Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-07-21 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
> So you need to connect a mouse that is larger than the device to  
> position any scrollbars or press buttons? Or does it have a large  
> enough trackpad somewhere?

A pointing stick is much smaller...
(And don't tell me a touchpad is better to use.)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why is it so slow ?

2009-07-02 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009 schrieb Bernd PrĂ¼nster:
> export ELM_ENGINE=x11-16
> is the correct line that needs to be added to /etc/profile (just copied form 
> my /etc/profile file, so make sure its correct)

How about adding this information to the OpenMoko or distribution specific Wiki?
(This was about SHR, wasn't it?) Or is it already there?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-12 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Freitag, 12. Juni 2009 schrieb Werner Almesberger:
> The most promising one seems to be HeeksCAD. It has fairly
> comprehensive CAM integration and can do parametric modeling via
> Python scripts. Salome also looks quite powerful and is perhaps
> more mature but appears to lack CAM integration.

BTW, looking at and
both are based on the same solid modeller: Open CASCADE
>From that point of view, it's the same technology behind both.

Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-20 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009 schrieb Dave Ball:
> No - changing uSD holder isn't part of the GTA02-core plans. 
> In GTA02-core the intention is that the uSD card contains the full OS 
> image including kernel.  The NAND will only contain QI, and the 
> expectation is that QI won't need to be re-flashed regularly.  
> GTA02-core can't start if the card is missing, and there's no 
> possibility of swapping out the card while the phone is switched on.
> Thus the uSD is rather like a standard PC's OS hard drive, and rather 
> unlike 'removable' media types.

One reason I regulary remove my uSD card from the FR to
put it in a card reader is the incredible slow USB 1.1 port.
1GB with 12 Mbit/s is more than 11 min (but 12 Mbit/s will never be reached)
The PC world moves to USB 3, so it should be possible
to include USB 2 to GTA02 successors...

> One thought is that future phones should include two uSD cards - one 
> 'internal' for OS/kernel etc. and one that is 'removable' for data 
> storage/exchange - although this is out of scope for GTA02-core.

If I compare the size of my Palm TX with my FR, even a SD would be possible.
But uSD is probably more up to date and allows more compact cases.


Openmoko community mailing list

OpenBSD GTA02 images?

2009-05-02 Thread Martin Bernreuther

I read about OpenBSD running on OpenMoko now: (in 
german) and mention 
an "initial port".
However, I didn't see an entry in 
(with more information) yet.

Are there any images (for the FR) available?
(Maybe together with a readme/howto...)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Draft of 17th community update

2009-04-28 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Dienstag, 28. April 2009 schrieb sushama:
> The draft of 17th community update is available here: 
> Please feel free to add/edit any information that I have missed out. 
> This update is for the period from April 18th to April 30th.The update 
> will be released on April 30th.

looking at
the "Latest News" shows a link to
and the "News" in the "Community" box on the left point to
If there's some automatic update routine, it already missed to put the
16th(?) community update to the news section:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why enlightenment?

2009-04-15 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Mittwoch, 15. April 2009 schrieb Bram Neijt:
> I know this question must have come up once before, but I couldn't find
> any real answer online, so I'm posting it here. Why enlightenment?

at least one developer from enlightenment
was working for OpenMoko (
Carsten Haitzler / raster (
If enlightenment is well-suited and if you have somebody
with such a good knowledge... And now there's a foundation.
So why not. There are other approaches and quite a few distributions
( supporting different ones.
You have the choice! Starting as a developer, the decision which framework to 
might be hard though... (But if you have a choice, you have to take a decision.)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner buzz-fix party in Braunschweig

2009-04-08 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2009 schrieb arne anka:
> i don't have a wiki account (and consideriung the number of unsued  
> accounts i was forced to create in the past simply to get an answer  
> somewhere i am not inclined, to create one).

you just have to share your OpenMoko knowlegde and write/extend/correct/...
some wiki pages (besides the BuzzFixParty one) - in this case the wiki account
is not unused...

On the other hand less people might read your BuzzFixParty statements then
and therefore your mailing list approach is probably superior in this case 

    Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtendedImproved] Which kernel?

2009-04-03 Thread Martin Bernreuther

it's nice, that
now contains a link to a prebuild actual Qt Extended Improved.
Thanks for the effort to HouYu Li(?)!

But what is the prefered kernel?
(no readme found at
or the last stable one? Or still a 2.6.24 one?...

Which version of u-boot/qi is used?


P.S.: I think there was something about this on the list, but I can't remember 
P.P.S.: I'll add this info to the wiki, if no one else wants to do it...
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Query] Known Good SD cards

2009-02-20 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 schrieb Alex Fitzpatrick:

I bought a microSD-card together with the FR
and this Kingston 8GB model seems to be supported
looking at the given page.
In contrast to
I have 4 partitions on this SD-card at the moment:
A small one (vfat) for the kernel, a rootfs partion and a kind of 
where I keep personal data (both ext3) and a swap partition (which is probably 
not needed).
Still I determine a strange behaviour running distributions
from this card and also for data from this card used by my
everyday-distribution (QtExtended) on the FR.
Files seem to get broken after a while or temporarly can't be read.
This might be due to the used uboot (from Om2008.12 for gta02v5_and_up)
or kernel 
and several ones on the card) or something else. The question is

How do you determine, if a card is supported?
What is the procedure? What are the tests/benchmarks used?

Looking at again,
it's not clear to me, how these results were obtained (green/red status). Is it 
"This card seems to work, because I haven't noticed any problems the last 

What about the bootloader?
The table only lists u-boot. What about Qi (,
which was announced as u-boot successor? Is it advisable to move to Qi?

Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wiki page - which file system in sd card?

2009-02-01 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009 schrieb Fernando Martins:
> It is also important to note that ext is faster than FAT (benchmark, 
> anyone?) but, most importantly, it supports permissions, which FAT 
> doesn't. Of course, since FR is in general a single user device, the 
> permissions might be not so important. Another advantage of ext2/3 is 
> linking support, which, for instance, if you are storing maps and you 
> have blank tiles files, you can keep a think blank file and have all the 
> others be just a link to this one (you would need a script for that to 
> make it practical)

again (cmp.
IMHO, it should be
"owner/group concept and permissions" (there are even extensions for ACLs) and
"linking" is a part of a build process (typically after compiling), so maybe 
"support for hard/soft links" is a better expression

And what about
- other "special files" like named pipe files, device files,...
- file name conventions (Which are the file name restrictions in FAT?)

Good night,
Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: which file system for sd card - for Wiki

2009-01-25 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Sonntag, 25. Januar 2009 schrieb Fernando Martins:
> I got a new SD card. Which file system is the best?
> In general, vfat or ext2 are the most recommended.
> Vfat might already be the fs in your card when you got a new one. It has 
> the advantage of being recognised in many other systems. The data 

...if this is needed.
(the FR uSD card slot is quite difficult to access and if
USB 1.1/WLAN/Bluetooth is not too slow many people
might prefer to leave the uSD card there most time...)


> ext is Linux centric but one of the most tested and tuned. It is also a 
> faster file system than vfat (citation?) and most importantly, if you 
> need, it supports permissions, which vfat doesn't.

What about the support for owners/groups, (symbolic/hard) links and device 

And the Linux vfat seems to have problems with filenames containing colons,
where someone did a "Backup" copy of his maildir files to vfat and didn't notice
that the destination directories where emty...

For me vfat was therefore always a makeshift/stopgap/... for a data exchange
with the Windows etc world, but not a competitive Linux alternative and not
"most recommended".

Good night
Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: buzz fix (was: Pulster offer - Freerunner now 249 eur)

2009-01-13 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009 schrieb arne anka:
> > I am kind of not understanding why the OM team is not helping on this

PLEASE no more "READ THE ARCHIVES" platitudes! But more Wiki Links ;-)
On the other side please no baseless accusation of the OM team!

No. This should be no offense and I can understand that it's
annoying, if people always ask the same questions. But...
Recently I was searching for a solution to one of my various
FR problems and Google pointed me to a archived email
of someone asking the same on this list. Great! But
when I read the answer "read the archives" (from "arne anka")
my problem was still not solved!
If you watch somebody drowning, will you tell him it's wise to
learn swimming or throw a lifesaver?
Do you really expect a newbie to read all archived emails
of the past (most of them maybe outdated). And this list is "noisy"!
The focus might also change. Starting with distro A,
someone might not follow a discussion with a problem of distro B.
Changing to distro B, it's also hard to get all the information from
the archives.

Looking at the wiki, it's sometimes hard to find the right entry.
With all these distros it's also sometimes confusing, which method
works for which setup. It's hard to keep everything up to date with
this sometimes fast development.

If there's some outcome of a discussion, it should be
gathered on the wiki. IMHO it's a waste of time, if all people
read all these emails in the archives in the first place.
Usually people first read books to get a basic knowledge
and articles as a supplement for the latest news. It's not
common e.g. to learn the basics of physics reading all the
letters between physicist of the last centuries, but reading
a book accumulating  the results.

Sorry for that off-topic email (no one should feel offended)
and special thanks to the wiki writers!

Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re2: [QtExtended] Proper way to invoke suspend?

2009-01-04 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Hello Lorn,

thank you for the fast answer.

Am Sonntag, 4. Januar 2009 22:58 schrieb Lorn Potter:
> > What is the proper way to suspend the Freerunner for QtExtended?
> > (Probably the last one. But is there more to be done?)
> Proper way is to just let it suspend on it's own.

My problem is, that sometimes it won't...
Let's assume the "On Battery" Power Management settings for
"Dim light", "Display off" and "Suspend" are 10s, 30s and 1min
and after using the phone, I'll put it in a pocket. The touch screen will be 
all the time... and "Suspend" (or even "Display off" etc) might never be 
And that's very bad for the operating time!

> > The next question will be how to configure the lock icon (padlock.png for 
> > finxi)
> > on the home screen (the rightmost icon on the bottom) to be connected with 
> > the
> > suspend command/service... (instead of Screen Lock)
> You would have to edit the code and recompile, as this is not how the screen 
> lock currently works.

Screen lock currently will only lock the screen, but won't assure the
"Suspend" (or "Display off", if "Suspend" is disabled etc) to happen.
(If nothing will touch the screen, I don't need a screen lock.)
Why is the Screen lock not setting the display to "Display off" or even
invoke a suspend (if this is enabled) after a couple of seconds.
That's better for the battery, or not?

Therefore the idea to manually suspend the FR...
and to have an icon for that, which is easy to reach and not needed any more,
since the screen of a suspended FR needs not to be locked.

Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Proper way to invoke suspend?

2009-01-04 Thread Martin Bernreuther

on a Linux system (with ACPI) it is possible to invoke a suspend through

echo -n mem > /sys/power/state

(see (chapter 
5, 6th page 42);,, (section 23.2),

Qt Extended on the Neo Freerunner
( +
seems to be APM based
(/sys/power/state is also present and `echo mem > /sys/power/state` works)
and `cat /proc/apm` shows some information.
Working on a console (if you have one, which is not default for QtExtended), 
shows a nice way to keep an eye on the battery state through the command prompt:
export PS1="\$(cat /proc/apm | awk '{print \$7}') \h:\w\$ "
Invoking a suspend on a APM based systems can be done with

apm -s

I noticed /etc/apm/suspend.d/gsm_suspend, which executes
echo "1" >/sys/devices/platform/neo1973-pm-gsm.0/flowcontrolled
Is this also needed for a proper suspend? (It seems to work without that.)

In contrast to the information about e.g. how to turn on/off LEDs 
I didn't find this in the OpenMoko Wiki. Maybe because OpenMoko offers the
"Ompower" Power management daemon:

This service seems not to be available for QtExtended:

r...@om-gta02:~# dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.openmoko.Power / 
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.openmoko.Power 
was not provided by any .service files

which is not astonishing since
"ompower is a suspend handling daemon talking dbus installed by default since 
Om 2008.8"
but apparently not by QtExtended (and /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ is empty).

QtExtended offers (formerly QCop and now Qtopia IPC based) services 
which include a pre-defined suspend service 
(also cmp. /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/services)
The qcop command-line tool 
( should also be capable 
to do the job:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/lib
export PATH=/opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin:$PATH

qcop service send Suspend 'suspend()'

There might be more ways to do a suspend...

What is the proper way to suspend the Freerunner for QtExtended?
(Probably the last one. But is there more to be done?)

The next question will be how to configure the lock icon (padlock.png for finxi)
on the home screen (the rightmost icon on the bottom) to be connected with the
suspend command/service... (instead of Screen Lock)

Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Screen Lock -> Suspend

2008-12-31 Thread Martin Bernreuther
I'm using the Neo Freerunner with Qt Extended 4.4.2
( +
as my daily phone. Carrying the FR in a pocket, the screen lock application is 
well suited to avoid unintentional phone calls etc.
BUT it will still allow the display be turned on, since the touchscreen will be 
touched all the time in a pocket.
And carrying the FR in your pocket with a highlighted display might not be the 
best prerequisite for a long operating time.
The "On Battery" Power Management settings (after booting it seems to be always 
be "Plugged in", but that's another story)
"Dim light", "Display off" and "Suspend" won't get activated (or only for a 
short time) unless you wait with the FR in your hand.
The key+lock looks fancy, but it might be more functional to turn off the 
display (or even suspend) after the lock
and keep the display turned off, when touching a certain pattern on the screen 
(or the Power button with suspend).
(On the desktop, the screensaver was a screen/energy saver once, but sometimes 
uses more CPU cycles than a working computer today...) 
The screen lock application seems not to support a "password" protection. For a 
touchscreen device, the password entry
should maybe be replaced with a secret gesture or pattern (maybe like,
but I don't see the necessity for such a feature, since the FR shouldn't be 
accessible by someone else.
(And if it's stolen the protection is too weak without crypto FS etc anyways).

I still didn't find the button combination to suspend yet. Suspending the FR 
manually after use, I would't need
a screen lock application any more. Is there a replacement application, just to 
initiate a suspend?
(But I'm also not sure, if I can trust the suspend mode, since I once noticed a 
missed call with the FR being suspended.)

What button combination will initiate suspend for FR/Qt Extended?
(Power button will show a menu with "Restart Qt Extended", "Restart Device", 
"Shutdown Qt Extended", "Shutdown Device", but no "Suspend Device"
 and the AUX button will bring me to the Task Manager Favorites)

(How) Can I customize the screen lock application to do the job?
(Didn't find this entry in the configuration section.)


Where can I find more Qt Extended documentation other than the 
"Help"-application installed and the FAQs at (BTW link is broken), or (which is for developers)
(How about a section "Further documentation" at
Martin Bernreuther

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why not use newsgroup?

2008-06-13 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 schrieb Alexey Feldgendler:
> > By default you just download the headers without having to get the text
> > of every message,
> You can do that with IMAP, which is the modern protocol for accessing your  
> mail.

You can receive only the headers on the IMAP server???

We're NOT talking about downloading only the headers from
the IMAP server to a client machine, right? If the email is
on the IMAP server, it's already too late: you've got the email
(with an impact to your quota) and you have to get rid of it.
(if you don't like it). If I don't want to delete it manually:
How does it work?
(I also don't want to delete email after a predefined time period!)

But eMail is definitely more common than news,
and to reach "masses" you better use a mailing list.
Is it possible to have both ways at once?

Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Searching OpenMoko Archives

2008-05-15 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008 schrieb Andrew Bruno:
> Thought this might be of some interest to the community. I contacted the
> guys over at MarkMail, a search engine for mailing list archives and they
> kindly loaded the OpenMoko lists. They have a slick web interface for
> browsing threads and some very nice advanced search functionality. Here's
> the link:
> Here's a nice historical view of the community updates:
> They have all the OpenMoko lists loaded and I've found it extremely useful
> for searching through the archives.

How about a link at
or somewhere at

Martin Bernreuther  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA03, GTA04? (was: Questions about Freerunner: Phone Usability, Battery Life, Shipping Date)

2008-05-11 Thread Martin Bernreuther

Am Samstag, 10. Mai 2008 18:54 schrieb Mo Abrahams:
> Also... why is it going from GTA02 to GTA04 ? Won't the next phone be
> GTA03 (even if it is a developer model like GTA01 was)?

looking at the Wiki, there're also speculations about another Neo-like device:
This seems not to correspond to the GTA04. (Maybe  HXD8==GTA03?)
Is there a more complete roadmap about the "Neo-Productline" somewhere?

But let's first wait for the GTA02 (Freerunner) to hit the shelves...

Martin Bernreuther  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko GTA02 status (Searching lists archives)

2008-05-05 Thread Martin Bernreuther
Am Montag, 5. Mai 2008 schrieb Adilson Oliveira:
> There was an email yesterday from Steve talking about it. Check the
> archives, please.

Is there an easy way to search within the lists archives?
I didn't notice an "Search list" entry within
Is Google (groups) the (only) way to go???


P.S.: Great that someone (Bmk789, 13:38, 5 May 2008) updated
(There're quite a few emails send to the community mailing list and
 nice to have a page with recent news.)
Martin Bernreuther  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

ARMv4 rating

2008-04-26 Thread Martin Bernreuther

the Neo 1973 ( as well 
the Neo Freerunner 
have Processors based on the ARMv4 instruction Set. Apparently one consequence 
(stated on
these pages) is, that Android, requiring ARMv5, will not run on the Neo.
(also see lists ARM architecture 
versions up to ARMv7,
which gives the impression that ARMv4 CPUs today might not be state-of-the-art 
and future-proof any more.
One the other side, quite a few devices today seem to be still build upon ARMv4 
based CPUs.

Are there any OpenMoko compatible smartphone devices with an ARM achitecture 
>v4? (Any plans?)

Will OpenMoko and the Neos stick to the ARMv4 architecture in the future? If 
the next generation
Neos use ARM>v4 instruction sets, how long will OpenMoko distributions still 
support ARMv4?
(How about Qtopia?) There should be no problem, if the source code is 
available, right? (BTW, a
"gentoo-like" ( distribution, which lets the user 
compile the packages, should always work.)

What are the main (dis)advantages of ARMv4 compared to its successors? Ratings?
(Is this comparable to x386, x686, x86_64,...?)

Thank you,
Martin Bernreuther  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list