On 5/22/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok the 19x19 server is almost ready.

I would like to get 3 or 4 volunteers to run a copy of the Anchor.

The Anchor will be GnuGo 3.7.10 with these parameters:

gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead --chinese-rules

In GTP mode, if the time_settings command is received by the GNU Go
engine, it will start adapting its own level automatically. If you
want similar responses and playing levels from programs running on
different hardwares (mostly CPU speed), you need to limit the engine's
abillity by specifying both --min-level and --max-level and make sure
the chosen level will have good chances to meet the deadline. On a
slow box, there's a potential that level 10 may not be able to finish
a 400 moves game in 15 minutes (and 400 moves long games may very well
happen with the CGOS rules)

And I'm not sure if it makes a difference (I don't recall if it's the
default setting in the engine or not), but I added
--positional-superko to the command line, which means, my program did
experience losses on CGOS due to illegal moves without it.

-- nando
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