Re: [CGUYS] Windows Defender vs SpyBot Search Destroy

2007-08-30 Thread Jeff Wright
Yes, that is what I am saying.  Malware uses the existing rights of the user
to do its deed.  Running as an admin, gives malware admin rights to the
machine and thus, no limitations.  Running as a lower-permission user denies
malware the rights it needs to install and propagate itself.

Non-honorware self-installs without interaction with the user.  The e-card
Trojan circulating is an example of honorware.  You have to fall for the
ruse, go to the web site linked in the message, download the executable and
install it all yourself.  Once that's done, it then uses your PC as a spam
zombie or installs a keylogger to get login credentials for banks and such.

Some legitimate programs won't run unless you are the admin, which is the
result of sloppy and/or lazy coding.  That MS made Windows install the user
as the default admin was just an act of galactic-sized stupidity on their
part.  They have corrected that to a point, but not completely, in Vista.

 -Original Message-
 I'm sorry but I don't understand your message.  Are you saying that not
 running as admin stops certain spyware?  What is non-honor spyware?
 What stops honor software?

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Re: [CGUYS] YahooGroups Problem - Please Help

2007-08-30 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:30 PM 08/29/2007 -0400, John DeCarlo wrote


I am pretty sure there is no way in Yahoo groups to directly add people.

At the very bottom of the invite page, click on Add members from an 
existing email list.  You can just add one member if you like, or 
several--there is a top limit but I've forgotten how many.  This is kinda 
hidden, as it easy to abuse such a function.  I direct-add people who just 
can't seem to figure out how to get themselves on the list.  I *do* make 
them try, though.  Moderators of family lists often direct-add the old 
aunties. :)

I prefer to steer them through joining from the web site.  If they do not 
already have a YahooID and password, Yahoo walks them through all that 
automatically.  Saves a lot of hassle the first time they want to view 
photos or files (which you can't do without a YahooID).

This is the message that I send out to blind email requests to join:
To join xxx, go to: (this would be the URL of your 
Group Home page)

Click on the button that says:  Join This Group!

Please give your reasons for wanting to join this group, plus your name and 
general location.

I like your suggested work around of inviting people who you see in the
email request queue.  You can put in a note that this is part of your double
opt-in approach g.

I'd guess 80% of applicants put enough info in the original application to 
satisfy me that they are not spammers.  The ones who don't, I contact 
privately.  I do not send invites in these circumstances...I save their 
initial request and approve that if and when I hear back from them.  If you 
send an invite, they can join immediately without sending any info.  This 
might work fine for you, though, if you know all of your potential members.

I would guess, in your case, that an applicant's street address might be 
required?  In my case, on my international list, I simply ask for general 
location (country, area, etc), and find that people don't resist so much 
if you don't ask for actual address.  On my closed list (which involves 
volunteers in the family court), I am provided a list of those who qualify 
from the head of the organization, and I will send invites to those 
folks.  This is simply a courtesy, as list membership is required in the 
organization.  I *could* direct-add them.

The *purpose* of email lists should be the deciding factor as to how you 
control (or don't) memberships.


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Re: [CGUYS] YahooGroups Problem - Please Help

2007-08-30 Thread Sue Cubic

At 12:06 AM 08/30/2007 -0400, Alvin Auerbach wrote


Potential members -- let's say potential households instead: 1300. We have 
a newsletter which we publish about 3 or 4 times per year in which stress 
the importance of joining the group.

I would use some variation on the message I just posted, and print that in 
the newsletter.  A great share of the 1700+ members on my international 
list join because the list owner is a monthly contributing author to an 
industry magazine.  The info to join the list is in the footer of all of 
her articles.

I want and need the Yahoo machinery to do its work, and keep my work at a 
minimum. I feel overloaded already. :(

Yes, and there is no reason not to.  IF they attempt to join through the 
website info that you publish in your newsletter (hopefully most of them 
will apply in that manner), and provide the info you need the first time 
around, then you can just approve the member through email and be done.

There are a couple of really good list management lists that you can join 
if you're interested.  Contact me privately for details if you'd like.


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Re: [CGUYS] Problem

2007-08-30 Thread Constance Warner
This isn't really a solution, it's more like an observation, so I apologize in 
advance for not offering a definitive answer.  Some people--myself 
included--have been having miscellaneous problems when using Google with 
certain forms of Internet Explorer.  When I inquired among People Who Should 
Know About These Things, I was told that Google was having incompatibility 
problems with IE and didn't particularly care to fix them.  

I switched browsers, and my problems went away as if by magic.

This may or may not be your problem--it probably isn't--but if nothing else 
works, it may be worth trying to switch browsers.  It's probably a good idea 
anyway: Firefox is safer, it's really cool, and it has tons of really neat 
features.  If you have an older computer, there are sites that offer vintage 

--Constance Warner

Perhaps some of you could help me. I am connected 
to the Internet via Cable Modem. In the last few days I have been noticing
a strange behavior when trying to access web 
sites. Let me explain. I get to Internet Explorer 
and I have no problems acessing
Google (for instance). But when I click a link in 
Google I don´t go there. It says:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

* You are not connected to the Internet.
* The website is encountering problems.
* There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:


  Diagnose Connection Problems

More information

  More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:
* Internet connectivity has been lost.
* The website is temporarily unavailable.
* The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
* The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have 
a listing for the website's domain.
* If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click 
Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, 
and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols 
are enabled under the security section.

This is happening with a lot of site. My e-mail is working fine.
Many thanks to all

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Re: [CGUYS] Digital TV

2007-08-30 Thread Tony B
There have been rumblings like that for years, but I'd be surprised if
anyone really does it. I mean, as people buy HD TV's, they're going to
expect HD pictures.

I don't get WMPT here, so I'll have to take your word for it that
they've made this decision. I'm mostly curious to know *what* they're
planning to put on these other channels and how exactly does an ATSC
tuner tune them in (I've never used ATSC)?

On 8/30/07, MrMike6by9 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not the whole story. Over at, there has been much
 discussion of this issue. The temptation is that the same bandwidth
 required for one HD channel can host several SD digital channels. On
 some systems, users are complaining that the HD channels are
 bit-starved because the broadcasters want the extra revenue that might
 come from multiple channels. Locally, we have an example of how bad it
 can get. WMPT has all but eliminated their HD broadcasts and even
 removed HD from the channel name (although the broadcaster is a
 non-profit).  They claim to want to able to add more SD channels.

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[CGUYS] IP address lookup

2007-08-30 Thread b_s-wilk
What's a site to look up an IP address of a web page? I thought I had it 
bookmarked, but can't find it [must clean up bookmarks]; thought it was, whois, icann, internic; sometimes helps.

Been having problems with our DSL [intermittent connection], including 
DNS issues [some sites only load with IP address, not URL]. Maybe 
Verizon will resolve both soon.



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Re: [CGUYS] IP address lookup

2007-08-30 Thread Andy Gallant

Two sites to do dig online are:

Is that what you were looking for?


b_s-wilk wrote:
What's a site to look up an IP address of a web page? I thought I had 
it bookmarked, but can't find it [must clean up bookmarks]; thought it 
was, whois, icann, internic; sometimes helps.

Been having problems with our DSL [intermittent connection], including 
DNS issues [some sites only load with IP address, not URL]. Maybe 
Verizon will resolve both soon.



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Re: [CGUYS] Problem

2007-08-30 Thread Fred Holmes
First thing to try is to power down everything.  Then 1) Power up the cable 
modem.  2) power up the router.  3) powerup/start the computer.  Presumably you 
have tried this already?

Fred Holmes

At 11:10 AM 8/30/2007, Marcio V. Pinheiro wrote:
Perhaps some of you could help me. I am connected to the Internet via Cable 
Modem. In the last few days I have been noticing
a strange behavior when trying to access web sites. Let me explain. I get to 
Internet Explorer and I have no problems acessing
Google (for instance). But when I click a link in Google I don´t go there. It 

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

   * You are not connected to the Internet.
   * The website is encountering problems.
   * There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:


 Diagnose Connection Problems

More information

 More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:
   * Internet connectivity has been lost.
   * The website is temporarily unavailable.
   * The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
   * The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's 
   * If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet 
 Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are 
 enabled under the security section.

This is happening with a lot of site. My e-mail is working fine.
Many thanks to all

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Re: [CGUYS] lcd/dlp/plasma

2007-08-30 Thread b_s-wilk

Thanks for the quick input...looks like i will be going for LCD.

Now, who can come over and convince my wife?

Does she like a deal? We bought a 37 LCD and a 42 plasma, both 
Philips, at Costco. We joined Costco at the $100 business membership, 
getting an AmEx card, too. With 1-3% rebates on everything with AmEX, 
and 2% rebate from Costco, we received checks for ~$78 from AmEx and 
~$64 from Costco, enough to pay for our membership and have cash left 
over. Costco also has an excellent electronics warranty, as long as 
you're a member. They also have a great selection of imported cheese, 
and giant bags/boxes/containers of anything, when you only need one.

We bought Philips for the features that other flat TVs don't have--HD, 
USB, 2-HDMI, more inputs/outputs than most others, plus buttons on the 
TV so you don't always have to find the remote!

We also have a Samsung 135 upconverting DVD player/recorder. Does a good 
job of converting movies for viewing on an HDTV. Lucky for you, it costs 
half as much this year as we paid for it last year.

Picture on the LCD is better than on the plasma.


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Re: [CGUYS] Problem

2007-08-30 Thread Fred Holmes
At 03:27 PM 8/30/2007, b_s-wilk wrote:
Meanwhile, I'm guessing that it's a DNS issue. When I find the IP address for 
the web site [I usually use] and use that, I can access the 

If you think it is a DNS problem, try setting your DNS servers to OpenDNS:


If you have a home network / router, put the above settings into the _router's_ 
setup dialog, and leave the computers attached to the network set to obtain DNS 
services automatically.

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[CGUYS] Now I am in troubles...

2007-08-30 Thread Marcio V. Pinheiro
Good people. I am in troubles. Here we go... How 
long it will tale me to find my way?...
Clearly I continue to be unable to access the web 
sites. Bit not all. For instance, I can access Google, I can access Amazon,

but of the others I have in my Favorite Files I can´t. I get that nasty sign:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

   * You are not connected to the Internet.
   * The website is encountering problems.
   * There might be a typing error in the address.
I have put the computers off, the modem, the 
router off and the access point off. Then started 
putting them ON starting with the modem.
No change. I can´t access for instance:  But is 
OK.  Most of what I try get the nasty message above.

Indeed I am in troubles. And have no idea of where to go from here.

Thanks to you all


At 04:59 PM 8/30/2007, Fred Holmes wrote:

At 03:27 PM 8/30/2007, b_s-wilk wrote:
Meanwhile, I'm guessing that it's a DNS issue. 
When I find the IP address for the web site [I 
usually use] and use that, I can access the site/link.

If you think it is a DNS problem, try setting your DNS servers to OpenDNS:


If you have a home network / router, put the 
above settings into the _router's_ setup dialog, 
and leave the computers attached to the network 
set to obtain DNS services automatically.

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Re: [CGUYS] Now I am in troubles...

2007-08-30 Thread mike
Did you try the new DNS settings?


On 8/30/07, Marcio V. Pinheiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good people. I am in troubles. Here we go... How
 long it will tale me to find my way?...
 Clearly I continue to be unable to access the web
 sites. Bit not all. For instance, I can access Google, I can access
 but of the others I have in my Favorite Files I can´t. I get that nasty

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[CGUYS] Lniksys NLSU2 SNMP get-requests and get-responses

2007-08-30 Thread John Mealey III
So I built a one way sniffer cable to see what was
being sent between my Action-Tec Fios router and
'the internet'.

I found an interesting snmp relationship between a
computer I call 'Athlon' and the 'HP PSC-2510'printer.
Here is the short version:

 62 16.419717  SNMP
 63 16.440117   SNMP

Over an over again, like it is doing because it is
wanting a better answer.  I don't have a clue.

I'm running the management web page to it to find out
more now.


John Mealey

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