[SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi list and readers,

I am trying to figure out how to export my display when using ssh -Y (or X). 

The only hint I found was a thread (exactly) a year ago (let's celebrate and 
make 15-8 ssh -Y-day ;-) ): "X forwarding doesn't work" (*)

I have been fiddling with it time and again over the past months, but I still 
can not get my applications to export to my laptop.

Some things I tried:
- take the whole export DISPLAY in /etc/profile away
- connect only to start the application 
- "old fashioned" xhost + and export DISPLAY on Freerunner

At best (or worst) the application opens on the Freerunner. Then there are 
various degrees of stranding on the way to the display of my laptop

The output is quite clear:
(vala-terminal:2759): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 

There is no display set. This is with the default /etc/profile (DISPLAY=:0). I 
tried setting it manually to point to the freerunner, to no avail. Xauth does 
not list any displays, while there is a display on my laptop (how handy..)

Any suggestion?


(*) http://www.mail-archive.com/community@lists.openmoko.org/msg51198.html

PS: after sending the mail and not receiving it in my mailbox, I delved into 
that first. It turns out I have been subscribed to the devel-list for years, 
while I thought I was reading the community list. Also explains why I was 
surprised at the subjects in the community-archives that escaped my attention 
by mail. So much for detective skills...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Xavier Cremaschi  wrote:

> From: Xavier Cremaschi 
> Subject: Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?
> To: community@lists.openmoko.org
> Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 4:10 PM
> Basically, you need
> a computer with :
> - a working X server (mainly Xorg)
> - a working ssh client with -X option (mainly
> openssh-client)
> (Note for working X server on cygwin : be sure to launch
> xterm, not the
> basic tty)
> a Freerunner with :
> - a working X client (the app you want to launch, tangogps
> for example)
> - a working ssh server with "X11Forwarding yes" in its
> config (for
> openssh-server it's in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, be sure to
> restart ssh
> server after any modification to this file)
> Then give us any error you can see while doing your ssh
> -X.
> On the freerunner, and after a ssh -X, $DISPLAY should NOT
> be :
>     localhost:0
> because it's the X server of the freerunner, but it should
> be something
> like :
>     localhost:10.0
> which is where ssh server listen to transmit your display
> data to ssh
> client.
> Xavier.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Gerald A  wrote:
(an elaborate help on asking help, as below)
Thanks Gerald for your extensive suggestions! I think my problem is solved, but 
for the record I'll update my problem description.

> One thing would be more information in your problem report. I think you 
> are trying to start an X client on your FR and have the output come to 
> your desktop, but that isn't 100% clear. Always describe what you are 
> trying to do, in simple terms (eg: "I'd like to start xmines on my FR 
> and have it show up on my Desktop").
I'm trying to configure claws mail, but the resolution of the FR is too low to 
see where I make a mistake. If I could export it to my laptop, I can see what I 
am typing. 

> Next, I'm unclear how you are connecting between your FR and your 
> Desktop. USB cable? Ethernet? Intervening device(s)? Wifi? Mind meld? :)
Without actually using different connections as a way of troubleshoot, I have 
in the meantime tried it over GPRS, Wifi and a direct USB connection (Wifi and 
USB with two laptops each). Each time it was an encrypted connection (using ssh 
-Y or ssh -X from the laptop to the phone).

> You reference "DISPLAY", and even give us a pretty good error message. 
> But without some of the above info, it'll be harder to know what is 
> going on.
I see that now.

> It would also help if you let us know your approx. skill level. 
> (eg: "While I'm a Ubuntu GUI guru, I'm a newbie at getting X working 
> between different machines").
Both are about average I guess (mostly while in my direct surroundings there's 
noone to compare to).

> Now, I have the older 1973 (pre-FR), and it's been a while since I 
> hacked on it. But if memory serves, I was able to get X working with the 
> right settings.
I used to have it running fine, quite a while ago. (My memory does serve so 
far, but does not have any date (or year, for that matter) related to it.)

> I'll assume a few things -- that you are directly connecting to the FR 
> (no other devices in the middle), and that there is no encryption. In 
> that case, you probably need 2 things. First, is the correct DISPLAY 
> setting. This is usually "DISPLAY=hostname:0.0", where hostname = 
> desktop's hostname. Second, you have to either "xhost" or "xauth" your 
> FR, something like "xhost +freerunnerhostname". Now, I don't know if 
> there is some FR specific issue or distro problem that
> might be affecting the FR/FR OS, so your mileage may vary. But, feel 
> free to try out the above suggestion and let us know if it works, and if 
> it doesn't, please answer some of the other questions above.
I think it turned out (see Dirk's mail) that the default settings in SHR are no 
X forwarding for sshd.

> Hope this helps,
It does, in some sort of meta-manner. If you can spare the time, would the 
"updated" problem definition provide enough information or should it contain 
something else? My current problem is solved, but it might help me describe 
another in the future.

Thanks again!



Openmoko community mailing list

Fw: Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
excuse me for going through the mailing lists for dummies stage... This mail is 
for community, not just for Dirk :-) 

> From: W. B. Kranendonk 
> Subject: Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?
> To: "Dirk Gassen" 
> Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 4:32 PM
> --- On Tue, 8/17/10, Dirk Gassen
> wrote:
> > Can you check your sshd config? Seems
> > like the current default doesn't have X forwarding
> enabled.
> > In
> > > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> > change the line
> > > #X11Forwarding no
> > to
> > > X11Forwarding yes
> Indeed! The option is not active. I've enabled it and set
> it to yes, but no opportunity to test at the moment, other
> than ssh -Y localhost, which actually opens another
> vala-terminal on my FR ;-) 
>  echo $DISPLAY
> gives me
>  localhost:10.0
> so that seems in order.
> Thanks!
> Boudewijn


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
... and this one should have some answer, before sending it.. (do I already 
have a monopoly on this list? Sorry for spamming)

> --- On Tue, 8/17/10, Xavier Cremaschi 
> > a computer with :
> > - a working X server (mainly Xorg)
> > - a working ssh client with -X option (mainly
> > openssh-client)

> > a Freerunner with :
> > - a working X client (the app you want to launch,
> tangogps
> > for example)
> > - a working ssh server with "X11Forwarding yes" in
That was the culprit!

> > On the freerunner, and after a ssh -X, $DISPLAY should
> > be :
> >     localhost:0
It is 10.0 now :-)

Thankyou and the others for the quick replies!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-17 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Xavier Cremaschi  wrote:
> - if you use kdm or xdm, I don't know :S
I recall having edited /etc/kde/kdmrc to set XDMCP to true instead of false, 
and Xacces (in /etc/X11?) to get XDMCP between laptop and desktop, but too long 
ago to recall the details ;-)

> If you want to control the freerunner desktop from your PC,
> you could
> use vnc.
> On the freerunner you start x11vnc :
>     faraway$   x11vnc
> but NOT from a ssh -X, you don't want any redirection
> here.
I thought about that, but I am not sure how to use VNC at a higher resolution 
than the host. My goal was to use the higher resolution of the laptop screen, 
so VNC was not an option. Still, thanks for the suggestion :-)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Niels Heyvaert  wrote:
> This looks like a pretty comprehensive how-to.
> Anyone documenting this on the Wiki?
I benefited most of the conversation, so I had a look on the wiki and searched 
for "ssh $DISPLAY forward", which gave some 40 (not always relevant) results; 
the $ and capitals are not taken in account. "ssh $DISPLAY X11 forwarding" 
narrowed it down to 9 results, still no useful page to update.

Since disabling X11 forwarding in the default sshd config seems SHR specific, I 
had a look in the SHR manual.

I'd put it under networking, but the networking chapter is divided into media: 
USB/Wifi/GPRS (and Bluetooth seperately). 

Would it be useful to have a chapter deamons defaults? Having just "SSH" in the 
middle is not in line with the structure of the manual. 

I had a look at the USB-networking page, but the "issue" is not specific to USB 

A seperate page might lack context, so Any suggestions? 



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] X forwarding: export DISPLAY?

2010-08-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Risto H. Kurppa  wrote:
> Sebastian Krzyszkowiak  wrote:
> > Maybe we should enable it by default? Are there any
> disadventages?
> +5 for this.
> I think OM20x distros had it enabled by default, possibly
> also debian
> based distros. And it was good.
> Enabling it by default sound's like a good idea to me.
There's my excuse for not checking the sshd config upfront: it never required 
any sweat from my side to have X forwarded via SSH. I agree with enabling it as 

Does it cause perhaps some overhead in day-to-day SSH usage, when not making 
use of the forwarding?



Openmoko community mailing list

[SHR] toolchain (again)

2010-08-19 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

I'd like to start trying to contribute to the Openmoko-ecosystem in a more 
meaningful manner than lurking the mailinglists.

I also like to see if I can add my own twist to my phone (running SHR-U). I 
imagined combining those two wishes by getting a toolchain running and see what 
happens to the code I put through it.

Now I found that the wiki [1] is quite specific about telling me what my needs 
are. I do not want to do "(b) System Integration and customizing a 
distribution", so I probably want (a), just the single application.

The wiki shows how to set up a toolchain for 2008.8, or that is where the 
example link for libraries points to. There's an unstable branch [2] as well, 
but I susbpect it's not SHR-U.

There was a request on the community list earlier [3], referring to the 
shr-user list and a ticket [4] on the SHR-track. The ticket does not (yet) give 
me insight in how to get a (minimal) toolchain for building my own programs for 
SHR, but it reminded me to have a look on the SHR site.

On the SHR wiki [5], the curve seems opposite to what it is on the Openmoko 
wiki: getting started with a single application requires more setup than 
building the distribution.

I am a little confused and actually, close to a year ago I intended to take the 
plunge as well but got stuck following the SHR-guide. Since my laptop (PIII 
700MHz, 256Meg) is not the fastest beast (actually almost gets beaten by the 
"modern" architecture found in my Freerunner), I remember some steps took 
overnight to complete.

After this lengthy introduction, can it be confirmed that the instructions on 
the SHR wiki have recently worked, and is there a reasonable chance that I will 
get through it "just following the pictures"? So far, just browsing, the 
instructions seem quite solid (thumbs up! :-) ) 

Oh, I'm running (L)Ubuntu 10.04, with half of the instructions on the Openmoko 
wiki completed.

Thanks in advance!


[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Toolchain#Introduction
[2] http://downloads.openmoko.org/repository/unstable/om-gta02/
[3] http://lists.openmoko.org/nabble.html#nabble-td4115109
[4] http://shr-project.org/trac/ticket/764
[5] http://shr-project.org/trac/wiki/Getting%20started%20developing%20SHR


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] toolchain (again)

2010-08-20 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 8/20/10, Thomas Zimmermann  wrote:
> (...) 8Gb ram) and downloads about 15Gb of data, so a more
> powerfull machine then 
> your laptop would be good.
Hahah... The harddisk is 20GB.. I lend my desktop (with about 3GHz single core 
AMD a bit more up to date) to my sister... Perhaps she likes a new laptop ;-) 

> If you don't have another PC you can come to the
> #openmoko-devel IRC channel, 
> perhaps we can find a solution for you.
Budget allowing, there's a new laptop coming later this year ("yahoo!"). Time 
allowing I'll join the channel, thanks!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] toolchain (again)

2010-08-20 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

> it is not the right way to do it but you may try
> downloading the old
> OM toolchain, replace the opkg sources (then opkg-target
> upgrade) with
> the shr ones and pray :). I think for a first start in the
> SHR world
> until you have your new laptop it could work maybe.

Praying is not my strongest, let alone most used, talent, but I'll give it a 
try for starters ;-) 



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] toolchain (again)

2010-08-20 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> And fresh new SHR toolchain:
> http://build.shr-project.org/shr-unstable/sdk/
And fresh it is! Long live SSH, allowing me to run it on a remote desktop 
(should have thought of that before :-) )

Downloaded the files and now extracting to /usr/local/shr/* 

Am I correct in understanding that I can follow the openmoko wiki with those 
toolchains? (shr--20100820-x86_64-linux-armv4t-linux-gnueabi-toolchain + extras)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] toolchain (again)

2010-08-20 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 8/20/10, Martin Jansa  wrote:
> angstrom-next is using almost the same toolchain as we're,
> http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/narcissus
> sdk toolchain options are shown only after switching to
> "advanced" options, 
> but there is no option for angstrom-next..

Ha, but there IS an option for A780 and SmartQ :-)

By the way, thanks for "on demand" toolchain creation!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner - small and fast distribution only for GPS

2010-08-31 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Mon, 8/30/10, Radek Polak  wrote:
> On Sunday 29 August 2010 16:03:39
> Carsten Gerlach wrote:
> > What would be a good starting distro? I would take
> openwrt. It's very 
> very small and the build process is very easily
> configurable with menuconfig.

I second OpenWRT. The image available for Freerunner is very light and fast 
(didn't clock it, but perhaps just over half a minute for booting?). 

It is usable as phone since it's so responsive (it wakes up before the caller 
loses patience and hangs up). It leaves more than enough resources for 

Only two things I have a problem with, are lack of capital letters (!) and GPRS 
in the default image (or anyway, I couldn't figure those out).

Give it a try!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner - small and fast distribution only for GPS

2010-08-31 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 8/31/10, Carsten Gerlach  wrote:
> Thanks for this hint to openWRT. But i have problems to get
> a connection over 
> wifi to the internet. I did read the wiki (...)
> How can I solve this?

I intended to give a hand, but I can't find the uSD with OpenWRT anymore to try 
it out. I downloaded and flashed anew, but now I do not even manage to get a 
connection to my Freerunner :-( 

Perhaps my problem at the moment is similar to yours but the other way around; 
my network here is in the 192.168.1.x range, and I might have addedd incorrect 
routes to that the Freerunner occupies now.

As suggested in another reply, what does ip route say? 


Openmoko community mailing list

OpenWRT with WPA

2010-09-02 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

I am trying to use OpenWRT with my WPA access point. I can't figure out whether 
there's anything on board in the standard image to support WPA protected 

Opkg gives wpa_supplicant, but it is not available for Freerunner 
(architecture). The same goes for some other packages at openwrt, though it 
does update via the s3c24xx branch (/trunk?)[1]. 

Should I --force-architecture, if it were available in opkg? (I can't find it, 
though.) The architecture it does print is:
r...@openwrt:~# opkg print_installation_architecture
arch all 1
arch noarch 1
arch arm 10

If not, is the solution to compile wpa_supplicant on the Freerunner for 
OpenWRT? It seems at least libgcc is installed, but I do not see how to call 
it: make is not available for this architecture. 

Did anyone connect to a secured access point with OpenWRT on their Freerunner? 

[1] http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/s3c24xx/packages/Packages.gz


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ANN: Freerunner Navigation Board v2 is finally available

2010-09-12 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sun, 9/12/10, Christoph Mair  wrote:
> after lots of hard work I'm happy to announce that the
> Freerunner Navigation
> Board v2 is finally available! 

It looks great, congratulations!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Happy Programmers' Day!

2010-09-13 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> Am 13.09.2010 um 10:44 schrieb Patryk Benderz:
> > Best wishes to all of you guys writing code or filing
> bug reports for
> > FreeRunner devices! :)
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmer_Day
> From: Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
> Good idea!
> We should have and celebrate that day in other countries as
> well :)

Indeed! Best wishes everyone and happy holiday for the happy few in Россия!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: My N900 experience compared to my FR experience

2010-09-15 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 9/15/10, Brolin Empey  wrote:
> (...) probably close to 2 hours writing this message.

I do not want to feed the trolls nor intend to hijack this thread, but I seem 
to have missed the mention of a Freerunner?

Besides that, I can recognize you put a lot of effort into writing the essay. I 
can't remember another message to this list that comes close to half the 
character count of yours ;-)

Good luck with your Freerunner!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Broken AUX :-(

2010-09-16 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Thu, 9/16/10, jeremy jozwik  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:37 PM,
> Christ van Willegen  wrote:
> > I think I broke my AUX button tonight.
> >
> > Is there anyone who can fiox this?
> how about i trade you my working AUX switch if you give me
> your
> working microSD reader?

Don't tell me you guys dropped your Freerunner with the USB-cable connected 
while you were still sleepy?!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - was: [Community Updates] 2010-08-01 is out

2010-10-13 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Wed, 10/13/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> Again good news:
> we have won one of the new PandaBoards (OMAP4 / ARM Coretx ()


Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-19 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> > Would a FR be able to connect to GSM cells from 30km
> above
> > ground?
> I don't know but would doubt it from theory.
> Antennas [directed at] earth's surface.
I second the theory. How about wifi? Line of sight should not be a problem on a 
cloudles day...  The baloon could be shaped as a directional antenna when 
covering the top half in a reflective coating. An amateur radio telescope could 
use a wifi dongle as receiver and track the baloon as it rises into space.

> (...)
Hahaha, plug nav-board ;-)

> > Has anyone ever tried video streaming from the FR?
> The first questions is how to connect a camera.




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-19 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> > Would a FR be able to connect to GSM cells from 30km
> above
> > ground?
> I don't know but would doubt it from theory.
> Antennas [directed at] earth's surface.
I second the theory. How about wifi? Line of sight should not be a problem on a 
cloudles day...  The baloon could be shaped as a directional antenna when 
covering the top half in a reflective coating. An amateur radio telescope could 
use a wifi dongle as receiver and track the baloon as it rises into space.

> (...)
Hahaha, plug nav-board ;-)

> > Has anyone ever tried video streaming from the FR?
> The first questions is how to connect a camera.




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
The board looks great! Quite "professional" ;-)

> My (probably
> naive) impression
> > is that you're only missing the case plastics to
> provide a complete GTA4
> > phone.
The LCD comes in handy at times, was my first thought...

> Most of the parts are here:
> http://www.handheld-
> linux.com/wiki.php?page=Accessories&referer=Neo%20Freerunner
> Not sure if the button plastics are included in the middle
> part or not. Not 
> sure about the vibrator either, but everything else looks
> to be available, at 
> least in limited quantities. 

Yep, I see the vibrator on the photo:

and the LCD is also listed :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> Well, an alternative approach could be to open a funds for
> a new injection mould. I.e.
> a "Openmoko Case Production Foundation" (or German e.V.).
> Everyone who gives
> some money for the funds can buy cases at a reduced rate.
> And everyone can buy a case.
It sounds as a viable alternative.

> An injection mould costs somewhere around 20-100 k EUR. So
> if we get
> 300 community members to donate 100 EUR into the funds...
A friend of mine used to be in the injection mould business; he designed and 
produced the moulds in Vietnam.
I asked if he got some advice or an idea what the cost would be. I showed him 
my freerunner as example of where we come from. His input:
- nice design (@freerunner)
- moulds at 0.2 mm precision are not a problem, 0.1 mm requires more effort
- depending on design, moulds start at some 6000 euro (or dollar, slipped my 
- one case needs more than one mould
- besides Vietnam, Czech is another country that can provide moulds at 
competitive prices

Cases like that of the Freerunner, with more than one plastic, need more than 
one mould per piece. To say more of the price, it is necessary to have the 
design available. The most affordable option he says, would be to reuse 
Openmoko's mould if it is available.

All in all nothing conclusive or very new I guess, but I liked to give the 
input anyway.
Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: pisi calendar sync over caldav?

2010-10-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> Well. Sry. I'm atm busy with building a RepRap (Huxley)
Good luck with the reprap :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> > - besides Vietnam, Czech is another country that can
> provide moulds at competitive prices
> > 
> > Cases like that of the Freerunner, with more than one
> plastic, need more than one mould per piece. To say more of
> the price, it is necessary to have the design available.
> The
> Maybe you can ask your friend if he has some contacts to
> Czech companies (which would be EU
I will probably meet him next weekend and ask. I will let you know.

> have the CAD files of the original Freerunner.
On the wiki, of course. I had a closer look at the exploded view of the FR/Neo; 
there's an awful lot of layers involved. Three(!) just for the backplane, 
that's about three times as many as I expected two days ago :-/
The image even seems to miss the outer cover of the middle part (the rubbery 
layer on top of the casing that holds the bulk of the phone and the buttons and 

> > most affordable option he says, would be to reuse
> Openmoko's mould if it is available.
> Yes, I discussed that approach with Sean for quite a while
> and his team worked
> heavily on it (TNX :). But they don't own or have the
> moulds in their hands.
"Funny" how those things go... They'll be in FIC's hands then, I'd guess. They 
do not seem to be in phone/MID business anymore so there's no competitive 
(dis)advantage to worry about, and even if they were, I can imagine they'd 
start all over and design something different. Meaning those moulds are 
gathering dust somewhere on a shelf. Well, just pondering; it doesn't get us 
closer to a case ;-)

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, Alfa21  wrote:
> mmh...
> why not include the button(s) in the same mould?
> it could be a shape like a C= attached to the main shape by
> a little plastic
That's what he (Nicolaus) wrote: 
> > Yes. Some parts could be combined in a single mould and then broken 
> > apart. Like in toys
> > where you do it yourself. But this does not reduce mould 
> > construction cost.

> for the light of our leds we could make grids and holes...
Grids and holes attract dust of course, and a transparent shield on top of a 
led is one more shape to produce :-( 

> or we could also do an all transparent case (I'd love to see
> trough to view the electronic inside)
I'm not so into plastics, how is the choice of transparent plastics? Thinking 
of transparent via glass to (capacitive touch)screens... Front and back same 
size touch screen and in between just enough plastic to cover all the 
electronics does not guarantee "design", does it?

And for the buttons; capacitive is an option (although... we have them on our 
washing machine and my wife has to do the washing: the buttons do not react to 
my fingers :-( ) but there are those strain sensors used in electronic balances 
that measure tension and compression in a material. Would they be usable to 
"imply" buttons by squeezing the phone or applying torque to it?

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, Andreas Fischer  wrote:
> On 26.10.2010 12:14, Dr. H. Nikolaus
> Schaller wrote:
> > How many new cases would you and your friends buy if
> it costs:
> > * 20 EUR
> > * 50 EUR
> > * 100 EUR
> > * 200 EUR
> (...) 20 Euros is
> a no-brainer (...)
> 50 Euros still sound ok to me. Anything above 100 Euros
> seems to be a
> bit steep for me.

I agree on the 20 and 50 euro options, when talking just about the case. When 
talking about (fictive) 350E for a complete phone, that seems OK if you don't 
know that it's 150 for electronics and 200 for the case.

Over 100E might be steep for only the case, but combined with the "foundation" 
idea Nikolaus launched it might get interesting: 
*  20 E
*  50 E
* 100 E and one share in the Opencase foundation
* 200 E and two shares in the Opencase foundation
or a similar scheme. In case (no pun intended) we use a production method that 
scales well, the average case price will lower over time and after a break even 
the foundation could pay the shareholders. Probably gives loads of headaches in 
administration, but could be an option :-)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not
> use an
> existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
> (or a chinese replica)
> The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it
> seems that
> it might be an easier thing to do.

It depends on the model, I think. I was looking for a new case (with the paint 
still on) for a Motorola A780, but they still cost $80 (which is quite steep 
for having the paint back...)

I never looked for other cases; would there be any trademark/copyright issues? 
Perhaps we should look for the case of an open phone, like.. ehr... yes, like 
which phone ;-)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> Am 26.10.2010 um 17:24 schrieb W. B. Kranendonk:
> case of an open phone, like.. ehr... yes, like which phone
> ;-)

> Suddenly it became obvious...
> There is an open phone where approx. 18000 cases have been
> sold.
> It is called "Neo Freerunner" (and 3000 thereof are Neo
> 1973).

Hehehe.. That's what I had in mind, to bring us back to the start of the 
conversation (and the motherboards that you and your team already showed us) :-)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta04-devel] Fwd: FOSDEM 2011 Devroom on SHR/FSO declined

2010-10-31 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Sun, 10/31/10, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer  
> Am Sonntag, den 31.10.2010, 10:48 +0100 schrieb David Lanzendörfer:
> > Seems as we lost our devroom after all.
> Not surprising. That we got it last year was an exception
> "thanks" to
> Xorg not being able to fill in their slot. Unfortunately
> organizers fail to realize the importance of mobile
> technologies, 
Such a pity. I enjoyed the presentations as well as the audience last year 
(wow, are ALL those people fiddling with my phone as well :-) )

> > Sadly our project is still to small to get a room or
> so.
> > Dunno.
> > Mickey? Nikolaus? Do you wanna hold your presentation
> after all?
Last FOSDEM was my first, making me not too familiar with the organisation of 
the event. I did notice that though "we" occupied a couple of buildings, others 
were not in use. Would it be an option to organize a shadow-event nearby? Is 
one of us living near there? Perhaps the Brussel Hackerspace is willing to 
provide room outside FOSDEM-hours? It shouldn't be too far from the main FOSDEM 
event, so there's at least a remote chance of pulling some not-OM-visitors to 
the "event". If there's interest in organizing something like that, I volunteer 
to make phonecalls or send mails after receiving some pointers where to look 
for room.

> (...) the program of the embedded room
> seems to be
> fixed to buildsystems, C libraries, and kernel tweakings
> for years now.
Well, it's FOS-, not FOHWDEM. I hope it will shift towards open hardware more 
and more (there were the RepRap, Arduino and Beagleboard besides OM, perhaps 
others I didn't notice)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Address the WM8753 directly

2010-11-10 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 11/10/10, Al Johnson  wrote:
> From: Al Johnson 
> > The ultimate goal is to make a FR to FR modem
> conection, using the GSM
> > voice band.
> Why? Is this just to see whether it's possible, or how bad
> the voice channel 
> is as a data connection when compared to the data channel?

I can imagine using such a solution on a flatfee subscribtion that does not 
include data traffic. Just don't tell me you want to use the resulting 
connection for VoIP :-P



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-11-14 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sat, 11/13/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> (one series of problems)
> We could solve that by adding a jump start resistor.
> Then, we soldered the OMAP3530 and Pop Memory chip and
> connected RS232:
>     http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00679.jpg
> It did identify itself as "40W" on the RS232 (...) must fit into 64k SRAM 
> built into
> the OMAP
> chip. So we are back to C64 times :)
> With this tool, we could identify that the (external) SDRAM
> (...) quite a long lead time. For the series version this will be
> very easy to fix.
Un-be-lievable! Your updates read as detectives, I am looking forward to seeing 
the plot revolving and coming to a good end :-) 

Thanks again!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [e-users] Someone is trying to patent Quickwriting

2010-11-23 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Tue, 11/23/10, Daniele Ricci  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 21:01, Bryan
> Petty 
> wrote:
> > A patent (6031525) was already filed
> for
> > Quickwriting in 1999/2000:
> > http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6031525.html
> >
> The
> patent office
> will realize it on its own, right?

There's sarcasm in that question, isn't there? Usually the patent office 
doesn't know or (bother to?) find out. 

The applicant for a duplicate patent also does not want to know or find out, 
because in that case they can be hold for triple damages in case of a complaint 
from the original patent holder.

For similar reasons there is little incentive for the original "inventor" to 
raise a flag before the other becomes successful: it takes trouble with 
probably little returns. It is worth much more in damages to complain after the 
(so called) copycat became successful.

Good luck with this quest!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN]: GTA04 (Beagleboard inspired Openmoko Upgrade) - Early Adpoter Program

2010-12-21 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hallo Nikolaus,

--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> we are happy that we can make an announcement to the Free
> and
> Open Hardware Community, right in time for X-mas and New
> Year:
I am happy to read it! Congratulations!

> So we are very confident that the already scheduled
> redesign
> (GTA04A3) will work right from the beginning and boot
> Linux.
It's alive!! Haha, in fact it seems quite reminiscant of a nuclear whiteout 
followed by a blackout (emphasized by the post-apocalyptic style of the 
recording appliance shown in the reflection of the screen) ;-) 

> -- next steps --
> In this mode, you may deduce, that you will not be able to
> (...) run out of money before.
I hate that too :-(

> -- early adopter program --
> Therefore, we have thought hat we offer an early adoper
> program to the benefit of everybody.
> The idea is that you can order a GTA04A3 immediately. 
> and if everything looks ok, we will produce your early
> adopter devices. Only in the case that the A3 board has
> another
> serious flaw, we will have to design a GTA04A4 board
> first.
You will test two way voice communication, will you? I keep receiving 
complaints about echo/buzz (indeed, haven't applied fix ...)

> estimate delivery of the first units by March 2011.
After wetting the appetite during FOSDEM ...

> (there are not all
> peripherals installed but UMTS and GPS will be). It might
> be possible to retrofit some of them.
I am quite interested, but a bit hesitant for missing goodies. Do you have some 
(closer) estimate about what's missing and what which of those things are 

> And, come to FOSDEM 2011 to see and touch a GTA04
> and discuss with us about this new gadget.

> We wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year.
Same to you and the team!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN]: GTA04 (Beagleboard inspired Openmoko Upgrade) - Early Adpoter Program

2010-12-22 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, Alfa21  wrote:
> > -[ Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 09:58:06AM +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 

> (always innovating)
> (or at least keep open the possibility to connect any
> external bigger display and standard keyboard)

That reminds me... The BeagleBoard can provide up to 1280*1024 or 1280*720 if I 
recall correctly. Do we have options to channel that power out of the box? 
Nikolaus already stated that it should be possible to switch LCD's; does that 
make it possible to redirect that information to a connector that can be hooked 
up to such a bigger display? While writing I realize I'm asking for something 
that's not worth the effort ;-)

Does anyone know a little box that does export high resolution to a monitor and 
could get its processing power over the network, read "from GTA04"? Think thin 
client, but then thinner :-)




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN]: GTA04 (Beagleboard inspired Openmoko Upgrade) - Early Adpoter Program

2010-12-22 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 12/22/10, Alfa21  wrote:
> 2010-12...@14:21 W. B. Kranendonk
> > That reminds me... The BeagleBoard can provide up to
> 1280*1024 or 1280*720 if I recall correctly. Do we have
> options to channel that power out of the box? Nikolaus
> why not??
> If all we need is a piece of copper (w/o logic inside)
> cable... today we have many tv-set with hdmi, dvi, vga ports
> all around us! we could go in any hotel and use that
> tv-screen and feel like at home with our mobile computing!
I am aware of the screens all around us, the point seems to me getting the wire 
out of the box. Could it be redirected to the USB-paths, so that the 
USB-connector became a DVI-disguised-as-USB? It doesn't have the amount of 
wires needed, so the available wires had to be multiplexed. In the 
USB-to-DVI/HDMI/WE(whatever)-converter the signals have to be demuxt again. 

Would the "cameraconnector" (the extra connection to the back of the phone) 
allow for this kind of signalling?  

> (for the mouse we have an LCD touchpad hehe)
I hope to develop some programming skills, and make an "allmightymouse" out of 
our phone: (2D/3D) acceleration instead of a ball/led and mouse buttons 
onscreen. Later on with button profiles per application. Don't hold your breath 



Openmoko community mailing list

accelerometer calibration

2010-12-23 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

One of my FRs is dizzy: the accelerometers are off. 

Using mokomaze as testing tool for the time being, the ball runs off to the top 
right if I put it flat on the table (imagine my furniture not too fashionable - 
that is: the table surface is horizontal ;-))

I can keep the ball from running of by lifting the right side by 15 deg and the 
top by about 5 deg.

On the wiki there is sparse mention of accelerometer calibration; is it 
possible at all or does it have a different name?

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-24 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

> Le 23 déc. 2010 10:11, Timo Juhani Lindfors  
> a écrit :
> >"W. B. Kranendonk" writes: 
> > > One of my FRs is dizzy: the accelerometers are off. 
> > Can you send a sample of the accelerometer data? (Preferably in
> > the binary format that you can read from /dev/input/) 

> On Thu, 12/23/10, sylvain.p...@gmail.com  wrote:
> With a command line like this :
>   cat /dev/input/event4 | od -c (or -b or -d dont remember and i am
>  not on my laptop)
Thanks for the hint, it would have been my next question I suppose ;-)

I used od -b, which gives octal byte representation: 

0017720  230   ] 022   M 371   H 005  \0 003  \0 001  \0 022  \0  \0  \0
0017740  230   ] 022   M  \0   I 005  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0017760  230   ] 022   M 220   m 005  \0 003  \0  \0  \0   ~  \0  \0  \0
002  230   ] 022   M 260   m 005  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020020  230   ] 022   M 035 267 005  \0 003  \0 001  \0   $  \0  \0  \0
0020040  230   ] 022   M   K 267 005  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020060  230   ] 022   M 234  \0 006  \0 003  \0 001  \0 022  \0  \0  \0
0020100  230   ] 022   M 305  \0 006  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020120  230   ] 022   M 234 223 006  \0 003  \0 001  \0   $  \0  \0  \0
0020140  230   ] 022   M 273 223 006  \0 003  \0 002  \0 226 003  \0  \0
0020160  230   ] 022   M 277 223 006  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020200  230   ] 022   M 310 270 006  \0 003  \0 002  \0 204 003  \0  \0
0020220  230   ] 022   M 330 270 006  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020240  230   ] 022   M 231 335 006  \0 003  \0  \0  \0   l  \0  \0  \0
0020260  230   ] 022   M 244 335 006  \0 003  \0 001  \0 022  \0  \0  \0
0020300  230   ] 022   M 254 335 006  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020320  230   ] 022   M 352 001  \a  \0 003  \0  \0  \0   ~  \0  \0  \0
0020340  230   ] 022   M 031 002  \a  \0 003  \0 001  \0   $  \0  \0  \0
0020360  230   ] 022   M 037 002  \a  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0020400  230   ] 022   M   4   p  \a  \0 003  \0 001  \0 022  \0  \0  \0
0020420  230   ] 022   M   b   p  \a  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0

Is that useful? This is while the FR is lying flat on its back. I haven't 
compared it to output from the other FR yet.

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-24 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Timo Juhani Lindfors  wrote:
> "W. B. Kranendonk" 
> writes:
> > Is that useful? 
> Raw binary output would be a lot easier to parse.
Lying on its back again, cat /dev/input/event4 > event4.log

See attachment.

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Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Timo Juhani Lindfors  wrote:
> li...@ginger:~$ accelerometer-dump < event4.log | head |
> cut -d ';' -f2-|tr ';' ' '
> x y z
> 108 36 900
> 144 36 900
> 126 36 900
> li...@ginger:~$ accelerometer-dump <
> /dev/accelerometer-top | head | cut -d ';' -f2-|tr ';' ' '
> x y z
> 36 0 990
> 54 0 972
> 36 0 990
> 36 18 990
> 18 18 1008
> 36 18 990
> If I look at the top accelerometer and lift the bottom of
> the phone a
> little and tilt it to the right I get the same readings as
> you.

Would that mean that (one of) the meter(s) is connected at an angle? Are they 
not calibrated in software? 

Is the accelerometer-dump standalone, and do you have a binary version 

Thanks so far!




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v30; UBIFS; can't boot

2010-12-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Ivan Matveev  wrote:
> > Trying 
> > 
> > 2010-12-06 03:03 qi-v30.udfu
> > 2010-12-06 02:11 qtmoko-debian-v30.ubi
> > 2010-12-06 03:03 uImage-v30.bin
> > 
> I am able to boot with SHR kernel
> uImage-2.6.34-r4-oe15-om-gta02.bin,
> but qpe crashes right after start with SHR kernel.

I have used "exactly the same" files with no problem (as others did, I guess); 
did you try checksumming/downloading the files once again?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Timo Juhani Lindfors  wrote:
> "W. B. Kranendonk" 
> writes:
> > Would that mean that (one of) the meter(s) is
> connected at an angle?
> > Are they not calibrated in software?
> top and bottom accelerometers are oriented differently
> anyway.
Yes, now you say it I recall reading about it. I actually meant: could it be 
that it is installed at an incorrect angle, i.e. not perpendicular or paralell 
to the case, but slanted.

> > Is the accelerometer-dump standalone, and do you have
> a binary version available? 
> http://iki.fi/lindi/openmoko/accelerometer-dump.c
I found it after searching for accelerometer-dump, but (the FR) didn't have gcc 
installed and don't know yet which packages to install to make it useful. At 
least a reason now to dive into figuring that out :-)

Any idea what to do about the diversion? I bought that FR second hand, and it 
has had this "feature" ever since I got it.




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Iain B. Findleton  wrote:
> The output from
> the chip is quite noisy. 
The problem is not that the signal is not reliable: it is. It is just that it 
is off by a few degrees. 

> There is a script I wrote in TCL
> on the
> SourceForge web site under the fltkwish project page. It
> may give you
> some ideas about that can be done. In my experience, the
> results vary
> depending on which of the chips you use.
I have used the (a?) waterpas before, when there was such a program in the SHR 
repositories. I just had a shot at gravity, but there are some missing 

It complains about libtcl8.4.so:
# gravity 
fltkwish: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

I tcl, fltk and fltkwish installed and libtcl8.5.so.0 is available
I symlinked it to libtcl8.4.so:
 # ls -latr /usr/lib/libtcl8.*
-r-xr-xr-x1 root root663504 May 29  2010 /usr/lib/libtcl8.5.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root14 Dec 23 20:17 /usr/lib/libtcl8.4.so 
-> libtcl8.5.so.0

Now it aborts with just that:
# gravity 

Perhaps another time :-)

> Note that on the iPhone, some versions of which used the
> same chip, you
> only get access to the 100/sec samples, 
On a sidenote: long live closed platforms

> The other issues is there was at one time some confusion
> about how the
> driver reported through the event mechanism. I forget the
> details now,
> but working code depended on how up to date your kernel
> was. If you have
> a kernel of recent vintage, should not be an issue.
It's the latest SHR:
# uname -a
Linux om-gta02 #1 Sun Dec 5 23:10:39 CET 2010 armv4tl GNU/Linux

I wonder (..doubt..) if the issue is in the software, because it has been like 
this over the last half year or so, with different distro's and no problems on 
the other FR with the same version of a distro.

Thanks for the insight anyway!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re : Re: accelerometer calibration

2010-12-27 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Timo Juhani Lindfors  wrote:
> "W. B. Kranendonk"  writes:
> > I found it after searching for accelerometer-dump, but (the FR)
> Just capture the data on FR but run it on your PC. Like
> li...@sauna$ ssh neo cat /dev/accelerometer-top |
> accelerometer-dump
I get that far on my PC :-) 

> > Any idea what to do about the diversion? I bought that
> FR second
> > hand, and it has had this "feature" ever since I got
> it.
> I guess you could fix it by software but such a fix is
> probably not
> going to be accepted upstream since it is so ugly :-)
My coding skills are about the right level for compiling accelerometer-dump.c, 
so I do not think anything I fix is going to get accepted upstream anytime soon 

Coming back to the initial question, can those accelerometers be calibrated or 
is it a black box that emits (timestamps and) coordinates?



Openmoko community mailing list

Gamepad & Happy new year! was:Re: QtMoko on N900

2011-01-01 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List, happy new year all!

I have to agree with Radek, the Freerunner has been my favourite toy for over 
two years now (sometimes to annoyance of the better half in my life ;-) ). Many 
thanks to everyone for making it possible! I am looking forward to another year 
lurking the mailinglist and possibly adding something useful or meeting some of 
you (FOSDEM, anyone?) :-)

Sorry for hijacking this thread so early in its life, but I stuck my nose in 
the public directory listing and found the photo of the gamepads 
(http://activationrecord.net/radekp/pub/gamepad1.jpg). In combination with some 
semi permanent screen protector (as Christoph Pulster offers) it could give all 
kinds of tactile feedback by having skins for different usages. Probable a 
conversation that has been held over twenty times on the lists... Some memories 
get rusty over time ;-)

Best regards,


--- On Sat, 1/1/11, Radek Polak  wrote:

> From: Radek Polak 
> Subject: QtMoko on N900
> To: "List for Openmoko community discussion" 
> Date: Saturday, January 1, 2011, 6:21 PM
> Hi,
> i have uploaded short video of qtmoko running on nokia
> n900. You can watch it 
> here:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv8L_ozdLHE
> and few screenshots are here:
> http://activationrecord.net/radekp/pub/IMG_1914.JPG
> http://activationrecord.net/radekp/pub/IMG_1915.JPG
> http://activationrecord.net/radekp/pub/IMG_1916.JPG
> It's not real port. It's just unpacked v31 that runs in
> chroot with dummy 
> modem device. It took me just 10 minutes and i dont intend
> to spend more time 
> on it, but i hope it can be good starting point for porting
> qtmoko to GTA04, i 
> will most like buy one in early adopter program.
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

gestures (on SHR)

2011-01-06 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

Now and again I try using gestures on SHR. I can't seem to get past the initial 
"make the gesture" after selecting a model and pressing the train button. 

Should the frontend still function as described in the wiki? I started looking 
into the underlying scripts, but haven't found the start or end yet.

I run the "latest" and up-to-date SHR.

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko: Dangerous alarm issue

2011-01-10 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Mon, 1/10/11, Hrabosh  wrote:
> do not rely on QtMoko's alarm to wake you up :-)
It was not -by coincidence- the first or second of January? It seems to be a 
common problem with design(ers) phones ;-)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some advertising

2011-01-11 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

> --- On Tue, 1/11/11, Sylvain Paré  wrote:
> I did a video today 
Nice :-)

> ps if you don't like/have flash http://pare.sylvain.perso.sfr.fr/video
> /FRvsP2.ogg
Thanks for that!



Openmoko community mailing list

openmoko as mouse

2011-02-03 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

I read about Apple -of all companies- trying to run away with an idea that was 
discussed (at least by myself, and probably by others as well) on the mailing 
list as well as off line: 

It seems to cover using a telephone's touchsreen as the input for another 
system. I would say it's lacks the innovative step necessary for a valid 
patent, but that's probably only the reasoning of sane people. 

Would it be something to worry about?

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list


2011-02-06 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi list,

I just returned from FOSDEM 2011. The GTA04 team had a seat available at the 
boot, so I spend most of my time showing the semi-/demi-populated GTA04-boards 
to the masses, explaining the various uses of the Navigation board, introducing 
even more people to the Openmoko-concept or just refreshing the collective 
memories (oh, is that project still alive? Great!). 

Asthro has been repairing/bug fixing some units, including two of mine, thanks 
a lot again! The openembedded guys and Tux Brains were squeezed in between the 
Openmoko/GTA04 samples and the "phone doctor", and came up with the suggestion 
on the mailinglist earlier: lets team up with neighbouring (embedded) projects 
next year and get a room. 

Well, looking back to a great weekend. Nice to see some of you in person!

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v31

2011-02-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 2/18/11, HeaDCase  wrote:
> Another thing is that after a cold reset (pulling the
> battery for a second)
> the HW clock is reset to 01.01.2000.
That is probably caused by a dried up backup battery. People have replaced it 
with capacitors, see the archives.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FOSS GSM security camera?

2011-02-25 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 2/25/11, Sam Kuper  wrote:
> Does anyone know of an open source (hardware/software/both)
> security cameras? I.e. a device with at least the following
> features:
> * Mains powered.
> * Includes rechargeable battery to provide uninterruptible
> power
> supply for several hours in case of mains failure.
> * Can be controlled via SMS.
> * Built-in motion sensor (e.g. passive infra-red).
> * Built-in camera with automatic night-vision (e.g. by
> means of infra-red LEDs).
> * Can be configured to automatically capture photos or
> video from
> camera and send same via MMS to a given list of phone
> numbers, when
> motion is detected.

How about a Freerunner with a webcam connected? Using a modified USB-hub, the 
FR can be powered while controlling the webcam. Debian on FR provides "motion" 
for doing all kinds of things with the camera.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: MicroSD cards support questions in gta02

2011-02-28 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 2/25/11, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος  wrote:
> 1)(...) Doesnt that imply that there is no general bootloader
> working like in 
> desktop pcs?
"Nail on the head": ARM does not come with BIOS. One of the effects is that the 
processor can not find out easily what hardware is connected, and has to be 
told exactly which memory address to read. That is told by the bootloader, 
which is located in the boot-partition of the NAND (and thus at a known 
location). Don't ask me too much of the details; its mostly hearsay I repeat ;-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FRNBv2 is dead. Long live FRNBv3!

2011-03-01 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi Christoph,

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, Christoph Mair  wrote:
> unfortunately the compass chip included in the FRNBv2 is no
> longer available. 
> and therefore requires a new PCB layout.

Which software do you use for the layout? I've tried both pcb (gEDA) and pcbnew 
(KiCAD), but neither shows anything after opening the files at chonyota.net 
(complaints about missing components; I don't have the details at hand).

Do I need additional libraries?

Best regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS and QTMoko

2011-03-09 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Tue, 3/8/11, Wesley Frazier  wrote:
> If I boot my freerunner up from a
> cold boot and manually start GPRS it
> works fine. (...) it seems to
> stop
> working,(...)Regardless of whether or not it is set to "On
> Demand" or
> not. 
I got the same issue on QTMoko 0.33. I can prevent it by turning on 
multiplexing under modem settings in NeoControl: then it won't connect at all. 

A while back GPRS came up as well; anyone with an uninterrupted connection, 
could you tell whether you run anything in the background or prevent bursts of 
activity, or anything the like?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS and QTMoko

2011-03-09 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 3/9/11, W. B. Kranendonk  wrote:
> --- On Tue, 3/8/11, Wesley Frazier
> wrote:
> > If I boot my freerunner up from a
> > cold boot and manually start GPRS it
> > works fine. (...) it seems to
> > stop
> I got the same issue on QTMoko 0.33. 
> A while back GPRS came up as well; 
came up on the list, that is.

> run anything in the background 
I tried one of the suggestions, run ping in the background as keep alive.

For the last one and a half hour (or something), ping has been running happily 
with about 750ms for an answer; count of icmp_req is 2800 at the moment. 

The usefulness of the connection seems to have dropped though: the first 
minutes NeronGPS would receive tiles relatively fast, and browsing websites 
mostly filled with text would be OK. 

At the moment, downloading four tiles for one screen of NeronGPS takes close to 
half a minute (increasing icmp answers to about 2 seconds).

All of this is symptom description of course, I still have to find out whether 
I am able to do anything useful with the underlying code.




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko33] wifi doesn't power off and drains the battery (was: qtmoko v33)

2011-03-09 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, Alfa21-mobile  wrote:
> if you successfully connect to any wifi network (in v33
> only open
> networs are accessible) then the hardware remains in active
> state,
> draining the battery flat in few hours depsite you disable
> the
> connection via the software interface.
Ah, that explains..! I had such an idea, after my battery ran out much faster 
than I expected.

In general, is there a GUI-feedback on the neo-quick-settings (or what is it, 
top left icon with the cogwheels when using Faenqo?) 

For now, I put most of them in favourites, so that I will return to "home" 
after successfully clicking something. The current status of some of them I 
have been able to find back in the GUI, so I understand that for now /proc can 
be consulted for the current status?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS and QTMoko

2011-03-09 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Wed, 3/9/11, Wesley Frazier  wrote:
> I have recently discovered if I set
(cut ritual)
> GPRS data on end, until my next reboot.

You ARE quite sure that it does not have to do with the phase of the moon, the 
number of mushrooms in your basement or anything the like? 

> The problem is this ritual is sub optimal. Obviously the
> first
> connection is initializing something that the "Always
> Online" mode
> fails to. Although I do not know what it could be.
Haha, it is not the most optimal, but the results count. I will give it a try!


> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: Brian 
> > To: community@lists.openmoko.org
> > Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 08:40:39 -0500
> > Subject: Re: GPRS and QTMoko
> > On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 04:14:42 -0800 (PST)
> > "W. B. Kranendonk" 
> wrote:
> >
> >> --- On Wed, 3/9/11, W. B. Kranendonk 
> wrote:
> >> > --- On Tue, 3/8/11, Wesley Frazier
> >> > 
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > If I boot my freerunner up from a
> >> > > cold boot and manually start GPRS it
> >> > > works fine. (...) it seems to
> >> > > stop
> >> > I got the same issue on QTMoko 0.33.
> >> > A while back GPRS came up as well;
> >> came up on the list, that is.
> >>
> >> > run anything in the background
> >> I tried one of the suggestions, run ping in the
> background as keep
> >> alive.
> >>
> >> For the last one and a half hour (or something),
> ping has been
> >> running happily with about 750ms for an answer;
> count of icmp_req is
> >> 2800 at the moment.
> >>
> >
> > I left an irssi session running for ~12 hours which
> never PTO'd. I did
> > and still do have problems with GPRS staying connected
> whether using on
> > demand or always on unless I background something.
> >
> >> The usefulness of the connection seems to have
> dropped though: the
> >> first minutes NeronGPS would receive tiles
> relatively fast, and
> >> browsing websites mostly filled with text would be
> OK.
> >>
> >> At the moment, downloading four tiles for one
> screen of NeronGPS
> >> takes close to half a minute (increasing icmp
> answers to about 2
> >> seconds).
> >
> > My provider (T-Mobile) has an "unlimited" $1.49 data
> day pass which
> > slows to a crawl once it hits >30Mb of data. Does
> your provider do
> > something similar?
> >
> > I hadn't noticed any slowdowns until hitting this
> limit while running
> > irssi to keep the connection alive. Once it does slow
> down it stays
> > slow until I buy another day pass. Does your
> connection speed ever
> > increase again?
> >
> > Perhaps using mtr-tiny instead of ping might shed some
> light on what's
> > happening with your GPRS connection.
> >
> >>
> >> All of this is symptom description of course, I
> still have to find
> >> out whether I am able to do anything useful with
> the underlying code.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Boudewijn
> >
> > This reminds me of the old days when AOL used to drop
> connections which
> > usually happened in the middle of a rather large
> software update of
> > course.
> >
> > Brian
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> > community@lists.openmoko.org
> > http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> >
> >
> -- 
> Wes Frazier
> "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of
> mankind." -
> Albert Einstein
> -- 
> Wes Frazier
> "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of
> mankind." -
> Albert Einstein
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

[QTMoko] Battery running low on v33

2011-03-10 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

I have been using QTMoko v33 for the last few days. One of the things that 
bother me, is that the battery drains much faster than I am used to, _even_ if 
it's connected to USB with force-fast-charge.

Checking Neotool, the battery status is charging (and changes to discharging on 
disconnect, not charging on connecting and then charging after a few seconds).

The current is around 14(?) when not connected, and from 6000 to 9000 when 
connected. Modem and Bluetooth are turned on, GPS (and, as far as I can tell) 
wifi are turned off (never turned on since turning on the device from 

Am I being fooled by the thin red line in the battery-drawing (and the beeps 
and messages "low power") and is the battery actually being recharged? 

How can I figure out whether fast-chare is really enforced? 

Thanks in advance!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtmoko and u-boot

2011-04-01 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> On 04/01/2011 05:20 PM, Gennady
> Kupava wrote:
> > В Птн, 01/04/2011 в 17:00 +0200, Ed Kapitein
> пишет:
> >> On Friday 01 April 2011 14:52:02 David Matthews
> wrote:
>  I had a few problems with several uSD

Any chance all of them are broken? I got a "whole collection" of Sandisk uSD 
cards that gave up the gost a while back, making me distrust my Freerunner, my 
laptop, some camera's and some card readers.

Do your filesystems only get corrupted when using it in your FR?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Another open hardware mod experiment: RFID-tag/Reader board for the Freerunner, Nanonote (?) and Beagleboard

2011-04-11 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Mon, 4/11/11, Denis Shulyaka  wrote:
> Date: Monday, April 11, 2011, 12:41 PM
> 2011/4/11 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
> :
> > There are three potential issues whiy it could not
> work: (...)
> Wikipedia says that it uses Mifare UltraLight chip (ISO
> 14443 Type A
> 13,56 MHz), so the protocol seems to be compatible. The
> encryption
> part is unknown.

If it indeed is the ultralight chip, there seems no encryption: 
"The disposable passes are cheaper Mifare Ultralight cards that do not employ 
any encryption or keys, and can be read by anyone." (wikipedia as well: 

> > * the RFID system may be copy protected and/or
> encrypted with the tag id (and you can't change a tag id)
Bad luck! Would spoofing be doable? I got my wallet full of cards for "all 
kinds" of things, that is, entrance to the office and subscription for the 
library. I guess these are linked to the chip ID (although I know of libraries 
that don't use the ID of their labels, if I understood them correctly! I asked 
a few times, under different angles of question-attack, but got the same answer 
each time. Unbelievable...). 

Does this kind of antenna need to have right-angled corners, as in the photo? 
Or is that shape easier sculpted in the PCB? 

Thanks for the experiment!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GSM Firmware Flashed, now UBIFS problem and Kernel Panic

2011-04-14 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Thu, 4/14/11, Dave  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Raphael Wimmer
>  wrote:
> > If there is a better solution that preserves the FS,
> > I would be happy to learn about it.
> I wonder if it would be possible to boot into a distro on the sd card
> and mount the nand partitions. Then you could save /home. Just a thought.

Yes, it is: just mount  -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock6 /mountpoint 

I haven't used it for ubifs yet though; I just tried on qtmoko 33(?) and got a 
wrong filesystem error on mounting; not sure which fs I'm using, I tried jffs2 
as well which I killed after half a minute. jffs2 can take a while to scan the 
flash, but when I used it that way before, it would be done in some 7 seconds 
(on SHR).

lsmod | grep ub does not give any results; 
lsmod | grep jff gives a single result on my currently running system.

I hope it helps a bit,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ROS on Freerunner

2011-04-19 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Neil Jerram  wrote:
> > Am 19.04.2011 um 09:46 schrieb
> Jan Tuennermann:
> > Right now I'm trying to get a gpsd_client node to run
> on the OpenMoko. On a
> > remote PC a gpsd_viewer node will run, subscribing
> gpsFix messages which it

> viewer: note that this is very similar to using the
> OpenMoko as a GPS
> receiver and exporting that information to another device
> over
> Bluetooth.  

Apart from exporting over Bluetooth, will you have an IP connection between the 
devices? I guess so, how else to receive *any* info in the viewer :-)

Anyway: using foxtrotgps for example, I enter the port for gpsd. I always 
expected it to default to localhost if nothing else was supplied; I recall 
using tangogps on a laptop configured to connect to IP:port of the Freerunner 
that was traveling with family and connected via GPRS. That's a while ago 
though and time and alcohol made the memory not too detailed ;-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re: ROS on Freerunner

2011-04-20 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

--- On Wed, 20/4/11, Jan Tuennermann  wrote:

> useful for using the phone as a control unit on a robot, but
> probably not  for it's original intention as a phone
> ;)
I guessed so :-)

> I think the one could easily forward the port gpsd uses to
> run tangogps on a remote PC. That's probably what you
> described, Boudewijn. Did the GPRS connection prove reliable
> enough for this?
It is, and it did :-) It should, of course, but still I rejoiced when finding 
it actually worked.


Openmoko community mailing list

Congratulations! Re: Cleared to start Mass production

2008-06-05 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

Way to go! Please send best regards to all who have
made it possible so far :-))

Kind regards,


--- steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  The latest update I have from the factory indicates
> that mass Production (
> that means running the SMT line without stopping to
> check stuff every two
> seconds) has been CLEARED TO START.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Dennis
> Wollersheim
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 9:16 PM
> To: List for Openmoko community discussion
> Subject: Re: OpenMOKO availbility
> Hash: SHA1
> It will be available soon (within one month would be
> my guess).  Does anyone
> else have a better guess?
> You cannot book an order at present.  I reckon they
> will be able to ship to
> Pakistan.
> Cheers
> Dennis
> Masoom Alam wrote:
> > Hi every one,
> > 
> > I wanted to ask, that when the latest version of
> the openmoko will be 
> > available (seems a stupid question, as we can see
> a lot of posts on 
> > the mailing list :)).
> > Actually, I dont want to wait for one year this
> time, therefore asking 
> > this question.
> > 
> > Plus, is there is any possiblity at the moment to
> book an order for me 
> > in advance now?
> > 
> > Plus, I want to ship the latest version to
> Pakistan, any 
> > recommendation in this regard?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > MM Alam
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > --
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> > community@lists.openmoko.org
> >
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> - --
> - ---
> Dennis Wollersheim
> Lecturer, Health Information Management
> La Trobe University
> Bundoora Victoria 3086
> Room HS1:110
> (03) 9479 1763 (bh)
> 0414 529 454 (mobile)
> http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/dewoller
> - ---
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with MultiZilla -
> http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> E4wU+XXesXAVFoo0dvnJLck=
> =GOB0
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko official resell partners

2008-06-11 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Great news, thanks for the update!

--- On Wed, 6/11/08, Harry Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Harry Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Openmoko official resell partners
> To: "List for Openmoko community discussion" 
> Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 11:43 AM
> Dear Community,
> You should already know Pulster and IDA, they are our
> official reseller 
> in the Germany and India.
> Today, I want to introduce new partners in Germany and UK, 
> you can buy 
> freerunner from them for save your shipping cost and time.
> We also have a formal press will release to public later.
> Germany
> Golden Delicious Computers- _http://www.goldelico.com 
> _Dr.Nikolaus Schaller
> UK
> TrueBox Technologies - http://www.TrueBox.co.uk  Mr. Rob
> wood
> Besides, I am talking with CEO of Bearstech France about
> cooperation, so 
> far they are very closely to become my next official
> partner.
> BR
> Harry___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

bluetooth proximity

2008-06-16 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi List,

I wondered, can two bluetooth devices ping each other and find out their 
distance or relative speeds?

Not in the first place as some security tag to unlock my PC or house, but to 
use in a game-like setting. Imagine some live role playing game, where weapons 
not only are simulated using acceleration, but also their speed/distance 
relative to each other.

Any ideas on this?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: bluetooth proximity

2008-06-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Mon, 6/16/08, Tilman Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AVee wrote:
> >>  (...) There are a lot of reasons
> >> why this is not feasible. Sorry. 
> > 
> > I tend to agree, however, things might change if you
> add gps. You'd might just (...) That leaves only the
> 'exact measurement' to be 
> > solved.
> > 
> > It might work, but the precision will probably still
> be far to low to be 
> > useable for anything.

> (absolute position...) But the 
> relative position should be extremely high. (As high as
> DGPS can get)
> At least in theory.

Thanks for thinking along.

What I was thinking of, in a game setting, to use the phone as some sort of 
hack & slash device. Given my opponent and me are withing reasonable proximity, 
she with -say- a spear-device, me with a sword or so. She could try stabbing 
me, while I parry. The devices have to calculate the hit ratio.

Would a sound-code offer a possible solution? Could we measure some doppler 
effect with the built in microphone?

And, on a side note... How impact proof will the phone be, might she try 
throwing her spear? :-P


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: "tossing" contacts / bluetooth proximity

2008-06-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

> (Macross tossing...) 
> Would be a cool application of the gesture project.   The
> receiver would
> have to catch, not exactly at the same time, in order to
> confirm
> receipt. 
> Possibly incompatible with consumption of buttered
> toast.

Hey, that app would also enable my opponent to throw her spear!



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Possible Camera

2008-06-18 Thread W. B. Kranendonk

> just expressing my interest in this thread.
Replying for the same reason. 

I was comparing the phone with the PCB,
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Image:Menu9.jpg with
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Image:Gta02a5_pcba_cs.JPG ,
and it seems that there is quite "not a lot" of space left.

The site got a link to such a nice datasheet 
(http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Imaging/TCM8240MD.pdf); it seems 
not up to date though: the last page (30) states:
"Reference Drawing 
Module shape is not finalized yet in detail. Following drawings are only 
reference for initial study. "

The properties say it is a document from somewhere in 2004, so you'd say we're 
on the safe side then. The numbers are not so easy to read, do you also read 
the total height of the module is 7 mm?
Anyway, it seems interesting.


> On 6/18/08, christopher bradski
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good Morning Community,
> >  I was browsing around the other day and found a cmos
> camera at
> >
> http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8668.
> Its a
> > 1.3 mega pixel camera and doesn't have much
> current draw and under $10. I'm
> > not an electrical engineer but was wondering how
> feasible(with some
> > soldering skills and a basic electronic understanding)
> it would be to attach
> > this the the freerunner? The data sheet is included on
> the site. Thank you
> > all in advance for your help.
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdot post but no web store?

2008-06-27 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Joerg Reisenweber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To me he looks quite trollish.

I think so too, but thanks for the in depth and clear reply!



Openmoko community mailing list

Number of shipped devices

2008-07-02 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Hi all,

Is there information on the number of produced, tested and shipped devices? 

Is that information public, or is it sensitive in some way? I was triggered by 
Pulster having sold out for this month, and wondered how demand and supply line 

Any comments?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Tue, 7/15/08, Olivier Migeot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe we should only insert the card once the fix is
> acquired. At
> least at times where we want to use both GPS and SD. Not
> much of a
> solution, 

It takes removal of the battery to insert the SD, so it's a bit of a cumbersome 
solution indeed ;-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: order from Pulster

2008-07-21 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
--- On Mon, 7/21/08, Christoph Pulster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The stock (..)new delivery on 15.08. (..)
Thanks for the update. Does it mean that the 25.07 stock has been sold out as 

I also only got the automatic reply so far. Is there a way to find out whether 
one is on the 25.07 or 15.08 "list"?

Kind regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko - We Need HYPE, and we need it yesterday! / magazine coverage

2007-06-05 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> Steven ** wrote:
>> As far as mainstream press, check out June 2007
>> of Popular Science
>> magazine.  The Neo is one of "29 Hot Products".
> FYI,
> the phase 1 Neo1973 will also be featured briefly in

> upcoming german 
> c't magazine 13/2007, page 28.
> -Sven

If I recall correctly, there were some 5 pages on open
mobile communications in a recent Dutch Linux
magazine. Three of those pages were on




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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AND donate entire Netherlands to OpenStreetMap

2007-07-06 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
> > From: "Frank Coenen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Subject: Re: AND donate entire Netherlands to
> OpenStreetMap
> Message: 5
> Whoops. I was to excited to read the rest of the
> article:
> India and China as well. That is just mindblowing
> good news!
> > see: http://www.opengeodata.org/?p=223

Wow! That is quite great indeed... looking forward to
using and extending it!




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OpenMoko community mailing list

combined shopping/shipping to the Netherlands

2007-07-09 Thread W. B. Kranendonk
Dear Listers!

It almost slipped my mind that today it already IS the
9 of Juli. Checked the website and did not find it
offline, as before. Everything seems to work out fine,
congratulations Sean and the team!

I guess there are quite a few Dutch subscribers to the
list. Does anyone want to share in an order?

Maybe exchanging phone numbers or creating a page in
the wiki would be easiest? 

Best regards, 




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