[computer-go] Scoring - step function or sigmoid function?

2009-06-30 Thread Stefan Kaitschick
It seems to be surprisingly difficult to outperform the step function  when 
it comes to mc scoring.
I know that many surprises await the mc adventurer, but completely 
discarding the final margin of victory just can't be optimal. The sigmoid 
function can be tinkered with ofcourse, by making its slopes steeper and/or 
by awarding bonus points for victory. But if it looks like the step function 
in the end, then computational resources could have been saved by just using 
the step function from the start. The power of the step function is that it 
directly awards what we are really interested in - victory. And an mc 
program, holding on to a half point victory in the endgame,  is a thing of 
beauty and terror. But in the opening, where the scoring leaves are 300 
moves away from the root, surely a putative half point win doesn't translate 
to a significant advantage, where as a 100 point win would. My suggestion is 
this: how about backing up the individual outcomes through the  tree and 
then do the evaluation at the intermediate nodes, using the sigmoid function 
and the parameters depending on the distance from the root? This might be 
too expensive computationaly, but shortcuts could be devised. For example, 
wins could be sorted into a couple of different categories( from half point 
win to landslide), and those categories could be evaluated differently, 
depending on the distance to the root.


computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] KGS bot tournaments

2009-06-30 Thread Nick Wedd
I have set the dates for the next two KGS bot tournaments - Sunday July 
19th, and Sunday August 9th.  They are listed at


I am alternating the times between major timezones, so have not 
alternated the board sizes.  I may decide to hold twice as many 19x19 as 
9x9 events.

I felt that last weekend's 19x19 event with the fastish setting of 18 
minutes each worked well.  The programs played better than I do, despite 
none of them being highly parallel.  So I am repeating this setting for 
the next event (increasing it marginally to 19 minutes).

Nick Weddn...@maproom.co.uk
computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] self-play inflation

2009-06-30 Thread Hiroshi Yamashita

I tested slef-play, and vs GNU Go by my program Aya.
9x9 result is from 1000 games.
19x19 result is from 349 - 550 games.

If GNU Go is anchor in 19x19, my 2 playout version
will get +195 elo. If Aya is anchor, it will get +488 elo.
The difference is not small.

9x9 Aya self-play (against 360 playout/move) result
winning rate, games
0.500    360 playout
0.714 1000   720 playout  +159 elo
0.865 1000  1440 playout  +323 elo

9x9 Aya vs GNU Go 3.7.10 result 
0.488 1000   360 playout

0.633 1000   720 playout  +104 elo
0.753 1000  1440 playout  +203 elo

19x19 Aya self-play (against 5000 playout/move) result
0.500  ---  5000 playout
0.807  369 1 playout  +249 elo
0.943  509 2 playout  +488 elo

19x19 Aya vs GNU Go 3.7.10
0.538  401  5000 playout
0.676  550 1 playout  +101 elo
0.782  349 2 playout  +195 elo

Hiroshi Yamashita

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: fuego strength

2009-06-30 Thread Thomas Lavergne
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:39:05PM -0400, Jason House wrote:
 That raises an interesting point. I've also put bots up in a setup and  
 forget scenario, but inevitably the bit is off of CGOS within a few days 
 and I had no idea when it went down.

 What's the right way to solve this issue so such altruistic bots can be 
 more easilly maintained? This may also help the anchor absence issue too.

If cgosclient not only stall but really crash (due to itself, your
program or more probably a network failure) you can just put it in
script with a loop :

while true

I've done this in the past and it works well. I suppose you
can do something similar on Windows, but as I know almost anything about
windows I can't you for it.

I recomand putting a 'mail' in the loop for sending you informations
about the crash. And to be gently with the server, adding a 'sleep x' in
order to wait a bit before reconnecting.


Thomas LavergneEntia non sunt multiplicanda praeter
 necessitatem. (Guillaume d'Ockham)
computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread Brian Sheppard
Here is a position that exposed some bugs in Pebbles. Maybe it will help

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O X - - X - 
B - X O - O X - O O 
C - O O - O - X O - 
D X X X O O O O O O 
E - O X X X O X O O 
F - - O X O X X X X 
G - - X X O O X X - 
H - O X O - O O X X 
J - O X O O - X - X 
X to play.

X is already doomed in this position. The bottom O group is in a seki
with the X group at right. O cannot play J6 self-atari. X cannot fill
in J8 and then play J6, and after X J6, O captures and X cannot recapture.
So it will be dual life. Because the top of the board is O's, O have
more than half the board, even without komi.

The playouts have to handle certain issues well in order to find that.
The first point is to filter out plays that make self-atari on large
groups. This will cause the rest of the board to fill up until only
the seki remains.

The the playout will be in a position like the following:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O O - O O - 
B O - O - O O - O O 
C - O O - O - O O - 
D X X X O O O O O O 
E - X X X X O X O O 
F X X - X O X X X X 
G X - X X O O X X - 
H X X X O - O O X X 
J X - X O O - X - X 
X to play.

Pebbles does not detect superko in playouts, so this position will loop
forever with J6/J8/J7/pass. In Pebbles, infinite games were scored as
draws. I changed that to give the win to O on the basis of its preponderance
of material. (No doubt that will bite me at some point.)

Even if we detect the superko repetition, it seems to me that we are only
getting the right answer by accident. For instance, if X plays J6 then
after J8/J7 there is no move for X, so X has self-ataried himself.

Another possibility if to see that X's J6 is atari and also self-atari, so
X can look for the approach move. In this case X would play J8 instead of J6
which avoids the ko. Then the seki is obvious.

How do other programs handle this case?

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Rave coefficient

2009-06-30 Thread Peter Drake

A while back, Sylvain Gelly posted this code:

ChooseMove(node, board) {
  bias = 0.015  // I put a random number here, to be tuned
  b = bias * bias / 0.25
  best_value = -1
  best_move = PASSMOVE
  for (move in board.allmoves) {
c = node.child(move).counts
w = node.child(move).wins
rc = node.rave_counts[move]
rw = node.rave_wins[move]
coefficient = 1 - rc / (rc + c + rc * c * b)
value = w / c * coef + rw / rc * (1 - coef)  // please here take  
care of

the c==0 and rc == 0 cases
if (value  best_value) {
  best_value = value
  best_move = move
  return best_move

From this, it appears that each node knows about its own counts and  
wins, as well as the rave counts and wins of its children.

I understand (correct me if I'm wrong!) that the value line is a  
weighted sum of the win rate among actual moves and the win rate among  
RAVE moves.

My question is: what is the meaning of this line?

coefficient = 1 - rc / (rc + c + rc * c * b)

Why this formula?

Thanks for any help you can offer,

Peter Drake

computer-go mailing list


2009-06-30 Thread Michael Richard

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo and passing

2009-06-30 Thread Olivier Teytaud

  under the FAQ section,
 I found the bullet point:

 MoGo continues playing after the game is over?: MoGo never consider
 a pass unless you pass first. If you think the game is over, simply

 Is this still true? If so, how does MoGo deal with situations where
 the best move is to pass (e.g. seki).

When passing is necessary, mogo passes. So this sentence is not exactly
mogo can pass first in extremal cases (very rare cases, against humans).

Best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread Jason House
Is it possible to explicitly use a monospace font? I can't read your  
board positions.

I haven't heard of any handling of seki in playouts except for Remi's  
CrazyStone. I don't think he's ever given specifics on how he did it.  
Maybe he'll respond to your e-mail?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Brian Sheppard sheppar...@aol.com  

Here is a position that exposed some bugs in Pebbles. Maybe it will  


 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O X - - X -
B - X O - O X - O O
C - O O - O - X O -
E - O X X X O X O O
F - - O X O X X X X
G - - X X O O X X -
H - O X O - O O X X
J - O X O O - X - X
X to play.

X is already doomed in this position. The bottom O group is in a seki
with the X group at right. O cannot play J6 self-atari. X cannot fill
in J8 and then play J6, and after X J6, O captures and X cannot  

So it will be dual life. Because the top of the board is O's, O have
more than half the board, even without komi.

The playouts have to handle certain issues well in order to find that.
The first point is to filter out plays that make self-atari on large
groups. This will cause the rest of the board to fill up until only
the seki remains.

The the playout will be in a position like the following:

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O O - O O -
B O - O - O O - O O
C - O O - O - O O -
E - X X X X O X O O
F X X - X O X X X X
G X - X X O O X X -
H X X X O - O O X X
J X - X O O - X - X
X to play.

Pebbles does not detect superko in playouts, so this position will  

forever with J6/J8/J7/pass. In Pebbles, infinite games were scored as
draws. I changed that to give the win to O on the basis of its  

of material. (No doubt that will bite me at some point.)

Even if we detect the superko repetition, it seems to me that we are  

getting the right answer by accident. For instance, if X plays J6 then
after J8/J7 there is no move for X, so X has self-ataried himself.

Another possibility if to see that X's J6 is atari and also self- 
atari, so
X can look for the approach move. In this case X would play J8  
instead of J6

which avoids the ko. Then the seki is obvious.

How do other programs handle this case?

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo and passing

2009-06-30 Thread Sylvain Gelly

Olivier answered for the new version.
On the downloadable version, I don't remember exactly (almost 2 years
back now...), but I think Mogo will still pass if all the other moves
are clearly loosing. So it should understand somehow Seki
If that is correct, the sentence is not completely accurate.
It should more be:
MoGo never consider a pass unless you pass first or all other moves
are obviously loosing the game.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Seth Pellegrinose...@lclark.edu wrote:
 Hello all,

 On http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo_Download.htm , under the FAQ section,
 I found the bullet point:

 MoGo continues playing after the game is over?: MoGo never consider
 a pass unless you pass first. If you think the game is over, simply

 Is this still true? If so, how does MoGo deal with situations where
 the best move is to pass (e.g. seki).


 Seth Pellegrino
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread Álvaro Begué

Gmail has an option show in fixed width font that is perfect for
these situations.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Jason Housejason.james.ho...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is it possible to explicitly use a monospace font? I can't read your board

 I haven't heard of any handling of seki in playouts except for Remi's
 CrazyStone. I don't think he's ever given specifics on how he did it. Maybe
 he'll respond to your e-mail?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jun 26, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Brian Sheppard sheppar...@aol.com wrote:

 Here is a position that exposed some bugs in Pebbles. Maybe it will help

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - O - O X - - X -
 B - X O - O X - O O
 C - O O - O - X O -
 D X X X O O O O O O
 E - O X X X O X O O
 F - - O X O X X X X
 G - - X X O O X X -
 H - O X O - O O X X
 J - O X O O - X - X
 X to play.

 X is already doomed in this position. The bottom O group is in a seki
 with the X group at right. O cannot play J6 self-atari. X cannot fill
 in J8 and then play J6, and after X J6, O captures and X cannot recapture.
 So it will be dual life. Because the top of the board is O's, O have
 more than half the board, even without komi.

 The playouts have to handle certain issues well in order to find that.
 The first point is to filter out plays that make self-atari on large
 groups. This will cause the rest of the board to fill up until only
 the seki remains.

 The the playout will be in a position like the following:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - O - O O - O O -
 B O - O - O O - O O
 C - O O - O - O O -
 D X X X O O O O O O
 E - X X X X O X O O
 F X X - X O X X X X
 G X - X X O O X X -
 H X X X O - O O X X
 J X - X O O - X - X
 X to play.

 Pebbles does not detect superko in playouts, so this position will loop
 forever with J6/J8/J7/pass. In Pebbles, infinite games were scored as
 draws. I changed that to give the win to O on the basis of its
 of material. (No doubt that will bite me at some point.)

 Even if we detect the superko repetition, it seems to me that we are only
 getting the right answer by accident. For instance, if X plays J6 then
 after J8/J7 there is no move for X, so X has self-ataried himself.

 Another possibility if to see that X's J6 is atari and also self-atari, so
 X can look for the approach move. In this case X would play J8 instead of
 which avoids the ko. Then the seki is obvious.

 How do other programs handle this case?

 computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Passing and RAVE/AMAF

2009-06-30 Thread Peter Drake
Yup, I can verify that my half-baked plan didn't work. If you use  
most wins to choose moves during playouts, once you have a win, you  
will never change your mind, because each playout will either  
increment that move (and maybe some others) or increment nothing  
(because it's a losing playout).

So: Pebbles only for actual moves, not playout moves.

On Jun 24, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Brian Sheppard wrote:

The Pebbles rule (I should have published something better than this
first, so that 'Pebbles Rule' could refer to something really cool)
concerns solely the question of which move to select when your
search is over. The conventional choice is to play the move that has
the most *trials*, and Pebbles version is to play the move that has
the most *wins*.

Peter Drake

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo and passing

2009-06-30 Thread Sylvain Gelly
Obviously I should read better the emails before answering. Olivier
rightly answered for all versions.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Sylvain Gellysylvain.ge...@m4x.org wrote:

 Olivier answered for the new version.
 On the downloadable version, I don't remember exactly (almost 2 years
 back now...), but I think Mogo will still pass if all the other moves
 are clearly loosing. So it should understand somehow Seki
 If that is correct, the sentence is not completely accurate.
 It should more be:
 MoGo never consider a pass unless you pass first or all other moves
 are obviously loosing the game.


 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Seth Pellegrinose...@lclark.edu wrote:
 Hello all,

 On http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo_Download.htm , under the FAQ section,
 I found the bullet point:

 MoGo continues playing after the game is over?: MoGo never consider
 a pass unless you pass first. If you think the game is over, simply

 Is this still true? If so, how does MoGo deal with situations where
 the best move is to pass (e.g. seki).


 Seth Pellegrino
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread steve uurtamo
zen builds sekis, and occasionally wins games that way.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Jason Housejason.james.ho...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is it possible to explicitly use a monospace font? I can't read your board

 I haven't heard of any handling of seki in playouts except for Remi's
 CrazyStone. I don't think he's ever given specifics on how he did it. Maybe
 he'll respond to your e-mail?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jun 26, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Brian Sheppard sheppar...@aol.com wrote:

 Here is a position that exposed some bugs in Pebbles. Maybe it will help

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - O - O X - - X -
 B - X O - O X - O O
 C - O O - O - X O -
 D X X X O O O O O O
 E - O X X X O X O O
 F - - O X O X X X X
 G - - X X O O X X -
 H - O X O - O O X X
 J - O X O O - X - X
 X to play.

 X is already doomed in this position. The bottom O group is in a seki
 with the X group at right. O cannot play J6 self-atari. X cannot fill
 in J8 and then play J6, and after X J6, O captures and X cannot recapture.
 So it will be dual life. Because the top of the board is O's, O have
 more than half the board, even without komi.

 The playouts have to handle certain issues well in order to find that.
 The first point is to filter out plays that make self-atari on large
 groups. This will cause the rest of the board to fill up until only
 the seki remains.

 The the playout will be in a position like the following:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - O - O O - O O -
 B O - O - O O - O O
 C - O O - O - O O -
 D X X X O O O O O O
 E - X X X X O X O O
 F X X - X O X X X X
 G X - X X O O X X -
 H X X X O - O O X X
 J X - X O O - X - X
 X to play.

 Pebbles does not detect superko in playouts, so this position will loop
 forever with J6/J8/J7/pass. In Pebbles, infinite games were scored as
 draws. I changed that to give the win to O on the basis of its
 of material. (No doubt that will bite me at some point.)

 Even if we detect the superko repetition, it seems to me that we are only
 getting the right answer by accident. For instance, if X plays J6 then
 after J8/J7 there is no move for X, so X has self-ataried himself.

 Another possibility if to see that X's J6 is atari and also self-atari, so
 X can look for the approach move. In this case X would play J8 instead of
 which avoids the ko. Then the seki is obvious.

 How do other programs handle this case?

 computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Rave coefficient

2009-06-30 Thread Sylvain Gelly
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Peter Drakedr...@lclark.edu wrote:
 A while back, Sylvain Gelly posted this code:

 ChooseMove(node, board) {
  bias = 0.015  // I put a random number here, to be tuned
  b = bias * bias / 0.25
  best_value = -1
  best_move = PASSMOVE
  for (move in board.allmoves) {
    c = node.child(move).counts
    w = node.child(move).wins
    rc = node.rave_counts[move]
    rw = node.rave_wins[move]
    coefficient = 1 - rc / (rc + c + rc * c * b)
    value = w / c * coef + rw / rc * (1 - coef)  // please here take care of
 the c==0 and rc == 0 cases
    if (value  best_value) {
      best_value = value
      best_move = move
  return best_move

 From this, it appears that each node knows about its own counts and wins, as
 well as the rave counts and wins of its children.

 I understand (correct me if I'm wrong!) that the value line is a weighted
 sum of the win rate among actual moves and the win rate among RAVE moves.

 My question is: what is the meaning of this line?

    coefficient = 1 - rc / (rc + c + rc * c * b)

 Why this formula?

You can look at a thread on this list
and better the attachment explaining the formula.

Hoping it helps,

 Thanks for any help you can offer,

 Peter Drake

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread Jason House

It might, but the iPhone mail viewer does not.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 30, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Álvaro Begué alvaro.be...@gmail.com  


Gmail has an option show in fixed width font that is perfect for
these situations.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Jason Housejason.james.ho...@gmail.com 
Is it possible to explicitly use a monospace font? I can't read  
your board


I haven't heard of any handling of seki in playouts except for Remi's
CrazyStone. I don't think he's ever given specifics on how he did  
it. Maybe

he'll respond to your e-mail?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Brian Sheppard sheppar...@aol.com  

Here is a position that exposed some bugs in Pebbles. Maybe it  
will help


 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O X - - X -
B - X O - O X - O O
C - O O - O - X O -
E - O X X X O X O O
F - - O X O X X X X
G - - X X O O X X -
H - O X O - O O X X
J - O X O O - X - X
X to play.

X is already doomed in this position. The bottom O group is in a  
with the X group at right. O cannot play J6 self-atari. X cannot  
in J8 and then play J6, and after X J6, O captures and X cannot  

So it will be dual life. Because the top of the board is O's, O have
more than half the board, even without komi.

The playouts have to handle certain issues well in order to find  

The first point is to filter out plays that make self-atari on large
groups. This will cause the rest of the board to fill up until only
the seki remains.

The the playout will be in a position like the following:

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - O - O O - O O -
B O - O - O O - O O
C - O O - O - O O -
E - X X X X O X O O
F X X - X O X X X X
G X - X X O O X X -
H X X X O - O O X X
J X - X O O - X - X
X to play.

Pebbles does not detect superko in playouts, so this position will  
forever with J6/J8/J7/pass. In Pebbles, infinite games were scored  

draws. I changed that to give the win to O on the basis of its
of material. (No doubt that will bite me at some point.)

Even if we detect the superko repetition, it seems to me that we  
are only
getting the right answer by accident. For instance, if X plays J6  

after J8/J7 there is no move for X, so X has self-ataried himself.

Another possibility if to see that X's J6 is atari and also self- 
atari, so
X can look for the approach move. In this case X would play J8  
instead of

which avoids the ko. Then the seki is obvious.

How do other programs handle this case?

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] lists working again

2009-06-30 Thread Michael Richard
The archives kept updating but there was
no out-going mail.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Complicated seki with Ko

2009-06-30 Thread Eric Boesch
Not sure this helps, but...

I found send-two receive-one, as in your example, to be the most
common non-simple ko cycle in my program. The program was heavy, so
forbidding send two added little to the total cost. Specifically,
the rule forbade playing on an isolated empty intersection that
neighbored a lone friendly stone that had started with two liberties.
With light playouts, your mileage will probably vary.

The reason I bothered with the prohibition is that I didn't properly
handle graph-history interaction. Forbidding send-two greatly reduced
GHI problems (simple ko was handled by counting the ko ban point, if
any, as part of the position). In my program, not only did send-two
receive-one outnumber all other long cycles combined four to one, but
it happened that even when the longer cycles did occur, they rarely
led to erroneous output, which was not the case for send-two

Double ko and triple ko seem more prominent in real games because they
affect best play lines. Unbalanced ko cycles are usually very stupid
plays for one side or the other, so people don't think about them very
much. For a program dumb enough to be trapped by it, send-two
receive-one can be important.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] self-play inflation

2009-06-30 Thread Don Dailey
Wow,  this is much more than I would have expected.

I guess that settles it then, we cannot use gnugo as our anchor - it
underates other programs :-)

- Don

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Hiroshi Yamashita y...@bd.mbn.or.jp wrote:

 I tested slef-play, and vs GNU Go by my program Aya.
 9x9 result is from 1000 games.
 19x19 result is from 349 - 550 games.

 If GNU Go is anchor in 19x19, my 2 playout version
 will get +195 elo. If Aya is anchor, it will get +488 elo.
 The difference is not small.

 9x9 Aya self-play (against 360 playout/move) result
 winning rate, games
 0.500    360 playout
 0.714 1000   720 playout  +159 elo
 0.865 1000  1440 playout  +323 elo

 9x9 Aya vs GNU Go 3.7.10 result 0.488 1000   360 playout
 0.633 1000   720 playout  +104 elo
 0.753 1000  1440 playout  +203 elo

 19x19 Aya self-play (against 5000 playout/move) result
 0.500  ---  5000 playout
 0.807  369 1 playout  +249 elo
 0.943  509 2 playout  +488 elo

 19x19 Aya vs GNU Go 3.7.10
 0.538  401  5000 playout
 0.676  550 1 playout  +101 elo
 0.782  349 2 playout  +195 elo

 Hiroshi Yamashita

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Scoring - step function or sigmoid function?

2009-06-30 Thread Darren Cook
 It seems to be surprisingly difficult to outperform the step function
  when it comes to mc scoring. I know that many surprises await the mc
 adventurer, but completely discarding the final margin of victory
 just can't be optimal. ...
 an mc program, holding on to a half point victory in the endgame,  is
 a thing of beauty and terror. But in the opening, where the scoring
 leaves are 300 moves away from the root, surely a putative half point
 win doesn't translate to a significant advantage, where as a 100
 point win would.

I had a breakthrough in my understanding of why it is surprisingly
difficult to outperform the step function when analyzing some 9x9 games
with Mogo and ManyFaces. Let's see if I can extract that insight into

I observed that in many situations I could map the winning percentage to
the final score. E.g.
  50-55%: 0.5pt
  55-60%: 1.5pt
  60-65%: 2.5pt

It wasn't as clear cut as that. In fact what I was actually noticing was
if I made a 1pt error the winning percentage for the opponent often
jumped by, say, 5%.

Thinking about why... In a given board position moves can be grouped
into sets: the set of correct moves, the set of 1pt mistakes, 2pt
mistakes, etc. Let's assume each side has roughly the same number of
moves each in each of these groupings.

If black is winning by 0.5pt with perfect play, then mistakes by each
side balance out and we get a winning percentage of just over 50%. If he
is winning by 1.5pt then he has breathing space and can make an extra
mistake. Or in other words, at a certain move he can play any of the
moves in the correct moves set, or any of the moves in the 1pt
mistakes set, and still win. So he wins more of the playouts. Say 55%.
If he is winning by 2.5pts then he can make one 2pt mistakes or two 1pt
mistakes (more than the opponent) and still win, so he wins more
playouts, 60% perhaps. And so on.

My conclusion was that the winning percentage is more than just an
estimate of how likely the player is to win. It is in fact a crude
estimator of the final score.

Going back to your original comment, when choosing between move A that
leads to a 0.5pt win, and move B that leads to a 100pt win, you should
be seeing move B has a higher winning percentage.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
http://dcook.org/gobet/  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?)
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