Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-26 Thread Tony B
Huh? It's true Gmail calls it's filters 'labels' (not 'tags'), but how
does that mean *I'm* doing anything wrong? I was the one making the
point that this is where we commonly see tags today - on the web, not
in file systems like you brought up.

I won't argue that tags may be the future. My other point though had
to do with the hassle of having to *manually* tag items. I really
don't see why your spending time adding tags to your emails is going
to help you recall a post or thread from history. Why can't Gmail et
all _automatically_ add tags depending on the content of the
post/email? But then, it wouldn't be 'tags' it would be 'keywords'?

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But *today*, the term 'tags' and 'tagging' refers to posts and
pictures on the web.

 And this is sent by Tony from a GMail account?


 One of the best examples of tagging is GMail. You can easily define rules
 to process incoming mail with some rough tags and then apply specific
 tags manually based on the content.
  - Everything from CGuys gets auto tagged CGuys and DiscussionList
  - I tag Mac stuff Mac and Windows stuff Other.
  - I tag stuff about photography Photo
Etc. Etc.

 I can then more easily track down something I read in some discussion
 list on photography and Macs. Without tags I would be hunting through
 every folder where I stored discussion list posts.

 Tags are the future.

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Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-25 Thread Jeff Miles
	Thank you. But I think it's only recently become common. I've been  
online since...I don't remember when, maybe 93'. And only in the last  
few months have I seen this term posted all over the place. But I  
guess every so often computer users get bored and have to either make  
things up or resurrect old terms. The last time I was confused about a  
search term was the Bolian(sp) search.
	You can probably tell I'm not going to be the inventor of the next  
big search engine empire. Instead I'm working on my tornado busting  
idea. Anyone have a spare satellite with microwave beam technology?

Jeff M

On May 25, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Tony B wrote:

No, a 'tag' is a common search term.

e.g. A post about Holsteins could include the tags:
milk,cows,bulls,holstein . These are meant to make searching for the
topic easier. I'm also seeing a lot of search 'clouds' - graphic
representations of the most used search terms/tags. Such a cloud may
lead you to information without your needing to think of the 'proper'
search term.

What's odd is a lot of software now is trying to get users to enter
tags separately, but it seems to me as long as the relevant words are
used in the posts then search engines shouldn't need the help to find

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Jeff Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Could someone explain to me what a tag is? I keep seeing  
this term
around the web. And it just seemed to crop up not to long ago. If  
it's what

I think it is, didn't we used to call these links?

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Don't be humble... you're not that great.

Golda Meir

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Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-25 Thread Tom Piwowar
But I think it's only recently become common. I've been  
online since...I don't remember when, maybe 93'. And only in the last  
few months have I seen this term posted all over the place. But I  
guess every so often computer users get bored and have to either make  
things up or resurrect old terms.

The idea of tagging is a powerful replacement for the old file-folder 
metaphor. The problem with the old file-folder metaphor was that a file 
could only be in one place at a time, unless it was copied (but copying 
files leads to bigger messes) or pointed to with aliases/shortcuts (but 
that leads to a different kind of messiness). Tags is a different way to 
look at organization that is much more powerful.

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Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-25 Thread mike
This and true search was one of the big ideas MS was going to bring to vista
with it's new filesystem that they couldn't get working.  I haven't heard
anything lately about if they got winfs working and will be released at all.


On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I think it's only recently become common. I've been
 online since...I don't remember when, maybe 93'. And only in the last
 few months have I seen this term posted all over the place. But I
 guess every so often computer users get bored and have to either make
 things up or resurrect old terms.

 The idea of tagging is a powerful replacement for the old file-folder
 metaphor. The problem with the old file-folder metaphor was that a file
 could only be in one place at a time, unless it was copied (but copying
 files leads to bigger messes) or pointed to with aliases/shortcuts (but
 that leads to a different kind of messiness). Tags is a different way to
 look at organization that is much more powerful.

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Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-25 Thread John DeCarlo
On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Jeff Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you. But I think it's only recently become common. I've been
 online since...I don't remember when, maybe 93'. And only in the last few
 months have I seen this term posted all over the place.

I have only seen it used commonly in the past two or three years.  But then
I read magazines and blogs about this kind of thing.

 But I guess every so often computer users get bored and have to either make
 things up or resurrect old terms. The last time I was confused about a
 search term was the Bolian(sp) search.

Man, Boolean searches are older than computers.  I did Boolean searches in
college in 1978.  And Boolean algebra is much, much older.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [CGUYS] tags

2008-05-25 Thread Tony B
Let's not confuse the issue. Tag based file systems like WinFS may, in
the future, replace the folder structures we now know.

But *today*, the term 'tags' and 'tagging' refers to posts and
pictures on the web.

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