Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Snyder, Mark (NGIT-CA)
No.  The Do Not Call List specifically targets commercial marketing.
Non-profits are also exempt; not just political campaigns.  Stop jumping
like puppets!

Thank you,
Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Politicians are not stupid.  They always exempt themselves from the 
same laws they expect you and me to follow.

Did you not now, being a politician means you are part of a super 
elite Americans (In many cases not all see Sen. Craig, they are 
exempt from prosecution.)  Many of the laws do not cover politicians.

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Re: [CGUYS] CGUYS.ORG Footer Updated

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
Whatever happened to the CGuys Off-Topic list?

Very few posts.

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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Actually the Do not call list is very cleverly written.

I have cable TV that does not stop the satellite folks from calling 
me.  But I registered on the Do Not Call list.  However the Satellite 
is being marketed by my local Phone Company who I have a relationship 
with, so therefore they have a right to call me.

I have insurance.  However I still get phone calls for disaster 
insurance, maintenance insurance, etc.  All marketed by my Mortgage 
company.  They have a right to call me.

Do you see a pattern.  The Do Not Call list is written in such a way 
to prevent competition from calling you.  Only those companies you 
already have a relationship with are allowed to call you.

So it is not as much a do not call list, but a do let anyone who does 
not have a relationship call you list.

(OK I know that was all carping but it is still a cleverly written 
bill that does not prevent unwanted phone calls, but just limits who 
can call you.)


At 06:19 AM 2/19/2008, you wrote:

No.  The Do Not Call List specifically targets commercial marketing.
Non-profits are also exempt; not just political campaigns.  Stop jumping
like puppets!

Thank you,

Mark Snyder

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images o

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
OK as the resident theologian here on the list let me give you my 
interpretation and knowledge on this issue.

Also a propos is the recent (widely attacked) speech by the Archbishop of 
Canterbury Civil and Religious Law in England. He points out that in 
order to expect tolerance from others it is also necessary to exhibit 
tolerance ourselves, but he also points out that there are definite 
limits on what we should tolerate (forced marriages for example).

I have prayed O Lord how can I get this thread back on topic? And I got 
an answer!

So should Wikipedia provide a set of user preferences?

No sex please I'm immature
No pictures please I'm Moslem
No other religions but mine please, I'm intolerent
No freedom please, I'm Chineese.
No Macs please, I'm a Gates fan boy.

Should this be uniformly enforced Web wide? Should ICANN spawn ICANT? 
This would make a lot of people very happy.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-19 Thread Fred Holmes
If you Google it you get the answer in the first item of the Google list of 
hits, without even having to go to the hit page.  I'll bet some folks use it 
for a password?

Fred Holmes

At 09:00 PM 2/18/2008, Robert Michael Abrams wrote:
 There are ALREADY some 5,878,499,814,186.5 websites with graphic images 
 of sex acts on [their respective] home page[s]. Where have YOU been? Oh. I 
 almost forgot: You need to be over 18, and I'll need a valid credit card 
 before we can proceed.

 Extra credit to anybody who knows the significance of the number I used.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images o

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
Should this be uniformly enforced Web wide? Should ICANN spawn ICANT? 

It is not just the Moslems. Latest news...


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[CGUYS] DRM Dead? Was: [Re: [CGUYS] List Future [Was: CGUYS.ORG Footer Updated]]

2008-02-19 Thread Mike Drabick
On an exciting note Walmart's Music download page offers MP3 files for 
an added $0.06 which rids us of that intrusive DRM.  I found that my 
Sansa would loose its DRM info if it was not hooked to the computer and 
synced occasionally(once a month).  All songs without DRM were 
unaffected.  I hope this is the end of DRM songs. The only question is, 
will they let me pay $0.06 to remove the DRM from the songs I purchased 
in the wma format?  We can only hope.


Tom Piwowar wrote:
broader issues of computer use (DCMA, Net 
Neutrality, etc.) 


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Re: [CGUYS] Word

2008-02-19 Thread Fred Holmes
Write a Word macro to do it.  It should be straightforward if you are fluent in 

Fred Holmes

At 08:10 AM 2/19/2008, Jay Montero wrote:
Anyone know of a way I could insert a person's name in a Word document
and have that somehow trigger the pulling in of related data off some
database or spreadsheet?  I know this is more of a database function
but the final document needs to be in a Word format.  So, in other
words, say I was to type in a list of presidents names, the function
would be to insert their terms directly beneath their names.  Can this
be done?

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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
(OK I know that was all carping but it is still a cleverly written 
bill that does not prevent unwanted phone calls, but just limits who 
can call you.)

Look at it from the other side. If you phone me at work should I be 
prohibited from returning the call? Do I have to look you up in a 
database first? Should I be required to subscribe to the database, which 
ain't free?

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Re: [CGUYS] expanding archives (was Re: [CGUYS] Subject: Re: CG

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
This is very timely.  I'd like to expand (don't want to use that other 
ex word) some email archive files that are open and available to the 
public.  These files are from some public mailing lists, they are text 
files (generally one file per month's worth of traffic), and they often 
are named something.mail.  The purpose is to extract and organize 
messages having certain specific threads/subjects.

It would be great if I could open/import/convert such a file and use an 
email client to see it as a folder or mailbox of individual messages.  
Saving a file of a useful subset of extracted messages would be nice, too. 

Any suggestions?  Maybe it's as simple as changing the file extension 
and using the right client?

Good chance that these are in mailbox format. You can Google that and 
examine the files to see if they look like that. Unfortunately there are 
different flavors of mailbox format and different programs handle 
different flavors. Thunderbird and Eudora should handle some of them. You 
can find converter scripts on the Web.

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Re: [CGUYS] expanding archives

2008-02-19 Thread Andy Gallant
Thanks, good point, but it doesn't apply here.  These archives date back 
years, and in any case I wasn't subscribed to them at the time.  I'm now 
researching mailbox formats as Tom just suggested.


Tony B wrote:

Firstly, make sure you aren't subscribed to the digest. It makes no
sense to subscribe to a digest (that combines messages) and then break
the messages apart later. You are not saving bandwidth or anything,
you're only delaying delivery, making timely participation impossible.
Not to mention adding a whole layer of unnecessary complexity.

On Feb 19, 2008 10:19 AM, Andy Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It would be great if I could open/import/convert such a file and use an
email client to see it as a folder or mailbox of individual messages.


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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Michael Lewis
So it is not as much a do not call list, but a do let anyone who does 
not have a relationship call you list.

Another part of the Do Not Call legislation is these places must provide
means for you to ask them not to call you again and they must comply if
you ask. Even automated calls usually provide a number to press if you
do not wish to receive any more calls from them, or they have an option
to talk to a human at which point you can ask them to remove you from
their list. My elderly mother was receiving several calls a week from
questionable companies offering all sorts of things for older people
(supplemental insurance of questionable value, services she already gets
through other sources, warranty deals on things that are well beyond
the need to be warranteed, etc.). I started answering the phone and
telling them to bug off since she had some trouble navigating their
menus or often felt she had to apologize and such when talking to them.
She doesn't feel that way anymore and has asked several to leave her
alone. The phone calls she gets have dropped to only a few a month now,
usually from places claiming prior business or from non-profits...

I personally hate opt-out b.s. (I don't believe they should call in
the first place) but at least the majority in my experience have stopped
calling when I asked them to.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images o

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
It is not just the Moslems. Latest news...

And in today's news FireFox 3 Beta blocks sites that Google has 
identified as sources of malware.

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Re: [CGUYS] DRM Dead? Was: [Re: [CGUYS] List Future [Was: CGUYS

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
On an exciting note Walmart's Music download page offers MP3 files for 
an added $0.06 which rids us of that intrusive DRM... The only question is, 
will they let me pay $0.06 to remove the DRM from the songs I purchased 
in the wma format?  We can only hope.

Apple let customers upgrade for the difference in the price, but it was 
all or nothing. That is, you had to upgrade your entire library at once.

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Re: [CGUYS] expanding archives

2008-02-19 Thread Tony B
Firstly, make sure you aren't subscribed to the digest. It makes no
sense to subscribe to a digest (that combines messages) and then break
the messages apart later. You are not saving bandwidth or anything,
you're only delaying delivery, making timely participation impossible.
Not to mention adding a whole layer of unnecessary complexity.

On Feb 19, 2008 10:19 AM, Andy Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It would be great if I could open/import/convert such a file and use an
 email client to see it as a folder or mailbox of individual messages.

  I get the MIME digest. The footer would show up between every message
  if I read it that way. But I use Eudora to read my digests, and I use
  its ability to explode MIME digests back into individual messages.
  So the way I see the digest is as a mailbox full of individual
  messages that can be sorted by subject, date, etc., and each with its
  own footer.

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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Steve Rigby

On Feb 19, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

So it is not as much a do not call list, but a do let anyone who  
does not have a relationship call you list.

  I get occasional phone calls from businesses I have no  
relationship with whatsoever.  Just a couple of days ago a newly  
opened Kinko's called my house to inform me of their grand opening.   
They had earlier sent me a postcard informing me of the same event.   
Does the fact that about 10 years ago I used a Kinko's for some  
copying constitute a relationship?  I am not even at the same  
address or phone number as I was back then.

  I get calls from some financial lending institutions from time to  
time as well, and have called them back to complain.  Each time I  
call all I get is an apology, but the fact remains that they were  
able to get away with having made the call in the first place.

  I get calls from a collection agency that is looking for someone I  
have never heard of.  They have a wrong phone number that just  
happens to be my number, but I cannot get them to stop calling a  
number of times each week.  They claim this in the number they were  
given, thus they will keep calling because they legally can.  The  
calls are automatically generated, but a live person will respond  
when the phone is answered unless that Please hold on.  We have an  
important message for you. recording comes on.  Apparently a  
relationship is not connected to the person in who's name the phone  
is listed, but rather simply to whatever phone number they have in  
their records even if it is the wrong number for the person they are  
seeking to speak with.


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[CGUYS] brute force solution Re: [CGUYS] expanding archives

2008-02-19 Thread Andy Gallant

Tom, thanks for the lead.  Here's a brute force solution it led to:

1.  Copied a file to the Local Folders folder somewhere under 
...\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\... .
2.  Tried deleting the file extension or changing it to mbox.  Each way 
worked when I tested it.
3.  Started Thunderbird.  Went to the local folder that just appeared.  

Thunderbird builds the msf file it uses.  It turns out that the untyped 
files in the above folder are in mbox format (as far as I can tell).  In 
the past, I've backed up some Local Folder folders just by copying the 
corresponding file.  Now I know I can use this for the extracts as 
well.  This will be very helpful and save me lots of time and effort.

Who knew?  Thanks again.


Tom Piwowar wrote:

This is very timely. I'd like to expand (don't want to use that other
ex word) some email archive files that are open and available to the
public. These files are from some public mailing lists, they are text
files (generally one file per month's worth of traffic), and they often
are named something.mail. The purpose is to extract and organize
messages having certain specific threads/subjects.

It would be great if I could open/import/convert such a file and use an
email client to see it as a folder or mailbox of individual messages.
Saving a file of a useful subset of extracted messages would be nice, 

Any suggestions? Maybe it's as simple as changing the file extension
and using the right client?

Good chance that these are in mailbox format. You can Google that and
examine the files to see if they look like that. Unfortunately there are
different flavors of mailbox format and different programs handle
different flavors. Thunderbird and Eudora should handle some of them. You
can find converter scripts on the Web.


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[CGUYS] expanding archives (was Re: [CGUYS] Subject: Re: CGUYS.ORG Footer Updated)

2008-02-19 Thread Andy Gallant
This is very timely.  I'd like to expand (don't want to use that other 
ex word) some email archive files that are open and available to the 
public.  These files are from some public mailing lists, they are text 
files (generally one file per month's worth of traffic), and they often 
are named something.mail.  The purpose is to extract and organize 
messages having certain specific threads/subjects.

It would be great if I could open/import/convert such a file and use an 
email client to see it as a folder or mailbox of individual messages.  
Saving a file of a useful subset of extracted messages would be nice, too. 

The base machine for this is WinXP Pro - available clients so far are MS 
Outlook 03, Outlook Express (never use it), Mozilla Thunderbird, and 
Eudora (just downloaded and trying things).  So far, nothing that I have 
tried does for me what John's configuration does (drat!).  Googling 
hasn't turned up a workaround yet.

Any suggestions?  Maybe it's as simple as changing the file extension 
and using the right client?  TIA.


John A. Newitt wrote:


I get the MIME digest. The footer would show up between every message 
if I read it that way. But I use Eudora to read my digests, and I use 
its ability to explode MIME digests back into individual messages. 
So the way I see the digest is as a mailbox full of individual 
messages that can be sorted by subject, date, etc., and each with its 
own footer.

- John

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread MrMike6by9
Some thoughts. I found that one of the best solutions for dealing with
unsolicited phone traffic is an answering machine with caller-id or a
speaker. They rarely bother if the machine picks up first. If I hear a
familiar voice say my name, I can pick-up or return the call. My caller-id
shows that there are a LOT of 800 numbers calling during the day. You can
often check them out with and with I'm sure
there are others. The doing business bit with the do not call registry is
within the last 6 months, IIRC. You usually have to UNcheck the box that
permits third party businesses from contacting you, phone or email. I now
have Comcast digital voice and can block 12 numbers at a time. I keep an
Excel sheet of numbers and dates they call. If one shows more than once or
twice, it gets blocked. Groceries rotate their stock, I rotate 800 numbers
on my blocked callers list.


I'm as pure as the driven slush.
  - Tallulah Bankhead

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images o

2008-02-19 Thread Matthew Taylor

On Feb 19, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

And in today's news FireFox 3 Beta blocks sites that Google has
identified as sources of malware.

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[CGUYS] DTV converters for old analog sets

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler for information about the program for your free coupons for $40 off a converter (or $80 
off 2 converters).

The converters are reportedly just reaching the stores. Wal-mart has 
them on-line. They have been seen in Best Buy in some remote areas of 
the country. The coupons, which are valid for 90 days, will be mailed 
out when the converters are available, so they are supposedly just 
starting the mailings.

There are still problems receiving the digital signals in many areas. 
Some of the stations are supposedly not yet using their full 
authorized power. Many people are complaining that they can't receive 
digital signals from stations that had previously been OK with 
analog. Also, a couple of years ago there were reportedly big 
differences in the ability of sets to receive the signals, but this 
has supposedly been resolved. 

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Re: [CGUYS] Word

2008-02-19 Thread Josie Leyman Elias
If you have the original information in a database or excel format you
can format information in word using the mail merge function.  Under the
options you can select the database location cell selection and order.
It won't auto pull from your entry, but will still auto pull from a
database and create an order in word.


-Original Message-
From: Jay Montero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:10 AM
Subject: Word

Anyone know of a way I could insert a person's name in a Word document
and have that somehow trigger the pulling in of related data off some
database or spreadsheet?  I know this is more of a database function
but the final document needs to be in a Word format.  So, in other
words, say I was to type in a list of presidents names, the function
would be to insert their terms directly beneath their names.  Can this
be done?

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler
I have heard of people doing the following: they get select a ring 
or smart ring or whatever their phone company is calling it this 
month. Any directory listing for the person will be for the primary 
phone number at that location. They put a fax machine on that number, 
and only pick up for the secondary number.

Of course, I disconnected my fax machine a couple of years ago (who 
sends faxes when Email is cheaper, faster, and easier?). I still get 
a few faxes every morning.

We used to have the phone listed in my wife's unpronouncable maiden 
name (no extra charge to have the phone listed in any name you want, 
though there is a one-time charge [about $15] to change the listing). 
We ended that 5 years ago. Just yesterday I got a charitable call 
from someone who fumbled the name. I asked who it was, said I gave 
at the office or something, and hung up.

I'm now starting to get text-message spam on my cell phone. This 
annoys me because my plan requires me to pay for all text messages (I 
don't use the feature myself). It's not a problem YET: I get far more 
wrong numbers than text messages.

At 12:58 PM 2/19/2008, MrMike6by9 wrote:

Some thoughts. I found that one of the best solutions for dealing with
unsolicited phone traffic is an answering machine with caller-id or a
speaker. They rarely bother if the machine picks up first. If I hear a
familiar voice say my name, I can pick-up or return the call. My caller-id
shows that there are a LOT of 800 numbers calling during the day. You can
often check them out with and with I'm sure
there are others. The doing business bit with the do not call registry is
within the last 6 months, IIRC. You usually have to UNcheck the box that
permits third party businesses from contacting you, phone or email. I now
have Comcast digital voice and can block 12 numbers at a time. I keep an
Excel sheet of numbers and dates they call. If one shows more than once or
twice, it gets blocked. Groceries rotate their stock, I rotate 800 numbers
on my blocked callers list.


I'm as pure as the driven slush.
  - Tallulah Bankhead

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[CGUYS] Fwd: [IP] Bush's IRS Wants to Make Your Tax Returns Public

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler


Begin forwarded message:

From: dewayne@ (Dewayne Hendricks)
Date: February 18, 2008 6:28:21 PM EST
To: Dewayne-Net Technology List  
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Bush's IRS Wants to Make Your Tax Returns Public

[Note:  This item comes from reader Jack Unger.  DLH]

From: Jack Unger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: February 18, 2008 2:49:44 PM PST
To: Dewayne Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bush’s IRS Wants to Make Your Tax Returns Public

A new article from the Philadelphia Inquirer has blown open the
startling plans of the IRS  
 to allow tax preparers for the first time to sell the tax returns

of their customers.

The proposal came in a painfully technical tax 
, which until now had attracted only a dozen public comments since

it was announced in December. The proposal calls itself “not a
significant regulatory action .” 
But the proposal is indeed significant, both for tax privacy and

more broadly.

Until now, tax preparers could not sell tax returns to outside
parties. Period. If they got taxpayer consent, they could use it for
marketing, but only within their own corporate family.

*The new proposal allows the tax preparers ­- from your local
accountant to giants such as HR Block ­- to get your signature and
then give or sell the full tax return to data brokers, to your boss,
to /anyone/. And there are absolutely no restrictions about what
recipients do with the returns.* The rule lets recipients post the
full return to the Internet if they want...  


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Re: [CGUYS] DTV converters for old analog sets

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
The converters are reportedly just reaching the stores.

Have you seen any reviews? Do they all come from the same factory in 
China? Do some do better with weak signals?

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[CGUYS] Stopping shortcuts from being automatically added to the start menu

2008-02-19 Thread Michael S. Altus
I have a Windows XP computer that has me log on as Owner.

When I use a program, I find that a program shortcut automatically gets 
pinned (added) to the start menu. How can I stop this? I did brief Google 
and cannot find an answer.



Michael S. Altus, PhD, ELS
Intensive Care Communications, Inc.(R)
Biomedical Writing and Editing

Ideas to please picky eaters. 
Watch video on AOL Living.

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread Tom Piwowar
We get no unsolicited calls at all on our VOIP line. I think I'm on
the Do Not Call list, but that wouldn't explain the lack of calls from
political candidates. Maybe the DC area code misleads them? But then,
why don't I get calls from DC area candidates?

*Everybody* in DC got an automated recorded call last week from our kid 
mayor telling us about his support of Obama.

It is bad when candidates have too much money.

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Re: [CGUYS] Stopping shortcuts from being automatically added to the start menu

2008-02-19 Thread John DeCarlo
On Feb 19, 2008 3:56 PM, Michael S. Altus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I use a program, I find that a program shortcut automatically gets
 pinned (added) to the start menu. How can I stop this? I did brief Google
 and cannot find an answer.

Every time you use a program, it adds another shortcut to the Start menu?

So in a week you get several hundred shortcuts added (I probably start
Firefox alone 40 times a week)?


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread b_s-wilk
I have an answering machine. I audit phone calls. I don't pick up unless 
it's someone I want to talk to.

Suggested outgoing message:
...We're home. Keep talking. If we decide that you're worthy, one of us 
will answer the phone--maybe...Selling something? Hang up. Otherwise 
leave a message...

I never give money to people who call me asking for donations--except 
relatives, sometimes. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation called last week and 
asked me to renew my membership; I told them I'd do it online or by 
mail, but not over the phone unless I initiate the call.


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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler

At 04:10 PM 2/19/2008, Tony B wrote:

We get no unsolicited calls at all on our VOIP line. I think I'm on
the Do Not Call list, but that wouldn't explain the lack of calls from
political candidates. Maybe the DC area code misleads them? But then,
why don't I get calls from DC area candidates?

Maybe the exchange isn't in their directories.

We get calls for my children who have been registered voters in Mass 
for years.

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler

At 02:47 PM 2/19/2008, Fred Holmes wrote:
With Verizon Wireless you can decline text messaging, i.e., turn 
it off altogether, if that works for you.  I did it verbally, i.e., 
by calling customer service and asking them to turn off all texting 
to/from my phone.

Thanks. There are a few uses for text messaging: in emergencies it 
will get through even if the network is overloaded (think 911); and 
airlines will text message you on flight information.

And that's about it. I used to get weather messages, but found it was 
more convenient to call the weather bureau. I've got the weather 
bureaus up and down the east coast in my dialing directory

Fred Holmes

At 02:02 PM 2/19/2008, David Chessler wrote:
I'm now starting to get text-message spam on my cell phone. This 
annoys me because my plan requires me to pay for all text messages 
(I don't use the feature myself). It's not a problem YET: I get far 
more wrong numbers than text messages.

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Re: [CGUYS] Stopping shortcuts from being automatically added to the start menu

2008-02-19 Thread Andy Gallant
I think you're seeing WinXP being helpful.  In particular, the Start 
menu contains shortcuts to the programs you use most often.  To change 
the number of shortcuts displayed, try this:

1. Right-click on the start button and select Properties.
2. Select the Start Menu tab.
3. Assuming the (not Classic) Start Menu button is selected, click 

4. Under Programs, try lowering the number to 0.  Then OK your way out.


John DeCarlo wrote:

On Feb 19, 2008 3:56 PM, Michael S. Altus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I use a program, I find that a program shortcut automatically gets
pinned (added) to the start menu. How can I stop this? I did brief Google
and cannot find an answer.

Every time you use a program, it adds another shortcut to the Start menu?

So in a week you get several hundred shortcuts added (I probably start
Firefox alone 40 times a week)?


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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread David Chessler

At 06:54 PM 2/19/2008, gerald wrote:
I think one of the reasons this recorded message from an 800 number 
is so popular is that it is really cheap.

800 numbers are actually inward WATS. A PBX can be programmed to 
provide any number you want. Large corporations will program it to 
give the general switchboard number, rather than the direct number of 
the person calling you. Telemarketers will give an 800 number for the 
same sort of reason.

FCC rules require the caller ID number to be legitimate

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Not Call Lists

2008-02-19 Thread rlsimon
I didn't read all the posts in this topic thread...I've wondered what
happens to the guys who think the DNC is not working and re-up ...does that
open a 90 day window for the callers to call you waiting for that period to
expire when they MUST honor your request resulting in worsening of the
situation in the short run??

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Re: [CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-19 Thread Steve Rigby

On Feb 19, 2008, at 7:36 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

Suggested outgoing message:
...We're home. Keep talking. If we decide that you're worthy, one  
of us will answer the phone--maybe...Selling something? Hang up.  
Otherwise leave a message...

  Here's mine: Hello.  You have reached the number that you  
dialed.  Please leave a message.  Thank you.


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