Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to GNU and to MoGoBot19!

2007-06-20 Thread nando

Not sure this was mentioned before, but there's an interesting study
work presented at

-- nando

On 6/20/07, igo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Fischer clock] -- play a move to get times.
[Byo-yomi] -- use times to play a move.

For human's feeling, time is passing, but not increasing.

So byo-yomi is popular now and in the future.


Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 16:18 -0700, steve uurtamo wrote:
   Managing your own time whether in chunks or as a whole _is_ a
   sub-game/task either way.
  true, and a good point.  time management other than attempting
  to equally divide remaining time among the expected number of
  remaining moves (which itself isn't so easy to estimate) is

 But it's least complicated with Fischer clock because everything is
 steady state, no mode shifts where suddenly things are reckoned
 differently. A simple glance at the clock is all you need to know
 the situation.

 - Don

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] CGOS 19x19 almost ready.

2007-05-22 Thread nando

On 5/22/07, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok the 19x19 server is almost ready.

I would like to get 3 or 4 volunteers to run a copy of the Anchor.

The Anchor will be GnuGo 3.7.10 with these parameters:

gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead --chinese-rules

In GTP mode, if the time_settings command is received by the GNU Go
engine, it will start adapting its own level automatically. If you
want similar responses and playing levels from programs running on
different hardwares (mostly CPU speed), you need to limit the engine's
abillity by specifying both --min-level and --max-level and make sure
the chosen level will have good chances to meet the deadline. On a
slow box, there's a potential that level 10 may not be able to finish
a 400 moves game in 15 minutes (and 400 moves long games may very well
happen with the CGOS rules)

And I'm not sure if it makes a difference (I don't recall if it's the
default setting in the engine or not), but I added
--positional-superko to the command line, which means, my program did
experience losses on CGOS due to illegal moves without it.

-- nando
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] KGS bot curiosity

2007-03-02 Thread nando

On 3/2/07, Nick Wedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't suppose this matters, but it seems odd.

A day or two ago, I launched GnuGo3pt7 to play in the British Room.  It
played happily there.  Then today, I saw it was not in the British Room
(though it can't have been long gone, there was a finished game of its
there).  Instead, it was in a room called Academy of Flood and Fire,
playing a game there against aaronaaron.

After a while, aaronaaron escaped, and it reappeared in the British

Nothing strange. The human player can interrupt the game (provided he
isn't a chronic escaper, in which case he would lose by forfeit
immediately) and resume it later by loading the unfinished game in
whatever room he wants.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Fw: Compensation for handicap plays?

2006-12-28 Thread nando

On 12/28/06, Urban Hafner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Should we:

   1.  Give white N-1 stones at end of game.  (where N = handicap)
   2.  Give white N stones at end of game.  (N = handicap)
   3.  Give white N stones except handicap 1 case.
   4.  Not worry about giving white anything but the appropriate
   handicap stones.

 I vote for 2 because that is what KGS does, and that is how I have
 implemented handicap in my program.

I'd vote for 2, too. Because that's the way (apparently) KGS does it
so it seems like a good idea not to have two different ways to handle
things out there.

Just to be precise: KGS does option 2 if you select chinese rules, and
it also does option 1 when you select AGA rules.

-- nando
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-27 Thread nando

On 12/27/06, Łukasz Lew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree :)
What I wanted to ask is:
Does there exists two final (no profitable move left) 9x9 board
positions that their area score differ by one point ?

Ah, sorry :)

I believe there is, yes (that's what I was hinting at with almost).
There must be a seki somewhere on the board though.

-- nando
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-27 Thread nando

On 12/27/06, Łukasz Lew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Normal seki gives two neutral points, so it doesn't matter.

I'm walking on increasingly thin ice (for me), but you're right,
normal sekis shouldn't change things. Though, there are also beasts
like this one:

... and I'm not sure how this would be counted under chinese rules.

Anyway, I don't think this would cause any trouble to a 19x19 CGOS
server. Or do you see a potential problem here ?

-- nando
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-26 Thread nando

On 12/26/06, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes,  the answer is that there is no gtp command available that defines
whether handicap stones are also compensated or by how much.

Just like there's no GTP command to define the ruleset. This
compensation is 0 in japanese rules, N in chinese rules, N-1 in AGA
rules, etc. So it seems more or less clearly defined by the ruleset
used. CGOS 9x9 uses a modified Tromp-Taylor right ? What does this
ruleset say about such compensation ? If it says nothing, let's just
choose between N and N-1 (since a compensation is logical when area
scoring is used), and add it to the set of input parameters that the
operators have to pass off-line (out of the GTP stream).

-- nando
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-26 Thread nando

On 12/26/06, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, that's my plan.I'm going to use fixed handicap and 1 stone
compensation per handicap stone.

One question I have - is compensation normally given in the 1 stone

I believe, no.

Also, in the case of NO handicap,  what komi is normally given in 19x19
Chinese?   6.5,  7.5 ???

It's 7.5

-- nando
computer-go mailing list