Re: QtMoko v58 with 2.6.39 kernel and improved power management

2013-12-12 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013, 10:09:19 schrieb Radek Polak:

 Btw - anyone has working GPS on Freerunner? I cant get fix and it seems it's
 not SW problem. It would be nice to have it working again...

As I remember, if the GTA02 got no fix, I had to boot u-boot from NOR and after 
a reboot everything worked fine. I don't even had to load a kernel from NOR, 
simply power on and off.


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Re: QtMoko v55 for Freerunner upgraded to wheezy

2013-04-21 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Sonntag, 21. April 2013, 07:47:50 schrieb Rainer Glaschick:
 I had the same problem with navit, but not yet reported it,
 because there are so many other weak points that take time to find.
 To see the console messages, including error messages,
 login via ssh for a shell command line, then enter
 root@neo:/root# . /opt/qtmoko/qpe.env
 to set the environment. Now you can call any app directly:
 root@neo:/root# navit
 navit: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
 shared object file: No such file or directory
 Using ldd, you can check this:
 root@neo:/root# ldd /opt/qtmoko/bin/navit = /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/
 (0x40008000) =
 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x40013000) =
 /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x4001f000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x4002e000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x40116000) = not found = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x40135000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x401de000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x40208000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x40228000) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x4035e000)
   /lib/ (0x2a00) = /lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/ (0x4036a000)
 Obviously is libcrypto missing in the dependencies.
 I have no idea how to obtain libcrypto, it is installed in my desktop
 Debian, but I did not yet find out with which packet. is included in libssl0.9.8, which was shipped with squeeze, 
but not with wheezy. The current package is libssl1.0.0, that means, you need 
to rebuild navit.


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Re: [Shr-Devel] About the future of the middleware

2012-07-22 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012, 12:03:38 schrieb Neil Jerram:

 But your wider problem is that you're working in a vacuum, because
 there's no reasonably widely used phone distribution that uses FSO and
 that is also regularly and safely updated.  That means you have no users
 for your incremental improvements.

I think that's not true. There are users outside distributions using FSO for 
own applications, like me.

Big thanks to Simon (and Mickey)


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Re: debian + phoneui-apps

2012-03-27 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 05:09:19 schrieb Brendon Schumacker:
 2012.03.26 14:32:18.787663 [phonefsod]  WARNING: failed to connect to
 /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device: Error calling StartServiceByName for
 GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of
 org.freesmartphone.ogsmd timed out

 2012.03.26 14:32:28.378662 [phonefsod]  CRITICAL: !!! ouch, phoneuid
 is gone - telephony won't work anymore !!!

 Then in Ubuntu I did a apt-cache search fso and installed everything
 that looked relevant there.  Only one of them updated.  And with ps
 aux it seems that everything is running as it should be, so the
 problem seems beyond me at this point.

Please make sure, fso-gta02 and fso-frameworkd-gta02, phoenuid and e17 are
Theydepend on all needed packages and install them.

If the PIN-Dialog doesn't show up, insert something like

dbus-send --system --dest=org.freesmartphone.ousaged /org/freesmartphone/Usage
org.freesmartphone.Usage.RequestResource string:GSM

into ~/.xsession

Basically, there is no additional configuration needed.


If everything is correct, this isn't needed.

 You can swap out xfce with enlightenment and it still works which is
 great.  Although I couldn't close Contacts after opening it because
 there was no close button, that might also be a SHR specific trait.

If you are using illume1 tap on top-panel and then on X to close or load
module illume-softkey.

On illume2 you can install shr-e-gadgets (It's not in Debian yet)

and then

echo shr_elm_softkey.desktop  ~/.e/e/applications/startup/.order

If you tap on top-panel, you should be able to switch and close windows.


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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: debian + phoneui-apps

2012-03-27 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 15:19:08 schrieb Timo Jyrinki:

 Sound works from FreeRunner to the other phone, but I don't seem to
 get audio from FreeRunner with the default settings (nor the speaker
 switch works).

Please check, if the symlink /etc/freesmartphone/conf/GTA02/alsa-default
points to the correct kernel version.


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Re: debian + phoneui-apps

2012-03-26 Thread Rico Rommel

there are two daemons from shr: phonefsod and phonuid.
phoneuid works on top of phonefsod and brings up apps like dialer or contacts.
phonefsod is started by an init-script, phoneuid via /etc/X11/Xsession.d.

Sometimes there is a kind of race condition between daemons. So please turn on 
logging in /etc/phoneuid.conf and /etc/phonefsod.conf and/or test, if 
disabling concurrency in /etc/init.d/rc makes a difference.


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Re: GTA02, FSO in debian/sid: buttons do not work, led neither

2012-03-25 Thread Rico Rommel
Hi Arne,

please try this config

aux should suspend device and LEDs light when charging with adapter

# indicates this configuration version, do not change
version = 1
# the default log_level, if not specified per subsystem or module
# available log levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
log_level = ERROR
# the global log_destination. Uncomment to enable
log_to = file
#log_to = file
#log_to = syslog
# if logging to a file, specify the destination
log_destination = /var/log/frameworkd.log
# persistance format, one of pickle, yaml
persist_format = pickle
rootdir = ../etc/freesmartphone:/etc/freesmartphone:/usr/etc/freesmartphone

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# poll capacity once every 5 minutes
# (usually, you do not have to change this)
capacity_check_timeout = 300
# set 0 to disable FB_BLANK ioctl to blank framebuffer
# (if you have problems on Openmoko GTA02)
fb_blank = 1

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# set directory where the alsa audio scenarios are stored
scenario_dir = /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios
# set default scenario loaded at startup
default_scenario = stereoout

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# configure timeouts (in seconds) here. A value of 0
# means 'never fall into this state' (except programatically)
idle = 10
idle_dim = 20
idle_prelock = 12
lock = 2
suspend = 0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# format is keyname,type,input device keycode,report held seconds in 
addition to press/release
report1 = AUX,key,169,1
report2 = POWER,key,116,1
report3 = USB,key,356,0
report4 = HEADSET,switch,2,0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1

# disable accelerometer since it uses LOADS of CPU resources
disable = 1
accelerometer_type = gta02

# set log_level to INFO for ogsmd to avoid a bug
log_level = INFO
# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# choose your modem type, available types are: ti_calypso, freescale_neptune, 
singleline, muxed4line, option, ...
modemtype = ti_calypso
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the deep sleep mode. Valid values 
are: never, adaptive (default), always
ti_calypso_deep_sleep = adaptive
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the dsp mode for audio enhancement. 
Valid values are:
#short-aec: Short Echo Cancellation (max)
#long-aec:  Long Echo Cancellation (max)
#long-aec:6db: Long Echo Cancellation (-6db)
#long-aec:12db: Long Echo Cancellation (-12db)
#long-aec:18db: Long Echo Cancellation (-18db)
#nr: Noise Reduction (max)
#nr:6db: Noise Reduction (-6db)
#nr:12db: Noise Reduction (-12db)
#nr:18db: Noise Reduction (-18db)
#aec+nr: Long Echo Cancellation (max) plus Noise Reduction (max) [default]
#none: No audio processing.
ti_calypso_dsp_mode = aec+nr
# choose your muxer, available types are: gsm0710muxd [default], fso-abyss
#ti_calypso_muxer = fso-abyss

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# possible options are NMEADevice, UBXDevice, GTA02Device, EtenDevice
device = GTA02Device
# possible options are SerialChannel, GllinChannel, UDPChannel, FileChannel
channel = SerialChannel
# For UDPChannel the path defines the port to listen to
path = /dev/ttySAC1

# set 1 to disable a module
# you need to disable ousaged if you want to use the new implementation: 
disable = 1
# choose whether resources should be disabled at startup, at shutdown, always 
(default), or never.
sync_resources_with_lifecycle = always


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
log_level = WARNING


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
log_level = WARNING




# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
#contacts_default_backend = CSV-Contacts
#messages_default_backend = SQlite-Messages
#calls_default_backend = SQLite-Calls
#dates_default_backend = SQLite-Dates
#notes_default_backend = SQLite-Notes
#tasks_default_backend = SQLite-Tasks
#contacts_merging_enabled = 1
#messages_default_folder = Unfiled
#messages_trash_folder = Trash
#sim_messages_default_folder = SMS
rootdir = 


disable = 1
# a list of time/zone sources to use or NONE
timesources = GPS,NTP
zonesources = GSM
# use an ip address here, otherwise DNS resolution will block
ntpserver =


Description: application/yaml
# FSO Data Daemon Configuration File -- for SYSTEM INTEGRATORS only

Re: latest FSO from debian/sid not working

2012-03-20 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Montag, 19. März 2012, 21:01:43 schrieb arne anka:
  Can you describe the problem?

 - no apparent reaction to key presses -- no action (suspend or so), no
 line in logs (everything set to DEBUG)

There are no actions defined. If you press power for 2 seconds, dmesg should
report this, if everything is ok.

 - no led action
 - persist/ folder missing (frameworkd complaining about it and throwing an

LEDs should work.
Please check, if fso-gta02 package is installed. It depends on necessary
packages with config files.

 - files in /sys/ missing (i'd expect the fso in debian to work with the
 kernel there -- or is it just the usual discrepancy one encounters in sid
 now and then?)

 i updated to from SHR, and at least the files in /sys/ are back
 -- but nothing else changed.

I think, you will need 2.6.39. SHR kernel is working here.

 i got rid of LXDE (tested it years ago and never was happy with it) and
 installed e17 -- but even without any X, FSO should do something when
 pressing buttons at least.

You have do define actions yourself in /etc/freesmartphone/oevents/rules.yaml

Try installing fso-gta02 and phonui-apps.


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Re: latest FSP from debian/sid not working

2012-03-19 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Sonntag, 18. März 2012, 21:51:47 schrieb arne anka:

 i recently installed Debian to my GTA02 again, but the FSO apparently does
 not work (correctly). Without going into it any further at this point --
 can someone please post working configuration(s) file(s)?

The configuration files shipped with debian packages should work by default.
Can you describe the problem?


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Re: ubifs/NAND problem?

2012-01-15 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012, 18:10:11 schrieb Boudewijn:

 [ 1274.33] UBI: attaching mtd6 to ubi0
 [ 1274.33] UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
 [ 1274.33] UBI: logical eraseblock size:129024 bytes
 [ 1274.33] UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:2048
 [ 1274.33] UBI: sub-page size:  512
 [ 1274.33] UBI: VID header offset:  512 (aligned 512)
 [ 1274.33] UBI: data offset:2048
 [ 1274.33] UBI error: validate_ec_hdr: bad VID header offset 2048,
 expected 512
 [ 1274.33] UBI error: validate_ec_hdr: bad EC header
 [ 1274.33] UBI error: ubi_io_read_ec_hdr: validation failed for PEB 0
 [ 1274.33] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address
 What does it try tell me? What can I do about it?

I have to specify the data offset manually.

Try passing the options

ubi.mtd=6,2048 root=ubi0:name_of_rootfs or 
ubi.mtd=6,2048 root=ubi0_0

to kernel or use

ubiattach -m 6 -O 2048

at commandline.


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Re: GTA02: Should I install fso-frameworkd, fso-deviced or both?

2011-10-26 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011, 00:51:11 schrieb Niccolo Rigacci:
 Please help, I'm very confused!
 Can someone tell me what are the differences between
 fso-frameworkd and fso-deviced packages?
 What should I install on my GTA02 FreeRunner?
 It seems that the DBus interface changes running one or the
 other, but they let access the same hardware.

fso-frameworkd and fso-deviced both provide org.freesmartphone.odeviced 
interface but in fso-framworkd it's disabled by default.

In Debian you should simply install fso-gta02 package. It has dependencies to 
all other needed packages.


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Re: GTA02: Should I install fso-frameworkd, fso-deviced or both?

2011-10-26 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011, 09:35:59 schrieben Sie:
 Thanks Rico for your answer,
  fso-frameworkd and fso-deviced both provide org.freesmartphone.odeviced
  interface but in fso-framworkd it's disabled by default.
 If I understand well the two interfaces are not identical, i.e.
 the battery info is available at different nodes. In one case it
 org.freesmartphone.odeviced \
 /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/3 \
 in the other it is:
 org.freesmartphone.odeviced \
 /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/battery \
 Is one interface preferred/deprecated/obsolete or whatever
 respect the other?
 I don't understant the rationale of that duplication.

frameworkd was the first implementation of the fso-stack, fsodeviced is part of 
the second generation called cornucopia

That meens, fso-frameworkd is deprecated but not obsolete due to some modules 
still missing in cornucopia (e.g. opimd)

In the future fso-frameword will be fully replaced by cornucopia daemons.


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Re: GTA02: Should I install fso-frameworkd, fso-deviced or both?

2011-10-26 Thread Rico Rommel
Am Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011, 13:12:10 schrieb Timo Juhani Lindfors:
 Rico Rommel writes:
  In Debian you should simply install fso-gta02 package. It has
  dependencies to all other needed packages.
 Sounds good that it conflicts with fso-config-gta02. I always hated
 that I get the full FSO stack if I only want the udev rules..
 Where are the udev rules nowadays?

They are in fso-gta02 - you get the whole stuff :)


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