Re: FSO milestone 2 Zhone sending digit

2008-08-22 Thread Philippe Guillebert
Xavier Vens wrote:
> Hi All,
> Now the dialout works :-); does anybody knows how to send digit to an
> IVR i called with Zhone ?
> On the screen, i have the phone dialed with 2 buttons, hold and hangup
> but no way to send the digits.


Click the middle button at the bottom of the screen ; you get back to 
the dialer with digits.

Then, you click the digit you want AND CLICK VALIDATE.

Not obvious, but working !

BTW : there seems to be a little bug when typing numbers in the dialer, 
the first digit isn't showed until the second one is typed.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone using FR as a phone?

2008-07-13 Thread Philippe Guillebert
Diego Fernández Durán wrote:
> I use the FR as a phone.
> And I trying to figure out where can I apply my C, C++, Gtk knowledge to
> help in the development.
> A list of "small things that must be done" will be appreciated, so
> anybody of us can use our free time to read the code, write a small
> patch and summit it to a om developer. :)


Maybe look at the bugtracker, looking for bugs marked "enhancements", 
"task" or "trivial".

I know I just filed one myself ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

GPS issue related to GPS antenna selector ?

2008-07-13 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Thanks to , I 
ran into the following (and quite scary) thread :

So I was wondering, maybe the poor GPS performance issue many FR seem to 
have, especially on the internal antenna, is related to the GPS antenna 
MUX (the part responsible for the switch between internal antenna, and 
external antenna if you hook one up) selecting the external antenna, 
even when there isn't one ?

The randomness of this issue could be explained because driving the mux 
with levels like 26% Vdd is kind of "grey zone" and can result in some 
devices working as expected and some selecting the ext. antenna without 
one and then having bad reception.

I see one way to test this theory, by driving the select signal VCONT to 
0V (Werner Almesberger talks about shorting R7616) and see if this 
improve reception on the internal antenna.

This is pure speculation, I didn't test anything and perhaps that's just 
plain stupid but I'd love to hear from someone that focused on this 
issue back in April.


Openmoko community mailing list

First boot

2008-07-12 Thread Philippe Guillebert

I just got my hands on mine !

A few remarks regarding the initial setup : first I had the same problem 
with the SD card holder somebody had a few days ago. Note that you have 
to _slide_ the SDcard in the metal "door" before closing it. I tried to 
make the wiki "Getting started" page clearer on this point.

The 4-function stylus-pen-light-pointer : awesome piece of geekiness.

My SIM card registered all right with the network, I can ring it OK. It 
is an Orange France 3V simcard with a hybrid prepaid-postpaid plan 
("Forfait avec compte bloqué"), from around 2003.

Contacts are read from the simcard all right, that was a nice surprise, 
didn't expect it to work so well. This is gonna sound dumb, but how do 
you slide the  list views (like the contact list) on Openmoko ?

I'll try to setup the GSM and keep the list posted.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: slightly off topic: Rogers Canada slashes data plan pricing

2008-07-09 Thread Philippe Guillebert
Dave O'Connor wrote:
> Bell and Telus just started charging for *incoming* texts.

The whole thread is just completely insane from an European point of 
view... Your telcos really look greedy from here.

Sorry for you guys,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: audio/video support

2008-07-04 Thread Philippe Guillebert
thomasg wrote:
> Oops, forgot to mention some details: Tested with mplayer (svn) out of OE.

I guess you should have a look at the wonderful job done by balrog here :

He report QVGA @25fps for MPEG-4 video and managed to have the glamo do 
the hardware scaling.

Can't wait this gets into the official media player.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FreeRunner and Rogers/Fido question

2008-07-03 Thread Philippe Guillebert
Todd Courtnage wrote:
> Hey all.
> I live in Canada (Calgary) and am looking at buying the FreeRunner.
> I've also noticed that there is no 3G support.  I presently have a
> BlackBerry 8700 on Rogers EDGE network, with a data plan.  I'm confused
> in whether EDGE is 3G or 2G.  

Edge is often referred to "2,75G".

To sum it up :

2G is plain old GSM (9.6kbits/sec)
2,5G is GPRS (about 50 kbits/sec)
2,75G is EDGE (about 200 kbits/sec)
3G is HSDPA (up to a few Mbits/sec)

Neo Freerunner is GPRS-capable. Not awesome, but enough to check mails 
or things like that.


Openmoko community mailing list

duplicate mail

2008-06-04 Thread Philippe Guillebert
Hi list,

Am I the only one to get some of the e-mails on this list twice ou more 
? looks like the issue is back ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: atomic clock / radio-receiver chip

2008-06-01 Thread Philippe Guillebert

cdr wrote:

the atomic clock(s) arent orbiting the earth,


According to wikipedia ( ), every GPS 
satellite carries an atomic clock, providing every receiver on earth 
with really precise clock. The radio clock systems you describe are 
different and kinda useless when you have GPS onboard.

As an engineer I'm stunned by the level of performance achieved of the 
GPS system : the description of Einstein's relativity compensation on 
the WP article is really scary :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Private data protection.

2008-06-01 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Ilja O. wrote:

Who says that this password will be created by human? Program should
generate it automatically, shows it to user, user writes (or prints)
it and saves in piggy bank hoping he will not need it at all.
This function will be used so rare that there is not point in creating
rememberable passwords.


And then, when he doesn't have the neo anymore, he have to find where 
the  he put the code, run to a friend's with the piece of paper, 
"hey can I send an SMS ?", copy 160 random characters from a piece of 
paper with a crappy input method on the friend's phone and hope he 
didn't misspell a single bit of it or the whole process would be useless.

Yeah, sounds very doable...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Calculate cardinal points from GPS?

2008-05-22 Thread Philippe Guillebert

f4lken wrote:
I think that a GPS receive some information about cardinal point... So 
it will be more simple to read these information than calculate some 
difference... But, as I say, I'm not sure :(


No, it doesn't...The way to calculate bearing is to derivate your 
position over time to get a speed vector (Vx, Vy). You can then 
calculate the angle that vector form with North (simple trigonometry) 
and calculate current bearing (in degrees) or show a compass (same thing 
in a different referential).

The thing is, it works only if you're moving.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Europe Distribution

2008-05-22 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano wrote:

Rodolphe Ortalo ha scritto:

Bonjour! [...]

Well i'm glad to see that you can talk french but this is a public ml 
and not everybody know frenc (me for example) so i (and other people) 
can't understand anything of what you said. So please talk in english, 
imagine what could happend if the asian people will stop writing in 
with our letter and start to write in chinese with their ideograms (i 
like them but i can't understand nothing)...


Sorry about that - I guess this message was intended to me only. By the 
way, Openmoko seems to be a catalyst for finding fellow geeks : Rodolphe 
diplomed in the same engineering school (Supélec) as I did ; I also got 
news of an old friend I had lost contact with for 5 years...

There's a French saying about that : "Le monde est petit" :) (World's a 
small place)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Europe Distribution

2008-05-20 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:

Then it is probably time to ask the question: from a european user
perspective, will it be better to place (single-unit) orders directly at
Openmoko via the website or go via Pulster (official distributor no?)?


About distribution in Europe : Bearstech ( [French] ) is a french company that seem 
to be wanting to distribute FreeRunner. But the page hasn't been updated 
for a while...

Did they contact someone at Openmoko Inc ? Anybody heard of something ?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Barometric altimeter on 'future' Freerunner ?

2008-05-17 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Matthias Schulze wrote:

I am wondering about applications possible with the Freerunner
(connected via usb) or later phone models, if a barometric altimeter
would be included.


Err, doesn't GPS give us a pretty accurate altitude already ? Event if 
the precision is something like +/- 20 meters, I believe it's got a 
better accuracy than a barometric altimeter that you've got to calibrate 
to the meteorological conditions all the time.

thinking about the altimeter, since the standard geoid is pretty 
approximate (yeah, our good old Earth is more like a potato than an 
eliipsoid) : it would be good to have a way to set an offset parameter 
between what's the gps tells you and what altitude is shown ; this way, 
you can compensate this kind of errors by calibrating against a 
geologically surveyed point (measured by the IGN in France, USGS in the 

My 2 cents


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: DE-crypting calls

2008-05-17 Thread Philippe Guillebert

ramsesoriginal wrote:

I was just wondering: we have seen the problems of encryptingcalls.
But what about decrypting them? Let*s say someone hasa method to call
you with some sort of encryption.. would it be possible to write a
decryption for it? Maybe public key?


I guess you should look into PigZip :


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko sounds, Motto

2008-04-21 Thread Philippe Guillebert

ramsesoriginal wrote:

Following Michaels request for a homepage for the photos, I stumbled
upon two simple questions:
1) Do we have soem sort of motto (like "Hello Moto", "Connecting People", ...)
2) Is there an official Openmoko sound set? Systems sounds, but maybe
even a specific song or something? This could also be useful for ads,
or for branding, and so on.

Has anyone got some input?



The answer is here :

"Open. Mobile. Free" or "Free your Phone" are part of official branding, 
there is also typographic and graphic rules for a good communication.

Logos file and other stuff can be found here :

I've seen icon sets on the wiki somewhere, nothing about sound though.

Hope this helps


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FreeRunner Pricing and PVT update

2008-04-14 Thread Philippe Guillebert

steve wrote:

USB cable is in.

Hello all,

Sorry to keep that up but I see three kind of potential cables and I'm 
not sure which one you're talking about :

- First is male USB A <=> freerunner (USB mini AB, I believe) : it is 
used for charging and using usb slave functions (usb mass storage...). 
This one is pretty standard and can be found in every shop. I'm guessing 
you're talking about this one.

- The second is a female USB A <=> freerunner. It's used for host mode 
(for example, plugging a usb key or keyboard to the neo. I've got no 
idea if it is easy to find that one in a shop.

- The third one is the famous "Y cable", that is pretty much the same as 
#2 except it gets an additional male USB A connector in order to provide 
current to the neo (from any charger) while using host mode. It doesn't 
seem very straightforward to use (a three-way cable ?) but covers all 
the cases of cable #2 (hence it is more "universal"). It definitively 
cannot be found in a shop and I guess this involves a cutter and some 
dirty electronics to make one.

I hope I'm making this clearer, and wonder what we can expect in the 
final package ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Quikwriting

2008-04-13 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Marco Trevisan (Treviño) wrote:

I've read no docs, where am I wrong in?


The description / howto / demo is here :

After a few tries it seems to be an interesting input method ; I can't 
say if it's gonna be easier to learn/use than grafiti or other methods 
though...Especially with fingers on the real device. I guess somebody 
who already has a GTA01 will have to try :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Who is who ?

2008-04-10 Thread Philippe Guillebert


I'm french too :) And I was looking for these information several month ago.
I wonder if we can do a group of french people, like the german group, and
do some valuable work (i18n ?).

Hello all,

Just to point out that there are also "Local groups" in the wiki to 
allow local meetings of people interested in the project.

Since I'm also French, maybe if some more people fill these pages we 
could meet somewhere (in Paris ?) and dream about GTA02 ;)

See you


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Car charger to GTA02

2008-04-02 Thread Philippe Guillebert

Alexander Frøyseth wrote:

It have to be mod sinse a pc usb uses 5V and a car 12V


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the voltage adaptation is the purpose of 
the car USB adapter. With a normal cable, I understood that it would 
charge at 100mA (default USB "polite" current draw). Since these 
chargers are dumb (do not "talk" USB) openmoko will not draw more 
current, and the charging will be slow.

If you want fast charge (1A) you can either :
- Use the special cable that have the resistor, that provides GTA0x a 
way to recognize the charger

- Use the applet somebody wrote to force fast charge mode by software.

Be careful, drawing 1A out of USB can destroy the charger if it is not 
supported !

Hope I'm not saying too much nonsense, and by the way, this is my first 
mail on this list :) Hello world !


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