions or any other debugging as I have
not been using the fr as primary phone for months due to similar

If there are any logs or debugging or versions you would like me to
try, please respond with step by step instructions

cheers Denis

BTW, thanks for all your work on this distro

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v24

2010-06-01 Thread Denis Johnson
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 6:20 AM, Petr Vanek  wrote:
> On Mon, 31 May 2010 20:48:41 +0200
> Radek Polak  (RP) wrote:
>>new QtMoko images v24 are out! You can download from our sourceforge
>>[1] or visit our homepage [2][3].
> Hi Radek and all QtMoko contributors,
> this sounds really great, thank you for all the hard work!

I would like to reiterate and thank all contributors for your ongoing efforts.

regards Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v24

2010-06-07 Thread Denis Johnson
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 4:48 AM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> Hi,
> new QtMoko images v24 are out! You can download from our sourceforge [1]
> or visit our homepage [2][3].

Now that I have been trying V24 for some days, I can confirm the following:

1. I now have good call volumes and no distortion after setting audio
values via neocontrol and they are remembered across reboots if you
use the save option. Very happy.

2. Power Management
- does not detect current state .e.g. battery or AC. When AC plugged
in, still says "on battery"
- after suspend, state shows "locked" despite never going to lock. If
one goes to lock and then unlocks, power mgmt still shows state as
locked. Locked state goes to battery after attaching usb cable and
charging starts.

3. Unfortunately and the biggest show stopper for me, is I am still
experiencing sporadic GSM connectivity issues. This is not new though,
afaik this started as an issue sometime after v16. It would be
interesting to see if anyone else experiences these or knows a
workaround. If you want me to provide logs or you want to give me step
by step instructions for test cases, I'm happy to be a guinea pig to
resolve these issues once and for all:
- sometimes stays "searching for network", multiple restart of QT does
not clear it even when 3 bars or better are shown in signal meter on
- sometimes after device reboot "no network" but then seems to
connect, however sometimes shows signal and carrier but cannot
establish outbound calls and inbound calls can't get through.
Obviously same for SMS.
- currently there does not appear to be any relationship to suspend

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] FR dying unexpectedly?

2010-06-10 Thread Denis Johnson
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Brolin Empey  wrote:
> Sometimes (at least once per month?) my FR dies unexpectedly:  sometimes
> it happens when I receive a phone call, even if my FR does not die when
> the same phone number calls before and after the Call of Death.  Other
> times, my FR is suspended or fully on while charging.  I have not
> noticed a pattern so far.

This has occurred to me also a few times, can't say I ever noticed it
while getting a call.

>  My FR dies both when running on battery on
> when charging.  When I say my FR dies, I mean it shows no user-visible
> signs of life until I remove and reinstall the battery.  Before I do
> this, I cannot even get my FR to power on again:  the display is off and
> the power button does not appear to do anything.  Does this happen to
> anyone else?

Yes, very similar symptoms, although I have noticed similar issue
whenever I do flash a new distro to NAND (regardless of distro). The
first power on/boot attempt appears as if the FR is dead, until I
remove and reinstall the battery. Usually I have to wait 15 sec or so
before I reinsert the battery. I am using Qi, and I get the familiar
led flash and vibrate but then dead, but t not sur if Qi has anything
to do with these symptoms.

> Is there a known cause and/or prevention?  I am currently
> using QtMoko v19 with the QtMoko v19 debug kernel (suspend did not work
> with the QtMoko v19 nodebug kernel) on a buzzfixed GSM 850 MHz GTA02A6.

Mine is a buzzfixed GTA02A5 first group purchase into Australia. It
experienced these symptoms prior to buzzfix also.
I'm currently running V24 and so far have not experienced it dying
while booted, but then I have not had v24 that long. At this point I
do not feel it is distro related and suspect that it may be kernel
version related and specifically related to detecting usb cable and
charging state and perhaps even the battery meter showing invalid
state while battery is in fact quite drained. As you suggested, it
sometimes even occurs while the FR is plugged in, however I wonder if
sometimes it simply looks like it is fully charged while it actually
has a critical low battery and shuts off.

As you say, hit has not happened enough times to be able to be
definitive about the conditions and establish a pattern.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a recipe for qt4-plugin-phonon-backend-vlc

2010-08-30 Thread Denis Johnson
As a user, yes it would be interesting to have option of vlc backend.
Although I must admit that I would probably be more interested if I
could actually use vlc as client for streamed video i.e. I have a
MythTV machine in the house and would like to stream recording to FR,
but that's probably OT. Sorry can't help with hint

cheers Denis

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Sylvain Paré  wrote:
> Up.
> Nobody is interestied or wants to give me a hint ?
> 2010/8/27 Sylvain Paré 
>> Hi,
>> If someone is interested I am trying to build the vlc backend for phonon
>> (in replacement of the gstreamer one).
>> It needs at least libvlc 1.1 that you can found attached
>> (David I tested it and it works!. well not very smoothly at all but I
>> think it can be largely optimized. don't have the skill to do it plus here
>> it is for playing sound which interests me, not video :) )
>> I did a recipe (attached) but it needs automoc4 which is provided by
>> automoc-native to build.
>> And this is where I gets stuck :
>> automoc-native itself does not build.
>> (According to OE's log automoc-native is ~ 2 years old.)
>> Attached  my CMakeError.log => 'Q_WS_WIN' undeclared (first use in this
>> function)
>> which was defined in QtCore/glogal.h but not anymore now and I don't know
>> where it is supposed to be.
>> I don't know how to fix this properly.
>> If someone can help me.
>> thx by advance!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-04 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2010/9/3 Alexander Lehner :
> On Fri, 3 Sep 2010, Gennady Kupava wrote:
>> ? ???, 03/09/2010 ? 19:03 +0200, Alexander Lehner ?:
>>> I think it's the CPU which is around 90% already at 2fps.
>>> Another problem is, that the mpeg stream sometimes seems to be corrupt
>>> which crashess mplayer after some time.
>>> So I did a 'while true; do mplayer...; done' around and set codecs and
>>> other parameters by hand to avoid the autodetection.
>> Hey, do not scarify this man with timings, theora, omhacks and etc. I
>> can play  640*480 mpeg2 at 12fps, glamo can update 640x480 fullscreen at
>> much higher fps ;)
>> 2 fps is way too low, you should find what is missing.
>> What is resolution? what is codec, can you rstp service send in
>> different format (may be mpeg4 will be faster)? Do you sending sound
>> with your image? Which part of system eats 90% of CPU?
>> Caclulate your rate and find out why it is so slow, find out why it is
>> so slow!
> I turned back the fps of the cam to 10fps and it still works, i.e. I don't
> have framedrops and CPU load is the same (ok, there is not much room
> left...)
> BUT: the reaction is too slow. If i move the cam, it takes up to 15
> seconds, until the actual image appears.
> It seems that there is some data stuck somewhere, but I don't know where.
> If I watch the cam from a PC, I don't see that delay.
> The webcam sends a sound, but i've turned sound off in mplayer.
> The resolution is 640x480.
> It's mplayer itself which eats all CPU.
> The only alternative is MJPEG which does not work, so I'm using MPEG4 (did
> I say MPEG2 before?).
> My FR is connected via WiFi (someone said it's faster than USB) and next
> to the accesspoint.
> My mplayer line looks like:
> mplayer -vc ffodivx -vf scale -fps 2 -fs -nosound -vf rotate=2 -vo fbdev 
> rtsp://doorspy:554/mpeg4
> And that's what mplayer says:
> --
> Playing rtsp://doorspy:554/mpeg4.
> Resolving doorspy for AF_INET...
> Connecting to server doorspy[]: 554...
> rtsp_session: unsupported RTSP server. Server type is 'unknown'.
> STREAM_LIVE555, URL: rtsp://doorspy:554/mpeg4
> Stream not seekable!
>  file format detected.
> Initiated "video/MP4V-ES" RTP subsession on port 53728
> Initiated "audio/PCMU" RTP subsession on port 58282
> VIDEO:  [mp4v]  0x0  0bpp  0.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
> Opening video filter: [rotate=2]
> ==
> Forced video codec: ffodivx
> Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
> Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
> ==
> Audio: no sound
> FPS forced to be 2.000  (ftime: 0.500).
> Starting playback...
> Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
> Opening video filter: [scale]
> Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
> [swscaler @ 0x40e90890]No accelerated colorspace conversion found from 
> yuv420p to rgb565le.
> --
> Alex.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Hi Alex!

I think that video filters you use take too much cpu. Try -zoom
instead of -vf scale and also try `xrandr -o 2` before running mplayer
and omit the -vf rotate=2 parameter. Also try -vo x11 if above does
not work.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-05 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2010/9/6 Alexander Lehner :
> xrandr -o 2 seems not to work.

I'm sorry, I meant xrandr -o 1

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: wiki down?

2010-12-14 Thread Denis Shulyaka
Same here.

2010/12/13 Petr Vanek :
> Anyone knows what happened to the
> thank you
> Petr
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Another open hardware mod experiment: RFID-tag/Reader board for the Freerunner, Nanonote (?) and Beagleboard

2011-04-11 Thread Denis Shulyaka
Hi Nikolaus,

Great news!

Here in Moscow, some of the tickets to public transport are basically
RFID tags. Will I be able to "copy" them and use my Free Runner for it
with this hardware?

Best regards,
Denis Shulyaka.

2011/4/11 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
> Dear all,
> besides the GTA04 and the Freerunner Navigation Board,
> we have been working behind the scenes on a new hardware mod,
> originally for the Openmoko Freerunner. It is a
>        RFID Antenna, RFID Tag (M24LR64) and a RFID Reader (TRF7960) board.
>        For 13 MHz (ISO14443, ISO15693).
> The project is still in its beginnings, but the hardware is designed and
> first samples have been built and appear to work (at least as far as we
> could test them). And, a first U-Boot based driver running on a BeagleBoard
> has shown that the RFID reader chip responds and sends interrupts. The
> tag chip also works and has been tested with an external USB based reader
> stick.
> The boards have solder points so that it should be possible to interface
> to different SoC and boards, e.g. BeagleBoard, Nanonote, OpenPandora...
> The minimum wiring is that it nedds 3.3V power, 3 SPI wires and a INT line
> to a GPIO. If power should be controlled or the SoC has 1.8V I/O, more
> wires are needed.
> For documentation and details I have uploaded some material to
> this page:
> Schematics and board layout are available in EAGLE format.
> Now, what can you do with it? I don't know but would be happy to hear
> about ideas...
> We have the idea to sell these complete boards at 79 EUR (which
> is approx. half the price of a TI eval board), if you are interested in
> experimenting with this technology.
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Another open hardware mod experiment: RFID-tag/Reader board for the Freerunner, Nanonote (?) and Beagleboard

2011-04-11 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2011/4/11 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
> Difficult to say.
> There are three potential issues whiy it could not work:
> * our board is 13.56 MHz (other RFID systems use different frequencies)
> * our board supports two protocol standards (they may use a different one)
> * the RFID system may be copy protected and/or encrypted with the tag id (and 
> you can't change a tag id)

Wikipedia says that it uses Mifare UltraLight chip (ISO 14443 Type A
13,56 MHz), so the protocol seems to be compatible. The encryption
part is unknown.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Shiftd

2011-06-10 Thread Denis Shulyaka
10 июня 2011 г. 18:02 пользователь Ben Thompson
> How about a new case/display module for the GTA04

I totally agree with you! The only weak point of GTA04 would be the
small screen (in physical dimensions) and lack of capacitive

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: temperature and humidity data logger

2011-11-21 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2011/11/19 Boudewijn :
> On Saturday 19 November 2011 07:54:22 Hans Zimmerman wrote:
> Apart from I2C, perhaps 433MHz equipment is an option? I have been looking
> into combining that with my Freerunner (or Phoenux) for home automation.
> There are those weather stations that come quite cheap as long as you don't
> need USB (or other generally available) connection. Many of them use the
> same chips and for Arduino there's a library [1] available to read temp and
> humidity.
> Then you still have to interface from Arduino to your Freerunner of course
> (and you'd need an Arduino).
> Boudewijn

In fact, you don't even need Freerunner for this application if you
have an Arduino :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: need a (even broken) plastic case of a FR

2012-02-23 Thread Denis Shulyaka

Can these CAD files satisfy your leather case manufacturer
I don't think one wants to store a broken case.

2012/2/23 Matthias Apitz :
> Hello,
> I'd like to give away a model of a FR to some manufacture of leather
> cases for fitting and production of such a case; if someone has a
> totally broken FR, only the plastic case for the dimensions is needed,
> not the electronic parts, please contact me off-list; I live in Munich,
> Germany;
> thanks
>        matthias
> --
> Matthias Apitz
> e  - w
> UNIX since V7 on PDP-11, UNIX on mainframe since ESER 1055 (IBM /370)
> UNIX on x86 since SVR4.2 UnixWare 2.1.2, FreeBSD since 2.2.5
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Broken FR

2012-04-13 Thread Denis Johnson
I'm sorry I don't have a repair recommendation for you, however I do
have a GTA-02 A05 with buzz fix which I simply have not had time to do
much with. It was one of the first group purchases into Aus. It has
been sitting on my desk for many months uncharged waiting for some
love. Batteries might be shot being discharged for so long. Also can't
seem to power it up any more even when plugged into original wall
charger, but it was working perfectly before I let it discharge and
sit, so no reason to believe it has any issues.

I'm on the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia, so if you or someone on the
list will give it a good home, then please make me a reasonable offer.
Original box, headset, charger, 2 batteries (unknown state)

regards Denis

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Dave  wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Dave 
> Date: Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 12:38 AM
> Subject:
> To: List for Openmoko community discussion 
> Hi,
> I am in Australia and my GTA-02 A6 has a loose USB socket. Does anybody know
> anyone reputable in Australia that I might be able to send it too for
> repair? I have approached several (Brisbane Australia) repair places but
> they won't touch it.
> It is incapable of charge or ssh while the socket is loose. I believe I
> caught the problem early enough to avoid PCB damage. (if I wiggle the plug
> it will charge for a few seconds).
> Thanks
> Dave
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Server upgrades / docs and svn are back

2012-05-19 Thread Denis Johnson

wow, thanks for all your efforts. So good to see someone make the time
and step up.

Regards Denis

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 6:29 AM, Harald Welte  wrote:
> Hi again,
> as the way outdated has been down for something
> like two years now, I have removed the links in the navigation bar on
> the top right avoiding to lure people into what is nothing more than
> a broken link.
> For security and maintenance reasons, the horde/imp webmail installation
> on has been deactivated.  I don't intend to
> bring it back.
> Just for the sake of completeness, and
> had been deactivated a long time ago.  I'm also
> removing them from the DNS zone file as part of getting rid of old
> cruft.
> The number of VMs has already been reduced to six now, as some services have
> been merged with other VMs.
> At some point we will have to change IP addresses of the MX for
> and in order to migrate everything
> into one subnet.  While it shouldn't cause major outage/breakage, it
> still might.  I'll send a proper announcement before doing that.
> In the end, the following services will remain:
>        * / (http/https)
>        * (http/ftp/rsync)
>        * (http/ftp/rsync)
>        * (smtp/imap)
>        * (http/https)
>        * (svn/svnweb)
>        * (git/gitweb)
>        * (http/https)
>        * (https)
>        * (smtp/http)
>        * (http)
>        * (http)
> One of the things I still need to figure out is who currently owns the
> domain at CAcert.  A bunch of renewed certificates would
> probably do some good to help against all those browser warnings about
> expired certificates.
> Regards,
>        Harald
> --
> - Harald Welte  
> "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
>                                                  (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: looking for used (or broken) GTA02 (whole or PCB) to purchase

2012-12-23 Thread Denis Johnson
I also have a complete gta02 a5 with buzz fix, screen intact. It used to
work fine but laid unused uncharged for over 12 months and now does not
show any signs of life even when plugged in and power button pressed, so it
is difficult to know its state.

I'm in Australia. Any reasonable offers.

On 23/12/2012 10:55 PM, "Neil Jerram"  wrote:

> Dmitry Shalnoff  writes:
> > Hi list!
> >
> > Is there anybody have broken screen GTA02 for sale?
> > or maybe intact PCB after upgrade to GTA04?
> >
> > I'll be appreciate for reasonable price or maybe somebody just could
> > give it for free (almost free) after upgrade.
> Sure, you can have my GTA02 PCB.  I haven't used it now for over a year,
> so can't guarantee that it is perfectly working - but it was working (as
> far as the software allowed) before I got my GTA04, and I'm not aware of
> any damage since then.
> If you'd like that, I guess you should let me know your address.
> Regards,
> Neil
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Whats up with the freerunner mass production?

2008-05-19 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2008/5/19, Michele Renda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> shhh... don't get up the child :)
>  Let them to work in peace, our baby is becoming bigger :)

It is OK if they need more time, we have already been waiting for a
couple of years, so we can wait for a couple of weeks more. We just
want to hear the confirmation that they are still working on it. :P

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-29 Thread Denis Parchenko
> How about turning itself on at a particular time, for an alarm clock feature?

And how about turning itself off, for example for the night =)

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-29 Thread Denis Parchenko
I think that this feature must work in close conjunction with
'auto power on' feature mentioned earlier. It will be transparent for
user, provide him quiet night and save battery power...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 8:42:55 PM, you wrote:
> Quoting Denis Parchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> How about turning itself on at a particular time, for an alarm   
>>> clock feature?
>> And how about turning itself off, for example for the night =)

> Well, (judging by the marketing materials) if we're going to be able
> to tell the phone to turn off its ringer when we get into a room  
> dedicated for staff meetings, why couldn't we just tell the phone to
> power down when it detects that it's been left in the bedroom for a
> period of time?

> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-30 Thread Denis Parchenko
I think that this feature must work in close conjunction with
'auto power on' feature mentioned earlier. It will be transparent for
user, provide him quiet night and save battery power...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 8:42:55 PM, you wrote:
> Quoting Denis Parchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> How about turning itself on at a particular time, for an alarm   
>>> clock feature?
>> And how about turning itself off, for example for the night =)

> Well, (judging by the marketing materials) if we're going to be able
> to tell the phone to turn off its ringer when we get into a room  
> dedicated for staff meetings, why couldn't we just tell the phone to
> power down when it detects that it's been left in the bedroom for a
> period of time?

> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-06 Thread Denis Parchenko
Hi folks!

  Anyone saw new Apple announcement? Now iPhone is priced at $399..

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-06 Thread Denis Parchenko

Thursday, September 6, 2007, 7:52:35 PM, David wrote:

>> Anyone saw new Apple announcement? Now iPhone is priced at $399..

> act which has certainly pissed off all the folks who got suckered
> into standing in lines for days and paying through the nose to be the
> first kid on the block with one. This will not incent future potential
> buyers to get, for example, an "iPod Touch" right away, as opposed to
> waiting a few months to see what the price drop will be. Not a good
> strategic move.

> Beyond that, a price drop of 33% on a product scarcely two months old
> strongly suggests that iPhones are not exactly flying off the shelves
> now that the initial reaction has died down...

  As for me, after such drop I became more intended in purchasing it...

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-06 Thread Denis Parchenko
Thursday, September 6, 2007, 7:59:56 PM, Joshua wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to the listserv.  very much looking forward to the october > release of the neo.

> While the announcement below is neat.  And the hardware for the iphone is
> neat.

> I'll wait for the neo.

> I have no love for AT&T and will not spend a dime (much less $399) on
> another closed system.

> Now, if it ran linux with open drivers that might be another thing
> entirely. :)

> Rgds,
> joshua
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 19:43:12 +0300, Denis Parchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Actually, I will wait for GTA02 too. 'Cause the only way to write for
iPhone is HTML/JavaScript at the moment.

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Message duplicates

2007-09-12 Thread Denis Parchenko
> sorry once again. It should be fixed now.  I'm happy to announce that we
> have a dedicated sysadmin for our public servers starting
> his work in three days ;)

  Some strange things happening to me. In addition to duplicate
messages I receive empty messages with only one thing -- OpenMoko community 

 OpenMoko community mailing list

  It seems that other people receiving such messages correctly. Is it
my issue?

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: application idea

2007-09-13 Thread Denis Parchenko
Thursday, September 13, 2007, 12:05:39 AM, Alexey wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 22:57:28 +0200, ian douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> ... which doesn't help any if you're in the air-conditioned  
>> afore-mentioned airport in Arizona and you want to know how warm it is
>> outside ;o)

> While inside the airport, you also won't get the GPS satellite signal to
> find out where you are.

  Is it really impossible somewhere in airport to find out current
weather outside? For example on some info-boards...

=#=-===-===#=--- - -- -=#=-- - -   -  -
 Best regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2008-04-23 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2008/4/23, Casey G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  ___
>  Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko Remote Controller (SoC)

2008-04-26 Thread Denis Shulyaka
Is it some kind of port anyRemote (
) to Openmoko? Anyway, I think ssh should be enough.

2008/4/26, Valerio Valerio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I'm one of the students that will participate in Google Summer of Code under
> OpenMoko mentoring.
> The project consist in a implementation of a application that can turn
> OpenMoko powered devices in a Bluetooth mixed keyboard and mouse.
> Was recommended by Google do some community brainstorming in this period,
> I'm asking for some help. I need ideas for the name of the app, suggestion,
> wishes, etc...
> I setup a page in the OpenMoko wiki for the project, feel free to add info
> there:
> In September we will have more ten rocking OpenMoko apps :)
> Cheers,
> --
> Valério Valério

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Watching videos on neo freerunner (openmoko 2008.12) mplayer-glamo

2009-04-07 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2009/4/8 Ivan Shirokov :
> Does it work for FSO? Somehow it hangs up my FR. And there's something like
> "Your system is too slow" in the console =(

Actually, the mplayer build that is suggested in the wiki uses mp3lib
for decoding mp3 audio tracks by default. I suggest you adding
afm=ffmpeg line to ~/.mplayer/config file to force using ffmpeg's
internal mp3 decoder, or use a build without mp3lib support. It
appears to be more than 3 times faster on my FR!
Here is my ~/.mplayer/config file:


Hope it helps.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ePDFView package on

2009-04-08 Thread Denis Shulyaka
And some kind of zoom in full screen would be nice!

2009/4/8, David Garabana Barro :
> On Tuesday 07 April 2009 17:38:13 Previdi Roberto wrote:
>> To scroll the pages you can just scroll "out of" the actual page. I'm
>> sorry for my english :)
>> Let me know of any questions.
> It is a huge improvement!
> The only problem I see is that if you rotate view to read lanscape it
> doesn't
> scroll if you reach the end of page.
> Would it be possible to add some "gesture" or similar to leave full screen?
> Now you can only leave it closing application.
> Thank you very much!
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-23 Thread Denis Johnson
I'm not sure who or how to report this but since I have gone through
the test and it has taken some time to resolve.

Flashing the latest SHR image and kernel from 23 April


I could not connect via SSH over USB from my Ubuntu 8.10 host. lsusb
on the host could see the neo but could not ifup usb0

Only after reflashing just the kernel back to Apr 9, could I again
reconnect via SSH. I have not tried kernels posted between those dates
to work out where the problem starts.

Howver to confirm it, I have reflashed back to the latest 23rd April
but could not connect, then reflashed back to 9th April and worked

Both report 2.6.29-rc3 via 'uname -r'

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-23 Thread Denis Johnson
Sorry to reply to my own post. Issue not quite as described.

Between reflashing from 23rd April to 9th, one of the attempts at
connecting also involved a reboot of my Ubuntu host. Which still
failed to allow me to connect with the Kernel from the 2rd. Reflashing
with the kernel from the 9th then worked. However, repeating the
exercise as described bellow, also fails on the Kernel from the 9th.
So something else is still at play here and it may be Ubuntu/host

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Denis Johnson  wrote:
> I'm not sure who or how to report this but since I have gone through
> the test and it has taken some time to resolve.
> Flashing the latest SHR image and kernel from
> 23 April
> uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> I could not connect via SSH over USB from my Ubuntu 8.10 host. lsusb
> on the host could see the neo but could not ifup usb0
> Only after reflashing just the kernel back to Apr 9, could I again
> reconnect via SSH. I have not tried kernels posted between those dates
> to work out where the problem starts.
> Howver to confirm it, I have reflashed back to the latest 23rd April
> but could not connect, then reflashed back to 9th April and worked
> again.
> Both report 2.6.29-rc3 via 'uname -r'
> cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-27 Thread Denis Johnson
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Robin Paulson  wrote:
> no, there was nothing wrong with the port or cable - someone at shr
> hadn't run depmod before creating the tarball, and the modules for
> communicating over usb weren't being loaded. if you run depmod on your
> phone, it should clear it up

I apologise for reporting this and then disappearing. Sometimes there
are just not enough hours in the day.

I just want to confirm that a combination of running 'depmod' in
terminal on the phone and also using 'ifconfig -a'  on my host (now
upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04), I found that when the phone is plugged in
that I got an 'eth1' listed so I changed my scripts accordingly and I
can now SSH in. I have not rebooted the neo or my host yet but if
anything changes I will report here.

Thanks, to all for your replies and assist.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Buzz on GTA02v5 with latest SHR-Testing, do I need buzz fix ?

2009-04-28 Thread Denis Johnson
Currently running SHR Testing from  around 22 April, on my GTA02V5 in
Australia. While on a mobile to mobile call, the other party
complained about buzzing.

1. Could someone please confirm that this is the hardware caused
buzzing problem and not related to the distro or alsa state settings.
2. Are there any users in Australia with same batch (original group
purchase via Perth/Brisbane) which also have the issue and have
managed to get it corrected or have access to someone that can do the
fix in Aus ?

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: NEW e-tasks Alpha release

2009-04-29 Thread Denis Johnson
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:44 AM, c_c  wrote:
> Hi,
>  20 odd views and no feedback? Seems like PIM apps aren't really on very
> many people's radar :-)
> View this message in context: 

On the contrary, I would lobe a full integrated PIM especially
something that can sync with Google Calendar in both directions and
allow me to use a calendar even when I do not have Internet
access/gprs and re-sync seamlessly again when I do (sometimes wifi,
sometimes usb cable, sometimes gprs). I would also like the same for
contacts either to sync to my Linux desktop contacts or google
contacts. And yes, a good task manager would have to be part of it.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-Testing] Ebook reader?

2009-04-29 Thread Denis Johnson
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:17 AM, Johny Tenfinger  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 20:12, Russell Dwiggins  wrote:
>> I recommend you use the fbreader from too…has the ellopatches that 
>> make books actually readable. ;)
> SHR version has that patches included.

I'm running SHR testing from around 22 Apr and 'opkg install fbreader'
fails to find package. Is there a repo I need to add and if so how.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Denis Johnson
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
> * keyboard: now that the keyboard prediction can be turned off, it is
> already much more usable, but still needs a lot of "dragging
> left/right/up/down" to make a real sentence with punctuation and
> stuff. So some extra buttons and rearranging of existing ones would be
> nice ...

Is there any chance of ever getting the Qwo keyboard workring on QtEi ?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Mokomaze 0.5.0] is released

2009-05-04 Thread Denis Johnson
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:30 AM, ANT  wrote:
> Actually, I am following this way. I am sure that the game itself is more
> important than a tons of statistic and sub-menus: just launch the game and
> start playing. So, if the feature of showing information about level time
> and retries count will be added, it will be optional.

The nicest and most playable game I have seen on the FR to date. Well
done and thank you for your time.

While we are discussing options, I notice that the feel and response
is a heavier ball then perhaps the visuals suggest. Is it possible to
expose some of the physics settings to the user ? even just via some
properties in a file or start-up switches ?

regards Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [New Mokomaze] Coming soon

2009-05-07 Thread Denis Johnson
On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Joerg Reisenweber  wrote:
> Using gmeter for resetting suspend-timer is useless here as I may hold the
> game steady and still don't want the screen to blank.
> The only correct way to handle this is to stop screenblanking as long as
> mokomaze is running.
> I suggest using fsoraw for this purpose (it's been intended to handle exactly
> these issues), or patch mokomaze to allocate the correct resource by itself,
> though that would somewhat restrict portability of the app to non-fso based
> systems.

Could you or someone please describe where and how to install fsoraw
on shr-testing (23 Apr or so) ?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Finger friendly keyboards

2009-05-09 Thread Denis Johnson
On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Jon Levell  wrote:
> Hi,
> So far on my FR, I've mostly been typing non-dictionary words so the
> predictive keyboard has been getting in my way. I knew a few people
> had created finger friendly keyboards so I had a bit of a play.

Have you tried Qwo ?

for me despite it's unconventional approach and learning curve, this
is now my favourite keyboard for sms.

I'm using it successfully on shr-testing. YMMV

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Interest for C#/.Net/Mono wrapper of FSO Api?

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Johnson
> Am Freitag, 15. Mai 2009 20:34:49 schrieb Andreas Willich:
>> So I was thinking of writing a wrapper around FSO so I do not have
>> everywhere in my applications dbus calls to fso.
>> Is there interest for such a wrapper?

I was under the impression that FSO already had a high level Python
wrapper, could someone please clarify.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a new keyboard - discuss and critique

2009-06-13 Thread Denis Johnson
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Rask Ingemann
Lambertsen wrote:
>   They call it qwo[1] and I think it rules. It takes many hours to get used
> to it, but I think it is definitely worth it.


After trying many keyboards, qwo rocks. I am yet to try dasher but I'm
pretty sure that the minimal screen real estate that qwo requires will
win out.

Openmoko community mailing list

How to get buzz fix in Australia

2009-06-15 Thread Denis Johnson
I have asked this before but the thread seems to have fizzled.

I have a GTA02 V5 one of the first group purchases into Australia and
I would like to know if anyone in Australia is planning a buzz fix
party or if there is somewhere overseas I can send my Freerunner to
get fixed.

I do not have the equipment or expertize to do it myself. Any
recommendations welcome.

regards Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to get buzz fix in Australia

2009-06-15 Thread Denis Johnson
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:24 PM, NeilBrown wrote:
> You can send it to
> You first purchase the "freerunner audio quality enhancement" on the
> website.  This costs $0 plus postage.
> Their postage price is around $AU100 sent by international
> courier.  If you ask, they will sent it be USPS and credit you
> the difference.  I asked for "USPS first class" which according to
> is about $US11.
> It cost me $AU16 to post it from .au to .us.

Thanks for that. Should I also consider any other hardware fix at the
same time ?

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to get buzz fix in Australia

2009-06-17 Thread Denis Johnson
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Chris Samuel wrote:
> I guess the first question to ask yourself is "do I have the buzz problem" ?
> I've been really happy with mine in the UK, US and here in Australia and
> nobody has complained about any buzzing (yet).  I think I'd only consider this
> if it was causing me problems..

Fair enough point. I thought I did not have the problem either, and
certainly nobody reported it to me while I was using QTe. Then a
couple of months ago I switched to SHR-Testing and struggle from both
a volume level problem (too quiet) and a number of people have
reported buzzing at their enf while I hear them perfectly and buzz

I am assuming that the distro change is simply a circumstantial data
point and that the problem has always been there but nobody has
mentioned it until now.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: App for remotely controlling jukebox software

2009-06-17 Thread Denis Johnson
I have a SqueezeBox Duet and
run SqueezeCenter (OSS) on my NAS but I notice that Duet hand
controller which uses WiFi for remote control, runs linux and a LUA
based UI for remote control  As
far as I know the OSS controler software is designed to run on other
hardware, even on your desktop if you like,, so while I apologise that
this does not specifically cover your question for Freerunner, there
may be something to borrow/salvage or learn from that solution.

cheers Denis

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Sam Kuper wrote:
> Is there any software for the Freerunner that, with minimal tweaking,
> lets it take the place of the iPhone or iPod Touch in a setup like
> this?[1]
> [1]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why is it so slow ?

2009-07-01 Thread Denis Johnson
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Sebastian
Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> Just set ELM_ENGINE env variable to x11-16. You must know about
> /etc/profile, didn't you? ;>

Just to demonstrate my lack of familiarity in this area, could someone
please provide exact example of the line that needs to be added to

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: linphone 3.1.0

2009-07-02 Thread Denis Shulyaka
Hi! I'm trying to use linphone on Om2009 and can't get sound working
properly. Which asound.conf and voip.state file should I use? I tried
opnes from but all I got was ringing sound, no voice in any
direction. The ringing sound was from speaker, not earpiece.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: linphone 3.1.0

2009-07-05 Thread Denis Shulyaka
2009/7/2 Al Johnson :
> On Thursday 02 July 2009, Denis Shulyaka wrote:
>> Hi! I'm trying to use linphone on Om2009 and can't get sound working
>> properly. Which asound.conf and voip.state file should I use? I tried
>> opnes from but all I got was ringing sound, no voice in any
>> direction. The ringing sound was from speaker, not earpiece.
> I haven't tried it on Om2009 yet. On FSO-ms5 I used the voip-handset.state
> that was already in FSO, and
> Did you remember to switch the mixer state? This needs to be done manually
> because linphone isn't FSO-aware yet. If the ring came from the speaker then
> either voip-handset.state wasn't the active state or it has changed. IIRC
> linphone has play and record options that should let you check its audio
> settings independent of any problems you may be having with SIP.
> I'm planning to give OM2009 a try soon, so I may have some more ideas soon.

Hi! I've just tested it with SHR-testing and it is still ringing from
the speaker, not earpiece. I'm sure I remembered to run "alsactl
restore -f voip-handset.state". The voip-handset.state seems good to
me. So what's it? Alsa bug or I broke something in hardware while
implementing buzz-fix?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Neo FreeRunner GTA02 versions A5 & A6 Audio Buzz - Quality Enhancement Service

2009-07-07 Thread Denis Johnson
Also I am somewhat concerned that from Australia we will struggle to
make the cut-off date considering it is already the 8th here.

cheers Denis

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:53 PM, NeilBrown wrote:
> On Fri, June 5, 2009 4:32 pm, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> He wrote that he is in the US.
>> We also run the same program for a while for EU customers:
>> Nikolaus
> Any suggestions on a best course of action for Australian
> customers?
> Supposing we were happy to pay shipping to-from USA, how
> would we go about paying the return postage and what might it
> cost (I think it is about $AU15 to post to the USA from here,
> for standard airmail).
> Thanks,
> NeilBrown
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-13 Thread Denis Johnson
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Paul Fertser wrote:\
> BT support for FSO already works for quite some time (several
> months). Lack of interest from end-users is something that clearly
> shows the developers that they shouldn't waste time improving it.

On the contrary, I feel this is one of the core issues which needs to
go on the list to make the phone usable as an everyday phone.

Please, please resolve this issue once and for all.

cheers Denis

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-13 Thread Denis Johnson
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Paul Fertser wrote:
> Denis Johnson  writes:
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Paul Fertser wrote:\
>>> BT support for FSO already works for quite some time (several
>>> months). Lack of interest from end-users is something that clearly
>>> shows the developers that they shouldn't waste time improving it.
>> On the contrary, I feel this is one of the core issues which needs to
>> go on the list to make the phone usable as an everyday phone.
>> Please, please resolve this issue once and for all.
> What particular issue do you have in mind? The support is there. And
> it works. I've told about that on community ML several times already
> but it looks like you prefer to believe it's not to have something to
> blame :(

I am not looking for someone or something to blame and I appreciate
and support all the great work that everyone does.

Although I am a developer and know enough linux to be dangerous, I am
pretty much an end user of the Freerunner at this point. I have had it
almost a year to the day and none of the distros I have tried worked
with my bluetooth headset (Aliph Jawbone) for making or receiving
calls. I have kept a cursory eye on the ML since for this issue and I
admit I have seen the odd reference to some CLI commands to try and
connect during a call but have been waiting and hoping that it would
be supported automatically via some alsa state file or some such
because I can hardly expect my partner to open a terminal window and
issue some bluetooth connect command while she is driving so that she
can use the phone hands-free ;-)

If what you are suggesting is that it is now expected to work at the
FSO dbus level albeit needing some initial pairing to be setup without
a gui (which is fine if it is a one time exercise), then I am more
then willing to test with my BT headset as soon as my FR returns from
buzzfix in the US. I will report my findings here when I do.

Whomever is responsible for adding this support to fso, thank you for
your efforts and sorry if you feel your efforts have been a waste.

cheers Denis

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